Le Ceramiche rinascimentali di Rango e Balbido

Frammenti di ceramiche provenienti da demolizioni e discariche nel Bleggio Superiore e ritrovate da Tomaso Iori. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Treasures from dumps.* Whenever soil is dug up for any purpose in villages or fields nearby, all kind of pottery shreds may surface, dating back to medieval time up to the 18th century. They were part of bowls, plates, cups or stove tiles; discarded by local potters due mostly to defects that developed in kilns during firing, they became filling material for stone wall builders. Home owners, school kids, people with a passion for beautiful objects, become backyard archeologists and add their finds to the Rango School Museum collection, which testifies to the rich craft tradition that has long disappeared. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Schätze vom Müllplatz * Wann und wo immer man aus unterschiedlichem