Industrial Design Porfolio // Thomas Hobson

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Tom Hobson

Northumbria University Industrial Design Portfolio

Personal CV Me I’m an enthusiastic, 20 year old who is currently studying in my second year at Northumbria University. Originally from Sheffield, I’d like to say that I’m someone who is interested in all areas of design and I’d love to learn more valuable skills, which would allow me to become more professional.

Work Hassop Station Cafe Sept ‘13 - ‘14 Working for Hassop allowed me to develop interactive skills as I had to communicate with customers on a weekly basis. This helped my confidence in my first job role. As well I had to perform diverse roles in the jobs this meant I had to learn new skills which has helped me in my job roles after this employment.

DIY/ Building/ Gardening ‘10 - ‘15 I’ve done jobs such as painting fences, houses, as well as landscape gardening for friends and family. I’ve always been hands on trying to improve my skills, and I have always worked to my full capability.

The British Oak Pub May ‘15 - August ‘15 Becoming a bartender has taught me a new range skills over summer in professionalism, as making cocktails requires precision. This has made take more care in the accuracy of my design work as it can improve the quality of work massively. As well I’ve gained good interaction skills which has helped me talk to people from all backgrounds, which I’d say is one of my strongest

Experience Design Enterprise Sept ‘13 - ‘14 Being a-part of a team, as the head designer, interacting with a live company, we were in the process of designing a more environmentally friendly lamp-post which could be used in a new upcoming city such as Dubai.

Sheffield Hallam Work Experience To get a taster of the field I want to work in was offered an great opportunity to look and try out areas of the design department ranging from Product Design, Graphic, to Fashion Design.

Birkdale School 1999-2014 A*









Art Design Technology Sciences Maths English Language English Literature Geography Spanish Art Design Technology Business Studies Geography

Gym Meeting New People Trying Food

Email :

Phone : 07984006493 Home : 01142471835


Address : 3 Owlthorpe Grove, Mosborough, Sheffield, S20 5JX

Contents These are some of the projects throughout both years of University

Shadow Play Using Polypropylene, I was investigating what shapes and shadows I could make to develop a unique lampshade which emits light and creates interesting shadows

A simplistic lamp which casts a perfect amount of light whilst allowing moving shadows to spin in different directions.

From my initial ideas to the final product I was very hands on with testing different structures. Taking influences from wind chimes moving, I’ve designed this lampshade which has free moving forms which spin due to the heat of the lamp allowing unique shadows to be created which constantly change due to its spiral forms.

Recollection By defining anticipation, how can we look into anticipating what products or services we could create in the near future

My design helps families capture the great memories of life to let everyone reminisce and enjoy special events together rather than worrying about mental capabilities.

Alzhiemer’s is a devastating mental disease which can leave families emotionally drained because of the stress of worrying and caring for a loved one.

Pictures of family

Special Events


Rather than worrying, why can’t families enjoy special memories by reminiscing about events in the elders life, to laugh and smile with one another.

The boxes are a subtle piece of furniture which allows members of the family to pick up and reveal great memories with the family.

They act as a prompt for the sufferer which can help train their memory; as well as enjoying their time with family. This therefore transforms the negative situation into a more positive experience

Tactile Packaging The brief was to design an item of packaging which represented the product inside through hints of touch and different textures that could be associated with the product

I wanted to look into the packaging of vegetables, and looking into making it a more personal experience

‘‘ I always buy fresh veg because I want to encourage my children to be healthy and try to introduce them to new foods which they might enjoy.’’

‘‘ In my day we had to go to our plot and harvest our own vegetables which is now only taken as a hobby! I enjoyed preparing my own food as I know they are going to be fresh because I’ve grown them.”

From insights and observing packaging in the market, I wanted to make packaging which could bring the message of fresh vegetables across whilst having a subtle educational meaning.




Exploring different forms and colours to replicate the product inside and looking into how the packaging is opened and how the users could learn more about its contents.

The experience of harvesting fresh vegetables yourself from soil is a new personalised concept, which is fun and educational for children to learn where their veg has come from and how you can experiment with it.

Coffee Drinking coffee is an every day ritual which some people take time to do and they appreciate quality.

The grinder that I’ve designed takes inspiration from traditional methods to celebrate the aromas made by the bean itself.

How I thought Coffee was made at the start

The different processes which happen before the coffee beans arrive in your hands Smelling the Aromas

From researching different ways of coffee being made, I wanted to use traditional Ethiopian methods of making coffee and updating them to make a contemporary grinder to allow the users to appreciate the aromas of their coffee before actually drinking it.

Different surfaces to get the most effective bean grinding

Beans Goes in

Simplistically dispenses the beans

Grinds the Coffee


The main aspect of this was to allow the product to be personal and allow the user to feel like they were a-part of the production

By simply turning the stone grinder in the middle it allows the user to smell the unique aromas of their coffee that they are creating allowing them to enjoy the routine of it being made.

A Pine base to have an aesthetic appeal in an home environment

The Moving Lift The brief was to take a daily routine that people take part in and make it exciting and a change from the norm, bring a daily routine to life.

The moving lift is a one off experience which uses twister to get people moving round in a lift to change their daily routine.

From research and first hand observation, people in their journey to work can be unsociable and distance themselves in lifts to avoid an awkward situation

The game is fun and would incorporate people moving for a short amount of time

How could we change this awkward scenario

Movement is key!

People in lifts stand in a similar formation to a dice, to allow the to keep their personal space. So how can we change this behaviour and make this more fun

We put this theory to the test and filmed the responses of peoples reactions. This showed them actually enjoying their lift journey, changing this uninteresting part of your life into an exciting event. It prompted conversation and made the beginning of their day sociable.

Solid Works

Bic Pen

The brief was to design in Solidwork’s a Bic Pen to improve my skills within Part, Assembly and producing Working Drawings.

Callipers allowed me to get exact measurements for the different components, which I then methodically designed to allow an easy assembly

Using Vernier Callipers to 2d.p, I’ve measured each individual component, which make up the bic pen to gain the correct measurements to allow my CAD work to be realistic.

Sketching Radio Project

The brief was to improve my skills within sketching and to design a new robust radio which was intended for builders.

I was looking into the detail of radios and what makes them usable. Developing different features can improve the final outcome of a product so I took time looking into different forms.

Kettle Project Through initial designs and development, I designed this kettle which is simplistic and will stand out in an home environment. I focused on how people hold kettles and wanted to allow a comfortable grip to the handle whilst making it easier to use the kettle.

CAD Realism using Rhino

Moving the button to an easier position to allow it to be used whilst being held

Penguin Pump Designed and rendered in Rhino, Penguin Pump is designed to help promote kids washing hands from an early age. Washing your hands can be forgetful, so by getting kids to use this fun pump would help them get in a routine.

Tom Hobson

I’m currently looking for a 3 - 6 month placement where I’d learn valuable skills from your experience.

Thank you for your time

Email: Phone: +44 7984006493

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