SPECIAL ISSUE: Salute to Women-Owned Businesses
WOW FACTOR Women of Westfield Seeks to Connect and Inspire Locally TRUE SPORT Sheridan Athletic Director Beth Devinney Earns National Recognition
POTENTIAL Performance Studio
Mind/Body & Group Exercise Studio • • • • •
Cycle Studio
100+ Classes a Week Specialized Instructors Childcare Included Onsite Unlimited Access Only $59/mo. No Contracts
YMCA STUDIO AT WESTFIELD 144 S. Union Street INDYMCA.org/Y-Studio-Westfield
2 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
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H ot S p ot: Joe lla’s H ot Ch icke n O p e n s o n the Car me l-We stfie ld B ord e r Ke e p in g Love d O n e s S afe : We llb rooke of We stfie ld Is Wor kin g to Prote ct Re sid e nts With S H IE LD Prog ram B u sin e ss S p otlig h t: Re g g ie ’s Motor wor ks Prevail, In c. E n cou rag e s th e Commu n ity to “G o P u r p le ” Du r in g O ctob e r for Dome sti c Viole n ce Preve n tion Mon th Wow Factor : Wome n of We stfie ld S e e ks to Con n e ct an d In sp ire Locally E mp owe re d Wome n : Local Wome n -O wned B u sin e sse s B u sin e ss S p otlig h t: Ch e r y l Wad e In su rance Pe r fe ct Pace : H amilton Cou n ty Ru n n in g Cl ub Win s Nationwid e Vir tu al Race Tr u e S p or t: S h e r id an Ath le tic Dire ctor Beth Devin n ey E ar n s Nation al Re cog n ition B u sin e ss S p otlig h t: Nor th e r n H amilton County Ch amb e r of Comme rce Th at ’s Th e S p ir it: We st For k Wh iskey Co. to Lau n ch We stfie ld Facility in 2021 H ab itat for H u man ity Re Store Is Le avin g a Lastin g Imp act In H amilton Cou n ty Fe ar fu l Fe st: Th e H e ad le ss H or se man Rides Ag ain At Con n e r Prair ie Fall Fe stival Stu d e n t S p otlig h t: Ju d y S ale h Le ad in g Locally : Steve Latou r Assu me s E xe cu tive Dire ctor with We stfie ld Ch amber K E Y CO N TRI BU TO RS
8800 North Street, Suite 117 | Fishers, IN 46038 Phone/Text: 317-810-0011
JOELLA’S HOT CHICKEN OPENS ON THE CARMELWESTFIELD BORDER Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing Photography Provided by Amy Payne and Joella’s Hot Chicken
Joella’s Hot Chicken, founded in 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky, just celebrated its fifth anniversary. Through the years, the company’s leaders have stayed true to the roots of the menu and have not made changes to their delicious chicken meals, sandwiches, dipping sauces, southern sides and drinks. “We believe in good, quality home-style cooking, and everyone has responded to that,” says Katie Wollrich, chief marketing officer for Joella’s Hot Chicken. The response has been so good, in fact, that Joella’s Hot Chicken has expanded to new cities each year with stores in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Florida and Georgia. This is their fourth consecutive year opening a store in the Hoosier state, and the company’s seventeenth location just opened on the Carmel-Westfield border. The 4,116-square-foot restaurant features both indoor and outdoor dining, with seating for up to 130 guests. “That market is so excited about us coming here,” Wollrich says. “Every day on social media, people have been asking when Westfield was going to open.”
Other sides include Sweet Vinegar Slaw, Green Beans and Bacon, Red Skinned Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Collard Greens with Bacon, and a popular Kale Crunch Salad that comes with currants, toasted almonds, parmesan cheese and lemon zest vinaigrette dressing. According to Wollrich, the name Joella represents the comfortable feeling that comes when sitting down to a family dinner at home and eating made-from-scratch, home-cooked meals filled with love.
Popular menu items include all-natural jumbo tenders flavored with six unique heat levels - Traditional Southern, Spiked Honey, Ella’s Fav, Tweener, Hot, and Firein Da-Hole (so hot you must sign a waiver - seriously).
The option to customize meals is what sets Joella’s Hot Chicken apart from many other restaurants. “It’s nice to be able to have your go-to meal, but customize it to make it a little bit different depending on the mood you’re in that day,” says Wollrich, who compares the customizable menu to a barbecue experience and the way the flavor changes depending on what type is selected. “People
“Hot chicken isn’t just about the heat, it’s about the flavor,” Wollrich says. “Our six unique heat levels match user preferences without sacrificing flavor.”
“Miss Joella is the embodiment of the typical Southern woman who grew up eating her momma’s fried chicken every Sunday, and she likes to add a little spice to everything she does,” says Wollrich, who calls Miss Joella the “poster child for southern hospitality and doing the right thing.” Part of that dedication to doing the right thing is giving back to community. Joella’s Hot Chicken participates in the Dine to Donate program and gives 10% of store proceeds to schools and other organizations on a designated day. “Joella’s Hot Chicken is a brand that is devoted to passion, integrity, accountability, hospitality and generosity,” Wollrich says. “We understand that in order to fulfill this mission, we must be good stewards of our communities. Partnering with schools is something that is very important to us, and we look forward to doing more of that with the community in the future.”
If a guest doesn’t care for heat, they can opt for the Southern style. Wollrich says some people get a little nervous about hot chicken, especially if they haven’t had it before. That’s precisely why the six heating options are helpful.
taste our chicken and crave it. It’s hard to go back to regular fried chicken once you’ve had all this flavor added to it.”
“If you don’t want heat, come in and get the best fried chicken you’ve ever had,” Wollrich says. “If you’re feeling a bit adventurous, I recommend Ella’s Fav. It’s the best place to start because you get sweet plus a little bit of that heat flavor that doesn’t linger too long. People say they feel the heat but that it’s gone by the next bite.”
The menu also includes made-from-scratch, daily sides like the award-winning Mac & Cheese that includes four kinds of cheese, and is topped with herb parmesan. “Whether you’re a kid or an adult, this side is a must-try,” says Wollrich, who also recommends the Parmesan Garlic Fries. “They are thin, crispy and flavorful - my personal favorite.”
6 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
The company also loves on children by letting kids eat free after 4 p.m. every Tuesday with the purchase of any adult meal. In addition, menu items can be customized to accommodate dietary restrictions and allergies, including nut-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free and vegan requests. Fortunately, Joella’s Hot Chicken had a delivery system in place prior to the coronavirus pandemic, so the company has been able to utilize that service to safely deliver food directly to guests’ houses. Joella’s offers online ordering and pickup, and during warmer months they have patio seating. All team members wear masks and gloves. In addition, Joella’s is keeping the restaurant’s capacity limited in accordance with the state’s current regulations, and has created proper signage and markings on the floor so guests can comply with social distancing. “We are keeping everything as safe as possible, not only for guests but also for our team members,” Wollrich says. “Sometimes comfort food is really what people need during these times. We’re happy we’ve been able to stay open and also open new stores.”
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Joella’s Hot Chicken is located at 2554 East 146th Street in Cool Creek Commons, on the Carmel-Westfield border. For more information, call 317-689-1118. Visit joellas.com for a menu, catering details, a shop, a page for online ordering and more. WestfieldMag.com / OCTOBER 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 7
KEEPING LOVED ONES SAFE WELLBROOKE OF WESTFIELD IS WORKING TO PROTECT RESIDENTS WITH SHIELD PROGRAM and outpatient,” says community services representative Alexandra Kacer. “We offer assisted living, memory care and long-term At Wellbrooke of Westfield, keeping residents care as well. We also offer adult day services safe has always been the number one priority. and respite stays.” Writer / Seth Johnson Photography Provided
Part of Trilogy Health Services, the senior living community is taking part in a stateof-the-art SHIELD program, designed to keep residents and their families safe amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. An acronym that consists of Sanitation, Health solutions, Illness-prevention, Evidence-based Lasting technologies and Disinfection tools, the SHIELD program has been carefully crafted to protect residents, while giving those who love them peace of mind. Having been in Westfield since 2013, Wellbrooke of Westfield provides several services to seniors. “We offer rehabilitation services, inpatient
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Wellbrooke of Westfield, along with all other Trilogy Health Services facilities, have done all they can to make sure residents are safe. “We really wanted to go above and beyond, and Trilogy is really great about having policies, procedures and programs in place to make sure that we’re consistent across all of our buildings,” Kacer says. Through their relationship with 3M Commercial Services Division, each Trilogy Health Services senior living community now has access to the highest-quality disinfection tools available to the industry, capable of identifying and eliminating
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pathogens in a matter of minutes. “We use 40A, which is a solution that’s been tested and recognized by the EDA to kill COVID-19,” Kacer says. With these high-quality disinfection tools, employees at Wellbrooke of Westfield are also making sure to clean surfaces more frequently.
“We provide each of our health care heroes with access to personal protective equipment (PPE) whenever it’s needed,” Kacer says. “We also have full PPE for any of our residents. We’re able to provide that for our family members as well. We’re just being extra thorough because it really is all about keeping our residents healthy.”
With this SHIELD program in place, Wellbrooke of Westfield is now scheduling visits for their current residents to see their “You’re going to see us being cleaner than ever before, whether it’s the doorknobs to our loved ones. residents’ suites or a light switch that rarely “Those are scheduled ahead of time so that gets used,” Kacer says. “You’ll see our team disinfecting each of these high-touch surfaces we can implement sanitation and social distancing,” says Kacer, adding that families a minimum of twice a day, which effectively can request a visitation space indoors or eliminates the highest potential sources for outdoors based on their preference. “We are infection in our residents’ homes.” able to accommodate that during the week and during weekends as well.” Like all Trilogy Health Services campuses, Wellbrooke of Westfield is also adhering to all recommendations set forth by the CDC, To ensure utmost safety, Trilogy Health Services regularly informs all of its the CMS and state and local guidelines, campuses on the most current public health including personal protection equipment information, so that any and all adaptations and social distancing guidelines.
can be made to ensure resident safety. “Everything is very up to date,” Kacer says. “Every single morning, our company releases information about what’s changed over night and how we need to adapt the next morning.” For more information on Wellbrooke of Westfield’s COVID-19 safety information, be sure to visit the Trilogy Health Services website at trilogyhs.com/covid-19 or simply call Wellbrooke of Westfield directly at (317) 804-1123.
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19373 Sumrall Place, Westfield, IN 46074 | Model Open Daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 317-659-3230 | osbornetrails.com Pursuant to the Fair Housing Act, this housing is intended for occupancy by at least one person 55 years of age or older per home, although the occupants of a limited number of the homes may be younger. Within this limited number, one member of the household must be 45 years or older with no one in permanent residence under 19 years of age. Existing and proposed amenities for the community are subject to changes, substitutions and/or deletions without notice. Lennar makes no representation or guarantee that the community or any amenities will be built out as currently planned. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your actual home purchase agreement for additional information, disclosures and disclaimers related to the home and its features. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Features, amenities, floor plans, elevations, square footage and designs vary per plan and community and are subject to changes or substitution without notice. Lennar makes no guarantee as to the availability of homes within the price ranges set forth above. Price subject to change without notice. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. This advertisement provided by Lennar Indianapolis located at 9025 River Road, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240. Copyright © 2020 Lennar Corporation Lennar, the Lennar logo and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. Date: 09/2020 LNIND822
WestfieldMag.com / OCTOBER 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 9
FA B R I C W I T H T H E P U RC H A S E OF CUSTOM-MADE DRAPERIES, T O P T R E AT M E N T S Mention this ad to receive the deal. Not valid with any other offers. Exp October 31, 2020
25-30% OFF Y O U R B L I N D S P U RC H A S E S O M E R E S T R I C T I O N S A P P LY Mention this ad to receive the deal. Not valid with any other offers. Exp October 31, 2020
10 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
REGGIE’S MOTORWORKS 1362 S 10th Street Noblesville, IN 317-773-0074 ReggiesMotorworks.com
Writer / Seth Johnson Photographer / Brian Brosmer
Upon walking into Reggie’s Motorworks, customers will notice one thing in particular. “The first comment out of new clients’ mouths is, ‘Wow, I can’t believe how clean this place is,’” says founder Reggie Stewart. “The actual workspace is all bright white with bright gray epoxy floors that are kept immaculately clean. I’ve had people tell me that we are the cleanest shop in town.” Located at 1362 S. 10th Street in Noblesville, Reggie’s Motorworks specializes in servicing European automobiles, including BMWs, MercedesBenz, Audi, Volkswagen, Porsche and more. In addition to upholding the highest standards in European auto repair and maintenance, Reggie’s Motorworks also prides itself in providing customers with a warm and welcoming environment, encouraging them to chat with the team like they would a friend. Founded in 2006, Reggie’s Motorworks has a very humble beginning, explains Stewart. “I started buying derelict BMWs and selling the parts on eBay,” he says. “I was in a frozen pole barn in Lawrence in February with no heating and no plumbing when I started.” After moving the business to Westfield for a few years, Stewart eventually landed on his current location in Noblesville, where he now employs an expanded team of automotive technicians. “It’s easy to find somebody who wants to work on cars — it’s hard to find somebody who has the experience and education to
work on cars,” Stewart says of his employee standards. “Right now, I hire people that have typically worked in a big dealership, and they’ve gotten really good training but the culture in which they have lived just maybe doesn’t fit their personality type. So I welcome them into a smaller, more familyoriented culture and pay them very well.” In addition to top-notch technicians and a clean, laid-back environment, Reggie’s Motorworks also ensures an innovative customer experience. “We were fairly early adopters in the concept of what’s termed as digital vehicle inspections,” Stewart says. “When you take your car anywhere and you get the little green/yellow/red piece of paper that tells you what’s good and what’s bad, we do that electronically and take pictures to educate you.”
This digital setup allows Reggie’s Motorworks to make completely contact-free repairs in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. “From drop-off to pick-up, we do a lot of things where we never see the client at this point,” Stewart says. “We still value the personal relationship, but we meet the client where they’re comfortable.” Reggie’s Motorworks is located at 1362 S 10th Street in Noblesville. To learn more about Reggie’s Motorworks and its services, be sure to visit ReggiesMotorworks.com or call them at 317-773-0074.
WestfieldMag.com / OCTOBER 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 11
PREVAIL, INC. ENCOURAGES THE COMMUNITY TO “GO PURPLE” DURING OCTOBER FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION MONTH Prevail, Inc., a Hamilton County-based non-profit organization advocating for victims of crime and abuse is asking for community partners to join them as they “Go Purple” during National Domestic Violence Prevention Month in October. During this 2020 “Go Purple” Campaign, Prevail is offering to local businesses and community members a simple way to stand with each other and work to end acts of violence together. “Domestic violence often happens behind closed doors and it is not seen as something that makes good conversation.” said Susan Ferguson. “From our perspective, the more we talk about
it, the safer it is for survivors to come forward and ask for help; while creating a community that makes perpetration unacceptable. If you talk about domestic violence openly with your friends and family, you will hear from the people in your circle who have experienced it and you will be in a position to refer them to the help they need. Going Purple is one way to start the conversation.” Prevail is asking the community to be creative, pick a day and wear purple. Share your group’s pictures with Prevail and use the hashtag #GoPurplePrevail. To sign up, simply visit Prevail’s website at www. prevailinc.org.
Over the past 34 years Prevail has served nearly 50,000 victims of crime and abuse in our community. Last year, out of the almost 4,000 clients served at Prevail, 52% of clients served were adults, teens, and children who were victims of family violence. Domestic violence is complex. While crisis intervention is an important immediate response to domestic violence, there is a great need to raise awareness and develop effective prevention strategies. For more information about Prevail’s “Go Purple” Campaign or to sign up, contact Natasha Robinson at 317-773-6942 or Natasha@prevailinc.org
VA L I D U N T I L 1 0/ 3 0/ 2 0 2 0
3217 Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46226 317-545-2174 DREXEL CARMEL
14570 River Rd. Carmel, IN 46033 317-405-9073
WOMEN OF WESTFIELD SEEKS TO CONNECT AND INSPIRE LOCALLY WOW council, which consists of Carey Tolan as the group’s president as well as Crum, Cayla Bittles, Janelle Campbell, Westfield women seem to have the WOW Karen Keinsley, Jill Doyle and Gina Terril. factor. WOW is the acronym for Women These ladies are responsible for organizing of Westfield, a group of women that meets and planning events, programming and monthly to connect, serve and give back locally. promoting the group. Writer / Lynda Hedberg Thies Photography Provided
The concept for the group started with Danielle Carey Tolan and a group of women from the Chamber of Commerce. Carey Tolan had been contemplating what to do with notebooks full of ideas about how to connect women in Westfield. “We need something for women to get together because we don’t come together enough, support each other and pick each other up,” she says. A simple decision to share her vision with friend and colleague Laura Crum became an important next step. Shortly after hearing about Carey Tolan’s ideas, Crum attended a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce with a group of women as they discussed creating a women’s group. Crum immediately contacted Carey Tolan and connected her with the women from the Chamber, which resulted in the formation of WOW, and the organization was launched in April of 2019. The founding members then formed the
Early on, Carey Tolan recognized the need to offer a variety of opportunities for local women. “Every woman needs something different whether it is socialization, whether it is wanting to give a little bit more, whether they want to positively impact the community, or whether they want to positively impact themselves,” she says. “The focus is to fill the needs of women in the community with fun, exciting and fulfilling activities. The group hosts opportunities for women to connect outside of their work and family life each month, whether it is a morning gathering at a coffee or doughnut shop, whether it is a happy hour, or members want to jump in and help support a nonprofit.” Michelle Merritt, a new resident of Westfield and WOW member, says she appreciates the group. “WOW emulates the best of Westfield,” she says. “When we moved to Westfield in 2019, I experienced the genuine ‘Westfield Welcome’ in the ladies of WOW. Everyone
has been so kind and there are so many opportunities to get involved. From the WOW Book Club to meet-ups and volunteer activities, WOW has helped me connect with my community and meet outstanding women.” WOW’s annual event will return on November 17 as a virtual event. The keynote speaker will be Kristen Boice, a therapist from Noblesville who will discuss finding peace in our everyday lives, complementing the “Be Zen” theme of the event. Information on ticket sales will be posted on the WOW Facebook page. An early-bird ticket price of $25 before November 1 is being offered, and after that date the price will be $35. During the group’s launch month it had 81 members, and in its second month that number grew to 342. The group held its first annual event in November of 2019 with 215 women in attendance, just seven months after its launch, and membership had grown to 950 members. Since that time, membership has grown to more than 1,500 and is still picking up momentum. WOW is impacting Westfield positively and there are only two membership rules - members must live or work in Westfield, and must be kind and respectful, and engage positively with the group. Visit Women of Westfield on Facebook for more information.
WestfieldMag.com / OCTOBER 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 13
Monika Dehnert
Do you have a smelly or dirty trash can? Not anymore! Introducing Hoosier Trash Can Cleaning- the easy and hasslefree way to sanitize and get your trash can in tip top shape. Featuring monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or one time cleanings, Hoosier has got you covered! What you get when you use Hoosier Trash Can Cleaning: • A sanitized and happy trash can that is cleaned with high pressure and high temperature spray • Saying a final goodbye to 99.9% of those nasty germs and bacteria that called your trash can home • A clean, right out of the shower smell as your can is pampered by our eco-friendly cleaning solution. Ready to show your trash can some love? Contact us today at 317.995.6764 or book online at hoosiertrashcancleaning.com
CALLIGRAPHY JEWELS Julie Weinkauf 317-354-5284
My business gives me the chance to create beautiful art to be treasured and hopefully uplift. Whether it’s envelopes for wedding guests, framed quotes, signs, or murals, I put a lot of love and attention into each piece, and I always look forward to seeing the recipient’s reaction. My work also allows me to contribute to our family income, while granting me much needed flexibility to care for our kiddos. The opportunity to try new projects and continue to learn is a challenge I’m happy to accept! @calligraphy_jewels!
October is National Women’s Small Business Month, and we are honoring local women-owned businesses. Female entrepreneurs have made incredible progress over the years as more and more women-owned businesses are started and successfully running. Take a look at these great women-owned businesses in the area and be sure to #SupportLocal this month!
JAN’S VILLAGE PIZZA 317-896-5050
Kim Kercheval
Creating a positive impact in the lives of the crew at Jan’s Village Pizza and making a difference in the community are #1 factors. In owning my own business I am able to create new ideas in a way that will benefit everyone from providing a work life balance, mentorship, life lessons(my high school crew will get this) community outreach and overall connections with people. As a business owner, I encourage helping other businesses not only in providing my services but also to promote them as well. It’s what what you do when no one is looking that makes you look great!
Nicole Pasquarelli 317-798-0553
RE317 is a newly launched urban composting service. Our mission is to inspire sustainable green living by offering convenient and practical solutions. Kids, with the whole world in front of them, drive us at RE317 to be obsessively passionate about having a gentler footprint on the environment and leaving this place better than we found it. By repurposing food waste, bucket by bucket, and intentionally making greener choices, we all have the potential to transform the world. Check out www.RE317. com to start making your impact today and to see how else we’re living our mission.
Crystalynn Godek
As a certified coach I help women put themselves on and at the top of their to-do list. My mission is to help women create and live the life they deserve by identifying their values, reclaiming their confidence and managing their energy so they can show up as the best version of themselves.
QUARTER ONE CLUB, LLC 317-659-5800
Heidi Jennings
At Quarter One Club, we believe that success begins with a good process. We are dedicated to optimizing accounting processes and have the expertise to assist with each aspect including accounting, software and general business processes. In addition to providing traditional accounting services including bookkeeping and controllership, we provide staff training, Quickbooks consulting, software implementation, application integration and process consulting. Whether your business is well-established or you are just beginning your journey, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary initial consultation.
14 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
FRANGIPANI BODY PRODUCTS Tracy Land 773-230-5009
I started making my own skin care products as a way to relieve the symptoms of frustrating Rosacea symptoms and adult acne problems. I needed something more effective and much gentler than the harsh chemicals and antibiotics my dermatologist was recommending.
In 2008, I started Frangipani as a way of offering safer skin care products to people who wanted a better product for their skin. All Frangipani products are plant-based and certified cruelty-free. Ingredients include steam distilled essential oils, cold pressed carrier oils, certified organic ingredients when available and economical, and are otherwise sourced from native regions.
ORGANIZING REMEDIES, LLC Cindy Garloch 317-442-2450
Do you need 25 hours in your day? What drives my business? Empowering women to have the freedom to live a life they love and deserve. By de-cluttering and getting organized, you will enjoy more time, money, energy, and peace of mind. A calm, inviting and functional home today and for years to come is only a phone call away. Complete confidentiality and non-judgmental help guaranteed! If you are tired of wasting time, $ and energy being disorganized, let’s chat. Phone consultations are free! We can do this together! “Helping You Live with Less and Organize the Rest”
Cheri Forslund
Since 1982, Accent Maid Service has provided exceptional cleaning services to home, apartment, rental, and small business clients throughout the Indianapolis area. We are committed to providing you with great, reliable service so you can enjoy free time without worry. You can trust our staff to clean and care for your house or property as if it were their own, all while using eco-friendly products. The employees of our corporation are fully bonded and insured. We offer flexibility to fit your individual needs, including regular, one-time, and move-in/move-out cleaning services. For a quick and free estimate, call 317.255.6001.
The Shelly Walters Realty Group is a family real estate team based in Carmel Indiana. Our focus is to take care of our clients as if they were a part of our family-how we would expect to be treated ourselves.
The Shelly Walters Realty Group is in the market daily keeping up with trends, technology, local markets and legal processes that will be very important for us to convey to our clients at all times. We are a full time Real Estate team that understands and implements what is happening in real-time in The Real Estate industry. Shelly Walters also is asked to teach at multiple events throughout the year to help train other agents in the business because of her extreme success in the industry. That knowledge and success are transferred to the buying or selling process for The Shelly Walters Realty Group clients. Our buyers and sellers are in the hands of award-winning agents who have proven themselves time and time again. The Shelly Walters Realty Group has an excellent reputation in the Indianapolis market with both buyers and sellers and their Real Estate peers.
Terri Wall 317-457-8715
I was ready to leave behind the corporate world and start doing what I do for myself. I wanted to be my own boss, make my own hours and choose who I support. Best decision I ever made was working for myself.
I am an RN and I want to educate and empower people to better their health with hemp derived cannabis. I opened a shop that is boutique style and not like a vape shop.
I want to help people discover their true self through the Enneagram Typology. Helping people see how they are wired and coaching them to be their best so that they can gift the world with their presence is my great pleasure.
uncertain times... we’re here for you!
Lois Fisher 317-805-1223
Y Award Winning, High Quality CBD
r Fo cto
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The mission of Hamilton County Pediatric Dentistry is to provide compassionate and comprehensive dental care to infants, children, adolescents, and special needs patients. In accordance with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, we strive to provide the highest quality of clinical care with an emphasis on prevention and early detection of disease. We work hard to establish the trust and confidence of your child in a safe and enthusiastic office environment, and it’s our goal to set the foundation for lifelong oral health through patient education and comfortable treatment. At Hamilton County Pediatric Dentistry, caring is our specialty.
Juntgen 317-846-5893
We feel it is very important to have constant communication through the process of either buying or selling a home. This is a major decision and we understand that. Our expertise and understandings of all things real estate set us apart from other realtors. We have won numerous awards-many based on customer service. We feel we have achieved this success due to our strong desire to help our clients and to provide them with the most professional and knowledgeable service possible. When it comes to buying or selling a home we understand this is a major decision and we are here to make sure that the entire process is handled with the utmost professionalism and integrity. When you work with The Shelly Walters Realty Group you can guarantee that they will listen to your needs and concerns the entire way and make sure that the process is handled with your best interest in mind!
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Tracy Huff 317-690-2379
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Thank you for supporting small business and your local economy!
I am inspired to bring the love of music to families in our community. From the littlest ones in our Kindermusik classes to the school age and adult students who want music to enhance their lives. During the pandemic, we have continued our music classes on-line and brought joy and hope to so many families. Music improves learning in all areas and is a skill that many in the medical profession have. It is our mission to bring the joy of music to our families that each may have it for a lifetime! Owned and Operated by a Medical Professional and Veteran 1112 Boll Weevil Circle, Suite A | Enterprise | 334.470.6327
THE STUDIO KATE 317-340-6247
Katie Plummer
Kate is passionate about empowering and inspiring other women. Whether it’s a Senior, Family or Head Shot session we want to create images that make girls and women see themselves for how incredibly beautiful they are, taking their own focus off their flaws. We believe in using our high fashion photo sessions to build a woman’s confidence in a way that stays with her throughout her life.
Erin Dean
As a retired female police K-9 handler, I understand how unique my position was among fellow K-9 handlers. I worked to prove that women can be assertive and effective as handlers, and I hope to pass that on to my clients in the civilian world.
COLLECTIVE ALTERNATIVE Amanda Parker 317-436-8499
Collective Alternative is a full-service marketing, advertising, and public relations firm that was founded on the mission of making business personal for small to medium-sized local businesses. Located in Fort Benjamin Harrison, the team delivers comprehensive marketing strategies and creative solutions that drive real results. Services include branding, graphic design, web development, social media, SEO and more. For additional information about Collective Alternative, please visit www. collectivealternative.com.
WestfieldMag.com / OCTOBER 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 15
CHERYL WADE INSURANCE cheryl.wade2@gmail.com 810-240-2332
meetings to talk to people about Medicare,” Wade says. “I can also talk to seniors over the phone about enrollments for Medicare, or I offer safe face-to-face meetings if they prefer that. I can also send out enrollment plan information by mail if they want. I offer a wide variety of options.”
Writer / Matt Keating Photography Provided
Cheryl Wade, an independent insurance agent and benefits consultant since 2008, believes everyone should be informed on Medicare options when planning for the future. “Medicare always has a huge annual enrollment period between October 15 and December 7,” Wade says. “It’s a good time to make changes to your Medicare plan, or learn more about what might work best for you.” Wade says individuals have enrollment options when it comes to making Medicare plans. “With COVID-19, seniors certainly have to be more careful, which is why I offer online
Wade has clients in Westfield, Kokomo, Greenfield and Indianapolis, as well as other areas of Indiana. “Seniors have told me they really like personal contact when I talk to them about their Medicare enrollment plans,” Wade says. “They need help, and that’s fine. I also teach classes about Medicare at the Westfield Parks and Recreation building. It’s a one-hour, educational, free class for people to learn which Medicare enrollment plan works best for them.”
Wade is an independent agent for UnitedHealthcare. She also represents other carriers for Medicare Supplements, Prescription Drug plans and Senior Dental. “I can help you find the best plan to fit your individual health care needs,” Wade says. “One size does not fit all when it comes to picking out a Medicare plan. It doesn’t cost any money to have an agent assist you.” Wade also meets with people when they are entering retirement years. “As a local agent, I bring value to my members. I help my members year after year to keep them informed of changes in their plans. Each year I ask my members, ‘Does your plan still meet your needs?’ If not, let’s talk.”
16 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
He calls running his necessity, and he’s not the only one who feels this way. Back in 2012, Dailey began meeting with a Anyone with a sibling knows the challenge handful of other men from Hamilton of trying to carve out your own niche in this County to train for local races, creating the world. TJ Dailey had brothers who excelled Meshingomesia Track Club. The club has in soccer, basketball and other sports. When since grown, and people have also moved, Dailey discovered running, his world was which means members are spread across forever changed. the country now. They remain connected through their love of running. “Once I got into it, I realized how much it balances me,” he says. “It helps me open my “We have almost 40 members nationwide, mind and process things for the day, releases but now instead of us all running together, stress, and I always feel so accomplished they have developed their own running after doing it.” pods,” says Dailey, the team’s captain. Writer / Christy Heitger-Ewing Photography Provided
To stay active and motivated, the group signs up for various races. To train for those races, the team uses a smartphone application called Strava, which is like a social media platform for endurance athletes. The mobile fitness tracking application, which has 60 million users globally, enables users to upload and analyze their workouts. “Think Facebook but with an endurance support focus,” says Dailey of the application, explaining that athletes can track runs on their watch or other device, and the information is imported into the
application. Team members can see each other’s accomplishments, and can like or comment on performances. Club members participate in races throughout the year including 5K runs and full marathons. Members mostly do road races and relays. In 2015 Dailey ran a sixday, 314-mile race, for which he ran across the state of Tennessee. According to Dailey, the team members mostly participate in middle and long distances. When Dailey turned 40 he pledged to run a coast-to-coast race, and this year the club decided to participate in the Great American 5000 race, an annual 3,107-mile run from San Francisco to New York. When Dailey learned that the race was going to be virtual this year due to the pandemic, he assembled a team of 24 members, most of whom are in their early to mid 40s and are spread across seven states. Every day each team member had to run one hour per day, and could run anywhere they wanted in that hour. Once they uploaded their mileage to the site, that progress was aggregated and the team’s pin moved across the country as miles were completed. Though each team member ran as fast and as far as they could during their 60 minutes each day, the number of miles logged usually varied. For instance, the team’s top runner
was logging between nine and 11 miles in an hour, and the team also had a relatively new runner whose mile times clocked between nine and 10 minutes. To help prevent injuries, Dailey and his local teammates went to the Recovery Room in Carmel when they were sore. They used NormaTec arm, leg and hip sleeves to push excess fluid out of tight muscles, and cryotherapy to reduce inflammation and increase circulation. The runners were diligent about stretching before and after workouts. “You’ve got to roll, ice and get your sleep,” Dailey says. All the hard work paid off, as Dailey’s team won the Great American 5000 by 550 miles. It was an impressive feat considering that more than 250 teams consisting of 4,500 runners from across the country participated. Though Dailey’s team didn’t consist of Olympic athletes, they ran against running legends like Ben True and Michael Wardian, who set a world record for fastest marathon while pushing a stroller. “Wardian is also the only person ever to run seven marathons on seven continents in seven days, and sub-three all seven of them,” Dailey says. “I think the professional aspect
of it validated it for us, and then performing way over and above our expectations made the win even sweeter.” Every day Dailey’s team was turning in running times that surprised even themselves. “It’s funny because you wake up in the morning and you run a race at a particular pace,” Dailey says. “The next week you’re out running 500 yards at that same pace and you’re thinking, ‘How did I run a sevenminute-pace marathon and now seven minutes feels like a five-minute mile?’” On day 11 of the Great American 5000, two team members named Phil and Will, who are in the personal aviation industry, were in Colorado. Phil posted a picture to the group’s online thread titled, “Will & Phil & Lance the Champ.” As it turns out, they were in Aspen helping Lance Armstrong interview pilots for his personal plane, and they invited him to go running with them. “That was really cool,” Dailey says. “That’s like playing golf with Tiger Woods.” For more info on the Meshingomesia Track Club, visit facebook.com/meshtc.
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DeVinney has served as the athletic director at Sheridan High School since July of 2018, and was recognized as a Certified Master For Beth DeVinney, sports have always been Athletic Administrator by the National a part of life. Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) this summer. With “Every lesson I learned in sports translates years of experience in the world of high over into real life - the way you communicate, school athletics, DeVinney most recently the way you deal with people, your worked as an assistant athletic director, competitive nature,” she says. “All those things teacher and varsity coach at Lebanon High are part of our everyday lives if you really look School before making the move to Sheridan at it, so it molded me into who I am.” High School. Writer / Seth Johnson Photography Provided
Originally born in Pittsburgh, DeVinney and her family moved to small-town Indiana when she was in middle school, and she went on to become a three-sport athlete at Boone Grove High School. “I went to a small school, and it just gave me a lot of opportunities that I may or may not have had in other places,” says DeVinney of her time at Boone Grove. “I really just enjoyed my time at Boone Grove, and it obviously has a special place in my heart.”
DeVinney attended Purdue University to pursue a degree in education. While at Purdue she participated in intramural sports, but she needed something more to scratch her itch for competition, which led her to coaching. “I went to a small school, and we never advanced in the sectional,” DeVinney says. “We never got to cut a net down. That just stuck with me.” DeVinney got her coaching start under Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame inductee Jan Conner at Benton Central High School, before landing her first head coaching role at Pike High School in 1997 where she was also a teacher. Following her time at Pike, DeVinney worked as a teacher and girls basketball coach at Seymour High School (2001-2012) and Lebanon High School (2012-2018). After devoting her life to coaching for more than two decades, DeVinney decided it was time for something new, and accepted the
athletic director role with Sheridan High School in 2018. “When you’re a coach I don’t think people realize the hours, time, and the fact that your whole life is coaching,” DeVinney says. “I decided it was just time to try something different. That’s not to say I can never go back to coaching.” With roots in small-town Indiana, DeVinney says the tight-knit community surrounding Sheridan High School has been the perfect fit for her. “Everybody here is just really great,” DeVinney says. “Our principal is amazing. He’s such a great leader. He’s kind and thoughtful. It’s just really nice to work in that atmosphere, where people have our back and are just kind. I really feel like our whole entire building is the same way.” You can keep up with Sheridan High School athletics at SheridanAthletics.net.
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Call 317-253-1990 or 866-236-4181 insurance@indianahp.com Angie Mercer OCTOBER 2020
Matthew Kubal
Matthew Mundy
NORTHERN HAMILTON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 70 North Byron St. Cicero, IN 46034 (317) 984-4079
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS The Northern Hamilton County Chamber of Commerce is pleased to introduce our new Chamber members. Please welcome them by visiting their website, sending them an email, or stopping by to introduce yourself.
Automotive Service, Repair and Bait Shop 299 N. Peru Street Cicero, IN www.facebook.com/Cases-CarClinic-133202710064728
Labradoodle Breeder Sheridan, IN www.colonialvillagelabradoodles.com
Women’s Clothing/Boutique 99 Buckeye Street Cicero, IN www.NolanJames.net
Part of the Towne Post Network serving Arcadia, Atlanta, Cicero, Sheridan, and surrounding communities. Noblesville, IN www.TownePost.com
Supra, Moomba, Sylvan Boat Sales, Service, & Repair 9175 East 146th St. Noblesville, IN 46060 (317) 318-4663 www.prowakewatersports.com
Serving the communities of Arcadia, Aroma, Atlanta, Bakers Corner, Boxley, Cicero, Deming, Millersburg, Omega, Strawtown and Walnut Grove
SHOW SOME CLASS Please join us in supporting the Hamilton County Health Department and all the Hamilton County School Districts and lead by example as part of their and Show Some C.L.A.S.S effort. This education and awareness campaign is designed to help keep schools open and kids in class. We can all take part in reducing community and household spread by doing our part. #ShowSomeClassHamCo • Check your child’s temperature every day before they go to school. • Lead by example by letting your child see you wearing a mask and modeling good social distancing. • Avoid crowds; especially slumber parties, busy playgrounds, and family gatherings. • Schedule a test if anyone in your family is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. • Stay home until you receive your test results or if you’re just feeling crummy. CHAMBER GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY With the holiday season approaching we encourage you to support our local businesses through the purchase of gift cards. Gift cards are a convenient, versatile gift. Get a jump on the holiday rush and shop for gift cards at Northern Hamilton County restaurants and retailers first. Bonus! You can enter to win a $100 gift card from the Chamber. All you need to do is take a picture of the gift card purchased, tag the business, and post to the Northern Hamilton County Chamber of Commerce Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/ Northern-Hamilton-County-Chamberof-Commerce-324131790965398/ before December 31, 2020. You will be automatically be entered to win a $100 gift card to the local
merchant of your choice. While you are there be sure to “Like Us.” In this time of need for all, please consider purchasing a second card to donate to one of our local not-for-profits. COMING UP Thursday, October 22, 2020 NHCCC Luncheon State of the Schools Update Hamilton Heights School Corporation 11:15 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Thursday, November 12, 2020 NHCCC Luncheon Meeting Myers, Hamilton County Tourism Aboard the Nickel Plate Express 11:15 a.m.-1:00 p.m. CONGRATULATIONS! Hamilton Heights Assistant Principal, Whitney Gray, recently received the Ida Yaney Overholser Award for her contributions to the Teach One to Lead One® (T1L1) mentoring program at Hamilton Heights High School during the 2019-20 school year. The Ida Award is given to a person who has worked behind the scenes to help children overcome obstacles to become leaders. T1L1 is a unique mentoring program that partners caring people in the community with the school corporation to equip students to be leaders. It is centered around ten universal principles needed for success: respect, integrity, self-control, courage, humility, excellence, compassion, enthusiasm, teamwork and honor. Hamilton Heights was the first school in Indiana to offer the T1L1 program. Mrs. Gray was an early advocate for T1L1 to come to Hamilton Heights. Photo credit: Kevin Yaney
WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS Tom Koch, Ph.D. Breeding Manager for Beck’s Hybrids. Koch has been at Beck’s for 3 years, has 15 years in the corn seed industry, and lived in the community for a decade. OCTOBER 2020
Corey Beck Licensing Lead for Beck’s Hybrids. In his current position or nearly 3 years, Beck is a native of Hamilton County and grew up in the seed business.
rand Champion Janel Keesling knows what it’s like to walk into a car dealership as a woman and feel pressured and overwhelmed. “We’d like to think the world treats women equally, but there are presumed biases,” says Keesling, who, along with her husband Cole, owns CarSnoop, an innovative way to buy, lease or trade-in a vehicle from your phone, or computer. The beauty of CarSnoop is that dealerships don’t have any idea of the customer’s gender or race—only the city in which they reside. Hence, the buying experience is simplified. “In light of the pandemic, we’ve all changed the way we buy everything,” says Keesling, noting that consumers would rather browse for cars while relaxing on their back porch than wander countless dealerships. “We do all the legwork and even have a full concierge service to find the car you desire,” says Keesling. “Want a blue 2020 Honda Accord with XYZ features? We’ll find the best offers from dealerships.” CarSnoop enables the buyer to do all the paperwork from home and then they deliver the car directly to your home. “You literally don’t have to go anywhere,” says Keesling. “It’s a stress-free experience all the way around.”
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Call for a tour and pre-opening specials. Each Primrose School is a privately owned and operated franchise. Primrose Schools is a registered trademark of Primrose School Franchising Company. Š2020 Primrose School Franchising Company. All rights reserved.
26 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
Co-Owners David McIntyre & Blake Jones
whiskey made with ingredients grown right here in the Hoosier state.
A new facility planned for West Fork Whiskey Co. in Westfield represents the company’s ongoing mission to continue growing its brand across Central Indiana and beyond, according to co-owner Blake Jones.
“My childhood best friend and my brother set out to make great whiskey, and the reason is because we love the state of Indiana and we grow great corn here,” Jones says. “We thought it was a big shame, with the state’s agricultural background, that there wasn’t a well-known whiskey distillery here. We were getting frustrated with some of the whiskey available at the time that sold for $50 to $70 retail and was worth about $30.”
Back in 2014, Jones, along with his brother and head distiller Julian and childhood friend David McIntyre, founded West Fork to meet what they saw as a need for quality
The founders cashed out their 401(k) accounts, secured a loan, and by the end of 2015 they began producing what they call uniquely Indiana whiskey out of an Indianapolis facility. “Since then, we started raising a little money and have been able to scale the company up,” Jones says. “We opened our cocktail bar and have been able to enter new states and launch new products. We’ve been producing whiskey for about four years now.”
WestfieldMag.com / OCTOBER 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 27
The company’s products include Old Hamer straight bourbon and rye whiskeys, as well as Mint Condition, a light whiskey cocktail with natural mint and lemon that comes canned.
The trio then began searching in the donut counties surrounding Indy, specifically seeking out a spot close to a highway that would be big enough to house not only a production facility, but also a restaurant and and Horton Road, is slated for opening Jones says the decision to expand into even a space for tastings and educational some time in 2021, and at approximately Westfield was based on multiple factors, not events for the public. 35,000 total square feet, Jones says it will be least of which is the simple need for more one of the biggest craft whiskey production production space as the company continues “When we got to know about Grand Park facilities in the United States. to grow and offer more products. and everything that was going on on the northside and Westfield, we realized it had a “We’re not sure on an opening date yet, “It was a little bit of everything,” he says. combination of a lot of great things for us,” but if things work well from a zoning “We knew we needed to make a lot more Jones says. “It’s a growing area close to the perspective, we might be able to break whiskey than we’re making and age it in the highway, and we knew we could get some ground in November,” Jones says. “If that appropriate amount of time, and when we good land needed for what we want to do.” happens we’d like to open by late spring looked around Indianapolis we couldn’t or early summer next year. If that doesn’t find the amount of space we wanted to The new facility, located across from Grand happen we’ll have to break ground around create an agricultural experience.” Park at the northeast corner of 191st Street March, and open in late summer or fall.” 28 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
The owners are planning for a 4,000-square-foot restaurant at the new location that will feature menu items well known in the state of Indiana such as tenderloins and corn. A 5,000-square-foot event space will feature a glass wall allowing visitors to view the production facility and learn from the staff members about how whiskey is made. “Most of the building will be whiskey production space - aging, processing and distilling,” Jones says. “We’ll give really good hands-on tours in that space. Also, using all Indiana ingredients as a whiskey company, we thought it would be great to have a restaurant that also highlights Indiana agriculture, whether it’s great pork products, awesome steaks from local farmers or corn when it’s in season.”
The West Fork owners are also planning a cocktail bar, as well as outdoor amenities at the Westfield location. “It’s going to be a very cool, unique environment,” Jone says. “There’s nothing like it in Central Indiana. We love the state and the agricultural background here, and we’re passionate about whiskey. We’re very excited about expanding and being able to grow, and offer more products and a unique place for people to come and learn about us and about Indiana agriculture.” To learn more about West Fork Whiskey Co., call 317-672-7468 and visit westforkwhiskey.com.
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WestfieldMag.com / OCTOBER 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 29
The Habitat for Humanity Restore, located at 7998 Centerpoint Drive, is a win-win situation for Hamilton County residents. Not only does the home improvement thrift store sell donated and gently used merchandise at a significant discount to the general public, it benefits Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity. Funds raised make it possible for families in need to own an affordable home. “The benefits of this model abound: through donated product, the ReStore reduces waste and helps tons of material avoid the landfill each year. The quality home goods are typically 50-75% below retail, making home improvement possible for many who could not otherwise afford it,”
says Abri Hochstetler, Associate Director of Communications and Annual Giving. “The stores provide local jobs, and the ReStore can pick up your large or bulk donations from your home or business, making donating a breeze.”
to their home. This could be as big as a set of cabinets or as small as a set of screws. Contractors and landlords visit looking for tools and building materials. Because the ReStore is filled with new and used donated products, every visit is a new adventure.
Donations to the store are tax-deductible and make up the store’s inventory. Items for sale range in variety from outdoor garden tools to chandeliers. It’s a place where both practical and off-beat objects become gems for people who enjoy repurposing materials or do it yourself projects. There is no doubt that customers can find some unusual items.
“Donated product comes from all types of places. If you’re completing a kitchen remodel or replacing your washer and dryer, the ReStore can come to your home to pick up the usable items: cabinets, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, etc. Or, if you’re cleaning out your garage or home and discover items that have more life, you can donate those home goods as well.”
“We often get unique art such as paintings or posters,” Hochstetler says. “The most interesting thing I’ve seen was a red, heartshaped hot tub. Many times, customers are looking for an affordable fix or improvement
Both full and part-time employees work at the store as drivers, cashiers and donation processors. Regular volunteers are gladly accepted. Additionally, commercial
30 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
partnerships are welcome and regular pickups can be set-up at businesses, churches, company warehouses or other places of work. The merchandise sold at the restore enables Habitat for Humanity to provide lowincome, first-time homebuyers with the lifechanging opportunity of homeownership. Neighborhoods and the communities benefit as well by providing places to live that are well built. “In a time when home has taken on even more meaning and importance, we are grateful that the ReStore provides a connection between usable home goods and those who need them, all while helping Habitat build safe, stable, and affordable homes for our neighbors who need them,” Hochstetler says. Habitat for Humanity Restore is located at 7998 Centerpoint Drive in Fishers. To donate, visit IndyRestore.com/Pick-up or call 317-896-9423.
Expires 10/31/20
Expires 10/31/20
WestfieldMag.com / OCTOBER 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 31
Writer / Matt Keating . Photography Provided by Conner Prairie
32 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN RIDES AGAIN AT CONNER PRAIRIE FALL FESTIVAL It takes a lot more than a pandemic to keep the Headless Horseman down. He rides again this year at Conner Prairie in Fishers, just in time to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the publication of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving. This Halloween season, however, the Headless Horseman will have to follow the social distancing guidelines in place at Conner Prairie’s annual fall festival. “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Conner Prairie has made several changes to Headless Horseman operations in order to ensure public safety while still delivering a fun family event,” says Christine DeJoy, director of public affairs at Conner Prairie. “These changes have been made in accordance with CDC guidelines, and have been approved by the Fishers Department of Health.” The Conner Prairie staff has multiple activities planned. “Guests will receive a complimentary bag of a ball and a ring necessary to play games,” DeJoy says. “Bounce houses, the corn sandbox, karaoke, and other games and activities not conducive to social distancing have been replaced with more suitable activities.” The Apple Store at Conner Prairie is currently closed, but apple cider slushies will be available in select food tents.
“Guests do not have to submit to a temperature check, but are asked to stay home if they are sick or part of a vulnerable population,” DeJoy says. “Staff, volunteers and vendors are required to pass a daily temperature check and health questionnaire.” Guests are required to purchase tickets for specific event dates. Tickets are only available online in advance of desired event dates. “There’s always a lot of excitement for our Headless Horseman festival,” DeJoy says. “This year we had to make revisions to festival staples, but we think the outcome will leave our guests happily satisfied with some of our changes.” DeJoy says this year marks the 37th Headless Horseman fall festival. Festival activities will run throughout the month of October. Many families enjoy the haunted hayride, during which they are chased down by the Headless Horseman. Attendees can also check out a Legend of Sleepy Hollow theatrical show, a monster museum and much more. The midway will feature games including Ghost Pitch, Cauldron Toss, Pirate Ring Toss, Plinko, Monster Long Jump and Soccer Putt-Putt. Conner Prairie is located at 13400 Allisonville Road in Fishers. Fore more info, call 317-776-6000. For festival event dates, ticket info, an activities list and more, visit connerprairie.org.
“Access to the corn maze and haunted corn maze will be limited to groups of 10 every three minutes, to ensure adequate spacing,” DeJoy says. “The crowds will only be a maximum of 2,000 people per night.” Guests, staff members, volunteers and vendors are required to wear masks except when consuming food or drinks. All shows at the festival will be performed on open-air stages or in open-sided pavilions. WestfieldMag.com / OCTOBER 2020 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / 33
Writer / Matt Keating Photographer / Amy Payne
Shea Eggleston, a senior at Westfield High School, is being recognized for her outstanding work at Student Impact of Westfield.
hang out and get mentorships and guidance. and extracurriculars, to be where I am today, but it has been more than worth it. With all Eggleston says she is excited to be the hard work, receiving this award is even recognized by Student Impact of Westfield. more special.”
favorite teacher, is Erin McKinney, a math teacher at Westfield High School. Not only was she an amazing teacher, and helped me find a new passion in math, but she also was, and still is, an amazing friend and mentor,” Eggleston says. “Mrs. McKinney has helped me through some of the hardest times in my life,” she adds. “To this day, I try and see her at least once a week just to say hello or have a conversation. It is not only Mrs. McKinney at Westfield, but there are so many teachers like her. I know so many students that have a relationship similar to mine with a teacher and those relationships will stick with the students for the rest of their lives.” Eggleston says Student Impact of Westfield has also helped her tremendously. “I attend Student Impact every Monday and Friday and volunteer as an intern/ student leader every Tuesday and Thursday,” Eggleston says. “I love everything about this organization. I love the people who run it and attend it, what they stand for, what they do for Westfield, and everything in between.
part of Student Impact since the fifth grade and will be a member until the moment she graduates high school. “I started volunteering at student impact my sophomore year, but it wasn’t until my junior year that I was volunteering on a constant basis. As of right now, I volunteer nine or more hours a week, and love every minute.”
an aggressive manner, but in the everyday ways of life.
For more information on Studen Westfield visit therockwestfield.o 317-414-6456.
Eggleston also says she loves living in Westfield. “I have always felt safe and secure while being in Westfield,” she says. “I love the amenities and opportunities available. I love that Westfield has fun things to do with friends, and also fun things to do with family.” She believes Student Impact is a big part of that. Danyele Easterhaus, executive director of Student Impact of Westfield, says says she is thrilled Eggleston has been recognized.
“I feel extremely humbled and honored to win,” Eggleston says. “My high school journey has been far from easy. During Student Impact, 536 North Union Street, my freshman year, I was diagnosed with Zionsville, is a safe place where students Crohn’s Disease, and missed a lot of school from grades 5-12 can build relationships because of it. I get sick easily and miss more that bring hope and healing. It was started in school than most people. It has taken a Writer / bePeyton Gigante 1999 to an environment where kids can lot of hard work and dedication to school
Photography Provided Writer / Julie Yates Photography provided
Eggleston is proud to say she have been a
“Shea is just an amazing young woman,” Easterhaus says. “She leads with a quiet, yet strong sense about her, despite all the issues she faces each and every day. She puts others first and displays leadership not in
“Once I started trying to narrow down my dream job, I knew I did not want to be a veterinarian, but that is about all I could figure out. I hope one day I can figure out what career I want, but for now, I know it must be working with animals.”
Third grader Judy Saleh has always been a bright and cheerful From helping When Westfi eld Highstudent. School senior Jacob others their bringing Robertswith joined thetasks Best to Buddies clubanin abundance of energy the personal classroom middle school, he had atovery and playing pranks around school, her no motive for doing so. At that time, he had popularity Washington idea that fivearound years later, he wouldWoods be the Elementary is no club’s president. Thsurprise. e self-proclaimed shy
Eggleston noted that Westfield has some of the best teachers. “Almost every single teacher I have had since first grade I have really liked. With Westfield teachers you can tell they want every single one of their students to succeed, and they try to make that happen. I have had so many teachers inspire me, and make me want to be a better person and student.”
and quiet student has become a champion
for promoting inclusion andconditions recently led Born with several medical aincluding convocation to encourage his peers to vision difficulties, developmental respect people of all diff erent ability delays, muscular hypertonicity andlevels. asthma, Saleh has flourished during her time at “I originally joined Best Buddies in eighth Washington Woods.
Eggleston plans to study zoology in college. “Ever since I can remember, my favorite thing has always been animals, particularly of the mammal species, but still animals in general,” Eggleston says. “My dream job has always been something to do with animals, whether that was a veterinarian or a zoo keeper, I did not really know, but I knew it had to be with animals.
Eggleston has a favorite teacher. “One teacher that will forever have a place in my heart and will forever be my absolute
grade at the middle school. I had just gottena news my school’s brother was going to She’s leaderthat in the Functional be born with Down Syndrome,” Roberts Academic Program, in which participants says. “So, I really joined just to figure learn at a pace that allows them to grow into out how to treat him since he would be accomplished students and people. different. Throughout that year and my freshman year, I learned so much more “Since last year when she first got here, she about Best Buddies.”
talks to everybody, and is a good leader in our school.”
but she always has a good attitude and makes it through,” Koroneos says.
has become so much more independent We include and accept people for who they intellectual and developmental disabilities with walking and navigating her way Roberts continues, “I learned that my around areAand middle child two brothers, Saleh has Salehwith has abonded all of her are paired regular with education peer.teachers simply just with be friends. ” the room,” says Anne Maslanka,wrong one ofand original thinking was completely had practice taking care of others. during her time at the school, and shares The club typically meets on Fridays during Saleh’s teachers. “Last year we to do a I believed the wrong mission. Thhad e mission a September 28 birthday with the CORE Advisory period. ActivitiesAssistant are Westfield High School is among lot more things,ishelping-wise, but physical, now she many of Best Buddies to end the social, “I love playing with my baby brother,” she Principal Kristin Parisi.friendships organized and foster growing schools both nationwide and and economic discrimination just walks around the room.”of those with internationally says. “We play a lot. ” Buddies between each buddy pair. On Oct. 29, thatoutside offer the Best intellectual and developmental disabilities. “Weorganized have a birthday and led achain,” specialSaleh says. “It’s program as a student activity. Students with Roberts Since her first year, Saleh’s teachers and In her class she sits with Eli, a kindergarten a countdown for every day.” MAGAZINE / DECEMBER 2019 / WestfieldMag.com peers have seen her grow physically and 20 / WESTFIELD student who she’s taken under her wing mentally, becoming stronger and more self- and helped immensely since his start at Saleh is known around the school for the assured each day. Washington Woods. Like her baby brother, funny pranks and tricks she plays on the Westfield_1219.indd 20 11/20/19 10:54 AM she takes good care of him and makes sure he staff and other students. She is a collector “Her confidence has grown, and she’s has the help he needs throughout the day. of stars, which are rewards students receive become so comfortable in the school and in upon finishing tasks. this setting,” says Marcella Koroneos, who “Judy pushes through a lot of things, serves as Saleh’s instructional assistant. “She because many times she doesn’t feel well, “She always says good job to the students 34 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
when we count their stars at the end of the day,” Maslanka says. Saleh’s caring nature and willingness to help other people shows in the way she talks fondly about her peers and her teachers, and also in how she talks about what she wants to be when she grows up. “I want to be a nurse and a teacher,” she says. Saleh sets a fantastic example for what a leader is, and her fun-loving nature and excitement for life is inspiring. “Judy is always positive,” Koroneos says. “She always includes other people in whatever she’s doing. There’s nothing Judy can’t do. She doesn’t see herself as different than anyone else. She can do anything.”
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Agent Jason Whiteley understands the importance of compassion and listening to what his clients need in order to provide exceptional customer service. He is a graduate of Purdue University where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in organizational leadership. Jason and his wife, Amy, reside in Carmel with their two children, Ethan and Andrew. The Whiteleys attend Northview Church. In his free time, Jason enjoys spending quality time with family and friends, traveling, golfing and cooking out on his back patio.
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WESTFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 116 E Main Street Westfield, IN 46074 (317) 804-3030 westfield-chamber.org
Writer / Matt Keating Photography Provided
Steve Latour, the new executive director of the Westfield Chamber of Commerce, feels the experience gained from his various professional positions has helped to prepare him for his new role. “I have my position as the chief housing officer of the CLVEN National House Corporation,” Latour says. “I was responsible for over 40 properties, over 800 residents, and more than $20 million in owned and managed assets. We provide student housing for members of Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity, a collegiate men’s membership organization that is the nation’s tenth oldest collegiate fraternity.” Some of Latour’s notable accomplishments at CLVEN include leading the property acquisition process, adding 24 owned, managed and affiliated properties, and increasing annual revenue from $2 million to more than $10 million. Latour also developed and implemented the first-ever, organization-wide strategic plan with the board of directors, professionalized all day-to-day operations, and implemented online leasing, rent collection, work orders and accounting. Latour also served as the CEO for the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and as the startup CEO of the WPN National Housing Company, which provides housing for Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity chapters across the country. Latour has big plans for the Westfield Chamber of Commerce. “At our core, I believe the Westfield Chamber of Commerce exists to promote all that is good about Westfield by fostering a prosperous business environment that drives commerce, promotes our community, and seeks to empower our members,” Latour says. “It is no secret that successful and thriving businesses rely on healthy neighborhoods, top-notch schools,
and residents who are so in love with the community and all that we have to offer - the kind of residents that cannot wait to bring others to town to share why Westfield is so special.” Latour believes the Chamber’s role as an ambassador for the City of Westfield is fundamental to the success of the area. “Perhaps our most important responsibility is to give our members every advantage to be successful in reaching and exceeding their goals,” he says. “We can accomplish our reason for being by serving, protecting and promoting our members through advocacy, education, information, marketing, networking programs and
activities. We have a responsibility to make sure our members find value in their membership that it is worthy of their investment of time, talent and treasure. Many of our members are now faced with great adversity and will have many more challenges to come.” Latour stresses the importance of supporting Chamber members during the challenges many businesses face due to the coronavirus pandemic. “How we support [members] through today’s unexpected and changing business environment will define our success as a Chamber of Commerce for the next decade,” Latour says.
38 / WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / OCTOBER 2020 / WestfieldMag.com
In college, Latour says he had the opportunity to see Maya Angelou speak on his campus. What she said has continued to inspire him.
about them, hear how we have helped, and understand where we can do better. In recognition of the Black Lives Matter movement, I also want to listen to ideas on how the Chamber can work with the “She said, ‘If you do not know where you have community to address and support social come from, you do not know where you are and racial injustice. I am a researcher at going,’” Latour says. “As executive director, I heart, so spending this time to meet with will have the enormous task of keeping the our members, volunteers and staff will help car driving down the road at 70 miles per educate me on our path forward.” hour while trying to change the tire.” Latour also wants to strengthen local relationships. Latour has already identified some key areas where he plans to focus his attention. “I want to work to ensure that our “I want to engage stakeholders,” he says. relationships with city, county and state “Within 90 days, I want to meet one-on-one officials, as well as key stakeholders with each board member, staff member and and donors, are on a solid foundation,” member of the Chamber. I want to learn Latour says. “I also want to review our 22592 EMBGMC_Zionsville.ai
10:32 AM
communications plan, engagement statistics, style guide and brand standards to ensure that we are reaching our members with the information they need and expect from the Chamber.” Latour is also focusing on what he calls a high-velocity culture change. “We find ourselves with the opportunity and moment to implement the kind of change that is going to give the Chamber a competitive edge in today’s rapidly changing marketplace,” he says. “Together we can ensure that the Chamber emerges in the next few years as one of the reasons our businesses, and their leaders and staffs, are so successful. If we can share in their success, then the opportunities ahead of us are limitless.”
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