JUNE 2021
MEAL PLAN Local Partnership Aids Hendricks County Seniors
Rib Fest Moves to Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds
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JU NE 2021
G ot You r B ack: Commu n ity Ch irop ractic Hel ps Clie n ts Th rou g h a Wid e Ran g e of S e r vices Rib Fe st Re tu r n s: Rib Fe st Move s to H e ndri cks Cou n ty 4-H Fairg rou n d s Me al Plan : Local Par tn e r sh ip Aid s H e n d ri cks Cou n ty S e n ior s Min d for Ch an g e : For me r Colts Ch amp Ben U te ch t Raise s B rain In ju r y Aware n e ss Diffe re n t Dad s, Diffe re n t G ifts: Fath e r ’s Day G iftin g Doe sn ’ t H ave to B e a Ch alle n g e H ow to G e t B ack on You r Fe e t Afte r a Bone Fractu re
Tip s for Maximizin g You r G arag e S p ace 10 Do’s & Don ’ ts: For Eve r y G u e st Th is We d d in g S e ason
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A Few Upcoming Events with the Town of Avon 4th - Concert by the Creek 8th - Town Council with a work session 15th - Farmers Market 19th - Dirt Works
6th - Farmers Market 10th - Town Council with a work session 17th - BZA Meeting 20th - Farmers Market
Scan the QR code for more events and details in the new Avon E-Newsletter! 6 / AVON MAGAZINE / JUNE 2021 / TownePost.com
G OT YOUR B ACK Co m m u ni t y C h i roprac tic H e lps Clie nts Thro u g h a Wi de R ange of Se r v ice s chiropractic care, and nutritional support.
Writer / Jamie Hergott Photography Provided
Dr. Vicki Danis is extremely passionate about her work providing chiropractic care and acupuncture. Often her work is misunderstood as simply cracking necks and causing pain with needles, and she wants to set the record straight. “Chiropractic care is really about making your body work better,” Danis says. “There are very gentle ways to adjust patients, and it’s always to the patient’s comfort level.” Danis owns and operates Community Chiropractic in Avon, with an easygoing personality and genuine love for her job. She opened her full-service office in June of 2009, making this her twelfth year in Avon. She and her doctors offer acupuncture, chiropractic care, pediatric chiropractic care, pregnancy
What sets her apart from others is that her office is the only allfemale chiropractic office in Hendricks County. While much of her client base is female, her particular niche is pregnancy and pediatric care, although she sees men and children as well. “We take care of everyone,” Danis says. “You do not have to be a female to be in our office. We take a well-rounded approach to everyone’s care here.” Many clients come in during their gestational period or if they’re having postpartum issues. Danis also works with newborns who have issues like colic, torticollis, ear infections or tongue-tie issues. She treats children and adults with sleep concerns, scoliosis, and many other issues due to injuries, posture and age.
TownePost.com / JUNE 2021 / AVON MAGAZINE / 7
Three years ago she added acupuncture to her list of services, to better serve clients. “It’s really a great adjunct to what we already do here,” Danis says. “It offers patients a different level of comfort and care. I understand not everyone is comfortable with the chiropractic approach.” Danis says in general, her philosophy is very preventive, and the idea is to make clients’ bodies work better. “Your body is a welloiled machine,” Danis says. “We also know it can be temperamental. I always compare it to a car. You know when the car is not working properly and needs to be checked out. Bodies are a similar type of thing.” Stiffness, soreness and pain are all ways the body communicates that something is not working the way it should. Her treatment and recommendations for life outside of the office are designed to get bodies functioning better for the long term. “Every person gets a custom, tailored plan,” Danis says. “It’s not the same for everyone. Our care is conservative.” Danis sees clients from all over Indianapolis, and some from as far as Noblesville and Beech Grove. A doctor’s referral is not needed for an appointment. First appointments usually last about one hour. Danis goes over health history, discusses concerns, finds out what activities are bothersome, and even addresses the patient’s hesitations about chiropractic care. “We do adjust at the first visit, assuming that’s what you want,” Danis says. “It is completely understandable for you to have concerns coming here, based on the fanatical cracking you see on TV, TikTok and the movies. I assure you, light pressure can get great results.” Her first priority is always educating the patient. Danis is passionate when it comes to teaching people how their
bodies work, and how they’re supposed to work. She says it’s a common myth that people will feel better after just one appointment. “You didn’t get this way in one day,” she says of patients’ issues. “You can’t go to the gym one time and look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. It takes time to reach a level of improvement. We use acupuncture, and sometimes even an herbology and herbalist approach, to get your body to do what it’s supposed to more rapidly or safely without getting medications.” In Danis’ experience, primary medical practitioners are not always acquainted with nutritional therapy or nonpharmaceutical herbal therapy. She says there are many options, as every person’s biological chemistry is different. She loves the process of getting to know her patients and figuring out what may work for them. “I geek out on this stuff,” Danis says. “I love that I get to treat an enormous amount of different types of people.” She sees everything from post-oncology patients to the sore back of a 95-year-old to a tongue-tied newborn. She feels there is not much she can’t help with her methods. Often, her office is a client’s last resort before considering surgery for a problem.
8 / AVON MAGAZINE / JUNE 2021 / TownePost.com
If she can’t help, she has no problem helping patients determine their best course of action and referring them out of her office. “Some things are so broken down, there’s no coming back from that,” Danis says. Danis knew she wanted to be a doctor from the time she was 2 years old. In high school, she began exploring different areas of medicine. She determined she did not want to be a medical doctor because of the extensive schooling. She wanted a specialty that involved a sound education, and also one that would allow her to start her career in a timely manner. She considered optometry, ophthalmology, podiatry, dentistry and even veterinary work. She finally shadowed her own chiropractor one day, and loved what she saw. “I got a beautiful view of all the different
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things he can help patients with,” Danis says. “Migraines, high blood pressure, foot pain, shoulder pain, etcetera.” Danis herself has seen a chiropractor since she was 12 years old. Her mom went regularly and Danis thought it looked fun, so she began going too. Even now she sees a chiropractor twice per month, and even sees the doctors in her office on occasion.
Community Chiropractic is located at 7651 East U.S. Highway 36 in Avon. For more info, call 317-272-7988 or visit communitychiroavon.com.
“I don’t know what it’s like to have a life of pain,” Danis says. “I just get it fixed. Why wouldn’t I utilize the tools I have? This is what I preach to my patients every single day.” Danis is always learning from her patients, and she loves building relationships with them. From hunters to teenage athletes to new moms, Danis loves teaching and empowering clients to feel better and live their best lives.
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“I really do love my job,” Danis says. “It doesn’t feel like work to me. I come here, we have fun and I love all of my patients. I love helping people who want to help themselves.”
Helps • Rib Pain with: • Rib Pain • Round Ligament WEpain Accept most all • RoundWELigament pain Accept most all • Hormone induced headaches Insurance including Insurance including • Hormone induced headaches • Sciatica • Sciatica Medicare and Medicaid Chiropractic Medicare pain and Medicaid Chiropractic • Upper back and more • Upper back pain and more Lowhelp back pain • Low back pain Care •can with Care can help with Aches and pains during pregnancy! Proper alignment can help to put Aches andpelvic pains during pregnancy!
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Proper pelvic alignment can help to put Chiropractic & Acupuncture Helps with: • Rib Painin Baby the most optimal birthing position • Rib Pain Baby can in thehelp mostwith optimal birthing • Round Ligament pain more thanposition • Hormone induced headaches • Hormone induced headaches • Sciatica • Upper back pain and more • Upper back pain and more • Low back pain
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Office in in Office in Office in We are Office here to help - Just Call! Dr. VickiHendricks Danis Dr. Vicki Danis Hendricks Co.Hendricks Hendricks Co. Co. Co. Female Chiropractic Female Chiropractic & even Foot pain
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Dr. Vicki Danis
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. US Hwy 36 • Avon, 7651 46123 CommunityChiroAvon.com | (317) 272-7988 E.46123 US| Hwy 36 •CommunityChiroAvon.com Avon, IN 46123 | CommunityChiroAvon.com (317) 272-7988 wy 36 • Avon,IN7651 IN || (317) 272-7988 E. US| Hwy 36 • Avon, IN 46123 | CommunityChiroAvon.com | (317) 272-7988 TownePost.com / JUNE 2021 / AVON MAGAZINE / 9
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12 / AVON MAGAZINE / JUNE 2021 / TownePost.com
Rib Fest Moves to Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing Photography Provided by the Avon Chamber of Commerce
the opportunity to spread out while enjoying tasty treats and fellowship.
Hendricks County leaders are excited to announce the return of the Hendricks County Rib Fest, a beloved annual community event that celebrates mouthwatering food and fun times with family and friends. This year Rib Fest will be held at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds, which will offer attendees
Rib Fest began 16 years ago in Washington Township Park as a lastminute event. According to Tom Downard, executive director of the Avon Chamber of Commerce, the celebration immediately exceeded all expectations. Each year it has continued to grow as people have flocked to enjoy music, JUNE 2021
games, bounce houses, hot-air balloons, fireworks, fun runs, and of course food. By 2014 the event had outgrown the park, so it was moved to Kingsway Christian Church. “Kingsway was nothing but tremendous as far as volunteerism and allowing us to use their facilities,” Downard says. Through the years, Rib Fest has
continued to attract people not only from Avon, but also from all over Hendricks County and central Indiana. “As we saw the numbers steadily growing, we continued to talk about a venue that could not only accommodate a crowd but also additional vendors,” says Downard, noting that in the past, event leaders have had to bring in portable restrooms, portable lighting and portable power. “The Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds is set up perfectly for what we need, or as close to perfect as you can get. They have such nice amenities.” Downard hopes that by moving Rib Fest to a larger venue, event leaders will reach more businesses throughout the county that want to participate through sponsorship or booth rental. According to Downard, the Hendricks County Fair typically attracts roughly 10,000 people throughout the week. JUNE 2021
"We continue to try and make the event better each year. That’s our goal - to create a place for families and people to come have fun.” - Tom Downard
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“Rib Fest gets that or more in a day,” Downard says. “Not many events invite that kind of crowd.” While crowd size has been a concern during the course of the pandemic, this venue is the ideal spot to allow people to congregate safely while they eat, socialize and play, since it’s easy to spread out. Downard is grateful to be able to work with Steve Patterson, executive director of the Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds and Rib Fest committee member. “Steve has a ton of experience and knowledge in events,” Downard says. “We’re lucky to have him.” Patterson is happy to help, and says Fairgrounds leaders are looking forward to partnering with the Avon Chamber to host the 2021 Rib Fest.
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JUNE 2021
“The new location will allow for more activities and additional vendor options for the attendees,” Patterson adds. “We hope to make a good experience.” This year’s event will not feature tethered balloon rides, since even a slight delay due to weather issues can cause all reservation times to shift. Organizers still plan to offer the hot-air balloon glow, and attendees can get their picture taken inside of the balloon. Kids in particular enjoy getting to see giant, colorful balloons up close and personal. Sponsored by IU Health West Hospital, the 6th Annual Rib Run will also take place in the morning. The 1/4 Slab Kids Run kicks off at 8:30 a.m., followed by the 5K Rib Run. For the first time ever, beer will be available for sale.
“That’s a new twist, and we’re eager to see how that plays out,” Downard says.
the fireworks display and the hot-air balloons. We can’t wait to go back.”
In addition, the event will feature a deejay as well as bounce houses geared toward smaller children.
Rib vendors include Barbecue and Bourbon, Delia’s Ribs, RidiQlous BBQ, Wild Boar BBQ, Kickstand, Blowin Smokque BBQ and Bud’s BBQ more.
“We continue to try and make the event better each year,” Downard adds. “That’s our goal - to create a place for families and people to come have fun.” Locals are eager to return to the fun, after a year that for many included more downtime than usual. Crystal Callahan’s son Patrick always looks forward to the blow-up bounce houses, while Crystal is impressed by the good eats at affordable prices. “In the past, the food has always been so delicious and very reasonable,” Callahan says. “We also really enjoyed watching JUNE 2021
Additional food vendors include Kona Ice, Avon Kiwanis Club, Cabin Coffee Company,American Legion Avon Post 145 and Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt Avon & Bamber’s Sweet Creations. Rib Fest is scheduled for June 26, with a start time of 4 p.m. The night will conclude with fireworks around 10 p.m. Attendees are encouraged bring blankets or lawn chairs to enjoy watching the night sky light up. For more info, visit avonchamber.org.
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JUNE 2021
LOCAL PARTNERSHIP AIDS HENDRICKS COUNTY SENIORS Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing Photography Provided
Roughly half a million adults over the age of 50 reside in central Indiana. According to a report on the state of aging compiled by the Central Indiana Community Foundation and SAVI, a data hub for central Indiana, the older adult population in central Indiana is increasing at six times the rate of the younger population. Moreover, four in 10 adults live alone.
lack of transportation, lack of income or other factors. There are many reasons why someone might not be able to eat healthy meals regularly.
“If you think about risk factors for hunger and what people need, if they aren’t able to prepare a meal for themselves then living alone is going to be a big risk factor,” says Marina Keers, director of Hendricks County Senior Services (HCSS).
Each day HCSS serves meals to their residents prepared by the staff at Hendricks Regional Health (HRH). HRH also prepares meals for Meals on Wheels (MOW), and those meals are individually packaged and delivered to recipients at their homes. Because Hendricks County is growing at such a rapid rate, however, MOW leaders realized they needed to find a way to expand their operation in order to accommodate every senior who needs food. MOW turned to HCSS, which is currently in the process of refurbishing and expanding their kitchen so meals can be packaged there.
In addition, the report states that one in 10 older adults are food insecure. This could be because of lack of access to a grocery store,
For years MOW and HCSS have partnered. It’s a natural partnership because both organizations have similar missions
JUNE 2021
helping seniors remain independent and healthy in their homes. When talk of expansion began, the partnership grew. “We’re happy to partner with an organization that’s serving the same group of people we are serving,” says Renee Harlor, program coordinator for Meals on Wheels. “Working together is key in working within the community.” Keers says seniors have extensive needs in the local community. “We must be responsive to those needs, and in this case alter our programing to meet those needs,” Keers says. With this partnership, some things will change while others will remain the same. The HRH staff will continue to prepare nutritionally balanced meals. Instead of picking up the food at the hospital, however, volunteers will take the meals to HCSS in bulk to be packaged for individual distribution to the community. This expansion means both organizations will need additional funding to build out the kitchen, as well as additional volunteers to work in the kitchen. Volunteers are needed in other capacities as well. “MOW, from what it was six months ago to what it is today, has really changed, so the need for volunteers has grown
tremendously,” Harlor says. Until recently, MOW primarily utilized volunteers as drivers. However, since COVID-19 took hold in the U.S., they have ramped up the social components that are so vital to senior health and wellbeing. Since more than half of their clients live alone, MOW has added connection calls and pen-pal programs into the mix. “Social isolation has terrible impacts on health and well-being,” Harlor says. “We can bring them all the food in the world, but we have to make sure we’re providing other things that are needed as well.” Harlor stresses that volunteers, who are trained, don’t need a
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JUNE 2021
specific skill set - just a desire to help. Currently, MOW feeds between 110 and 125 people per day. Once the expansion is complete, their goal is to double the number of meals that go out the door for senior residents in Hendricks County. “We’re excited to help Meals on Wheels expand the number of seniors who can receive a hot meal in Hendricks County,” Keers says. Thanks to a partnership with Misty Eyes Animal Center, they are also providing free pet food for their clients, since many people experiencing food insecurity share their meals with their pets. “Pets improve happiness and connection, so we want to take care of them too,” Harlor says. “Serving the food is our main goal, but again, helping people with their pets benefits them too.” If you’re interested in volunteering or making a monetary donation, visit hcmealsonwheels.org or hcseniors.org. Meals on Wheels is located at 1000 East Main Street in Danville. For more information, call 317-745-3469. Hendricks County Senior Services is located at 201 Sycamore Lane in Danville. For more information, call 317-745-4303.
JUNE 2021
Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing Photography Provided
Ben Utecht grew up in an athletic family. In fact, he calls himself a three-sport athlete, having participated in football, hockey and baseball. “Team sports in general were a significant part of my upbringing,” says Utecht, a fouryear starter for the University of Minnesota as a tight end.
JUNE 2021
He had quite the memorable start to his NFL career with the Indianapolis Colts when he caught a pass from Peyton Manning during the third quarter and dodged Deion Sanders for a touchdown. “That was a pretty overwhelming and special experience,” says Utecht, who was part of the Colts 2006 Super Bowl championship team. Though it’s a great memory, Utecht went through a phase of memory loss as a direct result of playing the sport he loved. Though he had accepted that contact sports have the potential to create injury, at the time there wasn’t more education around concussions than there was around orthopedic injuries. “You just kind of put them all into the same category,” Utecht says. “If anything, you probably thought an ACL tear was more serious than a concussion, so you didn’t really worry about it.”
Over the course of Utecht’s career, however, he sustained five documented concussions as well as countless undocumented concussions. As a tall guy, standing 6’6”, he took a lot of hits. “I remember times when I was definitely concussed and kept playing,” he says. He did so not because he felt pressured, but because he wanted to be there for his coaches, teammates and family, since it was his job - not to mention he adored the game. “There are a lot of factors for why an athlete chooses to stay on the field,” he says. After his fourth documented concussion against the Denver Broncos, he was diagnosed with amnesia. The next day, when he watched the play that caused the injury, he didn’t remember any of it. “To watch a play unfold that shows you becoming unconscious and regaining consciousness, high-fiving teammates, running off to the sidelines, talking to coaches and staff, and in your own mind that whole experience didn’t exist because you can’t remember any of it - that’s a strange experience,” Utecht says. Following that concussion, Utecht and his wife Karyn began to recognize challenges in his cognitive ability that didn’t exist previously, regarding working memory one’s ability to receive and give information efficiently. “I felt in a fog and was much more forgetful,” Utecht says. “I became a post-it note person, needing to write down everything to help me remember.” While memory loss is different for everyone, it was episodic for Utecht. There would be significant memories, like being in a close friend’s wedding, that he simply couldn’t retrieve. Not even looking at photos served to jog his memory. “Moments like that made my wife and I really begin to consider whether I should retire,” says Utecht, who did so in 2009. “Retiring was very emotional. All of a
Utecht Family JUNE 2021
sudden my identity as an athlete was over, but I wanted to do what I could to protect my brain going forward. It was a good move.” He participated in cognitive training at LearningRx, a brain training center that helps clients who have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) as well as those who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other difficulties. “They test your cognitive abilities through a sound neurological evaluation, then build a program around how you can focus on your weaknesses and improve them,” Utecht says. Before starting the program, his short- and long-term memory were in the 12th and 17th percentile, which was shockingly low. At the same time, the evaluation gave him peace. “It showed I wasn’t making this stuff up,” he says.
He was still able to function, but his cognitive decline frustrated him. That frustration, in turn, let to impatience and a shorter fuse. Before starting the brain training program, Utecht had moments where he lost his patience much sooner than normal - sometimes at home with Karyn and their four daughters. The
training, however, involved working in a chaotic environment where the brain has to force itself to focus and put up a shield around one’s own space. “That helped me at home, because when you do three months of brain training in a room full of seven or eight other adults and
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children doing their program at the same time, then come home to four kids wanting to climb on you - well, it was an awesome healing experience,” he says. After completing the 100-hour intensive program, Utecht’s short- and long-term memory numbers jumped to the 78th and 98th percentile - a remarkable improvement. “Over the course of those 100 hours, my wife would tell you she got her husband back,” remarks Utecht, who at this same time was in the process of writing his memoir, titled “Counting the Days While My Mind Slips Away.” “The fact that all of my cognitive abilities came back was a miraculous ending to my autobiography,” says Utecht, who has always maintained a “pro-brain, pro-game” message. Though he knows he made the right call in retiring, he misses being part of a team especially a Super Bowl team.
“There’s something so special about it,” Utecht says. “It’s hard to express how fulfilling that was.” After retirement, Utecht began working with the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). For several years, he even became the AAN’s national spokesperson on concussions. He transitioned to the American Brain Foundation (ABF) and joined their board for the last seven years. Now he’s working with Dr. Jeff Kutcher, a leading sports neurologist. Utecht received the 2014 Public Leadership in Neurology Award from the AAN and ABF. He’s received other awards for his awareness work in TBI. Though awards are nice, at the end of the day Utecht wants his legacy to be rooted in faith and family. “I want to be known as a man who loved God, loved his family and cared for his neighbor,” Utecht says. “The materialistic things are meaningless. Everything comes down to relationships.”
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JUNE 2021
He thinks back to his youth and wishes he could tell that younger version of himself not to care so much about what people think of him. “I was a pretty sensitive kid growing up, and I feel like it probably made me make some of my more regretful decisions as a young man because of that peer pressure,” Utecht says. “I wish I could go back and tell that kid to focus on what you know to be true about who you are and who you are created to be, and surround yourself with people who will support that rather than challenge it.” He harbors no bitterness or regret for choosing to play football and make it a career. “The life lessons, and the people I had a chance to learn from and play with, have been priceless, so I would definitely play football again,” he says. “I’d just probably play it a little differently.”
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Village of Avon a continuum of care community
That’s right, Father’s Day is right around the corner. Are you ready? Men can be so hard to buy for — is there anything he hasn’t gotten for himself already? And it’s hard to find something that will make him feel loved, appreciated, and surprised on his special day. But because those dads and grandpas out there do so much for us, we must try to nail it! So, here’s a few ideas of ways to spoil all those different dudes in your life!
Whether this is the man who can’t leave the golf course himself, or the one who always has the golf channel on the TV, it’s time to tee up a perfect Father’s Day for him. If you want to spend time playing golf with him, surprise him with a Father’s Day tee time at your favorite golf course or at a place like TopGolf. You might also consider getting him some fun golf socks and/or personalized golf balls.
This is the dad who loves being outside doing things like camping, fishing, hiking, etc. He probably has just about everything he needs but consider a gift card to his favorite shop like Cabella’s or a new cooler filled with his favorite brew. If gifting isn’t your thing, maybe go on a hike with your dad and spend some quality time doing what he likes. It could be spending an entire day fishing, but whatever it is, just make sure you have an agenda of which he approves.
JUNE 2021
This dad loves to be outside by the grill with a beer in his hand and tongs or a spatula in the other. If you want to get him something special, consider personalized grill tools, an apron, and an order of some good steaks. The grill master dad probably has a lot of grill tools already, but ask a few questions: Does he need a new grill? Or maybe some new accessories? Or does he want to try something new? Feel him out a few weeks before Father’s Day and you’ll find something that’ll make him smile. And then enjoy a backyard cookout celebrating him with your family and friends!
This is the dad who has it all. If he wants something, he buys it. They are the hardest to shop for and they are difficult to surprise. For this dad, you might need coordination amongst family members to keep him from buying things or to know what the latest must-have is that’s on his list. There are three routes to go with this guy. You can try tried and true treats you know he loves that are edible like candy, dinners, etc. You can try to buy something that is completely different but unique like a cool bottle opener, a personalized etched growler, or maybe customized art. Or in the end, these guys always like gift cards for their next impromptu purchase.
It might sound silly, but these hard-working dads need some “me” time just like moms do. Check with him first, but he might appreciate a spa day! There’s nothing wrong with a day spent relaxing and enjoying a little bit of pampering on top of it. Or, if he’s not into those things, consider a nice beverage — maybe a topnotch whiskey and you can even get whiskey glasses and whiskey balls to go with it! It’s another way to relax that he’ll appreciate. Here’s to all the dads out there who help change the diapers, tie the shoes, drive the kids to school, make dinners, play in the backyard, and so much more. There are so many great things you can do with your dad and it’s not always about the gifting. Spending good quality time with them is even more special. Whether it’s fishing all afternoon, having a movie marathon, or spending an afternoon on the porch catching up, your father will love the memories made and the bonding time.
AVON HIGH SCHOOL We could not be prouder! The next chapter you write with our blessing. Congratulations, graduate! Love, Lucy, Lola, Jake, Mom, and Dad
U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY Cadet Gunnar Larson, son of Todd and Daphne Larson of Avon, IN, graduated from the U.S. Military Academy on Saturday, May 22. While at West Point, he concentrated his studies in Environmental Engineering and Grand Strategy. Larson also was a member of the Army Wrestling Team, earning his letter. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army within the Engineering Branch and will report to Fort Polk, Louisiana for his first assignment.
AVON HIGH SCHOOL Congratulations Sadie! We are so proud of all that you have accomplished and what your future holds for you! We love you! Mom and Dad
JUNE 2021
HOW TO GET BACK ON YOUR FEET AFTER A BONE FRACTURE Writer / Dr. Ryan Kozlowski, Orthopedic Surgeon at IU Health West Hospital Photography Provided
Broken bones can happen to anyone of any age. The difference, however, is that it’s much easier to heal and bounce back from a broken bone when you’re 6 years old versus 60. Recovering from a bone fracture later in life requires time and patience. Here are three ways to help the healing process and get back on your feet.
Following the RICE treatment after a fracture will help reduce the pain and swelling, and promote healing. During each stage, ensure that you do not overdo it or overstress your body. Your main goal should be to decrease pain and increase comfort.
After a fracture, it’s normal to want to get back to the activities you were doing prior to your injury. However, if you jump into those activities too soon and without guidance, you could end up injuring
yourself even more. Just like our muscles, exercise makes our bones stronger. Talk with your doctor about what types of physical activity are appropriate for your injury. Your doctor may recommend some at-home exercises or physical therapy. Incorporating regular, lowimpact movement into your daily routine will help increase blood flow to the injury.
bone is by breaking your smoking habit. Not only is smoking bad for your overall health, but it also increases your risk of bone fractures and slows down the healing process. Your bones need a healthy supply of blood in order to heal. Smoking restricts blood flow to your bones and prevents bones from receiving what they need to heal, including calcium and oxygen.
A balanced diet will not only help your fracture heal, but also help prevent future fractures. Yogurt, fish, nuts, beans, eggs and vegetables are good sources of protein and calcium that can help speed up recovery.
To make sure your fracture is healing properly, schedule a follow-up appointment with your doctor to check on your recovery process. A follow-up appointment will also allow your physician to adjust your recovery plan and suggest additional treatment tips based on the progress you’ve made.
One of the best ways to help your broken JUNE 2021
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Writer / Claire-Anne Aikman Photography Provided
There hasn’t been a day in the last two years during which I have not answered this question: What in the world is happening in the housing market? While the local news does mirror the national news - homes can be a challenge to get for first-time buyers, it is indeed a great time to sell, and homes are going for a premium it is important to know that home improvements are still going strong, and people are getting creative with their spaces. In a recent article I covered how home offices are being crafted out of everything from dining rooms to closets, and the transformations are making people love their homes even more. This month, let’s see if I can help you gain some space and fall in love with that often-overlooked, catch-all space known as the garage.
Once the basics of simply cleaning it out and getting rid of things (sell it, donate it, throw it away) have been taken care of, it becomes a matter of organizing the items you want to keep so you can put the space to maximum use. The following tips are easy to implement, and can be done inexpensively as well. • Shelf storage is great for vertical spaces and, for me, this is preferred over adding cabinets because everything remains in sight, allowing you to see your paint and car supplies easily. • Yard tool towers or tool clips are fantastic for wrangling rakes and shovels. I was crafty with an old pallet and, while the idea had merit, it just did not suit the space and I ended up with a clip system for part of our garage wall. • Your parents were onto something with pegboard, so don’t knock it until you try it. It is an effective method for organizing tools, hoses and anything that can hang from a peg. For those
32 / AVON MAGAZINE / JUNE 2021 / TownePost.com
with a small number of tools, magnetic strips easily wrangle screwdrivers and wrenches. • Don’t forget to utilize the storage space from above. There are brackets you can buy and even make that will cradle your ladders, and shelf systems that hang from the ceiling to hold all your camping gear and holiday decorations. Some racks even allow for bicycles to hang from them. • Bins for sports balls can be easily fastened out of bungee cords and a few pieces of wood. • Hanging shoe organizers make great storage options for everything from spray paint to bubble wands and sidewalk chalk. With a little time and a little effort, your garage space can be regained and used for hobbies, a play space on a rainy day, or simply a place to park your car. Claire-Ann is a West Side Realtor helping people make Hendricks County their home. You can reach her at 317-345-6640 or caikman@encoresothebysrealty.com
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10 DO’S & DON’TS
FOR EVERY GUEST THIS WEDDING SEASON Writer / Abigail Hake Photography Provided
Summer wedding season is here and it’s always a great excuse to get dressed up, enjoy fancy signature drinks and dance the night away. But don’t forget, the fact the happy couple wants you to share in their big day is also a privilege not to be taken advantage of! Remember, they’ve spent months planning this special event and are footing the bill so it’s best to be the most awesome guest in return. There is a lot to take in as a wedding guest and every wedding is different so make sure to know what is expected of you before you go. It’s a big day for the couple and they’ve spent countless hours preparing and planning an event of a lifetime. Here are 10 important dos and don’t when it comes to wedding guest etiquette.
It’s very important to read exactly how your invitation is addressed. Unless it states “and guest,” please don’t assume you can bring a plus-one. Weddings are expensive and
usually 100% planned for, sometimes down to every last seat. In most cases, the couple would probably love to extend a plus-one invite to everyone, but it might be out of their control. Note, if the invite is addressed to you only, you can assume that means no plus-one. And, unless you think there’s been a mistake, please don’t ask for an exception.
Listen, we understand that mail can be hard to keep track of sometimes, especially during wedding season when it seems like everyone is getting married! But remember, your RSVP is needed to finish up some of the wedding planning like providing final guest counts to caterers and making seating charts. Planning a wedding is already a lot of work, and the bride and groom don’t need to be following up with each and every guest. Make it easy for them and RSVP early, like right away. Do it as soon as you get the invite and check your calendar. Your friends will truly appreciate your swift return of the RSVP card. And don’t hesitate to include a nice, warm note of congratulations and thank you in your RSVP too.
TownePost.com / JUNE 2021 / AVON MAGAZINE / 37
No one likes to feel out of place when it comes to attire. Being both overdressed or underdressed can cause you to feel uncomfortable in any social gathering. So remember, dress codes are there to help you feel comfortable, not to make you dress a certain way. A dress code helps a guest choose the right outfit that will fit the tone of the event. And if the couple suggests specific dress code thoughts, they are probably doing so for a good reason. If in doubt, it’s always better to dress more up, than more down. Oh, and don’t wear white!
The happy couple has either emailed, sent with their invitation or posted their wedding website to all their social media accounts. Make sure you visit it. Check there first before contacting the couple with any last minute questions. These wedding websites have become so much more than just a slideshow! They can be full of information, and most couples create them specifically to share information and spare themselves
from being bombarded with questions from guests. The website will likely also provide a schedule, registries and venue details. They usually also disclose any discounts for booking hotels or secret travel tips.
Being on time is one of the most important things you can do as a guest. Every bit of this day is scheduled from the walking down the aisle to the cutting of the cake so while it might be acceptable for the bridal party to be fashionably late, it’s not okay for the guests to be! Make sure to arrive at the ceremony at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled ceremony time. If you aren’t familiar with the area or venue, then make sure to build in a little extra travel time to allow for getting lost and parking.
Many couples nowadays are opting for unplugged or device free ceremonies and with good reason. Just about every wedding photographer out there will tell you that the most beautiful ceremony shots can be completely ruined by those lovely guests who pull out their phones to capture the moment themselves. But if the couple hasn’t invited you to take photos, then keep the phone put away and just enjoy the moment. It’s the pro’s job anyways. Plus, the happy couple is likely to post their gorgeous photos from the wedding at a later date for everyone to see.
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Any time before the wedding is reserved for family and wedding party only. Don’t try to pop in and say hi while the bride is getting ready or call her that morning with questions. Do. Not. I can promise you that there is at least one other person who can answer any questions you might have the morning of the wedding. The bride is so busy and will have enough to worry about that day.
Listen, everyone loves to indulge in a drink or two and everyone loves an open bar at a wedding. Just make sure you don’t overdo it. Because no one likes the drunk guy (or girl) at a wedding. The food is one of the best things that guests talk about after weddings. Be mindful of your serving sizes if it is buffet style and open bar. By all means, enjoy the food and drinks but don’t take advantage. Keep it classy.
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Make sure you bring a gift. It’s best to stick to the registry. Most couples these days already own a bunch of things so the registries are a great way to get the couple what they really want. If you are risking going off the registry, make sure it’s something you know the couple will love.
When it comes down to it, the couple wants everyone to have a great time celebrating. Everything chosen for this day has been thoughtfully selected to create an awesome experience and you should enjoy it! Dance and mingle with other guests in honor of the happy couple. Enjoy all that’s been organized for the evening like lawn games or the photo booth. Keep any negative comments to yourself and, instead, put your best foot forward to cherish every moment of the night.
Expires 8/31/21
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Although weddings are always a lot of fun, it’s important to acknowledge all the work involved to bring them to fruition. They are a huge task for any couple, which makes being a wedding guest even more special. So next time you receive a beautifully pressed new wedding invitation, keep these 10 dos and don’ts in mind from the RSVP to the reception. Not only will this show your appreciation to the BLT happy couple, but you can also help them enjoy a stress-free celebration and create memories for a lifetime!
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40 / AVON MAGAZINE 2021 / TownePost.com IU Health West Hospital | 1111/ JUNE N. Ronald Reagan Parkway in Avon