Founding Members from April 2006
COMMON CAUSE AVO N T R I KA P PA M E M B E R S FORGE FRIENDSHIPS AND HELP T H E CO M M U N I T Y Writer / Jamie Hergott Photography Provided
Avon Tri Kappa is one of 246 Indiana Tri Kappa chapters - the largest Greek organization in the entire United States. Tri Kappa was founded in 1901 at the Indianapolis Classical School for Girls, and since then the statewide organization has grown to 7,725 members.
The Avon chapter was founded in 2006 to bring more assistance to the growing needs of Avon, Washington Township, and Hendricks Avon Tri Kappa embodies the idea of women supporting and County as a whole. The chapter was sponsored by Brownsburg Tri empowering each other in order to bring light, community, and a Kappa and Plainfield Tri Kappa, so even its inception was the result helping hand to others in Hendricks County. There are 55 active members, and together they take Tri Kappa’s mission very seriously. of unity among women in Hendricks County. Tri Kappa’s mission statement runs as follows: “The object of this organization shall be to bring women into close, unselfish relationship for the promotion of charity, culture, and education.” Avon Tri Kappa President Stacy Archer makes sure the group adheres to this mission every year. “We focus on targeting each one of those every year with different organizations in the community,” Archer says. “It’s a sisterhood. It’s the forming of friendships that become like family, and it’s amazing to be able to work together to give that back to the community.”
The Avon chapter started with 23 members and now has 55 active members. Susan Webb, a member and past president, has been involved since the chapter’s inception and is passionate about its causes. She views the chapter as an incubator, where its members develop strong leadership skills through serving as officers, organizing various member functions, and helping with fundraising projects. Webb is proud of each and every member.