ALL THINGS FESTIVE LO C A L H O L I DAY E V E N T S F E AT U R E SO N G S , S A N TA , S H OW S A N D M O R E Writer / Angela Cornell Photography Provided
We know the Whos in Whoville liked Christmas a lot And the Grinch tried to stop it, though his plans came to naught. The tale is fantastic, full of holiday zeal, But this year, I think, it is a little too real. Not that we’re worried the Grinch will come Christmas Eve, But that COVID will steal Christmas - “BOO-HOO!” we would grieve. ’Round here, in this Region, there are a few brave souls Planning fun things, though mindful of wellness controls. There’s no way to know which or how many may cancel;
But never mind that, here are some on the schedule. Some local businesses will host their open house With social distancing - no fears need to arouse. Your Chamber of Commerce would know who, when and where, A report they would be more than happy to share. To learn all you could want and more, give them a call Or check out ole Facebook to discover it all. Capture the Christmas spirit with family photos In Plymouth with Santa, then have popcorn and hot cocoas. It’s on the 9th from noon ’til 3 at River Park Square. Come with your kids to enjoy some holiday flair. For more information about Marshall County Tourism’s