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Civil engineering department


Calle Vinalop贸 4, bajo 46021 - Valencia - Spain T +34 963 394 350 F +34 963 934 731




A leading company in profesional services TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros is a leading company of professional services in engineering and architecture, dedicated to the design, planning and comprehensive development of infrastructure building projects in the urban environment. The company aims to promote a model of sustainable development and solidarity with future generations through the realization of projects which promote economic and social activity, respecting the values of cohabitation and environmental protection.

Close collaboration with the client TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros works in a global and interdisciplinary manner, due to an ample team of international professionals with extensive and proven experience, committed to finding creative solutions. Currently, the company, composed of a dynamic and highly qualified team of engineers, technical specialists and architects, has offices in Valencia, Alicante, and Madrid. Our work method seeks to promote an up-close collaboration with the client, based on a strong commitment and clearly focused on contributing added value. In this sense, in addition to offering an integral professional service, provides its clients with accentuated pro-active guidance.

Excellence and innovation is our commitment The search for excellence and continuous innovation in project design and sustainable development is the basis of a firm commitment to offering global, unique and efficient solutions to our clients’ necessities. TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros develops projects that are integrated with the surroundings. The application of sustainable criteria, both on the urban and architectural level, as well as the use of new technologies, allows us to realize interventions that are respectful with the environment. The companyhas certified and implemented an integrated quality management, environmental, and I+D+i system according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001 and UNE 1666002 which supports our working commitment, pursuing the satisfaction of our clients.

International experience The Studio wills to know cultures and cities outside our borders, and develop projects which contribute to its development and progress. We have developed projects in Italy, Turkey, UAE, Morocco, Peru and Costa Rica.

The civil engineering department of TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros offers a multidisciplinary team with ample experience in public works and civil engineering throughout all phases of the project. In addition the studio develops projects for transport, road and port infrastructure, as well as landscaping projects, urban planning and territorial planning, both on a national and international level. The department also participates in environmental projects that the firm develops which, together with environmental impact and landscape studies, contribute to the respect and integration of interventions in the environment.




Tomás Llavador’s objectives consider innovative solutions that promote the balance in cities and the creation of new areas of urban centrality. Civil engineering plays an important role in Tomás Llavador’s projects and particulary in the creation of spaces for cohabitation, efficiently integrating needs for leisure, services and transportation.


TEAM. Civil engineering department We detail the members of our team who actively work in port infrastructure projects as well as TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros’ specialists collaborators.

Jose Ignacio Añón Ayguavives Civil engineer with a degree from the Polytechnic University of Valencia with ample training in the Planning and Management of Waterfronts. In 2002 he joined TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros. Since then he has participated in the development of the civil engineering and infrastructures projects of the Extension and Remodeling of Feria Valencia, including a tunnel, two bridges and a pedestrian suspension bridge. He also collaborated in the engineering for the 32nd America’s Cup, including the built-up docks and the new access canal in the Port of Valencia. Since 2007 he holds the position of Engineering Project Manager of TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros, responsible for the design and management of civil engineering and infrastructure projects both in Spain – including the Infrastructure Project of IFA in Elche, the new Pont de Fusta bridge of Valencia, the port of Santa Pola, the new accesses to the commercial area of Heron City in Paterna, including the Extension of the T4 tramway line – and abroad, including the projects for the commercial ports of Mersin and Izmir in Turkey.

Gema Baixauli Zacarés Civil Engineer with a degree from the Polytechnic University of Valencia with ample training in the Planning and Management of Waterfronts. In 2007 she joined TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros, taking part in the development of civil engineering works and maritime infrastructures in Spain - Santa Pola’s Waterfront, and in the international level, the new container port terminals of Mersin and Izmir in Turkey.

Ignacio Vañó Technical Engineer of Public Works at the Technical School of Engineering at the University of Cadiz and for the past 15 years has directed the execution of building and infrastructure projects. In 1997 he joined TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros, where he currently holds the position of Head of the Technical Office. He is responsible for the on-site teams for new construction and rehabilitations: projects which include Technological Park ACTIU, Auditorium and Conservatory of Torrevieja, the new accesses to the commercial area of Heron City in Paterna, including the Extension of the T4 tramway line, Feria Valencia Extension project, the IFA Extension project, as well as the works for the 32nd America’s Cup in the Port of Valencia.


TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros have provided professional services in structural design and structural analysis of buildings, bridges, towers, flyovers (overpasses), tunnels, and other structures. Also, port infrastructure projects, including commercial ports and marina, as well as in waterfront spaces.´ We work on improving the movement of people and goods by preparing demand, alternatives and feasibility studies; sector planning; basic and detailed design of transport systems, railway, airports and intermodal facilities; urban regeneration projects and the works associated with all the above: tunnels, bridges and viaducts, stations and ports. TomasLlavador works provide the full range of services associated with Infrastructure, design and construction, beginning with the planning of feasibility studies, environmental studies of the different alternatives, construction stages, etc. Our structural engineers design structures to be safe for their users and to successfully fulfill the function they are designed for. The civil engineering structures team is expert in the design, construction and maintenance of bridges, tunnels and complex highway structures. Our fluency and knowledge of the design process along with our experience of liaising with local authorities, agencies, architects and contractors ensure that we deliver practical infrastructure solutions that closely match the aspirations of our clients The team has a wide repertoire of services for a large variety of infrastructure project, these include: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Steel, concrete bridges Movable bridges Civil engineering structures Planning applications and technical approvals Finite element and dynamic analysis Checking and construction supervision Research and development •New developments •Additions and alterations to existing structures To develop a cost effective strategy Site inspection Construction certification inspection Liaison with government departments and councils

TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros offer comprehensive custom solutions to meet our clients’ needs starting with the original design and ending with the final acceptance of the infrastructure for use. For this reason, our services cover all of the project stages from feasibility and planning studies, preliminary studies, drafts and basic projects to the construction and detailed engineering projects TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros have a team to execute the Technical Assistance during construction, carrying out the economic control of large project, and the technical control of the structures and equipment, and providing solutions to the different issues that arise during construction.

Civil engineering department


New swing bridge in valencia port

Location: Term of work: Client: Architectural design: Structural engineer:

Valencia, SPAIN 2007 Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros Julio Martinez Calzón

Participation rate:


The city of Valencia (Spain) has had a significant development in the last decade. The harbour of the city has acquired high relevance as a commercial and sport harbour related to the celebration of the 32nd America’s Cup in 2007. In August 2008 a new event will be held in the city: the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Europe, that will be raced in a new urban race course in the harbour area linked to an extension of the city. The icon of the urban race course is a swing bridge that will connect the East and West transversal docks over the entrance to the Interior harbour. The horizontal swing movement of the bridge is due to urban and architectonic requirements. The bridge nvironment, the presence of the Foredeck building by David Chipperfield and the rest of the America’s Cup facilities, invalidates the use of a bascule solution. Originally, a bascule railway and road bridge was built in the area of the harbour, but due to several urban planning decisions ended out of use. The old bridge had therefore to be reallocated and adapted to new functions. The design of the new bridge, finished on July 2007, makes use of the original bridge: 95% of the steel structure and 50% of operating machinery that enable the movement of the bridge, as well as the span locks that blocks the bridge for its normal use. The new bridge spans 99,2 m and has a platform 18 m wide for roadway use: traffic of harbour and Formula 1 race course.

Bridge Nou Pont de Fusta

Location: Term of work: Client: Architectural design: Collaborator:

Valencia, SPAIN 2011 -2012 Ayuntamiento de Valencia TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros FCC, Pavasal y Valter

Participation rate :

100 %

< AWARDS > - First Prize, Design of the Nou Pont the Fusta Competition in Valencia. 2010

The new infrastructure functional solves traffic problems in the city of Valencia and, above all, restores a historic pedestrian walkway. The proposal consists of a bridge with two separate platform, the first downstream with two lanes, one for traffic and one for public transport; the second board upstream is for pedestrian walkway use, which provides a gateway, provided a viewpoint that allows us to contemplate the “Torres de Serranos”, emblematic gates for Valencia Monument . For both boards of the bridge, 155 m. in length, has raised a slender structure appearance with section “in fish belly”, with variable depth transversely. Explains José María Tomás Llavador that has sought ways reminiscent of tree trunks for better integration into the plant environment in which further work has been done for improvement. The piles are made of reinforced concrete. The Bridge means the recovery of the memory of the city and the restoration of a historic pedestrian bridge connecting two neighborhoods. It adds the positive effect it will have on the urban environment. A row of palm trees, located between the two boards of the bridge, are the most characteristic plant project notes. Also under renovation landscaping this stretch of river Turia and existing sports equipment, where two of the four football fields that exist in the present, and two new costumes will remain eight will be completed modules each one.

Bridge Construction in Feria Valencia



Location: Term of work: Client: Architectural design:

Valencia, SPAIN 2008 Feria Valencia TomĂĄsLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

Participation rate:


The goal of the Masterplan is to arrange the site in order to integrate the extension of the fair complex, incorporating new services, organizing the public spaces and improving the access infrastructure to mitigate the influence of seasonal traffic on Feria Valencia and the problems generated by the connection of Avenida de las Ferias between the CV-31 and the Ademuz freeway on the borough of BenimĂ met. Green areas and services along the boundary with nearby residential areas are also contemplated. A connection axis with the access motorway is created, using the new underpass as a traffic interchange and the bridges and footbridges over the CV-31 motorway to connect the circulation with the fair complex. This also allows converting the large green plaza into a pedestrian space. The underpass (tunnel) serves to distribute without interference, access to parking at the fair, public transport and traffic car. The axis finalizes with two 80m long bridges, each divided into two continuous 40m spans.Faced with the problems generated from vehicular traffic, the project offers structured circulation and a rational parking system. Relative to the nearby residential area, the design achieves a great increase in open spaces, gardens and future sporting facilities.

Tunnel Construction in Feria Valencia

Location: Term of work: Client: Architectural design:

Valencia, SPAIN 2008 Feria Valencia TomĂĄsLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

Participation rate:


The goal of the Masterplan is to arrange the site in order to integrate the extension of the fair complex, incorporating new services, organizing the public spaces and improving the access infrastructure to mitigate the influence of seasonal traffic on Feria Valencia and the problems generated by the connection of Avenida de las Ferias between the CV-31 and the Ademuz freeway on the borough of BenimĂ met. Green areas and services along the boundary with nearby residential areas are also contemplated. A connection axis with the access motorway is created, using the new underpass as a traffic interchange and the bridges and footbridges over the CV-31 motorway to connect the circulation with the fair complex. This also allows converting the large green plaza into a pedestrian space. The underpass (tunnel) serves to distribute without interference, access to parking at the fair, public transport and traffic car. The axis finalizes with two 80m long bridges, each divided into two continuous 40m spans.Faced with the problems generated from vehicular traffic, the project offers structured circulation and a rational parking system. Relative to the nearby residential area, the design achieves a great increase in open spaces, gardens and future sporting facilities.

New track tunnel Pista del Saler

Location: Term of work: Client: Architectural design:

Valencia, SPAIN 1999 CACSA, Generalitat Valenciana TomĂĄsLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

Participation rate:


In the late 90s, the city of Valencia was in full expansion. In this period the construction of the “City of Sciences and Arts has started, and new residential districts appeared in this area of he city, because of was necessary to create a new connection to the Saler motorway and new tunnel was built. This tunnel, with two lanes for each direction, and built in concrete, facilitates the movement of motorway access without interfering in city traffic in this residential, commercial and recreational area.

Carraixet bridge . Old Turia river channel

Bridge on the new Turia river channel

Bridge sector GRAO

Location: Term of work: Architectural design:

Valencia, SPAIN 2012 TomรกsLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

Participation rate:


The Masterplan for the Grao sector configures a Green Delta that defines the conclusion of the Turia River and the integration of the Inner Basin of the port of Valencia with the urban fabric. the area includes 36,000 m2 of new non-residential and public equipment program. The new urban planning proposal adapts to the compact city model, and the new bridge GRAO provides architecture to cross the axis Turia River. The central bridge board road composed by 4-lane two for each direction, in the borders bridge boards create the walkway for pedestrians.









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Access and infrastructures Heron City Paterna



Location: Term of work: Client: Design and draft project:

Paterna, Valencia, SPAIN 2008 - 2009 SUMPA TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

Participation rate:




The proposal solves the traffic access problem which comes with the creation of new shopping and leisure spaces. In addition, the Francisco Tomás y Valiente Street, which is used by residents and the customer of the new commercial and leisure area, is cleared. The proposed solution for the improvement of accesses goes through a series of actions on the infrastructure. The area of study is located northeast of the town of Paterna, bounded by the CV-35 and Tomás y Valiente Street, the former road to Llíria. The main limits are: - North: Developments Cruz de Gracia and Campolivar - South: Rustic character area of the municipality of Paterna and road CV-3105 - East: Sueca Street and the development Mas del Rosari - West: Mediterranean Highway (A-7) and the Technological Park

Design competition Bridge of guillĂŠn de Castro

Location: Term of work: Client: Urban design:

Valencia, SPAIN 1993 Ayuntamiento de Valencia TomรกsLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

Participation rate:


The river is the most important structural element in the urban complex; the principal components for resolve are the ENTORNO urban, organization and the construction process. The bridge is the connect elements in the environment city, for the relation with the garden and the functional. The dimension for each platform are 120 x20 meters, they separates 20 meters between the platforms and the light between batteries supports are 52 meters , with this dimension we reduced the approach the street Guillem de Castro with the side river. The designs propose connect he the principal garden in the Valencia city with the urban roads and resolved the traffic problems, two ramps in both side for the access the garden. The principal beam is prefabricated structural element, the concrete pillars supported and each steel tower is collocated for cable-stayed bridge. The visualization the bridge in the environment city is the architectural concept design and the functional element in the city, the views in the bridge is ideal for the stabilization between the old city and the new city, between the history and modernism .

Contreras Viaduct

Location: Term of work: Architectural design: Structural engineer:

Valencia, SPAIN 1997-1998 Tom谩sLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros Julio Martinez Calz贸n

Contreras Viaduct consists of twin boards with mixed lattice structure, of variable depth and double composite action in the area of support. The construction was performed and measured by release of the metal rotation of each boards , from each side of the bridge; then performing the key binding and concreting of the top slab. The main bridge is completed with an access opening, also in mixed lattice type isostatic.

Bridge Guadiana river in Villanueva de la Serena

Location: Term of work: Architectural design:

Badajoz, SPAIN 2007-2008 TomรกsLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

This bridge was the winner of a tender by the Junta de Extremadura Guadiana to cross the Guadiana river in a setting of great natural and scenic value competition. The main basic idea to achieve the goal of a unified landscape was to establish a sense of total continuity between the two sides, with one profile that eliminates the idea of a sequence of elements arranged on the bed.

Milenario Bridge in Tortosa

Location: Term of work: Architectural design: Structural engineer:

Tarragona, SPAIN 1981-1982 TomásLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros Julio Martínez Calzón

Tortosa bridge, with a main span 180 m, world record was mixed bridges until 1991. Its structural type is that of a right three span bridge gantry, with the two blank stacks prestressed concrete, which are joined in continuity with the mixed lintels also prestressed, consisting of a Ribbed drawer singing softly variable. The concrete background, which formalizes the double composite action extends 27.5 m on either side of the main span and 20 m in the lateral compartments. The execution was carried out by successive overhangs and hoisted from the river in the central section.

Bridge on la Rambla Alcal谩 de Benicarl贸

Location: Term of work: Architectural design:

Castell贸n, SPAIN 2006 Tom谩sLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

The bridge dimension in longer of 70 meter mixed with 3 span , the main span is mixed section and the borders in this section is concrete.

Bridge on Turia river in Manises

Location: Term of work: Architectural design:

Valencia, SPAIN 2010 TomรกsLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

Mixed cable-stayed bridge with recycled concrete of 145 meters. The roundabout access joins a span of concrete. The geometry effectively solves hydrological conditions, the supports on the runway at 4 meters. The demolition material were reused from the existing bridge in the cement of the new structure.

Bridge on Jucar river in Cullera

Location: Term of work: Architectural design:

Valencia, SPAIN 2006 TomĂĄsLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

Metallic cable-stayed bridge of 135 meters of the river JĂşcar. The main span consists of a 90 m span, with respective side spans of 22.5 m.

Bridge on new Panama canal

Location: Term of work: Architectural design:

PANAMĂ 2000 TomĂĄsLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

The solutions presented for proposal the international competition organized, located in the connection highway Arraijan with north Corredor the proposal for this competition the construction works are the principal subject considered, the boards bridge, the success cantilevers, the concrete pillars methodology , the cantilevers , are the main concept for the second bridge over the Panama Canal.

Santa Lucia bridge in Montevideo

Location: Term of work: Architectural design:

URUGUAY 2000-2005 TomรกsLlavador Arquitectos e Ingenieros

Bridge structurally belongs is a proposal for the solutions drawer and method of construction works . Their singularities refer to as single drawer lateral elements extended by cantilevers, straps and metal formed by struts arranged every 4 m. The central spans superior to the type of steel concrete sections are light, and are joined integrally with the shafts of the stacks to give rise to attractive elements T, which slides on the metallic structure box.

Contact details: HEADQUARTERS IN VALENCIA Calle Vinalopó, 4 bajo 46021 - Valencia, Spain · José Ignacio Añón +34 663 029 800 · Remedios Vicens +34 671 697 408

IRAQ BRANCH Karada alsharqia. Street 20. 69/901, building 1 - Baghdad - Iraq · Dr. Hassan Jihad +34 609 619 050


José María Tomás Llavador founded his studio, ÁREAS Ingeniería y Arquitectura [brand TomásLlavador Arquitectos + Ingenieros] in 1992. Nowadays it is a leading company of professional services in architecture and engineering, dedicated to the design, planning and comprehensive development of building and infrastructure projects in the urban environment. it has offices in Valencia, Dubai and El Salvador and has developed projects in Italy, Turkey, UAE, Morocco, Peru, El Salvador and Costa Rica. The wide range of typologies the Studio has worked on comprises from trade fairs and hospitals to sports stadiums, ports and waterfronts, railway stations, universities and urban parks. The works in Spain include the Masterplan and extension project of Feria Valencia -the third largest in Europe with aproximately 1,000,000 built square metres- and IFA Alicante, an Auditorium and Conservatory in Torrevieja, Olympic Pools in Valencia, the Masterplans of Balcón al Mar and the 32nd America’s Cup and the design of the team bases for Team Alinghi, BMW-Oracle Racing and Team Germany. TomásLlavador Arquitectos + Ingenieros has designed and adapted the old Lanera or wool factory from 1909, in Valencia, transforming it into the current Hotel Westin. In 2007 the proposal, in collaboration with J. Nouvel, won the International Ideas Competition Valencia al mar - Marina Real Juan Carlos I. José María Tomás Llavador is also the author of the design and construction of ACTIU Technological Park in Castalla (Alicante), which has been Certified EB GOLD 2011 and awarded the Internacional Green GOOD DESIGN™ from the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and urban Studies and the Chicago Athenaeum. 2011, the International BEX 2009 prize in the category of sustainable architecture, Honorable Mention of the 1st National Build Award NAPISA for Best Industrial project, 2009 and X FOPA Award to Project of the year in 2008. In collaboration with Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA, the studio designed the the extension of the IVAM (Institut Valencia d’Art Modern), Spain’s first modern art museum which was was awarded the Golden Lion Award in the 2004 Venice Biennale. On an international level, TomásLlavador Arquitectos + Ingenieros has developed the projects for the commercial ports of Izmir and Mersin in Turkey; and an Urban Regeneration project in Lima, Peru. The studio has won the International Competitions for the development for the new waterfront of La Spezia (Italy) and for the design of the new Piazza della Visitazione in Matera (Italy), the latter awarded the International Architecture Award 2010 from the Chicago Atheneum and European Centre for Architecture, Art Design and Urban Studies.

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