Tomorrow Algarve December 2018 Edition

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Interior • Design • Exterior • Accessories

Rua Professor Dr. Luís de Albuquerque, lt.44 - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal (+351) 282 762 070 - -

Editor's note  TomorrowAlgarve EDITOR Amber Henshaw

SALES Tom Henshaw +351 919 918 733

DESIGN Creation Media


Congratulations to the 'Nordbor Lagos' (Scandinavians in Lagos) Facebook community who recently raised €340 for the Mustard Seed, the Lagos soup kitchen at an event at Linda's Beach Bar. Photo credit: Tommy Landin Overall this has been a very busy year for the magazine with three golf days raising in the region of €16,000 and the final event of the year, namely the Tomorrow Winter Ball held on November 24th. We will tell you how much we raised at the ball in the January edition. All these fundraising activities have been great fun but more importantly have meant we can support some of our local good causes through the magazine charity, TACT (Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust). As we approach Christmas it is worth remembering that that this is the most difficult time of year for some people who may have lost loved ones. You can read about coping with grief over the festive period later in the magazine. If any of our readers would like to offer some suggestions that may help alleviate lonely times for those in our community we would really appreciate it and hopefully we can put some plans together for 2019. We could even get a group together to help find ways to bring people together. Email Tom if you have any ideas:

about some more of our charity achievements on our 'TACT' page. You will see that we are making great progress regarding the purchase of a seven seater vehicle for the children’s home in Lagos. So far we have €9,000 and there will, no doubt, be more going straight into the charity account. Please help if you can. Details are on the charity page. While we are on the subject of CASLAS we have great pleasure in letting you know that monies raised this year will also provide a Christmas party for all the children at Os Lambertos Restaurant in town and the owners, once again, are paying half of the food and drink whilst Tomorrow pay the rest. Many thanks to Os Lambertos. We are also very pleased that Hillary, Lynne Susan, Jeanette and Ginette have provided a €25 voucher for each of the children and also a gift for each of them to suit their age and gender! Absolutely marvellous well done everyone! We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy new year. Best wishes,

Christmas can also be a great time of year to look back and to look forwards. You can read


Christmas cheer. Photo by Nico Arnoldi 


Tom, Amber and the whole Tomorrow crew


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From top to bottom: Exhibition of coaches and carriages; Exhibition at Lagos Cultral Centre; José with his carriages


“I used aluminium cans, wood and wire to make toys, miniature trains and carriages for my friends.”

José Cortes is a man of many talents. For the last few years he has delighted the public in Lagos with his spectacular Christmas crib – an enormous panorama featuring minute details of past village life. This year he has gone one step further and created a collection of miniature antique coaches and carriages exhibited at Lagos Cultural Centre. Each December I have paid a visit to his Christmas crib laid out in his garage in the old town of Lagos and marvelled at the scenarios he has created.

There is everything you can imagine in a traditional village bustling with activities. Amongst the whitewashed houses, the village church and windmills on higher ground, there is land being tilled, animals being herded, bread being baked, wood being hewn, clothes being washed, along with a myriad of other activities – much of it laced with a good dose of humour. When you look closely you notice that many figures are actually making movements. How has he been able to create something as complex as this, I wondered? During the recent Lagos Day on November 27th an exhibition of José’s latest creations his antique coaches and carriages - was duly opened in the presence of the Joaquina Matos, the President of Lagos Câmara and a large delegation of Moroccan visitors who seemed to be impressed by his work. Having been witness to the creativity of José Cortes for so long there is only one course of action – to find out more. Fortunately, José is more than happy to oblige. I am invited to his house and spend a pleasant morning talking to him and his wife, Arminda. José’s friendly demeanour, smiling eyes and eagerness to share his experiences, make an immediate impression on me. He tells me that much of the inspiration for his work is based on his childhood. He was born in 1936 in Parchal in the district of Lagoa, about one kilometre from Portimão. It was a small settlement surrounded by farmland but also by a number of fish canning factories, which abounded at this time. His father was working as a guard for a factory manufacturing sardine tins. “Even as a young child I was always making things by hand,” he explains, “I used aluminium cans, wood and wire




to make toys, miniature trains and carriages for my friends.” No doubt ensuring a certain amount of popularity amongst his peers!

week in mid December is designated for school parties and then it is opened to the general public.

As times were economically difficult, he left school at 14 and moved to Portimão to work in the clothes retail business; an area of work he was to be involved in for the rest of his professional life. In 1966 he moved to Lagos with his wife, feeling very much at home, the city being “a welcoming place with an intimate feel.” He has now spent 52 years in Lagos and has made his mark.

“The scenes are an approximation of how things were in the past and follows the tradition of Christmas cribs,” José explains. “It captures much of what I experienced in my childhood, seeing people work in the fields near where I lived.”

Although busy managing his own clothes shop in the centre of town, he still had plenty of outlet for his creative energy. Later he shows me his workshop and I note several plaques on the wall, which are municipal prizes for the best shop window displays in town. In his spare time he continued to make figures and a variety of toys for his children. “The first Christmas crib he made for us was when we got married and the second one when our first child was born,” Arminda says. I spot a large railway set in his workshop that he’d also made for his children. I wonder if this creative energy is a family trait? José confirms that his mother was an expert at making traditional decorative cakes and it also turns out that Arminda is a dab hand at embroidery, having been a teacher of needlework. The beautiful carpet underneath the coffee table where we sit has been meticulously stitched by her and there are cushions and wall hangings adorning the living room. I am obviously in a creative environment. After his retirement in 2011 José began work on the large-scale crib in his garage. “It was initially for my children. I was hoping that when I opened the garage door they would be utterly charmed by it, and so they were,” he grins. As it turned out to be so large he contacted the Câmara and the President at the time thought it was valuable enough to be shared with a wider public. One

Surely it must have demanded a lot of hard work and effort? José nods emphatically: “The first two years were really hard. As I’m entirely selftaught, I have to learn by trial and error. I had to do all the basics such as construct the base for the crib and work out how to do the mechanical movements of the figures.” He sources material from Lisbon and the north of the country and has a network of artisans who make the figurines he uses.

From top to bottom: Ladies of ‘Words in Creative Hands’ Club; Scenes from the Christmas crib; José and Arminda

For the last seven years he has been augmenting the panorama with further activities and this year there is the addition of a vineyard. However, he feels he may have exhausted the possibilities, as he does not want to include modern day implements as it then ceases to be a crib. True enough, there is no tractor or combine harvester in sight! Although the crib may well be complete there is still no stopping José. Just over two years ago on his way to Lisbon he had an inspiration. At a motorway petrol station he spotted a replica of a traditional horse-drawn carriage used as a ‘taxi’ in his childhood. “I took some photos and decided I just had to make my own!” he says. After doing his drawings to approximate scale and building the basic structure of balsa wood, he was able to complete his very first carriage. 




From top to bottom: At work in his atelier; Coach for Maria Francisca Benedita on her marriage in 1777, (sister of Queen D. Maria 1);

Arminda remembers well these vehicles from her youth: “As there was hardly any other transport available at this time, we often used to catch this horse-drawn ‘taxi’ from Portimão to the beach at Praia da Rocha. I recall that some even had curtains in the windows.”

Other vehicles soon followed such as carts for transporting goods and water, along with 18th and 19th century carriages for the nobility and royalty. Twentythree of these are currently on display at Lagos Cultural Centre. He shows me his workshop or atelier, as he prefers to call it, in the basement of his house. It is a large space, immaculately organised. Along the walls are workbenches, cupboards and chests of drawers that he has made himself; a desk where he does his drawings; bookcases full of material for research; an array of tools hanging in their appropriate spaces and innumerable plastic boxes full of nails, screws and ball bearings. “I wouldn’t be able to do my work unless I’m well organised,” he says. Sometimes he may have difficulties with a particular carriage and feels it just doesn’t work as some details are missing. It may take two or three months to get it right. “At times I wake up in the middle of the night and realise, aha, this is how I should do it!” he laughs. “I get up to make a note and my wife often complains!”

(A local association working with people with physical and learning disabilities). For him this time of year is particularly significant when families and friends come together to enjoy each other’s company. “If there is a message behind my Christmas crib, it’s that of tolerance, understanding and friendship with others,” he adds.

At this point I turn to Arminda and ask if she minds all the time that her husband spends on his work? “No, not at all. I fully support what he is doing,” she says. “In fact, we spend more time together as he is always in the house working on something. He was never one for idling away his time in cafés.”

And what of the future? At a sprightly 82 he still has his health but he concedes that “age is unforgiving.” He will continue making carriages as long as he can and will make his Christmas crib available for others to enjoy. Thank you, José for the generosity of your spirit and for the wonderful insight into times past.

Why is he prepared to invest so much time and energy on his projects? “I do it out of sheer pleasure,” he explains. “To be able to transform something from nothing into something meaningful is just marvellous.”

The Christmas Crib is open to the public from December 15th to January 5th from 3pm to 7pm at at Rua 5 de Outubro no. 18, Lagos

Entrance to the Christmas crib is free, as he doesn’t want any monetary gain from what he does although he encourages donations in aid of the charity NECI

The exhibition of Miniature Coaches and Carriages is open until December 29th. Lagos Cultural Centre (upstairs)






Open at 4pm everyday until 2am


All brought to you by the friendliest crew in Lagos!

Rua Lanรงarote de Freitas 26 Lagos 8600 605 threemonkeyslagos

COMMUNITY Adele playing the didgeridoo at a past festival

THE PRIMAL SOUND OF THE DIDGERIDOO One of the most important didgeridoo festivals in Europe takes place in Portugal. After a one year break it’s back again in 2019. Spanish artist Manoli Ortiz de la Torre told us how she came to love the aboriginal instrument and started to help organise the event.

“I was born in 1968. I became a visual artist and I love everything that has to do with creation. I grew up in an immigrant district in Belgium and I learned about many cultures when I was there. I am a very sociable person and am always willing to share knowledge with other people. I studied art at the School of Sint-Lucas in Brussels between 1982 and 1987 which is where I first became acquainted with the art of the Australian aboriginals. I found them very fascinating and inspiring people, rock art is more than 60,000 years old and was the most important source of inspiration for the aboriginal culture. It was known as the dreamtime. Studying their dreamtime came at a very important time in my life. Since 2001 I had opted to live in a little village in the middle of nowhere. I went back to my roots at my grandfather’s house in Penina (Rocha da Pena) which is a nature reserve here in the Algarve,. I feel at home between plants, rocks and animals which is where I get my inspiration for my art. I came across the didgeridoo first in 1999 through a friend in Belgium. This was the first time that I was directly absorbed in the deep vibrations that the instrument can give - the primal sound. In 2004 through the organisation A.P.D. (Association Portuguese of Didgeridoo) - together with three professional didgeridoo players from Europe I learned the circular breathing which is what you need to play continuous didgeridoo. I play the didgeridoo for my own meditation and sometimes my friend and I will give a performance. Of course, the didgeridoo for us has a different meaning



than for an aboriginal, we play a contemporary style and they play traditionally for ceremonies. We say didgeridoo and one might be called Yidaki to someone who is aboriginal. Didgeridoos can easy play music together with all other instruments. We started organising a festival in 2004 and since then we have not stopped. This festival brings together musicians from all over Portugal and further afield. We are one of the most important didgeridoo festivals in Europe. Eighty percent of our audience comes from outside of Portugal, our audience has no age and is very dynamic and creative people. The festival’s create a certain family feeling where everyone is connected to each other. The last one attracted about 2000 people. During the festival there are workshops throughout the day and during the evenings there are concerts. The idea behind the festival is to reach as many people as possible who come into contact with the primal sounds of the didgeridoo, we believe and are convinced that it comes from a very good energy and can help people find their balance in life. Next year’s festival will be on August 28th, 29th and 30th and September 1st.

+INFO:  

Spanish artist Manoli



Casas do Barlavento is a real estate agency in Lagos, Alvor and Aljezur created to help clients achieve their goal, whether it is to buy a property, rent a property or put their property for sale. Established 15 years ago, Casas do Barlavento has been active in the property market within four specific areas:  1. Selling Property 2. Holiday Rentals 3. Property Management 4. Condominium Management This “one-stop-shop approach” is an all-in-one solution where clients can see things resolved all under one roof, without having to go anywhere else and without having to contact different companies. The one-stop-shop concept first became known within the real estate circle of Casas do Barlavento and is now part of its true identity |


JOINING FORCES TO FIGHT LONELINESS It is almost 10 years ago that a group based at Gil Eanes Secondary School in Lagos started a club called Words in Creative Hands. The aim was to foster bonds of friendship and togetherness, to develop skills and competences but also to fight the isolation of people (teachers and school employees, family members of students and individuals) who are still very useful to society. There is no doubt that learning along with intellectual and spiritual improvement take place throughout a lifetime. The club comprises 10 ladies, all of them retired, who, on a voluntary basis, produce handicrafts. These are subsequently sold and the money offered to charitable institutions in the municipality.


The work this year based on tiles, decorated with the most diverse materials, will support CASLAS, (Centre of Social Action Lucinda Anino dos Santos). This was based on a unanimous decision by all participants. The Club operates in Espaço Jovem, a former school premises at Rua Gil Vicente Street in Lagos. An exhibition of the work will open on November 20th, attended by a number of organisations. The articles will be for sale from November 21st to December 31st in the Old Tourist Office on the corner of Rua 25 de Abril. Come along to stock up on Christmas presents and support a good cause!


A rider from Riding For The Disabled (RDB), which is based in Bensafrim just outside Lagos, has been chosen to represent Portugal in next year’s Special Olympics World Championship in Abu Dhabi. Lucelia Gloria has been chosen as one of the four riders (plus two reserves) who will make up the disabled equestrian team. Lucelia only started riding when Riding For The Disabled was formed in 2007. There will be an awful lot of work for Lucelia to do between now and March of next year. In addition to Lucelia the Portuguese Olympic committee has also chosen to take Riding For The Disabled’s instructor, Sue Wilson and physiotherapist Angela Mesquita as part of their support team. Sue and Angela will work with the whole



of the Portuguese team not just the equestrian team. So impressed with the dedication and professionalism of Sue and Angela, the Portuguese Olympic committee has decided that Lucelia can do the majority of her training in Lagos and not have to travel up north on a weekly basis like the rest of the riders. This will save on both time and cost. Lucelia’s training will involve not only Sue and Angela but some of the volunteers from Riding For The Disabled. Lucelia is pictured with Sue (left) and Angela (right). If you would like to sponsor Lucelia in any way or make a donation towards the cost of sending Lucelia, Sue and Angela to Abu Dhabi please contact David Hibbert.

+INFO: 


the nearest match to water found along the River Trent where for centuries they have been brewing the finest ales. “The water quality is excellent, we just have to soften it very slightly, making it really good for beer. Also the quality is consistent and we can analyse the data from the source online”. Apart from good water, quality yeasts and barley from the Lowlands along with Kentish hops from the garden of England are used in their zero chemical beers. Finally staff including a master brewer were recruited, with fifty years of brewing experience between them the team began work on their first craft beers in February. Algarve Rock began showcasing their product at festivals in Lisbon followed by the Minho, Silves and Alameda Beer festivals where their unique products received positive feedback and the company were able to sign contracts with a distributor.


The craft beer revolution currently taking place all over the world has now reached the Algarve. A project that initially started in 2016, the Algarve Rock Brewery opened for business in February producing a range of artisan beers. A serial entrepreneur not content to grasp retirement or the quality of beer available locally, Gary Hosmer along with his co-founder and son-in-law, Neil Conchie. set about building a micro brewery in Faro. An enormous investment of time and money the establishment they built is the largest independent brewery on the Iberian peninsula. Capable of producing 90 thousand litres of beer a month the entire production line including bottling takes place under one roof. “One of the greatest challenges small brewers face is restrictions upon production growth due to space and equipment issues. We wanted to ensure that we didn’t face this problem down the line so started with this in mind”. The most important element when brewing beer is the water. After completing a prolonged series of tests across the region they found that the water in Olhão was



A number of local establishments in our region are serving Algarve Rock’s range of beers, Earth Shop & Café in Carvoeiro, Club Nau in Ferragudo, La Dolce Vita in Portimão, Rockefellas in Lagos and Beer & Co in Alvor. The brewery is looking to add more bars, restaurants and supermarkets as retailers, ensuring availability across the Algarve. Already exporting to Italy and with further expansion on the horizon the first year has been a good start for this young business. “We know that it is difficult to make a living in this market, my whole family moved here and we invested in Portugal with the goal to make craft beers that the Algarve and the country can be proud of “. Offering five standard varieties of beer to satisfy various palettes, available in 33cl bottles or a 30 litre kegs being between 4% and 5% alcohol by volume they are, Rock Solid a red ale, Rock Steady a pale ale, Rock Session an Indian pale ale, Rock Stout and Rock Sharp, a Czech style pilsner lager. The boys also launched a season special, the PiriPiri Pilsner, which has been so well received by the Portuguese beer consumers that it is likely to remain on the menu for the future. Experimenting with a number of combinations Neil has something planned for the next special which you can find by following them on social media platforms. A shop with a bar is open for private groups where you can experience tasting the artisan beers and other gastronomic experiences. Contact Algarve Rock Brewery for more information. For Tomorrow magazine readers Algarve Rock has an introductory offer to its range of beers for you to enjoy. Delivered direct to your door or sent to someone as a locally produced Christmas gift just add the promotion code TALGARVE18 to receive 15% off online orders.

+INFO:   The Algarve Rock Brewery 2B, Vale da Venda Industrial Park, Faro.



Historically, June 23rd 2016, will be remembered in a number of ways but, most prominently within the British Isles, as the day the UK voted to leave the EU. The full ramifications of that vote are still to be seen, not just on a macro, global basis but on a micro level within each EU country. As Europe woke to the possibility of a European Union without the United Kingdom, wheels began to turn as governments were now in a position they hadn’t encountered before. Their own citizens, three million in number, were residing in the UK, and 1.5 million UK citizens living in the EU. No one, at this point, had any idea what this meant including the very citizens themselves. British citizens began asking questions as to the way forward, what it now meant for British people living in countries they weren’t nationals of. Groups began springing up on social media, Facebook, including British In Portugal and Brexpats Hear Our Voice. British in Portugal, as the name implies, is a group (the founder Rory Stewart, Anne Randerson and myself) that manage to assist British citizens, in Portugal, trying to navigate their way through this unknown territory. The group also is able to disseminate factual information, once it is known, throughout the country. Brexpats Hear Our Voice (BHOV) has a larger scope, being Europe wide, co-ordinating actions and information across many of the EU countries. Both Rory Stewart and I, as part of the BHOV core group team, became increasingly aware of the large number of questions being raised by British citizens. Also, rather worryingly, the many heartbreaking situations the Brexit referendum had caused and the reality of it. This was highlighted by



awareness of the book In Limbo which had already been published with the personal stories of EU citizens living in the UK. A decision was made to collate some of the innumerable, problematic scenarios from British people across Europe, as it became apparent the British Government had not done any significant research or impact studies on British citizens who lived in the EU.

Since that time, relationships between the Embassies and BHOV have grown with increased communication and understanding being gained. It has become more and more apparent that British citizens within Portugal, in order to retain or obtain any rights at the time of Brexit, March 29th 2019 must have legal residency (which can be applied for at their local Câmara office).

BHOV subsequently collaborated with Our Brexit Testimonies to produce In Limbo Too. These two books have been presented to as many British Ambassadors and Embassy staff as possible across Europe with their contents ultimately becoming known to the European Parliament. At the European Parliament’s request, in October this year, members of BHOV were asked to give a presentation outlining the personal consequences of the UK’s decision to leave the EU.

Those British citizens who already have residency are required to attend a SEF (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras) office for renewal or update in the near future, need to apply for an appointment as soon as possible. This is necessary as SEF offices are currently experiencing a severe backlog with waiting times for appointments being months in advance. In order to assist, the British Embassy in Lisbon has stated that for British citizens, “…(SEF) have agreed that an appointment can be booked at any SEF Office around the country as long as the person is willing to travel.”

In conjunction with these two developments, a decision was made to write to British Ambassadors, across Europe, with a list of questions that needed to be answered prior to the implementation of Brexit. As the replies from the Ambassadors came in, it became more and more apparent the British Government were seemingly unaware of the distressing circumstances of many of their own citizens. This was exacerbated by the Withdrawal Agreement being negotiated without any British citizens rights, nor of the EU three million, having been ringfenced in their country of residence. The closest any reply came to giving an answer was UK citizens would ‘broadly speaking’ retain their rights and benefits. This, of course, meant very little indeed.

Legal residency is the primary way to ensure British citizens, residing in Portugal, will retain and/or gain any rights they may be entitled to. We believe anything other will only lead to disappointment and heartache when subsequently attempting to negotiate a system as a newly created non-EU citizen or, in immigration speak, a third country national. For British citizens, come March next year, it will be a whole new world.

+INFO:  BritishinPortugal  BrexpatsHOV  OurBrexitTestimonies 



+351 282 792 165 | Rua Silva Lopes, nº30 - 8600-623 Lagos (More info at)

25€ per person


GETTING HIS SKATES ON Twenty-six-year-old Diogo Marreiros from Lagos is really starting to make a name for himself in the speed skating world. This year he came second in the Speed Skating World Championship. We spoke to him about the thrills and the spills

1. Please tell us about yourself. I was born in Portimão and then moved to Lagos when I was four. I still live with my parents and have one older brother who is 31-yearsold.

facilities now and lots of top skaters come here from training camps because of the track and of course the good weather.

2. Please tell us about your educational background. I studied Sports Science in Lisbon but I was not a top student because I wanted to focus on skating. My number one focus was always speed skating but I knew that studying was important too so I made the effort.

6. Do you compete professionally? I like to think that I’m professional because it’s my number one focus, but unfortunately speedskating is not big enough to live from it but I train like a pro.

3. Please tell us about speed skating. Speed skating is an amazing sport, matching speed with endurance, we have races from 100m to 42km (marathon) and we do it on a 200 meter track, or 400m road circuit, or open road in some marathons. I would compare it a bit to track cycling - we have many distances to race during a championship and we choose to race the ones we do better. I am more of a long distance skater but I’m a fast finisher too so I skate from 1km to 42km but my favourite race is the 15km elimination on track.

7. What are your ambitions for the future? My goals for next year are to try to be World and European Champion, this year I took silver medals in both so the gold is what’s missing. Also I’m trying to get better on ice skating – it’s a goal but it’s hard because i have to travel to Holland or Germany to train and it’s not cheap.

4. Please tell us about the speed skating scene in Lagos. I always knew the speedskating scene in Lagos because I had friends that were on it and also because the skating school was close to my mother’s work. My coach Paulo Batista is passionate about speedskating and he brought the speedskating scene to Lagos. 5. How come speed skating is so big in Lagos? The mastermind behind all this is my coach, then together with all the people involved in the club, parents and athletes the speedskating scene in Lagos was able to grow big not only because of our results but also because we have major competitions here like European cup and European championship. We have excellent



8. Do you get sponsorship? I don’t pay to compete, I have a major sponsor that is my team (Team Bont) and they cover most of the costs of travel and they also provide me with all the material I need like wheels, skates bearings etc and I also get paid by them. Then I have many other sponsors that are local companies, mostly friends that like the sport and want to support me. With all that I have a nice annual payment that allows me to save some money for myself and still do what I love the most. Of course it’s easier because I still live with my parents but it’s already good that I can make some money out of it. 10. What next for you and speed skating? I just have one more race and then it’s time to rest a bit and try to go on ice again for some more training and try to do some races also to see my progress. And then next year work hard again to try to get that world title.


Top to bottom, L to R: B-Toy street complete; rmyr; B-Toy street wip; Charnobyl Carpet; rmyr elec sub station


Hopefully you were inspired by last month’s article to visit the old Lagos town jail. There you would have seen some amazing work by visiting artists invited by LAC, Lagos’ arts laboratory. This month we feature some street art and another examples from the jail. B-Toy is a very talented artist from Barcelona. The street art featured here, both in progress and the completed artwork, can be found near the Finanças. It depicts Elizabeth Taylor portraying Cleopatra and is my favourite this year. RMYR (René Meyer) was the youngest invited artist and is developing his own style using overlaid stencils. You can find a number of his geometric patterns on the streets and a stunning 3D work in the jail. Here he is seen cutting stencils from plastic sheets for a finished work on an



electricity sub station in the parking area near the new Câmara offices. Finally Charnobyl, who also visited Lagos for last year’s event, has produced a bizarre “meat sculpture” which is hanging in the jail. Using stencils, he sprayed images of animal carcasses on to a carpet which he painstakingly cut out with scissors as shown. More information on each of this year’s artists and galleries of their work can be found with a Google search on their names - B-Toy, Monstfur, Pisa73, RMYR, Stefan Winterle and Charnobyl.

+INFO:  +351 282 084 959  Rua Largo do Convento de Nossa Sra. Da Glória (the old jail), 8600-660 Lagos


MEET THE MAN Last month we featured Ryan Smith who is attempting to break the Guiness World Book of Record challenge for doing more than 4545 burpees in 12 hours on December 7th. He is doing it to raise money for Louie Watson. It’s a daunting challenge so we wanted to find out more about the man who has committed to doing so many burpees! Simon Moulson reports. I first met 29-year-old Ryan at a wedding where he was serving glasses of Italian Prosecco from his Sunnybubbles Van - a Piaggio ape 50 conversion. For me that kind of sums up his persona, bubbly with an infectious manner he is likeable and has a tenacity which is that of a very, very driven individual. Ryan was born in Bradford, West Yorkshire and is the eldest of two boys. Even though he has lived in Lagos for several years there is no denying his roots with his very distinct Bradfordian accent. From an early age, he was influenced by his parents, his mum was a hairdresser and a yoga/aerobics instructor. His dad, was a roofer and builder but had played semiprofessional football until a serious injury put an end to that career. Ryan was a true all-rounder in terms of sports and many thought he may well follow in his father’s footsteps to pursue a football career but he chose rugby instead. At the tender age of 16 he got a professional rugby contract for Bradford Bulls. He then went on to play for the Dewsbury Rams and then the Castleford Tigers (from aged 19 to 21). However, throughout his playing career, Ryan always wanted to have his own business (like his dad) and eventually decided to setup his own roofing company. He realised that with his own company and his career he was earning a significant amount more money, as opposed to just playing rugby. He then decided to play semi-professional rugby, which afforded him to challenge himself on and off the field. The one thing that resonates with Ryan is that he is a very focused and driven individual and whilst rugby is a team sport (Ryan loves to share the plaudits with a team) he is probably at his finest, when he is the sole man in charge. A kind of maverick if you like, he was the kid that would always stay on after training to do extra training, why? Simply because he is a fitness fanatic and loves to push his mind and body to extreme lengths. This is the true Ryan. His passion for all things fitness and his vocal capabilities (he’s not a shy lad) enabled him to pass his knowhow in terms of fitness to others and this manifested in Ryan setting up a sideline company providing fitness workouts with a difference. Before long he was holding the largest private fitness workout sessions in the North of England. This is what truly excites Ryan, when he is keeping fit himself, helping and giving direction to others with both his fitness bootcamps and personal training sessions. It’s of no surprise why this 29-year old has become a successful fitness instructor, amongst the other companies he owns. It’s primarily based to the likeability factor, coupled with a passion which is as enthusiastic as it is brutally driven!



The biggest buzz Ryan gets is to see the transformation from when his clients first join his bootcamps and personal training sessions to when they achieve their goal, this gives Ryan an additional adrenaline buzz and makes all the hard work worthwhile. The key attributes Ryan has is that he is incredibly driven, a nonconformist and fully believes in himself which is incredibly contagious. I asked Ryan how did he end up living in Portugal and it was through many fond childhood memories with holidays abroad after his parents purchased a holiday home in Lagos and became a home-from-home. The other half of this driven individual, is his good lady, Faye, with whom he met at school when they became childhood sweethearts. Faye was the older girl at school with which Ryan was clearly smitten from the outset. So we fast forward a few years and Ryan and Faye, who got married in Portugal four years ago, decided to make the big change and move from the not so sunny climate of West Yorkshire to Lagos. Since then through sheer hard work and tenacity, the pair of them have setup their fitness company (RFS Fitness), Sunnybubbles (Prosecco van) and more recently Faye is in the throes of setting up her own wedding planning company. The pair of them do not stop and push themselves incredibly hard and are a true inspirational couple which, I personally think, make excellent role models to aspire to. The life in Portugal is perfect for them both, however, Ryan, who at heart is a nature boy, has mentioned that it would be nice to find time to indulge in his passion of fishing, being at one with nature, which affords him his time to relax and be thoughtful about their roles. I ask what about the future and the simple answer is to continue to work hard, but maybe a little smarter, which would then afford a lifestyle, which was comfortable, but maybe allowed a little more personal time to fulfil and carry out why they moved to Portugal.

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THE REVERSE ADVENT CALENDAR Countdown to giving this December – and help local communities in need. There is still time to join up for the Reverse Advent Calendar this year. It is an initiative set up by Chantelle Kortekaas of Quinta Bonita, in coordination with Bernadette Abbot of Algarve Families in Need and The Mustard Seed Soup Kitchen, to help local families in need at Christmas time. It also helps to steer your own children away from material yearning and into thinking of others less fortunate than themselves. The idea is simple, find an empty box and print a calendar template. Every day invite your children or family to countdown to Christmas by adding something to the box. Then tick, colour or label in the calendar template. (Lists of suggestions, calendar template and all delivery information are provided as part of the initiative). For Christmas 2017 we managed to help 19. For Christmas 2018 with your help we hope to extend our reach to the homeless community and those affected by the Monchique fires in addition to Lagos and Portimão families in need. For more information on The Reverse Advent Calendar please join their event on facebook or contact Chantelle Kortekaas.

+INFO:   events/313892692538477/



Be inspired

Skydiving is the kind of sport that attracts so many different people from all walks of life. In skydiving you get the opportunity to meet such a wide spectrum of people- but the one thing that connects them is their love for the sky and the absolute passion they share for this amazing sport. However the stories you hear regarding what brought them into the world of skydiving are diverse. This particular story really pulled on our heart strings.

Ivon Coles, from the outskirts of London, is a regular visitor at Skydive Algarve. Ivon will be attending Skydive Algarve’s Christmas Boogie this year and plans to do 50 jumps in one week to celebrate the fact that he’s turning 50 in January! He has more reason than most to celebrate becoming 50 as it was touch and go whether he would make it, when he was diagnosed with cancer, not so long ago.

Freefall course) but he admits at first he was a total muppet! Every jump was a challenge but despite that, he passed the first five levels- however when he got to level six he spun out of control but the instructor handled it perfectly, on the second attempt he lost altitude awareness- so after two failed attempts at level six, he decided to give up and returned home. After several months he decided to try again at Skydive Algarve’s UK sister dropzone; Skydive Hibaldstow and after a lot of trying and brilliant tuition by the instructors there he got through it and finally achieved his license to skydive alone! Now he loves coming to Skydive Algarve where he also gets the chance to be in the same plane as world champion teams like Hayabusa.

It was during his treatment when he’d become really ill, that he had the sudden thought that there’d been something in his life he’d always wanted to do but had never got round to it- that something was Skydiving- and as he lay there he said to himself that if he got the cancer into remission then he would go for it. And that’s exactly what he did! He’s now been skydiving for three years and has 140 jumps but it wasn’t an easy journey for him.

When asked to describe skydiving, he said: “It’s like nothing you can imagine, you just have to do it to find out.”

He chose Skydive Algarve’s sister dropzone Skydive Spain, in Seville, as the place to do his AFF (Accelerated

+INFO:   +351 914 266 832

If you’re looking for that extra special gift for your loved one this Christmas Skydive Algarve has an amazing promotion on their Tandem Skydive Gift Cards – purchase online or visit the Skydive Algarve shop at the Aeródromo Municipal de Portimão.


the paintings convey. A few characters are just trying to get away from the other people they are in the pictures with, quite simply for the hell of it, or because they have really had enough; and here is the light touch comic relief amid such sadness...


Nelia Duarte has never been to art school. Nor has she undertaken any formal study of the Great Masters. Her painting is vivid imagination and experience spilling out onto the canvas. Put simply, it is her gift. She was born in Vila do Bispo in 1962 but moved to Lagos three years later. She began to ‘dabble’(as she puts it), some five years ago, when she was made redundant. She began with lines and squiggles on her laptop. Thereafter she moved straight to oils on canvas. As we enter her cozy cottage, after an effusive greeting from her rescue dog Pilar, followed by a warm ‘good day’ from her mother Julia, we climb the narrow, steep stairway to her workshop. Here we cannot but stop in our tracks, lost in a tangle of haunting and often haggard faces, aquiline noses, gaunt features, scornful or angry, haughty or humble, bold or cold, or even austere, caught in a palette of colours rarely seen or imagined, or simply left alone in the cold grey light of day. We revisit fragments of these faces in the abstract paintings, where emotions of anger and dismay tinged with irony and humour, form into imaginative shapes and lines, shot through with bold blues, greens and blacks, reds and yellows. We wonder out loud where all this comes from. “I don’t travel by plane, you see I am much too busy flying in my head,” is her response.Spilling out on canvas and craving our close attention are the cheeky, the brave, the insolent, the jokers, the lazy, the depressives, the feckless, the cowards, the critics, the time wasters, the ones who will tease, complain, mock or interfere. Sometimes we recognise them. Sometimes we sense them though the abstract creations and the emotions



Like the little four-year-old boy who had not yet uttered a word in his young life, much to the despair of the doctors and the chagrin of his parents. Finally he found his voice following a bizarre copycat chairlicking therapy session with an eminent psychiatrist. There he is, a tiny but bold figure at the bottom of the picture, gazing up at the very tall, very boring adults and speaking his very first words “Right now, what I want to do is get out of here” (which is the title of the painting). It is this ironic voice, expressing sincere and down to earth sentiments, without relinquishing true affection for her subject matter which brings her characters to life. We are permitted to recognise, love, admire and laugh at them, whilst we puzzle over the dilemma of their lives. As we peruse the faces, we realise that they are in fact quintessentially Portuguese. It would be hard to imagine a more graphic portrayal. Herein lies Nelia’s supreme and original talent. This was brought very close to home to me after I had bestowed a painting of two depressed and sad male figures on a good friend of mine. Pleased with the picture, he initially hung it in his bedroom, but later found it so authentic and upsetting that his sleep was disturbed and he had to move it to the living room. But don’t worry, they are not all disturbing. The pictures really do bring a room to life.They may well draw inspiration from Mexican and other Latin American artists evoking magical realism, and perhaps a cubist influence can be felt. There are also the learned works on human psychology (as the artist herself concedes), but her characters are nevertheless compelling live beings in their own right, and personify many a human struggle. Whilst they are a graphic encapsulation of the pitfalls of life, they can also be hilarious and outspoken, even mean or vulgar, and the artist does not shy away from the use of cartoons and sheer comedy and outrage to make her point, whilst filling the screen with colour and laughter. They are beautiful paintings, full of rainbow shades which overwhelm the viewer. Truly joyous original, funny and a celebration of life portrayed on canvas with an additional serving of portuguese ‘joie de vivre’.

+INFO: 



Charity update STEVEN SUTTON

€15,000 €9,000

Christmas is a time of reflection, a time to look back on the year and a time to appreciate all that you have achieved in the past 12 months. As you all know, supporting local good causes is one of the central aims of this magazine which is why we set up a charity. The Tomorrow Action Charity Trust (TACT) has gone from strength-tostrength so we wanted to recap and also look forward to 2019. This year we have had two balls in Lagos, golf days with John Aldridge and Espiche as well as two Giving Back Days. Our fist Giving Back Day was in February when we went to the Mayday Dog Sanctuary and Rescue to help rebuild a lot of their infrastructure, which took a battering in the winter. Off the back of this day, a few dogs were successfully fostered and went to live in happy homes. In May, we had our annual beach cleaning event, which launched our Clean It Up Campaign which we ran through the summer, inspiring people to be part of the big clean up. Through our fundraising this year we have raised money for a host of local good causes that are close to our hearts - these include the Luz-based palliative care charity Madrugada; the Lagos soup kitchen, The Mustard Seed and the local children’s home in Lagos.


Keep our beaches clean for the festive season

We are currently fundraising to help buy a new second hand seven-seater car for the children’s home. The current car is on its last legs and the staff need a new one so they can get the children to hospital appointments, fun days but more important - get the children to see their families when that is possible and appropriate. At the moment we have around €9,000. We still need more to hit the target of €15,000. We want to thank Darren Hague from Algarve Auto Assist Lda, Barry Sadler from Sadlers Real Estate, Luis Ledo CEO of Casa de Barlavento and Mandi Keen for donating each €500 to this cause. Get in touch with me or Tom if you would like to make a contribution, or make a transfer to the

TACT bank account, with the reference ‘CASLAS Car’: Millenium BCP Account Name: ASSOC TOMORROW ALGARVE CHARITY TRUST IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 45513973438 05 BIC / SWIFT: BCOMPTPL Sometimes fairly small gestures can make all the difference. For example, we try to pay the monthly rent at the soup kitchen and we know that this takes a huge responsibility off the amazing volunteers that run it. In addition to giving money we also try to support local good causes - we have been very keen to support the fundraising for a number of local people including Marley Inacio. He is a local boy that was born with various medical problems including muscular dystrophy and a congenital bone condition who needs surgery. Never ones to rest on our laurels we are busy planning 2019 and how we make next year bigger and better. We want to help more people and raise more money than we ever have. Watch this space in January for more details. Alone at Christmas On a personal note, Christmas is about family and togetherness, a time to spend time with loved ones. This time of the year can be difficult for some, for many different reasons people find Christmas a tough time. Loneliness is the loudest sound they hear. It can become deafening for whatever reason. So, in the spirit of Christmas and season of joy. Why not pick up the phone to someone you know is alone at this time of the year? Or maybe invite them out on one of your evenings. A small gesture from you could make a huge difference to someone. If you have any ideas for individuals or local charities that you think we need to support then please get in touch. We are equally keen for suggestions about Giving Back Days for 2019.

Improving today, for a better tomorrow T.A.C.T is a non-profit charity trust. Our aim is to raise funds and help build awareness for local causes in the Algarve, working in partnership with local communities, organisations and people in need.

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Photo © Brian DJ Rockindad and Nick Korringa


They ALMOST rocked around the clock! The rocking on the west coast two-day music fest struck just the right note as around 600 people rocked the days-and nights-away. Promoter Maurits Schenk says the response to the festival at Vale da Telha, on the Algarve’s west coast, was such that he is already exploring ways of staging a second event next year. The bands played on the outside arena from 2pm until midnight, then the whole gig switched indoors for the DJ sets until 4am. “The energy, the warmth, the music, the vibe and such a positive feedback-it all left me with the feeling that we should do it all again,” said Maurits, 43, and from Zaandam, near Amsterdam in Holland. For Maurits, who now lives in Vale da Telha, the whole festival-on Friday and Saturday October 26th and 27th, developed from his passion for music. He is not a professional promoter, and the idea was born three years ago on his 40th birthday, mostly as a celebration of his kind of music that he wanted to share with friends and other music lovers. The former deep sea diver, now a client rep for a big offshore wind farm company, explained: “So many people came over from Holland, including some musicians I know, so I decided to have a party each year. Vale da Telha is a quiet area and it’s not that easy to have a good night



out as I see a good night out-and I need good music to have a good night out”, he smiled. “Music always has been my passion; it’s a hobby and I like to see and bring music lovers together and share this passion and energy to create new experiences. I am a big fan of rock, but on a wider scale I love the blues, hip-hop, soul, funk, punk, so much more. “I wanted to pull it all together in Under The Radar and so we all made it happen, with bands, musicians and DJs from Holland and Portugal, including some based in Vale da Telha itself. Maurits who has an eclectic mix of favourite musicians, from Jimi Hendrix, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Jack White, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Queens of the Stone Age, Credence Clearwater Revival and many others, added: “I am so very happy and amazed that it worked out the way I had it in mind, even better, in fact. Everybody there really created such beautiful energy and that was the main feeling of the festival, from young to old. “It didn’t all go well-we had winds nearing gale force on the Saturday, when our big marquee was blown away, but even that mishap was treated by the audience with good humour as through it was part of the entertainment!”

NOBLE NOBEL The magnificent sum of €3775 was raised last month at the Nobel International School Christmas Fair. Blessed with fine weather, the day saw crowds flocking to the school to support the 17th Christmas Fair planned and organised by Pennie Best, Head of Primary, who said: "This magnificent sum was only achieveable with the continuing help and support of parents, pupils, teachers and local business donations. This year all monies raised will be donated to the Lagoa Bombeiros and Nossa Senhora da Conceição children’s home in Portimão.’’ A thoroughly enjoyable day was had by all in a true festive spirit. Father Christmas made his annual appearance, and was cheered on by children as he made his way to his beautifully decorated grotto to meet and distribute gifts to more than 100 children. There were two choir Christmas carols recitals during the day as well as a dance exhibition by children from the school.


The chapel on the hill BY LENA STRANG

World-renowned architect, Alvaro Siza Viera, has completed his first ever project in the Algarve. On the hillside near Barão de São João, nestles a small minimalist nondenominational chapel with a commanding view over the surrounding landscape. It’s part of Monte da Charneca, a complex that will add something different to tourism in this part of the Algarve. A Swiss-American couple who have lived in the Algarve since the 1980s, had the vision of creating a retreat offering visitors peace and tranquillity and an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A run-down hamlet of seven farmhouses, forming the core of the centre, has already been carefully restored under the auspices of local architect, Frederico Mendes Paula. The seven-hectare centre is offgrid, has its own water supply and is energy efficient through solar panels. It maintains an orchard of citrus, almond, fig and olive trees.

washed buildings. Looking up we could see Capela do Monte; appropriately named the ‘hillside chapel’. We made our way along a winding footpath to the top of the hill. There we were able to explore the small rectangular sand-hued structure linked to a terrace, raised from the ground. Originally intended to be white, Siza decided that beige would be more in keeping with the surroundings. A mixture of hydraulic lime washed fine sand and red earth gave the desired pigmentation. The roof is covered by 20 cm of earth and will accommodate vegetation in due course. This will help to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the year. The building, we were told, is energy efficient and functions without electricity, heat or running water. It relies on natural ventilation and the material used -insulated bricks, limestone and tiles - keep it cool in summer and warm in winter.

The chapel has attracted considerable attention in international architectural circles being the only completed project by Siza in the Algarve. The chapel can be visited, but by appointment only. I was fortunate to be able to join a group of Hungarian architects keen to visit the site earlier in the autumn.

Once inside, we were greeted by simple tiled murals on the walls in the entrance, drawn by Siza, depicting scenes from the life of Jesus. Inside the décor is sparse with plain tiled surfaces contrasting with the light chestnut furniture and a simple altar cross. A characteristic of all his work is the way light is used to great effect and the chapel is no exception. The only light source is a single window letting in rays of the sun. The window, consisting of two vertical parallel glass panes a few centimetres apart, allows the air to flow inwards but preventing rain from entering the building.

The sun shone from a clear blue sky as we gathered in the tranquil garden of the Charneca centre, surrounded by its white

Frederico Mendes Paula was also involved with the chapel project and provided necessary technical assistance. He is pleased that local

In 2016 Siza accepted the commission to complete the chapel as the focal point of the development. It took only two years from the initial conception to the inauguration of the chapel in March this year. It received full backing by the Municipal Council of Lagos.



expertise was used throughout: “The work was carried out almost entirely by a team of four local masons, Joaquim Marreiros, Vitalino Tomé Duarte, Sandro do Carmo and José Manuel Gonçalves. They worked with great professionalism and dedication in the construction of a building that utilized building techniques that are not common in this region.” The altar cross and furniture designed by Siza were produced by Oporto based firm Serafim Pereira Simões Sucessores. Siza has commented on the beauty of the location and his pleasure in having been asked to complete “a pure architectural project.” The architect is also working on a master plan for the next phase of the development. Additional buildings will be added in a consistent architectural style and facilities will be created to revitalize traditional agricultural activities. Scheduled to open in 2021, Monte da Charneca Centre, together with the Siza chapel, should make it the perfect destination for rural holidays, spiritual retreats and adds something distinct to emerging eco tourism in the area. Reservations for visits can be made via the website.

+INFO: 


HUGE FUNDRAISER FOR LOCAL FIREFIGHTERS The third Obrigado, Bombeiros! fundraising event was a massive success and raised €7300 for the Bombeiros of Lagoa and Silves. Around 200 people attended the event at Casa Algarve in Porches. A live auction attracted an amazing response and much generosity from event-goers, who got to bid for a variety of goods and services donated by local businesses, including jewellery, artwork, fine wines and dining, boat trips, rounds of golf and stays at five star Algarve resorts. Kiss FM’s Sir Owen Gee used his many years of auctioneering experience to maximise the bids. A tombola, raffle and stalls selling plants and second hand goods, all contributed to the funds raised. Homemade food and cakes, plus beer and wine were available and the crowd was entertained throughout the afternoon and into the evening, by a diverse range of live music acts. The Obrigado, Bombeiros! team of organisers

has formed an official association - Associação Obrigado Bombeiros - committed to raising funds for local firefighters. Elaine Evans, one of the event organisers said: “On behalf of Obrigado, Bombeiros! I would like to thank our numerous sponsors, volunteers and all who attended on the day. Without their support the event would not have been such a huge success.” The €7300 raised will be divided equally between the Bombeiros of Lagoa and the Bombeiros of Silves.

+INFO:   +351 964 877 032 (Clarissa Meca)  obrigadobombeiroslagoasilves  obrigadobombeiros


It’s a year since the founder of Bamboo, Nana Van Der Velden, sadly left us. Her son Donald and his wife Annemarleen have now taken over as the owners of Associação Bamboo and together with their three sons and the team of volunteers have had a very busy summer and autumn. Since April, 14 puppies and three adult dogs have arrived at the shelter. Eight puppies came from a shelter near Moncarapacho where there wasn’t enough space for them and Bamboo was pleased to be able to help. Five were from the golf course at Golfe Santo Antonio and one was found by himself in a field. Ten of the puppies have already been adopted and have left for their new homes in the Netherlands, Finland, Belgium and nearby in Portugal. Four puppies are still available for adoption. Two of the adult dogs went to their new homes in Sweden.



Sadly they have had to say goodbye to Binky, Buffy and Brody, three of the older dogs who spent many happy years at Bamboo. A lot of work has been carried out this summer by Donald, Annemarleen and their three sons. Some of the dogs’ enclosures have new fencing and gates and the roof of the donkey hay enclosure has been repaired. Elements of this work have been accomplished with the support of Nandi and this is very much appreciated. One volunteer said: “Bamboo has a dedicated group of volunteers and supporters who are all determined to ensure the continuation of Nana’s legacy and we think that she would be proud of the way Bamboo is moving on. “We would like to say thank you to everyone who supports us with donations and sponsorship.”

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COMMUNITY After all this data collection, Luís Morgado organises and choreographs the dances. The songs are played with four accordions, triangles, harmonica, castanets and the Portuguese guitar. All playing songs for almost 60 dancers which make up this group. For the latter, it is up to them to dress according to the era. For this, it is imperative to look for representative 19th-century fabrics and ask the seamstress to make replicas of the original costumes, trying to make them as faithful as possible to the outfits of the time. We realise that this is, undoubtedly, a thorough investigation that captures the spirit of all the villages of the county - “we base what we do on agriculture, the art of fishing and the canning tradition so important, in Lagos”. All materials acquired by the folk group over the years have been carefully catalogued in the Ethnographic Museum of the Odiáxere Folk Dance Group, housed in the headquarters of the group.

BRING THE PAST TO LIFE In an attempt to gain a better understanding of Portugal’s traditions and cultures, Mar d’Estórias which is in Lagos, contacted Luís Morgado, President of the Folk Dance Group of Odiáxere (Rancho Folclórico e Etnográfico de Odiáxere), to rediscover the daily life of Portuguese people long ago. Here staff from Mar d’Estórias tell us more. Folk dance has its roots in folklore because the customs, and stories of a community, have been passed through the generations by word of mouth. And we, Portuguese, are fortunate to continue to be in touch with our traditional roots and customs. “We were privileged to have been spared in the two World Wars and the consequent mass displacement of communities”. That is why many of our experiences remained intact, allowing the folk tradition to continue, practically, as it was at its origin, until the end of the twentieth century. Legalised in March 1984, by Luís Bandarra, the Odiáxere Folk Dance Group keeps the folklore of the county alive. To do this, it has been and continues to be necessary to dig into the tradition of the county, through the investigation and gathering of various folk elements. This constant research is made by consulting older people to understand their experiences, the clothing, the traditional dances, the songs and the musical instruments used in the old days. “We went directly to people’s houses; we would take three or four people and an accordionist, and we would talk to them. If they knew how to play, they would pick up the accordion and show us how it used to be. We would take tape recorders and record them, and reproduce later” says the President of the Odiáxere Folk Dance Group, Luís Morgado.



The truth is that, throughout this small country, there are different experiences from place to place, making the Portuguese cultural heritage even richer. In the North of the country the tambourines and the drums dominated, in the South the sounds of the strings and the accordions prevailed. These and other details are analysed by the Federation of Portuguese Folklore so that a group can become federated. Here, in Odiáxere “We want to make our group known and raise the bar “ hence the costumes, that were initially worn, are nothing like those used today. Today “the outfits are different because they represent the nineteenth century”, mentions the President. A folk group takes all the knowledge of rehearsals and shares it with the world. The spirit of community of these groups is extraordinary, since they do it usually, without great means. Invitations are made between folk groups to perform in their villages, in Portugal or abroad, always with the promise of a future visit by the hosts to the guests: “Every year in August we hold a Festival where we bring five groups. I already have almost everything organised for the 2019 event, “says Luís Morgado. Another perculrarity that gives strength to the group is the existing family connection between its members. Many members encourage their children to participate, and they also take their children to the choreography: “We have them all! Three generations of families to keep the folk group alive. “. This is the authentic way of discovering the importance of tradition and the spirit of a place is to” throw a ball” (manda baile), as people of folklore say. Mar d’Estórias intends to be an innovative place that values everything Portuguese with special emphasis on the Algarve. It was planned to provide a balanced passage between the different areas of the shop, the restaurant, the homeware and crowned by the rooftop terrace bar with a sea view.

+INFO:  mardestorias  mardestorias 




What's on in December JAZZ IN THE WINERIES This month there will be two Jazz in the Wineries events at Quinta dos Vales Estômbar on December 1st at 9pm and December 2nd at 5pm.

FOODIES FOR THOUGHT The tapas and tastes of the Algarve mountains will come to life in the 13th annual Gastronomic Week. The initiative, which runs from November 30th to December 9th, is promoted by the local parish board and has the support of the Silves City Council. The restaurants that are part of this 2018 edition of the Gastronomic Week, will bring visitors to know all the culinary know-how and the traditional gastronomy of this region. These include Restaurant O Caixeiro, Restaurant O Petisco, Restaurant Marreiros, Restaurant Académico, Restaurant Guerreiro, Barbecue Fatinha, Pasture House Odília, Snack Bar Sabores da Vila, Café da Pontinha.

+INFO:  +351 282 339 136 



This is a wonderful chance for people to listen to jazz, to talk with the musicians and to enjoy good wine. There is also an opportunity to get to see its creation process, given by the producer or

winemaker. During the show a wine tasting is offered by the producer, Quinta dos Vales, who hosts the session and tapas will be served as an accompaniment. The cost is €12 with reservation required Buy tickets in the following locations: FNAC, Worten, CTT Post Offices.

The Famous Five Peter Booker will be giving a talk about the the Famous Five Algarvians on Tuesday December 18th at 6pm in the Municipal Library Lagoa and on Friday December 21st at 11am in the Municipal Library Tavira. If is difficult to name five famous Portuguese, how much more difficult to name five famous Algarvians? The Algarve is a part of Portugal whose position, in British terms, is similar to that of Cornwall or even the Outer Hebrides. It is lacking in both economic importance and in weight of population and is possibly only a holiday and golf

destination for most Portuguese, as well as the peoples of the rest of Europe. Yet there are individuals from the Algarve who have had an effect on the life of the Portuguese people. Who are they, and why are they important? There are poets, politicians and presidents, airmen and engineers. Peter Booker from the Algarve History Association discusses five of them and shows how these individuals have affected the life of the nation. Talks are free but we do ask for voluntary monetary contributions to pay expenses of guest speakers and to help run our Association.


Cacela Velha excavation 2018

IN BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH The archaeology of Poço Antigo in Cacela BY JANE ROBERTSON On Tuesday December 4th, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by Maria João Valente and Cristina Tété Garcia. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Traje in São Brás, the second lecture will be at 6pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa. In this lecture Maria João Valente and Cristina Tété Garcia will be talking about their recent excavations at Cacela Velha, near Vila Real de Santo Antonio in the Algarve. This was the first season of a new archaeological research project entitled ‘Muslims and Christians in Medieval Cacela: changing territories and identities’ which runs from 2018 to 2021. The project focuses on an understanding of the transition between the Medieval Islamic and Christian occupations of the territory, and on the identification of continuities and changes that occurred within this transition period between the 10th-15th centuries AD. In essence, it examines who made up Cacela’s Islamic community and how they responded to the rise of new political and religious powers in the region, the arrival of new residents, changes in exploitation of natural resources and the architectural evolution of the settlement. In order to achieve this, the project will be investigating the Islamic quarter of Poço Antigo which is located outside Cacela’s walls and is comprised of buildings and streets connecting it to the probable medieval harbour. After its abandonment, the same site was occupied by a postIslamic Christian necropolis within which



the excavation work has identified 66 graves so far. The Cacela project continues the work undertaken in 1998-2001 and includes the excavation of new areas in order to clarify the structural organisation of the Islamic quarter (eg streets, passageways and drainage) and to establish the limits of the medieval Christian funerary space. The project is being coordinated by Maria João Valente and Cristina Tété Garcia. Maria João is a Professor at the University of the Algarve (Ualg) and a researcher for CEAACP (Centro de Estudos de Arqueologia, Artes e Ciências do Património). Her main research is in zooarchaeology, focusing on human subsistence and animal resources in the Neolithic and Medieval periods in Portugal. Cristina is a Senior Technician at Direção-Regional de Cultura do Algarve and a researcher for CEAACP. She has been studying the history and archaeology of Cacela since the 1990s, developing her PhD on the subject (delivered in 2015). Non-members are welcome to attend AAA lectures for a €5 admission, with all money raised by the AAA being spent on archaeological grants and speakers. Please check the website or facebook page for any last minute changes.

+INFO:    Algarve Archaeological Association

CHRISTMAS CHOIR BY ELIZABETH ROBERTS HONEY Our Christmas season kicked off with a fantastic night at the Tomorrow Winter Ball. The choir is now scaling up to its busiest performance schedule of the year, as it helps to get everyone into the festive spirit by sharing some of its Christmas favourites throughout December. Over the next few weeks you can catch up with the Western Algarve Community Choir at some great venues and events: Saturday December 15th – Charity Christmas Fair held at Nobel International Primary School - Espiche Tuesday December 18th – Carols and Mince Pies event at Bar 6, Almadena Thursday December 20th - Annual Christmas Carol Singing around Luz followed by full performance at Barroca Bar and Restaurant Saturday December 22nd – Christmas Singalong at the Lighthouse, Lagos Marina Wherever and whenever you are able to join us, you’ll be sure to leave with a warm, festive glow! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year from all of us in The Western Algarve Community Choir! The Western Algarve Community Choir is an all-inclusive choir with no auditions or previous singing experience necessary, and a strong emphasis on singing for fun. For more details on where you can meet up with us for carol singing events, about joining the choir, or for booking future events, please contact choir leader Elizabeth Roberts Honey.

+INFO: 



The history of chocolate will be one of the talks hosted by the Algarve History Association this month.

The Random Players’ present ‘A Christmas Quarrel’ at São Brás Museum Photo © Peter Kain

A CHRISTMAS QUARREL Comic entertainment with a festive theme The background to this play is the death of Maria II of Portugal who died giving birth to her 11th child. The country was overcome by a terrible sadness and had a prolonged period of mourning. At the time of her death her oldest son was just 16 and it fell to her widowed husband Ferdinand to act as Regent until the boy came of age. It was an unexpected turn of events when Ferdinand declared he intended to marry again. This time his chosen bride was an actress and opera singer, much younger than himself. Not only was she a commoner but her chosen profession was frowned upon by Queen Victoria. Simultaneously another cousin, the lascivious Duke Ernst, head of the SaxeCoburg dynasty, encouraged Ferdinand’s marriage plans and between the three of them an almighty row ensued. The play begins through a series of insulting letters sent between the occupants of Pena Palace, Osborne House and Coburg Castle, the Christmas of 1868 was far from festive. The eccentricities of all the characters involved have resulted in a play that is highly entertaining. Queen Victoria – petulant and controlling as ever – the love struck Ferdinand, the incompetent Duke, his soppy wife and live-in mistresses come head to head in a battle of royal wills! Formed five years ago as a theatre group of ‘random players’ this is Random



Players fourth production based upon the shared history of Portugal and Britain. Written by Algarve resident Carolyn Kain, her plays have been published and performed in both countries, they include the Rhyming Diary of Mrs Pepys – about the Portuguese Princess, Catherine of Braganza married to Charles II – and The Passionate Pilgrim – about Philippa of Lancaster married to João I. Last year the Random Players branched out into film-making and received an Honourable Mention at Faro’s International Film Festival. The new production includes a cast of 15 and a pianist playing the occasional popular song and Christmas tune. Held in the ‘Old Gallery’ at São Brás Museum, the auditorium and stage will be lavishly dressed to celebrate the festive season. Profits are being donated to the São Brás Bombeiros. Bar opens half an hour before the production and there will be a 20 minute interval. December 14th at 7.30pm December 15th matinee at 4pm December 16th matinee at pm Tickets €10 / €8 for Amigos of the Museum Contact to book tickets in advance.

+INFO:  +351 966 329 073 

On Monday December 10th at 6pm in the Municipal Library Tavira and on Tuesday December at 6pm in the Municipal Library Lagoa, Regina Shrimpton will give a tempting talk on The History of Chocolate. Someone has said, “9 out of 10 people like chocolate; the tenth person always lies.” Maybe there is an element of truth in that: chocolate seems omnipresent in our lives, at most celebrations and restaurants. In this talk, we will explore chocolate’s journey across centuries, seas, and cultures. In the process, we will answer questions such as: Is chocolate an aphrodisiac? Is chocolate the same as cocoa? Is it good for our health? Is white chocolate a type of chocolate without the colouring? Does chocolate promote acne? Is 80% chocolate good for our health or is it just a bunch of talk? We hope to see you at another evening choc-full with luscious information.

FINE MUSIC FROM FINLAND The Finnish soprano Olga Heikkilä will perform with Irene Ainstein (piano) on Sunday December 23rd at 4pm at the Quintinha da Música (Covas da Prata near Tavira). Tickets for the concert cost €25. Bookings can be made by contacting Lynne.

+INFO: 

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On Friday December 14th a new book by Lena Strang’s will be unveiled in Lagos. Crossing Cultures in the Western Algarve will be launched at the cafeteria of Lagos Cultural Centre at 6.30pm. The book will be available in both English and Portuguese. The event, which is open to the general public, is supported by the local council and the President of Lagos Câmara will be present. The book is a collection of stories that were originally written by Lena for this magazine. Lena has been one of Tomorrow’s main feature writers for six years. During that time Lena has interviewed a variety of local people about their lives. She has also done research into historic buildings and places of interest in the region. These stories have now been collated into book form. Following on the success of her first book Touching Lives: Remarkable People and Places in the Western Algarve published three years ago, she decided to launch a second volume. Here she focuses on the richness of the cultural heritage and the experiences of people in the different communities in the region. The wide ranging chapters include exploration of the riches found buried deep in the Bay of Lagos, the passion for the graceful Lusitanian horses, the discovery of royal ancestry by a local resident, amongst many others. She has examined the lives of people living on

the margin of society such as the nomadic gypsies in the region as well as the established resident gypsy population in Lagos. She also explored the history of the ‘Indians’ of Meia Praia and their situation today. Many of the people she has written about will be present at the launch, including architect José Veloso, who assisted her in investigating the community at Meia Praia and architect Frederico Mendes Paula who has done some extensive work on the cultural heritage of Lagos and the links with Morocco. She is also pleased that musician Eduardo Ramos and current Bodyboard World Champion Joanna Schenker will be there along with local people from the different communities that she has portrayed. There will be a presentation (in both English and Portuguese) and a short film will be shown about the personalities featured in the book. Refreshments will also be served. There is an opportunity to acquire signed copies. The book, with over a hundred colour photos, retails at €10. Everyone is welcome. As it is near Christmas it may well be a perfect opportunity to stock up on presents too!

MUSIC TO OUR EARS Popular pianist Lucjan Luc will make his fifth visit to Quintinha da Música (Covas da Prata near Tavira) on Sunday December 9th at 4pm, He will play the Brahms Rhapsody op 79 no 1, Brahms' Sonata op 1, Ravel's Pavane Pour Une Infante Défunte and Debussy's Suite Bergamasque and L'Isle Joyeuse. Tickets cost €25 and can be obtained from Lynne. Lucjan Luc was born in Jaroslaw (Poland). He obtained his degree on the piano and in chamber music at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice finishing the course with distinction. He studied there with the famous professor Andrzej Jasinski as well as the outstanding composer and pianist Eugeniusz Knapik. Both these personalities have played an influential role in his musical and artistic development. In 1990 he was awarded the first prize at the 14th Polish Piano Festival, in Slupsk.

+INFO: 

An old classic The story of Beauty and the Beast will be performed at Arade Congress Center on December 22nd at 9.30pm This classic tale is well known to many with a prince living in a beautiful palace but he is known to be very bad, lazy and extremely vain and only



concerned with his own vanity. A twist means he is cursed to look like a monster and to look like a prince again he would now have to find a woman who would fall in love with him but who will ever fall in love with a Monster? Prices from €12.50 to €15 Tickets at or Fnac.


Come horse riding at QPA this winter and enjoy the beauty of the countryside on well-schooled horses and ponies. _________________________________________________ For more information or to book, please call: Â Stables: 282 687 596 | Office: 282 789 801 After 18h: 282 687 263 |

special winter deal for residents





FIND THE FESTIVE FAIR! You are invited to a Christmas Fair with a difference by the Burgau Barbarians Beach Rugby Club. The venue will be a secret and you will need to find out on Facebook. This year they are supporting local charities and warmly invite you to join their Christmas Fair on Saturday 15th December from 4-10pm. Organisers say: “The mysterious venue will be between Burgau and Luz, we are carefully following the weather forecast to see where the snow will be falling and where Santa will be landing, follow us on Facebook to keep updated.” Rudolf rides will be on offer from 4.155.30pm and Santa will be waiting in his magical Algarve Marquees Grotto with gifts for your children, kindly donated by Pilates Room Lagos, between 4-6pm. A Wacky sponsored disco and Phaze Photography fun booth will entertain your children whilst you browse the wonderful craft stalls on offer and try your luck at the tombola and raffle. Snow fall is guaranteed as the Western Algarve Community Choir sing in the winter wonderland from 7-8pm, with their junior choir alongside. So wrap up warm and join us for some hot veggie chilli by Ricardo In Villa Chef or traditional BBQ food kindly sponsored by Baptista Butcher, washed down at the bar with a warming glass of mulled wine or hot chocolate. Organisers said: “We look forward to you joining us and our wonderful community at this family event. Entry is free of charge. Christmas is a time of mystique and joy so watch this space, save the date and come and join us for an evening of good old-fashioned Christmas fun.”

+INFO:  events/280763035881262





The Association of Parents from Vila do Bispo (APEEAAEVB) is organizing a Christmas Fair that will be held on December 8th and 9th at the Raposeira Pavilion. This event aims to raise funds for the parents association which helps the school and students. Father Christmas will be at the fair. There will also be handicrafts, games, live entertainment as well as food and drinks and delicious Portuguese pastries.

On December 7th, 8th and 9th, the city of Lagoa will host, for the fourth consecutive year, the Christmas market with lots of activities for the whole family, including a live nativity scene and village with historical recreations of the time of the birth of Jesus Christ.

On December 8th the events starts at 10am until 11pm. On December 9th it will be from 10am to 8pm.

There will be various activities including musical shows and lots of animation and dozens of exhibitors of local products and arts and crafts. Also on December 7th at 10am there will be the traditional parade of Santas through the streets of the city.

+INFO:  events/335129310400178  

During the days of the fair there will be a tourist train to circulate around the city to transport, free of charge, all those who want to go to the fair without having to take a car.



The annua Aljezur Christmas Fair will be held on December 14th, 15th and 16th at Espaço Multiusos de Aljezur.

On December 14 and 16th it will be the turn of Carvoeiro to celebrate Christmas with the traditional Fair, which this year will have as a novelty a Live Pirate Village.

+INFO: 

CHRISTMAS LIVING STATUES On December 14th between 3pm and 6pm and December 15th between 10am and 1pm you will be treated to a Christmas show of living statues in Lagoa. The event will take place in Rua 25 de Abril E Largo 5 Outubro in Lagoa.




Lagos will welcome the New Year with the Portuguese band Amor Electro at Praça do Infante

In Albufeira there will be 5 days of festivities for the whole family!

Since their debut album in 2011, Amor Electro has gone from strength -tostrength. The band offers a unique style and they are part of the generation that established modern Portuguese music.

CELEBRATE NEW YEAR BACK IN TIME The most typical village in the municipality of Albufeira is preparing itself for the most anticipated event of the year, the “Medieval Paderne”, which from December 29th, 2018 to January 1st, 2019, turns the small town of the Algarve baroque into a true showcase of the history and ethnography of the XIV century. The trip to the past is made through the re-creation of the medieval market that extends along the narrow alleys of the parish, invaded for four days by smells and tastes from excellent gastronomic delicacies, the representation of arts and crafts and various performances alluding to the time. The highlight of the event is marked for the first day of 2019 with a historic procession that portrays the ceremony of the delivery of the Letter of Donation of the Castle of Paderne, by D. Dinis, to the Order of Avis.

Amor Electro will play at 10.30pm, followed by foreworks at 11pm and then DJ Tiago M at 11.15 to 1.15am.

On the 31st Praia dos Pescadores will have a concert with Fernando Daniel (winner of the 4th edition of The Voice Portugal), Wilson Honrado, a DJ from Rádio Comercial and HMB. There will be fireworks on three main locations: Praia dos Pescadores, Praia da Oura and Praia de Olhos de Água.

+INFO: 

+INFO: 



The countdown has already begun so be sure to take your place now! For the fifth year running the Municipality of Lagoa is organising the largest indoor annual gathering of the Algarve, called Arade Music Fest, which is based on the Arade Congress Center (Parchal - Lagoa)

Why not welcome the New Year with celebrations in Portimão? This year there will be a street party with entertainment including music and fireworks.

Ticket price: €55 (adults) €25 (children up to 10 years, including babies) The event starts at 8pm with welcome drinks. There will be music and a dinner ahead of a dance show and fireworks at midnight. There will be music at 12.15 to take you back in time to the 70s, 80s & 90s with DJ Mark Guedes.

On December 31st the party starts at 10pm to the sound of Axé Brasil and Oskar.DJ. There will also be music in the Ribeira district of Alvor, from 10pm on New Year’s Eve. When the clock strikes midnight the skies will be lit from Praia da Rocha, Portimão's Ribeirinha Zone and Alvor's Ribeira Zone with a firework display.

+INFO:  portimaomunicipio

+INFO / TIICKETS:  +351 282 380 452 (Carlos do Carmo Auditorium)  +351 282 380 434 (Convento S. José)

To celebrate 14th century style you can go to Paderne, Albufeira between 9am. to 4pm




Christmas in Lagos Parade

Christmas fun for all

Write a letter to Santa

Father and Mother Christmas parade at Praça Luís de Camões.

In the run up to Christmas there will be fun for children and grown ups alike at Praça do Infante and Portas de Portugal street. There will be, with bouncy castles, a synthetic ice rink, an iglo with workshops for children and other surprises!

Mother Christmas will be waiting for the children, at Praça Luís de Camões, to take pictures, read christmas tales and receive the traditional letters of gift requests.

The event will take place on December 1st from 2.30pm to 5.30pm and will be an afternoon full of surprises and activities. There will be the chance to meet Father Christmas and even Mother Christmas at 3pm and the traditional face paintings, juggling, storytelling and musical animation.

Markets Days 9th from 5pm to 9pm and 10th from 10am to 8pm at Levante market Days 21st and 22nd from 10am to 9pm at Avenida Municipal market Showcase of homemade products and crafts, food & beverage stands Play activities for children

This will be between December 1st and 24th. Monday to Friday: 2pm - 7pm and weekends: 10am - 9pm (except for 24th - 5pm).

Concerts at Lagos Cultural Centre Christmas Concert by Orquestra Ligeira de Lagos on December 14th at 9.30pm - €7 Christmas Concert by Sociedade Filarmónica Lacobrigense 1º de Maio Band on December 15th at 7.00pm - €3 Christmas Concert by Orquestra Clássica do Sul on December 22nd 7pm - €6

FREE PARKING From December 10th to 31st Parque da Frente Ribeirinha (underground), there will be free parking, for a period of two hours, for park users who present a shopping receipt of more than €10 made on the same day in local shops. From December 17th to January 1st at Limited Duration Parking Zones the surface parking will be free of charge in the indicated period.



This will take place between December 3rd and 22nd. Monday to Friday: 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 5pm and Saturday: 10am - 12pm

Musical Animation You will be able to hear street music in the historic centre of Lagos on December 8th, 15th and 22nd at 11am to 1pm and 3pm and 5pm. There will be concerts at Gil Eanes Square on: December 17th at 6pm, Grupo Coral de Lagos, December 19th at 4.30pm and Sociedade Filarmónica Lacobrigense 1º de Maio and 21st 5.30pm Wesley Seme

HAVE THE BEST SHOP WINDOW Shops and business around Lagos have been invited to take part in a competition for the best shop window during December.

+INFO:  acrallagos

The vote to elect the best three windows, which runs until the end of the 20th, will be online at the facebook page listed.


TREE DECORATION COMPETITION Between December 1st and December 20th schools, IPSS and other Lagos associations have been invited to decorate christmas trees from the city’s historic center, sponsored by local businesses. The public can vote to elect the best three either by filling in a coupon available at the local commerce or online at the facebok page lsited. The winners will be announced on December 21st

+INFO:  acrallagos

Dance show

The Associação de Dança de Lagos will be hosting its Christmas show on December 7th and 8th at 7.30pm at the Cultural Centre of Lagos.

popular Christmas show is a very good opportunity to get to know the excellent work developed by the school’s students and teachers.”

Tickets will be available in the dance school office and in the Cultural Centre, for the price of €7 each. Professora Ljiljana da Silva said “The school is now accepting new students all year and this

+INFO:  +351 915 812 055 / 912 376 595  

CHRISTMAS CRAFTS On December 8th you are invited to a Christmas Crafts Showcase at the Mercado do Levante Lagos where there will be sweets, animation, arts and crafts between 5pm to 8pm. On December 9th the event starts at 2pm with music and bouncy castles, followed by Father Christmas at 2.30pm. There will be a reindeer show between 3pm and 4pm. After that there will be a show with the illusionist Alex D’Arcy.

CHRISTMAS AT THE ZOO Experience the magic of Christmas at Lagos Zoo’s Natatlândia. From December 1st to 31st, the zoo will transform to a winter wonderland. Plus residents in the Algarve will get a 50% discount on Zoo ticket entries.

Christmas animation, bouncy castles, toy factory, Santa’s house, recycled Christmas tree exhibition, face painting, traditional games and a puppet show every day at 11.45am and 2.30pm.

+INFO: 




December Calendar Promote your events and activities here it’s FREE! Email your listings to us: ACTIVITIES Lagos Walking Football Wed 9.30am +50yrs Welcome, €3 Boavista T: 282790930

Open Mic Night | Thurs 9pm ’til midnight | All artists musicians poets & fun people welcome | Free Admission Junction 17 Luz | T: 964201904/ 911568625 Circus VagabunT Classes for children Tues 2.45pm (6-7yrs) & 4.45pm (8-12yrs) €25 p/m | Barranco Da Vaca School, Aljezur T: 968296503 ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) Rua Direita Luz, T: 919707635

Tennis Doubles-Round Robin Thurs 3pm €10, Golf Santo António Budens, T: 282690008 Medieval Sword/Stick Fighting Thurs 5pm, €8, Sargaçal/Lagos (contact for info) E: T:004917678678743 Aljezur International Choir Singers from the South-west Algarve Thurs 2pm Sing in various languages, Music Room Aljezur Bombeiros, T: 914285640

Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities, Tennis Courts Boavista Golf Resort E:

Golf lessons with PGA Pro on request Golf Santo António T: 282690054

EVENTS Quiz Night Mon 9pm | Rodizio of Tapas (Call for dates) 7pm | BBQ Meat Feast Sun 2pm - 9pm €7.50 The Courtyard Bistro & Bar, Alvor, T: 912441143 Fado Nights (Ana Marques) 8pm alternating with Michael Jackson’s Tribute (Delfim Miranda) 9pm Wed, Carvi Hotel Praia Dona Ana, T: 282760993 December 21st - January 2nd Pigs Head Annual Bah Humbug Festival Starts 12noon and ends when the last person buggers off home on January 2nd | Costs nowt to get in FREE snarl or growl with every coffee order December 2nd Walking in São Marcos da Serra €10 & 8th Cordoama Beach Cleaning | 10th ADAP Solidarity Walk (Donation) Mexilhoeira Grande | 15th Christmas Walk in Castro Marim €10, Quimera Experience, T: 962647741/ 969467275



December 1st & 2nd Qigong Da Wu Workshop The Great Dance 2.30 €30, Inlight Lagos, T: 939734394 December 2nd & 9th Inner Smile & Six Healing Sounds Emotional Balance & Stress Relief Day workshop | Registration required, €95p.p, Vinha Velha nr B. S. João, T: 918529555 December 14th Christmas Sing-A-Long from 8pm - It’s where the “Real” Santa drinks!, McCabes Irish Bar Lagos T: 915820215 December 15th The Sound of Soul 3.30pm | HU song & brief discussion on this sacred sound, Reserva da Luz, Main Entrance, 1st on right FREE (Papoila Clinic building) T:968641314 December 17th - 31 st Christmas Exhibition Everyday 10am - 7pm 4 artists present their handicrafts, Lagos Regimental, Lagos

FITNESS Legs Bums & Tums Mon 1.30pm | Total Fitness Mon 7.30pm, €6 | HIIT Yoga Fri 9.30am, €7 Burgau Sports Centre, Boxercise Tues 9.30am | Pool Fit (or LB&T depending on weather) Wed 2pm, €6 Ocean Club Praia de Luz | Surf Fit Tues 7pm (pre-book only) Physiotherapy Lagos, Soames Fitness T:913425893 Yoga Mon Wed & Fri 10am Everyone welcome, Blocks and mats provided, €10, Ocean Villas Rua da Calheta Praia da Luz, T: 282767303 Haha Yoga Tue & Fri 10am Kaula Tantra Yoga Wed 10am | African Drum 5pm, €9 / €7 for regulars, Monte Rosa, Barão de São João T: 282687002 Fitness Tue & Thurs 9.30am, Pilates Tues & Thurs 11am, (No Classes Dec17-26th) €5 | Golf Santo Antonio Budens, T: 282690086

Qi Gong Mon 6.30pm & Wed 10.30am, €8 | Ninjutsu/ Budo Tajutsu Tues 6.30pm & Fri 7.30pm, €10 | Yoga Nidra Thurs 6.30pm, €7 | Pre-Natal Yoga Thurs 4pm, €10 | Casa Sakra Lagos, T: 916060814 Yoga (Ashtanga based) Tues & Thurs 10.30am | Yoga for Men Tues 6.30pm | Yin Yang Flow Tues 7.45pm Yin Yoga | Wed 9.15am, €5€10, Grupo Desportivo do Burgau T: 913202621 Pilates Mat Classes | Daily 9.15 & 10.30am & Mon 6pm €10 or €90 for 10, Pilates Equipment Classes | Duet Reformer. Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos T: 926514613 Hatha Yoga (Beg.) Mon Wed & Fri 9.45am, Yin Yoga Tues & Thurs 9.45am €10, Boavista Yin Yoga Mon 4pm | Hatha yoga (Beg.) Fri 3.30pm €12 or €60x6, Alma Verde T: 963614499

Tai Ji Quan Mon 10am (Beg.) & Thurs 5.30pm (Adv.), €10 Dojo Zen de Lagos Barão S. João, T: 919718955 Pilates Wed 11am, Yoga & De-stress Fri 11am, Zumba Dance Wed & Fri 10am, Step! & Tone (pre-booking) Thurs 10am, €7.50 | Hotel Belavista Luz, T: 968288258 Gentle Yoga 12.30pm | Barre Yoga Fusion Tue 12.30pm €5.80-10 | Kundalini Yoga with GongBath (pls register) Wed 7.45pm €13 | Ashtanga Yoga - Led Primary Series Mon & Thurs 6pm €6.50 10, InLight Lagos T: 913127421 Pilates Mat Classes MonFri 8:30, 9:30, 10:30am & 6pm, €10 or €90x10, AR Pilates Studio Chinicato Lagos, T: 966787280 Gentle Hatha Mon 6.30pm Old School Burgau & Wed 12.15pm Hotel Belavista Luz €8, T: 965201477

CLASSES Dog Training Tue 11am (Rally-Obedience) | Fri 11am & Sat 4pm (Agility), €25 4 sess. Espiche, T: 968086320 Watercolour Classes Thurs 10am, €11, Sala Paroquial (Church Hall) Praia da Luz, T: 912149839 Music Lessons (Piano, Guitar, Keyboard & Voice) Beginners & Intermediate €25p.h Salema T:964201904 Afro Fusion Dance Classes Wed 6pm & Fri. 10.30am, €10, Amovate Aljezur T: 918047263 Open Painting Studio Wed & Thurs 10.30am €12.50, Healing Painting For 70+- Thurs 3 | €10, Barão S. João, T: 962039574

Latin & Ballroom Tues 10am (interm) 11.30 (Improv.) & 12.15pm (Begin.), Alvor Community Centre,Wed 7pm (New Begin.) 7.45pm (Improv.) Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis €5 T: 961916821 Photography Advice Mon 11am, Art Academy Marina de Lagos T: 917271789 Life Drawing Mon 11am (Beg & Pro) €10 p.sess Marina de Lagos, T: 916035308 Computer Classes Sat 10am Lagos, T: 918764613 Swimming Lessons Mon & Thurs pm & Sat am, €12.50 €10 (mem.), Holiday Courses 3x per Week €25 €20 (mem.), Boavista T: 917953914

Classical Guitar Classes (English Speaking ABRSM Certified) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo T: 962690582 Junior Academy - PGA Golf Professional Alfredo Cunha Sat 11am | Equipment provided, €25p., Espiche Golf Espiche, T: 282688250 Private Hip Hop Dance Class | 1.5hr, €20, Budens, T: 916022719 Oriental Dance Class (beginners) Mon 7pm €6/class €20/m, LAC Lagos,T: 914851331

USEFUL NUMBERS GENERAL FAITH Sunday Service 10.30am International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, T: 910640927 Communion Services Said Holy Communion Thurs 10am & Sun 8am, Sung Holy Communion (with hymns) 11.30am, CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church | Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: T: 282789660 Zazen Zen Meditation Tue & Thurs 7.30am & Wed 7.30pm, €3 | Dojo Zen de Lagos | Barão S. João, T: 919718955

CHARITY & SUPPORT December 19th Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Cafe Bom Dia, Rua Moinho do Azeite | Lagos, Carol T: 926297527 or Kirsteen T: 968084946 Riding for Disabled | Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, T: 915090044 Cadela Carlota Animal Charity Extra hands needed to help | Three hour shifts am or pm, Almadena Shop, E: cadelacarlota.comp@ AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, T: 964201904 / 282760506, AA hotline: 917005590

INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE (PSP) 282 780 240 NATIONAL GUARD (GNR) 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 282 799 668 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898


GET JUGGLY New Circus is offering Juggling Workshops this December if you fancy trying your hand at something new. The workshops will take place at Teatro das Figuras in Faro between December 17th and 19th from 10am to 1pm. The company Erva Daninha challenges the participants of this workshop to experience juggling in a simple and fun way. With experience of all areas of the circus Erva Daninha wants everyone to feel invited to discover one of the circus techniques. Prices: €30

+INFO: 

THE SEASONS OF THE CIRCUS Between December 28th and January 1st the Saison de Cirque will be staging a show in Monchique. This is a magical show around the themes of good and evil. In the seasons of this circus you will see juggling, volteio equestre, hand-to-hand balance ... A live orchestra that sings, whistles and cries. Horses that take their time to own the trail. This time is special. The track is paramount. It is the earth, the season, it is rain, wind, snow, tree and sun. It is the

place of human relationship and emotion pure and simple. On New Year's Eve, there will be a big surprise party with the Cirque Aïtal after the show. Admission is free and all are welcome. Tickets: € 10 (general public), € 5 (children under 12) Buy them at:

+INFO:    +351 282 144 379 / 913 943 034

A CLASSIC BALLET IN LAGOA Swan Lake Ballet or The Lake of the Swans will be performed on December 4th at 6pm at the Muncipal Auditorium of Lagoa. The Carlos do Carmo Auditorium in Lagoa will host the prestigious Moscow company, Russian Classical Ballet. This is the premiere of a new production of the masterpiece of classic ballet is being directed by the famous dancer Evgeniya Bespalova and presents a narrative of love, betrayal and triumph of good over evil. A great classic production



that represents an unforgettable and memorable moment which is open to the general public. Tickets are €28 and for sale at the following venues: Ticketline, Worten, FNAC, Carlos do Carmo Auditorium Lagoa or Convento S. José - Lagoa.

+INFO:  +351 282 380 452 (Carlos do Carmo Auditorium)  +351 282 380 434 (Convento S. José)

SPORTS Racing around town for three hours on 50cc machines that spanned six decades of manufacture with the pilots also spanning the same time frame. Avoiding your neighbours house and the bales of straw strategically positioned around dangerous obstacles, making it to the end is the goal. Riding like they are late for their first job, having fun and raising money for the Bombeiros is the main objective. If racing is not your thing but still like the two wheeled lifestyle there are a number of events and festivals arranged by a variety of clubs across the region. Whatever your passion, somewhere out there someone else shares the same. You just have to find them.


Rich with the motorcycle culture the Algarve is the perfect location for riding. World Superbike returned this year with the dominant Ulsterman Jonathan Rea, already the most successful race winner in the 31st year history of the championships poised to take the 2018 title, matching Carl Fogarty’s record of four world crowns. His two race victories under the Algarve’s intense sun where temperatures reached 40 degrees were witnessed by the largest audience to attend WSBK at the Mexilhoeira Grande track. A record attendance in excess of 50,000, up 22% on last year’s record figures. The track is not just for watching. Known as one of the best tracks in Europe, it is where many manufacturers of cars and bike choose to launch their new ranges. Throughout the year a number of event companies offer track day experiences for the skilled and novices alike. Recently Far Side Sportsbiking events company, a small British company arranged an open pit lane, three day track event for riders of multiple skill ranges. Over 60 riders shipped their bikes with 45 riders coming from the Berkshire and Hampshire BMW dealer, “This track is amazing, technically difficult and an absolute rollercoaster, it is the best track that I have ever ridden.” Alistair Walker BMW Bahnstormer. To inquire about forthcoming track days contact AIA. If you are a fan of motorcycle races, it is not just at the track you can watch glorious racing. Silves is one of a few towns that close the cobbled streets and some of the main roads to create a race track once a year. Locals and visitors mingle around the narrow, two-stroke exhaust infused lanes while the streets are buzzing with small engined motorcycles.



One of the most stylish events in the annual calendar is the Distinguished Gentleman’s Riders event. Started in 2012 in Australia to draw attention to men’s prostate health, and, latterly, mental health issues. Riders of classics, customs and bobber style motorcycles don their finest tweeds, leather shoes, bow ties, soft caps and braces with rides taking place simultaneously in 650 cities around the world. Now in its fourth year the driving force behind the Algarve event is Henrique Guilherme who managed to register 334 official riders that were joined by many more along the route. Raising money for research into prostate cancer, mental health and suicide prevention programs as part of the mission to support men’s health globally, the riders in the Algarve raised an incredible €11600, 10% more than the combined 1000 riders who turned out in Lisbon and well over 100% more than the 850+ riders in Porto, demonstrating that not only are they the most dapper of gentlemen, they are also extremely generous. The funds are invested by the Movember Foundation who are the world’s largest men’s health organisation.Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer and only found in men. One reason that cancer diagnosis is so high is that men tend to shy away from screening when early stages are easily dealt with. Many avoid the doctors until the situation reaches a more dangerous level that may require life changing decisions. Screening for every man over 50 and 45 years of age when family members have been diagnosed is of major importance. The tragic loss of one of the early members of the DGR organisation gave the board an added incentive to add men’s mental health to the agenda. 75% of suicides are men, with one taking their life every minute. Working with a goal of prevention the health pages on movember offer some advice. Should you be experiencing trouble, speak with a family member, a friend, your priest, doctor or even a stranger. Remember the statistics, you are not alone and your complex problem need not be the reason to take your own life. As for screening, well you wouldn’t skip maintenance on your beloved motorcycle for years on end without calling it a death trap, so please take responsibility for your own care too. For more information on prostate cancer including symptoms, testing, treatment options and support resources, head over to the ‘your health’ section on

+INFO:  gentlemansridealgarve


Grip it to rip it BY ALFREDO CUNHA





The American professional golfer Ben Hogan once said: “Golf begins with a good grip”. Yet most golfers whom I teach are gripping the golf club in a way that is costing them power and consistency. The primary function of the hands is to hold on the golf club in such a manner that the clubface will be square at impact. Yes, changing your golf grip is uncomfortable at first and you might feel like you`ve taken a step backwards. But it’s well worth the small amount of effort it takes to make a good golf grip becomes natural. You`ll play much more

LAUNCH OF NEW ALGARVE WOLVES SUPPORTERS CLUB The Portuguese influence at Wolverhampton Wanderers football club is well known, with the newly promoted team now playing in the English Premiership with more players from Portugal in their squad than Porto and the same number as in S. L Benfica – a current count of eight. Manager Nuno Espirito Santo leads the team including Portugal’s national team goalkeeper Rui Patricio, Ruben Neves, Helder Costa, Ivan Cavaleiro, Diogo Jota, Ruben Vinagre and real local boy João Moutinho, the midfielder from Portimão. Aged 31, Moutinho holds the third highest caps for Portugal at 113. The team just missed a draw on Sunday in a thrilling match with Tottenham Hotspurs. Worldwide Wolves is a supporters group network which is officially recognised by the football club and expanded this season to spread the word of Wolves as far as Dubai and Melbourne. More than 70 official supporter clubs have now been formed. Algarve Wolves can be contacted direct via native Midlands girl Amy Grace, 42, who lives in Lagoa, via their new Facebook page. A lifelong Wolves fan, she said: “As a child I supported Wolves in the fourth and then third



division and watched in the Steve Bull glory days! My parents and grandparents have all been lifelong Wolves supporters and I was delighted to take my own young son to Molineux to see Wolves play Manchester City earlier this season. I hope that with Algarve Wolves, we can find a community out here who would like to meet to watch matches and to share news. There is now a Worldwide Supporters lounge at Molineux and the opportunity to bid for match day tickets in a special area of the stadium. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more, but find us on Facebook and share your Wolves stories! With our Portuguese player connections, Algarve Wolves are considered as “royalty” amongst the various supporters clubs!” If you are interested in setting up a Lisbon Wolves or Porto Wolves team, please also contact Amy.

+INFO:  AlgarveWolves

consistent and solid golf for many years. There are 3 main golf grips: 1. Interlock 2. Overlapping 3. Baseball The most important part of the grip is the “v” created by the thumb and the index finger, of both hands, they should point between chin and right shoulder. (picture 4). Alfredo Cunha is the golf pro at Espiche Golf

+INFO: 




October was the main month for motorsport enthusiasts at the fabulous Autódromo Internacional do Algarve (AIA) near Portimão. The Algarve Classic Festival took place between October 19th and 21st - a very popular event with both competitors and spectators alike. It saw some of Europe’s top classic race car championships, competing over three days. Unlike much of current racing, this event gave spectators the rare opportunity to get really close to the cars in the pits. They were also able to chat to the enthusiastic race drivers and engineers as well. Classic and historic motorsport has grown immensely in recent years, which reflects in the values of many of the cars. Most notable at this event was an example of a rare 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO. In August 2014 this car set an auction record by selling for $38.1 million (around €33 million). Its owner, billionaire Brazilian Carlos Monteverde, was racing the car at Portimão. Other unique cars included the ex works Austin Healey 3000, once raced by John Gott (one time chief constable of Northamptonshire) one of only three special, all aluminium bodied, Morgan SLR’s and the ex Stirling Moss Cooper F1 car which won the Portuguese Grand Prix in 1959. As well as billionaires, the drivers also featured current British Touring Cars star driver, Adam Morgan, who was competing in a Ford Capri. Enthusiasts from all over the Algarve and beyond, drove their own road going classics to display at the event. On Sunday, over 100 classic cars were displayed at the entrance to the



paddock area, much to the delight of spectators. The modern European Le Mans Series (ELMS) also took place later in October from the 26th to 28th. This is a series of four-hour endurance races for cars which also compete in the renowned Le Mans 24-hour race. Categories of cars include ‘Le Mans Prototypes’ and ‘Le Mans Grand Touring’. This was the final race of the series in 2018 and saw the championship titles settled for prototype and GT car categories. There was local interest in ex F1 engineer Stewart Cox’s Algarve Pro Racing, who ran two cars in the top LMP2 category. Having qualified in 11th and 15th position in class, after four hard hours of racing the team’s cars finished 10th and 12th. The no.25 car of Tacksung Kim, Ate Dirk de Jong and Mark Patterson ending the 2018 series with a desired top ten result. Overall winner was the no.22 United Autosports car of Phil Hanson and Filipe Albuquerque. Filipe is of course Portuguese and a big fan of the Autódromo Internacional do Algarve. He was absolutely thrilled to win on home soil, winning a very tight race by only just over half a second. Both races are coming again in 2019. Keep checking the AIA website for more details when available. Phil Egginton is a motorsport consultant and journalist who has now retired to the Algarve.

+INFO: 

Classic and historic motorsport has grown immensely in recent years, which reflects in the values of many of the cars.

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I am diverting from my journey through the Digestive Tract just for Christmas! There are many articles on what we should and should not do with regards to physical health and our tendency to overindulge over Christmas but what about mental health! Our brain tells virtually every part of the body what to do! The frontal cortex contains our intelligence, memory, personality, emotion, speech and the ability to feel, but we need to be aware of the external influences that can affect this centre and Christmas is definitely one of them!! It can bring its own unique kind of stress and anxiety, intensifying feelings of loneliness and the loss of loved ones. Increased financial worries (around 41% of people report getting into debt at this time of year) brought on by the pressures of making it a ‘perfect’ Christmas and fulfilling family expectations (a notorious time for family arguments) cause one in 10 people to feel that they cannot cope at this time of year! Many things that are part of our routine are disrupted, including the way we eat, sleep, drink alcohol, travel and even overexert ourselves to socialise and be cheerful!! Instead of thinking of others all the time – remember yourself a little so that you can be mentally (and therefore physically) prepared to cope with Christmas:

- Plan and make manageable lists of jobs to help organise your thoughts and prevent forgetting things. - There is growing research on the benefits of exercise on mental health – go for a walk! - Accept who you are – do not compare yourself in a negative way to other people (keeping up with the Joneses!) - Be realistic about what you can expect from ‘family time’ together as many families live far away from each other, bringing individuals together who do not really know each other!

- Connect with people who are supportive and you can talk through things that are worrying you or causing anxiety! - Try and have some ‘me’ time – read a book, knit, go for a walk with the dog!

Remember Christmas is just one day of the year – try to enjoy it!!!!!! Niki is head nurse at

- Drink and eat sensibly - try and stick to your normal routines as much as possible.

The Pilates Room Lagos has moved to bigger premises and as a result will now be offering daily mat classes. Equipment classes are still being offered on a daily basis on a private and semiprivate basis by appointment only.



The classes daily will be at 9.15am and 10.30am and Monday evening at 6pm. Pilates is a proven method that is recommended by physios and osteopaths to build functional strength and flexibility. It is for the elite athlete or an individual who has movement issues. The

owner, Lisa Longhurst has had 16 years of practicing Pilates herself and has been teaching for 13 years. The Pilates Room has seen fitness fanatics, surfers, golfers, pregnant ladies, Neuromuscular disorders and elderly people pass through its doors since opening seven years ago. Everyday offers and a new challenge and each person is considered and individual. Please call or email to book your place.

+INFO:  +351 926 514 613 

Prime Wine Dec 2018_Layout 1 16/11/2018 09:27 Page 1

Introducing our International Winter Wine Selection Exclusive to Pingo Doce in Lagos


HEALTH & BEAUTY Fifteen years ago Catarina Ordaz Wentink started a company supplying yoga props and materials throughout Portugal and across Europe. It came about through her own experiences of yoga and the props that you need particularly when you are setting out. When she started teaching yoga in 2002 she quickly discovered the need for props, or items to support certain postures to be able to practice yoga safely and progressively. Besides the mat that is used to ensure a stable position and avoid slipping of the hands and feet, small pillows (or bolsters) are used to provide support in many positions while sitting or lying on the mat.


The Zafu (small round cushion) is often used to help correct the spine and pelvis when sitting in meditation and straps are used to help with leg stretching and other poses. When starting the yoga journey the body will need some time to gain flexibility and to avoid overstretching the teacher will use blocks and plates in situations where the student can not reach the floor yet, but does need support to release the weight of the body towards the ground.

Blankets are very versatile as they can be used simply to keep warm when sitting or lying still for a longer period or they can be folded or rolled up to be tugged in certain spaces that need to release tension. As the demand grew, Catarina started to produce some of these props according to her own requirements and experiences. She also started to respond to the inquiries of other yoga teachers that had the same need for their students. This is the story of how came to be and it has been supplying teachers and students for many years. To find out more about Yoga Props (or Yoga Material) then please have a look at the website where you have a great selection of many of the products that people use when practicing yoga. If you have any questions or doubts about the use of these products you can easily contact the company by email or phone, to get your answers from an experienced teacher that has one main objective: Practice without limits!

+INFO: 



Christmas is traditionally a time where we buy gifts for our family, friends and loved ones, but what about ourselves? We should also make time to give ourselves gifts, not physical, store bought presents but gifts that add to our lives, and improve our wellbeing and health. Our bodies need nurturing; they need nourishing with the most nutritious food that we can provide for them, so that they can function as optimally as possible. Give your body the gift of movement, make time to move to stretch and strengthen. To breathe deeply. Allow the body and mind the time to rest and rejuvenate. Sleep is one of the most essential elements to health, and one that is so often cut short, but it should be one of the easiest and most wanted gifts we can give our bodies Take time to rest our minds, to step away from our phones and screens. Time to just sit still, to allow the mind to become still and to allow that stillness to



envelope us. Make time for yourself, allow yourself the time to unwind, to de-stress, to do the things you enjoy to do, so you can recharge your batteries. After all, you are the caretaker of your body and life. No one can do this for you Give yourself the gift of following your dreams. Do what you love; do what is important for you. Be your own best friend! Give yourself the gift of being the kind of person you would most like to spend the time with. “The greatest gift you can give yourself is a little bit of your own attention.” ~Anthony J. D’Angelo

+INFO:  +351 913 202 621    fit2lovelife /  anndejongh



Every single one of us will have to face the grief rollercoaster at some point and we will all have to face the strong and unpredictable head winds of that particular journey. Many people don’t know how to handle grief and don’t know how to behave around those that have unfortunately lost someone close to them. The Algarve is full of people who have been or are currently on this journey and we at Tomorrow magazine wanted to offer some support during the festive season to those people currently in this unfortunate position. ‘Time is a great healer’ is the classic statement that people use in order to try and offer comfort and support. Despite this statement being true what they fail to mention is what we have to go through in order for time to heal. Time is only a great healer due to the journey of this rollercoaster and how life evolves after the passing of a loved one. Time may be a healer but unfortunately that doesn’t help people suffering from grief right now. One of the great problems with grief is the fact that death in general is almost a bit of a taboo and something that people understandably shy away from and avoid, most likely due to fear. Unfortunately, this can lead to some people feeling very isolated and lonely which is very much exacerbated over Christmas and New Year. Talking from first-hand experience after losing both my fiancé and grandparents, the festive period is always a very challenging time for people who have lost loved ones. Many people talk about the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance). This analogy is very helpful to some and is almost comforting to know that a lot of people despite not necessarily being open about it go through these phases. The problem is like many things in today’s society, not everything or everyone fits into a category. Each phase is entirely different for every individual, this analogy also fails to mention that the depression phase can be not only incredibly destructive but last a long time. Personally, the real lack of energy I felt which can lead to deeper depression was something that I very much underestimated. After someone has passed away, whatever the circumstances, it creates a trauma for their loved ones left behind and adapting to this is a real challenge in itself. The journey to recovery is most certainly not straight and narrow or nicely compartmentalised into stages. I had the pleasure of interviewing world renowned bereavement psychotherapist Julia Samuel. During our discussion I asked her what advice she would give to people suffering from recent and long-term grief.



“If someone has recently died whether the death was expected or unexpected you are likely to be in shock and the death of this person you love, will most probably feel surreal. You may also feel the grief, which often feels like fear, and is certainly painful. The key thing when you are grieving is to get the love and support of those around you, when love dies, it is the love of others that helps us heal. But it is also important to let yourself feel the pain; it is often the things that we do to avoid the pain, like busyness, or drinking too much alcohol that do us harm. Pain is the agent of change and will enable us to find a way of adapting to life without this person. Exercise is extremely helpful as a way of winding down the intensity of what you are experiencing, whether it is sport like tennis, or running, cycling, swimming – anything that gets your heart rate up will be enormously helpful. When you have been grieving for a longer time firstly, grief has no schedule, we hope it will be quick, and we will be able to get on with our life, but it usually takes longer than we want. The more we loved the person who died, and the more central they were to our life, the greater their absence will be felt. As you allow the grief to run through your system it is helpful to find ways of remembering the person who has died – it is by remembering that we heal, not by forgetting. The person has died, but our love for them is still in us. There are many touchstones to remembering, it maybe by cooking their favourite dish, or wearing something of theirs, or writing a journal or playing a piece of music you both loved – through creating these habits of remembering we do find a way of accommodating their loss, and feeling the person close inside us, which is warming and comforting. As when you are at the beginning of grief, we feel it in our bodies, so exercise helps, and the love and connection to others is the key to us finding a way of trusting in life again, and having hope for a changed future, but still a future”. The festive period is always a very challenging time for people suffering from grief and it is important to know that they are not going mad by wanting to retreat away from the festivities. Everyone’s recovery is individual and no grief journey is the same. Grief really is the price we pay for love and it is important to stop and take note of progress no matter how small. The rollercoaster requires a tight grip, a lot of deep breaths and like all scary rides, a good hand to hold. Support is available please see the article by Theresa Hughes.


BE MINDFUL BY TERESA HUGHES As 2018 draws to a close and a brand new year beckons, are there any issues you want to address and leave behind you? The festive season can be an extremely emotive time for individuals dealing with grief, loss, low mood, anxiety, relationship difficulties, to name but a few. We are constantly bombarded by media images of joyful people and families. Sadly, this is not the reality for many. Talking Therapy can help make sense of feelings and

Pets Mate

Last month we had our 'fitness month'at the Lagos Vet Clinic. Best not to do a weight loss class in December, lest we starve ourselves of Christmas dinner and turkey sandwiches over the break.

They say it is a time for reflection (not reflexion) and not before time. In today’s society we spend so much of our time either earning money or spending money. I don’t really know how we got to this point, but I suspect the door has just opened on how embracing we can make consumerism the focal point of existence. We live in the peak time of our society’s existence. Though the papers will tell you otherwise (and let’s face it, they want to sell their tabloids, and good news ain't a seller!) the human world is in a better place than it has ever been. We have more religious freedom and economic freedom than we ever had before. Global health standards are at an all-time high and life expectancies have risen so much that not enough people are dying! Of course, we have our current problems and some are such that they are changing the world around us. So, let’s reflect on these things… We are free, we are rich and we are healthy. For me, Christmas was always a time to remember those less fortunate than ourselves. Though some of us try and do this throughout the year, it still helps as a collective pause-time for society, as a whole. Let us try and and stop...collaborate and listen (sorry, couldn’t help the Vanilla Ice reference), but let’s just



fears. It can prove immensely liberating for clients who have become stuck in a cycle of negative thinking. By reality checking faulty thoughts and destructive internal narratives we can free ourselves. We all have a huge ability to transform. It is brave to admit when we are struggling emotionally, asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness. During our lives there will be times when our resilience is compromised, this is when we need to be mindful of looking after our physical and mental health. In with the new... Many people begin the new year with a diet and/or alcohol detox. You can start 2019 by engaging in Talking Therapy and leave behind any of the issues which have impacted upon you.

+INFO:  +351 960 417 731 

BY LARS RAHMQUIST stop and be happy with what we have got. Maybe give some of our time or money to others...if nothing else, the smug feeling can make you even happier than a new pair of sneakers. Last night I had a couple of beers with Roland. He works with my sister in Stockholm, they both work with care dogs and handicapped people. It’s been a delight to see them all again. Roland and sis get paid about 2 peanuts a day for what they do, but as Roland said last night: I pay my rent and the bills with the peanuts, but the rest of the benefits, the state cannot tax! But I am not gonna smugly type about how you should give your hard earned money to some freeloaders (sic), but I would encourage you to just reflect on how good you've got it. Hug your dog, kiss your pussy cat, call your mum or your best mate and just be... try this before you flog off your cash for something at Aqua shopping center to give yourself something that is actually nothing. You already have everything you want and need. Happy (as in HAPPY) Christmas to you all. ...oh and no Christmas chocolate for your dog, remember.

+INFO: 


NEW LOOK IN THE NEW YEAR Exciting plans are afoot to revamp Baptista’s Supermarket in Luz in January but in the meantime all focus is on the festive season as Rebecca Simpson found out. Baptistas Supermarket has always been an integral part of the community within Praia da Luz and the surrounding area. For generations Rui Baptista’s family have served the area with their supermarket. Baptista’s caters for the diversity of the community and the store provides a little something for both the Portuguese and international communities on many levels. Christmas has always been an important time for Baptistas. For many years both the Portuguese and expat communities have utilised the supermarket to purchase all those small touches that makes Christmas so special. For a long time Baptistas was also one of the only supermarkets in the area where certain British products could be purchased. For Rui it has always been important to be a community-based business. In order to further embrace this, for some time he has offered a free supermarket delivery service which is highly recommended over the Christmas period. Customers can either email to arrange this service but customers who have done their shop in the supermarket can have it delivered free of charge along with getting a very convenient lift home for all the family. Baptista’s also offers a



free taxi service for customers needing a lift to and from the supermarket which again can be arranged via the email address. Throughout the month of December Baptista’s will have an extensive range of festive products along with having 15% off all alcohol in order to make sure all customers have a very merry Christmas! When interviewing Rui, I asked him about the free delivery service: "We aim to provide all our customers with the best products and make it as easy as possible for people without vehicles or need the convenience of a free delivery service". Baptista’s moto is ‘small but beautiful’ and the refurbishment is set to continue this theme and carry on supplying communities for many years to come. The supermarket will be closing its doors for a short time, from the first week of January until approximately the first week of February. The refurbishment is set to be very impressive with all brand new equipment and a slightly different layout. The Tomorrow magazine very much looks forward to catching up with the team at Baptista’s when they re-open in February.

+INFO: 

"We aim to provide all our customers with the best products and make it as easy as possible for people without vehicles or need the convenience of a free delivery service"

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Lagos couple, Inês Silva and Rodrigo Reis, are gaining a name for themselves with their alternative leather clothing and accessories brand. ISART was established in 2010 and by 2012 they had their first clothing line. I meet the artistic duo who claim the secret to their success is fate and loving what they do. Inês and Rodrigo, how did you first meet? Inês: We are a couple, partners, and adventurers. Two young Portuguese from the city of Lagos, who put into practice all the creativity we have to create clothes for wild souls. Rodrigo: We met in Lagos and had some friends in common. And our taste for festivals and the free spirit united us and made us want to create that brand and the projects together. It was an improbable fusion because we are very different. Inês: We bring together the best of two worlds, female & male and we have created an alternative leather clothing brand which we called ISART Design, which was an abbreviation of my original name Inês Silva Art. What is your training? Inês: I always drew and inherited my father’s talent. I began to paint pictures, accessories and other projects, but other than that, we started completely from zero. We are 100% self-taught without any training or course. We started this adventure by playing with materials and exploring new techniques. One day we bought the first cowhide from a rug and began to create. We do not have much self-confidence, but I think we have been able to turn that to our advantage in every piece. Rodrigo: I never had any experience with art, but I found my creativity within and have become a perfectionist. We learn from each other, and that’s a partnership and the foundation of our relationship. What is the ethos behind your brand? Inês: Our brand could not be more spiritual and full of meaning and history, we believe that it was fate that showed us what was to happen. Rodrigo: Yes, we believe in fate, and we believe this is a chosen project for a life, the mission to spread art around the world. Every experience in your life has a reason and we want to give



a message that this is not just a brand it is a story. The story of one who continues to believe in what they do, and in the beauty of his dreams. Where are you currently based? Rodrigo: We currently live in Lagos but we often travel in our campervan for events and we take all the materials and tools with us. This is our nomadic version of our workshop! It is a big challenge, getting everything in such a small space and still working on the road. Inês: We like working in the Algarve though, it is the perfect place, the sun is a source of inspiration for any artist. It’s a blessing we can call Lagos, home. How do you market your creations? Inês: We mostly function as an online store and on social pages. We do not have a physical store, but we participate in some events such as markets, festivals, exhibitions, showrooms. Some stores in Portugal, Spain, France and Thailand have also obtained our products for resale. Most of our sales are international and our pieces are currently available in every continent apart from Africa. Rodrigo: We started to sell our pieces in the streets of the historical centre of Lagos, we participated in some national events, and also in Europe, such as Spain, France, Croatia, Hungary. This last summer of 2018 we spent four months in Ibiza, participating in the most famous Hippie Markets on the island. It was a great experience and we felt at home because it has a energy very similar to the Algarve. We are free, and that is what inspires us. 

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What are your style influences? Inês: We have a very own style, with hippiechic and bohemian influence. ISART is the rediscovery of women, their natural forms. We are inspired by feminine power, and in all the brilliance that it brings. We are irreverent and we put our own touch on each piece. We do not want to do things that everyone does, we want to be ourselves.

Rodrigo: Each unique and original piece is a work of art and has a soul. In our workshop is where all the magic happens with a fusion of leather, precious stones, fabrics and other elements. We explore craft techniques, and design, create moulds, cut and sew everything by hand without machines, which also gives the special essence to our work. We like to touch and feel. What has been your biggest challenge? This has been the design of unique items on request and in the style of each client. The most different things we have created have been for specific events such as performances in medieval fairs, festivals and belly dancing. We also have a range for children called Little Souls. We can say that fashion and style do not choose ages,



because we already sell pieces for children and even mini skirts for people with 65 years old. Rodrigo: Fashion marks every step in history. We are wearing art and revolution, and we can not make it a futile and unimportant thing. Your Website has some beautiful photos, do you take these yourselves? Inês: Mariana Silva is the third element in this story. She works as a photographer and also works for ISART. She shares the love and pride for this brand and organises all the ideas for photo shoots, as well as makeup and photo editing work. We use the beauty of our Algarve to our photos and videos, and we like to be completely different from what other brands do. What is the secret to your success? Rodrigo: We do not want to live without trying, without risking. It is a lot of work and a little madness and luck. The secret to success and doing a good job is to love what we do!




Free IT Support December 2018 The Tropical Café Nº. 33, Avenida dos Descobrimentos, Lagos Tuesday 4th & 18rd - 11am until 1pm Artesão Café Marina de Lagos Lojas 11/12, Lagos Tuesday 11th No appointment necessary. Bring your device, purchase something from the Cafe and I will give you 10 minutes free IT support If the issue cannot be resolved an appointment can be booked at a later date at your convenience.

Phishing emails and the “sextortion” scam I have had a lot of inquiries about phishing emails and the 'sextortion' scam this month, so I thought my article should be dedicated to this troubling form of scam which targets innocent computer users. In the last few months, a new scam email has been hitting millions of inboxes around the world. In the message the scammer claims to have taken over your computer and recorded you (via your webcam) with plans to release any video footage or photographs that you may have taken innocently, and in private to your friends, family and colleagues unless you pay a ransom. If you have received such an email, please don’t worry, know that it’s totally fictious and merely a method of extorting money from you. They may also include an old password that you may of have previously used, if you recognise this password and you still use it to access any current websites or emails, you should change it immediately. The crooks don’t actually have access to your computer, nor do they have access

to your passwords, pictures, videos or webcams. These unscrupulous people are simply trying to scare you into giving into their demands. Here are a few suggestions on what to do if you receive one of these messages: 1. Do not pay the ransom! 2. Do not reply to the email, mark the email as junk/spam if possible 3. If you are able to, change your email password as soon as you can 4. Update your anti-virus software regularly 5. Cover your webcam when not being used If you would like any assistance with this topic, suggestions for future subjects or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am always happy to help. Have a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!

+INFO:   +351 936 387 512   StevenLagosIT

A stable and secure market BY DAVID WESTMORELAND

Time has flown by this year. It’s hard to believe it is already December and we are facing the end of another year. At B&P, we are taking stock of the movement in our market for 2018. The diversification of buyers for the market is one of the main contributing factors. Over the last five years, we have all seen the market evolve from a mainly UK and Irish based buyer to a more balanced purchaser base with several nationalities buying. We are all also aware of the increase in French speaking buyers along with the Scandinavian and Italian markets. Buyers are also coming from further afield with overseas purchasers from the US and Canada, expats who are working in the Orient and growing numbers from eastern Europe. At B&P, we have sold to clients from over 14 different nationalities on an annual basis over the last five years. Another contributor to our buoyant market is that many of our buyers from recent years are discovering the draw of our area. Their initial aim was to establish a base in Portugal and



assess how they like living here. They may have invested a few hundred thousand euros in an apartment to see how life in the Algarve would suit them. Now a great number of these residents have found they love the lifestyle on offer and are ready to establish more permanent roots. These owners will often sell their apartments and invest further in larger family homes. We still have a great number of first-time buyers ready to purchase resale apartments on offer from these new residents. We also have a great stock of villas and family homes for them to move into. This is the prime area of strength at B&P. We are experts on the resale market and completely understand how to match buyers to the right property for their needs. Due to the above factors, we have seen the market grow vastly over the last 5 years. The first half of 2018 was as strong as ever with property prices increasing as much at 15% in certain sectors and many properties selling

as soon as they came to market. For the second half of the year, we are continuing to see a great churn of sales and an ever-thriving market, yet we are also feeling that prices are stabilizing. The key word here is stability! This diversity of our purchaser base provides stability, and stability gives confidence for a strong and secure market. This is great news for both buyers and sellers as everyone knows what to expect and feels they are winning in this market. Sellers are confident that they can achieve the correct value for their property and buyers also feel they are achieving good value for money. All signs show the market will continue with strength and stability, so at B&P we are prepared and ready to keep up the momentum for another great year in 2019! If you are interested in buying or selling or simply wish for a market consultation, contact me via email.

+INFO: 

Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself. Open from 11am to 11pm. Closed on Tuesdays.

Closed for holidays: From December 17 th till February 6 th 2019 Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f


GETTING OLDER CAN HAVE ITS ADVANTAGES BY TOM HENSHAW Yes, if you have reached that ‘certain’ age make no mistake there are bonuses to be had!

Of course the Golden Years offer is a very welcoming attraction in itself and so we sat down in the very attractive dining room that Jo and Peter have created which has made such a huge difference to the ambiance and appeal of the restaurant and bar.

The service was very good indeed and the food was absolutely excellent. Really cannot imagine how they can offer such quality and value. It really deserves a visit and they also have much more on

It’s that time of year when Mulled Wine just hits the spot and this easy recipe will warm the cockles of your heart. You can always add vanilla, nutmeg, brandy ot star anise etc. Ingredients (serves 4): 750 ml red wine 12 dried cranberries 1 clementine 2 slices orange 12 cloves 1 tbsp honey 2 cinnamon sticks

We took a walk on the Marina the other day and thought how inviting ‘Lazyjacks Bar and Grill’ looks these days and decided to take lunch.

The Golden Years offer is amazing value as you can have two courses for €9.50 or three courses for €11 including a generous glass of wine or a free beer.


offer including a great Sunday lunch for €11 including a free drink. We all know there is a good range of reasonable places to eat but I can honestly recommend a visit to Lazyjacks. Well done to all of the team at Lazyjacks.

Instructions: Stud the clementine all over with cloves Add the clove studded clementine to a large pan with the other spices and fruits. Pour in the bottle of wine and turn the heat to low to warm up gradually. When the wine is warm, add the honey and stir to dissolve (to suit your taste). Ladle into glasses and garnish with a stick of cinnamon and a slice of clementine. Thanks to Simon Moulson for this recipe.

+INFO:  +351 911 568 143

Wedding cake competition This month marks one year since Louise Hayes (A Touch of Decadence) moved over from Ireland to the Algarve and to celebrate she has decided to give three lucky couples the chance to win a three tiered wedding cake worth €400 with free delivery across the Algarve for only €10! Yes, you read that right, only €10! Louise has a selection of green, peach and yellow tickets available for purchase for €10 per ticket. Once they are sold she will pick three winning tickets at random - it’s that simple. In order to purchase your lucky ticket, send Louise a private message on her Facebook page, making sure to ‘like’ it also; along with your reply to the following questions and Louise will issue you with your lucky number:



- Your 2019 wedding date - Your wedding venue - Colour preference for your ticket (green, peach or yellow) You may purchase more than one ticket to maximise your chances. Payments can be made via PayPal. Good luck to all entrants and please share to any 2019 couples you may know! Delivery can be elsewhere in Portugal for an additional fee which can be quoted upon request. Available for 2019 dates only. Not applicable to existing bookings

+INFO:  A Touch of Decadence 


A LAZY GIRL’S GUIDE TO CHRISTMAS IN LAGOS Just like Naomi Campbell: on Christmas morning, I too have a price for getting out of bed. Firstly, Santa must have (seriously!) been, and secondly, I need an `eye opener' to start my day. Mimosas, I know, are the cocktail of choice for many on Christmas morning, and you have my permission to mix champagne and orange juice in any ratio you choose, but personally I love the retro taste of a Snowball. Many of you will, even now, be stocking up on all the traditional makings of your own Christmas dinner, but I never do. There are so many great places in Lagos offering a Christmas feast that I never get tired of eating out on the big day. However, as a gesture of hospitality, I do have friends round for pre-lunch drinks and canapes. Your nibbles should be the most delicious, and the easiest to make. It is your day after all. I always have a lovely time at lunch. This should include: Christmas music; lots of the fizzy stuff; mistletoe; and good-looking men. After which all that is required is a saunter home as it gets dark and the Christmas lights come on. Once home I suggest you curl up on the sofa and get someone else to mix you a strong one. Our Lazy Girl was talking to the team at London Tiger Coffee, who wish you all a Merry (and lazy) Christmas.

+INFO: 



50ml of Advocaat 4 ice cubes 100ml of lemonade (approx.) Lime juice to taste 1 glace cherry First chill your glass. A nice long Collins or a Highball glass is perfect, but others work just as well. If you like your Snowball foamy, shake the Advocaat and the ice in a cocktail shaker, otherwise pour it over the ice in the glass. Top up with the lemonade and lime. Add a cherry on a stick.

Sticky Sausages: 18 cocktail sausages 1 tablespoon of anything sweet and sticky like marmalade or apricot jam 1 teaspoon of whole grain mustard Cocktail sticks Bake the sausages at 200c (180c fan)/ mark 6 for 25 to 30 minutes. Mix the mustard and jam together and stir in. Serve hot on cocktail sticks.

Espresso Martini 50mls of vodka 30mls of Tia Maria or another coffee liqueur 1 short strong espresso A dash of vanilla syrup or, to make it more festive, gingerbread syrup Lots of ice 3 coffee beans Chill a martini glass with lots of ice. Put lots more ice in a cocktail shaker. Add the vodka, Tia Maria, espresso, and syrup to the shaker. Shake like your life depended on it. Strain into the glass and let the drink settle for a few minutes so that the crema develops. Decorate with coffee beans.

Goats Cheese Balls 250g of rindless goats cheese A selection of finely chopped hazelnuts, pistachios, cranberries, chives, toasted sesame seeds, or anything you like that can be finely chopped and goes with cheese. You will need about 8 to 10 teaspoons altogether. Cocktail sticks Roll the cheese into balls and put them onto something non-stick like baking parchment. Then roll them in your chosen toppings and return to the parchment. Chilled and covered in cling film these will wait happily for hours for your guests to arrive. Take them out of the fridge half an hour before serving. Serve on cocktail sticks.

Photo © Espresso Martini:



Wine time

If you are struggling to find the perfect wine to serve on Christmas Day then perhaps it’s time to look no further than Pingo Doce Lagos Marina. BY LAURA TRUMAN

IT’S A STEAK OUT BY THE YUM YUM BOYS AND CHUMS This place - I mean Bransons in Lagos, has taken a while to settle into a routine and get the service right but I am pleased to say that this is now top notch and the food is delicious. The décor is great (Steampunk) and the attention to detail for this is very good. Lighting, seating, tables, chairs, all fit within that genre. Think the original HG Wells’s movie, The Time Machine. Yep, you got it. We went as a party of four, looking for a steak or meat dish. We started with the usual covert. bread and olives but the salmon mouse was a nice addition. Two of us then went for the T-bone steaks and our other two people had the beef ribs. Now I am fussy on my steak but this was really tasty. I don’t like it very indulged with different sauces and this fitted the bill perfectly as it was not fancy at all. Just the way I like it. You get two sides with it. I had chips and I asked for mushrooms which they gladly supplied. The two rib dishes had chips and salad. Past people have spoken about the service and in my experience this is very good. Staff are attentive, cheery and smiley and just the right level of being there if you need them. They do other dishes too but we were too full for dessert. Prices are around the mid price range I’d say. If you are looking for a steak place in town, this has to be the place to go without doubt.

+INFO:  Rua Senhora do Loreto | Condominium Quinta das Palmeiras, Lagos 8600-683, Portugal  +351 920 459 582



The supermarket is now stocking two new World Pinot Noir's which could be the answer to the Christmas Day question. The light but robust style of New World Pinot has enough structure to complement the richness of the turkey without completely overriding and clashing flavours. Tannin and salt is also a big no no so if you were planning on wrapping your turkey in bacon or tend to enjoy a few pigs in blankets, best to stick to the

Pinot. A mellow aged red wine will do nothing for a sweet and tangy cranberry sauce. The vibrant and fresh red berry flavours of a Pinot Noir will complement and enhance both the Christmas turkey and all the trimmings. We have a couple of New World Pinot Noirs that are sure to swill down a treat on the big day...

+INFO:  

Santa Rita Gran Hacienda - 2017 Aconcagua Valley - Chile This Pinot Noir comes highly recommended after picking up a gold medal at the Sommelier 2018 World Wine Awards. Eyes: Light ruby colour Nose: Oak, sweet spices, wild berries, fresh cherry Palate: Well balanced, vibrant fruits, subtle oak, fresh finish

Mud House - 2016 Central Otago - New Zealand Mud House Pinot Noir has consistently won awards from all over the world for many years now. This 2016 offering earned itself a bronze medal at both the Air New Zealand Wine Awards and the Decanter World Wine Awards. Eyes: Deep, ruby red Nose: Cherry, dried herbs, oaky spice, sweet cranberry Palate: Smooth, dark cherry, bramble flavours, long finish, balanced acidity

La Gioiosa et Amorosa Rosea Brut Italy Pink bubbles...because it’s Christmas!!! This light, bright and friendly fizz is perfect for any celebration. Enjoy on its own or as an accompaniment to festive nibbles.


everywhere will continue to be impacted by the many perils of poorly managed waste. Dry riverbeds in particular attract a lot of open dumping, and with the rainy season imminent, the scale of the problem was abundantly clear. Most of the plastic in the marine environment comes from land-based sources, and it doesn’t take a long trip inland from tourist-friendly pristine beaches to see the threat of pollution hanging over the fragile environment.

A RECYCLING REVOLUTION BY ZOË LENKIEWICZ Most of the plastic in the oceans comes from poorly managed household waste in developing countries. WasteAid, the charity set up to tackle the problem, is creating recycling jobs around the world to keep plastic out of the oceans. Not all communities benefit from having a local waste collection service. In fact there are more people in the world without a decent waste management service than with. To help overcome the challenge, last year WasteAid produced a free online toolkit for community groups in developing countries to set up their own low-cost systems. A free online guide to community-led waste management and recycling, the toolkit provides straightforward advice on the what, why and how of simple waste management, including 12 illustrated step-by-step guides for turning waste into useful products. In its first year, the toolkit was visited by 56,300 people in 202 countries, and has been downloaded in whole or in part 6,945 times. The toolkit was awarded third prize in the International Solid Waste Association’s annual publication award, the prize itself being a free ticket to attend an international conference in Kuala Lumpur, which this year had a significant focus on waste in developing countries.



WasteAid took the opportunity of being in South East Asia to form new partnerships with grassroots organisations in the region, and is actively seeking funding to be able to deliver more initiatives that turn waste from an environmental problem into an economic opportunity. In Indonesia for example, WasteAid has been forging links with a women’s empowerment organisation that trains disadvantaged women in essential life and employment skills. They are looking to expand the range of learning opportunities for their students, while at the same time working to protect their valuable and vulnerable environment from the scourge of unmanaged waste. Discussions are already taking place around appropriate technologies to share and how best to achieve a cleaner environment. The group took WasteAid to visit a local dumpsite, where high-end hotels are dumping champagne bottles and oasis (the foam used for flower arrangements at weddings), among other mixed waste. Smoke billowed from the dumpsite while feral animals scavenged for food scraps. An unpalatable sight, this was not a rare occurrence. While governments fail to provide a waste management service, communities

Banning plastic bags, straws and polystyrene is a start, but these PR-friendly commitments do little to stem the overwhelming tide of waste. WasteAid is aiming to work with these new partners to run a pilot scheme training municipal officers in the wider importance of waste management, and upskilling local community-based organisations to run small-scale, sustainable waste management programmes. The WasteAid approach to partnerships in developing countries is to use no-cost or lowcost techniques, and only equipment and tools that are locally available. Even so, the scale of the challenge means that some investment is needed in literally every community without waste management, for bins, simple waste collection vehicles, and a space to operate. Fundraising therefore remains a priority, and an expanding volunteer and supporter base and increased interest in plastic pollution are helping WasteAid grow. While more people in the world live in places without waste management than with, there will always be plenty to do. The festive season is a great time to fundraise with colleagues or community groups, and provides strong opportunities to engage employees and customers alike. WasteAid has created an information pack for people to get started, including a template presentation, factsheet and fundraising ideas. Please contact if you’d like to support WasteAid and help share recycling skills around the world.

+INFO: 



As the countdown to Christmas begins, a wild vibrant world lies outside. Cold and grey days alternate with sunny bright ones - all of them offer a chance to go outside and make our peace with winter. Winter brings with it a diversity and abundance. In the hills, strawberry trees are in flower - tiny white bell-like flowers hang in the morning air. Fields are covered with winter Chamomile and the invasive yellow of the Bermuda Buttercup. Skylarks, Lapwings and the ever scarcer Golden Plover can be seen walking them in search for food. Flocks of feeding finches roam the countryside – Goldfinches, Greenfinches, Linnets and Serins tend to mix in winter as they find strength and success in numbers. Birds from further north join our resident birds in this quest. Siskins and Bullfinches can also be spotted in forest areas and even gardens, depending on how cold the early winter is striking north Europe. Some local bushes are now full of berries, and wintering Thrushes feast elusively on them. It is not uncommon to find a Redwing or a Mistle Thrush along with the regular Song Thrushes. Common Chiffchaffs, Meadow Pipits and White Wagtails are everywhere. Up in the sky, Common Buzzards are widespread, and it is not too late to see a Short-toed Eagle. On the cliffs of the West Coast, some White Storks are now back in their nests with the rough sea in the background. Black Redstarts – both resident and wintering birds - are a common sight, and Blue Rock Thrushes are defending their wintering territories. Sweet Alison is

in flower. Lower down, Oystercatchers and Turnstones feed on the rocky shores exposed by the low tide. Now is the time to take a closer look at seagulls. Mediterranean Gulls are here, some Audouin’s Gulls can sometimes be seen amongst the flocks of resting Yellow-legged and Lesser Black Backed, and it has happened that vagrants like Glaucous Gull reach our shores. On the wetlands, diversity and abundance is also obvious. Depending on how deep or fresh is the water flocks of feeding Teal, Pochard, Bar-tailed Godwits or Dunlin, can be present. Greenshanks, Red Knots, Snipes, the occasional Ruff, and perhaps even a rare wader species can be seen. The shy Bluethroat is always a bird to look out for in places like Boca do Rio, Paúl de Lagos or Amoreira. And as all these birds call, feed and fly around us, the ground still offers some exquisite delicate wildflowers to contemplate, like the odd hoodlike Friar's Cowl, or the wonderful Paper-White Narcissus. If you look close enough, the wonders of the wildlife in early winter can easily make you forget how distant the spring is - wait…is it, really? Nuno runs wildlife tours which we would highly recommend.

+INFO: 

Top to bottom: Capuz-de-frade Keneth Bailey; Siskin Jame Johnson; Cape S. Vincente Nuno Barros



What to look out for in December

OUTDOOR Photo © Harriet Rycroft

- Don’t be afraid to dig up plants from your garden. They can look better in pots as you might look at them from a different angle and use them with different planting combinations. - Repeat colours and forms to literally lead people up the garden path. - Use fragrant plants in pots and move them around so you can enjoy the scent. - Tidy the plants up regularly by removing dead leaves and flowers and weedy growth

A GUIDE TO CONTAINER GARDENING This month our focus is on how to go about container gardening with expert tips from someone truly in the know. BY TAMSIN VARLEY Gardeners in the Algarve recently joined forces for the first joint meeting between members of Clube Dos Bons Jardins and the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal (MGAP). The speaker for the meeting was Harriet Rycroft, a container gardening specialist based in the UK. Harriet worked for 14 years at Whichford Pottery in the Midlands and in that time estimated that she had planted up over 7000 pots and had got the cost per pot down to just £1 due to careful recycling of plants and materials. She now divides her time between teaching and blogging as well as working part time at the Cotswold Wildlife Park. The event started with an hour’s presentation about container gardening accompanied by lots of fantastic photos of various planting schemes and arrangements of pots. Harriet talked us through a typical gardening year starting in the autumn and gave us lots of tips and ideas some of which I’ll share with you below. This was followed by a practical workshop during which Harriet planted up four different pots that were subsequently raffled to the attendees. - Foliage is very important as it forms the framework of the arrangement. Flowers are often just a bonus! - Use pebbles and grit as a mulch. It looks nicer than bare soil, it helps keep moisture in the pot and it also stops the surface compost of the pot setting hard.



Harriet never uses saucers to stand her pots in. She cautioned us about using deep saucers as it can lead to rotting plus become a haven for mosquito larvae. She changes most of her mixed planting pots twice a year. Each time, she incorporates some new soil and a slow release fertiliser. Depending on how often you water the pots you might need to add additional fertiliser as it leaches out faster when it’s watered frequently. Harriet is not a fan of liquid feeds, as it is very wasteful, and much prefers slow release fertilisers. Try and propagate and recycle your own plants to save money. Permanent pots require maintenance too. The top 2-3 cms of soil should be scraped off annually and replaced with fresh compost mixed with slow release fertiliser. Always water a pot after it has been planted up. The exception to this is cacti and succulents when you should wait for 2 days after planting before watering. They should also be allowed to dry out between watering. The rule of thumb for matching a pot to the size of the plant is that the volume of the foliage should be equivalent to 1-1.5 times the volume of the pot. Group pots under trees or on cement to create a lush effect. For watering, Harriet recommends a deep watering thoroughly at intervals – certainly not daily. When planting a mixed pot, plant the rootballs at the same height about 5-7cm below the rim of the pot. Don’t tease the roots out unless the pots are root bound. Bang pots frequently to firm the soil rather than pushing the soil down hard as you will squeeze oxygen out of it otherwise. A point Harriet emphasized many times was don’t be afraid to experiment – try different combinations, textures, shapes and colours and discover what works for you and what you like. Add props too to create extra interest. Look at the MGAP web-site for a longer report on the day by Rosie Peddle, under News and Events, click on recent events. Tamsin is chair of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different location around the Algarve on the 2nd Tuesday every month except over the summer with an optional lunch afterwards.

+INFO:  Gardening in the Algarve - Clube Dos Bons Jardins  



The 10th anniversary event for the annual autumn garden fair took place at the end of October in São Brás and celebrated the start of the gardening year. We were fortunate to have a dry sunny day following the first few rainy days of the autumn, encouraging everyone to get busy in the garden again. This special Anniversary garden fair was organised as usual by the Mediterranean Gardening Association for Portugal. The organisers had been working hard to find a diverse range of nurseries so the event was well supported by a record 22 plant sales stands ready to receive the 1400 eager plant buyers who attended on the day – impressive numbers indeed! There were colourful container plants, fruit and ornamental trees and a wonderful range of succulents as well as other drought tolerant plants. We are very grateful indeed to all the volunteers who came along to help and who make this event possible. Good support from the Câmara of São Brás and the Amigos de Museu all contribute to success on the day. There was a great response to the appeal for cash donations to buy fruit trees for those affected by the Monchique fires and €252 bought nine sets of five trees for distribution by Ajuda Monchique – even more impressive numbers. As well as plant sales there were

good quality craft stands relating to the garden, and, for the first time, a traditional tin worker. O Latoeiro had many handmade items for sale as well as a live demonstration showing the techniques used to produce them. The zinc metal watering cans were very popular as they avoid the problems associated with plastic disintegrating in the sun. Other popular ‘firsts’ were a stand showing recycled wood used for garden furniture and the opportunity to buy gardening books in English, Portuguese and French. The free talks were very popular once again and are now a regular part of the day. Both Fernanda Botelho and João Gomes shared their knowledge and experience, so that everyone who attended went away with new ideas and inspiration. The day is planned so that there is an opportunity to share experiences of gardening in the mediterranean Algarve and learn more about the marvellous possibilities of making a garden here avoiding harmful chemicals and without wasting water. There were many requests for information about the next spring garden fair, this is planned for March 2019 in Silves and all details will go onto the MGAP web site – see you there.

+INFO: 

The Western Algarve Gardening Group went on an excursion to Lagos Fire Station recently where they were given top tips from a panel of experts - namely two firefighters called Pedro and Bruno in a Gardener’s Question Time-style.



Aided by a powerpoint presentation ‘our experts’ provided us with much needed answers regarding having bonfires in our gardens following the autumn tidy-up. Information was given regarding their construction and the controlled burning of prunings and general garden debris responsibly. Most important was the fact that before lighting a bonfire we need to contact the Bombeiros – 282 770 790 – so they know any smoke reported is from our controlled burn. They will also say if the

fire risk is too high to go ahead. To stress the point, we were each given a fridge magnet displaying their contact number. Confusion around regulations recently brought in to protect properties against rural fires generated many questions. Diagrams showing the requirements for maintaining safe areas around rural homes simplified matters. So now we know which trees and shrubs to prune as well as how! The Western Algarve Garden Group meet on the first Tuesday morning of each month from September to June, except January to share their love of plants and gardens.

+INFO: 




Luzdoc: Rua 25 de Abril, 12, 8600-174 Luz, Lagos 282 780 700

Medilagos: Rua José Ferreira Canelas, Loja 40, 8600-744 Lagos

282 788 217

Urgência / Emergency

+351 919 869 700

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