Tomorrow Algarve February 2019 Edition

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Interior • Design • Exterior • Accessories

Rua Professor Dr. Luís de Albuquerque, lt.44 - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal (+351) 282 762 070 - -

Editor's note  TomorrowAlgarve

effort and time into helping us develop the magazine drawing on his own years of experience working with a major publishing house in the UK. Until he was ill Clive also produced timely, professional and in depth gardening articles relating to the Algarve alongside superb photographs every month.. In March we will have an obituary about Clive. He was a fascinating character and a lovely man. We send our condolences to Clive and the rest of his family. He will be missed.

EDITOR Amber Henshaw

SALES Tom Henshaw +351 919 918 733 In loving memory of Clive Goodcare, you will be missed

DESIGN Creation Media


2019 started with a flurry and one that sees us preparing for a busy year. We have raised just over €11,000 for a sevenseater car for the children’s home in Lagos but we still need to raise a little more to be able to buy a vehicle for them. If you feel that you could make any kind of donation that would be great. The bank account details are posted on the charity page where we also ask you to add your name and reference ‘CASLAS Car’ so that we know where your donations are intended to be used. This month we have some very sad news. Our friend and long-time contributor, Clive Goodacre, passed away on December 31st. Many of you will have known Clive who was a respected member of the western Algarve community. Clive was instrumental in helping us shape this magazine. He put immense

We are feeling zesty this month! Throughout February you will see orange sellers all down the EN125 - they are delicious. Why not pull over to try them?


Later this month (February 20th) sees the start of Volta Ao Algarve cycle race from Portimão to Lagos which attracts big teams and top cyclists. There is more on this later in the magazine. Please remember it is Valentine’s night on 14th and your favourite restaurant will be pleased to see you! We do recommend booking ahead as many are very busy on that night. On Saturday April 13th we are having an ‘Easter’ dinner with live music at Boavista and we will be providing fuller details soon. Remember to call us if you have any ideas, comments or events you wish to publicise. Our calendar is FREE so you can contact Layinka on who will, if possible, add any to our monthly listings. Wishing you all a very good month, Amber, Tom and the Tomorrow team.


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Eva Herre

BARÃO DE SÃO JOÃO: WHERE ART AND VILLAGE LIFE MEET Walking through the cobbled streets of the small village of Barão de São João, with its whitewashed houses and colourful window and door surrounds, I’m in for a surprise at each corner. An elf-like figure painted on a wall is about to descend from a window, a grey feline couple is perched on a tiled roof and a figure playing a blue Portuguese guitar can be seen high above a door. There is always a group of casually dressed people sitting outside the many cafés drinking coffee or a beer, giving you a smile or a cheery bom dia, often in a German accent. When I venture into the national forest nearby and follow a marked trail, there are more surprises in store. Where you least expect, there are fantastical groups of sculptures emerging from the woodland. As I follow the Poet’s Trail, I detect various emblematic inscriptions on stones along the way. And there is more. Last November a fourday long Walk and Art Fest took place in the village with local artists displaying their work in the forest, encouraging visitors to participate in guided walks, workshops and other activities. During the Easter weekend, the now famous Feira do Folar attracts visitors to the village who enjoy the festive



atmosphere, listening to music and sampling regional delicacies. The village streets are lined with stalls, also displaying work of artists and artisans. Many will have visited the monthly flea market (last Saturday of the month) on the sports ground near the village centre. It must be the most colourful, lively and vibrant market in the whole of the region. Stallholders come from far and wide and many set up their campervans for the night. What is going on? Why does there seem to be this creative energy concentrated in this small village? It merits further investigation. Barão de São João is part of the district of Lagos and in the 2011 census listed fewer than 700 inhabitants. After the 1974 revolution there was an influx of foreigners, mainly from Germany who were keen to be part of the new way of life and settled in the outskirts of the village. The alternative community flourished and attracted others with an open frame of mind. Here I am able to talk to a number of resident artists who can give me a better understanding of life in the village and why it seems rather a special place.

COMMUNITY German born, Eva Herre, a local painter in love with colour, explains why there is a proliferation of art, so visible in the village.

several workshops, including one for the over 70s who come together, have some fun, injecting “colour into their lives.”

Six years ago as part of the annual June celebration of São João, the Patron Saint of the village, eminent sculptor Deodato Santos (responsible for the sculpture trail in the forest) and internationally acclaimed artist António Alonso decided to form a working group, Artistas de São Barão. “Along with other local artists we produced artwork that was exhibited around the village, on outside walls and inside shops and cafés. The whole village became an extended art gallery,” Eva says. This was repeated in subsequent years. It also explains the figures of the cats and the Portuguese guitar I had spotted earlier.

Eva puts me in contact with Xico Roxa who also lives in the village. As I approach his house I can see art work hanging from the trees lining the road and make out the words abraçar as arvores (embrace the trees). By the door to his house is a grey sculpture of an elderly man sitting on a chair with a cat on his lap. No doubt he will explain the significance to me.

Interestingly, Eva was the founder of the first Waldorf kindergarten in the Algarve over 26 years ago. “There was a Waldorf primary school run by Vinha Velha in Barão but parents wanted a kindergarten too and that’s when I stepped in,” she says. She initially ran classes in her own house on the principle that every individual child counts and their intellectual, artistic and practical skills should be developed in a holistic way. Initially it catered for the children of German and English parents in the area, keen to take advantage of an alternative education but it soon became popular with Portuguese parents too. The kindergarten relocated to Monte Judeu, near Lagos and celebrated its 25th anniversary last year. Eva’s enthusiasm and zest for her art form is palpable. She is inspired by nature around her and relishes the colours that every season brings, particularly the mature palette of autumn. Education and art are inseparable to her. “I see myself as an artist but in combination with art therapy,” she says. “I open my atelier so others can come and find their own creativity.” She runs

It turns out that Xico was born in Angola and came to the Algarve as part of the wave of retornados (returnees) fleeing the ex-colony because of the civil war after the 1974 revolution. “My mother was originally from the Algarve and because of the mild climate we decided to come here,” he explains. Working in the construction industry, he doesn’t have any formal art education but has always been interested in creating figures in wood. “Coming to Barão I found myself in the middle of the artistic community here and became part of it!” he laughs.

Street art

He participated in the initial June celebrations of São João when artists displayed their work in the village and in fact, the pieces still visible are his handiwork. He contributed to last year’s Walk and Art Fest and did some guided tours for visitors. What’s the idea behind the installations? “It is a way for people to see and respond to art which is accessible to everyone. It generates a good feeling,” he says. He likes to express what is happening around him. 

Mercadinho local

Xico Roxa




Nina B Radley

Art installation Maria Francisca The artwork on the trees outside shows his deep frustration with the totally unnecessary number of trees that were cut down as a result of recent forest fire legislation. “Yes, it is essential to take precautions but it doesn’t mean chopping down so many,” he maintains. He also explains that the figure by the door symbolizes the isolation that many elderly people suffer living on their own in the village.

He can’t really account for the creativity so apparent in the village: “It is a very special place. The number of foreigners here helps. Many are artistically inclined and attract others.” When I mentioned that the village does have a reputation for being alternative, his daughter who has just arrived with some bags of shopping, chirps in laughing, “Hippie village!” Xico shrugs his shoulders, “Perhaps … but they are totally accepted and are part of life here. There’s never been a problem. We need younger people as very few of the original Barão inhabitants are left,” he says. English born Nina Bradley who specialises in jewellery making, has lived in the region for 30 years and knows the village intimately. Having pursued a successful jewellery design career in the UK, she decided to take a year out travelling with her young family. The intention was to stay for six months in the Algarve but they ended up staying for good. “It was such a welcoming and safe place for children to up in, a community feeling was always of upmost importance to us,” she says. She works from her atelier in Barão and takes inspiration from nature around her. “I love the extraordinary changing light and colour and the wonderful textures of the trees, land and rocks. There is something very ancient about the landscape, which intrigues me. I often search for quartz crystal in the forest around Barão, which I then set in silver,” she explains. She also runs workshops in her studio for people interested in jewellery making and



helps to organise art and craft exhibitions in Lagos and Caldas de Monchique. And there is 79-year-old Maria Francisca who has lived in the village all her life. “At 13 I started dressmaking and then much later I took up embroidery,” Maria says. I’d already heard about the exquisite work that she does and want to find out more. Having learnt the skills from a teacher that used to run sessions in the village, Maria found her forte. “It takes a lot of patience and eye for detail to do embroidery,” she says. “Sometimes a large tablecloth can take up to a year.” She is proud of the work that she has done for foreign customers as special orders: “It was challenging but satisfying to think that my work is being enjoyed in different parts of the world.” She does lament the fact that the old skills are dying out and that young people aren’t interested to pursue what has always been important to her. “Yes, you can still buy embroidered articles in shops in Lagos but they are produced by machines,” she says. At the Easter Feira do Folar she will have her own table on the street offering work for sale. I promise her I will try a slice of her Folar cake! I’m quite taken by what I have seen in the village. It does have a very special atmosphere that encourages creativity and a different take on life. Barão may not be the village of Maria Francisca’s or Xico’s youth, but there is general agreement that different inputs over the years have given it a new lease of life. Long may the artistic spirit flourish in the village.

+INFO:    Nina Bradley

COMMUNITY inherent need for both body and soul: "the sea is my therapy, my psychologist," confesses Jody. What may be done for fun, turns out to be a way of life and subsistence: "I started to practice bodyboarding when I was 14-years-old ... I am now also a barnacle catcher" says Teresa. Teresa, 35, never had an ambition to compete in the spearfishing competitions, but there was an opportunity to enter the world championship in Sagres in September due to the lack of "girls to compete in the sport." On the other hand Jody, 37, always dreamed of being a National Champion and had many childhood idols: João Rosário from Portimão, Toninho, Rui Torres and André Domingues. I started to compete with my idols and gradually won! ". Incredibly, the National Spearfishing Championship was only won after the European Championship title (2011, Peniche) and World Championship victory, for the first time, in Vigo (2012).



The connection the Algarve community has with the sea is undeniable. From the Portuguese Discoveries, the search for fish for family survival to the enjoyment of water sports, we always consider the sea an essential part of our lives. So, it is not surprising that the Algarve has witnessed the birth of two people who make the sea their home and who have been distinguished by it: Teresa Duarte and Jody Lot, World Spearfishing Champions.

"The sea is my therapy, my psychologist"

Mar d'Estórias spoke with Teresa, from Vila do Bispo, who said that: “contact with the sea has always been very natural and I was, from a young age, taught spearfishing and bodyboarding." The family relationship with the ocean was Teresa's motivation: "My whole family from my mother’s side was always related to the sea. My grandfather and uncles were barnacle catchers. My mother and aunt have always liked to fish, my brother also does spearfishing. " Jody was also born in Lagos and thanks his father for pressuring him to start diving: "Around seven-years-old, my father taught me to dive with his mask. I was full of fear and did not want to. But as soon as I put the mask on my face in water, I was amazed and I never looked back!"

+INFO:  mardestorias  mardestorias 



Jody recalls that he started diving with a mask and a trident and that by the age of 11 he had his first speargun. He would dive without a suit for half-an-hour, get out and cling to the warm stones of Ferragudo's pier: "I still remember my mother calling from the pier." Some say that once in contact with the sea, the connection is never lost again. It turns out to be an

It is important to note the spirit of unity and support of local communities to these athletes. There were many who contributed to Jody being able to represent Portugal in the World Championships in other countries: "When I was World Champion in Spain, I was 20 days in preparation. Some days were paid by the Federation, others I paid from my own money and the remaining days were paid with the help of the local communities of Alvor, Portimão and Carvoeiro." These children of our land, but conquerors of the seas, respect the oceans and, like Mar d’Estórias, consider spearfishing one of the most ecological and sustainable sports. In this type of fishing, the sea itself does not allow more than "80 dives a year, much of it due to the visibility of the water, the waves, the tide and the rain"; "It's a selective fishery and one that pollutes the ocean less," Jody says. In addition to this, it is honorable for the spearfishers and the local clubs to organise garbage collection plans once a year, to reduce the garbage in the sea. Mar d’Estórias intends to be an innovative place that values everything Portuguese with special emphasis on the Algarve. It was planned to provide a balanced passage between the different areas of the shop, the restaurant, the homeware and crowned by the rooftop terrace bar with a sea view.



Casas do Barlavento is a real estate agency in Lagos, Alvor and Aljezur created to help clients achieve their goal, whether it is to buy a property, rent a property or put their property for sale. Established 15 years ago, Casas do Barlavento has been active in the property market within four specific areas:  1. Selling Property 2. Holiday Rentals 3. Property Management 4. Condominium Management This “one-stop-shop approach” is an all-in-one solution where clients can see things resolved all under one roof, without having to go anywhere else and without having to contact different companies. The one-stop-shop concept first became known within the real estate circle of Casas do Barlavento and is now part of its true identity |



Dr Balkrishna Born in Mozambique and growing up in India, Balkrishna was already pulled to help others, setting about studying for a medical degree, yet in his final year he felt the authority of the white coat was not the path he should pursue choosing to quit his studies and to return to India. A three year meditation retreat followed by one and a half years solitary retreat Bal emerged with a path to study Chinese medicine before beginning building the Karuna Retreat Centre in 1992. Twenty-eight years in the making yet decimated to a pile of ashes in just a few short hours by the devastating Monchique wildfires in August 2018, Karuna was one of the many victims. Karuna was the spiritual retreat for hundreds of people from around the world and home to Dr Balkrishna Maganlal. “When Karuna was burning I was in India, I was in a place of retreat and was receiving tens of phone calls from people, some enquiring, some crying, some desperate, some offering help, even offers from others to sell their own land and give to us the money so that we could continue. I was told through phone calls during the night that even this place is burnt. It was emotional.

"I determined that I must have the energy as if I am 20-years-old to rebuild this place" After the fire

Karuna being rebuilt

If this was my house and my swimming pool, I wouldn't have been doing anything at this point but since so many people asked and have taken an interest in the regeneration, I was determined that I must have the energy as if I am 20-yearsold to rebuild this place. So the strength we have now come from the good wishes of many people who sent support or who came to offer help.” No sooner was the mountain declared open that volunteers began to arrive and begin the hard physical labour on cleaning up the massive mess from the burnt out buildings and working on restoring the centre such is the love that Dr. Balkrishna has earned through his devotion to helping others find a path to inner joy and peace. In just a few short months the Temple is rebuilt, the pools and gardens regenerated and the hosting facilities nearing completion are already once again ready to accept staying visitors. “Transcending all religions people have come with open hearts which is really, for me, very good because we are divided and separate but this move I saw here was a united one. That is something that we have learnt, that we are all connected and never alone.”



With buildings made of very simple construction, the clean air, clean water and peaceful sounds the purpose is to offer people whose lives are forever chasing an external happiness a place to reflect and learn that happiness comes from within. Bal is a busy man who holds a traditional Chinese medical clinic in Porto three days a week, surgeries across the country before returning to Karuna for the remainder of the week. Not content with this life Bal also has a project involving teaching in the villages and overseeing the building of new homes in Nepal for those even less fortunate souls who also suffered a devastation after the 2015 earthquake. Karuna means compassion and is aptly named as Dr Bal oozes compassion from every cell of his being. Offering yoga, Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture treatment, meditation courses and healthy meals from produce mostly grown at the centre by a dedicated staff, Karuna offers a place for those seeking to find that elusive inner peace and is worth the trip for a day or even longer like one recent visitor who remained on retreat for nine months. Sitting in India, learning of the wildfires, Balkrishna contemplated his memories of leaving days before and his feelings as he rationalised coming to terms with the news, he wrote: "Today I see dark with the memory of the green Tomorrow green with the memory of the dark In the dark and in the green Karuna remains the same" ― Balkrishna To find out about Karuna or how to go about donating practice items, money or your time visit the website.

+INFO:   karunaretreatcenter


Daniel - red algae


MARINE ORGANISMS CREATE NEW DRUG A new anti-chronic pain drug is being developed from marine organisms off Sagres, writes João Rodrigues. Established in 2013, Sea4us is a research and development company led by Pedro Lima that works from its laboratory based in Sagres. Specialising in biotechnology as a means to develop a new kind of medicine to treat chronic pain, Sea4Us found the secret for that treatment in the ocean around Sagres. Replacing morphine with substances extracted from marine animals (such as sea sponges) as an effective analgesic, Sea4Us is currently developing the product that will be capable of relieving the suffering of more than 1.5 billion people struggling with chronic pain worldwide. In fact, the first discovery of the potential analgesic properties of some organisms that live in rocks and underwater caves in Sagres, was totally by chance. Some years ago, while diving for collecting organisms to study, Pedro Lima got a small cut on one hand because he was not wearing gloves. He soon realised he was not feeling any pain from the injury… because he was holding a mollusc that somehow created a feeling of numbness on his hand – or part of it. No pain was (is) the gain!



Now, it’s a work in progress. Pedro Lima graduated in marine biology (Universidade do Algarve) and neurophysiology (University of Sheffield, UK) - and his team of researchers spend many hours under the sea of Sagres, exploring and observing the wide variety of marine organisms that can contribute to their studies. Many of these organisms are not fully known to the scientific community, and that’s why these passionate scientists love their job. Portuguese waters are very rich and diverse in terms of living creatures, all shapes and sizes, and that fact is most evident in Sagres’ underwater world. Of course, Sea4Us interest is manly in small and delicate organisms that they know can have the potential for study and development of the new anti-chronic pain drug. Diving for observation and eventual collection of organisms takes a lot of time and patience. That’s really the first step in this type of research, and Sagres offers the perfect ‘atmosphere’ - onshore and offshore - for this kind of work. In Sagres, the company’s laboratory, fully equipped with dedicated and advanced equipment for scientific analysis,

research and development, is the strategic base of the ‘mission’. But all the painstaking work done so far by the team from Sea4Us has payed off: the organisms (anemone, seaweed and sea sponges, or molluscs) relevant to their objective were identified in the waters off Sagres, and the development of the future product, combining marine biology and neuropharmacology, is under way and full speed ahead! The objective now is to proceed with the research in order to understand the types of chronic pain that can be treated with the new drug, and obtain a ‘final’ composite, without side effects, to be tested in humans. Production and marketing of a new medicine is a very complex and time consuming process, demanding resources beyond Sea4Us’s abilities. Thus, Sea4us plans to license the product to a major pharmaceutical company. All of this will take place in the coming years. More recently, Sea4Us was awarded with European funds of the 2020 programme – one of the 20 Portuguese companies to gain access to these funds – securing the continuation of their work on the new drug, as well on other projects in marine therapeutics. In addition to Pedro Lima (founder, CEO and CSO) and other investigators and co-founders, the staff includes legal and financial advisors and project managers. Sea4Us also has laboratories in Lisbon at the Nova Medical School of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

+INFO:  Sea4Us team


THE MAGIC OF MEDRONHO PART TWO BY HENRY C. SHAW It has been three months since the ripe medronho berries were gathered. Originally these fruits would have been contained in clay, rather than oak casks, which tends to absorb the spirit with a significant loss of volume. Nowadays the fruit is packed into plastic barrels and bamboo is thrust into the mass to judge the temperature. If too warm distilled stream water is added too keep an even heat at which point a paste is made of fresh berries and this paste is thickly smeared over the top of the fermentation barrels and covered with salt. Originally a hide skin was then applied, these days a plastic sheet is covered with sand to ensure no air or flies enter the mix while in fermentation. This is where, assures Senhor José Fernando, lies the second secret. Roughly speaking the length of fermentation is 90 days, but this is where experience comes to play; too little and the spirit will be too harsh; too much and the content of methanol increases. Only an experienced distiller can decide these things, but when all is ready the fermented fruit and juices are poured into a large copper still and a good fire is laid under it. “We use eucalyptus,” says Senhor José Fernando, “it burns not to hot and for a long time. We start the distillation early and we set one fire for one day, which we control through the vents. The alembic must be washed each time we use it and the fire must not be too hot so as to burn the fruit.” The first runnings that come over the receiver are called azula and contain dangerously high levels of methanol, which appear as bluish colour, but this should on no account be consumed. Here is the third secret. Distillation. Timing is essential, but when a crystalline clear straw of spirit runs over the receiver the flask is changed to a traditional flagon called a cântaro.



The pure filtered spirit that comes over the receiver is reaching towards 80% proof, but during the process its strength is diluted as less spirit and more water comes forth where it plateaus between the 54 - 56% mark. That liquor left over is called the frouxa and is used, by traditional medronho makers, to moisten the next batch thereby extracting the maximum amount of medronho from each harvest. The precious liquor is then stored in traditional cântaro and later bottled. Typically speaking friends and family would enjoy a small toast at the end of a meal, although it is not unheard of for fishermen and farmers to start the day with a medronho and coffee, but at roughly 56% proof one can only assume they were running at full sail before leaving the harbour. As the tour ended I thanked my host, who kindly offered both Emma and I a glass of his famous Melosa, a delicate combination of medronho, local honey and cinnamon, which though softly sweet has a smooth fiery finish and was utterly delicious. “The ladies like this one very much,” says Senhor José Fernando with a twinkle. “How do you make it,” I asked. “This,” replied my host knowingly, “I cannot tell you.” With the warm glow of Melosa spreading through me, I said my goodbyes and as I tottered home I couldn’t help but agree with the good Senhor; perhaps certain secrets are best kept hidden. You can read part one of the Medronha story in our January edition. For further information on Emma Dakin’s photography, private commissions, cards and events, contact her directly via her email:


NEW EMERGENCY ID CARD BOOK LAUNCH Crossing Cultures in the Western Algarve

The launch of Lena Strang’s new book Crossing Cultures in the Western Algarve took place at Lagos Cultural Centre in December. It was successful with a large number of people attending from the local Portuguese and international communities, and included many of the people she had written about. Lena showed a short film about people featured in the book and did a presentation in English and Portuguese. Joaquina Matos, the Mayor of Lagos was present and commented on the value of Lena’s work in investigating so many different aspects of life in the region. “In Lagos, the city of Discoveries, it is so appropriate to have someone doing their own discoveries today,” she said. As Lena

has been the features writer for Tomorrow for many years she has amassed a large collection of stories about local life. She felt it was important to publish these in book form, available in two languages. Her first book Touching Lives: Remarkable People and Place in the Western Algarve was launched three years ago. The books are available at the Ria Formosa bookshop on the Avenida in Lagos, fnac bookshop in Guia or directly from Lena. The film Crossing Cultures / Culturas que se Cruzam can be watched on Lena’s Youtube channel.

+INFO:   Lena Strang

To improve communication with the authorities and medical services in emergencies, Safe Communities Portugal, has developed an ‘emergency identification card’ for tourists and foreign residents in Portugal, which can also be carried by any national citizen. This has been developed in collaboration with the emergency services, The card provides vital additional information to first responders in the event the card holder is involved in an accident. Key features: - Free of charge - Developed with INEM and security forces and recognised by them - In English and Portuguese - Easy to download from official websites no waiting time - Easy to update - No data privacy issues The Emergency Card does not replace any official identification documents, but is intended to serve as an additional source of information that contains specific data such as medication, allergies, current illnesses and information about the authorities of the citizens' countries of origin, whom it may be necessary to establish direct contact, in case of emergencies where the card holder is a victim. Safe Communities Portugal said: “In collaboration with the GNR, PSP and INEM we have sought to respond to a need identified by the foreign community in Portugal, making available in a single document of personal and health data that may be useful to medical teams and authorities in an emergency situation, such as a road accident or major catastrophes.” The document in English and Portuguese is available for download on the websites of Safe Communities Portugal, INEM and Security Forces, and will be made known to foreign communities in Portugal through their respective embassies.

+INFO: 




CUTTING EDGE DESIGN Lagos-based Gen Holban is a communication designer and a 3D interior designer who says she can almost ‘show you the future’ of your home or office by creating precise 3D simulations of your project. We spoke to Gen about her work. Please tell us about yourself. I was born and raised in the Republic of Moldova. After I finished school I continued my education studying law in Romania. I carried on my education in Business and Finance when I moved to Portugal before swapping to a degree in Communication Design. Please tell us about your professional background? When I finished my degree I started doing small projects for friends. I helped a few people who were starting businesses with their visual identity and advertising. For the last two years I have been working with Dutch Interior Designer, Janneke Haane, owner of Lusco Fusco Concepts. She was responsible for all of the interior projects and I was responsible for the graphic projects. Please tell us how and when you ended up in Lagos? I discovered Lagos through my father and fell in love with this beautiful place and stayed here. He is a sailor so it made complete sense for him to choose Lagos. Please tell us about your business? My work is based on communicating ideas, sending messages to target viewers through visual communication by using graphic elements like: typography, illustration, colors, photography, layouts, visual arts and compositions. Together they build a concept that makes the right impact. How do you create the 3D models? I use various softwares to deliver a 3D image, from Cinema 4D and Sketchup to Photoshop and Illustrator. What can you show by using the 3D models? Literally I can show you the future! The process involves using precise dimensions of the space, the objects and the materials, creating floor plans, furniture layouts, and designing the look and feel of a space. It shows the client, accurately, their home, or office or new business place, whatever it may be. How much difference do you think this makes? All the difference! Not everyone has the gift of



visualization hence 3D photorealistic renders show the world what is possible... furniture, color, textures, light, and functional aesthetics ... all revealed in actual clarity. It is real life information that does not disappoint expectations. What impact has it had on clients? It simply facilitates clients with decision making. Instead of going back and forth in trying to find some common ground between what they want and what you offer, you can simply show them a gorgeous 3D image and it is solved. Witnessing their euphoria, when they see a render for the first time - it’s amazing. What are the best parts of your job? Contact with the clients and solving their problems, the constant reinvention and willingness to try new ideas. I also like to broaden my horizons by having contact with so many different fields which helps my range of knowledge grow. I like being the person who controls the user's experience and I like people interacting with my work What is your ambition for the future? My biggest ambition is to widen my knowledge of the design world at the most superior level possible. Then I will help small or big businesses achieve their goals, and grow together with the help of great design. And last but not least, is having the power of turning everything that looks bad into things that look good - that is my dream!

+INFO:  +351 918 889 093   genholban_design  Behance Gen_Holban

COMMUNITY Rod Frew, Myriam Lo and Paul Akehurst, participants of the first Algarve Way crossings, had been mulling the idea of a 20th Anniversary of the first continuous crossing of our Algarve Way, and inviting as many participants of that event (seven) and of the reverse direction crossing in 1999 (five core walkers and others) and contributing members of Almargem as were available.

Those Who Walked

Almargem had already proposed erecting a memorial to him and so after several meetings with them, and much strategic planning, a Memorial Plaque to Maurice, magically appeared, just the afternoon before the event, beside a bridge on the Algarve Way on the M502 about 1.5 km north of Silves cemetery.



In the November issue there was a short article on the 20th Anniversary of the Via Algarviana or Algarve Way. In this article we wanted to focus on the role of Maurice Clyde who pioneered this route and of the memorial ceremony which commemorated the first continuous crossing on foot of this route, and the inauguration of a plaque to Maurice. Maurice was the true pioneer of organised walking in the Algarve. On his retirement here, his declared ambition was to establish an organised walking culture, and he set about this with enormous enthusiasm, determination and a big heart. He founded the Algarves' probably first, organised walking group in 1994; the OCDAW (Os Caminheiros Do Algarve/Walkers) which was a charitable organisation with a programme of walks, principally on Saturdays, with an ever increasing following. He always admired Almargem, the environmental organisation and was in frequent contact with them. Later, in 1996, the group split because of mixed abilities, changed days, and the stronger walkers became the Algarve Wednesday Walkers, (AWW). The first mission and principal activity of this group was developing Maurice’s dream of creating a trans-Algarve extension of one of the panEuropean walking routes, the GR 13. This was in fact based on part of an old pilgrims' route stretching from Valencia in Spain to Cape St. Vincent, burial site of the Saint after whom the Cape was named. By the autumn of 1998 all was ready for the first full crossing of the Algarve Way. As far as is known this was the first time this had ever been done continuously. They commenced on 19th October 1998 and Maurice and six others (and four dogs!) were the core group who

completed the whole walk on 29th October 1998. This was perhaps the high point of Maurice’s Algarve lifetime: completing this was a justly proud moment for him and a deserved tribute to his determination to achieve a dream. There are few who could have emulated him. Maurice was not a walker with an infallible sense of direction, as fellow walkers will doubtless remember! Fully aware of this, he decided to mark his routes with certain directional prompts. These were sky blue arrows or blobs sprayed on any object with an aerosol which was always in his backpack. Some can still be seen and remain as a wistful reminder of his walks of old and even today, it must be said, sometimes a comforting indication that one is on the right route! These will disappear in the fullness of time but surely the existence of the Algarve Way / Via Algarviana will remain as a fitting monument to a man who fully deserves to be remembered.

Saturday October 13th was the appointed day for the ceremony. Rod, Myriam and Paul were joined by Luis Raposo, President of Almargem and his son, Miguel; Luisa Luis, a Vereador of Silves Câmara; some other members of Almargem, Nicola' Christina and Edgar, and of course support from members of AWW who had known Maurice. Also Paco and his family from Dos Hermanas, near Seville. It was particularly nice to see Judy Cooper, widow of Ian, and Jinny Harman, representing the invalid Mark, both participants of the first Algarve Way walk; Vitor Peres, Dina's husband on his first outing for a long time, Hedley and Joy White who came over specially from UK, and also Gita and Thyl Gheyselink. Other AWWs present were John and Hazel Hope and Maria Newton. Sadly it was announced , just as this was being written, that the untimely death had occurred, just before Christmas, of João Santos, former President and Founding Member of Almargem who cooperated with and contributed greatly to the realisation of the Via Algarviana. For those are interested to visit the memorial plaque the exact coordinates are N37 12.445" and W008 26.126".

A year later with another small group including some Spanish participants he undertook the walk in reverse from the Cape to Alcoutim, when it formally became part of the European GR system. In 1999 and 2000 it was also completed on horses and mountain bikes to prove it was very much an all purpose route. He continued to organise the AWW, appoint leaders, maintain records and even published Walkers Guide of some of his favourite routes, right up to 2002. In that year, just short of his 70th birthday, he was struck down with a serious stroke. He never walked again. 12 long and difficult years followed until his death in September 2014. Ever since the commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the founding of AWW in 2016, Maurice




Meet the artist This month we are featuring Caroline Wood who spent most of her life in banking before taking early retirement.

Please tell us about yourself. My working life was spent in banking, initially, in a local branch then in London for most of my career, as a project manager in new bank wide systems and then in IT. Having taken early retirement, I took a two year City and Guilds course in interior design and decorative painting thinking that I would start a new career in this direction. However, I became heavily involved in the golf club which my husband and I belonged to and this didn’t leave much spare time once I became Ladies Captain, serving on various committees and playing in matches all over the county. Around this time, we bought a small holiday house in Figueira near what was then called Parque da Floresta. For a number of years, we spent the winter months in the Algarve and in 2002 we decided that instead of running two homes, we would move here permanently. We moved to a new house on the edge of Praia da Luz and lived there until the beginning of 2008. We had been shown some land in the countryside which we fell in love with and so started a four year project to build our own house which is where we live currently. Tell us about your art. I particularly enjoy painting the sea and sky. Here in the Algarve, we have wonderful ever-changing skies, sunrises over the sea, sunsets, big clouds, vapour trails etc etc and the sea can be very dramatic or calm and peaceful. I think it is the mood of the scene, movement of waves and clouds and the light that I try and depict through the colours I choose and the method of applying paint, whether it be soft and watery building up many layers or heavy paint with spatulas. I also enjoy painting large flower pictures, again hoping to capture



their essence, the delicacy of petals and the light shining through them. Most of my work is figurative in that the subject matter is recognisable but in a contemporary manner. Have you always been an artist? I wanted to do something in art whilst still at school. Unfortunately, all that time ago there was little support for doing so and no teacher for history of art, a subject that interested me. However, I produced some plaster of paris wall sculptures that sold out at the end of school open day and my parents had to rush to the school to buy the last one which has hung on their wall to this day, including a move of house! The City and Guilds decorative painting course gave me a thorough grounding in how to handle paint in a variety of techniques, how to use a paint brush and generally work with paint that I believe was invaluable when I took up painting. I started going to watercolour painting classes in the late 90s and worked in this medium for about eight years then took lessons in oil painting from a classically experienced teacher. Having used acrylics for much of the decorative painting, I found it relatively easy to move from watercolour painting to oils. Can you tell us how you create your work? My painting subjects are from places I have been, most often walking with our dogs. I am always ready to take a photograph especially when I am struck by a particular play of light, the mood of the scene etc. Flowers of all kinds interest me too. I usually start a painting by putting a colour palette together which depicts the ‘feeling’ I’m trying to get over rather than straightforward simulation of the actual colours. I find this leads me naturally into the painting which I start by applying colour washes across the canvass. These help create the movement I’m looking for as well as building up a depth of colour such as can be seen in a wave when you look carefully. I then feel my way into the painting by continuing to apply coats of paint relevant to the outline of the subject and as I go along decide where paint will be applied more thickly and where highlights will be. 


How long does each piece take to create? Rarely less than 20 hours, a very large one could be up to 60 hours. It all depends whether I’m experimenting with the paint and I have been known to remove an entire days’ application of paint.

How would you like people to respond to your work? Of course, it’s great when people comment on how they like my paintings especially when people say that my work has inspired them to get back into painting themselves. We don’t all respond in the same way to different artists work so all I hope to do is to get people who like mine, to feel the energy and mood of the scene and commitment that I have put into the work. Do you have any advice for an aspiring or hobby artist? Some people learn well from books and although I have quite a library I find that I learn best from watching and taking notes. I would say, find an artist whose work you like and try and take some lessons from them, there is only so much you can learn from being self taught. The feedback is invaluable and helps not to get stuck in thinking there is only one way to do things. Above all, be brave and don’t worry about ‘getting it wrong’ which is something I’ve heard so many times especially when copying from a photo and trying to get it exactly like the picture. This tends to lead to a static piece of work with no energy. I do believe that aspiring artists should practice how to use the paint brush properly rather than keeping to small brushes and dab paint on. Basic



techniques including the use of the colour wheel is to my mind vital and will help considerably in overcoming apprehension and worry. What else are you planning for the future? I’ve wanted for some time to try my hand at portrait painting but as with the other forms of painting I have followed, I have been looking for someone whose work I can relate to, to get me started. I came across an article about a professional painter, Mark Fennell RBSA, who has exhibited with the Royal Society of Portrait Painters and struck up a friendship with him. He will be coming to Praia da Luz in April to run a two day workshop which is aimed at both beginner and intermediate. I am sure it is going to be interesting and inspiring. Please contact me to find out more or to sign up. I’m also planning to teach a series of workshops on landscapes, aimed mainly at beginners. My work for sale is shown on my website and can be seen at my studio which is between Espiche and Barão de São João. I am a member of the Algarve Society of Artists that was created last year by Alyson Sheldrake. The Society encompasse s a variety of “creative” activities as reflected in the web site www. and in the brilliant quarterly online magazine Algarve Art

+INFO:  +351 968 881 725  



What is Freemasonry? For some, it’s about making new friends. For others it’s about helping deserving causes. For most, it is simply very enjoyable and rewarding. This article aims to help lay to rest the myths published by Freemasonry’s critics, such as they only look after themselves or conceal their membership. This article focuses on “regular” Freemasonry as governed by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). There are 200,000 English freemasons throughout England, Wales and across the globe, such as here in Portugal. Modern Freemasonry may have evolved from the medieval stonemasons who built cathedrals and castles. It also has its roots in groups of men getting together and teaching morality through symbolism. They used morality plays based on the story of the building of the first Temple in Jerusalem. Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political and charitable organisations. Freemasons are organised into “Lodges”. The Lodge meetings are based on a series of rituals which have much in common with the old morality plays. They use stonemasons' customs and tools as symbolic guides to help instil morality. Any man who is at least 21, law-abiding, of good character and believes in God, can become a Freemason. It is open to all faiths. For example, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs are all welcome. UGLE governed Freemasonry is non-religious, but it does encourage all its members, to follow their own faith. The discussion of religion, and politics, is however expressly prohibited at Lodge meetings. Freemasons don’t hide everything. Many people know where their meeting places are and details of ceremonial rituals. Members indeed are encouraged to speak openly about membership. Like many organisations, meetings of Lodges are held in private. Sky TV was given open access to Lodge meetings in a series entitled “Inside the Freemasons”. Much of the “secrecy” has its roots from when many German freemasons who had opposed Hitler



UGLE Grand Temple London

were detained in concentration camps. Freemasons do promise to keep confidential their methods of recognition. These “secrets” are only used within a Lodge or when visiting another. These again are symbolic and have roots in the methods ancient stonemasons used to prove their level of skill. A new candidate to Freemasonry is “initiated” as an Entered Apprentice. He then progresses to Fellow Craft before finally Master Mason. Contrary to what some believe, Freemasons must never use their membership as a means of gaining preferment for themselves or other persons. Any attempt to do so could, does, and has resulted in expulsion. Charity is an important virtue for every Freemason. They take an active role in the local community and donate substantial sums to many charitable causes not connected with Freemasonry. Donations come from their own pockets as opposed to the “tin shaking” methods used by other fund raisers. For example, masons gave £2 million for an Air Ambulance in London. UGLE has its own Masonic Charitable Foundation which is one of the largest grant-making charities.

Lodge of Discoveries Crest

Whilst UGLE, is, and has always been, restricted to men, women Freemasons have two Grand Lodges. The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons and the Order of Women Freemasons. Over time there have been many famous Freemasons. Arnold Palmer, Dr Thomas Barnardo, Jim Davidson, Peter Sellers, Rudyard Kipling and Winston Churchill are all examples. Many members of the Royal Family as well have been Freemasons. HRH The Duke of Kent is the current Grand Master of UGLE. Freemasonry is founded on three great Principles. The first is Brotherly Love by showing tolerance, respect, compassion and understanding of others. The second is Relief by helping those 

London Air Ambulance

COMMUNITY in distress and giving support to Charities. And finally, by striving for Truth, in their view of themselves and their dealings with others. Masonry requires high moral standards and its members try to uphold these in their private and public lives.

In 1990, Prince Henry the Navigator Lodge No.9360 was consecrated fulfilling the aspirations of many expatriate English freemasons living in Portugal. The lodge still meets in Vilamoura. English freemasonry in Portugal has since grown steadily. There are now four English Lodges operating in Portugal. As well as Prince Henry the Navigator Lodge there are the Lodge of Discoveries No. 9409 (in Lagos), Lancaster Lodge No. 9413 (in Cascais) and Britannia Masters Lodge No.9579 (rotating Lagos, Vilamoura and Cascais). English Freemasonry in Portugal is organised as a “Group” under the jurisdiction and authority of the Very Worshipful Bro. Robert Scott Levitt, Grand Inspector of the Group of Lodges in Portugal. Rob was originally a Freemason in Warwickshire. Lagos based Lodge of Discoveries No.9409 was consecrated in 1991. Prince Henry the Navigator (1394 – 1460) was the third son of King John of Portugal and Queen Phillipa. Phillipa was the daughter of John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster, hence the name of the Lodge in Cascais. Henry was central in the early days of the Portuguese Empire. Through his direction, he is regarded as the initiator of the maritime “Discoveries”. Masons strive to “discover” new friendships, to strengthen existing ones and provide charity. There is therefore a strong analogy between the voyages of

discovery and Freemasonry. The Lodge of Discoveries crest reflects the voyages, navigational instruments and close links between the UK and Portugal. The lodge has over 30 members many being “initiated” Freemasons locally. The latest in October 2018. Over the last five years the Lodge of Discoveries has donated over €12,500 to charitable causes. They sponsored the training of a local nurse, supported local charities such as Castelo dos Sonhos and Madrugada. In 2018 the Lodges in Portugal together purchased a defibrillator as part of the AFPOP campaign to provide every local Bombeiros station with this vital lifesaving equipment. If you would like more information or would like to join visit the website.

Castelo Dos Sonhos Cheque

At its last meeting the Lodge of Discoveries no 9409 approved a donation of €500 to TACT to support the campaign for a vehicle for the orphanage in Lagos. Many thanks to them. Phil Egginton is a motorsport consultant and journalist who has now retired to the Algarve. Phil is a Freemason and a member of the Lodge of Discoveries.

+INFO: 


Caption: L to R. Sub-Commander Alexander Madeira, President Costodia Reid, Sue Ward, Vice President Alejandro Barcia, Financial President Anabel de Sousa.

During December theatrical performances of A Christmas Quarrel raised funds for the fire station at São Brás de Alportel. A cheque for €624 was handed to the President of the Bombeiros by Queen Victoria lookalike actress, Sue Ward. She and a group of 14 other thespians presented a historical comedy about the lives of Saxe-Coburg cousins, Queen Victoria and Dom Fernando de Portugal. Profits made from ticket sales and many generous donations will be used to equip and buy suitable protective clothing for the volunteer bombeiros. (A pair of specially treated fireman’s boots for instance can cost up to €180).



The personnel at São Brás fire station consists of 40 volunteer and 20 professionals. All 60 are trained to the same standard but whereas a professional is paid a minimum wage, a volunteer receives no financial remuneration for her/his efforts. As explained by Vice President, Alejandro Barcia, the situation at São Brás is about to be improved with ten new professionals to be appointed, “It takes five people to manage each engine so this will provide us with two new teams. This is especially important during the summer when there are frequent forest fires and volunteers are sometimes unavailable because most have other jobs.”




Charity update CASLAS CAR CAMPAIGN This month we are having a bit of a push on raising the last few thousand for the car for the children’s home in Lagos. We started the campaign at the end of last year and we now have €11,315 which is a fantastic achievement. The money came from our fundraising events including the Winter Ball which we held in November and also from a string of personal donations. Last month alone our readers put their hands in their pockets and gave us €765. In total we are looking to raise €15,000 for CASLAS to be able to buy a sevenseater car (new or second hand). The old car is on its last legs but having a vehicle plays a huge role at the home which looks after 26 disadvantaged youngsters.

One of the staff at the home, Susana Pales, approached Tomorrow to ask for our help. She explained: “The reasons they are placed in the Lar are multiple and most of the times they face the challenge of being placed away from they’re natural environment, family and friends. We set our target to welcome them, care of their health and personal well being and integrate them socially in school, sports or other hobbies.” The home intervenes in the mediation of community services (like police, law court, social security, youth protection committees) and with their families to promote a healthier relationship and perhaps reunite them. The car is needed to make sure the youngsters can see their families (if appropriate), to take them to medical appointments and to take them on fun or educational trips.


If you think you can help please donate to the TACT Caslas car campaign or email Steven.




Dates for your diary Tomorrow Charity Golf Day Espiche Golf Club June 28th Tomorrow Charity Summer Ball Tivoli Hotel Lagos June 15th 2019 Theme: Mardi Gras The John Aldridge Charity Golf Classic Boavista Golf & Spa Resort and Espiche Golf Club September 6th and 7th Tomorrow Charity Winter Ball November 23rd 2019 Tivoli Hotel Lagos Theme: Live from the red carpet Live music: 5ex If you are interested in any of the above events or would like more information, please drop Steven a line.

+INFO: 


What's on in February

ARE YOU A CHOC... AHOLIC? If so then one of the most glitzy - and delicious - events of winter could be for you. The Chocolate Fair returns to the Loulé Market from February 9th to 17th with cake, sweets, chocolates, fondues and original creations. It is the ninth edition of an event that has had tremendous success in previous years and includes demonstrations, producers, sales and events. You can learn everything about chocolate, its nutritional value, the best ways of cooking and eating. The fair that starts on February 9th runs from Monday to Sunday February 17th. Between Monday and Saturday it will be open from 9am to 8pm. On Sunday, the time is from 2pm to 8pm.



Love Festival In February comes the first great festival of the year! There will be 17 capitals of love that celebrate Valentine's Day with the 5th edition of the Festival Montepio às vezes o amor (Sometimes Love). On February 14th, 15th and 16th, cupid will spread some of the best Portuguese music in 17 special concerts in 17 cities from north to south of the country and this year for the first time in the Azores - proves that love always surpasses its limits, festival grows in the number of days, of artists and cities in which it presents itself. Aurea, Amor Electro, Cuca Rosetta, David Fonseca, Diogo Piçarra, Herman José, HMB, João Pedro Pais, José Cid, Luísa Sobral, Mafalda Veiga, Miguel Araújo, Raquel Tavares, Sara Tavares, Tiago Bettencourt, The Gift and Xutos & Pontapés are the names summoned

to warm hearts in love with their emblematic and sweeping songs. In 2019 all passionate hearts will be able to celebrate Valentine's Day again in some of the most beautiful Portuguese cities, to the sound of the best national music. Now you just have to choose the concerts where you want to take your other half! The Algarve concerts will be in Faro at the Municipal Theater on February 14th with José Cid, and in Lagoa at Auditório Municipal Carlos do Carmo on February 16th with The Gift. All shows start at 10pm. Ticket prices vary from room to room and range from €10 to € 35.

+INFO:  



JAZZ IN THE WINERIES This year there will a total of 24 Jazz in the Wineries sessions after last year’s success. The concerts are accompanied by tastings of wines produced by the host wineries, along with the sampling of tapas made from local products. It is an idea which has been a real hit especially during the less busy winter season across the Algarve. On February 9th and 10th at Quinta do Barradas, Alcantarilha the Ana Alves Quartet presents jazz classics that have been immortalised by time, and which will touch each and every person who hears them.

On February 22nd and 23rd the AMP will perform at JAAP, Silves. The AMP - Analog Music Project is a musical act that focuses on painting a musical picture with electronic, latin and jazz influence. From Electro-bossa to CosmicSwing, the project revives and reinvents classic genres, giving them a modern but analogical touch. Tickets cost €12.

+INFO:  +351 282 440 800 / 914 427 684  

CELEBRATING THE CITRUS This year’s orange festival will take place in Silves ‘The Orange Capital’ between February 15th and 17th 2019. Cuca Rosetta and António Zambujo are two of the artists confirmed at the third Mostra Silves Capital da Laranja which is being held in Fissul. The event will have its official inauguration at 10.30am on the 15th, in Silves with several dozen exhibitors related to citriculture, wines, agriculture, regional products, confectionery, handicrafts and gastronomy, as well as some associations and local and regional entities.



The highlight in another edition of this show promoting the Silves Capital da Laranja brand goes to another cycle of conferences, in which national and international experts will discuss themes central to the production and producers of citrus. The cocktails will also return with the Silves Capital of the Orange Barmen Festival. Also there will be the usual Valentine's march, an activity that integrates the calendar of marches and races of the Algarve and that will be part of the program of the event.

PIANO IN PORTIMÃO The Algarve is celebrating piano music with its 3rd International Festival of Piano in Portimão. The festival features a series of concerts during February, March and April at TEMPO and opens on 19th February with Tchaikovsky 1st Concerto for Piano and Orchestra - one of the most emblematic concerts of the pianístico repertoire. Prices: Stall €20 / Balcony €15 Tickets are available online. This event is part of the 365 Algarve cultural programme.

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February Calendar

Promote your events and activities here it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:

ACTIVITIES Circus VagabunT Classes for children Tues 2.45pm (6-7yrs) & 4.45pm (8-12yrs) €25 p/m | Barranco Da Vaca School, Aljezur T: 968296503 ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, Bowls for Beginners Tue 11am (1st lesson FREE), €10 (non mem.) Rua Direita Luz, T: 919707635 Netball Wed 7pm | All ages & abilities, Tennis Courts Boavista Golf Resort E: Lagos Walking Football Wed 9.30am +50yrs Welcome, €3 Boavista T: 282790930

Tennis Doubles-Round Robin Thurs 3pm €10, Golf Santo António Budens, T: 282690008 Medieval Sword/Stick Fighting Thurs 5pm, €8, Sargaçal/Lagos (contact for info) E: T:004917678678743 Aljezur International Choir Singers from the South-west Algarve Thurs 2pm Sing in various languages, Music Room Aljezur Bombeiros, T: 914285640 Golf lessons with PGA Pro on request Golf Santo António T: 282690054

FITNESS Legs Bums & Tums Mon 1.30pm | Total Fitness Mon 7.30pm, €6 | HIIT Yoga Fri 9.30am, €7 Burgau Sports Centre, Boxercise Tues 9.30am | Pool Fit (or LB&T depending on weather) Wed 2pm, €6 Ocean Club Praia de Luz | Surf Fit Tues 7pm (pre-book only) Physiotherapy Lagos, Soames Fitness T: 913425893 Qigong | Thurs 5pm, Donations, Kultivate Barão São João T: 967698813 Vijnana Yoga | Wed 10am €9 / €7 for regulars, Monte Rosa, Barão de São João T: 282687002 Tai Ji Quan Mon 10am (Beg.) & Thurs 5.30pm (Adv.), €10 Dojo Zen de Lagos Barão S. João, T: 919718955

Fitness Tue & Thurs 9.30am, Yoga Mon 11am, Pilates Mon & Wed 9.30am Pilates for Pregnants Wed 11am | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio Budens, T: 282690086 Qi Gong Mon 6.30pm & Wed 10.30am, €8 Ninjutsu/Budo Tajutsu Tues 6.30pm & Fri 7.30pm, €10 Yoga Nidra Thurs 6.30pm, €7 Pre-Natal Yoga Thurs 4pm, €10 | Casa Sakra Lagos, T: 916060814 Yoga Tues & Thurs 10.30am Ashtanga Yin Mix Tues 7pm Yin Yoga Wed 9.15am, €5 - €10, Grupo Desportivo do Burgau T: 913202621 Pilates Wed 11am, Yoga & De-stress Fri 11am, Zumba Dance Wed & Fri 10am, Step! & Tone (pre-booking) Thurs 10am, €7.50 | Hotel Belavista Luz, T: 968288258

Pilates Mat Classes Daily 9.15 & 10.30am & Mon 6pm €10 or €90 for 10 Pilates Equipment Classes Duet Reformer, Semi Private & 1-2-1, Pilates Room Lagos T: 926514613 Hatha Yoga (Beg.) Mon, Wed & Fri 9.45am Yin Yoga Tues & Thurs 9.45am €10, Boavista Yin Yoga Mon 4pm Hatha yoga (Beg.) Fri 3.30pm €12 or €60x6, Alma Verde T: 963614499 Gentle Hatha Mon 6.30pm Old School Burgau & Wed 12.15pm Hotel Belavista Luz €8, T: 965201477 Pilates Mat Classes MonFri 8:30, 9:30, 10:30am & 6pm, €10 or €90x10, AR Pilates Studio Chinicato Lagos, T: 966787280

EVENTS Open Mic Night | Thurs 9pm ’til midnight | All artists musicians poets & fun people welcome | Free Admission Junction 17 Luz | T: 964201904/ 911568625 Quiz Night Mon 8.30 | Rodizio of Tapas (Call for dates) 7pm BBQ Meat Feast Sun 2pm - 9pm €7.50 The Courtyard Bistro & Bar, Alvor, T: 912441143 Fado Nights (Ana Marques) 8pm alternating with Michael Jackson’s Tribute (Delfim Miranda) 9pm Wed, Carvi Hotel Praia Dona Ana, T: 282760993 February 14 Idyllic Valentine’s Hideaway | Rom Acc for two inc sparkling wine & Strawberries and Valentine Menu with drinks, €114 per couple Valentines Dinner Menu with a selection of drinks | €50 per couple T: 282790079 Tivoli Lagos



February 14 Romantic Seaside Haven | Luxury stay with romantic programme €376.25, Tivoli Carvoeiro T: 282351100 February 14th Valentines Dinner Menu with drinks, €35, T: 282460200 Tivoli Marina Portimão February 2nd Walking in Ameixial 9.30am €10, February 9th Walking in Cachopo 9.30pm €10, February 17th Walk & Boat Trip Arade River 9.30pm €25 | February 23rd Walking btw Ferragudo & Carvoeiro 9am €10 Ferragudo, Quimera Experience, T: 962647741/ 969467275 February 28 Open Golf Day for Beginners 2pm (Free of charge) | Book 24 hours in advance |Equipment provided, Espiche Golf, Espiche T: 282688250

CLASSES Dog Training Tue 11am (Rally-Obedience) | Fri 11am & Sat 4pm (Agility), €25 4 sess. Espiche, T: 968086320 Watercolour Classes Thurs (Jan 10th) 10am, €11, Sala Paroquial (Church Hall) Praia da Luz, T: 912149839 Music Lessons (Piano, Guitar, Keyboard & Voice) Beg. & Int. €25p.h Salema T:964201904 Afro Fusion Dance Classes Wed 6pm & Fri. 10.30am, €10, Amovate Aljezur T: 918047263 Swimming Lessons Mon & Thurs pm & Sat am, €12.50 €10 (mem.), Holiday Courses 3x per Week €25 €20 (mem.), Boavista T: 917953914 Computer Classes Sat 10am Lagos, T: 918764613

Open Painting Studio Wed & Thurs 10.30am €12.50, Healing Painting For 70+- Thurs 3 | €10, Barão S. João, T: 962039574 Latin & Ballroom Tues 10am (int.) 11.30 (Imp..) & 12.15pm (Beg.), Alvor Community Centre,Wed 7pm (Beg.) 7.45pm (Imp.) Carvoeiro Clube de Tenis €5 T: 961916821 Photography Advice Mon 11am, Art Academy Marina de Lagos T: 917271789 Life Drawing Mon 11am (Beg & Pro) €10 p.sess Marina de Lagos, T: 916035308 Classical Guitar Classes (English Speaking ABRSM Certified) 1-2-1 for children, adults & seniors €20p/h (References available), Lagos, Paulo T: 962690582

Junior Academy - PGA Golf Professional Alfredo Cunha Sat 11am | Equipment provided, €25p., Espiche Golf Espiche, T: 282688250 Private Hip Hop Dance Class | 1.5hr, €20, Budens, T: 916022719 Oriental Dance Class (beginners/interm.) Mon 6.30 - 8pm €8.50/class €30/ month, LAC Lagos T: 914851331 African Dance Classes Thurs 10.30 | €10, Rancho Folclorico Rogil, T: 964588588 Urban Dance Wed 5.15pm (Kids 7+) | 6.15pm ( Adutls) | 7.15pm (Teens 12+) €8/€25pm, Alma Verde Burgau, T: 916022719


FAITH Sunday Service 10.30am International Christian Community, Madness Restaurant Lagos Marina, T: 910640927 Communion Services Said Holy Communion Thurs 10am & Sun 8am, Sung Holy Communion (with hymns) 11.30am, CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church | Praia da Luz (church by the sea), Chaplain: T: 282789660 Zazen Zen Meditation Tue & Thurs 7.30am & Wed 7.30pm, €3 | Dojo Zen de Lagos | Barão S. João, T: 919718955

CHARITY & SUPPORT February 20th Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Cafe Bom Dia, Rua Moinho do Azeite | Lagos, Carol T: 926297527 or Kirsteen T: 968084946 Riding for Disabled Mon, Wed, Fri 10am | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim, T: 915090044 Cadela Carlota Animal Charity Extra hands needed to help | Three hour shifts am or pm, Almadena Shop, E: cadelacarlota.comp@ AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30 - 9pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos, T: 964201904 / 282760506, AA hotline: 917005590 AA Meeting Sunday 7.30 - 9pm An OPEN meeting in the basement, Igreja De Nossa Senhora Soccoro Burgau (Rua Principal 10)

INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE (PSP) 282 780 240 NATIONAL GUARD (GNR) 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 282 799 668 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

NO JOB TOO SMALL PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624 CARPET CLEANING 915 532 850 PAUL (POOL REPAIR) 965 641 898 ACCOUNTANT 969 041 750


EVA PORA This month a powerful play comes to Aljezur from February 8th to 10th and then to Monchique between February 22nd and 24th in Monchique. The play centres on a village which wakes up one day in silence without its inhabitants. Only whispers ring around the streets of the abandoned village. The artistic director, Madalena Victorino, explained that EVA (Eve) was the first woman on the planet; in this case she is also a young mare. Eva is an animal that has vanished from the meadow without anyone noticing. Simply vanished. She is no longer there. PORO is what binds that outside of the body to the inside, to the heart. EVA PORO is a play about the disappearance. The disappearance of an animal, a village, a person, a thing, a state or a sensation.

EYE ON NATURE At the end of this month (from February 22nd to 24th) Aljezur will be the stage for the Biennial of Nature Tourism. This is an initiative that will have sustainability as a motto and which aims to bring together tourism professionals, entrepreneurs, public decision-makers, certifying entities and researchers in a debate promoted by A Vicentina – Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Sudoeste. The organisation’s objective is to put sustainability in to the regional debate, challenging the "Algarve to look for a more sustainable future, with special attention to low density areas and protected areas where a less thoughtful tourism impact can cause damages irreparable in the region. "

Three trans-disciplinary shows that will play out in three stages. They bring stories, memories, hypotheses, people, animals and performers to the creative table, to jointly construct a performative fiction in three phases that will involve children, adults, and animals. This will take place in locations scattered along the coast and in the mountains, amid landscapes of a region that envelops us in wonder and silence.

To discuss the theme, the Nature Tourism Biennial has already confirmed a range of speakers "linked to the main certification tools and good practice guidelines", such as Luigi Cabrini of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council; Fátima Vieira, national coordinator of Green Key; Paulo Castro, of the Carta Europeia do Turismo Sustentável do Europarc; Ana Garcia, president of Accessible Portugal; and Patrícia Araújo, CEO of Biosphera Portugal.

Tickets cost €7 and anyone aged six or above is welcome.

There will also be a series of round table events during the three-day event which

+INFO:  /  +351 282 144 379 / +351 913 943 034



will also look at natural and cultural heritage, nature tourism activities, qualification, as well as management and certification, . All these themes will be highlighted in more than 50 Knowledge Workshops, available to all who work in tourism companies or related to the sector, students looking for more specific knowledge or entrepreneurs. Information from the orgaisers said: "The workshops will be supported by mentors from various institutions, from the University of Algarve to the Tourism of Portugal, through entities such as the Rota Vicentina or Almargem, or entrepreneurs linked to the region's tourism dynamics." The Nature Tourism Biennial will take place at Aljezur's Multiusos and will have three more spaces, including an exhibition area focused on business solutions around sustainability, a B2B business area supported by the Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional (CCDR) Algarve - Enterprise Europe Network, and a ludic space where a arraial (traditional regional festivities) will be held.

+INFO:  btnalgarve 


CataPlay The Algarvian Cataplana Tasting Show is being performed at the Mercado Municipal de Monchique on March 2nd and 3rd and then again at the Cultural Centre in Vila do Bispo on March 10th. In life, we are all consumed. Some more than others. By pleasure or torrid love. By envy or the most vicious evil. By innocence or merely by convenience. Little to nothing is known about the Cataplana, nor about the roots, gender or origin of its inventor. Was it created by a man or a woman? Were they Arabic or Algarvian? A chef or a cook? The recipe for a good CATAPLAY is: 2 people, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 disagreement, several

QUEDA INFINITA This month sees a contemporary dance show, Queda Infinita, being performed at the Cultural Centre in Lagos. The event takes place on February 16th at 9.30pm This show is based on the idea of ​​a spiral, descending or not, of various themes present in the life of the human being today. A perspective of a world that is losing notions, which have until



sounds, 2 points of view and 1 personal touch. This is the synopsis of the show, whose motto is a reflection on the origins of the cataplana dish, one of the world’s most mysterious and unique tools. At the end of the show, there is cataplana tasting made by Tertulia Algarvia, accompanied by a drink (wine or juice). The show lasts an hour which includes tasting and is suitable for anyone aged above six. It costs €10.

+INFO:  +351 289 821 044  

then been sedimentary of freedom and fullness of being. There is then a need to talk about love, how it begins and how it ends, as is seen by the men of the 21st century. Is there still the desire and the will to love? To love what? The Infinite Fall is a reflection on the course of the human being and the attempt to perceive what are the engines, drives or motivations of this man. What search is this and what influence has or has not the past in the decisions of our present.

+INFO:  +351 282 770 450  Centro Cultural de Lagos

ALMUTAMID MUSIC FESTIVAL The 19th Al-Mutamid Music Festival comes to Lagos on February 15th at the Cultural Centre with a concert from Tarab Flamenco - From Cadiz to Istanbul. Their style is a fusion of flamenco with oriental music. Flamenco songs and dances of the Mediterranean masterfully interpreted by the flamenco dancer Bettina Castaño, the flamenco cantaor David Hornillo and by the trio of oriental music Almawsily. Tarab Flamenco is a wonderful journey through the melodies and traditional rhythms of the various countries of the Mediterranean basin, starting with the city of Cadiz and ending in the mythical Constantinople (now Istanbul). The music that flooded bazaars, medinas and palaces of the Gharb al-Andalus for centuries has returned with five different shows, spread over seven Algarve cities: Lagoa, Vila Real de Santo António, Loulé, Albufeira, Silves, Lagos and Olhão. This festival, which started in 2000, is also a tribute to the poet king alMutamid, son and successor of the king of Seville Al-Mutadid. Muhammad Ibn Abbad (al-Mutamid) was born in Beja (1040) and was appointed governor of Silves at the age of only 12, having spent a refine youth there. In 1069 he acceded to the throne of Seville, the strongest kingdom among those that arose in alAndalus after the fall of the Caliphate of Cordova. In 1088 he was dethroned by the Almoravids and held in Agmat, south of Marrakech where he died in 1095. His tomb, which has survived to this day, has become a symbol of the most beautiful times of Al-Andalus. The event at the Cultural Centre in Lagos starts at 9.30pm.

+INFO:  fmalmutamid

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Investigating Palaeolithic human coastal adaptations in the southwestern Iberian Peninsular. On Tuesday February 5th, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will be presenting two lectures, in English, by João Marreiros. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Traje in São Bras, the second lecture will be at 6pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa. The geological and geomorphological formations on the Atlantic shore of southern Portugal in the Algarve are characterised by karstic formations. Karstic formations, such as natural caves and shelters, have long been seen as an attractive ecological and geological landscape to early human occupation during the Pleistocene and Early Holocene. During the last few decades, archaeological investigation in this region has shown that prehistoric human populations occupied this territory from the Palaeolithic to the Neolithic. The project PalaeoCoast, Palaeolithic Human Coastal Adaptations in the southwestern Iberian Peninsular aims to locate and identify coastal karst formation, assess its speleological (cave) and geological characterisation and archaeological potential. From the archaeological perspective, the project research scope is focused on studying human ecological adaptations in the coastal environment of southwestern Iberia during the Palaeolithic. In this talk, João Marreiros will be presenting the PalaeoCoast Research Project, including its main research scope, goals and methods, and an overview



of the preliminary results from the pilot study conducted in 2017. Combining terrestrial (ie shore) and underwater archaeological work, the field work in 2017 was focused on high intensity survey of two main geological setttings where Jurassic limestone formations are present: 1) the coast and 2) the valleys perpendicular to the coast. Underwater survey was characterised by two phases: 1) visual prospecting (boat survey) along the coastal limestone cliffs for the location of terrestrial and submerged cave entrances, and b) diving, using the scientific diving gear and techniques, in all identified submerged caves. According to the main scope and goals of the project, the pilot study showed very interesting results. Based on geological mapping, exploration diving was also carried out in two main areas: 1) Ponta da Torre and Zambujal, from Praia do Zavial to Praia das Furnas, and 2) Martinhal, from Praia dos Rebolinhos to Praia do Barranco. Preliminary results from this phase will be used as major data to develop the second phase of the project which will be focused on the high-resolution excavation of the most promising archaeological sites. João Marreiros is a senior researcher at the MONREPOS, Archaeological Research Centre and Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution in Neuwied, Germany and Professor of Archaeology at the Institute for Vor- und Fruhgeschichtliche Archalogie (Institute for Ancient Studies) at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. He is interested in stone tools produced and used by anatomically modern humans, with special interest in what they can tell us about early human ecological behaviour in different geographic regions across Western Europe. Besides lab work, focused on stone tool technology, experiments and functional analysis, João is also a field archaeologist. He is currently working as principal investigator in two fieldwork projects in Portugal, on the SW Iberian Atlantic coast (PalaeoCoast) and in central Portugal in the limestone massif (Transaire), and as an associated researcher in the EcoPlis Project in Leiria, Portugal and at the site of Bacho Kiro in Bulgaria. Non-members are welcome to attend AAA lectures for a €5 admission fee, with all money raised by the AAA is spent on archaeological grants and speakers. Please check the website or facebook page for any last minute changes.

+INFO:    Algarve Archaeological Association





THE EVOLUTION OF SAILING IN LAGOS With two major international sailing events and one national event scheduled for 2019 sailing in Lagos looks to continue its evolution. Jeff Morgan has more. Vasco da Gama and Henri the Navigator are just two of the many famous mariners that led to the golden age of Portuguese maritime history. Today a passionate collaboration between Lagos Sailing Club, Lagos Marina, local shipyard Sopromar and the Câmara are working together to put Lagos to the centre of the maritime world by attracting top international events to the town. In 2018 the team pulled off a major coup bringing some of the worlds elite athletes to the city for the very first time. Britain's Sir Ben Ainslie, with eleven world titles, the most successful sailor in Olympic history, America's Cup winner and knighted for his service to sailing brought his Portsmouth based INEOS racing team to compete in the First Lagos Cup for the high speed GC32 foiling catamaran series. “This was my first time in Lagos, it's a lovely city and the hospitality of the locals has been superb. The sailing conditions also, that breeze coming off of the land, the flat water, it's great for what we need for these foiling boats. As part of our training, in the mornings we have been cycling quite a lot in the hills which is beautiful up there, so it has been really great. If there are more events here we'd love to come back racing but even a visit in the cruising boat or a family holiday, this is such a great spot.” It looks like Sir Ben's wish could be granted, after the success of 2018 event the catamaran class is in negotiations with Lagos to host their World Championships early in the summer. Flying Frenchman, Frank Cammas, one of the world’s most talented and respected sailors in multihull ocean racing having won the Volvo Around the World Race, a two year holder of the Jules Verne trophy for sailing around the world in a record breaking 48 days also made his Lagos debut with his Team France NorAuto challenge. After winning the 2018 event Cammas, in a more gallic style exclaimed, “I always like to come back to places where I win.” In 2018 the club also hosted the foiling windsurfing world championships with 50 plus craft visiting the region and challenging for the titles. 2019 will see the club adding to the catalogue of premier events when they host the International Moth class European championships from May 29th to June 2nd as well as the Portuguese National Championships one month



prior ensuring the progress made by the collaborators continues to attract the worlds most exciting water sport events to the city. It is not just about bringing events to the town for the brief limelight either, the project has a much more altruistic purpose. Concerned for the future, members of the club devised a plan to demonstrate to the young members that sailing need not end once you have completed the programme and that by bringing the rockstars to town hope to inspire more young mariners to pursue a life long union with the sea. The volunteer youths involved in the first Lagos Cup are part of the development program at the sailing club. Ranging in ages from seven to 16 dozens of enthusiastic children clad in identical lemon yellow T-shirts found themselves assisting on the race committee boat, the course marshals and elsewhere around the event. “The main idea is to involve the kids” explained Rui Raimundo, the racing manager and coach at the Clube de Vela de Lagos. “They are helping with the main event but saturday was particularly special for them as they got to sail their own boats out on the familiar waters of the Bay of Lagos, but on the GC32 race course, although on a scaled down size.” The GC32 Lagos Ezra Cup was won by Diogo Freitas in the Laser 4.7 class with Jannis Tomaz claiming the Optimist prize. One of the luckiest of the children was 12 year old Tomás Fortunato, the youngest son of Martinho Fortunato, Commodore of Clube de Vela de Lagos. Tomás was invited to go for a sail on Federico Ferioli’s Código Rojo Racing. “When the final race finished I was asked to come on board and then the skipper told me to steer it! I was kind of nervous. We flew out of the water, it was very cool!” said Tomás of his experience. The club is open to new members and has a myriad of programmes for the young and the old to get involved and participate.

+INFO:  Lagos Yacht Club







In the past months we have covered three of the four fundamentals of the golf swing – ‘aim’, ‘how to grip’ and ‘ball position’. Posture is just as important as the first three topics into building a strong swing. A great golf posture is crucial for consistent, accurate and powerful ball striking. When your body is angled properly at the start, you have the foundation to repeat the same swing over and over again. It allows you to coil around a constant axis and swing the club up and down on the proper track. You don’t have to be an athlete to achieve great posture over the ball!

How to set-up into a great posture: 1. Hold the club in front of your belly button with your arms and legs straight. Stand up tall with your shoulders pulled back and stick your chest out. Align your feet about shoulderwidth. 2. Tilt forwards making sure you tilt at the hips only. Your lower back should remain flat rather than curved. It should feel as if are pushing your bottom backwards. 3. As the club lowers to touch the ground behind the ball, flex your knees slightly. Avoid making the mistake of many amateur golfers by over-bending your knees.

You should feel the weight centered on the sole of your feet, not too far out on the toes and not too far back on the heels. If you repeat your setup consistently and you're in the correct golf posture when you address the ball then you'll have a much better chance of making a good swing and improving your game. Alfredo is the resident professional at Espiche Golf and is available to help you with your game.

+INFO: 

Don’t be a kook! BY NIELS LABRUIJÈRE

Here is a fun game for you: I dare you to drive down any main road between Portimão and Aljezur without spotting a car with surfboards on the roof. With so many amazing waves around, the number of surfers in the Algarve seems to grow every year. I totally get it; the feeling of surfing is amazing, the vistas from the water are breathtaking and the super work-out gets thrown in for free! There just are no downsides...

Of course I am joking. And don’t get me wrong; no one expects you to be a pro from the beginning. But if you are here to surf for the first time, you will need someone to tell you how to use the gear correctly, how to catch a wave and, perhaps most importantly, how to keep yourself and your fellow surfers safe and happy.

Ok, maybe there is one: surfing looks easy. It’s very tempting to simply rent a few boards, drive down the nearest beach and give it a try. Who needs lessons anyway? Well, let me tell you a little secret. 98.2% of people who ‘just’ give surfing a go will end up looking like kooks (over confident pre-beginners)

Luckily the Algarve is also full of surf schools with instructors who are very happy to share their skills with you. So book your surf lessons and don’t be a kook!

You will recognize the average kook by the wet suit that is worn inside out and the slightly dented ego when they realize that all they will really get out of their surf day is a set of well-cleared sinuses.

+INFO:  +351 938 135 557  



P.S. Surf Guide Algarve does not offer lessons. Contact your local surf school for this.

Tomorrow 90x65 06-17.indd 2

19/06/2017 10:52

SPORTS Photo © Robert Davies and Garry Holmlund

VOLTA AO ALGARVE BY GARRY HOLMLUND February 20th to 24th marks the return of the Volta ao Algarve. This year, the 45th edition, consists of five stages offering varied and challenging courses. Stage 1 February 20th Portimão to Lagos Stage 2 February 21st Almodôvar to Foia Stage 3 February 22nd Individual time trials in Lagoa Stage 4 February 23rd Albufeira to Tavira Stage 5 February 24th Faro to Malhão (Loulé) Due to its early February position in the racing calendar, the Volta ao Algarve is used by many cyclists and teams to prepare for the upcoming season. Although not part of the Grand Tour, the Volta ao Algarve is by no means an insignificant cycling event. For this year’s race, 12 world tour teams, including Bora-Hansgrohe, DeceuninckQuickStep and Team Sky are all

represented. Pascal Ackermann will lead Bora-Hansgrohe, Fabio Aru, the 2016 winner of the Vuelta a Espana, leads the UAE Team Emirates, while Michal Kwiatkowski, and the 2018 Tour de France winner Geraint Thomas ride for Team Sky. This year’s race begins in Portimão, the 2019 European city of sport, which incidentally has not been part of the Volta ao Algarve since 2012. This first stage, 199.1 kilometers, the longest stage, ends in Lagos where an expected sprint finish will add to the excitement. Hill climbing takes centre stage on day two as they race from Almodovar to Foia, the highest point in the municipality of Monchique, this is a true test of stamina and endurance. The 45th edition of the Volta ao Algarve offers five days of world class cycling, from sprints, to hills to time trials. Mark your calendar…Go, Watch, Cheer and Enjoy!

+INFO: 

GET ON THE GREEN In our November issue we started our series about bowls. So here follows a very short definition of the very interesting and entertaining sport which, as many other modern sports, can be traced centuries back in their original form. It is rather new to Portugal, but with the influx of many foreign residents Lawn Bowls has become a very popular sport during the last 15-20 years and you now find several clubs all along the Algarve. For readers who are not familiar with the sport, let us take a very brief closer look at how Lawn Bowls is played. It can be played as singles or in teams of either two, three or four players. Each player plays with four, three or two bowls (woods), depending of the kind of game played. The green is divided into parallel playing strips called rinks. A game is played between two teams (or two players in singles), playing “up and down”, called ends, on their designated rink. A toss of a coin will decide which team starts the game by rolling the jack up the rink and if not stopping in the middle of the rink it must be placed there. Now comes the tricky part! Each player will, in turns, roll their woods attempting to get as close to the jack as possible. The woods, being biased, will go in a curve, so the players must not only judge the length of their roll, but also the curve in which it goes. The winner is the team that at the end of the game gets the most woods closest to the jack after a specified number of ends. A game will usually take about two to two-and-a-half hours. Well, it sounds and looks very easy, but it is actually quite difficult. That is what makes it so funny and entertaining and at the same time challenging. Contrary to many other sports, Lawn Bowls is easy to enjoy even though you are not a super player and beginners will also get a lot of pleasure out of it, as it is a very social game. Now we are almost half way through the season of competitions both within our own club as well as the competitions between all Algarve Clubs. Alvor Bowls Club will be holding an Open Day in the near future – watch this space for details.




Come horse riding at QPA this winter and enjoy the beauty of the countryside on well-schooled horses and ponies. _________________________________________________ For more information or to book, please call: Â Stables: 282 687 596 | Office: 282 789 801 After 18h: 282 687 263 |

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PERFECT HARMONY Ann de Jongh, owner of Fit 2 love life, and Lisa Longhurst, owner of the Pilates Room Lagos, met nine years ago when Lisa was in Portugal on maternity leave. At the time Lisa went to Ann’s Pilates classes at Parque da Floresta without mentioning that she was actually a pilates teacher herself! Lisa and Ann both have long established businesses in Burgau and Lagos. Lisa focuses solely on Pilates, both mat and equipment, working from a studio in Lagos. Ann teaches Yoga in Burgau, as well as being a personal trainer and sports massage therapist. Lisa said: “I still enjoy going to Ann’s Yoga and feel it compliments my own Pilates training.” Now their friendship and similar work ethic has led to the decision to work together teaching at a retreat in March at Monte Velho in Carrapateira. Ann says it is a great opportunity to be able to spend five days in the stunning West Coast. The Retreat centre at Monte Velho is a wonderfully tranquil area, set in the beautiful countryside at Carrapateira. Lisa said; “Going on a retreat is a great way to enable you to relax, switch off and to also learn new skills. It is also a chance to spend time with like minded people. It is not necessary to always travel to be able to do a retreat, to have one that is a short journey way can be a real bonus, to cut down on the travel and to get the time to explore your local area. Ann and Lisa told us: “People often ask what the differences are between Yoga and Pilates, wondering if one is better than the other, or



which one they should do. It comes down to individual preference. For some people they prefer one of the other, but neither is better than the other. There are certain times when one may be more beneficial than the other, but for most people it is great to do both.” “The main differences between the two is that yoga is more focused on improving flexibility of the body and on calming the mind , it will gradually increase the flexibility in the joints. Whereas Pilates focuses on relaxing muscles, which are tense and provides strengthening of numerous muscles of the body. However, both focus on breath, alignment, balance, strength and flexibility,” they added.. Pilates works from the centre of the body outward, and Yoga works from the outside in. For this reason they compliment each other perfectly. You will also find yourself recognizing similar positions. During a yoga class you will usually do some form of meditation, breath work, physical movement with postures and finish with relaxation. Pilates can be done both on the mat and on equipment giving extra resistance to target the work of individual muscle groups. The retreat at Monte Velho will run from March 30th until April 4th 2019. The costs are from €825. This includes daily pilates and yoga classes (yin and ashtanga), all meals, daily mindfulness practice, 45 minute one on one session, 60 minute massage and plenty of free time to relax and get to know like minded people. Go to the website for full details and booking.

+INFO: 

"Going on a retreat is a great way to enable you to relax, switch off and to also learn new skills."




Heated stones were used by the Chinese more than 2,000 years ago as a way of improving the function of internal organs. Stones were also used for healing in North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Egypt and India. The introduction of LaStone Therapy created by Mary Nelson in 1993 heralded the rebirth of the use of heated stones in massage. Hot stone massage involves the use of smooth, heated stones which are heated in a professional stone heater until they are typically between 110-139 degrees Fahrenheit. (Stones that are too hot can cause burns.) Basalt river rocks are typically used because they are naturally smooth (from the river's current) and retain heat well. This treatment is often described as comforting, soothing and deeply relaxing as the localised heat and weight of the stones warm and relax muscles, allowing the therapist to apply deeper pressure without causing discomfort.


While massage therapists often use anatomy to guide the placement of the stones on specific parts of the body, some therapists will also place stones on points thought to energetically balance the mind and body. People often use hot stone massage for: - Stress relief - Increased joint flexibility - Decreased muscle spasms and tension - Better sleep The Spa at Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda can offer Hot Stone Treatments from 6th March 2019.

+INFO:  +351 282 763 222 

By special request let us talk about a very common problem.

related to non- functioning vein valves! They may fail due to:

Vein problems are way up there as one the most common chronic conditions. In fact more work time is lost from vein disorders than arterial disease.

- Vein wall weakness which causes the vein to enlarge so the valves begin to leak. - A history of blood clots in the vein that damage the valves. - An absence of vein valves since birth.

Varicose veins affect approximately 25% of women and 15% of men up to the age of 50 after which time this figure increases to nearly 40% in women and 20% in men. Arteries have a thick elastic muscle layer, whereas in veins this layer is much thinner. This anatomical difference allows the walls of the arteries to be able to cope with the heart pumping blood into the arteries at high pressures, as well as the changes in pressure during a heartbeat. In arteries, blood flow is regulated by the heart pumping it forwards at high pressures. In veins there is a lower pressure system which means that valves are needed to stop blood flowing backwards, especially in the legs where gravity is at its strongest. Reverse flow is called venous reflux. The causes of venous reflux, leading to the development of varicose veins, are



They can also be hereditary and develop after trauma or injury. Whatever the reason, these defective valves cause venous blood to pool in the legs leading to high blood pressure in the veins. Under this pressure the veins begin to expand becoming longer, twisty, pouched and thickened. As a result of this process the surface veins become visible, large, bulging and palpable under the skin. Your legs also have an interior, or deep, venous network and occasionally an interior leg vein can becomes varicose. Next month: Signs, symptoms and treatments! Niki is head nurse at www.

+INFO: 

HEALTH & BEAUTY I am typing this article wearing my wornout old mittens. It’s been a chilly January, alright, ice on the cars, white meadows in the morn and me digging out me old mittens. So pardon amy typyos cause of these wooly fingas


Our older patients have also been feeling the low lying mercury in their knees, hips and elbows. Arthritis is a disease which sees a progressive deterioration in health of damaged joints. As arthritis gets worse the lovely, viscous joint fluid which protects and nourishes the inside of the joints becomes insipid and useless. This joint fluid, when healthy, also aids in the shock-absorbing action as we walk, run and jump. The cold weather (as many of us know!) affects this watery joint fluid and it hurts more...needs a top up with anti-freeze, guvner! Once there is damage to cartilage, enzymes released from these tissues cause further deterioration of the cartilage. Arthritis is a self-perpetuating condition. It is the body’s misguided attempt at fusing the joint to stop the pain of movement in this arthritic joint. When your dog (or cat, etc) is limping or slow to get up outa bed, there are many

possibilities as to why. Older pets that are ‘slow to get going’ or slowing down on their walks may have arthritis. It’s well worth finding out if your dog’s lameness is because of this. It is a radiographic diagnosis, where we see bony changes around the diseased joint. If the diagnosis is made , there are several treatment options available. The best are injections which slow the innate deterioration seen in this disease. Obviously, the earlier a diagnosis is made and treatment instituted, the better the joint is maintained with these injections. There are several other things which help arthritic patients, including supplements (some are better than others!), weight loss, acupuncture, etc. Speak to your vet about your dog which might be feeling this cold right there: in their bones. Improve their joint health and keep ‘em joining you for those morning beach walks! Bring on spring, I say! Brrrrrrring.

+INFO: 

KEEP HYDRATED BY DAVID MURPHY Hydration and its importance I am seeing more and more injuries at my clinic in Mexilhoeira grande as a direct result of dehydration. These are not all sports people, but people not taking in to account the rising temperature and hence injury occurs. Hydration is one of the most important factors in health today and has a huge effect on performance for all activities from walking with the dogs to taking part in all types of sports. Dehydration is thought to cause around 60% of muscle injuries found in people and athletes alike. Water replenishment is the most important factor during and after any activity and exercise. On a normal day in the Algarve, you will perspire a lot and lose water naturally however once your temperature rises, your body will always sacrifice muscle function, for temperature regulation. This is done in order to bring you back to normal body temperature,



hence much needed water is taken from your muscles resulting in increase of injury and cramp.

- Reduced maximum recovery between workouts/activities - Main cause of muscle cramps and joint pain

What are the daily intake recommendations? No two people are the same, as you have to consider, weight, height, and activity carried out by the individual but standard recommendations are to drink a minimum of 1 to 1.5 litres a day and more on training/ high activity days! You should drink this throughout the day to allow the kidneys etc to metabolise it correctly. If you drink it all in one go, the body knows it’s over loaded and will just reject it, resulting in you losing it all through perspiration or continuously going to the toilet.

Remember thirst lags behind need!!!

What’s the disadvantage of dehydration? Common issues are: - Reduced endurance and energy levels - Fatigue - Poor stamina

+INFO:  Largo Dâmaso Physical Therapy Clinic 7 Largo Dâmaso Rocha, Mexilhoeira Grande 8500-132  +351 928 022 494 

You are already dehydrated when you sweat and become thirsty. Drink before you reach this stage! Timing Drink small amounts throughout the day, every day to stay well-hydrated. Urine should be clear /light yellow and pale, dark urine denotes hydration.

BUSINESS ATMs worldwide. Rather than working as a debit or credit card the pre-paid Mastercard works as a pre-paid top-up card, similar to topping up a pay as you go mobile phone. You can only spend as much as you have loaded onto the card. Cards are available for use with either Sterling, Euros or US Dollars and can be used anywhere you see the Mastercard logo, at thousands of restaurants and shops, on the internet and for withdrawing cash at any ATM displaying the Mastercard logo.



Are you still travelling with cash in your pocket? Going abroad and finding it harder to find a bureau de change, or still converting at the airport?

The secure CHIP and PIN function of the card ensures you are protected against theft or loss and you don’t have the worry of carrying large amounts of cash around with you. The card is with you for as long as you want! Any unspent funds on your card can be saved until your next trip and you can continue to use it as a savings account by topping up as and when you can afford it, alternatively you can change part or all of the balance back to sterling at any time.

Prepaid currency cards have become a revolutionary step forward in how consumers spend money abroad whether for travel, business or even via the internet.

Cards are available to over 18s with an address in the UK or Portugal. Loading the card and future top-ups can also be completed using your sterling debit card online using our simple automated payments system. You can also manage your account online, keep up-to-date with transactions and view your balance.

These cards can be used to buy goods and services at millions of merchants that accept MasterCard cards and to withdraw local currency from more than 1.9 million

+INFO:  +351 282 768 136 


Staying safe online is essential and one simple way to do this is to create strong passwords. Statistically one in four of you reading this article will use a password which is a combination of the following:

Free IT Support - February 2019 The Tropical Café Nº 33, Av. dos Descobrimentos, Lagos Tuesday 5th & 19th, 11am until 1pm Artesão Café Marina de Lagos Lojas 11/12, Lagos Tuesday 12th, 11am until 1pm Bring your device, purchase something from the Cafe and I will give you 10 minutes free IT support. Visit my website for further information and upcoming events. Looking forward to seeing you there.



- Your partner, child, or pet’s name, possibly followed by a 0 or 1. - The last 4 digits of your National Insurance or Fiscal number. - 123 or 1234 or 123456. - Your football or any sports team name. - You, your partners, child or grandchilds date of birth. - Or the old favourites: password, god, letmein, money and love. - Any of the above but in reverse order. - Any of the above with a number at the front or back. Sound familiar? Scary isn’t it? There are endless ways to create memorable and strong passwords. Go with what you think would be the easiest for you to remember. If you follow basic guidelines and use the same rules for all passwords, you shouldn’t have any problems.

To foil would-be hackers, the general advice is; create a password that is at least eight characters long (the longer the better) and includes numbers; use UPPER-CASE and lower-case letters; symbols such as @#$%^&; change your password on a regular basis (every 30, 60 or 90 days). Also try not to use any words found in a dictionary, professional hackers have software that can easily crack those. Never send your password to anybody electronically. Don’t write it down or type your password when somebody is looking over your shoulder. If you have any questions about this topic, suggestions for future subjects or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am always happy help.

+INFO:   +351 936 387 512   StevenLagosIT


When it comes to selling your house and moving back to the UK we understand that you are looking for a fast, simple process that gives you great exchange rates.

We have been helping clients transfer money to and from the UK for over 13 years. Talk to us to find out how we can help you transfer your money simply, safely and quickly.

To find out more about all of our products and services please contact us at: Vilamoura Office 289 093 137 Lagos Office 282 768 136 / UK rate 01622 815 201 E GCEN is fully authorised by the FCA to provide payment service as an Authorised Payment Services Institution. Registration No. 504346.



It is an understatement to say that Brexit is a confusing subject! With all the current news reports and speculation, a huge amount of insecurity and anxiety is looming in the air. Will Brexit actually happen on March 29th? Will a deal be reached by that time or will the UK exit without a deal? Will there be a vote for a new general election followed by a new referendum? Or will an extension to the March 29th deadline be granted? The questions are many and it is difficult to know the answers. So, how does this affect UK homeowners in Portugal, and the property market in general? The two main factors for consideration are the rights of UK nationals to stay in Portugal and the volatility of the exchange rate. Firstly, regarding the right for UK nationals to reside in Portugal – citizens’ rights has always been a top priority. Citizen rights are safeguarded in the proposal as follows: UK citizens in the EU, and EU citizens in the UK, will retain their residency and social security rights after Brexit. Additionally, citizens who take up residency in another EU country during the transition period (including the UK of course) will be allowed to stay in that country after the transition. And anyone that stays in the same EU country for five years will be allowed to apply for permanent residence. (Source: BBC News). Secondly, what will happen with the exchange rate? We have seen some fluctuation in this since Brexit, however the rates have not altered significantly, and we have



personally not seen them impact our local property market. Currency brokers are advising that expectations for sterling price swings have fallen in the last few sessions, dropping from recent highs, with investors now expecting less implied volatility over a one-month period. Of course, there may be some short-term jolts, especially if here is a no-deal Brexit. However, our market has dealt with this before and there is always a silver lining. While a weakened pound may temporarily curb some potential purchases from UK buyers, it does also offer an opportunity for a UK property holder in Portugal to realise a greater sterling value for the sale of an investment property. It also enables a motivated vendor to sell for a reduced rate and recoup the balance in sterling when sending funds back to the UK. (Source: Currencies 4 You). The reality is that to date, at B&P, we have seen very little change in the property market due to Brexit. We have just done our figures for the 2018 fiscal year, and our number of UK purchasers has not altered from previous years. In fact we sold to over 17 nationalities and saw a significant increase in the total value of property sold. At B&P we predict a continuous solid, stable and balanced market and are looking forward to continued success through 2019. If you would like a consultation regarding a potential purchase or selling your property, or simply a better understanding of the current property market and how this will affect you, don’t hesitate to contact us.

+INFO: 


AGAINST POST OFFICE CLOSURE Algarve Daily News is reporting that the Association of Municipalities Terras do Infante, ie Aljezur, Lagos and Vila do Bispo, plus Lagoa Council are going ahead with an injunction to halt the closure of the CTT post offices in Aljezur, Praia da Luz, Sagres and Carvoeiro. Representatives from four municipalities met managers from CTT in Lisbon on January 14, and "concluded that the current process will lead to the destruction and degradation of a public service that will penalise the population, small and mediumsized enterprises, tourists and the foreign resident community." For the Terras do Infante Association, this is, "an attack on the viability of the area, particularly in low

densities zones, which will greatly impair the sustainable social and economic development of these localities." In the opinion of the Terras do Infante and Lagoa Council, CTTs closure programme, has resulted in several breaches of the Universal Postal Service concession contract. As for the injunction, "In the uncompromising defence of the rights of the population, there is no other solution than this," said a spokesman for Terras do Infante.

+INFO: 

Market on the up BY SANDRA MATOS

We have had an incredible year in 2018! We have the economy to thank as well as our fantastic team. We are very grateful for the fabulous people working with us. Being part of a worldwide network with more than 40 years on the market also helps a lot! The diverse Engel & Volkers business give us access to a pool of affluent clients – locally and internationally.

"Portugal and the Algarve are trendy and have captured the attention of the World"



Our buyers came predominantly from continental Europe and invested an average of 350K on a second home. We have also experienced investors from Brazil, Canada, South Africa or Saudi Arabia. Most of the buyers self-financed their purchase and prioritise income returns. In the past second home buyers were purchasing for their own use and only a few could afford to have a holiday home abroad. Today because of the increase in tourism and the possibility of generating income though holiday homes the profile

of the buyers is changing. We would say that the consistent recovery of the market is far from being complete and the gap between supply and demand continues to increase the prices. However, we believe that the new buildings that are expected to be available in the next two years will help to stabilize the market prices. There's a few exciting new luxury projects around Lagos that are capturing the interest of buyers that usually would look in other areas of the Algarve so we are very positive that 2019 will be another great year for those involved in the real estate market, especially in this area of the Algarve. We will be very happy to share our full market report. Sandra is a Director at Engel & Völkers Lagos

+INFO:  +351 282 249 517 


the centre of Portugal and moved to the Algarve to study marketing of tourism. After working in several places over a few years she ended up falling in love with Burgau.


"Bem Haja emerged from a dream of creating a restaurant that served truly Portuguese food"



The quaint fishing village of Burgau is now host to a new and exciting restaurant. Bem Haja is located on Rua do Poço in the heart of the village. It is a welcome and alternative venture for the area. As gastronomy goes, this new little gem which holds a maximum of 19 people offers an array of traditional Portuguese small plates. Locally known as petiscos whilst also maintaining a cosy and Algarvean atmosphere. Adriano and Catarina are a local couple with vast experience in the hospitality industry which has clearly cultivated this fantastic new venture. When interviewing Adriano and Catarina, who met in Burgau over 18 years ago, I got a really great insight into what the couple want to achieve through their restaurant and how they feel about the local area. “We wanted to create a traditional setting with traditional food so locals and expats can enjoy what Portugal and indeed more specifically the Algarve has to offer through cuisine”. Adriano also works at his family restaurant and has done for over 20 years. He is very passionate about food, the sea and his hometown. Catarina is from

“We have been dreaming about this project for over three years. Being food enthusiasts, we always wanted to open a space where locals could eat and visitors could experience our culture and flavours”. “Bem Haja emerged from a dream of creating a restaurant that served truly Portuguese food and provided the experience of seating at a ‘Portuguese table’, with dishes served in small portions (petiscos – small plates), so clients could try and share different flavours from all over the country. Bem Haja is a reflection of what and how we love to eat!” The restaurant is tucked away in the very centre of the village and is a cosy winter retreat for lovers of gastronomy and typical Portuguese food whilst also being a welcome experience in the summer months for tourists and expats alike. Similar to many ‘tapas’ style restaurants, owners Catarina and Adriano recommend 2-3 plates per person which not only gives a great variety but is also sufficient. Bem Haja also offers an exquisite tasting menu which gives a great variation of fish, meat and delicious sweet treats to finish. The restaurant is called Bem Haja in honour of Catarina’s routes (Beira interior) and also because it is an expression that the couple use often. It’s meaning is also ‘gratitude’ which is hugely important to both Adriano and Catarina.

+INFO:  +351 926 834 194  Largo do Poço nº5, Burgau, 8650-105

Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself. Open from 11am to 11pm. Closed on Tuesdays.

Reopening on 7 th February Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f



Interest in organic, natural and biodynamic wine is quickly increasing all over the world. There’s now tougher certification on organic wine and the lack of added sugars, harmful pesticides, GMO ingredients, additives and animalbyproduct is undoubtedly appealing to more health-conscious consumers. These organic options are all available at Pingo Doce Lagos Marina.

+INFO:  

FOCUS ON FOOD IN FARO When: March 15th, 16th and 17th 2019 Where: EHTA, Largo de São Francisco, Faro



Il Grillo di Santa Tresa Spumante Brut

Fedele Catarratto Pinot Grigio Terre Siciliane

Domaine Saint Jacques Côtes du Rhône

On the island of Sicily, the team at the Santa Tresa Estate (which dates back to 1697) present the perfect example of how to work in harmony with the natural environment. This spumante has built up a good reputation on the organic wine scene and works beautifully as an aperitif or with shellfish.

Another Sicilian organic superstar comes from Fedele winery.

This full-flavoured offering from Cellier des Princes isn’t your standard Côtes du Rhône.

Using organic Pinot Grigio and the lesser known catarratto grape variety, Fedele is made using no pesticides and with total respect for the environment.

Earning medals and awards for several years, this wine is a great example of how vibrant organic wine can be.

Pale straw, hints of gold

Sunshine yellow

Intense red with purple glints

Fresh and fruity, citrus and floral notes

Tropical fruits

Powerful red fruits, raspberry, strawberry, spicy notes, liquorice

Gentle and soft with a refreshing burst of acidity, fruity, well balanced

Citrus and tropical fruits, zesty, crisp and refreshing

Refined tannins, round but fresh and balanced

Next month the Algarve is hosting its very own Gastronomy Congress. It's a three-day exploration of trendsetting cuisines, culinary innovation, and debates on food, sustainability and the future of gastronomy in the region. All brought to life by michelin stared and renowned chefs, mixologists and sommeliers. "The idea was to bring together what is done best in the region and create a space where we can debate real issues and share ideas." says Maria Nobre de Carvalho, organiser of the event. The programme will be released over the next month but there will be something for everyone. Maria said: "We have 12 incredible names in the cooking scene already confirmed for the cooking presentations (most of them with Michelin Stars), we will have cook-offs, debates and a lot of tastings"

The full ticket will grant access to the opening party (a cocktail party with DJ, wine and beer tastings and tapas) and the closing dinner (a four-course meal set in the spectacular Pateo of the venue, an old convent in Faro). Tickets range anywhere from €100 to €175 for full access and are for sale online, through the EventBrite platform. There will be something on offer for everyone in the food and drink industry, irrespective of whether you work for a brand restaurant, bar, retailer, supplier, manufacturer or hotel. So, whether you're a chef, developer, manager or director (or even if you just love food!) – come eat, drink, watch, photograph and network in an incredible forum.

+INFO: 



Reducing meat consumption and cooking from scratch can benefit the environment, your waistline, and your wallet. In this edition of ‘Attainable sustainable’, we explore some of the main environmental impacts of our diet choices, and simple ways we can make a big difference.

Eating meat has a surprisingly large impact on our environmental footprint. Recent studies suggest that becoming vegetarian (or at least reducing our meat intake) is one of the most powerful changes we can make for a more sustainable future. A study by the United Nations found that meat eating contributes at least 18% of global climate change emissions – more than all forms of transport, including cars and planes. Meat consumption has been on the rise since the 1960s, with the average British meateater now consuming more than 11,000 animals in their lifetime. Each of these requires significant amounts of land, fuel and water to reach the plate. Friends of the Earth estimates that an area of land twice the size of Belgium (some 6m hectares) is converted to farmland each year, mostly for livestock or to grow the crops to feed cattle. Reducing meat consumption means preserving land for wildlife and biodiversity, and cutting out the carbon emissions caused by intensive farming practices. By happy coincidence, reducing how much meat we eat is not only good for the planet – it’s really good for us. According to the NHS, red meat and processed meat have been linked to cardiovascular disease (heart attacks) and type 2 diabetes, as well as cancers of the digestive system such as bowel cancer. Swapping out meat for a vegetarian option a few times a week can have seriously good health consequences. Avoiding processed food and cooking from scratch are more easy positive steps we can make. It takes a lot of energy to process ready-to-eat meals in a factory, not to mention the additives and excess packaging involved. Buying raw food to prepare at home can therefore make quite sizeable – though often invisible – environmental savings. Frozen chips are a good example. We looked up the ingredients of a market-leading oven chip product and found they include cornflour, rice flour, potato dextrin, pea fibre, sugar, salt, molasses, colour, stabiliser and sunflower oil. There’s clearly an environmental cost to producing all those ingredients, transporting them to the factory, and



then making, packaging and transporting frozen chips – compared to a simple spud. And in our view, real chips taste better anyway. Buying unprocessed foods to cook from scratch can seem daunting if you’re not used to it. Fortunately, the internet is full of easy-to-follow, cheap-as-homemadechips recipes for feeding your family from scratch (e.g. You can also reduce waste and save money by using leftovers to make your own soups, stews and stir-fries. In fact, there are lots of everyday foods we often buy that can be fun to make at home. In particular, we enjoy making homemade bread, yoghurt, salad dressing, roast chicken, chicken stock, cake mix and ice lollies – and save a small fortune in the process. The start of the year is a good time to build new habits. Just swapping out processed or red meat for a couple of meals a week, and cooking from scratch once or twice, can make a big difference! You can enjoy tastier, healthier, cheaper food and give yourself a pat on the back for helping the planet. What’s not to love? Next month we’ll take a glimpse at fast fashion and see where we can make quick wins for a more sustainable future. We’d also like to hear from you. Do you have suggestions for going veggie or cooking from scratch? Are there other environmental issues you’d like to see explored on this page? We have set up a Facebook page to accompany this environmental series and provide a platform for discussion. Please join the conversation! Lisa and Zoë are writing this series to support WasteAid, a charity that shares recycling skills around the world. To find out more about WasteAid and international efforts to prevent plastic pollution and climate change, visit the website.

+INFO:  Attainable Sustainable, Algarve 

OUTDOOR Salvia involucrata

Cotoneaster lacteus



Winter can be a difficult time in the garden, although it’s easy to forget that it is still winter after several weeks of nonstop sunshine. Peak flowering time in the Algarve normally starts in March and lasts for several months. However, there are still plenty of plants that bring colour and interest to our gardens even now. There are some obvious candidates such as the native almond trees which are bursting into flower all around our house. Citrus trees are also laden with their fruit at the moment and the orange and yellow globes look fantastic against the dark green glossy foliage. Even if you don’t have a large garden, it’s possible to grow kumquats or limequats in pots to make eye catching features outside your house. Another fruiting plant worth mentioning is the dwarf pomegranate which, unlike its larger cousin, still retains its leaves and inedible bright red round fruit which bring a festive touch of colour to the garden. Other plants with red berries include Nandina domestica (or heavenly bamboo) and Cotoneaster species – I have Cotoneaster lacteus which makes a large impressive shrub with arching branches. If you’re looking for yellow berries, then look no further than Melia azedarach or Chinaberry, which is a large



Aloe arborescens

deciduous tree with star shaped lilac flowers followed by clusters of the long-lasting bead-like fruit. Aloes have just started their spectacular flowering which can go on for months. They come in all shapes and sizes so anyone can grow a few to bring some welcome colour to your garden. Aloe arborescens or Torch Aloe is common in the Algarve and forms slow growing mounds that get showier with time. Another plant at its peak right now is Eriocephalus africanus or African Rosemary. My plants are smothered in small white flowers that are attractive to bees. It is an ideal plant for a dry garden as is very drought tolerant due to its tap root that can grow up to 6 metres long. When not in flower, it forms a low grey leaved mound about 0.5m high that can be trimmed to shape. I love a blue and yellow planting scheme combination and can recommend several plants that can be planted together to produce this effect: Lavandula multifida or Egyptian lavender has fern-shaped grey green leaves and many multi stemmed flower spikes that form a purple haze over the plants. Teucrium fruticans or Bush Germander is a drought tolerant grey leaved shrub that can be clipped into hedges and mounds but only after it has finished flowering. At this time of year, it is smothered in small bright blue or purple flowers. Rosmarinus officinalis or Rosemary – the aromatic herb we are all so familiar with is a mass of blue flowers at the moment. Aeonium arborum or tree house leek is a multi-stemmed succulent with rosettes of fleshy dark mauve or green leaves on long stems. However, at this time of year, some of the rosettes magically transform themselves into cone shaped bright yellow flowering spikes that bring a touch of sunshine to your garden. Europys or African bush daisy is a drought tolerant glossy green lobed leaf shrub with masses of daisy like flowers throughout the year.

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The weather is fairly unpredictable, with very cold nights, but with days that can become gloriously sunny. It is the beginning of a transition period, full of abundance and hope. As you walk through the paths and fields, some wild flowers are noticeable. The lovely purple Narrow-leaved Lupin is one of them. Asphodels and their pretty white flowers shoot for the skies. Borage is starting to show on the roadsides. If you look carefully enough little delicacies like the yellow Hoop-petticoat Daffodil can be found when you zoom in. Even some early orchids can sometimes be found, like Sombre Bee Orchid. Azure-winged Magpies are very active and they seem excited with Spring coming as well. But it is still winter… Garden birds are starting to sing and it feels like there is some restlessness in the air. Goldfinches, Greenfinches, Serins, Blackbirds, Sardinian Warblers and Tits are all looking lively and pairing up if the weather is right. But there are still plenty of Chiffchaffs, Robins and Blackcaps around. You see, it's still winter… On the wetlands, Black-tailed Godwits, Grey Plovers, Dunlin and many others have not yet left for their breeding grounds. Hen Harriers are still here and so are Ospreys. Lapwings, Meadow Pipits, all the winter birds are yet to depart.

White Storks © Neil Mcmahon Hoop Petticoat Daffodil ©Nuno Barros Grey leaved rock rose © Nuno Barros


But White Storks are clapping their bills at the nests and courtship is underway. By late month, in Easterly winds, some early migrants can show up. It is not rare to come across an early Woodchat Shrike, for example. Rock-roses are performing the first act of their spring show, as Yellow Halimium and Grey-leaved Rock Roses start to bloom. As March approaches, fields are already covered in Purple Viper's Gloss and Pink Catchfly. Swallowtails and Red Admirals join the butterfly crew. Barn Swallows are becoming more abundant and noticeable. And this always puts spirits up. Hoopoes can be seen more frequently, although in good truth, some never left. Yet some tricky tempestuous days can prevent you from exploring the natural world in its full extent. It is a month of joy where a walk to notice the small details of how life suddenly appears from its winter hibernation inspires even those who arn’t keen on on these matters.

+INFO: 

What to look out for in February




Luzdoc: Rua 25 de Abril, 12, 8600-174 Luz, Lagos 282 780 700

Medilagos: Rua José Ferreira Canelas, Loja 40, 8600-744 Lagos

282 788 217

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