Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo GSM

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Graphic Standard Manual International Version

Table of Contents



iii. Logo.

iv. Application.

xx xy

Preface Guide to Using The Book

09 RSCM Logo 11 Logo Construction, Safe Area, Minimum Size, Logo Variation & Distortion 21 Color Scheme 23 Typography 25 Subsidiary Brand

45 Types of Application

ii. Brand. 03 06

Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo Brand History and Philosophy


Introduction Understanding the main purpose and regulations that needs to be understood in a GSM

Preface This book is aimed towards the owners of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo on behalf of their request to redesign the visual identity of RSCM. This book is designed in such a way that readers and users of the brand of this hospital can adjust and make use of every visual form it presents and incorporate it into all forms of media. The main objective of this book is to uphold the updated the values of the hospitals brand identity. We understand that there exists a need for a manual to apply every visual entity that has been made anew for Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. It is of utmost importance to uphold extremely specific identities, in order to make the civilians perceive the consistency of this hospital. It is strongly recommended to read and comprehend all the guidance and procedure this book details before any action is taken to apply it in real life.



Guide to Using The Book One of the foremost aim of this brand is consistency in the work made. Users of this book is expected to be a person of utmost creativity and holds professional values when making use of the logo, business card, envelope et cetera.By reading the guide before you, users have agreed to make use of the brand and adhere to every guideline stated. The primary objective of this manual is to elaborate the components of the RSCM brand, to define the basic graphic design requirements and to show how it is when applied. To protect the usage of this brand, do apprehend some of its basic identity directions. Please, turn this page around to continue reading this guide book.




Brand To k n o w f u r t h e r t h e h i s t o r y a n d philosophy of Rumah Sakit Cipto M a n g u n k u s u m o b r i e f l y.

Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo is a government owned hospital located in Center Jakarta, Indonesia. Other than being a government hospital, RSCM also functions as a medic education center, one of them being The Doctorate of Universitas Indonesia. The name of this hospital is taken from Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo, an Indonesian revolutionist in the collonial era. In RSCM, thousands of doctors and medical specialists work hand in hand to serve thousands of patients hailing from all over Indonesia that visits the vicinity of the hospital every day. RSCM is the main referential national hospital and is the place of education for doctors, specialists and subspecialists, nurses and other medical officers.



Brand History and Philosophy Inseparable from University of Indonesia’s history, both of these instances intertwine each other. In 1896, Dr. H. Roll was appointed as the medical education head in Batavia, Jakarta, which at the time leads both the laboratorium and The Java Doctor School. Then in 1910, The Java Doctor School underwent a change into Stovia, the seed of The University of Indonesia’s Medical School. On the 19th of November, 1919, Stovia is merged with Centrale Burgelijke Ziekenhuis. In 1945, CBZ is changed into “Rumah Sakit Oemoem Negeri”, led by Prof. Dr. Asikin Widjaya-Koesoema and afterwards led by Prof. Tamija. In 1950, RSON then again changed into “Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat”. On the 17th August of 1964, Prof. Dr. Satrio, who was the Minister of Health at the time, christened RSUP into Rumah Sakit Tjipto Mangoenkusumo, and along with Indonesia’s grammar alterations became Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo.



iii. Logo Understanding the updated logo, the construction, usage guidelines and the essences contained in this new facade design.

RSCM Logo The updated logo puts more attention to the details that RSCM possesed in its entirety and poured unto a mark worthy of the many aspect the institute has. The cross or plus sign that is made use of symbolizes health internationally. Almost every person understands that, even if they had only caught a glimpse of it, it is a hospital sign. The second Important element in this mark is the symbol of the Maltese cross that contains the quintessence of the history and the strength of this hospitals philosophy. Although RSCM is a national hospital, the Maltese icon is a new visual mark for RSCM that continues to serve and dedicate their services for everyone, regardless of their place of origin. The green of this logo that is the primary color of the logo was inspired by Kesehatan Negeri Bakti Husada’s logo.



A few of the digital sketches that initiated the making of a new logo.


Logo Construction The past RSCM logo looks like it has abandoned the most important aspects that this hospital owns. When analyzed on a philosophical level, the service and and facility, Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo is one of the best state hospital in Jakarta. The construction of the logo is the second most important aspect after settling on the elements of the mark. We paid attention to each detail that is invisible to the naked eye to produce a consistent, bold and contains high aesthetics value in a logo. The outline is a more present style that we presented to RSCM, that depicts the figure of the late Cipto Mangunkusumo that is disciplined, neat yet bold. The symmetrical form of this logo portrays this solid, firm hospital that has stood to serve the people for decades.




Outdated Logo


The updated logo’s element that is inspired by the visualization of health (the cross) and Maltese’ symbol of health and good will.

Final Logo

The Grid System



x 4.5x


Clear Space 15

2.27 cm

65 px

6.5 cm

Minimum Size

185 px


Logo Variation


Color Composition in the image is too bright, too raw and unprocessed. Image Adjustments

The lighting condition in the image has been processed and the combination and contrast blends very well

The Lighting is the same with the picture on the side. Monochrome.

Color Scheme The color for Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo was inspired by the logo of Kesehatan Nasional Bakti Husada, and so is the color scheme that we have used here. The green that is applied is the primary color for every and all of the applications of RSCM. However, we have also curated 2 other primary colors that can be used for different applications. For all visual forms, the green can be directly made use for many things, such as : Blankets, Wall color, Poster color et cetera. Black and white are to be used for additional coloring and filling.





0 118 115

10 0 32 56 13

Primary Color



0 118 115

10 0 32 56 13

Color Scheme

Primary Color RGB




0 118 115

10 0 32 56 13

0 118 115

10 0 32 56 13



0 118 115

10 0 32 56 13



0 118 115

10 0 32 56 13

Typography The typography we have chosen can depict Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo on point. DIN is a major portion of the visual aspect that we have created. The thin to thick weight of the font can be used to create a sort of dynamic hierarchy. The typeface also has angular curves that closely resembles the updated logo we created. DIN is also very readable, which contributes to its ease of reading for patients and visitors that can mistake words from afar. However, only the Regular and Medium versions of Din are used in almost every visual aspect of the brand. Din Bold is only used in some very different condition.



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 012 3 4 56789 DIN Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123 4 56789 DIN Medium


Subsidiary Brands 15 new subsidiary brands that we carefully designed are meant to show directly the specialists and polyclinics in the hospital without sparking misunderstanding amidst the visitors nor the staffs of the hospital. The 15 sub-brands are inspired from the primary mark of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo.




Internis Polyclinic The internis polyclinic depicts the stomach, liver and intestines in the body of a human. Pulling the attention directly to the visitors of the hospital that wants to go to the internis polyclinic.



ENT Polyclinic The ENT Polyclinic logo shows the structure of the respiration, that is connected to the ear and mouth. Pulling the attention directly to the visitors of the hospital that wants to go to the specific ENT polyclinic. Sub-brands

Psychiatry Polyclinic The psychiatry polyclinic logo is inspired from the symbolization of psychiatry on the disfunction of the brain and spinal chord of man.



Geriartric Polyclinic The geriartric polyclinic logo is inspired from the figure of an old, weathered man.


Obstentrics and Gynecology Polyclinic The obstentrics and gynecology logo visualizes a pregnant woman.



Surgery Polyclinic The surgery logo is inspired from the tools that are used in the process of a surgery. The scalpel, scissor and tongs are the most iconic of the tools used.


Dentistry Polyclinic The dentistry logo visualizes an open mouth, viewed from the front. Pulling the attention directly to the visitors of the hospital that wants to go to the specific dentirstry polyclinic.



Nerve Polyclinic The nerve polyclinic logo visualizes the human brain viewed from above. Pulling the attention directly to the visitors of the hospital that wants to go to the nerve and system polyclinic. Sub-brands

Urology Polyclinic The urology polyclinic logo visualizes the two kidneys present in a human being. Pulling the attention directly to the visitors of the hospital that wants to go to the Urology polyclinic.



Dermatology polyclinic The dermatology polyclinic logo is inspired from a biological illustration of the skin. A very iconic image even today.


Nutrition Polyclinic The nutrition polyclinic logo is inspired from a glucose molecule composition. Glucose is the most important nutrient that is essential for everyone.



Accupuncture Polyclinic The accupuncture logo is inspired from the Yin & Yang symbol from China.


Child Polyclinic The child polyclinic logo is inspired from the main food that is common for children to consume: milk inside the bottle for infants.



Laboratorium The laboratorium logo visualizes a microscope. The microscope is a very important apparatus for scientists to analyze the smallest cell of an object.


Intensive Care Unit The ICU logo is inspired from the visuals that appear in an electrocardiogram machine apparent in every ICU room. The color red is only visible in this mark to symbolize warning and action that has to be taken immediately.

A large scale hospital serves over hundreds of patients every single day. It has to maintain their medical service quality with speed and accuracy. The objective of creating these sub-brands is to ease the visitors and staff of the hospital to find their intended clinic and specialist. We understand that every doctor, staff and nurse of the hospital needs to move quickly to provide the best service they can to all of their patients. The visual items we provide are solutions to a complicated and massive hospital system.



iv. Application Some examples of items that can be applied to RSCM

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