TALKING A BIG GAME ST I C K A N D H AC K G O L F C LU B O F F E R S D I G I TA L M E D I A P L AT F O R M F O R G O L F FA N S Writer / Matt Keating Photography Provided
Stick and Hack Golf Club, a unique digital and media platform for golfers around the world, began with a simple conversation. “We started Stick and Hack in May of 2019, after a conversation at a bar,” says
Adam Grubb, Stick and Hack’s CEO. “Mike Ryan - also known as Stick - and I were talking about golf, and he was talking about launch angles and spin rate, and I said, ‘I have no idea what you are talking about.’ I then told him this would be a good podcast, and he said, ‘We would call it a Stick and a Hack.’ And that is exactly what we did.” / JUNE 2020 / NOBLESVILLE MAGAZINE / 5
Stick & Hack Golf Club is headquartered in Noblesville. “It was meant to be a digital platform right from the start,” Grubb says. “We saw that golf content today was primarily centered around instruction, equipment and the PGA tour. There was nothing for the regular golfer who loves the game, but just wants to