Tomorrow march 2016 edition

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3000 FREE copies this month

A community newsletter for the western Algarve

March 2016 | Edition 52

Community The Soul of Fado

What's on

Loving Lagos Carnival


Pearls from the orient

Food & Drink

The Age of the Organic


Gardening au natural Plus much more...






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TGFH Office VilamouraloulĂŠ TGFH Partner Office Albufeira Quinta do Lago

TGFH Office Tavira A 22




TGFH Office Lagos

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The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

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Welcome to Tomorrow Algarve... SEDE: 86, Milborough Crescent, London, UK , SE12 ORW. UK . PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 4,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: Industrias Gráficas Solprint, S.L . Pol. Industrial La Vega, c/ Archidona B5. 29651 Mijas-Costa. Málaga. CIF : B29.593.357

Welcome to our March edition

Useful Numbers

The western Algarve seems to be becoming a centre for good causes. Last month the ‘Team Essence’ set off to row across the Atlantic to Venezuela raising money for the NSPCC. Trailing in their wake will be the ‘Row2Rio’ team which will be passing through Lagos enroute to Rio raising money for Macmillan Cancer.


We think we may have finally ‘resolved’ the Christmas lights issues at our meeting last month with the Câmara engineer. We really hope that all of the problems will be cleared up by the end of the month. Thanks to Graham Jones and Milvia Felix for their endurance and persistence. The Strictly Dance group with Caroline at Boavista started in February and promises to be another great initiative. Singles and couples are all welcome to attend the event which takes place in the lovely Emerson Suite. We are in the process of providing a kitchen fan extraction system at the Soup Kitchen and also more funding for their weekly lunches for the really needy of the area. Please note that donations are vital for them to keep up the wonderful job they are doing every week. We are also giving a €1000 to Madrugada, the palliative care support charity, to help them keep up their amazing work. Please, see the article in the magazine. The next big fund raising event, of course, is the Tomorrow Summer Ball at the Tivoli Dunas Beach Club which promises to be a spectacular affair with a really excellent band and far more. There will be a busy few months ahead but let’s all try to have some fun and offer support to worthy causes in the western Algarve Best wishes, Amber, Tom and the team Please call Tom on 919 918 733 or email

112 282 770 100 282 780 000 282 770 790 282 762 930 282 770 010 282 460 610 282 762 944 282 762 987 282 762 906 282 780 900 282 763 031 282 764 111 282 770 450 917 617 675 282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 763 496 282 798 491 282 768 044 918 366 646 282 799 138 282 780 700 281 380 660 289 803181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260


282 490 750 808 781 212 118 282 782 282 914 479 300 916 606 226 213 308 200 910 384 382

NO JOB TOO SMALL:GAVIN COX 916 430 132 PORTUGUESE LESSONS €5/HR 912 417 994 Geoff Hurst Chimney sweep & window cleaner 926 860 123 Locksmith - Luis 964 605 213 Satellite & TV - Dave 965 774 176 Mobile Hairdressing Alison 918 663 352 Computer problems - Pedro 917 165 238 XELI- FLorist Free delivery 282 768 129 Electrician Helio 917 288 966 Mobility equipment - Andy 964 230 225 Parcel delivery to the UK +44 208 123 1966 Plumbing & more Tristan 938 989 704 TRANSLATIONS ENG / PORT 916 618 527 Survival Portuguese - Alice 914 269 118 All sewing - Ana 919 747 591 COMPUTER MOT - Steven 936 387 512 Kieron - ENGLISH Mechanic 917 637 475 Russell English garage 282 639 778


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Community... sing in the house. “As a child I pretended that I was a fadista. I borrowed my mother’s high-heeled shoes, put a duster over my shoulders as a shawl and used a spoon as a microphone. I rehearsed my moves in front of a mirror!” I can tell that the years of practice have certainly paid off!

The Soul of Fado By Lena Strang

At the age of 18 she sang in public for the very first time. Along with her future husband, a skilled musician in his own right, she was asked to perform at the ‘Filharmónica de Lagos’. “I was so nervous,” she remembers. “I selected all the well know tunes and the audience joined in. Afterwards they complimented me on my singing and I was so pleased. And that’s how it all began!”

Ana at O Cangalho

Dressed in black, a sequinned shawl loosely draped over her shoulders, she sings of love, longing and loss. Her voice trembles with emotion, the two guitars seemingly answering her call. This is fado at its best. O Cangalho restaurant at Lagos Zoo is hosting one of their regular evenings of fado and Ana Marques, a local ‘fadista’ is enthralling the audience. Paulo, the restaurant owner sings a duet with her and the audience joins in whenever there is a well-known tune. Amália Rodrigues, the famous ‘Queen of Fado’ depicted on a large mural on the wall, probably keeps a watchful eye over proceedings. This must be closest one gets to a traditional Fado House in the Algarve. The soulful tunes have made an impression on me and I want to discover more. When I meet up with Ana she tells me what fado means to her. “It comes from the heart.




The poems tell such beautiful stories about life and the way we feel. We sing about things that happen in our lives; whether they are sad or happy. Fado can create the most profound emotions and I am fortunate to be able to transmit these to others.” She covers a vast repertoire of songs from traditional fado to folklore. For a number of years she has been performing regularly in the Algarve, in venues such as restaurants, hotels, casinos, cultural centres and private functions. She is now preparing the launch of her second album. Although Ana started singing relatively late, music has always dominated her life. “When I was seven my mother bought me a small keyboard and that was it!” she laughs. “I spent much of my childhood playing for audiences at parties and dances.” Fado was ever present as her mother used to

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Ana confirms that fado is usually associated with Lisbon where its roots lie. The word itself comes from the Latin ‘fatum’ which signifies ‘destiny’. While there is a long history of troubadours singing of love and friendship with elements of the burlesque at the medieval courts of Portugal, it was the 15th century voyages of discovery that gave rise to what became fado. Sailors, faced with long perilous voyages away from their families took comfort in their songs, expressing their sadness, nostalgia and longing, captured in the Portuguese word ‘saudade’. They always brought their ‘banza’ guitars that evolved from the medieval lute. The twelve string Portuguese guitar is still an essential part of fado. “There are always two guitars and one singer,” Ana explains. “The classical guitar accompanies the Portuguese guitar. It is as if it responds to the voice of the singer. We sing and the guitar answers.” In early 19th century Lisbon fado was ever present, evoking urban conditions and

Community... exploring social issues. It brought together gypsies, bohemians, artists and noblemen in cafés, taverns, alleyways and streets.

Portuguese Guitar

I was interested to learn about Maria Severa, one of the greatest fado singers at the time. The relationship between the Romani gypsy prostitute and Count Vimioso, a bohemian aristocrat, gave rise to one of the enduring myths in the history of fado. In fact, the very first Portuguese sound film in 1931 featured her story. By the middle of the 20th century, fado had become well established with the emergence of Fado Houses especially in the Bairro Alto district of Lisbon. And the ‘Grande Noite de Fado’ competitions organised at this time, still attract huge audiences. “Fadistas from the Algarve often take part and many achieve considerable success,” Ana says. “The Algarve isn’t usually associated with fado but we have some great singers here too.” And her favourites? It is no surprise to me that she singles out Amália Rodrigues along with many other traditional singers. “I like the old guard and listen to them for hours without tiring,” she smiles. “There are singers who have popularised fado which is good in so many ways, but we must not lose its ‘essence’ and its roots.” I mention that at all the concerts I have attended, there seems to be a code of

behaviour expected from the audience. “Yes, this is true,” Ana confirms, “We expect silence as we can’t raise our voices and perform over noise. The quality of the voice changes for the worse". It is sometimes difficult to make this clear to a non-Portuguese speaking audience but she maintains that generally foreign visitors are aware and show great respect. During her long career as a singer there must have been many memorable incidents. “Lots of them!” she chuckles. “Sometimes things go a little bit wrong but you have to take it in your stride.” She remembers singing in a restaurant where a one year old toddler was celebrating her birthday but kept on crying. “I sat her on my lap and she became quiet but whenever I put her down, she started howling again. I ended up singing with the baby in my lap all evening!” She recalls an unforgettable occasion when a roomful of marines were overcome with emotion. At a military reunion she sang a song she rarely performs as it always affects her deeply. “I sang the song in a husky voice with my eyes closed and tears welling up. When I opened my eyes all the soldiers were crying too. They were feeling exactly the same as me. Quite an experience.”

Ana at o Cangalho with guests

When she tells me that she performs most evenings in venues around the Algarve, works as a secretary during the day and also has a family to support, I am amazed. >> Continues on page 6


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The Soul of Fado

>> Continued from page 5

She admits that it is difficult at times to reconcile all the different demands, “arriving home from work and then off to perform late at night.” But singing in front of an audience that enjoys her music gives her a profound sense of satisfaction. She admits she is not driven by ambition and an international breakthrough isn’t imminent. Yes, she would like to perform abroad and has had many invitations but achieving this requires a high profile. “I am a dreamer but with feet planted firmly on the ground.” What is important to her is to do what she loves best: “I live through my music but I also like to have my home life as a mother and wife and interact with friends. I’m dynamic and want to make the best of life – and I need to sing!” With fadistas like Ana, the Algarve will continue to offer music of the highest quality. And perhaps it’s best to have a hanky ready…

Email: Tel: 914 243 604

All this is Fado You asked me the other day If I knew what Fado was I said I did not know And you were surprised Without knowing what I was saying I lied to you at the time I said I did not know But I will tell you now

All this is sad All this is Fado If you want to be my master And have me by your side Don’t just speak of love Tell me about Fado Fado that is my punishment Created to make me sin Fado is everything I say And that which I cannot express By Anibal Nazaré Often sung by Amália Rodrigues

Defeated souls Lost nights Bizarre shadows In Mouraria A ruffian sings Weeping guitars Love, jealousy Ash and flames Pain and hurt All this exists

Amália Rodrigues, the Queen of Fado

Diplomatic Ramblings (Part 13) By Doug McAdam In my last Ramblings I spoke of our posting to Vienna after Rio. With, by now both children at boarding school, and our parents not getting any younger, it was bliss after postings to Asia, Africa and South America to be in Europe. But a routine job it was not as I was to join the UK Delegation at the Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR) conventional arms negotiations. This was a curious job in a Delegation comprising officials from the FO and MOD, as well as two senior serving officers. Since it was a NATO-Warsaw Pact negotiation we had no official contact whatsoever with Austrians - they were only the host country. And if I spoke any foreign language at all in my work, it was Russian. With a succession of hard-line leaders in the Soviet Union there was much distrust between East and West and progress was snail-like. Indeed at one stage the only common ground was the design of a tie worn by both sides based on swords beaten into ploughshares. But at least we were talking recalling Winston Churchill’s dictum of Jaw Jaw being better than War War. In an early Ramblings I spoke of my wife Sue having to resign from the FO upon our




marriage. FCO policy on married women in our service changed in the late 70s and Sue applied to be reinstated while we were in Vienna. The FCO graciously agreed to do so – but at a grade lower than her resignation one. She was soon able to rectify this by sitting the open exam for the next grade – somewhat surreal having to do so with a roomful of school leavers. But after two years in Vienna she began work in the real Embassy. Upon arrival in Vienna we moved into a flat on a hill in the north of the city alongside the famous Vienna Woods. This was a joy during the summer and the periodic compulsory anti-encephalitis (tick-borne!) jabs were a small price to pay. It also happened to be the wine-growing area and having to choose which “heuriger” (new wine) outlet for entertainment was a rather pleasant chore! It was only slightly less pleasant in winter after regular heavy snow falls. But Sue’s job entailed irregular hours. And occasionally we would get to our flat in the evening after an hour’s drive only to have to return to the Embassy as something urgent had cropped up. So reluctantly – at least initially – we decided to move into a flat within walking distance of both the Embassy and NATO

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office. What a boon this proved to be since the flat was also walking distance to the delightful city centre with its plentiful summer outdoor week-end entertainment and winter markets. Progress in our negotiations when it came derived entirely from external events. We had seen Russian leaders come and go seamlessly when, suddenly and unexpectedly, Gorbachov came upon the scene. Margaret Thatcher and President Reagan immediately identified him as somebody they could do business with. The attitudes of the Eastern negotiators changed almost as quickly and with that change progress actually began! Soon after I left Vienna, MBFR was replaced by the Conventional Forces in Europe - or CFE talks - also in Vienna. I was sorry that the governments involved lacked the sense of humour, or courage, to use the acronym CAFÉ since many informal meetings inevitably took place in them! But, after 4½ years in Vienna our careers took another turn when we were London bound. Doug McAdam retired to the Algarve in 2004 after 43 years in the Foreign Office


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Lagos street art By David F. Each year since 2011 Laboratório de Actividades Creativas (LAC), with the agreement of Lagos Câmara, has invited three or four international street artists and two Portuguese artists to decorate walls in our town. This series in Tomorrow will feature some of the best over the coming months. 1. Man and Magic Mushroom

2. Desatate (Untangle)

I'm not sure if that is the title of this 2015 creation painted by Mr Woodland but it is a fitting name for this depiction of a laid back guy admiring a fly agaric. It is alongside Avenida da Fonte Coberta, the dual carriageway that runs from Continente to the Ship roundabout. It's on the left just before you reach the roundabout and easily missed if you are driving past. Park up and have a look it's worth the visit.

The first time I saw this I thought it depicted a man drowning in spaghetti, but closer examination and the title of the piece indicate that he is upside down, buried in coils of rope. A small label hangs from the rope which reads "E deixa-te de merdas". I will leave the translation to you. This 2014 work is by Portuguese artist Mário Belém and is another under a bridge beneath the EN125, this time in Rua José Afonso.

If you see any street art that tickles your fancy please take a photo and email our editor

I reach out for help and it’s there

Algarve road deaths increase By David Thomas 2015 ended on a sour note as far as traffic accidents were concerned. In the period 1st January to 15th December 2015, the total number of accidents in Portugal rose to 117,014 compared with 112,151 for the same period last year. The largest increase in the country was in the Algarve where there were 9123 accidents, an increase of 13% compared to the same period in 2014. Up to 15th December, there were 455 recorded deaths on the roads throughout the country down slightly from the year before. Against this trend was the Algarve where the number of deaths stood at 35 compared to 29 for the same period last year. In comparing the period 22nd December 2014 to 22nd December 2015, there were 170 people seriously incurred on roads in the Algarve compared with 133 previously. The number of deaths on roads in the Algarve had been steadily decreasing since 2005 when 74 deaths were recorded. In 2010 it stood at 54; there were 21 in 2013 and 29 in 2014.

By Tom Henshaw I met a lovely lady the other day who had sadly, recently lost her husband and like so many before her, had great need for support throughout his illness and ultimately his death. She said: “This is not about us, I want to tell you about the wonderful team of people that guided my husband and me through this most difficult of times, I don’t know what we would have done without them”. Before her husband died the lady had discovered Madrugada and made contact with the charity. Alison Blair from Madrugada and a specialist nurse carried out an assessment the next day as they do in all such cases. They were then able to decide how best to help the couple. Nurses, in these cases, need to be informative whilst remaining compassionate and taking care not to create drama. Madrugada palliative care nurses are trained in specialised communication skills and provide excellent care for patients at home, helping both patient and family members to cope.




The assessment will determine the level of nursing care needed - anything from two hours morning and night to 24 hours per day. The family is encouraged to be part of the plan and also get support.

During Operation Natal conducted by the GNR, aimed at road safety during the period 24th to 27th December throughout Portugal, there were, compared to the same period last year: • 589 accidents - less 29

The care is patient lead and the team works with all concerned, allowing nature to take its course whilst keeping patients comfortable and family informed, supported and included. The natural dying process is respected and no one endures unnecessary or unwanted interventions. This provision of palliative end of life care at home is a tremendous help to any emotionally drained partner, helping them to overcome feelings of utter helplessness. Madrugada provides free care, relying on donations provided by a community which understands the need for the wonderful services given by this dedicated specialist team. Hospice at home call: 282 761 375

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• Seven deaths - less two • 19 serious injuries - and increase of six • 187 minor injuries - an increase of 21 Regarding offences relating to the causes of serious injuries, the following enforcement action was taken: • 2359 for speeding; • 231 for driving under the influence of alcohol (including 91 with the blood alcohol content of less than 1.2 g / l); • 122 for improper or non-use of seat belts; • 91 for misuse of the mobile phone whilst driving


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Esperança de Lagos (Hope of Lagos) By David F If you would like to integrate more with the local Portuguese people and if you have an interest in football, why not support the local team in the Algarve League, Esperança de Lagos? They play at the Estádio, on the right as you come into Lagos from Portimão direction, alongside the area used by circuses and funfairs. Admission is a mere €2.50 so not in the Chelsea price bracket and, of course, not playing at that level - expect the sort of match you will see in the National (Conference) League or the better amateur leagues in the UK. There is little cover over the seating area so take suitable precautions to protect yourself against the sun, and if it gets too hot a beer at half time costs just a euro. Be sure you are supporting the right team.

Esperança play in yellow and blue but if visiting teams have the same strip then the home side changes. Yes, we spent the first half of one game shouting for the wrong side, so look for the large Lagos emblem on the shirts. At this time of year matches usually start at 3pm on Saturday afternoons, later as it warms up. Unfortunately their publicity is almost non-existent, perhaps the occasional poster in Intermarché, so it's best to check fixtures and kick off times on the national football website unambitiously called From the home page select Competicões from the menu at the top of the page. Then select Distritais/AF Algave/Seniores 1a Divisão which will take you to the current week's fixtures. You can go forward (seguinte) for future fixtures or back to previous results (anterior).

The remaining home league games for the season are (but check): 12 March - Lagos v Imortal DC 26 March - Lagos v Quarteirense 2 April - Lagos v Culatrense 16 April - Lagos v Odiáxere (local derby) 30 April - Lagos v Guia 14 May - Lagos v Quarteira Why not spend an afternoon in the sunshine supporting local football? See you there.

Fascinated by Fungi? By Jeanette Fahlbusch As any mushroom enthusiast will know, the recent unseasonally warm weather, coupled with copious amounts of rain, created perfect growing conditions for wild fungi. So, on a dry but grey December morning, a group of about 18 of us met at a (top secret!) woodland location just outside Monchique for a “fungi foray” organised by MGAP (Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal). The walk was led by charming couple, Pat and Sue O´Reilly. Pat, a naturalist with more than 40 years of fungus foray experience, has been broadcasting on this and other countryside topics and written over 20 books. His latest publication “Fascinated by Fungi” is a brilliant introduction to more than 400 mushrooms, toadstools and other fungi. Pat came prepared with a selection of mushrooms we were most likely to encounter

Lagos Lions The Lions Club in Lagos has agreed that it will now hold two types of meetings a month. It follows the success of the club’s first speaker who talked about Nepal and its Gurkhas, serving in the British Forces as an elite unit with a long and proud history. It was much appreciated by the club’s members who agreed to have one formal general (business) meeting a month and a




on our walk, explaining first basic rules of safety when collecting wild mushrooms and then giving a brief introduction to their basic biology, how they propagate and grow and where and how to find them. As we set off, the clouds cleared, letting sunrays beam through the tall pines and eucalyptus trees – it was magical. Amazingly, and thanks to some super sharp eyes amongst us, some 60 species were identified and some of us – clearly knowing where to look, filled their baskets with chanterelles, saffron milk caps, pied de moutons and others. Our diverse group (Danish and Dutch, English, Swiss and Germans) all came for one reason: a passion for wild mushrooms. There were those with a keen botanical interest wishing to learn more about the local Algarvian fungi, others came prepared with wicker baskets and knives, obviously

second for vital information during a short meeting which would allow sufficient time for a speaker with an opportunity for questions. An interim website is now available for those interested in the work of Lions or in need of help, the Club could probably provide in the near future: The meetings, which will be conducted in English, will be followed by a lunch every

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with a clear culinary interest, and then those who simply wanted to enjoy a different type of walk in like-minded company. After a very enjoyable 1 ½ hours of searching, photographing and collecting, we rounded the morning off over lunch in Restaurante A Luar da Foia – one of whose specialties is a delicious concoction of mushrooms cooked with with port, rosemary and honey! We were privileged to have had Pat and Sue, who created an informative, intelligent and above all fun excursion. This, coupled with foraging with an interesting and friendly group in magical woodland and last but not least finding and identifying local fungus was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. For information on the MGAP and future activities, please contact Rosie Peddle on

second and fourth Wednesday of the month at Quinta do Seromenho, near Lagos. Readers are most welcome to get in touch, visit our next meeting, join us for a lunch and meet the members, together exploring the options. If you are already active in our community as an individual or organisation, or wish to become a member of the established international Lions Organisation, by joining the Lions Branch Lagos, feel welcome to contact


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Bags, Books and Hugo Boss

The Bombeiros Ambulance Campaign By Pat Allen

The campaign to buy Lagos bombeiros a new ambulance at the end of 2016 is under way and the collections from the afpop Christmas Dinner and the afpop wine evening along with a very generous donation from a private individual means the fund has now topped over €4000. However, we need 10 times this amount to replace the old ambulance which is well past its sell-by date.

By David F

When my better half suggested that we help out at Nandi 2, their smaller charity shop in Lagos, our aim was to improve our Portuguese by speaking to more local people. It has definitely helped us with the language although many of our attempts at conversation have been hilarious. At least, they laughed a lot. We now run the shop one day a week and love every minute. Some very strange items of clothing come in as donations which I will leave to your imagination. Whilst the quality of clothes donated is variable it is generally extremely high, including many designer labels. This week it was men's clothes - Armani trousers (brand new with the original swing ticket attached), Ralph Lauren and Hugo Boss. Working at Nandi is particularly enjoyable because it's a self contained job. We open up, take in donations and sell them on over the counter, then lock up at the end of the day. And where else can you buy three paperbacks for a euro! Nobody gets paid at Nandi so all takings, after shop rental etc, go to help local animals, especially street dogs and cats, and to other animal charities. Staff shortage is always a problem. We urgently need more volunteers, individuals or couples, to help out in the shop and it's a great opportunity to make new friends from other helpers and regular customers. And most of us can spare one day a week from 11.00 to 3.00. The shop is situated off Rua do Moinho do Azeite between the Piri Lampo Bar/ Restaurant and Elaine's CARDS shop. If you would like to find out more please ring Pat Banks on 919 923 883.




Individual money raising suggestions are: have a jar for loose change under 50c when you empty your pockets at the end of the day and a 'Tip for a Tipple' where every day that you have an alcoholic drink you put €1

into an empty water bottle. Both of these easy ideas really help the money to build up. You can give these jars and bottles to me ( or 282 697 548) to bank or pay directly into Pat Allen Fundo Para Bombeiros account at Credito Agricola number: (PT50) 0045 7191 4018 8770 5586 1. If you can organise a fund-raising event during the year perhaps this huge undertaking can become a reality and the whole community will benefit. The bombeiros need a new ambulance and we need them so let's work together to achieve it.

Fond Farewell by Len Port Peter Maddison, who has died in France at the age of 84, was a former Head of the International School of the Algarve and longterm resident of Porto de Mós. He will be remembered for his astute leadership at the school and his contribution to bilingualism in education. Prior to his Algarve appointment, he had been a successful modern languages teacher for a number of years in a large school in Cambridgeshire, UK. Earlier in his career he had graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with a BSc in Economics, and from Trinity College, Dublin, with an Education Diploma. He had taught in France, the USA and London before moving to Cambridge. On relocating to Portugal in 1986, Mr Maddison worked as a languages examiner and coordinator for the British Council in Lisbon. It was from there that he was appointed to the Headship of the International School of the Algarve in 1988. The International School at the time was undergoing great change. Paulus and Eva Schelfhout and a number of other expatriate investors had established the school in 1972. Paulus Schelfhout died in 1987 and Mr Maddison joined a school suddenly without its founding leadership. Mr Schelfhout’s widow, Eva, took on the challenge and remained Chair of the Board

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of the School for the whole of Peter’s headship, from 1988 until 1996. This period saw a tremendous increase in the professionalism with which all was done at the school, recalls Mr Maddison’s deputy and successor, John Butterworth. After his retirement, Mr Maddison set up home in France where he restored a large farmhouse together with his wife Una, a talented artist who sadly passed away in 2008. Peter, who had been suffering from both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's, has been buried next to her in Maldon, Essex, in the UK. Among those deeply saddened by Peter’s passing was Una’s son and Peter’s stepson, the well-known local artist Brendan West. John Butterworth said: “Many ex-students, parents and teachers will remember Peter Maddison as a talented and committed teacher and headmaster, and also as an accomplished guitarist and a lovely man”. Peter Maddison: October 1932 – January 2016


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Guardian of an ancient legacy By Clive Goodacre One of many fallen Menhirs overlooks distant view of Vila do Bispo

The town of Vila do Bispo is a surprisingly understated gateway to some of Europe’s most unspoilt and jaw dropping coastline. But its history is equally amazing and surprising with direct links to the Knights Templar, St Vincent and the Neolithic period dating back 4000-3000 BC. Most recently it is known of course, as being associated with the region where Portuguese mariners set off to discover the world. The Romans called this mystical area the sacred promontory and Vila do Bispo sits right in its centre responsible for a municipality comprising five parishes; namely Barão de São Miguel, Budens, Raposeira, Sagres and the town itself. The town is thought to be the site of Igreja dos Corvos (Church of Crows) where the body of the Iberian martyr, St Vincent, was guarded by ten ravens after being washed ashore further down towards the cape. The remains were taken to Lisbon in the 12th century by ship with, legends say, the ravens keeping vigil in the rigging. That is why the raven appears in the municipal insignias of Vila do Bispo and Lisbon. The best time to visit the town is a summer evening when long shadows are cast and the town’s parks and architecture are bathed in a golden light. Conversely in winter the areas surrounding the town can make it the bleakest place on earth! Predictably the oldest part of town centres round the church, which dates back to the fifteenth century when the Knights Templars had a small chapel built, dedicated to Santa Maria. The Knights are also credited with having built the nearby Ermida de Nossa Senhora de Guadelupe almost two centuries previously which survives to this day. A small village grew into what became known as Santa Maria do Cabo. It was later named Aldeia do Bispo – the ‘village of the bishop’ after Bishop Fernando Coutinho who was given the village by king Manuel for services rendered.




The village was elevated to a town in 1640 and soon after a town hall was built while its chapel was transformed into one of the Algarve’s most beautiful baroque style churches. Tiled panels, painted ceilings and carved arches represented the highest skills of the age, while the parish grew to 170 houses and a population of more than 500 people. People from Sagres came to worship, as there was no church there. But this all changed in 1755 when the earthquake flattened the town leaving only one house standing and a badly damaged church. Today there is little to mark this disaster and the town can best be described as typically Algarvean with white painted buildings and blue surrounds to their windows. The church acquired an elegant frontage and octagonal tower after the earthquake while lush gardens adjoin the sides facing west and the main road. A new town hall, school and cultural centre occupy the town’s west end. These new buildings have a quality design and construction that sets them apart from the rest of the town’s random structures. The cultural centre is well worth a visit and has regular exhibitions, shows and demonstrations of arts and crafts. Incidentally, as you look round you may wonder why the open area by the town hall is called Praça de Tanegashima. This is because of a Japanese twinning agreement recognising that the Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive in Japan more than 400 years ago. Vila do Bispo’s central area has restaurants in practically every street and alleyway, mostly offering typical Algarvean/ Portuguese fare. Prices are below those a few kilometres away on the coast while the variety of seafood is unmatched thanks to the town’s population of fishermen. Best known delicacies are barnacles – ‘Perceves’ – which are gathered by intrepid fishermen clambering down the cape’s massive cliffs. Although alien in appearance, barnacles are a real treat – simply pull off the covering around the claw’s leg and eat the fleshy tube tasting a bit like a cross between fresh prawns and crab with a piquant sea salt tang. Many items on the menu are seasonal such as game birds, wild boar and hare whose availability depends on local hunting.

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Noticeable aspects of the main street flanking the new town hall and cultural centre are roundabouts at either end, featuring stone and metal sculptures. Local opinion was initially divided on their aesthetic merits, but after several years the general consensus is that they transform this area of town. A small sign at the top roundabout (the one with the stones) leads to Castelejo beach just a short drive away. This is one of the area’s real gems with towering cliffs and a long sandy beach, several kilometres in length depending on the tide, punctuated by stark black rocks including one resembling a huge pyramid. A restaurant lies at the southern end of the beach and a café at the far northern end while paths wind inland over and between the cliffs. Look out for surfers and hang gliding enthusiasts, but also look less conspicuously for naturists! Returning to the town you will see two white amorphic sculptures on the right at the top of the hill opposite a small car park. An inscribed sign points towards the highest part on the Algarve cliffs and the site of the Torre de Aspa, an important watchtower whose beacon fire helped ships navigate safely round the cape. Unfortunately, after the 1755 earthquake, all that remains is a pile of stones. The track can be driven all the way to Sagres and there are several well-marked walks offering panoramic views of the town and coast. As well as modern windmills, Vila do Bispo is connected to power of a much more ancient kind as the surrounding area contains numerous menhirs, variously described as being stones linked to sacred rites and astral phenomena plus inevitably things connected with fertility.

>> Continues on page 16





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Guardian of an ancient legacy

Animal aware by Kay Ingles

>> Continued from page 14 Just one kilometre west of the town lies the protected area of Monte dos Amantes where you can follow a trail encompassing around 40 menhirs. To reach it proceed to the roundabout with the metal hoops and take the old Sagres road, 1st right, which runs westwards alongside the new road. After 1km you will see a sign leading left under the new road where you can park and pick up the trail. A very good leaflet ‘Discovering Menhirs’ is sometimes available from the town’s cultural centre. The views are amazing while the ancient rocks bearing various inscriptions require a little imagination as they have all been pushed over - the Church had many broken in an effort to stamp out pagan rites. One of the fallen menhirs points towards Granja, the site of the lost village of St Maria do Cabo, a place of pilgrimage where relics of St Vincent once rested. To appreciate just how unspoilt and magnificent is the 70.000 ha Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina, one should take a microlight or gyrocopter flight from Lagos to the cape and back, flying over Vila do Bispo. Easily spotted are the remains of many large farms which at one time made Vila do Bispo the centre of an important grain producing area. Millstones still remain in private gardens, restaurants and various tourist outlets throughout the region, but the windmills and threshing yards familiar at one time in and around the town have vanished. In an age of eco-tourism, the region’s future is challenged by off-shore oil exploration and land-based extraction by fracking. Fortunately the town has woken up to the threat although wheels turn unseen in the background.

This year the school has decided to include ‘animal awareness’ as part of its curriculum and they had also visited the municipal canil to help feed the dogs there. The children were given a tour of the clinic and shown some interesting x rays! They watched avidly as vet Lars Rahmquist medicated his patient! The Lagos Vet Clinic had some special visitors last month. Nine children from Torraltinha Infant school visited the clinic with their lovely teachers Luisa and Paula.

Algarve for Life By Fernando Ildefonso Last month a container full of donations given by people from Aljezur, Lagos, Monchique, Odemira and Mexilhoeira Grande was loaded up to be sent to refugees as part of the Algarve for Life Campaign. Winter clothes, footwear, blankets, toys etc were transported by sea from Setúbal to Piraeus, Greece and then on to Lesvos Island, Mytilene. Thanks to the generous offer of transport by the Greek company Arkas Hellas SA that will ensure the delivery of the container to our partners, RefuGEN PIKPA, "All Together" Village. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the campaign to support refugees. In addition to the goods we were able to send, we also raised a total of €2,570. During the month of January, Lagos Volunteer Fire Department, the Red Cross of Lagos and the Board of Saint Mary Parish were important strategic partners in this challenge. We had about 40 volunteers helping to package up the donations. So many people from all walks of life came together - friends, co-workers, students of our schools, members of alternative communities, mothers and their children, volunteers from German, English and French communities and it was a pleasure to meet and work with so many different people. There was such a wealth of diversity. To all who contributed and made it possible to achieve the objective of the campaign "Algarve for Life" we extend our profound gratitude. We are all to be congratulated! The campaign was born after an initiative




They completed their trip by presenting Lars with a birthday card and some biscuits they had made especially for him. A thoroughly enjoyable hour for us all.

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launched by Raban von Mentzingen last September, to raise awareness by the German community in Lagos, in receiving refugees. This didn’t materialise and the will to receive families was transformed into collecting clothes. The German community and the International School of Aljezur mobilised so many families and collected a large volume of donations. Then the Youth Volunteer Centre Gil Eanes in Lagos joined this movement and intensified the collection of donations. In December the challenge was halfway. Several attempts to find an available partner, able to receive and channel the products donated, were made. Also we managed to make contact in the Balkans and even in refugee camps in Lebanon. But it may have been difficult, expensive and uncertain until it was possible to locate in Lesvos Island, Greece, our current partner, the RefuGEN and PIKPA / "All Together" Village. But none of this would have been possible without the unconditional support of the Red Cross of Lagos who gave us their bank account to raise monetary donations, support which we are very grateful for. This partnership with CVL allowed us to raise sufficient funds to pay for the shipping container. If you would like to find out more about this project please call Fernando Ildefonso on: Tel: 966 476 888

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Making connections By Michael Findlay Conexao is all about connecting people to people and people to places. It’s run by volunteers and will continue to be open on Tuesdays from 12 noon and 3pm, Wednesday and Thursdays from 11am and 3pm. There will be a warm welcome with free tea and coffee and free wifi for anyone who wants to come and meet others at this free drop-in centre inside the City of Lagos Elizabeth will still be available for massage. The foot massage is amazing and along with a body massage it’s just the perfect treatment to set you alive this spring.There is a charge for this service but it is very low winter season prices until end of March. A ladies only Pilates club has started and meets at 3pm on Thursdays in Conexao after the centre closes. It’s hosted by Paige from South Africa and beginners are welcome. Just drop in for free registration. There is no charge but donations are welcome. Conexao will have its first free film night on

March 18th and then again on March 31st. The opening film will be War Room. The doors open at 8pm and the film starts at 8.30pm. Please try and register your free seat by dropping into Conexao or emailing us at We have 50 seats available in total so please register now!! Free tea and coffee will be available. All donations welcome to help cover costs. Johanna (Yoka) will be hosting a Let’s Paint Together afternoon fortnightly, starting on Tuesday March the 15th and continuing every other Tuesday from 1pm and 3pm. They will be using water colours and acrylics. Drop in for more information. If you have never painted before there will be others there to help you to get started - no experience is necessary. For more details please phone 962069825 Conexao and the Listening Ear. There is often someone on hand to talk to if you need a listening ear and some are trained councillors

Taking endurance to another level Aldo Kane, crossfit athlete Ross Johnson, stockbroker Oliver Bailey and Mathew Bennett founder of Acorn Homes for children. The passage from the Algarve region of Portugal to tip of the Venezuelan landmass covers a vast swathe of mid Atlantic Ocean, the closest human being to them will be Tim Peake in the International Space Station. A five man team, with no previous experience, will attempt to set the first ever transatlantic Mainland to Mainland rowing record whilst raising £250,000 for the much loved children's charity, NSPCC. Team Essence will be the first ever team to row from mainland Europe to mainland South America, a journey of over 3800 miles. The team set off from Lagos in Portugal and row to the tip of the Venezuelan landmass then onto the Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago. The total rowing distance is a staggering 6127km. This is one of the world’s toughest endurance challenges with over 50 continuous days of rowing, 2 hours on, 2 hours off, 24/7. It's genuinely unheard of in this day and age to hear of a bonafide first, in adventure. Team Essence are real pioneers of exploration and adventure. In the boat is Jason Fox, star of Channel 4's "SAS Who Dares Wins”, adventurer




The team will encounter extreme weather, wildlife and they hope, considerable natural beauty - offsetting the physical and mental hardship they are set to endure. Beyond the back- breaking toil of rowing, Team Essence must constantly manage their bodies’ reaction to the harsh, debilitating elements, with blisters, salt rash and sleep deprivation all without doubt limiting their performance. ”NSPCC is a charity that's extremely close to my heart,” said Team Essence Captain Mathew Bennett “They are often the first point of contact for children suffering from abuse or neglect, which is why we hope to raise as much as we can. These funds will enable the NSPCC to continue the vital role they play, ensuring every child has a happy and safe childhood." Follow their journey on Facebook: Team Essence - The Rogues of Rowing

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who can offer some help and maybe give a fresh perspective and direction in your life. You can arrange to meet Matt at Conexao who can give you free advice on pensions and investments. Please call 960091382 for an appointment. Steve Dunwell our IT expert will be available in March every other week from Tuesday 8th from 2pm. He will give basic training sessions followed by a trouble shooting lessons. Elizabeth has arranged a small good quality second hand clothes rack and donations will go to a mission in Pakistan. If you feel you have something to offer Conexao to help the community please drop in for a cha and chat. You will find Conexao in Lagos centre on Rua Dr Joaquim Tello 32 a, near Hotel Cidade Velha and below the Language School. For more info and a map check out or email:

Celebrating a quarter of a century This year NECI is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The charity, which supports people with physical and learning difficulties, held a series of celebrations to mark the event. There was a celebratory lunch on January 18th people that use NECI, staff, directors, parties and friends. At the end of January there was another anniversary event at the Cultural Centre in Lagos. NECI was created in 1991 by teachers Maria Eduarda Santos and José Manuel Campos, who wanted to create an association for young people with special needs.



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They’re snap happy ever the same for us which makes every day unique. 6. Can you tell us about your photographic styles? Our style is very laidback, candid and discreet but we constantly strive to learn and improve our knowledge and skills. In our free time we often go off with our cameras together exploring new places or re visiting our favourite spots. Each month from now we are featuring a photograph on the cover of the newsletter. The photographs have been taken by Birch Photography which is run by husband and wife team, Dan and Natasha Birch. We wanted to give them a proper introduction so our editor, Amber, quizzed Dan for a few more details. 1. Please tell us about your family backgrounds? I was born in Faro but Mum and Dad moved to the Algarve in the late 70s. After coming here for a holiday they decided they’d stay and setup life here. Natasha was born and raised in London and moved over to Portugal in 2011. 2. Please tell us about your professional backgrounds. I got my first camera when I was about 10 and loved it, so was pretty much hooked from then on. After doing a Bachelor of Arts in Photography I set up the commercial photography business and work freelance. Natasha is self-taught but has always had a passion for photography. When she moved here she joined me in running the business and from there we have grown as a company. 3. Tell us how you met. We met when we were teenagers when we both attended a sixth form college in the UK. We were great friends but lost touch after we left, but we reconnected almost a decade later and the rest is history as they say! 4. How you ended up in the Algarve? I was born and raised here and Natasha moved here to be with me 5. What appeals to you about photography? We are lucky enough to be involved in a variety of fantastic projects and are constantly working and meeting with new people which we really enjoy. No day is




We have very different personal preferences and styles in photography, Dan loves shots with vibrant strong colours and capturing landscapes in all their glory, whereas Natasha is passionate about black and white photos, and has a particular interest in abstract and textures. 7. Which photographer do you admire most? There isn’t really a favourite for us, we both have different styles and interests in photography. Therefore we tend to follow a lot of photographers to get inspiration worldwide varying from landscape photographers to portrait and wedding photographers. 8. Please tell us about your business. We are a local Algarve-based business consisting of the two of us. We specialise primarily in commercial photography. We are based near Bouliqueme but our office is the Algarve or Europe as we do have commissions outside of Portugal. We offer private commission/advertising, real estate/rental photography, aerial photography, weddings and family portraits. We also offer video packages and aerial work. We aim to give the best possible service at the best possible price. 9. What are the biggest challenges you face. Photography is a funny business as now the digital age is here it is so much easier to pick-up a camera and become a photographer. Our biggest challenges would be getting images to clients as soon as possible as we strive to have a very quick turnaround but not affecting the quality of our work. With the digital age there is an expectation for turn around to be instant but there is more involved behind the scenes.

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10. What are the most rewarding elements of the business. Meeting new people, and working in new locations. Natasha and I love sitting down over a coffee (and a nice Portuguese cake) and find out exactly what our client is after, so the rewarding part for me is getting the image the client wants. 11. What is the most surprising commission you have ever had? We can’t really pinpoint one as every job to us has its own surprises! :) 12. What would you say has been your favourite job so far? All our jobs are our favourite because people let us into their lives to document family life or document one of the most special days of their lives. We have also been part of some fantastic events and having such an interest in real estate we get to see a whole variety of the most stunning property there is here, ranging from the impressive mansions to unique Portuguese style villas. 13. What are your aims for the future? Our aims are to stay inspired, whilst continuously striving to improve our knowledge and photography skills to constantly produce a high standard work and meet clients' needs. 14. What is your favourite photograph you have taken and why? The attached landscape as I love the Algarve coastline, and this particular spot is where I proposed to Natasha! :) 15. Is there anything in particular that you would like to photograph in the future and why? We would love to do more travel photography as this is a great passion of ours, if only the world was smaller and cheaper to get around :)

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The Saint, Vincent and the Cape By Riki Grahne

The cult of St. Vincent of Saragossa was known to such an extent that his feast day, January 22nd, the day he was martyred was widely celebrated only a few hundred years ago, including in North Africa, Portugal, Italy, Spain, France and England. This year I made another visit to Vila do Bispo where the feast day was celebrated as a quiet, local holiday. As it is an annual bank holiday everything was closed. I attended the church service which began at 11 am in the town church. Only about 80 elderly residents out of a population of 50000 faithful were present. I estimated that this was only half of the attendance compared to last year. After the service, dedicated to St. Vincent, a procession wound its way through the streets of the town.

Local fire fighters carried a sculpture adorned with flowers, representing St. Vincent while some young people carried a red banner depicting the Martyr.

Funds gained by selling my book will support my attempt to erect a statue depicting St. Vincent, next to the lighthouse on the Cape.

The bishop of the Algarve is usually present and bears a golden reliquary which is said to contain the Marty's right thumb. Everyone sings a song praising the saint.

When purchasing the book and supplying me with email addresses, I undertake to keep everyone updated on the progress of the statue project. 100 numbered copies of the book have been printed.

I have the distinct impression that the historically important patron of the Algarve and Lisbon is increasingly forgotten. Maybe my book 'The Saint, Vincent and The Cape', which has now been published, can give new impetus to the cult and boost tourism to the Cape of St. Vincent and turn it again into a destination for pilgrims, after a break of over 100 years.

Anyone who would like to take part in the venture can obtain signed copies via my email. The book 'The Saint Vincent and The Cape' retails at â‚Ź20. Email:

The book outlines facts, myths and legends of the Martyr, St. Vincent who was killed in 304 in Valencia. It also deals with the widespread cult that later surrounded him. It is also possible to follow subsequent developments on the Cape during a period of 2000 years. It derived its name in 779 when the martyr's relics were brought there.

The Algarve Archaeological Association The Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) is a non-profit association formed in 1983 by an international group of residents interested in archaeology in the Algarve and history in general. The objectives of the AAA are to encourage a wider appreciation of international archaeology and history with special emphasis on Portugal and the Algarve and to assist with archaeological projects and preservation of ancient sites. The AAA organises monthly lectures in English with guest speakers covering topics of archaeological, historical and environmental interest. They also organise pleasant and informative day trips and overnight trips (within Portugal and abroad) to sites of archaeological and historical interest. The AAA promotes opportunities for members to participate in the fieldwork of archaeological digs and, last but not least, chances to meet and make friends with people who share a common interest.




Through its activities the AAA provides support of archaeological projects and scientific work both on land and underwater with funding, equipment and voluntary staffing. In addition, the AAA have helped archaeological students with tuition fees, thesis projects and supported their work at scientific conferences. Recent lectures have covered the discovery in 2014 of the fossils of a new 2m long giant salamander, named Metoposaurus algarvensis, in an area of Loule which was once a lake in prehistoric times. The lectures organised by the AAA are open to all. There is a â‚Ź6 admission for non-members with all money raised by the AAA being spent on archaeological grants and speakers. The lectures take place on the first Tuesday of the month from October through to June at two locations. The first lecture is held at 2.30pm at the Museu do Trajo in Sao Bras, followed by the evening lecture at 5.45pm at the Library in Lagoa.

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The next lectures will be held on the following dates: 1st March talk by Tiago Fraga, marine archaeologist, about the 'Lost city of the Rio Formosa' 5th April talk by Dr Campbell Price, curator of Eygpt and the Sudan at Manchester Museum, 'New Light under Ancient Wrappings: studying Egyptian mummies at the Manchester Museum' 3rd May talk by Pedro Barros on 'The Estela Project', about the South-Western (Iron Age) script in the Iberian Peninsular, considered to be the oldest written form of the area 7th June talk by Alice Toso, a Study of diet in Islamic medieval Portugal For more information visit or contact:


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What’s On... Love the Luz Triathlon will at least 250 participants. The organisers said: “We think the success of the triathlons we have held so far is largely down to the generosity and support from the local communities. We have been stunned by the commitment and generosity shown by locals, businesses and athletes alike.”

There’s still time to sign up on your own or as part of team to take part in the third annual Luz Triathlon on April 23rd.  The event will be open to those who want to do either Sprint or Olympic distances.    This year’s Praia da Luz Triathlon already has all the makings for it to be the biggest and best event to date. Local teams as well as teams from across the Algarve and further afield have already signed up. Organisers hope there

They added: “Charitable donations from all our events will go towards the long-standing Luzbased charity NECI, which cares for physically and mentally challenged children and adults from three West Algarve boroughs.” Registration is now open at so please sign up.  If you have any questions or queries, please contact us on: 00351 933 713 867 or by email:

Art comes to you Buying art is now more convenient than ever: paintings, sculptures, photos and objects from more than 200 artists you met before at Arte Algarve are still available through a special personal service.

so you will surely find in this wide range of different styles something precious for yourselves.The service started a few weeks ago and so far, so good – the feedback is very encouraging.

Rolf Osang is now making home visits with his handy tablet gallery. Over two hundred artists are represented by Rolf,

Please contact Rolf for more information: Tel: 968067607 Email:

"Rota do Petisco" is coming to Lagos This May you can discover the real flavours of the Algarve and help local charities! Organised by the Teia D’Impulsos Association in association with Beat, Social Engagement this year’s Rota do Petisco will be coming to Lagos!

"petiscos" in one day. You collect stamps from the restaurants you visit to be in with a chance of winning prizes from local businesses. And the best part is that you have a whole month to get to know the best eateries around. And cheap.

Created in 2011 in Portimão, the goal of Rota do Petisco is to put the region’s cuisine in the spotlight with all kinds of eateries offering special dishes at accessible prices.

The event has been a huge success in Portimão over the last five years. This year we are still accepting inscriptions from restaurants in Lagos, Luz, Barão and Odiaxere, and the route’s full programme, including all venues and entertainment will be released in April, just before the event is launched.

A ‘petisco’ costs €3, and includes a small meal and a drink (wine, beer or juice), while desserts and sweets are sold for €2. The idea is that you buy your own “passport” for €1.50 and select a route to try several




In the meantime, if you own a restaurant and want to be a part or want to volunteer in the organization, just let us know!

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Perfect percussion The 5th International Percussion Festival of Portimão (FIntPP), promoted by Academia de Música de Lagos / Conservatório de Portimão – Joly Braga Santos is taking place between March 18th and 22nd. This unique event will bring together renowned musicians from the national and international percussion scene: Vincent Houdijk (The Netherlands) in Vibraphone; Sisco Aparici in Marimba and Multi Percussion, Vicky Marques (Portugal), in Drums I and II, Sérgio Almeida (Rhakatta / Portugal) in AfroTribal percussion; José Quezada (Velha Gaiteira / Portugal) in Traditional Portuguese Drums and Rhythms, Keni B in Beatbox and Arantcha Joseph (London/ Portugal) in African Tribal Dance. The FIntPP will offer 10 workshops/ masterclasses and five concerts to be held in different venues of Portimão, mainly the TEMPO Municipal Theatre, the Auditorium of the Municipal Museum, the Garden of Alameda and the Old Fish Market. Together, the 5th International Percussion Festival of Portimão (FIntPP) and the II enContróbaixo will open the Event with a flashmob of 50 drummers and 50 bass players together at the Garden of Alameda in Portimão. The opening night will be held on the 18th March at 21:30 in TEMPO with the prestigious Portuguese Hang player Kabeção Rodrigues who will be accompanied by extravagant electric cellist Ricardo Januário in an intimate world music scenario. The traditional final concert will include all participants and will be held on the 22nd March 22nd March at TEMPO Municipal Theatre, under artistic direction of Vasco Ramalho (VFIntPP) and Bruno Vítor (II enCOntróbaixo). For more details and a full list of the events please go to: Facebook: academiamusicalagos Email: Alternatively please call 282 082 786 or 919 804 662.


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What's On... Burns Night

Algarve Burns Supper By Doug McAdam The Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve held its Burns Supper at the Ponte Romana Restaurant in Silves on Saturday January 23rd. Bagpiper Malcolm MacGillivray got the evening off to a scintillating start. Society Chieftain Doug McAdam said the supper was a resounding success with almost a full house of 125 participants including the British Ambassador Kirsty Hayes and her husband Peter. The main speech - the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns - was delivered by HM Ambassador. The excellent toast to the Lassies was made by Ian Wilson and, much to his surprise, his wife Diane gave the more than adequate response

on behalf of the lassies. The assembled company then partook of lively and enthusiastic Scottish dancing – which included an ‘Eightsome Reel’ piped heartily by Malcolm MacGillivray – and the proceedings were brought to a close around midnight with ‘Auld Lang Syne’. To find out more about the society please call Chieftain Doug McAdam on 935 577362 or Kathy Prentice on 919 635246. If you fancy Scottish dancing please call Mardie Cunningham on 282 356029. She runs dancing at the International School in Porches on Monday evenings. Photographs by:

Burns night at Quay Lagos Quay Lagos hosted a traditional Burns Night celebrating the life and poetry of Robert Burns. They had imported the Haggis fresh from Scotland and the guests enjoyed a wonderful three-course meal which included Haggis and Aberdeen Angus Pie. The piper greeted guests with




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traditional bagpipe music followed by the ‘piping of the Haggis’ and a recital of a Robbie Burns poem. For more information about Quay Lagos, which is on the Marina in Lagos, or to book a table please call 282 761 128.


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What's On - Your weekly events calendar... Fitness



Football Academy (5 - 10yrs) | 16.15 17.45 Mon | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre Tel: 282 697 350

Mat Classes with Lisa | 9.15 - 10.30, Mon, Wed (10.30am only) & Fri (1h) | €10 Equipment Classes | 8.30 - 16.00, Tues & Thurs Pilates Room, Lagos | 926 514 613 | Pilates with Lucienne | 11.00 - 12.00 Wed | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz 968288258 | Pilates with Monica | 11.00 - 12.00 Tues & Thurs | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens | 282690086 Pilates with Indah | 18.00 Mon & Thurs at Escola E.B. 2, 3 Vila do Bispo & 10.30 Thurs at Centro Cultural, Barão de S. João | €5 | 911754890 Yoga Gentle Hatha Yoga with Meg | 18.30 - 20.00 Mon - The Yoga Place, Burgau & 12.15 - 14.00 Wed - Hotel Belavista, Luz | €8 | 965 201 477 Hatha Yoga with Diana | 10.00 - 12.00 Tue | €7 (regulars) | €10 (drop-ins) Monterosa, Barão de São João | 962 492 607 Yoga Classes with Ann | 10.30 - 12.00 Tue & Thurs | for all levels Yin Yoga Class with Ann | 18.30 Wed €10 (residents pay €60 for 8 classes) | Burgau | 913 202 621 Hatha Yoga (Beginners) | 9.45 Mon, Wed & Fri | €10 | €55 for pack of 6 Essential Fitness & Spa, Boavista Golf | 282 790 930 Lunch Yoga Stretch, Flow & Classic6 | 12:30 - 13:30 Mon - Fri Yoga Flow 6 | 19.15 Thurs €5.30 - 9 | InLight Lagos | Yoga & De-stress with Lucienne | 11.00 - 12.00 Fri | €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz | 968 288 258 | Zumba Zumba with Linda | 9.30 -10.30 Mon & Fri | €6 | Alma Verde | 918 461 840 Zumba Classes with Monica | 9.30 - 10.30 Wed | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens | 282 690 086 Zumba with Lucienne | 10.00 - 11.00 Wed & Fri Zumba Step! with Lucienne | 10.00 - 11.00 Thurs €6.50 | Hotel Belavista, Luz | 968288258 | Zumba with Gi & Vitor | 19.00 - Thurs & 9.30 - Sat Zumba Kids (4-6 & 7-11 years old) | 10.30 - Sat €5 | Magnolia Apts, overlooking Praia do Porto de Mós, Lagos | 912 417 994 Zumba | 9.30 Tue & Fri | €6 | Essential Fitness & Spa, Boavista Golf Tel: 351 282 790 930

Other Tai Ji Quan with Carl | Beginners at 22.00 - 23.30 Mon & Advanced at 17.30 19.00 Thurs | €8 | Barão São João | 919 718 955 Body Fit Classes | 9.30 - 10.30 Tue & Thurs | €5 | Golf Santo Antonio, Budens | 282 690 086 Gymnastik with Irmela | 18.15 - 19.15 Mon | €7 | Hotel Belavista, Praia da Luz | 965 211 996 Fitness Circuit for Men & Women | 10.00 - 11.00 Wed | €5 | Burgau Sports Centre | 282 697 350




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Capoeira Classes (Mestre Betao) | 18.30 Mon | Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos | 282 764 224 Adults and Kids Sports | 19.00 - 20.30 Wed | €5 Fun Tennis Doubles Men & Women | 17.00 - 19.00 Thurs Childrens Football Skills | 16.30 - 17.30 Fri | €4 Burgau Sports Centre | 282 697 350 Netball in Lagos | 19.00 Wed | All ages & abilities | First session free 'Netball in Lagos' on Facebook | Boavista Walking Football Team | 9.30 - Wed | Boavista Golf Club Football Pitch | 50+ years of age | €3 | Nick - 910 751 615 | ROLL UP for experienced bowlers | 10.00 Mon & Fri | €10 (non-members) Bowls for Beginners | 11.00 Tue | 1st lesson free €10 (non members) Floresta Bowls Club, Rua Direita, Praia da Luz | 919707635 Espiche Golf Roll Up | 8am Thurs | Reduced Green Fee Women’s Beginner’s Golf Lessons | 2pm Fri Men’s Beginner’s Golf Lessons | 2pm Sat | 10€ pp Kids Golf School | 10am Sun | €20 p/m Espiche Golf | 282 688 250

Classes | Lessons Life drawing classes with Kasia | 11.00 - 13.00 Mon | Beginners & Professionals | €10 per session | Marina de Lagos | 916 035 308 Strictly Dancing at Boavista | Ball Room and Latin American classes Every Wednesday | Beginners' class at 16.00 | Advanced class at 17.00 Emerson Suite, Boavista Golf Club Practical Portuguese Lessons | 10.30 - 12.00 Fri | €5 | Lounge bar, Marina Club Hotel | 964 696 345 | Dog Training & Agility with Albertina | 11.00 - 12.00 Fri & 16.00- 17.00 Sat €25 x 4 sessions | Espiche | 968 086 320 Teresas Computer Classes | 10.00 Sat | All levels | €10 | Lagos | 918764613 Swimming Lessons with Yvonne | 14.30 Mon, Thurs, Sat & 9.00 Sat | €9 Holiday Courses with Yvonne | 3x per Week | €20 Members €25 non members Boavista Golf Resort | 917 953 914 Percussive Dance Class (Tessa & Wale) | 11.30 Thurs Urban Kids Dance Class (Tessa) | 11.00 Sat €7 | Kapa Dois Center, R. da Canal 23, Lagos | 282 764 224

Charity | Voluntering | Support Groups Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group Meeting | March 23rd - 11.00 Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos | Carol Evans | 926 297 527 Riding for Disabled | 10.30 Mon, Wed, Fri | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting | Bensafrim | 912967870 | AA International English Speaking Meeting | 19.30 - 21h00 Wed | Lagos Freguesia, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12 c | AA hotline: 919 005 590

What's On - Your weekly events calendar...


Entertainment & Events Tea Tasting | 4th March - 16.00 | FREE Dr. Why Quiz | 4th March - 20.30 Mother’s Day Sunday Carvery & Live Music | 6th March | 16€ PP (excl. drinks) Easter Sunday Carvery | 27th March - 13.00 | 16€ PP (excl. drinks) Boavista Golf & Spa Resort | 282 000 114 | 'Three Cultures' - Christian, Arab & Sephardic Jewish XII Century Music 12th March - 16.30 | €15,00 reservation only inc. refreshment & buffet Quinta das Alagoas nr Almadena | 924 204 343 |

Activities Walk with Ros & Lol | 9.30 Thurs | (Approx. 2 1/2 hrs) | Boavista Golf Resort 282789358 | 914573373 Walking Football International Tournament: Albufeira Cup 2016 | 7th March 10.30 - 18.00 | Bella Vista Sports Center, Albufeira, behind McDonalds Teams from: Lagos, Olhao, Tavira, Manchester City FC & Excel Walton-on-Thames Jucie Fasting Camp | 9th - 30th March | Any length of stay | Lost Plot Farm, Aljezur. | More info call Mitch 919186167 Raw Food Workshop | 20th March - 10.00 | €50 (workshop and lunch included) Monte Rosa, Barao De São João | Fiona: 918051837 | Annwen: 920453106 Vegetarian and Vegan Cookery Hands-on Workshop | 20th March - 10.30 14.00 | €45 (by reservation) Biological Breadmaking Workshop | 3rd April - 9.30 | Come prepared to knead your own loaf! | €45 (by reservation) inc. veg. lunch Quinta das Alagoas, nr Almadena | 924 204 343 |

Faith | Spiritual Healing Worship, Praise & Teaching | 10.30 Sun | International Community Church (Newfrontiers), Lagos | 960450750 | Satsang & Group Meditation | 10:30 - 11:30 Sun | FREE | InLight Lagos 913.127.421 | Meditation group with Marion | 19.00 Tue | Figueira | 914523636 Life Journal Bible Study | 19:30 Tue Lively Worship and Biblical Teaching | 11.00 - 13.00 Sun Oasis Christian Fellowship 936 358 553 | 964 285 351 | Mantra Chanting Circle | 19.15 Tue | Inlight, Lagos | 914523636

Tomorrow Calendar Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar. Advise us by emailing: IT’s FREE OF CHARGE


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What's On... Loving Lagos

Loving Lagos This year’s Lagos Carnival was a resounding success. The event, which took place on February 5th, attracted a great crowd. The city’s youngsters got into the spirit with some fabulous costumes and well done to all the talented parents that made it happen. And it wasn’t just the children that dressed up, there were lots of adults dressed up in costume too.




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vila palmeira

BISTRO: 11:00 - 24:00 VIVENDO: 19:00 - 24:00 Spacious parking Closed Mondays

apartmentos turisticos ★★★★ Meia Praia . Lagos

Fine dining & beautiful surroundings Vivendo Restaurant & Bistro set in the Vila Palmeira resort. Outstanding Mediterranean cuisine & excellent Portuguese wines offered at attractive prices. The Wine & Dine four-course gourmet menu changes weekly. Reservations: 282 770 902 | Email: |


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What's On...

Down At the Old Bull & Bush Winchester Cathedral, Whispering, Finchley Central, Peek-A-Boo and Green Street Green) along with his wife Karen who is keeping the chorus in tune.

Rehearsals for The Algarveans’ forthcoming show 'Down at the Old Bull & Bush' have been underway for several weeks now. One of the heroes of this show is the musical director and conductor of the orchestra (albeit a very small one), the renowned Ian Carfrae of The New Vaudeville Band fame (hits included

'Down at The Old Bull and Bush Old Time Music Hall' will be performed at the Teatro Mascarenhas Gregório in Silves. The show is being directed by Jan Sheppeard Make sure you make a note of these dates; March 31, April 1 and 2.

Three cultures A concert entitled 'Three Cultures' - Music of the XII Century from Christian, Arab and Sephardic Jewish cultures is being performed at Quinta das Alagoas near Almadena on March 12th. The event, which starts at 4.30pm, costs €15 including a refreshment buffet with wine, cheese and homemade products.

Tickets can be ordered by email: or telephone 966 211 634 / 282 496 635.

For information and reservations please call: 924 204 343

Remember, a prize will be awarded each night for the Ladies’ Best Hat.


Charity Tea Dance for Madrugada

Support group The next meeting of the Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group will take place on March 23rd at 11am.

Spring has definitely sprung so it’s time to get your dancing shoes on and hot step it to the Penina Hotel, Portimāo where a 50s Vintage Tea Dance will help to raise funds for the wonderful Madrugada Association.

A plethora of tea-themed side shows will be on offer to whet your appetite for even more swing and jive, all in aid of Madrugada’s marvellous work to provide care and support for people facing life limiting illness.

The charity event will be held on Sunday 20th March from 2.30pm to 5.30pm. Discerning shufflers can show off their best moves to the sound of an excellent jazz band and a tasty afternoon tea is included along with prizes for the best dancers and 50s-style costumes.

Why not book your tickets now and enjoy an energetic and memorable afternoon at the delightful 5* Penina Hotel & Golf Resort on the N125.

Please call Carol Evans on 926297527 for more information.

Tickets at €15 each are available from Madrugada Centre, 282 761 375.

Supper Club

The meeting will take place t Restaurant Pirilampo, Rua do Moinho do Azeite, Lagos.

Dance World Cup Portugal Last month 29 pupils from the Dance School of Lagos took part in the Dance World Cup Portugal in Figueira da Foz. The event took place between February 6th and 9th. In total, the students took part in 11 solo dances, duet and group dances in the following styles: classical ballet, contemporary dance and national/folklore dance.

The Dance School of Lagos has qualified once again for the finals of the Dance World Cup which will be held in St.Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands between the June 25th and July 2nd. Please contact the school by email at: or call 912376595 - Prof.ª Ljiljana da Silva (24 horas) or 915812055 for Viola Nascimento.

All of the dances were rewarded with very good points and three of the national/ folklore dance choreographies were rewarded with medals. There was a silver medal for the national/ folklore duet called ‘Gypsy Feeling’. There was a bronze medal for the national/folklore group, ‘Cossacks’ and a bronze medal for the national/folklore solo ‘Carmelita’.




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Another successful ‘Tomorrow and Café Fresco Supper Club took place on 4th February. A lovely evening where Chris’s Pavlova took the prize! The March Supper Club has already sold out so please book now for 7th April and or the 5th May to avoid disappointment. The four course dinner is only €12 per person. Booking obviously is essential so please call 282 769 256 or email


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What's On...

Time to gear up for gardening tackle specific questions and problems individually and give practical advice. Discover how to dry your own fruit using the sun, enjoy a guided tour of the mature sub-tropical orchard and fruit garden, treat the kids to a pony ride and the family lunch from the BBQ or, for those thirsting for more than knowledge alone, relax in the bar area. The Mediterranean Gardening Association’s ‘Spring Garden Fair’ is back in Silves this month. Gardeners gearing up for the imminent spring planting season will delight in the event which is taking place on Saturday March 5th from 11am to 4pm at Quinta da Figueirinha to the east of Silves.

Algarve gardening and natural history books will be for sale as well as the new Olivier Filippi book ‘Planting Design for Dry Gardens’ and the renowned authority on herbs, Daisy Mae, will be talking about ‘the medicine of our tasty aromatics’ at 12:30.

An impressive array of native and Mediterranean plants suitable for Algarve gardens will be offered by selected specialist nurseries including succulents, robust perennials, trees and shrubs and plants for cheery containers. A plant clinic run by experienced Algarve gardeners will

Free irrigation water salinity tests will be available for anyone bringing a sample. Stock up on plants while enjoying the family atmosphere in the company of gardeners and suppliers only too willing to offer practical advice.

Your community choir Our Spring/Summer programme rehearsals are well underway as we are preparing for the first events in our 2016 calendar. The past few weeks have seen us welcome several new members and we are all busy adding new songs to our steadily-building repertoire - we look forward to performing them later this year (more about our performances in future Tomorrow editions!). The Western Algarve Community Choir is a group for people who want to sing for fun. There are no auditions and no previous singing experience is necessary. For more information on joining, or on booking the choir for future performances and events, please contact choir leader Liz Roberts at:

The St Patrick's Society of the Algarve is hosting this years' St Patrick’s Day Celebration Dinner and Dance at the Pestana Viking Hotel, Armação de Pêra on Saturday 19th March 2016. This black tie event begins at 7.00pm for 7.30pm with a complimentary welcome drink on arrival, followed by a 3-course buffet and drinks, with dancing to the music of Victor.

The St Patrick's Society of the Algarve was founded December 2002 to promote social activities for Irish people and their friends. The dress code is black tie or lounge suit. To order tickets or for more information please telephone Alan on 282 322 203 or email

This month you can find out all you ever wanted to know about Easter at an exhibition in Lagos. This exhibition of Easter eggs focuses on all the things you don't know about Easter and other Easter traditions.

The animal charity, APAA, is hosting a Dinner and Dance on March 5th to raise funds to support its work. The fun takes place at O'Caseiro, Arão from 7.00pm.

The event will be open from March 1st to April 2nd between 10am and 6pm every day and is free.


Tickets are just €30 for members, or €40 for non-members.

Fun for charity

And visit the choir's You Tube site 'The Western Algarve Choir' to see some of our performances.

For more details please go to or mediterraneangardensociety

All about Easter


Directions can be found at:

Celebrate St Patrick’s Day!

The exhibition will be brought to life by German artist Timo Dillner who will amaze you with a history of Easter eggs and other interesting facts.


Quinta da Figueirinha lies to the East of Silves and is well signposted with the blue and white Agroturismo signs. The Spring Garden Fair is on Saturday 5 March and will open to the public at 11.00am through to 4.00pm - entry charge €2 with free parking.

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Dinner will be a three course meal of Couvert, Bacalhau com Natas/Roast Pork, and dessert plus wine, beer and water. There will be live Music provided by 'Nightshift'. Tickets are €17.50 per person. For more information, or to reserve your place please contact Jenny on 919 041 903 or Jackie on 912 651 819 or email






Tel:(+351)282 031 726 Cell:936114838 Rua Infante Sagres 95-97 Loja B, Lagos, 8600-743


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Health... The cellular cost of smoking – part 2 By Niki Medlock Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemical compounds, 69 of which can cause cancer. While approved as food additives they were not tested through burning, which changes their properties! I am just going to write about TWO!! Tar coats the lining of the airways causing cilia paralysis. These microscopic hair (like projections) usually wave or beat rhythmically moving mucus that traps respiratory pathogens, toxins and particles out of the lungs and airways. When this mechanism breaks down these foreign particles cause lung irritation and infection. To compensate, more mucus is produced, which is expelled in a smoker’s characteristic persistent cough.

Eventually alveoli (small air sacs in the lungs) break down so there are fewer, larger air sacs with a smaller surface area for gaseous exchange causing less oxygen in the blood leading to breathlessness. Over time this combination of factors causes Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease (COPD). Carbon monoxide (CO) - (the car exhaust gas!) passes straight into the bloodstream and binds with haemoglobin inhibiting transport of oxygen around the body to the cells and removal of carbon dioxide, the byproduct of cellular respiration.

in the blood also making the blood clot easily. Both of these factors may increase the risk of heart attack, stroke or pulmonary embolism. Cigarette smoke affects every cell in your body – not in a good way!! If you are a smoker and would like to find out more about how you can give up smoking then start by speaking to our family doctor as there are now many aids to help achieve this. Niki Medlock is head nurse at

Meaning less oxygen gets to the vital organs and chronic deprivation leads to production of abnormally high levels of red blood cells

Guidelines for handling ‘messy’ behaviour By Laura Newman

Pilates and running? By Lisa Longhurst

The more immature the child, the more easily they fly off the handle. They can be physically or verbally aggressive to peers, siblings, parents & sometimes to themselves. Stresses build up during the day, from early traumas and sensitivities, until little things trigger their mounting frustration and it needs to be released. Their immature brain cannot manage their intense emotions. In other words: "it's not their fault!"

With the upcoming Luz Triathlon I thought it would be interesting to write about how Pilates can help with cycling, running and swimming. Last month I wrote about cycling and this month brings me to running!

On the bright side, consider that 80% of children outgrow childhood aggression through maturation, and that attachmentsafe discipline methods promote selfcontrol/maturation. What we do in the incident really counts. Also remember that children have a primordial need for close attachments to their caretakers. This does not change when they are having a meltdown. They cannot make sense of explanations when their brains are frazzled. They need to express their feelings and need guidance as to where and when to do this. Do not take their behaviour personally. Here are some guidelines: 1. Instead of trying to make headway and fixing their behaviour, aim to DO NO HARM to the relationship (do not shout or put them in time-out).




2. Address the aggression simply (if necessary). Keep everyone safe, without long explanations. 3. Attempt to change the situation or your reactions (NOT the child) For example, take the child into another room or outside; distract them. 4. Address the problem later away from the incident. 5. Talk about the next connection and that everything is OK. 6. Stay present and offer your warm, connection through eye-contact, touch, gentle voice. It may seem counter-intuitive but this approach will NOT encourage messy behaviour. Instead it will create the conditions children need for feeling safe and growing in deep relationship.

Many runners are unaware of the importance of a strong core. A stronger core, back and pelvis are the main rewards to a runner, as well as increased flexibility, strength and range of movement. An improved posture is the result of people doing Pilates regularly, as it makes you aware of how you stand, walk and sit and a stronger core supports a straighter spine. All of these factors will reduce susceptibility to injury when the miles start to stack up.

Laura Newman BSc BSc MSc, Speech Therapist & Parent Consultant. Connected Child Please call 961 633 995

In terms of the lower body the knees can take a hammering when you train regularly. But Pilates can help by strengthening the quads and hip abductors, which support the knee and the hip when you run. Anything you can do to strengthen weak areas will help prevent injury and ultimately provide you with greater running power!

Individual sessions, workshops and skype consults. Discounted "Starter Package" available.

If you feel Pilates could help you please call 926 514 613 or email

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Pets mate By Lars Rahmquist Had there been torrents of rain and lashings of sideways wind, I might be writing: welcome back sun! But the winter has been exceptionally mild. The recent rains that we had, coupled with the warmer weather conditions, has set us up for a bumper start to the mosquito season, however. As exciting as entomology might not be, this does mean an increased exposure for your dog of two potentially fatal disease, namely Leishmaniasis and Heartworm. There are a few ways to protect your dog from these diseases. Firstly: using an insect repellent topically as either a collar or a spot on. Secondly, you can keep your dog indoors when mosquito activity is highest (dusk and dawn (this latter period rarely poses concern in our household), maybe installing mosquito screens for warm nights. Thirdly

are medications which are safe for dogs and very protective against these infections. March is the month we are recommending our clients to come in for a one-off injection to cover their dog against heartworm. The injection is quick, painless and will confer full protection for your dog throughout the mosquito season.

Vets also recommend a heartworm test to be done if you have not used protection in the past. At Lagos Vet Clinic, we have these tests in house, with accurate results ready in 10 minutes. Next month I will be discussing Leishmaniasis control.

There’s also a range of tablets and chews which can be given monthly to protect against heartworm. Some owners like giving monthly medication, but other (more forgetful) owners, such as myself elect to use the once-a-year injection, knowing that heartworm prevention can be ticked off your to-do list for the year! Contact your vet or visit our website or phone to find out more about this heartworm injection.

The importance of lutein By João Albano (BSc Hons) Lutein is an amazing antioxidant that helps protect our eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. It is the major antioxidant present in eye membranes (retina and macula). The macula is responsible for our central vision.

degeneration, cataracts and retinitis pigmentosa, lutein can be found in some vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, peas and fruits such as orange, peach and kiwi among others.

The high concentration of lutein in the macula protects this area which is so important and sensitive by filtering blue light that damages our eyes over time. Following good ophthalmic lens it is the eyes last defence.

The egg yolk is also an excellent source of lutein. Because our body isn’t able to produce lutein it is important to ingest about 6mg per day.

Used in the treatment and prevention of eye diseases such as age-related macular

However, this is only possible if you follow a careful diet unless you try specific vitamin brands. In my practice, I

recommend Ocuvite made by Bausch + Lomb as a good option. Simple steps like these help maintain our vision healthy throughout our lives. Keep your eyes healthy and protected! João Albano (BSc Hons) is Head of optometry at Optician Algarvisão, Professional Eye Care. You can make an appointment by calling 282789096

Why do Yoga if you play golf? By Ann de Jongh Golf is recognized as a sport, but most players do not approach it as a sport …. how many other sporting events start with a coffee, brandy, beer or even a painkiller and often have chocolate or bacon sandwiches during the round! But that is for another post, today is to look at why golfers should do some yoga (to at least cut out the painkillers). Yoga is great tool to have in a golfer's box. Golf is an intensive mind body game, and yoga is very much a mind body practice, so the two are very complimentary to each other. Yoga postures can help improve flexibility and functional movement, which




is important so that your body is capable of moving in such a way to make a great swing.

some of the Algarvian winds – keeping the balance throughout the swing is crucial.

During the practice you learn to focus on the present moment and not to let the mind wander.

A lot of people are often put off Yoga as they think they are not flexible enough for it, but that is like saying you are too dirty to have a bath! Yoga is always based around what your body can do, not what anyone elses can do.

Concentration is important to maintain in golf from the 1st tee shot to the last putt. Golf is often thought of as the “mental sport” and all golfers know how negative thoughts or lack of concentration can turn a good round into a poor one. Balance is a key element of Yoga and is very important in golf, especially if you play in

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Why not give it a go and see how it can improve your game. Ann teaches yoga in Burgau. Please call Ann on 913202621

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Farmers’ market health foods By Hannah Sharpe de Rosa Like all leafy greens, turnip greens are highly nutritious and offer a variety of health benefits through their provision of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Turnip plants belong to the cruciferous family, a nutrient-dense group of vegetables that includes other disease fighters like cabbage, kale, broccoli and cauliflower. The starchy white root of the turnip is a rich source of potassium, but the green leaves of the plant hold the most nutrition with about 95% of the plant’s carotene and 85% of its B vitamins stored here. Turnip greens are anti-inflammatory, supportive of bone health and are a useful

food in cancer prevention plans. Many of the health benefits are due to the antioxidant glucosinolate, which is known for its cancerprotective abilities and is found in high amounts in turnip greens. Turnip greens are also a great source of Vitamins K, A, C and the mineral calcium, a perfect combination of nutrients for bone health. One cup provides 600% of our daily vitamin K needs, the vital vitamin for bones. Folate and fibre are in abundance, both being important for cardiovascular health. Folate is a B vitamin that helps to prevent build-up of homocysteine within the

arteries, and fibre helps to lower LDL cholesterol. Prepare and enjoy the turnip leaves the same way you would any other leafy green. I usually steam or lightly sauté the leaves and also blanch and freeze small batches so I have some available year round. Turnip root can be cut into chunks and roasted, for a lower-carb version of chips. The full article is available at Hannah is a BANT registered nutritional therapist based in Lagos.

Chiropractic…what actually happens? By Dr Wen Oates DC MChiro As you know, many conditions respond well to chiropractic care, such as back and neck pain, headaches, sports injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome. However, many people still don’t know what actually goes on in a chiropractor’s office - new patients go online and worry about phrases like ‘upper cervical subluxation’, while others want to know if they will need treatment forever. First of all, a ‘subluxation’ is where some of the bones in the spine have moved out of alignment, creating pressure or irritation to the spinal nerves. You’ll be pleased to hear

that this can be corrected by an experienced DC (doctor of chiropractic) after a period of intensive and follow-up treatments. You won’t have to come to the clinic forever… although you might want to come regularly to keep feeling good!

check’ (282 768 044 or online at, but you can just come along, have a chat and pick up an information sheet. You’ll also have the chance to find out more about our new service, Bio-Resonance Screening – a non-invasive and painless diagnostic process that has been shown to reveal cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory and musculoskeletal ailments.

This is why we’re having another ‘Open Day’, so you can see what happens once you finally decide to enter the seemingly mysterious world of the ‘chiropractic clinic’.

We look forward to seeing you on March 5th anytime between 9am and 4pm.

Saturday March 5th is the date for your diary. It might be a good idea to make an appointment if you’d like a FREE ‘spine

Bring a friend…and we’ll show you both what actually happens at Lagos Health Chiropractic and Wellness Clinic.

mobility in the neck and shoulders, upper back pain, neck pain and even chest pain.

Did you know? Whiplash can occur from many causes, not just car accidents. For example, it can happen from falling downstairs or having something fall on your head. It can also happen when tackled in contact sports and I’ve even seen a few cases from some crazy dance moves!

Whiplash by Daniel Keane People involved in a motor vehicle accident sometimes experience a strain of their neck muscles and the surrounding tissues, commonly referred to as whiplash. Anyone who has had such an injury understands how sore this can be! The injury often occurs when a vehicle is hit from the rear or the side, causing a sharp movement of the head and neck. Research shows that successful whiplash treatment should include early mobilization of the cervical spine. Whiplash symptoms These include headache, dizziness, loss of




Get help Do not ignore whiplash type injuries. Get yourself examined if you experience any of these symptoms. Health care professionals are alert for the signs of more serious neck trauma. Good news The good news is that properly managed, most whiplash injuries will recover fully. Many people experience little disruption in their activities and are able to get on with their daily lives.

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Well adjusted? Properly adjusting the height of your car headrest will help prevent whiplash injury in an accident. In an ideal adjustment, the top of your head should be in line with the top of the headrest and there should be no more than 2 to 5 cm between the back of your head and the headrest.


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Providing competitively priced home-based nursing care in the Algarve

Trust Hibiscus to provide professional nursing care just when you need it most Short term hospital to home service for people recuperating from acute illness, injury or surgery Continuing care supporting chronic illness, frailty or advancing years Regular day relief and short and longer term breaks for carers Sleepover and active night duty care Personal care including hygiene and nutrition Dementia care and advice Specialist equipment for hire or purchase 00 351 282 798 013 | E: | All profits from Hibiscus go to our sister company Associação Madrugada which is a charitable organisation providing palliative care in the community.


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Business I.T. can be easy By Steven Dunwell ONE DAY FREE SUPPORT: On Friday 4th of March I will be hosting a free one day telephone service open to anyone who wishes to discuss any issues related to their PC, tablet or smartphone etc. I will be available from 10am to 5pm on that day for you to call. My number is: 00351 936 387 512 I’ll be happy to discuss any I.T. related matter. Some tips for all those Apple Mac users out there Your Mac can do some amazing things, but sometimes we forget some of the cool things it can do, here are three simple examples. Please note - some of these tips may need recent versions of OS X - such as OS X 10.10 Yosemite or OS X 10.11 El Capitan – give it a try.

1. Adjust the volume in smaller increments When you use the volume up and down keys on your Mac's keyboard, the difference between one tap and the next can actually be pretty big – especially if you have some powerful external speakers. Hold down and as you tap those keys the increments become much smaller.

2. Hiding the menu bar The menu bar has been a fixture on the Mac since it launched in 1984, but you can now hide the menu bar in OS X El Capitan. Open System Preferences, go to General, then click "Automatically hide and show the menu bar." When you tick this box off, the menu bar will reappear as you glide your mouse arrow towards the top of the screen, allowing you to get at all your menus.

3. Back up your Mac I know that people haven't actually forgotten they can back up with their Mac, but I also know that so many people forget. I’ve fallen foul of it myself over the years. Ever since OS X 10.5 Apple has made it easy to back up using the Time Machine application. Ideally you should be doing other things to back up well, but at least do Time Machine; you can pick up a 2TB drive for less than eighty euros.

If you have any questions, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help. Please contact me via email: or call me on: 00351 936 387 512 Have a great month. See you for another tip in the April issue.

The rapid rise of the internet property site Launched in 2011 Beverywhere is the fastest growing online property portal in Portugal, which connects sellers and buyers directly and has risen to become the country’s premier online property shop and is by far the largest website for “by owner” sales. Jenny the founder of queried the necessity for sellers having to pay hefty estate agency fees and foresaw that the Internet could dramatically enhance and revolutionize the way properties are searched for, viewed and sold. The internet has become the undisputed property buyers shop window and nowadays over 95% of property searches start on line.

Your listing on Beverywhere is automatically syndicated across a unique global network of the most frequently visited top real estate websites such as RightmoveOverseas, Zoopla, Prime Location, Arkadia, Huisenaanbod and Holprop to name a few.

exposure - simply put, they offer the most cost effective way to sell property. Offering valuations, For Sale boards, floor plans and videos - are the complete package for anyone wishing to sell their home, land or commercial business.

Recently Beverywhere has added the number one Google ranked property portal – The Move Channel - which is part of the Lead Galaxy group that has a further 15 international property portals under its banner, enabling Beverywhere to now reach out and target more potential buyers.

You pay the one same subscription price regardless of the value of your home and that is it, there is nothing further to pay once your property is sold. There are no hidden charges, no agency fees, no commission, no sales spiel – there is no need!

Over the past five years have helped hundreds of individuals sell their homes without the need to pay the pricey estate agents commission.

Their enormous global online presence ensures your property gets more exposure and receives many more millions of unique visitors each month. Your property is everywhere house hunters are searching. Beverywhere increases your exposure from a local market to a worldwide audience.

If you are serious about selling you need to effectively advertise your property for sale to the largest targeted pool of homebuyers.

Beverywhere’s online service has been designed specifically to offer you better value, more partnerships and more




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Beverywhere’s cutting edge technology and marketing tools makes selling for sale by owner easy and can save you thousands of Euros in commissions and fees. Beverywhere have been tried, tested, delivered and proven to work. There has never been a better time to sell privately and Beverywhere is definitely the place you want to be online!

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How to plan your holiday home purchase... parte deux By David Westmoreland

Following on from last month’s feature on how to plan your purchase to gain maximum success, I have detailed some of the things you need to consider once you have found your perfect home in the sun below. Firstly, once the decision has been made you always need to instruct a lawyer. Portugal does not have some of the legal issues that you may have heard of in Spain or other European countries, due to the bureaucracy behind planning and legality of construction. For once the bureaucracy works in our favour! Having said that, I recommend always using a lawyer to process the purchase. The lawyer will charge you 1% + VAT of the final purchase price; you need to build this in to your final and total cost of purchase. The lawyer will ensure that the property is correctly and legally registered. They will also ensure that there are no debts, liens or charges against the property and will advise on any mortgages that are on the property. The Portuguese notary system will ensure that all of these will be cleared prior to you actually signing for the property. In the first instance the lawyer will produce a due diligence report, in your language. This report will inform you of the legal status of the property, the ownership, fiscal position and, if necessary, the lawyer will advise on any potential building developments nearby. Finally, all the purchase details such as the price and any agreements you have made with the vendor will be documented.

The lawyer will ask you to confirm you are in agreement with the details in the due diligence report and will then produce the first contract the “Contrato Promessa Compra e Venda” (CPCV). This document sets out the agreement and terms applied. This is a legally binding document and is signed by both parties; vendor and purchaser. If either party decides not to proceed after this point there will be heavy costs. The seller will have to pay the deposit back in double and the purchaser would lose the deposit paid. The deposit is usually 10% of the agreed sale price. It can be higher but this is the norm. Once everything is signed, the sale can proceed to the final deed. This normally takes place 4-6 weeks following the signing of the CPCV and will be signed at the public notary office. At this stage the full value of the property is paid plus taxes. The taxes work on a sliding scale dependent on the price of the property. However, as a guide you should prepare yourself for around 6% of the agreed purchase price, plus the 1% lawyer’s fees. Following the signing of the final deed the lawyer will continue to work on your behalf. All the names on the land registry, utility companies, and condominiums need to be changed into your name. This can take a few weeks. Money transfer – if you live in Portugal then payment is very easy as you would simply ask your bank to make a transfer in the normal way. If you are in France, Germany, Spain or any other Euro zone country; again, this should be straightforward. If you are outside of these areas such as the UK,

Scandinavia or the US you should consider using a Foreign Exchange company to assist with your transfer. These companies do not charge you anything and can save you several thousand euros on larger purchases compared to international bank transfers! Furniture – this is the best part for many. Choosing the style and ambiance of your new property enables you to design in a different way than you would at home. Indoor / outdoor living is key to enjoying your property to the fullest. Light and bright furniture may not suit you in the dark winter in the UK but here in Portugal where the sun shines all year round you may choose something completely different to your norm. To assist you there are a range of companies offering everything from budget furniture packs through to high end ateliers offering full interior design services. My advice is to shop around and choose the way that suits you best. At B&P we assist on the full process. We can advise on a panel of superb friendly, multilingual and efficient lawyers, competitive money transfers and a furniture companies. We believe that it is not just about selling you a house it’s about helping you make the biggest investment outside of your main home. This we take seriously and offer professional advice in an experienced and knowledgeable way. If you have any questions or queries relating to your potential purchase please contact me on:

Rentals rocketing By Vicki Harding It’s been a busy start to 2016 when it comes to accommodation rentals and for the third year running bookings in January are up. It looks like we’ll be having another busy season. What’s good is there is also movement in real estate resulting in more properties coming onto the rental market to supply the higher demand. This is something that had considerably slowed down over recent years and is a good sign that things are on the up. Portugal certainly seems to be a popular holiday destination for 2016, probably a result of world affairs and the limited safe




destinations for families to holiday. Saying that, in my opinion, the beauty of the country, its stunning sandy beaches and history sells itself and offers something for the whole family. Lagos offers such a great selection of beaches from the Meia Praia with around 4 kilometres of white sandy beach through to the coved beaches of Praia da Batata and Praia Camilo and of course the beautiful Porto do Mós. Whilst there was quite a bit of speculation about the new rental rules that were

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introduced in 2014 now all our properties are licenced and the new regime looks to be beneficial to our rental owners in relation to the new tax rates being lower than before under the old regime. The introduction of the property licence number seems to be reassuring to customers adding some security and regulating the industry. If you are looking to rent out your villa or apartment this month please get in touch with me at Algarve Accommodation Agency or call 282 760 970.


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Business... By Alison

The Overseas Home Buyer & International Transfers Daun Buying a property and moving home are often cited as one of the most stressful times of your life. Moving country or buying a second home abroad can be even more complicated with a different language, laws and a foreign currency to take into account. While we can’t teach you a new language we can help you understand the new currency, how it affects your house price and how to achieve the best value for money on your transactions. Here’s our guide to help you save money on your international transfers. Be realistic If you are at the start of your search to buy an overseas property don’t look at the exchange rate on the internet and base the amount you have to spend on the midmarket rate you see displayed. I have seen many clients do this only to discover that they have less money to spend than they anticipated. Take your time and find out how the exchange rates have been moving in the past few months. While what has happened is not a prediction of what will happen, it will give you an idea of just how much the exchange rates move and help you to set a realistic budget. Speak to a currency dealer at GCEN to get accurate real time and historic information.

transferring money overseas. Banks add on a considerable margin (typically around 4%) to the exchange rates when transferring foreign currency. Using GCEN, will cut the margin substantially and provide you with a significant cost saving. On a transfer of £100,000 to US Dollars you can save around £4,000 versus using your high street bank. Know exactly how much your property will cost Exchange rates move continually, they are not static and move by the second, not daily or weekly. A fluctuating exchange rate can dramatically affect the price you are paying for your overseas property. From agreeing to buy to eventually paying for the property can take weeks or even months. The exchange rate movements in this time can be substantial leaving you paying more than you expected for your property. You can fix the exchange rate in advance and therefore fix the cost of your property. Known as a forward contract you can buy the currency at today’s rate, but pay later. Beware of additional costs Not all costs are clear straight away. Transferring with your UK high street bank can cost anything up to £40 in international transfer fees. Check for additional hidden fees. Some banks in some countries will charge to receive money. They may also charge to convert to local currency if your sending bank has not already converted. This means you can receive less money in the destination country than you

Save on the exchange rate Traditionally, clients turn to their bank when they first start thinking about

Pearls from the orient by Pedro Oliveira bracelets etc all made with culture pearls, white and black at very good value for money.

Mr Bin’s shop in the centre of Lagos is a Chinese shop which is quite different. It’s on Rua Conselheiro Joaquim Machado nº9 and it sells mostly one thing – pearls. The shop, named after its owner carries a wide range of beautiful necklaces, pendants, earrings,




According to Mr Bin, culture pearls last 20 to 50 years and make very nice jewellery at a fraction of the price. He says necklaces are always a customer's favourite. Mr Bin Fan gained the experience with pearls in Macau where he worked with his uncle. He came to Europe via Madeira where he spent several years working before coming to Lagos where he opened this very nice pearl shop.

expected. Using GCEN will, in most cases, eliminate the international transfer charges. With years of experience sending funds worldwide they can also advise on receiving fees and again in most cases eliminate them completely. Ongoing costs Once you have paid for your property you will have to transfer money regularly for bills, upkeep and maintenance costs, mortgages and even some spending money. If you use your high street bank to transfer money monthly the international transfer fees of £10-£40 per transaction will cost you between £120 and £480 per year. Save these fees and more by using GCEN. Services available for smaller payments include a standing order facility for a fixed amount every month and a 24 hour online currency buying service for those of you who want to maintain flexibility over when and how much you transfer. GCEN is one of the UKs largest foreign exchange providers with offices in the UK, Portugal, Spain and Dubai helping clients transfer money internationally for 13 years. We are fully FCA authorised and regulated. If you would like to talk to us to find out more about how we can help you contact us on: Portugal 282768136 UK 01622 815201 Email:

Propertunity Marie White was recently appointed as rental co-ordinator for several luxury properties in Luz. "My aim," Marie says, "is to be flexible for summer and winter lets." In her current property portfolio she has no less than two bedrooms, all beautifully modernised to a high standard. Prices vary but are mostly dependent on the season and Marie suggests that she is sometimes able to consider last minute bookings as the portfolio increases.

Why not pop in to see some perfect pearls? Call Mr Bin on: 282763082 / 968352037

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Contact Marie on: 00 351 913 985 705 or email:










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Food & Drink... Training bars

‘The Age of the Organic’

By Lisa Longhurst

Organic wines, what are they? What is the advantage of buying organic wine?

but in practice not all people can see the difference.

Well, these are the questions that many people pose in relation to this matter. In fact, organic wines are already a reality in Portugal. All wine producers are aware that we must have respect for the environment and the sustainability of ecosystems that we inhabit.

There are already many organic wines on the market. Many do not even display this information on the label because to do so often results in higher prices and being less commercial. In practice, all have a respect for the environment and have firm faith in Portuguese producers that have increasing environmental awareness. There is still a need to solve the problem that most organic wines have and that is the inability to age well in the bottle. However, I do believe that organic production is the future.

The problem lies with the laws that govern us. These are often too rigid in the present globalised world that we live in; dictated by bureaucrats sitting in offices in Brussels, lacking a sense of what each country is really like with its specific characteristics.

This is a recipe for training bars and can save you loads of cash! Recipe: 500g short grain rice 1 tin coconut milk 1/2 litre apple juice 1/2 litre water 1 cup unrefined brown sugar Tbsp cinnamon Pinch salt Dried fruits (I used apples and cranberries)

In practice, organic wines are all wines that do not use chemicals, and therefore are wines that maintain the characteristics of each original ‘terroir’. Are there any difference between these wines and other wines?

1. Add rice, coconut milk, apple juice and water to a pan (I used my slow cooker) 2. Cook until rice is cooked and consistency is fairly solid 3. Add sugar, cinnamon, salt and fruits (fold in) 4. Put in a baking tray as shown in the photo

6. Following day wrap in cling film and cut into bars as shown in the photo 7. These bars can be kept for four days in the fridge or in the freezer until needed This is a great recipe if you are on a training programme or enjoy long rides. A carb bar costs around €1 and I made 28 bars for around €5!

This is really a question that should be addressed to a wine expert, as it is only people with expertise and competence that can distinguish the difference. We all know and rightly so, that not everyone is a wine expert or sommelier but I can say that organic is undoubtedly something positive


5. Allow to go hard in the fridge

Every year on St Patrick’s Day about 13 million pints of Guinness are raised around the world. Will you be one of those people picking up a pint yourself this year? For those of you who don’t know, Guinness is an Irish dry stout that originated in the brewery of Arthur Guinness at St. James's Gate, Dublin. It is one of the most successful beer brands worldwide. It is brewed in almost 60 countries and is available in over 120. Annual sales total 850 million litres. One of the things that sets Guinness apart is its ‘burnt’ flavour that is derived from roasted unmalted barley, although this is a relatively modern development. For many years a portion of aged brew was blended with freshly brewed beer to give a sharp lactic flavour. The draught beer's thick, creamy head comes from mixing the beer with nitrogen when poured. It is popular




By Tomorrow's Sommelier Miguel Martins

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In the Sommelier Wine Shop I like to stock organic wines because I know that many people have stomach issues and these wines are a good alternative. The theme of organic production is undoubtedly a topic that needs to be debated. It is difficult to cover it adequately in this space but I invite all my friends and readers to visit my shop and we can exchange ideas on the subject. Miguel's wine shop is on the Avenida in Lagos. For more information, email:

with the Irish both in Ireland and abroad, and, in spite of a decline in consumption since 2001, is still the best-selling alcoholic drink in Ireland. The company moved its headquarters to London at the beginning of the Anglo-Irish Trade War in 1932. In 1997, it merged with Grand Metropolitan to form the multinational alcoholic drinks producer Diageo. Guinness is frequently used as an ingredient in recipes, often to add a seemingly authentic Irish element to the menus of Irish-themed pubs in the United States, where it is stirred into everything from French toast to beef stew. A popular, authentic, Irish course featuring Guinness is the "Guinness and Steak Pie." The recipe includes many common Irish herbs, as well as beef brisket, cheeses, and a can of Guinness.

Sunday 20 March 2016


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Outdoor... beaked flowers. They produce huge areas of groundcover from a single stem and seem to flow round trees and any other plants they encounter without strangling them. They respond well to trimming and integrate well with new planning.

Gardening au natural By Clive Goodacre

Building a natural garden is the subject for a book, but here are some guidelines that should help your quest: The easiest style to develop is of course to use rocks and gravel landscaped with low mounding shrubs, perennials and architectural plants such as succulents, palms (multi-stemmed give a marvellous large bonsai effect) and trees typically found in Mediterranean climates. A browse through Graham Payne’s essential book Garden Plants for Mediterranean Climates will point you in the right direction.

Lotus berthelotti makes striking groundcover.

When someone recently asked me about making a ‘natural garden’ for a new villa development I jokingly ask them if they want one that predominantly flowers in the spring and turns into a scrub infested dustbowl in the summer! Of course, what they really wanted is something that looks natural with year round interest. This can be surprisingly difficult to achieve; after all, the balance that nature casually displays throughout the Algarve has taken generations to achieve by natural selection. Ironically a site is cleared for a new villa and many owners later want to emulate the original vegetation and any remaining on the other side of the fence. If you want inspiration for a natural rock garden take a walk this spring down to Bordeira beach on the West coast or out on the Sagres promontory. Back at our new plot, the first planning decision is what to do about areas of exposed soil. How to simulate the effect created by years of natural plant debris normally comes down to lots of groundcover - pine bark, stones and pebbles or a combination of these. If you have pine trees then pine needles, ideally put through a shredder, can be used in moderation as they acidify the soil. There are many pros and cons regarding alternative top dressing materials. Tree bark can blow around and end up floating in the swimming pool while also encouraging slugs,




snails and woodlice. Avoid putting it too high up the stems of plants as it may suffocate them – succulents are particularly susceptible to continuous damp and have no natural protection against mildew related diseases. Crushed rock (brita) is widely used, sometimes over a weed supressing membrane, although natural river bed pebbles look best of all and can be used in different combinations of sizes and colours to create the sort of flowing garden design pioneered by Beth Chatto in the UK. A good approach is to lay the mulch before planting – in this way you get a better overview of the landscape, enabling you to easily even up any irregularities and position plants on a blank canvas. You will certainly use fewer plants, while also avoiding burying their stems too deep. You may even prefer a minimalist Zen style garden design with its much easier maintenance. Groundcover plants such as Lampranthus and members of the Mesembryanthemum family should be used with care. They are nature’s survivors and will engulf virtually any surface. Also it is very difficult to remove weeds from groundcover that has a multiple root and stem structure. If you want perfectly behaved groundcover then I highly recommend the two varieties of Lotus that originate from the Canary Islands: L. berthelotii with its ferny grey/green foliage and beak shaped red flowers and L. maculatus which has slightly larger foliage and yellow

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My list, apart from obvious natives like olives, carobs, arbutus and wild palms (Chamaerops humilis) would have to include Teucrium fruticans - a tough bluish/green flowering shrub which can be shaped or left natural. Lavender must also come high on any natural planting list and looks particular natural when planted in drifts under olive trees. Also essential are the daisy-like plants like Felicia, Gazania and Osteospermum which suit both natural and more formal gardens in the Algarve. Bearing in mind they grow naturally in semi-desert areas of southern Africa such as Namqualand, these ‘Cape Daisies’ look perfect in rockery and gravel gardens. Remember, less is definitely more – throughout the year, a single Agave, Yucca or Dracaena draco will visually outperform a group of shrubs or intensive planting of perennials. If your plot is surrounded by open natural land then try and blend it with the outer features of your garden. Finally without getting too precious, making a natural garden is an instinctive thing that requires patience and observation. You will know when it looks right and when it just looks untidy.

Natural planting of Cape Daisies flow through large easy maintenance garden.



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