Tomorrow Lagos - Aljezur September 2017 Edition

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6000 copies FREE to take home September 2017 | Edition 70 |  TomorrowAlgarve


Community Saved by a new skill

Community A man with a pumpkin plan

Community Help us trace a hero

West coast Nuts about Aljezur

What's on Medieval magic Plus much more...



Step into September with us! Well, that was the month that was! My daughter and our editor, Amber, got married at a wonderful family event in Wiltshire and what a lovely and happy day it was. Our very, very best wishes to her and Al. Aside from our family celebrations it has been another busy month in the western Algarve with lots of fun in the air as well as relaxation. We are all expecting September to be another month in the same vein and there are loads of activities on offer at very reasonable prices so that families can enjoy the unique flavours of Portugal. On September 9th Tomorrow has its annual golf day at Espiche Golf Club and, as always, we are expecting a great turnout. It is a Texas Scramble with a Shot Gun start, followed by a charity raffle and BBQ. Please call Pauline Binnie at Espiche on +351 282 688 250 for last minute bookings. You will also see in this month’s magazine what a great event the Medieval Festival in Silves turned out to be with another record attendance. Don’t forget there are still lots of events going on in the Algarve from Alcoutim on the Spanish border to the Autodromo near Portimão, check for more details with the tourist information offices. Tomorrow has now received full charity status with an independent working committee overseeing the fundraising and accounting for the monies used to

support all our local and needy charities. TOMORROW ALGARVE CHARITY TRUST or TACT. Well done to Steven Sutton and Phil Harding for your valuable work in bringing this to a very satisfactory conclusion-not an easy thing to do with the bureaucracy involved! Remember our Christmas Ball is on December 9th at Boavista with João and the Protons. More details soon but you can book early by emailing: May we also remind you of the ever improving Facebook page which now has well over 3000 likes. Please also take a look at our website and recommend it to your friends. Phil Harding and Rebeca Silva make sure that you can get the full magazine online so you don't miss out when you are not in the Algarve: Please contact us at any time, we always hope to be able to report on news, views and events on your behalf. Have a great September. Best wishes, Tom and the whole team Tom Henshaw  +351 919 918 733 Amber Henshaw 

On the cover This stunning photograph was taken at the Silves Medieval Festival which took place last month. Thanks very much to Dave Sheldrake  You can see more photographs on pages 50 and 52.

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+351 919 918 733



Hitting the target BY LENA STRANG

Rui Martins had hit rock bottom when suddenly he discovered something that helped him get his life back on track. Lena Strang went to meet this colourful character with a passion for the sea, sailing and his new love - archery. I’ve already had a chance to see his remarkable short film portraying the maritime symbols decorating the calçada pavements in Lagos that we walk across every day. I know that he has done sailing for the disabled and that he is one of the leading lights on archery in the city. It’s now time to meet the man. Rui Martins has invited me to observe a Sunday morning practice at the designated archery area at the Parque Dr Júdice Cabral, next to the outdoor auditorium by Lagos city walls. The atmosphere is relaxed as a handful of archers of all ages hone their skills, aiming at strategically placed targets on the grassy slopes. Rui gives them a helping hand or an encouraging word every so often. He turns out to be a jovial, slightly thickset man with a mop of unruly black hair, tinged with grey. His approachable manner makes for easy conversation and I sense that his observant eyes take in more than you realise. His enthusiasm for the sport is obvious and he makes


time to talk to me at length. My second encounter with archery is at a regional championship in Lagos where I begin to appreciate the different bows used, including the formidable looking besta or crossbow. However, Rui’s passion is the English Longbow with its long and noble history. More about this later. He is now sporting a welltrimmed beard. “The archery club is participating in the Lagos Medieval Festival and I need to look the part,” he laughs. “We do enactments, promote the sport and let people have a go.” Gradually, I begin to have a clearer idea of the sport and also the man himself. Archery didn’t always take centre stage in his life, as it is a pursuit that he has only taken up in the last few years. It was the sea that first captured his imagination. Born and bred in Lagos, it was the ideal place for him to dabble with boats. In the kitchen of his house situated in the old town of Lagos, near the church of St Sebastian, he built his first boat, at the age of 11. Cost prohibited him from joining the local sailing club so the only alternative was to build one. “I got all the wood and material I needed and set about constructing it, with the kitchen becoming a temporary boatyard,” he explains. “My grandmother kindly donated a heavy bed sheet which I prepared and attached to a mast.” He launched the boat in the river and sailed to Meia Praia beach “feeling that it was the most natural thing in the world.” Most

children would launch little wooden toy boats but Rui went one step further. It was the beginning of his long association with the sea. As an aside, he tells me: “Funnily enough, I have ended up living only 20 metres from the house where I spent my childhood. The street still looks the same although most original inhabitants have moved on, except for an old lady who lives a few doors away.” His employment history turns out to have been rather chequered. Having spent many years working in coffee shops and managing a gourmet bistro, doing a surveyor’s course changed his direction. I know that he left secondary school in the 10th grade having failed maths and chemistry and point out the irony. “Yes, I know,” he laughs, “but I was always good at geometry and drawing. Measuring and doing calculations come naturally to me as I can visualize what I’m doing.” This also explains his early ability to build a boat from scratch. Employed by a large building firm, with offices in the form of three large containers where the present marina reception building now stands by the drawbridge, the team set about constructing the drainage system of Lagos. It runs underneath the main Avenida along the river, with huge valves letting the tidewater in and out. I find it salutary to think of all this work whenever I make my way down the road. Later employment gave him the opportunity to contribute to the development of the marina itself. But first came a set of amazing adventures. Back for a stint in the café and bar business, Rui was one day asked by a client: “Do you want to sail a yacht to Brazil?” He obviously didn't need to mull it over as 24 hours later they set sail. For six weeks he was part of the crew that delivered the boat to Salvador in the north of the country – and loved every minute of it. “It changed my way of life. The peace and tranquillity give you time and space to think. It’s stayed under my skin ever since.” Sailing another boat to the Caribbean a couple of years later proved to be an equally formative experience.

Back in Lagos his connection with boats continued. He worked as Dock Master, ran a Chandler’s shop, skippered tourist boats while off-season concentrating on maintenance of the boats he captained. During this time he also started a project, sailing with disabled people on his specially adapted yacht ‘Lobo do Mar’ (Sea Wolf). The project IPOMAR, playing on: Ir para o mar (Go to sea) provided a unique service. “The aim wasn’t just to have a good day out but to teach people with disabilities to sail a boat,” Rui says. A laudable project by the sound of it. He also met his Dutch wife at the time and had two children. It’s now that archery comes into the picture. His young son had a go after trying it at one of the medieval festivals. Rui accompanied him to the archery club and inevitably became interested himself. This was eight years ago. What could possibly go wrong? His wife returned to Holland with the two children, his job came to an end and shortly after, his father died. “If you are down in life, you think it can't go any further but yes, it can. You only start to rise again when you hit the bottom,” he contemplates.

Photos courtesy of Francisco Castelo.

"The aim wasn’t just to have a good day out but to teach people with disabilities to sail a boat"

I get the distinct feeling that it’s archery that’s given him the necessary fillip to move forward. What is it that attracts him to the sport, I wonder? “The English longbow. Wooden arrows, quiver, belt and gloves that you can make yourself,” is the concise answer. Shortly after he had started archery, he bought his first longbow, decorated the handle with a Turk’s head and inserted a real shark’s tooth in the wood, naming the bow ‘Dentinho de Tubarão’ (Shark’s Tooth). He hasn’t looked back since. He did a number of archery courses, including a Level 2 course with the Portuguese Federation of Archers and Crossbowmen ´FABP´, enabling him to teach archery to others. 


From left to right and top to bottom: Rui Martins at a Medieval Festival; Rui hitting the target; Young archers at a local competition; Maria in action.


From left to right: Rui onboard 'Lobo Do Mar' Courtesy Francisco Castelo; Rui Martins skippering a boat. Photos courtesy of: Francisco Castelo

“I love working with youngsters and helping them improve their skills,” he says. Medieval festivals have also caught his imagination where he can act out the role of archer at the time, dressed in appropriate gear. It is also a good opportunity to promote the sport.

He explains his fascination with the longbow and archery in general. Bows and arrows have been with us since time immemorial, initially used for hunting purposes and as a weapon in battle. “It’s in our genes. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t played with bows and arrows as a child,” he says. “Anyone who starts to shoot, will always come back for more.” The enduring popularity of archery is reflected in ballads and folklore. Who hasn’t heard of Robin Hood of Sherwood fame or William Tell, the expert crossbow marksman and his skill with shooting an apple perched on his son’s head? Greek gods and goddesses such as Cupid, Artemis and Odyssey, were dab hands with their bows and arrows too. The Middle Ages were the golden era of the English Longbow. Traditionally made out of yew, elm or ash and measuring about 1.8m, it decided the outcome of many a medieval battle fought by the English and the Welsh. Because of the enormous success of archers, it was decreed in 1252 that all "citizens, burgesses, free tenants, villeins and others from 15 to 60 years of age" should be armed. The Archery Law in 1363 further ordered compulsory archery practice on Sundays in towns and villages throughout the English kingdom. As it’s believed it was never repealed, I assume there are quite a few who break the law on Sundays! We also know that Dom João I of Portugal had English archers under his command with 200 taking part in the Battle of Aljubarrota in 1385. Because of the advent of firearms in the 16th century, bows and arrows lost their use as a weapon of war. The 18th century saw renewed interest in archery as a recreational sport and by 1900 it was included in the Olympic Games.

Rui explains that archery is a growing sport in the Algarve. The Lagos club ‘GPP (Grupo Popular das Portelas) – Secção de Tiro com Arco e Besta`, has practice sessions regularly and welcomes newcomers. He believes it is a sport for everyone. It doesn’t depend on strength as the weight of bows can be adjusted. He points out that it’s suitable for people with reduced mobility and one of the regulars I’ve spotted at the club is a wheelchair user. Rui has also worked with a woman with spinal problems to find the best shooting position for her. There is a friendly atmosphere at the club and a mix of ages, gender and nationalities. I’ve already come across Finnish born Markku, an experienced archer, who specifically chose Lagos as his home, because of its archery facilities. Then there is 13-year-old Maria who after an impromptu trial session, decided it was the sport for her. Having taken a shine to Rui’s English Longbow and achieving success with it in local competitions, I was told she had the surprise of her life last year. “For Christmas I ordered an English Longbow in her size which arrived just in time. I think Maria was the happiest person on earth that day! She is a natural and is making great headway with her new bow.” The success of his pupils gives Rui obvious pleasure too. When asked about his plans for the future, he becomes wistful. “I have two burning ambitions but no resources to put them into practice,” he says. He would love to re-launch the IPOMAR project teaching disabled people to sail. As the yacht hasn’t been in action for over four years, time and money would be needed to reactivate the project. He also feels there is a place for a professional archery centre in the city offering tuition and organising activities and exhibitions at national Medieval Fairs. He is currently looking into the feasibility of such a centre in Lagos. With all his experience, dedication and infectious enthusiasm Rui has a lot to offer. I do hope his ambitions will be realised.

For more information:   +351 969 140 344



A day in the life…. Every day a team of amazing volunteers turn up at the soup kitchen in Lagos, The Mustard Seed, to help some of the most needy people in our community. One of those people is US-born Christine Smith and here she tells us about a day in her life.

“My name is Christine Smith and I am from Texas. My partner and I have been living in Lagos now for seven months, and absolutely love it. In the states, I worked as a master level social worker specializing in mental health. Before even moving to Lagos I was eager to locate a place I could donate my time and talents. One of the first organisations I approached about volunteering was the Mustard Seed Soup Kitchen. The reason Mustard Seed was appealing to me is because in all my research they were the only organisation I could find that assisted those less fortunate in Lagos. Now seven months later Mustard Seed has become family. Every day is unique and meaningful, but a typical day might look something like this. The alarm clock sounds at 8am, but it doesn’t bother me. I quickly spring from the bed excited to begin my day not only because I am a morning person, but Mustard Seed has given me something to look forward to. As soon as I arrive at the soup kitchen, after the 'good morning' greetings, of course, I discuss with the team what needs to be done. The peers I work with speak Portuguese as their

first language and are limited in their English. I am ashamed to say after seven months my Portuguese is still very basic. The conversations we share have many gestures, google translator assistance, and giggles from the mispronunciations of each other’s language. This is especially hilarious when learning to cook for 40 to 80 people which makes an already challenging task even more difficult. I am very fortunate though, that my colleagues are patient and happy to help further my Portuguese vocabulary. If all else fails, there are some bilingual volunteers who help translate. Based off the food donations we receive we carefully decide what we will serve that day, and start cooking. The soup kitchen runs off donations forcing me to learn to be very conservative with EVERYTHING. As the morning proceeds on, more volunteers arrive to help prepare for our community meal. The doors open for the soup kitchen at 11:30am, welcoming people from all over the world. We try to rotate volunteers through different roles. Sometimes I will serve the food, sometimes I clean the dishes, but I always get to talk to the people. I enjoy all my day, but this is probably my favorite part. We all sit down together to share a meal, and our lives. Some people are just traveling through town, and others have spent their entire lives in Lagos, but they all have an incredible story and gifts to share. After lunch is served we prepare meals for people to take away. For some individuals, the soup kitchen provides the only food they will eat that day. Again, this is where we must be conservative, nothing is wasted. We then spend the afternoon cleaning and sterilizing the kitchen to be prepared for the next shift to do it all over again.”

If you would like to make a donation to the Mustard Seed please contact Tom from Tomorrow on  +351 919 918 733 or email  If you would like to tell us about a day in your life then please email our editor 



Searching for a surfer hero

Dane plans to expand exotic exports BY LEN PORT

Danish entrepreneur Brian Knudsen is pioneering a project to transform wastelands in the Lagoa area to produce fresh crops for export to northern Europe. The project started last year when Brian secured a 15-year lease on a long-abandoned, state-owned experimental agriculture site southwest of the town. This March, Brian harvested and sent northward his first Lagoa crop: 15 tonnes of the snack peas so beloved in Denmark. Since then and on the same 12-hectare site he has produced 150,000 kg of butternut squash and dispatched huge truckloads of pumpkins for the Dutch and UK markets. Never before have crops like this been grown in Lagoa for export. And this is just the start. Brian is now looking to lease or buy much more land amid the sprawling tracts around Lagoa that have lain unproductive for decades. He says that because the climate and soils in the Lagoa area are ideal for growing fresh produce in big demand in northern Europe, he is now looking for up to 40 more hectares. He is seeking deals with private

owners, preferably for land with access to Silves reservoir water channels, or where boreholes could be drilled to tap into underground sources. Meanwhile, he has 15,000 more pumpkins steadily growing for ripening around Halloween time at the end of October. Special events are envisaged so that local children and families can come and pick their own pumpkins for Halloween celebrations. Educating groups of children about the nature of agriculture and farming methods is high on Brian's agenda once his sowing and picking schedules both in Portugal and Denmark have settled down a bit. He also wants to steadily progress towards organic production, focusing still on snack peas, pumpkins and squash, but introducing onions and other crops deemed to be particularly healthy and increasingly in demand. “We see a very bright future here,” says 40-year-old Brian, who still regularly travels to Denmark where he has similar business interests. He is planning to sell up there, however, and focus exclusively on the Algarve. He and his Danish wife and their two children have been living in the Lagoa area since 2010 and this is where they intend to stay.

For more information:   +351 912 507 693

Read more from Len at 


A Canadian man who was on holiday in Lagos in July is trying to make contact with a have-a-go hero who saved one of his sons from drowning. Michael Wasacz is appealing for the surfer who helped his son to come forward so he can thank him. The incident happened on Dona Ana beach on July 4th. In an email appeal, Michael said: “When we got to Dona Ana Beach the waves were high but my three boys wanted to go in. I warned them about the riptide but two of them were pulled out. It happened so quickly. I went after them and managed to get a hold of one. The other was swept away. I thought I had lost him. “When I was helped back to safety my wife was screaming that they had him. I could not believe it. It was a miracle! My son was on a surf board and was saved,” he added. Michael said a surfer had rescued him just before he went under. He added: “I have never been so grateful in all of my life but I could not thank him properly because he was back to the surf a soon as he had seen my son to safety. This man is a true hero and thought nothing of what he had done.” Michael said he believed the surfer seemed to be local and that he wanted to try to track this man down. He said that he wanted to try to tell the surfer how much he appreciated what he had done. “I have my son safely back here in Montreal because of him.”

If you think you know who helped Michael’s son then please email him on  or us 




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Overcoming anxiety One cold wintery London night Andrew Vincent, a psychotherapist specializing in addictions had an epiphany. He suddenly realised that the weather was not conducive to help people deal with their demons. He and his wife, Sally, already had a villa in the Algarve and decided to move lock, stock and barrel. Along with their multidisciplinary team Sally and Andrew have been helping people at their English language recovery centre in the Algarve, for the last 10 years. On arriving at the aptly named Nova Vida Recovery Centre, I am surprised that there are no outward signs that the pleasant pink-hued villa is anything other than a normal property. As I walk in it feels like a home and not a clinic. As I settle down in a comfy armchair in the study I ask Andrew more about the move to the Algarve. “At that time, I was in private health care and I saw the emphasis was on profit and not on the individual patient and I wanted to find an environment which would help the recovery process.” Alcoholism and addiction have been accepted as a disease since the mid-1950s in the USA but there is less acceptance in the UK. Since 2015 the diagnostic criteria used by doctors to diagnose this illness has been renamed “chemical use disorder” or “alcohol use disorder,” however, Andrew tells me that many medical practitioners in the UK still do not treat it as such. This is in contrast to the US and Holland where it has been accepted as a medical condition and treatment can be covered by health insurance programmes.



The majority of Andrew's patients are there to recover from alcohol addiction although increasingly they are dealing with more and more business people or professionals suffering from burn-out. It is a surprise to me that around a fifth of their patients are airline pilots, who are being sent to the centre to recover from stress or anxiety also termed as “burnout”. I ask them to define this and he tells me; “It is when there are too many demands on an individual and not enough resources – both within the person and the organization. It normally affects diligent people who push themselves too far and eventually, it can be likened to when a blown fuse in the head.” The centre has worked with a major Asian airline, as well as other European airlines, to help pilots who are struggling to cope with the demands of the job. Following the German wings tragedy when co-pilot Andreas Lubitz was accused of deliberately crashing the plane after suffering from depression, there has been increasing pressure on airlines to monitor their pilots. “Budget airline pilots are particularly susceptible;” says Andrew, “they have challenging shift patterns and this causes a lot of pressure on their bodies and minds.” The centre focuses on individual care to suit each patient using a combination of group therapy and one-to-one sessions which can help people get through eating disorders, drug or alcohol addictions, sex addiction or gambling problems as well as other emotional disorders. Looking out over the villa's pool from its elevated position over the Loule countryside you can imagine why people would choose this place to help them recover. 


For addicts, the 28-day programme begins with a detox, medically supervised by a doctor and a 24-hour nurse. This is particularly important for alcoholics who can have seizures when they stop drinking.

Nova Vida offers equine psychotherapy with a special therapist, Andrew explains; “Horses have a similar emotional system to people and for those patients that find it hard to talk about their issues we can pick up on their anxieties through the way they behave with the horse. So not all therapies come from talking.” They also offer Tai Chi, mindfulness practise and they have a nutritionist. Sally feels that a particularly successful part of the therapy is the family sessions where the patients are joined by a loved one where and they to rebuild the damage that has been done to relationships through their addictions. They can also inform families on the facts about the illness and open new lines of communication. Sally tells me; “They need the support as much as the patient. We can also tell them how they should behave when the patient returns home and help them to rebuild their family life.” This treatment does not come cheap though and would be unaffordable to many at €14,000 for the 28-day treatment, although Andrew, who used to work in the famous Priory, tells me their prices are now £1000 per day, so it is good value in comparison. Whenever they can Nova Vida try to help those who cannot afford the full fees. The reason that anxiety, stress and depression is so closely linked to addiction is that in many cases the cause of the addiction is underlying mental health problems that the patient tries to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs. The root of the problem needs to be found before recovery can happen. James Arthur is a regular on Algarve radio playlists but he is now a spokesperson for mental health problems and confesses his battle with anxiety has led him to drink and drugs in the past. He is quoted as telling Digital Spy: “Anxiety can be so crippling. It can make you feel like you can't take another step, or that you're going to fall over, or you might die. It's so taboo and the average person, they don't really know anything about it because we're not taught it at school. Education around mental health is still in its infancy." Andrew tells me; “Performers or those in the public eye, can suffer particularly from anxiety and stress because they are under the pressure of performing and being scrutinised under a lens.” The centre mainly receives its clients from word of mouth or

referrals from Doctors. “We are in an ideal location here;” says Sally, “We are a two-and-a-half hour flight from most major European cities so we receive patients from all over the world. It is incredible to see the difference in people from when we pick them up at the airport to when they leave. I sometimes wish we could take before and after pictures. We today received an email from a former patient telling us he has just had his second child which would never have happened without our help as his marriage would not have survived. Stories like that make it all worthwhile.” I want to know why anxiety and depression are becoming so much more prevalent today. Is it just that it is being talked about more or is there more of it around? Andrew thinks the problem is growing and it is being contributed to by a number of factors such as social media and new mobile technology; “Professionals often feel they have to be available 24/7 on their phones or email and this can become overwhelming.” Fortunately, this problem is now being addressed. Volkswagen in Germany switched off its Blackberry emails following pressure from trade unions. Under the arrangement, servers stop routeing emails 30 minutes after the end of employees' shifts, and then start again 30 minutes before they return to work. France also gave employees the right to disconnect from emails after working hours. Andrew thinks this is a positive step forward towards improving mental health. However it is likely that with the pressures associated with modern work conditions there will be a continued need for the care that Andrew and Sally offer; “We called this centre Nova Vida because it gave us a new life and a new start and we can do the same for our patients;” says Sally. “We never stop caring for our patients, we are there for them for their whole life so they can always contact us should they need us. We love doing what we do, it is a joy to give people the help they need.” The centre offers outpatient treatment for those that live in the Algarve and they also have therapists specializing in relationship counselling and specialist outpatient care for young adults. Let´s hope that the more we hold a magnifying glass up to mental health issues and talk about them, the more people will feel that they can talk about their problems and seek help from dedicated people that try to help them like Andrew and Sally and their team.

For more information:   +351 919357186 


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Lagos TV star Ever wondered what it’s like to be on TV? Well, Teresa Lynch, who now runs London Tiger Coffee in Lagos, and her sister found out when they were asked to take part in a ‘A Place in the Sun’. Here, Teresa gives us the inside story. “In April 2012, my sister, Beccy and I decided at the last minute to visit the A Place in the Sun Live exhibition in London. I had been thinking about buying a retirement home in the Western Algarve for some time and wanted to talk to experts in Portuguese conveyancing. While there, we did a `screen test´ for the show and by May we had spoken to researchers, had a home visit which involved some filming in London, and were installed in a family hotel near Porto de Mós with a small production team getting ready to film. Why did they pick us? After all we were just two ladies of a certain age doing our well-rehearsed `Mutt and Jeff act´ for the cameras. Well, I don´t know about you, but the one thing I don´t like about the show is the frequency with which the potential purchasers just look like they have no intention of buying. We inferred from the frequency with which both the researchers and the crew asked if I was ready to buy and could move quickly, that they too saw this as an issue. I think we got the gig because at one point I looked straight at the camera and said: `This time next year I will own a flat in the Algarve´. We were warned that the days we were filming would be very long and to this end the hotel had been asked to bring

breakfast forward to allow us to be out and on the road by 7.30 or 8am most days. Also, although we filmed over four days, we had to wear the same two outfits for continuity purposes; this meant Beccy and I rinsing out what we had worn on Monday to wear on Tuesday, and that worn on Wednesday to wear on Thursday, then back to Monday´s again for some pick-ups. Early starts, long days and hand washing in a hotel bathroom made the week far from relaxing; however, what we lost in rest we gained in insight into the programme making process. The budget was very tight, as I expect it is for all these shows, and the team was small: one producer, one director, one assistant producer, a camera man, and a sound man. We had two vehicles: a van and a car, and our presenter was Sara Damergi on her first programme for the series. Having one camera meant we had to do many things a minimum of twice: once for the long shots and once for the close-ups, like opening and closing kitchen cupboards. Beccy and I had never done anything like this before and Sara was new to the show, so sometimes we did things five or six times, and memorably, the first shot as we walked through the door of the first apartment we had to do 10 times. This was tiring and we were all tired. The director´s

exhortation at the end of the long days was `A little more energy please ladies´. The thing to remember is that A Place in the Sun is not an estate agent service, this meant that although I had said that the only thing that mattered to me was the sea view, they took me to one place in Luz with virtually no view and one place in Barão de São Miguel where even the river beside the house was dry 10 months of the year, let alone it having sight of the sea. It was when I saw an apartment in Lagos which had a roof terrace looking over other rooftops down across the town towards Meia Praia that I realized I didn´t have to live at the beach in Burgau or Luz and could have all the amenities of town with a great outlook as well. I didn´t buy anything we viewed on the show, but five months later I bought an apartment on the Avenida with a balcony and roof terrace with a view out towards the ocean. I loved our time filming the show, it really helped me to decide what I wanted, and I love having the record of Beccy and me trailing through all those properties. Going round Burgau also brought us full circle as we had spent some lovely family holidays there.

For more information:   Rua Marreiros Neto, Lagos



10 minutes with… Amanda Foo-Ryland Yorkshire-born Amanda, 50, is the founder of life coaching company Your Life Live It. She lives near Carvoeiro. We caught up with her to talk fundraising, food and living life to the fullest… How did you end up in Portugal? I’m originally from Halifax in Yorkshire, but I came to Portugal back in 2002 with my late husband, Keith. We really loved the climate, the people and the food. I re-married in Portugal last year and my wife, Sarah, and I split our time between our home near Carvoeiro and Queenstown, New Zealand. What is your professional background? I have worked in human development for over 30 years, starting at the age of 19 as a trainer at Estée Lauder and ending up as director of education at Clinique, looking after their European, Middle Eastern and African markets. Then, at the age of 35, I retrained as a coach; I now have a doctorate in clinical hypnosis and am qualified to train others. I started working on my own after finishing my studies in 2005 but I could only help so many people, so I decided to license my brand - that is how Your Life Live It started. I now work with a team of 18 coaches worldwide.

Can you explain Your Life Live It? We are a group of like-minded coaches who help people of all ages and backgrounds to live a full and vibrant life. If life is not going the way you want it, or you have a fear, phobia or habit that is holding you back, we can help. We use techniques including neurolinguistic programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy and hypnosis to help people make changes easily and fast, with long-lasting results. To date we have helped thousands of people to live a life that is full and has purpose. What common problems do you deal with? Many clients come to us to help them find their way; they may be depressed, have a phobia such as a fear of flying, or have simply become stuck in a rut. Stress and anxiety are common problems too. The great thing is that clients don’t need to have appointment after appointment; the common number of sessions is three. We work both face-to-face and online, but mainly the latter.

What do you do in your spare time? I run, cycle and do crazy challenges; in 2008 I ran across Portugal in seven days, and last year Sarah and I cycled from the French Alps to York. In 2018 we are cycling from Carvoeiro to Chester to raise funds in memory of my mother in law, Doreen. We sadly lost her three weeks before we married. She was a lecturer in nursing at Chester and Perth W.A universities, and a scholarship has been set up in her name. Our goal is to raise AUS$ 100,000 to help fund the education of students who would otherwise not be able to afford to study, so they can go on to save lives. You can support us on Facebook: @daughterspride. What do you love about living in the Algarve? The climate, coastline, people, food, relaxed pace, sea… what is there not to love?   @yourlifeliveit 

Local loves: Amanda’s favourite…

Cheap eat restaurant The food at Pintadinho, on the beach of the same name, is amazing - it’s so fresh. Three generations work there and they take good care of their guests.  ‘Restaurante Pintadinho’

Sunset drinks spot Sitting on the new roof at King of the Beach, Praia do Caneiros, overlooking the ocean is the perfect place to sip on a cold G&T. 


Local shop G-Ride in Portimão. As keen cyclists we just love bike shops, and this one has everything we need. Ana and the team look after us so well. 


Big hair, big heart, big personality


Instantly recognisable with his characteristic big hair, Beta Kalulu celebrates 45 years in the music industry with the launch of his newly recorded CD which is an ambitious project by any standards. The man under the hair and behind the music was born 1948 in Matosinhos, Oporto, the eldest son and second youngest of seven children of construction carpenter Manuel Gomes da Silva and Maria Albertina Alves Vienna who was actually from Vienna. In 1951, during a time of high unemployment in Portugal and spurred on by encouragement from the Portuguese Government, Manuel took his family to live in Luanda, Angola. At that time, Angola was transitioning from colonial to provincial status. The struggle for independence continued throughout the fifties, sixties and into the seventies with three main factions vying for power. The discovery of petroleum in 1955, together with the boom in industrial growth and the economy during the sixties generated a reluctance from Portugal to let Angola go and led to the authorities arresting over 100 antagonists, including Agostinho Neto of the MPLA (future President of Angola 1975–1979), in 1952 and again in 1955 for his involvement in the Portuguese Communist Party. Against this political backdrop, Beto and his six


siblings grew into a diverse family with only Beto showing any true interest in music. Constantly tapping out rhythms on any surface available, he was eventually persuaded to tap it out on a drum set, handmade by a friend. Joining a group called Brotolãndia and later, forming The Windies, Beto’s renowned style and apt personality for fronting a band (unusual for a percussionist who is more traditionally found at the back) began to evolve and flourish. In 1972, wanderlust got the better of Beto who travelled firstly to Lisboa then venturing to the Algarve where upon he decided to hitch hike to London. Friends seemed reluctant to join in his adventure but he was totally at ease with accepting rides in all manner of vehicles and sometimes sleeping rough. Clutching a slip of paper containing the address of a friend living in Finchley Park, he made his way across Europe to North London, arriving late in the evening, to find no one was home. Unperturbed, he headed towards the enticing sounds of music emanating from a nearby flat where a party was in full swing. Gate crashing, Beto’s affable personality and big hair quickly secured him a warm welcome and a place to lay his head over night, albeit on the kitchen table! Beto credits his big hair for his fortune and during his time in London it generated substantial interest, inspiring many random conversations and invitations. He had a good grasp of the English language but even the most fluent speakers can be misunderstood as he recalls: “hey man what’s your secret?” “you wanna cigarette, I don’t smoke”, “no man, your secret, I want your secret” this was yet another question alluding to ‘Beto’s barnet’ and not a request for a cigarette! Beto quickly got a job in a Wimpey Bar, “it was so easy, I loaded the dish washer, I unloaded the dishwasher, I tapped out rhythms on each and every surface and I got to eat,” Later, tapping out rhythms 

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in a local pub won him an audition. I planned to be in London for one month but I stayed seven.

In 1973, Beto returned to his family home in Luanda. In 1974 came the Carnation Revolution leading to further political unrest as Angola struggled to find its feet; the divisions and inequality between the rich and the poor widened. The natural resources of Angola included diamonds, oil and coffee which made for rich pickings and the inevitable power skirmishes and violence. Wisely returning to Portugal in 1975, Beto was determined to carve out a future in music. He progressed from drums to all kinds of percussive instruments and has developed a distinctive style encompassing a fusion of Afro sounds with Latin, Jazz, Funk and Rock-pop. The influences of Angolan and Algarvean sunshine and beaches can be heard in his compositions and his energy and enthusiasm is mesmerising. As well as beating out rhythms, Beto is often invited to be the vocalist in a number of bands and has audiences joining in with his best known numbers including: Praia de Carvoeiro and Mama Makudilê. He is able to read an audience and brings an enormous sense of fun to his performances. He doesn’t like to cover other people’s work, preferring to write his own, sometimes rearranging popular early compositions to add a fresh nuance. He travelled to Grenoble in 1982 with a band called Kikanta; they planned to stay one month but stayed seven. In 1983, he travelled to Berlin with a band called Voa Bongonsso; they planned to stay one month but, yes you’ve guessed it, they stayed seven!

Having never learned to read music Beto passionately believes that it is not always necessary, he explains that he uses his ears and his heart, “music is something I feel not read and I rarely perform a composition the same way twice”. This year he committed himself heart and soul to an ambitious project which brings together over forty accomplished guest artists, in varying formats, to record a mix of rearranged, well established compositions and seven brand new works for his CD celebrating 45 years in music. Working with lyricists, song writers, instrumentalists and national and international singers including: Dany Silva (Cape Verde), Fernando Girão (Angola) Costa Neto (Mozambique), Sílvia Nazário (Brazil), and the legendary Howie Casey, saxophonist with Wings and Paul Mccartney. Beto is very excited to be in the recording studio with such legends and has the collaboration of world renowned Enzo d'Aversa, producer and arranger, who has been coordinating and directing. The CD will be on general release autumn 2017 but pre-orders are available along with other enticements at Beto’s ‘crowd-funding’ site: A well-known local figure, Beto has lived in Carvoeiro with his wife Ana and 39-year-old son Tomé for more than 30 years and has certainly become a much loved and enjoyable Algarve character.

Beto Kalulu can be found on Facebook and Youtube,  +351 964 284 015 

Do you speak Algarvian? Here is a second article of Algarve expressions. These are of equal significance in the Algarve region. Diéb – This means devil. It is used to demonstrate outrage towards someone. Usually used as follows: Té diéb.

hit someone else.

time to do something.

Alvariade – Someone who does not pay attention to anything.

Apoquentar – Means being upset or worried about something.

Bela-luísa – The Algarve is the only place that names lemon verbena tea this way.

Dar vaia– or dar de vaia. Also used when the Algarvian people intend to get someone's attention..

à babuja – Means by the water's edge

Machinha – Mixture of the word hand with full and it means just that, handful.

Caguifo/a – This expression is used to designate fear of somebody or something.

Cachaporrada –Usually used to threaten to

Empachade – Someone who takes a lot of

bezaranha - This means wind.


Maline – Bad, stubborn, evil person or animal This article came from Mar d'Estórias and for more information about this wonderful shop, cafe / bistro, art gallery and bar-terrace that promotes Portuguese culture go to


Top tip - Chip Shot – SW For all you golfers or would-be golfers out there Espiche Golf Club’s professional Ethan Shaw shares some top tips to improve your game.

Set-Up: Stand with your heels nearly touching but point your left toes to the left (10to1 on a clock face). The ball can be middle to back of your stance but this can vary for the height you wish to achieve. Place your hands infront of the golf ball and stand with 60-70% of your weight on your LEFT LEG.

Backswing: The key points during the backswing are keeping the weight on your left side as you tilt your left shoulder to the ground.

Downswing: ROTATE, ROTATE and ROTATE! Rotation of the lower body during the downswing helps the upper body to rotate, allowing the arms to stay straight through the impact area.

This will move the club on the correct arc around your body as your arms stay very straight and your wrists do not hinge/ bend (Radial Deviation).

Keep the left wrist from extending and the handle of the club will be in front of the ball at impact – perfect!

Follow-Through: Even though we have already hit the ball, sometimes thinking about this part of the swing can be very helpful. In my experience asking students to finish the swing with the arms straight, body rotated enough with your belt buckle facing your target and with your belly button closer to your target than your nose, helps achieve all the key points we have spoken about.

Birdie package Espiche is offering a 20% discount in September for our readers. The package includes four 30-minute sessions over the course of seven days. Working on Pitching and Chipping. Be comfortable with basic chip shots from the side of the green, to high risk lob shots you wouldn’t ever dream of attempting! 1-1 Tuition, €149

For more details please contact Espiche: 

Have you got your teddy? You may recognise this little guy from the cover of our July issue - yes, it’s Tom the Tomorrow teddy! Named in honour of Tomorrow founder Tom Henshaw the smaller, fluffier and (some would say) cuter Tom is available to buy now. All the profits from the sale of each

and every teddy will go straight to the Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust (TACT), through which we support local charitable organisations such as the soup kitchen and the Lagos children’s home. The plan is to launch a new Tomorrow teddy every year, each with its own name and look, so be sure to get your hands on this special first edition. Over 50 have

been snapped up and shipped out to new families so far - don’t delay in getting yours! They are priced at just €15 each and can be ordered by contacting Steven. And we want to keep tabs on all our teddies, so be sure to send us a snap of you together. We may even print those sent from the most impressive locations around the Algarve - or even the globe!

Steven:  +351 919 185 677   @TomorrowAlgarve



Dogs that change lives Three years ago Gail Skinner, who lives near Lagos, had news that changed her life forever. She was diagnosed with a chronic degenerative autoimmune disease with a life expectancy of just 10 to 15 years. Here she tells us how having Key, a medical alert assistance dog helped her cope. “It's scary how quickly your life can change. One day you’re an active, sporty, independent person and in the blink of an eye it all changes forever. I had a normal life before being diagnosed, I rode my beautiful horses every day, took long walks with my pack of dogs and had a very stressful full-time job then the unexpected happened. I collapsed in a restaurant. The ambulance guys insisted on taking me to hospital and that was the day my life changed forever.

He has been trained to activate a Guardian SOS fob and remain with me until help arrives should I collapse. This is an amazing system with a tracking device and communication feature that enables the service provider to send the relevant emergency services.

As you can imagine I was beyond devastated, my world fell apart. I was not allowed to ride my horses again as I have a high risk of getting a brain haemorrhage, walking with the dogs became a struggle as I fought against the constant debilitating pain and chronic fatigue. The medication prescribed to keep me alive and kicking caused massive weight gain, hallucinations, depression, anxiety, aggression and insomnia (Great joy).

Key helps me around the house on a daily basis by fetching and carrying things, turning lights on and off, opening and closing doors and even helping me remove socks, shoes and jackets. He even collects the other dogs' bowls and brings them to me so I can dish up, which they are all very appreciative of!

So what to do?? Curl up on the sofa and wait out my hopefully 15 years plus or fight? Being the tough African girl that I am - fight it was. I was and still am determined to beat this. I was driving one day and must have been about to pass out when my Podengo, Fig released her safety belt and started pulling at my elbow which woke me up and enabled me to pull into the services avoiding a situation which doesn´t bear thinking about. Unfortunately Fig was unable to qualify as an Assistance Dog. But Key a rescued Border Collie pup came on the scene and stepped up to the plate. Even as a young puppy he was different, relaxed and calm, taking everything in his stride. He underwent intensive training to become a fully qualified assistance dog. Key is a medical alert dog which means that he alerts me when things are not as they should be. Key "reads" my blood levels through his sense of smell he is able to pick up differences in the levels and alerts me to this so I can adjust the medication and take preventative action such as sitting down and relaxing. He gives me a window of about half an hour and he will continue alerting until I take action. When I forget to take my medication Key knows and at home he will bring me the medication and a cup and water. If we are out he will alert until I take the medication and then he will settle down.

We have travelled through Europe to the UK via coaches, taxis, trains and planes. Key took everything in his stride, as though he had done it hundreds of times. On the plane he curled up in the foot space and remained there the entire flight, the passengers sitting next to us had no idea he was on board until we landed and he poked his head up to see what was happening next. My life has changed a lot since being diagnosed. It has however made me realize just how important dogs are in our lives, how they can help, how they are always there to listen and are never judgmental. Key is with me through the dark times and the good times, he cheers me up when I'm down, he makes me slow down when I'm doing too much, he keeps me company on my many hospital visits and above all he is an amazing dog who is my best friend and lifeline, he has given me back my independence and confidence. Together we can tackle anything. Having Key in my life motivated me to qualify as an Assistance Dog Trainer and I am now also the Vice Chairperson of Alertalegria Associacão de Cães de Assistencia Internacional (Association of Dogs of International Assistance) and currently have a young dog in training to hopefully become an assistance dog to help someone in need." If you would like to find out more, the association does presentations to educate people about these amazing assistance dogs. Contact Gail by email at

Dog Emporium Assistance Dogs in Porches  +351 282 343 491 / 917 758 404 



Top tips in hunting season BY SIMON MOULSON

Hunting season is now underway here in Portugal and I just wanted to share a few top tips for dog walkers. The season goes on until the end of February so there are some of the signs to look out for.

Municipal hunting designate area

Hunting allowed only with land owners consent

Hunting is prohibited

Simple tips if you do find yourself out in a hunting area whilst walking your dog: - Make a noise, make your presence known. - Put your dog on a lead and keep them under control and safe. It maybe that your dog is attracted to any shot game that is yet to be collected. - Wear bright clothes when walking or carry a high visibility vest for yourself and your dog and put them on where necessary. - Stay on the main tracks and don't venture off into the trees etc. - Walk quickly but calmly out of the area.

Diplomatic Ramblings BY DOUG MCADAM As British Ambassador based in minerals-rich Kazakhstan in the late nineties my principal function was commercial. Britain’s main interests were oil and gas related, e.g. British Gas the major stakeholder in the massive gas production enterprise in Uralsk state in north-west Kazakhstan and BP a stakeholder in an even larger oil production project in Atyrau state in west Kazakhstan. Both companies were keen that I got to know the state governors in the hope that I could help iron out local difficulties. So I made the point of visiting said governors and the companies’ projects soon after my arrival and during the course of my posting got to know them both pretty well. A major annual event is the Kazakhstan International Oil and Gas Exhibition (KIOGE) – Kazakhstan has proven reserves of billions of tons of oil and of oil equivalent in gas. On two occasions I led British service company missions to west and northwest Kazakhstan where I was able to open doors to the governors and other decision makers and to negotiate access to the oil and gas projects down there. This entailed hiring a small jet (aptly named a Yak – and almost as slow!) because of the vast distances and involved a journey of several days which included intensive tours and briefing. During one of these tours the governor of Atyrau state invited me to return alone so that he could show me around personally. I duly took him up on this and since during our earlier discussions I had mentioned my interest in fishing he decided I should see for myself caviar harvesting and processing which, like oil, was so vital for his state’s economy. This entailed setting off down the river Ural towards the nearby Caspian Sea in his luxurious motor cruiser (rumours about its provenance were rife!) and we spent several hours on a moored factory boat where I was encouraged to separate caviar through a mesh strip for myself. The staff explained at length the value to Atyrau State of the beluga caviar industry and the problems of poaching both in the


Caspian Sea and up the Ural River where the sturgeon gathered in vast numbers. On the boat he had foregathered about a dozen local political and industrial figures for a working lunch with me. After an enjoyable but exhausting vodka-laden lunch the Governor and I set off alone in a small boat down the river to the Caspian Sea. I was looking forward to a vodka-free couple of hours until the Governor inevitably produced a bottle of vodka and glasses! On our way back to the factory ship we stopped by some Austrians who were fishing for sturgeon and the Governor persuaded them to lend me a rod. Almost immediately I hooked a sturgeon of around 15 kilos (image) which the Governor personally helped me drag into the boat before releasing it. I then hooked a massive fish which we had to release outside the boat as it was too heavy to try to lift – ancient sturgeon can weigh up to 900 kilos. I had the difficult task on my return to Almaty of persuading my wife that the bruising in my groin area really had been caused by the fishing rod while fighting the heavy fish without a harness! When we returned to the factory boat the Governor had laid on a musician – and more vodka – and it was with some relief that we eventually returned to Atyrau where I retired immediately to my hotel room. The Deputy Governor was supposed to be taking me out for the evening but I respectfully declined. When the Governor saw me off at the airport the following day he presented me with half a dozen small tins of caviar – complete with certificate of origin – saying that the caviar in the tins was what I had separated on the boat. Our official dinner guests were able to sample the fruits of my labours for the next few weeks. Doug retired to the Algarve 13 years ago after 43 years in the Foreign Office


Super skaters in Lagos Hundreds of inline skaters congregated in Lagos in July to compete in the European Championships. Three days on the 200m banked track in Lagos, two days on a road course by the Marina in Lagos, and finished with a 42km marathon round the race circuit at the Autodromo, Algarve. Dic Scrivens, whose sons are skaters, looks back at the event. When it came to track hopes were high for a medal here for Portugal, with Diogo Marreiros and Martyn Dias ready to fight on their home track. Unfortunately it was not to be. Italy came away with 38 medals in total, France with 28 and Belgium with 10. Portugal did win one bronze with a fine display of skating in the Junior A Boys 3km Relay. Two local boys from Lagoa, Miguel Bravo and Pedro Rebelo, and Antonio Freitas from Madeira. Diogo Marreiros had to be content with three fourth places, a difficult pill to swallow on his home track. The road course had been set at 420 metres in the car park of the school near the marina. At first glance it looked like a go kart track with tight turns and technical sections, all designed to sort the men from the boys. And it did. Fast and tight racing. Exciting in every way. It was a bit of a change of fortune here for the Portuguese, and the home supporters. An individual bronze medal in the 10km points race for the Junior A skater from Madeira, Antonio Freitas. An early solo break gave him the points he needed, and then supported to the end by his team mate Miguel Bravo. There was also a silver medal for the senior men in a hard fought and thrilling 5km relay. Pipped at the post by less than one tenth of a second. Overall in the medal tables, Italy were again victorious with 34 medals, France second with 23, and third, was Spain with 13.

All photos courtesy of Dic Scrivens

Finally, there was the marathon. Run at the Autodromo Algarve circuit, on a very windy, and ultimately cold evening. First went the Junior A Boys, and one minute later the Junior A Girls (Junior B not


being permitted to run the marathon). A winning time for a marathon would have been anywhere around 1 hour 5 minutes for the boys on a flat course with less wind, but in these conditions it was never going to be a record. Finishing in 1 hour 46 minutes for the ladies and 1 hour 23 for the boys. Senior ladies was a similar story, finishing in 1 hour 22 with Manon Kamminga from the Netherlands beating the Italian star, Francesca Lollobridgida by 0.04 of a second. World Champion Marathon skater Bart Swings from Belgium could not beat the wind and cold, but still managed victory in the senior men’s marathon finishing in 1 hour 7 minutes, the first five finishers separated by less than one second. Exciting stuff in all the age groups. Most of the top skaters have now also competed in the World Games in Poland which were held in August. Here there were diverse events from roller speed skating through to trampoline and bowling, orienteering and many more sports not included at Olympic competition. September sees all the top skaters again in action in China, where the World Roller games will be held, again inline speed skating is a major attraction. Organisation for the Europeans was difficult, long and extremely hard work. Special mention has to go to Snr. Marco Cardoso, president of Roller Lagos, and Prof. Paulo Batista, for their amazing and tireless efforts. Nobody knows if they slept at all that week, but everything that needed to be done was done. This would not have been possible without the support of the Lagos Câmara, and all the volunteers that helped. Moving forward, Great Britain has three hopefuls for next year’s competitions, both at the Eurocup events, in their own team, and the European Championships as Team GB, in Belgium. Bobby Ball from Essex Inline Skaters, Trystyn Scrivens, from Roller Lagos, and Samuel Morris from AS Co in Italy. All are British, but not necessarily living in Great Britain. Next year, all three will be running in a team, Bont Project UK, designed to give them the experience of racing together as a team, in preparation for the European Championships. Whilst 2018 may prove difficult to reach the podium, 2019 is looking very promising. Look out for them on Facebook and Instagram soon.


Pals through pétanque

Steve Scott & Jorge, Winners Of The Previous Competition


West Coast expats are forming strong bonds and links with the local Portuguese residents with the aim of creating a totally integrated community. And one of the ways they are doing this is by running an annual petanca (the Portuguese name for boules or pétanque) competition in conjunction with the Associação Petanca Vale da Telha. Local community association Amovate, which has a mostly estrangeiro (immigrant) committee and membership, is behind the initiative, aimed at reaching out to the Portuguese population to cement friendships between the communities. Committee member Steve Scott, one of the prime motivators behind the initiative, has once again organised the competition, to take place on September 2nd at Amovate’s HQ, known as The Old School House. Vale da Telha is an important staging point for the sport and the area has held national and regional petanca championships in the past. One of the Associação Petanca Vale da Telha members, Martia Clara dos Santos Rosa is a former national champion, whilst she and her club partner Leonor Marreiros also won bronze in another national finals. The National Federação Portuguesa de Petanca is even located on the Algarve, its HQ being in São Brás de Alportel. In 2000 they organised the Pétanque World Cup, and each year the federation holds about 70 events, including the Portuguese national championship and the Portugal national cup competition. Steve smiled: “I suppose we could have challenged our Portuguese friends to a game of cricket, but we felt it was important to immerse ourselves into their culture. And as petanca is so popular here and in the Portuguese psyche it seemed more appropriate to play them at their chosen sport. “The growing bonds between locals and expats is now so strong that 15 months ago under the stewardship of their president, Antonio Ramos, the Associação Petanca Vale da Telha moved into our own headquarters at the Old School House and shares the building with us. “Working together we have created a petanca playing area across what was the car park, an area which used to get flooded

and is now smoothed out and cordoned off. “There is now the possibility to play on all areas within the Amovate grounds. Antonio prepares it all for playing and marks out the areas with lanes for each game.” Steve believes this petanca partnership has broken down any barriers that could have existed between the locals and the incomers if the two communities had kept their distance from each other. “We firmly believe that rather than expats gravitating together which does seem to happen a lot, it is especially important that expats integrate with the Portuguese in some way or another. “We are living in their country and they are very friendly and welcoming people,” he pointed out. “Just by being able to communicate with basic words makes it all worthwhile, and the Portuguese do appreciate it when they see us making the effort. Antonio does not speak any English—and nor should he have to— but I do not have any real issue communicating with him generally. “Our partnership through petanca is certainly bearing fruit because everyone throws themselves into these events with a huge amount of enthusiasm”. The Petanca Competition staged by Amovate and the Associação Petanca Vale da Telha takes place on Saturday September 2nd, at the Amovate Headquarters, the Old School House in Vales. Steve explained: “The difficulty was how to organise the competition so that fun could be had by all, rather than involving the total annihilation of the novice expats due to the expertise of the Portuguese who are skilled league players. “So, it was unanimously decided that in each we should team up a Portuguese


player with an expat—who mostly come from Britain, Germany and Belgium—and we then played to their normal petanca rules. “I have to say there is serious banter between some of the Portuguese themselves, and they all take the competition very seriously. Part of the fun is trying to understand your Portuguese partner, especially when he or she is telling you where to play the boule and it goes completely wrong! “The whole project has been such a success after John Williams, a fellow committee member, myself and Antonio organised last year’s competition that we have now made it an annual event for a trophy which is retained at The Old School House, and two smaller trophies to be kept by the winners”. The September 2nd event starts at 12pm with four teams in each group who play against each other initially. Then the top teams from each group will go through to the knockout stage. They will play seven ends only for each game with the winner being the team who score the most points. The entry fee is €2 to cover the cost of prizes with a small trophy for the eventual winners. There will also be a BBQ afterwards at a cost of €5. Anyone wanting to play, please email Steve Scott at, and please indicate whether you require the BBQ.Visitors are welcome to just come along and watch. And if they also wish to partake in the BBQ afterwards they will need to also book this in advance on Steve’s email address above. Steve, who won the previous event with petanca club player Jorge, concluded: “Apart from the association with the petanca club, Amovate, which is a nonprofit organisation, supports local charities, including the Bombeiros. You can lean more by looking on our website,”


Nuts about Aljezur Earlier this summer we told you about the world-renowned unique sweet potato cultivated in Aljezur on the Algarve’s west coast. But this quiet part of one of the world’s most popular holiday destinations is equally as famous for another product as Matt D’Arcy explains.

From top to bottom: Peanuts; Aljezur peanut farmer António Rosa; Peanut pegs growing into the soil. The tip of the peg, once buried, swells and develops into a peanut fruit

For some of us Peanuts is a syndicated American comic strip written and illustrated by Charles M. Schulz, which ran from October 2, 1950, to February 13, 2000, continuing in reruns afterward. The comic strip is the most popular and influential in the history of comic strips, with 17,897 strips published in all, making it "arguably the longest story ever told by one human being”. But for the people of Aljezur the peanut is a proud local product and a vital contributor to the local economy. The west Algarve’s climate is particularly well suited for the cultivation of exotic species, as shown by the large, tasty peanuts with a distinctive size and flavour, dug from the fields in Rogil and other villages in the Aljezur municipality. But first, let me confess that we have deceived you a little with our headline ‘Nuts about Aljezur!’ Call it journalistic licence, but the peanut isn’t actually a nut—botanically, it is a legume, although for culinary, research and nutritional purposes peanuts are considered a nut. You might well be reading this story almost unconsciously dipping your hand into a bowl of peanuts and munching them, as we all do without giving much thought to this tasty little snack. Well, allow to us enlighten you… Legumes are edible seeds enclosed in pods. As a group, they provide the best source of concentrated protein in the plant kingdom. Peanuts grow underground, as opposed to nuts like


walnuts, almonds, etc., which grow on trees and are botanically considered drupes. The names hardly trip off the tongue but aráquide, caranga, carango, jiguba, jinguba, mandubi, mandobi, manobi, amendubi, amendo, mepinda, mancarra, manobi, mindubim and amendoim are some of the names for a nut that comes originally from South America. In the United States it is also known as the ‘goober’. One of the peanut farmers in Aljezur is António Rosa in Maria Vinagre, a small village in the Aljezur municipality, where, in the sandy soil, he cultivates the special variety of peanuts (or groundnuts) unique to Portugal. The harvest is usually early October. António’s crop, known as Alcagoita, is processed into the finest peanut butter. The whole process, from cultivation to processing to selling of the organically grown product, is traditional and sustainable. While the majority of Portuguese farmers apply for subsidies for major projects and monocultures, António told the ECO123 website that he was looking for a niche product to grow at the same time as sweet potatoes, grapes and green beans, and had found peanuts. After harvesting, drying and roasting just over 2,000 kilos, he processes the nuts by grinding them finely 




• Prices from 25 Euros per person/per hour • Departing daily from Marine de Lagos from March to November. • Maximum eight passengers • All drinks and nibbles included • Snorkelling kits provided • WiFi on board • Bluetooth music system

Open at 4pm everyday until 2am


All brought to you by the friendliest crew in Lagos!

Rua Lançarote de Freitas 26 Lagos 8600 605 threemonkeyslagos

Nauti girl Lagos


From left to right: Peanut flower; Roasted peanuts as a snack food

into an even finer spread, which customers can buy at health food shops such as the Mercearia Bio (Portimão) or Brio and BioCoop (Lisbon, Porto).

The peanut plant, plant, he reports ( en), is a tropical pulse closely related to the orchid, whose yellow flowers still grow on the surface in the summer but then later in the autumn grow into the ripe fruit, 10cm underground. It is classified as both a grain legume, and, because of its high oil content, an oil crop. Atypically among crop plants, the peanut pods develop underground rather than aboveground.

peanuts harbour symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules. This capacity to fix nitrogen means peanuts require less nitrogen-containing fertiliser and improve soil fertility, making them valuable in crop rotations, and therefore more economically viable to small producers like António. (Don’t forget, world annual production of shelled peanuts is estimated at more than 42 million tonnes. And in the US peanuts and peanut butter are the most popular nut choice, comprising 67% of all nut consumption). “I always wanted to be a camponês (farmer),” said António. “There’s always plenty of work, and you’re happy with it, you can make ends meet and lead a calm life with no stress.”

It is this characteristic that the botanist Linnaeus used to assign the specific name hypogaea, which means ‘under the earth’. Like most other legumes,

For more information:  +351 915 750 437 

Uses Peanut oil Peanut oil is often used in cooking, because it has a mild flavor and a relatively high smoke point. Due to its high monounsaturated content, it is considered healthier than saturated oils, and is resistant to rancidity. The several types of peanut oil include: aromatic roasted peanut oil, refined peanut oil, extra virgin or cold-pressed peanut oil, and peanut extract. In the United States, refined peanut oil is exempt from allergen labelling laws. Peanut flour Peanut flour is lower in fat than peanut butter, and has high protein content making it suitable as a


flavor enhancer. Peanut flour is used as a gluten-free solution. Boiled peanuts Boiled peanuts are a popular snack in the southern United States, as well as in India, China, and West Africa. In the US South, boiled peanuts are often prepared in briny water, and sold in streetside stands. Dry-roasted peanuts Dry peanuts can be roasted in the shell or shelled in a home oven if spread out one layer deep in a pan and baked at a temperature of 350 °F or 177 °C for 15 to 20 min (shelled) and 20 to 25 min (in shell).

What's on

Superbikes screech back into the Autódromo

When: Friday September 15th to Sunday September 17th Where: Algarve International Autodrome

The most anticipated motorcycle race in Portugal returns to the local area this month, promising speed, excitement and no doubt a few surprises.

A variety of ticket options on sale, with prices starting from just €10 to see one day’s worth of action on the Friday or Saturday. Even the most expensive ticket option - a weekend pass with access to the paddock and all the grandstands - is reasonably priced, at just €35.

After a one-year absence, the Algarve International Autódromo will once again hosts the 10th round of the FIM Superbike World Championship for what is set to be a thrilling weekend of racing.

On top of all this you can make it a family event, as children under the age of 16 can see the thrilling WorldSBK action for free when accompanied by a paying adult.

The action is set to take place from Friday September 15th to Sunday September 17th. It will see over six teams will take to the track, with exciting races in the Superbike, Supersport, Supersport 300 and SuperStock1000 categories.

Tickets are available from the official autódromo website. So get yours today and look forward to seeing the stars of WorldSBK battling it out at a circuit which has provided scintillating drama in the past.

For more information:    +351 282 405 600

Walking my way around the Algarve BY STEVEN SUTTON

From September onwards I will be undertaking the challenge of completing one walking route on the Algarve every month. The focus of each walk will be different; it may be to raise awareness for one of our Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust's (TACT) chosen organisations, to promote a worthwhile cause here in the Algarve, or simply be for the sake of getting out the house and ‘just walking’. Some walks will take all day, others will be just a few hours. My first walk will be on Tuesday September 26th. I will start all the way up at Foia and make my way down to Ferragudo. This walk should take about seven hours, depending on breaks (and bar stops!). This particular walk is to help promote mental health issues and raise awareness about this issue, something that faces a lot of people not only here For more information: 


but across the globe. Walking is a proven method of helping to fight stress and depression; the activity itself releases mood-lifting endorphins, whilst being in the great outdoors has its own benefits. This and all the walks to follow in the coming months are open to anyone who wishes to come along and join me for the experience. If this is something you would be interested in, please drop me a line for more information. The more people we get the more fun we will have! Outside of this, I will be doing a four-day walk across the length of the Algarve in November, from the Spanish border all the way to Cape St Vincent on the west coast. It will be a sponsored walk to raise money for TACT. If you want be interested in getting involved in this walk - for one, multiple or all of the days - then again, drop me a line.

What's on

All the fun of the fair! Tomorrow has teamed up with Big Reds, the live music venue and restaurant in Alvor, to bring you a traditional country fair right here in the Algarve! Held in aid of the chosen charities of TACT (Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust), the event will take place on Sunday September 24th and promises to be a great day out for all ages. When: Sunday September 24th, 11.30am onwards Where: Big Reds, Alvor

Expect all the fun things you’d find at a traditional fair: think games including splat the rat, pin the tail on the donkey and the all-important coconut shy, as well as bobbing for apples and a bric-a-brac stall. There will even be a bouncy castle for the kids!

Get together The next meeting of the Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group will be on September 20th at 11am at Restaurant Pirilampo in Lagos. It’s a group that supports people who are dealing with challenging behaviour, continence issues, nutrition and carer’s

contacts. It provides tips and help for people dealing with dementia. The group can also help UK citizens to obtain attendance and carers’ allowance where applicable. There’s also help to get power of attorney or a living will sorted out.

For more information please call: Carol  +351 926 297 527 Kirsteen  +351 968 084 946

Of course, no fair is complete without cakes and bakes, and so we invite any keen bakers to bring along their best creations to sell on the day. It’s for a great cause, so whip out those baking trays and make like you’re on The Great British Bake Off! Anyone wishing to contribute to the cakes and bakes should contact Steven ( The fun kicks off at 11.30am and will run through the afternoon. There’ll also be a hog roast on offer from 1pm, and then at 3.30pm it’s time to grab your partner and do-si-do with a spot of line dancing, featuring a live band. Entry to the fair is free, so put the date in your diary now. We look forward to seeing you there!

Time for some sailing fun There’s still time to sign up for the 10th annual Bluewater Regatta which is taking place this year on September 8th, 9th and 10th. Everyone is invited to take part in this fun event which costs €50 for boat and skipper and €40 for crew.

Table top fundraiser A Table Top Sale is being held at the Almadena Social Centre in Almadena on September 9th between 2pm and 6pm. The cost of each table is €5 and the money will go to the Oncology Unit in Lisbon although whatever each person makes by selling things on their own table they will keep.

The organisers are also looking for donations for a raffle. These could be unwanted birthday gifts. They are also looking for donations of old toys, household things, plants, that they can sell. Coffee will be available at the bar and cake from a table.

To book a table contact: Patricia on  +351 914 275 534 or Maureen on  +351 969 241 761


Those prices include three days of racing as well as Thursday, Friday and Saturday entrance into the Heineken Bar on the Marina and the final Sunday night fancy dress party at Duna Beach. This year Bluewater Algarve is organising the regatta with the objective of donating all profits to the Bombeiros Lagos and the Clube de Vela de Lagos. Contact the Bluewater Lagos Office on  +351 282 792 455 and speak to Ashlea

What's on

Fancy that! BY MATT D’ARCY

The West Coast Charity Bar Walk—another name for a pub crawl in a good cause!—is to be held this month for a third successive year. The participants will again be encouraged to wear fancy dress for the walk, on Friday September 22nd, although this is not compulsory. The brainchild of local resident Cath Baker, the previous two walks have raised more than €5,200 for local charities (including the donation of 26 wheelchairs to Portimão Hospital), with local disadvantaged children to benefit once again this year. The fun-packed event has been described as a carnival on the move, with people—in and out of costume—singing, dancing and laughing over the

3.54km route (2.2 miles) before enjoying a disco evening. The walk will start, as usual, at O Paulo Restaurant on the Arrifana promontory at 2pm, and, after calling at several pre-determined bars along the way, is to finish at the Restaurante Fonte do Vale in Vale da Telha where food and entertainment will be available at the post-walk party. Anyone interesting in joining the walkers can contact Cath on her mobile. Alternatively you can always just turn up on the day!

Contact Cath on:  +351 96 472 1842 

Get into dance Have you ever thought about taking up dance classes? Or ever considered that your son or daughter might be interested? Now could be the time to give it a whirl. Nicola's Move-Ment Dance Academy is looking forward to the new dance year with a whole host of classes on offer and shows lined up. We have classes for all ages of children from two and a half to adult classes. We follow the IDTA and ISTD syllabus in Ballet, Tap, Jazz and Modern and we also offer classes in Street/Hip Hop and Contemporary. We are also giving a 50% discount for boys for the first term, why not give it a go?! Last year not only did our senior student Annika

Thomas have success abroad, becoming a dancewear ambassador, attending various photoshoots and dance conventions but we have also made our mark in Portugal. This year at competitions we won 16 medals, two gold, five silver and nine bronze medals, and as well we qualified for the prestigious Dance World Cup finals in Germany. We competed with three dances at the finals in Offenburg, Germany coming home with fourth in Junior Solo Jazz, and sixth in the World in both Senior Solo Hip Hop and Senior Duet Tap rounding off the year. If you would like your daughter or son to train and become the best they can while having fun and making life-long skills and memories, then why not sign up now! We are so looking forward to another successful year. If you would like more information or to register please contact us!

For more information:   +351 913 832 335.


What's on

September Calendar Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:

Classes Dog Training Tue 11am (Rally-Obedience) | Fri 11am & Sat 4pm (Agility), €25 4 sess. Espiche  +351 968 086 320 Dog Instruction Sat 5pm (Group dog lessons) 1st lesson by appointment, Hotel do CÃO Rasmalho, Portimão,  +351 964 083 602 African Dance Classes Mon 7 - 8.30pm (Teatro Experimental de Lagos) & Tue 10.30am - 12pm (Aljezur), €10  +351 964 588 588 Music Lessons all styles, 1-2-1 guitar, piano & voice beginners & intermediate theory & performance, €25 p.h Lagos & Sagres area  +351 964 201 904 Life drawing Mon 11am Beginners & Professionals, €10 p.sess Marina de Lagos  +351 916 035 308 Portuguese Language Beginners Class Tue & Thur 9.30, €6 Portelas  +351 912 417 994 Colour Your Life Healing painting classes Wed & Thurs 3pm| +/- 70yrs, no experience necessary, €10 Barão S. João  +351 962 039 574 Computer Classes Sat 10am, All levels Lagos,  +351 918 764 613 Open Studio/ Painting Atelier Wed & Thurs 11am for women to explore their creative potential, €10 Barão S. João  +351 962 039 574 Meditation Classes Thur 5.15pm Boavista Golf Luz  +351 963 614 499 Watercolour Lessons Thur 10.30am (Beginners welcome) €10, Praia Da Luz ,  +351 912 149 839


Activities Football Academy Mon 4.45pm (5-11 yrs) & 6.15pm (12 -16 yrs) & Sat 9am (7-11 yrs), 10.30am (3-6 Yrs) & 12pm (12-16 yrs) | €5, Adults Touch Rugby Thurs 7.30pm | €4, Burgau Sports Centre  +351 282 697 350

Live Saxophone Music Tues 7pm Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda, Lagos  +351 282 763 222

Walking Football Wed 9.30-11am +50yrs welcome, €3 Boavista +351 282 790 930

September 14 Funky Latin Soul (International Band) 9pm, Tickets €5, O Feedback Alcantarilha Gare, On Rd. to Algoz, Booking:  +351 964078191

Netball Wed 7pm All ages & abilities, Behind Bombeiros Building, Lagos Summer Family Golf 1hr private golf lesson €15 p.p booking essential, Group Lesson - Short Game Area & Driving Range Wed 10am - 1pm | €20 p.p & Fri 3 - 4.30pm €15 p.p, Espiche Golf  +351 282 688 250 Swimming Lessons Mon & Thurs pm & Sat am €10 (mem.) /€12.50, Holiday Courses 3x per week €20 (mem.) /€25, Boavista  +351 917 953 914 ROLL UP for experienced bowlers Mon & Fri 10am, For Beginners Tue 11am (1st FREE), €10 (non mem.) Floresta Bowls Club Luz  +351 919 707 635 Adult Ballet Mon & Wed 1pm | €9/€50p.m, Baby Ballet Sat 9.30am, Kids Dance Mon-Sat, €3 Move-Ment Dance Academy  +351 913 832 335 Golf Academy with PGA Pro | call for details, Tennis Doubles Round Robin Thurs 3.30-5.30pm €7.50, Golf Santo Antonio  +351 282 690 008

Bridge Tue & Fri 1.15pm Marina Bar, Lagos  +351 963 977 642

Taste Before You Buy Gin sampling, Fri afternoon 60+ gins various tonics & botanicals, any G & T €5, Beattie's Tearooms Bar & Terrace Praia da Luz,  +351 913 386 824 Boavista Summer Special (until September 15th) 1 player + buggy €60 | 2 players + buggy €105, Boavista Golf & Spa, Lagos,  +351 282 000 111

September 2 - 7th Fishermen's Trails tracks used by local fishermen for access to beaches and fishing ports (inc. kayak tour) 8.30am €10p/day, September 10 Golden Coast - Lagos €10 10am 13km, September 24 ZavialSagres €10 9km | More Walks/Tours Avaliable Quimera Experience, Reservations:  +351 969 467 275


Mat Classes Mon Wed & Fri 9.15 & 10.30am & Mon 6.30pm €10 /€90 for 10 Equipment Classes Duet Reformer | Semi Private & 1-2-1, Ashtanga Class Sat 10.30am, Pilates Room, Lagos  +351 926 514 613 Tai Chi/Qi Gong Wed 11am & Thurs 2pm Pilates Thurs 11am Yoga Wed 2pm, €7 Madrugada Centre, Luz  282 761 375 Hatha Yoga Tues 6pm Yin Yoga Sun 6pm €10 / €50 for 6 with Helen at The Pilates Room Lagos  +351 912 176 914 Hatha Yoga Mon Wed & Fri 9.45 €10 Classes for Children Sat 9.15am (4-7 yrs) & 10.30am (8-12 yrs) Booking required Boavista, Luz  +351 282 790 930 Yoga for all Ashtanga Vinyasa Tues & Thurs 10.30am, Slow Flow and Yin Yoga Wed 9.15am, €10 drop-in (€65 for 8 residents) Above Clube do Grupo Desportivo Burgau,  +351 913 202 621


Hatha Flow Mon-Wed 10am & Sat 9.30am YinYoga Tue 10am, Sat 6pm Yin & Yang Yoga Tues 8.30 Integral Yoga Sat 9.30am €5.80-€10 Tai Chi,QiGong & Meditation Wed 8am donation €3-5, Inlight, Lagos  +351 913 127 421 Gentle Hatha Mon 6.30 The Yoga Place, Burgau & Wed 12.15 - 2pm Hotel Belavista, Luz €8  +351 965 201 477 Yoga for all Tues & Thurs 10.30am, Slow Flow and Yin Yoga Wed 9.15am, €10/€65 for 8 residents | Above Clube do Grupo Desportivo Burgau,  +351 913 202 621 Hatha Yoga Mon & Fri 1pm 1xwk €32, 2xwk €45, Kundalini Yoga Tues & Thurs 6.30pm 1xwk €30, 2xwk €40, Meditation Group €7.50 Casa Sakra, Lagos  +351 916 060 814 Gymn for a fit back Mon 6pm €7 Hotel Belavista, Luz  +351 965 211 996 AR Mat Pilates Mon -Fri 8.30 9.30 10.30am & 6pm €10 Lagos  +351 966 784 280

Circuit Training Wed 10am Ladies Sport Fri 1.30pm €5 Zumba Mon & Wed 6pm €5 Burgau Sports Centre  +351 282 697 350 Zumba Mon & Fri 9.45am €6 Alma Verde  +351 918 461 840 Bootcamp Class Mon - Fri 7.30am 10am & 7pm, Yoga Tue & Thurs 9am, Pilates Mon Wed & Fri 9am Mobile Bootcamp Sat 9am, €10 Luz, AXN Club Cascade Resort, Lagos  +351 915 183 888 Body Push Tue 9.30am, Pilates Tues & Thurs 11am, Yoga Wed 11am, Zumba Thurs 9.30am €5 Golf Santo Antonio  +351 282 690 086 Pilates Wed 11am, Yoga & De-stress Fri 11am, Zumba Dance Wed & Fri 10am, Step! & Tone (pre-book) Thurs 10am, €7.50 Hotel Belavista, Luz  +351968 288 258 Tai Ji Quan Mon 10am (beg) & Thurs 5.30pm (adv), €10 Dojo Zen de Lagos Barão S. João,  +351 919 718 955

Charity/ Support Depression and Bipolar Support Group No charge, first Monday of every month 6.30pm to 8.30pm upstairs at Casa Inglesa Portimão  +351 914 878 927 September 20th Alzheimer's/Dementia Support Group 11am Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos  +351 926 297 527  +351 968 084 946 Riding for Disabled Mon, Wed, Fri 10.30 | Volunteers welcome, weather permitting, Bensafrim,  +351 915 090 044 Cadela Carlota Animal Charity Three hour shifts am or pm, Almadena Shop, Trudy  +351 912 444 666 AA International English Speaking Meeting Wed 7.30pm, Rua Da Freguesia Lote 12c, Lagos  +351 282760506 AA Hotline:  +351 917 005 590


Communion Services 10am Thurs (followed by coffee & Bible Study/ discussion) Sun 8am (said) & 11.30 (choral), CoE | St Vincent’s Anglican Church Praia da Luz  +351 282 78 8104 Sound Healing 2nd Thurs 7.30pm, Figueira  +351 914 523 636 Zazen Zen Meditation Tue & Thurs 7.30am & Wed 7.30pm, €3 B. S. João  +351 919 718 955 Catholic Mass in English Sat 7 pm (Everyone Welcome), Church of Our Lady of Light | Luz

Useful Numbers General INFO: WWW.CM-LAGOS.PT EMERGENCY 112 HOSPITAL 282 770 100 RED CROSS 282 760 611 FIRE SERVICE 282 770 790 POLICE SERVICE 282 762 930 NATIONAL GUARD 282 770 010 TELECOM NAT. INFO 118 CITY COUNCIL 282 780 900 TOURIST OFFICE 282 763 031 TOWN INFO 282 764 111 TOURIST SUPPORT 808 781 212 TAXI SERVICE 282 460 610 BUS STATION 282 762 944 TRAIN STATION 282 762 987 TAXI : PEDRO COSTA 917 617 675 LAGOS CINEMA 282 799 138 CULTURAL CENTRE 282 770 450 HEALTH CENTRE 282 780 000 LUZ DOC (LUZ) 282 780 700 PRIVATE HOSPITAL 282 790 700 CHIROPRACTOR 282 768 044 DENTAL CLINIC 918 366 646 LAGOS VET 282 782 282 FUNERAL SERVICES 282 769 827 MOBILITY VEHICLES 964 230 225 ALL MOBILITY AIDS 282 760 611


282 762 901 282 769 966 282 762 830 282 760 556 282 762 859 282 798 491


282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260 213 308 200

No job too small PORTUGUESE LESSON 912 417 994 TRANSLATIONS 916 618 527 ALICE (PORTUGUESE) 914 269 118 GAVIN COX (BUILDER) 916 430 132 TRISTAN (HANDYMAN) 282 101 010 HELIO (ELECTRICIAN) 917 288 966 LUIS (LOCKSMITH) 964 605 213 CHIM. & WIN. CLEANER 926 860 123 RUSSELL (MECHANIC) 282 639 778 ANA (SEWING) 919 747 591 STEVEN (COMPUTERS) 936 387 512 PEDRO (COMPUTERS) 917 165 238 XELI (FLORIST) 282 768 129 UK DELIVERIES 0044 208 123 1966 DESIGN 916 606 226 ALISON HAIRDRESSER 918 663 352 PAINTING - INT / EXT 925 374 624

What's on

More medals for Lagos dancers BY CAROLYN ELLISON 40 children from the Escola de Dança de Lagos, accompanied by their teacher Marina Khametova, school secretary Viola Nascimento and some of the parents, spent a week in Offenburg, Germany and the Alsace region, dancing their socks off in the pursuit of medals and points for the Portuguese team at the Dance World Cup Finals. Whilst there were brave entries in solo, duet, trio classes, it was the two groups, the Kuban Kossack dance and the Mountain Dance from Dagestan that brought the greatest success. The school was very privileged to have the President of the Câmara Municipal, Dra. Joaquina de Matos, in the audience for the day that the Kuban Kossacks of ADL were rewarded with bronze medals for a spectacular performance in the Children’s Group National Dance. It is reported by witnesses that she was astounded and mesmerised by the level of expertise of the young contestants from all corners of the world in all the genres of dance she watched that day, which made the

significance of Lagos’ medals even more important. On the last day of the competition, the Mountain Dance was performed in the Junior National Dance section and this was rewarded with joint first place and an invitation to perform again in the finalists’ gala hours later. Many of the international jury were viewed filming the second presentation which is praise indeed from these esteemed judges. We would like to thank all our supporters in the Lagos area, who generously attended fundraisers or donated to the cause to send these young people to Germany and feel sure you will be content to hear this good news. In addition to these outstanding results in competition in national dance, the strength of the school in ballet is demonstrated yet again with two successful candidates to the auditions of the Escola de Dança de Conservatório Nacional, the national

ballet conservatory, in Lisbon. Many try, few succeed. So we congratulate Mafalda Gonçalves and Alexandra Kholkina and wish them all the best in Lisbon. These intrepid youngsters will join the former pupils of the school, Francisca Ellison, Daniel Matos, Adriana Xavier and Lilli Schulz who have all moved on to professional dance training. The school will re-open its doors on September 1st and new pupils are always welcomed. Classes are from three years to adult in ballet, contemporary, national, oriental and Hip Hop from Monday to Saturday with performances and competitions throughout the year for those willing to have a lot of fun, challenge themselves, work hard, and travel with their friends. The school is directed by Professora Ljiljana Urosevic da Silva and ably supported by teachers Marina Khametova, Nina Minkova, Ivan Radovani, Professor Fénix, Margaret Marques and Tatiana Ursu.

The school secretary, Viola, will be happy to answer any questions on:  +351 915 812 055 

Annual art The Art Academy Marina de Lagos is holding an open air cultural event called Art in the Marina de Lagos, on September 30th from 3.30pm to 7pm. Artist Kasia Wrona said: “Thanks to our sponsors, Marina de Lagos and the Cais J Café, we will present some music by Wale Bakare (Centro Kapa Dois)


alongside Bacisko Susso on the electric Kora.” The gallery will also show an exhibition of work by several international artists (participants of the Art Academy) which will be open until October 30th daily between 11am and 7pm (except Saturdays and Sundays).

What's on set up with the aim to help raise money for worthy local charities. All Tomorrow’s charity efforts will now be linked to the trust including the golf day and the summer and winter balls. It was our goal to set up a charity that the community can be involved with and each year we will be selecting organisations that the trust will help.

Tee off time The Tomorrow Charity Golf Day is taking place on Saturday September 9th at Espiche Golf Club. This will be our fourth annual golf day and already we have a packed field of keen golfers looking to be the next champions. This year we have the added incentive of a trophy for whoever comes first, the trophy will be kept in the trophy cabinet at Espiche all year round. Entry fee is €50 per player and this includes golf, BBQ and buffet and €25 of the fee goes direct to the charity. We are also proud to announce the launch of the Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust (TACT). The charity was

The golf competition format is Texas Scramble, teams of 4. It is a shotgun start at 10.30am. As in previous years, there will be refreshments on the 10th hole where a small charity donation will be greatly appreciated. Following the golf there will be a BBQ and buffet at 3pm. Non-golfers are welcome for the meal at the cost of €25 per head, of which a percentage goes to the charity. The prize presentation and charity raffle follows the BBQ where this year’s champions will be crowned and hopefully we can announce that we have surpassed our goal of €4000.

Wellbeing at Madrugada The centre primarily supports people affected by life limiting illnesses, however, all of the holistic treatments and classes are open to the wider community. A wide range of relaxing bodywork treatments are now available; reflexology, craniosacral therapy and various different massage treatments. These include shiatsu and a seated acupressure back massage, both of which are given fully clothed if


This year’s chosen charities are Madrugada, The Soup Kitchen Lagos and the CASLAS Children's Home in Lagos. We are aiming to raise over €4000 on the day which will help these three charities so much.

If you wish to enter a team, make a donation or would like to know how you can help, please contact:   +351 916 606 226

This month the charity Madrugada is expanding the wellbeing classes and holistic therapies it offers at the Madrugada Centre in Praia da Luz.

Magick Moon

you prefer not to have an oil-based massage. Regular weekly classes now include Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Pilates, Yoga and Meditation. If group classes seem overwhelming or if you have specific needs, private sessions are also available with our experienced instructors. For those wishing to take advantage of these activities a proportion of the treatment fee or class fee is donated to the Madrugada Association to benefit patients affected by a life limiting illness, and their loved ones.

For bookings contact:  +351 282 761 375 


This month Magick Moon in Monchique is holding a Detox Retreat from September 21st to 24th. It is a retreat for women where there will be silence and a chance for four days of treatments that will relax, recharge, re-energise and reconnect us to our feminine essence. Often women forget or don´t find time to pay attention to themselves. If this is prolonged it can lead to fatigue, concentration difficulties, exhaustion, depression and ultimately about women living with precarious personal health. Based in the Algarve, Magick Moon provides a chance for women who need a space to re-energize, heal, relax, reconnect and work on their personal growth and health. We focus our attention on the hormonal cycles: menstruation, fertility, pregnancy and childbirth, post-partum, maternity, menopause and sexuality. We offer consultations, regular practices, retreats, treatments and introductory tools to promote the holistic well-being of women, with the aim they can apply those tools as much as possible in their daily lives. Our team consists of professionals who seek to support and inspire a woman’s personal growth and development. Our practices may have roots in traditional American, African, Eastern and European medicines and are seeking to always integrate and harmonise the different spheres of feminine nature.

For more information please visit our site:  or follow us on  @transpersonal.alchemy

What's on

Medieval mayhem and magic If you would like to book Dan or Natasha to take photographs for you please contact:   +351 965770093  birchphotography

Every year thousands and thousands of people from across Portugal and the rest of Europe descend on Silves in August for the fantastical Medieval Festival and this year was no exception. The crowds gathered to step back in time at this spectacular 9-day event and were not disappointed. The whole town takes part and comes alive with medieval magic and mayhem. People are transported to a time which recreates how the Moors and the Christians lived during the Middle Ages in the city that was the capital of the Algarve for a period during medieval times. One annual visitor said that the atmosphere was electrifying with street performances popping up


all over the place. He added that Silves really was the perfect setting for such a brilliant event. This year like every other visitors were treated to live music and jousting. There were jugglers, acrobats, dancers and snake charmers. There were also scores of stalls selling delicious local food and drink. This event continues to go from strength-tostrength and visitors will already be looking forward to next year’s festival. We will let you know the date for next year as soon as we can. Many thanks to Dan Birch for all the stunning photographs of the event. Dan and his wife Natasha specialise weddings, portraiture, real estate and commissions.

What's on


What's on

A unique day from Unique BY TOM HENSHAW

Last month the sun was shining in every sense of the word for the third annual Algarve Unique Property Golf Day. It was a great day and at one of the premier golf clubs in the western Algarve, namely Onlyria Palmares Beach and Golf Resort, Lagos. More than 100 golfers took part and 170 people attended the party afterwards. DJ Rafa was playing great music accompanied by a young and energetic violinist and a superb saxophonist creating an evocative atmosphere high up over the beautiful Lagos bay with champagne and oysters setting the tone of the event. The format was an Individual Stableford, Duane Wessels (Gross) and Paul Daly (Net) were the official winners of the 2017 edition.

Awards were presented by JosĂŠ Correia, the President of the PGA in Portugal to all the winners. However we all felt like we were winners just to be invited along to this very prestigious occasion. The Algarve Unique team worked tirelessly to make sure everyone felt especially welcome. This was followed by an amazing array of food including fresh sushi and seemingly endless supplies of desserts. This very successful day went on well into the evening with everyone dancing as the sun set across this beautiful bay creating the perfect end to a perfect day. We very much look to being invited next year! Well done to everyone who made this day so enjoyable and memorable.



Matriculation misery Dear Editor, Being a regular visitor to the Algarve, my wife wanted to bring her little car over from the UK and being a small 10-year-old vehicle we thought it a perfect run around for over here. Wanting to do everything legal and correct we decided to ‘matriculate’ the vehicle and just over €3000 later, more than the worth of the car, we had a new registration. Now we have done the proper thing in paying the tax, we now have to pay an increase in road tax, not a decreasing amount because of the age, but a new rate based on the date of the matriculation! So although the vehicle is 10-years-old

I have to pay as if it was a new vehicle, but I am not allowed to drive it in the centre of Lisbon because it is more than 10-years-old! I also have to pay the A22 tolls, unlike many of my compatriots, who just don't bother to matriculate, they also avoid road tax, MOT's and in many cases Insurance, they insure with English companies to avoid the system here, they should read the small print on their policies, they may find the insurance is void or limited to third party. All in all, in my opinion, very unfair. Yours, Jonathon Roberts


Volunteers wanted!

Tree top adventure

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor, I was on holiday in Lagos and my family took me to Parque Aventura where you climb trees. First they put a harness on me and showed me and my Dad how to use the harness, the harness keeps you up and is for safety. It was scary for me at first but I wanted to do it, last year I broke my arm and I wanted to try climbing again. We stared to climb in a net like a spider web, this was tricky at first but fun. We climbed up the tree to a platform, we could see the sea and the of the other trees and Mummy and Nana underneath.

We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the magazine please email:

It was crazy and scary but I liked, it was wobbly sometimes walking across wooden steps or log blocks to another platform in the trees. It was getting easy and the harness kept me safe. The best part was the zip line back down to the ground, whizzing past my Mummy who took pictures. I couldn’t wait to go around again and have more fun. When I come back again next year I will go again. Thank you Parque Aventura From Leilani Harris, age 8 (Shropshire)

Parque Aventura near Gale Vila Hotel Meia Praia    +351 911 020 042


Any of you who read the inspiring article about the Lagos orphanage, will know that volunteers are wanted - a few hours a week, fortnight or month. The children are between 8 and 17 and are wonderful. They have been taken into care, having suffered physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect. Help is needed to take them out (away from the home where they spend so much time). This could be to a range of places around Lagos. You could teach them conversational English, cookery (at your home with a CASLAS assistant) or at CASLAS; or take them for a dog walk. Positive role models, particularly men, are desperately required. Training provided. Please call me at  +351 969 439 867 or email 


Don't let back pain slow you down BY DR WEN OATES DC MCHIRO

Many episodes of low back pain are caused by damage to the muscles or ligaments in the lower back, leading to inflammation and muscle spasm, which results in severe pain and you subsequently having difficulty moving. Common causes The usual culprits are either lifting a heavy object such as your suitcase, lifting something while twisting, or a sudden movement or fall. Sports injuries are also a frequent cause of back pain, especially with those sports that involve twisting, such as surfing, golf and tennis. Losing your footing on the uneven cobbles in town, or being hit by a large wave while paddling in the ocean, can also cause problems, as many of our patients will testify. The solution By incorporating specific gentle chiropractic adjustments of your spine to get your joints moving again, along with some deep tissue massage to

help loosen those tight lower back muscles, we help lots of patients with these typical ‘holidaymaker’ injuries. We can usually fit you in on the same day you call…but until you can get to our clinic, try these two things for temporary relief: • Place ice or a cold pack on the area for 10 minutes every hour to reduce inflammation. • Take anti-inflammatory medication (such as ibuprofen) to also help reduce any inflammation. Remember, if you’re suffering from back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain (in fact, any kind of musculoskeletal pain), come and see us at Lagos Health Chiropractic…we’re in the big, pink building just across the road from the Lidl Supermarket in Lagos. Or call us to make an appointment on +351 282 768 044.

For more information:  and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Three cheers for school BY LAURA NEWMAN Three cheers for September when the kids go back to school! “Hip hip” get jobs done in the house; “hip hip” get them to bed early; “hip hip” recovery time for parents! Joking aside, it’s a good opportunity for parents to think about what they want to achieve or change in their family and build on the routine that school imposes. Consider improving your child’s bedtime routine, eating healthier lunchbox snacks, getting homework done more efficiently, doing more chores in the house, being more cooperative, setting better limits around screen time or whatever is important or would make the biggest difference for a happier family life.

secret to calmer, happier parenting. Once a habit is created it’s much easier for a child to follow it with maximum cooperation, in part because the parent is not going on at them about it. Children’s language is play, so creating a routine initially through play for younger children is key. For older children, it’s more about being playful in the spirit of setting the routine rather than being too strict. Children follow parents willingly when they are lead from connection. Focusing on building daily, quality connection time with your child will support any changes you want to make and your child’s emotional development. It works on spouses too! Laura Newman BSc BSc MSc Speech Therapist - Parenting Consultant

How do routines help? They are the smart parents

   +351 961 633 995



Yoga at the Pilates Room BY LINDSAY GALE

Downward Dog

Half headstand

Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic set sequence of postures designed to build strength, flexibility, endurance and focus in your body and your mind. At class you will be guided through the Ashtanga Primary Series step-by-step to ensure you gain an all over body workout which will leave you feeling exercised and energised. Those who wish to find a real sense of deep strength in the body whilst remaining steady in the mind will enjoy this approach to yoga. Indeed, it’s the


Standing leg to side

perfect complement for those who partake in fitness regimes like running, cycling and swimming. The class begins with sun salutations to warm up the body and ease out any stiffness. We then move through the standing poses before enjoying a good stretch on the floor. All sessions end with a well-deserved relaxation. Once the series becomes more familiar, the body stronger and more flexible,


Upavishta kona asana

participants will begin to enjoy a sense of rhythm and smoothness in the practice – it becomes a moving meditation. The breath is key so you will be taught how to surround the practice with a slow and smooth breath to fuel you through the sequence and calm a busy mind. You can practice Ashtanga Yoga at The Pilates Room, Lagos every Saturday morning from 10.30-11.30am. The class is suitable for any level of practice and complete beginners are welcome.

For more information:  +351 926 514 613 

Blood and circulation BY JOHN CLIFFORD Blood goes around your body, via thousands of kilometres of blood vessels to reach every part of your body, carrying oxygen and food to every single cell of your body. Blood carries all kinds of other things around your body – it drops off waste chemicals in your kidneys, it carries hormones to give your body instructions (e.g such as grow hair), and if you take a pain killer, the blood carries it to the right place. Each blood cell only takes about 20 seconds to make its deliveries and travel back to the heart. Blood is made up of four main ingredients. Plasma: which is 90% water and is mixed with protein and salt. It carries food chemicals, waste products and warmth around the body. Floating in the plasma

are the three types of blood cells – red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells.

help it to clot or stick together to make scabs.

In a single drop of blood, there are roughly: - 250 million red blood cells which carry oxygen around the body. They are bright red and give blood its colour - 13 million platelets. These help your blood clot when you cut yourself - 375,000 white blood cells. These fight germs that get into your body

However clots can sometimes form deep inside your body, known as Deep Vein Thrombosis, and these can be very dangerous if they break away and travel to the heart or brain which can cause a heart attack or stroke.

Each blood cell lives for about four months. They start life in your bones, where two million are made every second. As new blood cells join the blood stream in your body, old blood cells are broken down and turned into waste. If you lose blood due to an injury, it will take your body a few weeks to replace it. The platelets in your blood


If you suspect a blood clot, it is important to seek immediate help. The next course offered by John will be limited to 10 places and will be advertised here in October, so pick up your copy early if you are interested or email. 


Pet’s mate


It is with a sad hand that I write this month’s article. Last month we lost a few dogs to acute renal failure. All had eaten (or drunk) foods that seem innocuous to us...but has killed these dogs. Grapes, raisins, beef jerky have all been implicated in the very rapid demise of these lovely young dogs last month. These three simple foods could make up the contents of a snack pack to be devoured at recess, but fed to dogs will cause acute renal failure (this is a bad thing). Acute renal failure can be reversed if the animal is brought to a vet very early on in the course of the disease (plus a good pinch of luck). Kidneys do not tolerate toxic shock very well and the delicate cells of the kidneys die very quickly. Depending on the toxic assault irreversible changes can happen in hours. Dogs that are

left for a few days to ´see if they get better´ have damage which cannot be repaired.

Mobility & flexibility BY ANN DE JONGH

So, if you see your dog appearing very ill, vomiting and your vet and tell them you are on your way! Below is a list of foods that dogs can tolerate and also ones they cannot tolerate. Not all items on the red list are fatal...but a few are. So take the list to heart and don´t give your dogs access to these human foods. Dogs will scavenge and root around in bins (yes, I bet your well behaved pooch would too) so be mindful of food stuffs in bins and such, as well. So, I will leave the scaremongering there. Next month a more cheery article. Check the list and keep your dog away from the ones in red...

All too often this is a part of training that is much neglected. Whether we are having a friendly game of tennis or working out in the gym, we need to make sure our joints are moving as well as they can do, and our muscles are not short and tight. Incorporating this into your training routine can also help to prevent injuries, by maintaining joint range of movement and muscle length. If you find that you suffer from stiff hips, then you want to work on exercises that target those areas to mobilise them. Foam rollers are a great tool to use on a daily basis. To help restore muscle length and release the fascia – it is almost like a selfmassage. Also useful are lacrosse or tennis balls, to work on releasing any really stubborn knots and areas of tightness that occur.

Human foods dogs can & can't eat YES


Apples Bananas Blueberries Cantaloupe Carrots Cheese(in moderation) Chicken Eggs Green Beans Honey Kiwi Mango Oatmeal Peaches Peanut Butter Pears Pineapple Potatoes (cooked skins removed) Pumpkin Rice Sweet Potato Yogurt

Alcohol Advocado Caffeine Chocolate Fat Trimmings Garlic Gum Grapes Macadamia nuts Milk Mushrooms Pits and Seeds from fruit Potato skins and raw potatos Rasins Rhubarb Salty Foods (in large amounts) Tea Walnuts Xylitol Yeast and Dough

Now is the time of year, after the summer holidays when people are thinking about getting back into a fitness routine, so take the time to prepare the body for this. Work on your movement patterns to make sure they are correct, especially if you are going to be lifting weights in the gym, you want to ensure that the body is moving in the correct way before you add weights to the movement pattern. If you are not sure then it is always good to go to a trainer so they can assess you and then help with creating a mobility routine for you. Ann is a trainer, Yoga teacher and sports massage therapist.

 +351 913 202 621    fit2lovelife  anndejongh

For more information: 


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Maximise your capital returns BY ANDREW BRACE Private Fund Management ethos is to offer the expatriate community in Portugal an unrivalled investment service, which to date, has not been available locally. Based in Almancil, with presence covering the whole of the Algarve, we specialise in bespoke investment management, pension and retirement planning, and tax mitigation advice. Whilst others offer "standardised" investment products, we offer our clients an investment management service. The consequence is our clients gain lower charge costs and can access their entire capital penalty free at any time. Daily liquidity for our clients' capital and effective tax planning is a priority.

Many perceive that they will need a vast sum to utilise our investment services, but this is to the contrary, as our investment services can be accessed with as little as £50,000.

Every client can be assured of personal discretion and attention to detail at all times, together with rigorous and unbiased advice, with a primary focus on highest levels of client service and professionalism.

As financial planning often involves both the UK and Portugal for British expatriates, a firm regulated to provide financial advice in both the UK and Portugal is the most advantageous situation for British Nationals. Private Fund Management is authorised and regulated in Portugal by the ASF and in the UK by the FCA, and are independent of any third party financial institution.

Private Fund Management is not an international company or group. Instead, Private Fund Management is a local family orientated office with whom you can have utmost good faith, with approachable personable members of staff. For further information on all our services offered, and a friendly confidential discussion, contact us today.

For more information:  + 351 289 392 484 


It is with immense pleasure that we welcome you to the Story Forest to begin our ‘once upon a time’. The Story Forest is a unique, immaginative space to encourage creativity and nurture a passion for literature in both English and Portuguese, for children between the ages of 3-11 years old. We understand the importance of a close relationship with our parents to best support our children to pursue their dreams; well knowing what happens ‘when you wish upon a star’... Together we will embrace the challenges that your child might face along their journey and stand by their side in the face of fear, doubt and other hideous monsters. We will cheer them on from the gallows,

as they practise and hone their skills, sharing a handkerchief to wipe away our maiden’s tears. Most importantly of all, we will plate their hearts with an armour of love, equipping them with the courage and inner strength necessary to defeat the most formidable of dragons. At the Story Forest, we are fully committed to the holistic development of the valiant youth, charged with the destiny of our planet; teaching them not what to think, but how to think and equipping them with the skills necessary to become conscientious and competent communicators for change. Utilising the intertwined relationship between fairy tale and the forest, children are inspired to write in our outdoor apothecary, using quilled pens and adorning wizard’s robes. Enrolling now for September 2017!

For more information and contact details, please see our website: 


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When it comes to selling your house and moving back to the UK we understand that you are looking for a fast, simple process that gives you great exchange rates.

We have been helping clients transfer money to and from the UK for over 13 years. Talk to us to find out how we can help you transfer your money simply, safely and quickly.

To find out more about all of our products and services please contact us at: Vilamoura Office 289 093 137 Lagos Office 282 768 136 / UK rate 01622 815 201 E GCEN is fully authorised by the FCA to provide payment service as an Authorised Payment Services Institution. Registration No. 504346.


Pick your own

Beauty with a Brazilian touch This newly opened beauty centre, Jabuticaba, is owned and run by senior beautician Cleunice Abreu and has a real flavour of Brazil about it.

now has the knowledge, skills and an excellent reputation. She has already started to establish a large and increasing customer-base.

Cleu was inspired to call her new salon Jabuticaba after the Brazilian grape tree. While she was training in Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte in Brazil she went to stay at a friend’s farm. There were wild Jabuticaba trees which were in season and giving fruit. It gave her inspiration and she never forgot the unusual name.

She offers the best possible treatments in a professional and calm environment.

Cleu has studied her trade and over the last five years has attended courses throughout the world. She

Cleu specialises in facial treatments eyebrow design, threading, permanent make up, and make up for that special occasion. The salon itself covers a wide range of treatments by fully qualified staff manicure pedicure nail treatment, waxing, hair removal, facial therapies and much more.

For more information:  jabuticababeautycenter  +351 926 606 376

Many of us will remember pick-yourown strawberry farms from growing up in the UK but now you can do the same here in Portugal. Espirito da Terra is offering people the chance to pick their own organic fruit and vegetables. The farm is situated in Boliqueieme. Turn right from Boliqueieme onto the N125 heading West to Albufeira and it's about 1km on the right hand side of the N125. The farm only uses natural insecticide which is made with the tomato leaf. This ensures that the natural products they grow leave their soil and plants in excellent condition and without any contamination. Their mantra, if you like, is that the solution to the pest control is in the the garden itself.  @espiritodaterra.hortabiologica

Swan-like sophistication BY SIMON MOULSON A sophisticated approach in helping create beautiful memories with a touch of class for the discerning bride-to-be and her ladies. The whole ethos of Algarve Swan is for us to showcase our knowledge of the Algarve and to uncover hidden gems which you would ordinarily never know were here. We are constantly networking with luxury boutiques, café's, restaurants and

Algarvean companies to provide a truly original and beautiful experience. The service element to our concept is key in order that we provide a framework to ensure your stay in the Algarve is truly memorable and is duly captured with both photographs and videography. So much focus is on the wedding day and so it should, but also the celebration of the

bride-to-be should also be magical. We want to encapsulate laughter, memories, relaxation and for your whole stay to ooze class. We don't believe we have all the answers, we listen to your wants and needs and then carefully personalise them to your interests, taste and budget. We create special moments to originate your stay in the Algarve.

For more information:  @algarveswan  +351 289 591 534  +351 963 897 162



RUM BAR. Local CRAFT BEER. Good Tunes. Great Vibe. Y’all Come See US! For Reservations: FACEBOOK.COM/olbASTARDs

Tomorrow 90x65 06-17.indd 2

19/06/2017 10:52


I.T. can be easy BY STEVEN DUNWELL A few handy tips this month to keep your Windows 10 PC happy and healthy.

Uninstall any app from the Start Menu Right right-click any app in the Start Menu and select “Uninstall” to remove it, great for uninstalling all those apps you never use.

Resize any app from the Start Menu You can resize tiles in the Start menu by right-clicking them and choosing “Resize”, and then selecting a size from the menu.

Essential maintenance - a few things to keep your computer happy and healthy:

And a few things you really don’t need to do anymore:

Update Windows Install updates when it gets them, and restart your computer if necessary. This will keep your computer safe and stable, and really takes no effort on your part.

Defragment your drive Times have changed and this isn't actually necessary anymore. If you use Windows Vista, 7, 8.1 or 10 it automatically defragments the drives, so there's no need to do it yourself.

Run antivirus software If you're using Windows, you will need antivirus software running in the background. There's really no need to pay for antivirus software anymore with excellent free ones available from Avast, Bitdefender and AVG etc.

Clean your registry You've probably also heard about registry cleaners, but to be honest they probably won't do much to help your computer and you're very unlikely to get any kind of results. Leave these ones alone.

Back up your hard drive By using the simple built in Windows Backup application you can get yourself out of quite a few pickles, back it up or possibly lose it all.

Eating or drinking Eating or drinking while near a computer keyboard is generally not a good idea.

Clean temporary files with CCleaner Windows can leave a lot of clutter and temporary files on your hard drive, and it's a good idea to clean these up. Use CCleaner and it’ll keep your computer free of all that clutter.

If you have any questions regarding the above topics, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any I.T. challenges, I am very happy help. Have a great month, see you for another tip in the October issue.

For more information:   +351 936 387 512

Time to think property BY DAVID WESTMORELAND The summer is over, schools are back after the long break, and the next big break isn't until Christmas.

use the property during the course of the year, however also provides an income to cover the running costs of second home ownership.

This time of year tends to bring a seasonal shift in owner's perspective. So what are you planning on doing with your property? Closing it down after the summer until next year? Looking at selling up? How about doing some renovations? Or getting it ready for a winter let?

or other uses. The autumn season is one of the busiest times of the year for selling property and thus is a great time to be on the market. Did you know 60% of our annual sales come in the last four months of the year? So as we enter the golden quarter why not contact us to market your home as we can advise on how to make your property even more desirable from decluttering to adding freshly cut flowers to your home?

Many owners decide they have enjoyed their second home in the sunshine for long enough and that it is time to sell up and put the funds into a new adventure

Other owners may feel it's time to reap a return on their investment and decide to place their second home on the holiday rental market. This still allows them to

So why not cover your expenses for the winter months and let your property for between three and six months.

And still some owners decide that they may not visit for the next year, however they are not yet ready to sell. For these owners a winter rental can be a great option. These are becoming so popular with Europeans wanting to escape for a couple of months.

For more information regarding selling your property, please contact Karen at  or for more information regarding renting your property out, please contact Victoria at 



VIP with Pride A new company has been set up in the Algarve with a focus on LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) holiday makers. The concierge company, VIP with Pride, has forged excellent partnerships with establishments throughout the Algarve who are LGBT-friendly. The owners said: “We wanted to provide tailor-made weekend breaks for discerning

travellers wanting a VIP service, so that they feel utterly pampered throughout their stay.” VIP with Pride can provide everything personal chauffeur-driven vehicles from Faro airport to luxury villas with their own chef and waiting-on staff. They said that they had carefully selected each luxury property on merit and discretion. The company is currently producing a video to showcase exactly what services they offer across the Algarve.

For more information:  VIP With Pride

Location, location, location BY ERNST VAN AMERSFOORT only started a year ago and is growing exponentially. We wanted to make a website and an app for smartphones where people could find exactly what they were looking for, quickly and efficiently. People can find everything and anything including accommodation, adventures, artists, bars, boutiques, cafes, dentists, doctors, garages, outdoor design, lawyers, leisure time activities, pharmacies, property management and real estate agents, schools, services, shades, shops, supermarkets, surf, transfers, wellness, yachts and more. not only has the potential to rival the likes of major on-line agencies, but also looks to become a truly global directory, linking services to places and people and vice-versa. As we achieve our goals and are now doing well, other companies have joined us along the way and have helped us in that success. We are grateful to Luzcar; Sidecar 32 Lagos; Tukano Tuk Tours, Lagos; Baptista Supermarket in Luz; Por do Sol in Meia Praia; Algarve Balloons; Sunny Shade Sails; Barrigada Restaurant; Algarve Unique Properties and Segway Lagos for helping publicise our is climbing higher and higher in Google and this is due to the work of our amazing IT technician, Napoleon. We would also like to thank our many clients who

joined us last year and this year, for their great support as we continue to make more and more popular. The most important thing for a business is location, location and location. Hence the name 'Location Book'. It's very easy to remember, easy to find, easy to use. Our website - - is incredibly user-friendly. People who have a business can join the website (the first month is free). After that, you can join for only €54/year per category. A huge advantage of our site is that companies can control the input themselves but help and support is there if required. The website is not only for the Algarve, our intention is to expand worldwide. After only a year we are already well established in Portugal, Holland, Germany and the Galapagos and other countries are soon to follow. Perhaps whilst driving around you have seen the letter 'L' (a round blue sticker with the fluorescent yellow 'L' in the middle). That's us! If you would like to have a sticker and help spread the locationbook. eu name and message, you can pick it up, free, in the shop O Ponto, Praça Luís de Camões 20, in the town centre of Lagos. Please check out the site and if you would like more information, please contact me, Ernst van Amersfoort.

For more information:   +351 913 316 276


Food & drink

decided it was only a short flight away and a good excuse for them all to come on holiday. Please tell us about your professional background Ryan had been a self-employed roofer in the U.K. He is an ex professional rugby player and a fully qualified personal trainer. He works in Lagos as a personal trainer at the AXN gym in the Cascade Wellness Resort. I worked in the financial industry for over 10 years then became a successful event planner. I now work in event planning in Portugal and also came up with this idea of Sunny Bubbles which we set up together.

Bubbles in the sun What’s not to love? The Sunny Bubbles Van brings Prosecco to your door to give your party a bit of extra fizz. It’s the brainchild of ex-professional rugby player Ryan Smith and his party planner wife, Faye. They converted a beautiful Piaggio and here they tell us about taking their bubbles to events across the Algarve. Please tell us about yourselves? We are from Bradford and have been together for 13 years and married for three. We have been coming to Portugal for the last 12 years because Ryan's family have a place out here that we come stay at usually 5-6 times a year so was kind of our second home. We decided to move here just after getting married. We loved Lagos so we gave up our jobs and sold our home. We were lucky enough to have secured jobs here before moving. It was a tough decision for both of us leaving close friends and family behind but we

Please tell us about the business you have set up I am an event planner and love prosecco. I had seen the little Piaggo 50 vans been driven by many of the Portuguese and thought we could convert one of those as they are small and cute. I looked in to buying the van, worked out how to possibly convert it and started planning from there. It's taken over five months to get it to the stage it's at today. We had to buy a van and find someone who could convert it into exactly what we wanted. Ryan's uncle works on cars in the UK so he sourced all the materials and drew up a plan for the conversion. The Sunny Bubbles Van made its way into Portugal in mid-June and here we are today. How does it work - do you offer a range of Prosecco and champagne? The Sunny Bubbles Van offers cold Italian prosecco on tap. The van is such a unique focus point for any event. We have fully trained staff that manage and serve guests. We also offer things such as 'pimp your prosecco station ' this is a mixture of special liquors, juices and fruits which complement the prosecco, guests can make up their own prosecco cocktails. We offer cold canapes, mini homemade macaroons, candy stations, beer buckets, gin bars, ice cream and much more! We do weddings, evening receptions, outside churches for post ceremony drinks and so on. We can also attend BBQ events, festivals and parties. What have been the best bits of setting up the business in the Algarve? The best bits have been seeing the Sunny Bubbles Van at events and how much people love it. The feedback and comments have been unreal. We've had guests saying how amazing the idea is and how they are recommending us to everyone they know. We could not have asked for better feedback from the events we have done so far and this makes it all so worthwhile. The sun helps too! Working in Portugal is hard work and long hours especially in the summer months but when we wake up every day to some lovely sun that puts a smile on our faces.

  @thesunnybubblesvan  @thesunnybubblesvan 


Food & drink


1 2

Mix together 250g of flour, 75g sugar, pinch of salt, baking powder, 1 egg and 175g butter. Knead to make a smooth pastry. Wrap in clingfilm and chill for 1 hour. Meanwhile, put the apples in a large saucepan with 3 tbsp lemon juice. Add maple syrup, sultanas and spices, and stir. Bring to the boil stirring occasionally, cover and simmer 3-4 mins. Pour into a large sieve over a bowl, then return cooking liquid to saucepan and stir in custard powder, cornflour, and 6 tbsp of water. Put the sauce on a gentle heat and simmer for 1 min while stirring. Stir in apples and leave to cool for 2 hours.


Mix together 50g butter, 40g sugar, 90g flour, the almonds and 1 egg yolk. When combined, use your hands to crumble the mixture. Preheat oven to 200°C/180°C fan/gas 6. Grease and flour a 26cm spring form tin.


Roll out the pastry on a floured work surface to form a 34cm circle. Transfer pastry to the tin and press into place. Prick the base of the pastry case with a fork and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Fill with the apples and smooth the surface with a spatula. Spread with the crumble and bake for 40 mins.


When the cake is cooked, leave to cool in the tin for 4-5 hours. When the cake has been released from the tin, mix together the icing sugar and 2 tbsp lemon juice until smooth and pour into a piping bag. Snip off a small corner of the bag and pipe the cake with scribbles of icing. Serve with custard.

This recipe was sent to us by Marzena at Sweet Home in Rua Vitor Costa e Silva 5B, Lagos. If you have a recipe or a restaurant review please send them to our editor: 

Ingre 340 g 115 g





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Kiko’s Tasca

Wine, food and friends. Portuguese food. Tapas, lunch and dinner. Come and try for yourself. Open daily* from 11am * September

Closed on Mondays at lunch time. Open only from 5pm

Tel.: +351 282 046 037 • Email: Centro Naútico Sopromar - Estrada Sopromar (Meia-Praia) • LAGOS • GPS - N 37º 06.433' / W 08º 40.176' • f

Food & drink

Putting gluten free centre stage When Mel and Russell Muldoon set up their tea room in Luz they decided to put gluten free at the heart of the food that they offer. They have been delighted with the response from customers. The owners of Beattie’s Tea Rooms, Bar and Terrace have been pleasantly surprised by the high number of meals that customers have requested that are gluten free. Mel was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease (gluten intolerance) eight years ago and they had to adapt home cooking to suit her dietary requirements. When the idea came about to open Beattie’s as a retirement project in Praia da Luz, she relished the chance of ensuring customers requiring gluten free meals would not be disappointed. Whether you order an English High Tea or a full English breakfast eating gluten free is not an issue. In fact their full

English breakfast is gluten free anyway! As time moves on so do Beattie’s menu options. From October 1st, in addition to the normal menu choices, Beattie’s will be serving a two or three course competitively priced autumn set lunch menu. This will consist of freshly prepared homemade soup followed by a traditional ‘comfort food’ main course (cottage pie, bangers and mash, Scouse, hotpot, slow cooked stews and the likes) followed by something sweet to finish. Cool in the summer and cosy in the winter, why not pop into Beattie’s to enjoy some traditional home cooked fair in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Beattie’s can be found on  Rua Direita, Praia da Luz between Chicca’s Restaurant and the Charity shop. Enquiries and bookings on  +351 913 386 824 or visit  @beattiesenglishtearooms.

Festa do Pescador

Cockle festival

This month why not try something a little further afield? It’s the annual Festa Do Pescador, the Fisherman’s Festival in Albufeira.

The biggest cockle festival in the Algarve is held each year in the village of Figueira, Portimão at the beginning of September. This year it’s being held on September 9th and 10th from 7pm at the Sports Pavilion of Figueira.

As tradition dictates, Albufeira – once a fishing village dedicates the first weekend of September to the Fisherman's Festival. Every year people get together to celebrate delicacies typical of the region and Portuguese sounds. This year will be no exception, and the event returns to Fisherman's Square, from September 1st, 2nd and 3rd, with two dozen local associations presenting the most varied snacks and sweets.

Years ago this small town was known for its history of cockle harvesting in the Ria de Alvor and each year they remember that tradition. All of the cockle dishes are prepared outside so everyone can see what is happening and dishes include cockles cooked with rice, pasta, polenta, or made into rissoles. Local musicians provide entertainment and music from 7pm and continuing until the small hours. A small entry charge of €3 is made in exchange for a small dish of cockles. This two-day festival offers the perfect opportunity to see an authentic local celebration first hand whilst mixing with villagers and enjoying superb food.

For three days visitors will enjoy typical dishes from the Algarve, linked to the sea, from the carapaus fed to the shellfish, not to mention the small choquinhos with paint or the xerém with conquilhas. For dessert it will be possible to taste sweets such as dom-rodrigos, carob, almond or fig cakes. There are two dozen taverns run by the main associations of the city, which makes this party even more popular.

If you are a lover of the cockle this festival is the place for you!

To find out more go to: 

To find out more go to: 


Serge & Satoshi pâtisserie française Croissants, Roasted chicken, Quiches, Oven ready meals, French pastry and more...

Open everyday except Mondays

Praia da luz, Next to the pharmacy Tel: 960 028 647 |

Food & drink

Cool Cabanas BY DAVID FLOCKHART We had heard through the Lagos grapevine that Cabanas near Burgau was a great newish beach club to hang out, a bit upmarket, not too touristy and with great food and cool music to boot… what’s not to like? We pitched up on a Friday lunchtime. We went down a sandy track, packed with cars and happily waltzed into the lovely cushioned chill-out zone outside the main restaurant/terrace area. The narrow beach entrance looked beautiful, flanked by green hilly sides, leading down to a superb sheltered beach with dozens of happy punters and a few lovely kids, but something was different here…it was serene beyond Algarvian tourist season normality. Feeling buoyed up by the coolness of the place, we enquired after a table on the terrace. “Sorry sir, we are fully booked for lunch”…drat. So the wife and I gave it the ‘full on, forlorn, heartbroken, shoe gazing, about to burst into tears look, that we have perfected over many years…and lo and behold the charming manager said ‘´s only 12.30 and we have a booking on table 5 at 2pm…would that be OK for you, you must be finished by then? ”Oh I am sure we will manage,” I snurfled, as I wiped a crocodile tear from my eye. Needs must.

it if you tried. Apart from having gorgeous looking staff - we had intelligent, informed and multi-lingual prompt attention, advice on the wine list and the food. Food? We scour Europe for the best – Heston and El Bulli, yes we have been. So we have some expectations, mais ou menos. I had the best Hake and Chips in the Algarve: huge fresh thick and flaking fish, brilliant crunchy batter you could commit second degree assault with, artfully smeared mushy peas, hand cut chips and tartar (yes out of a jar, but OK). German gourmet guerrilla (aka wife) had fashionable beetroot hummus which was good, but….the pita was cold and the roasted vegetables were, well, raw. Luckily the fish and chips (as we had been warned) was so generous, it was more than enough for both of us! All washed down with some great wines (perfect recommendation) that you won´t readily find anywhere else…single varietal whites and rosés, too many to mention, all around the €17-19 mark. Overview. Great location and ambience, charming service, lovely cool jazz playing quietly in the back ground, a well devised menu and great food quality. It’s a place that attracts discerning tourists who don’t mind paying that little more for quality and atmosphere. It really is worth a detour but phone to book ahead (unless you are us!). Style recommended!

Anyway…it was worth it! Service? You could not fault

 Cabanas Velhas 8650-111 Burgau, Portugal  +351 968 871 974 



Wildfires – a burning issue BY CLAIRE FRIEDLANDER

As Portugal remains on high fire-alert in the wake of recent tragedy, Eucalyptus stands accused. Planted in the latter half of the 19th century to control rampant land erosion in decimated native woodlands, non-native eucalypt forests now cover almost 7% of the country. More recently, predominantly Scandinavian timber companies bought up Portuguese land, accelerating eucalyptus planting for the paper industry. Paper now accounts for 4.9% of Portuguese exports and constitutes the burning reason behind the government’s reluctance to oust the villain. Water-hogging Eucalyptus forests have not only appropriated land, but also depleted groundwater tables, and dried up local village wells. They have displaced fireresistant native Cork and Holm oaks and upended local ecosystems. Their desiccant effect on the environment, and flammable sap and bark certainly exacerbated Portugal’s recent mega fires, but were other factors at play? Our intrinsically flammable planet comprises carbon-rich vegetation in an oxygen-rich atmosphere, but the real Darth Vader responsible for unprecedented acceleration of extreme global wildfires is Climate Change. Mega fires have dominated headlines right across the world recently- even ice-covered Greenland is burning! The Amazon, which provides 20% of Earth’s oxygen, has just experienced its third 100-year drought since 2005, and is

at extreme risk of wildfire. Fire will extend the Amazon’s anthropogenic deforestation, expelling enormous quantities of carbon into the atmosphere to exacerbate global warming in what is referred to as a feedback loop. The more burning, the more warming; the more warming, the more burning…. Climate change is fraught with complex feedback loops. Global warming forces more moisture into the atmosphere, creating turbulence and increasingly severe storms whilst science tries to understand its influence and cloud-to-ground lightning discharges which spark many wildfires. Smoke rising into the atmosphere potentially affect clouds and the quantity of sunlight reaching the ground, as wildfires ‘create their own weather,’ leading in turn to extreme fire behaviour. Additional problems smoulder further afield. Airborne wildfire ash increases carbonaceous Particulate Matter, which mixed with air comprise aerosols. These, alongside ozones, affect air quality, climate and precipitation and impact on plant and human health. Smoke and ash can also influence direct radiative forcing, where earth receives more energy than it radiates to space causing further warming, and dark ash clouds trap solar energy causing polar ice sheets to melt faster. If Greenland’s ice melts, sea levels could rise by nearly seven metres!

For more information: 


Locally, longer, hotter fire seasons and drier winters have led experts to classify Southern Europe as an extreme wildfire hotspot. Fires are predicted to become five times more pervasive and at least twice as destructive by 2050. A ‘fire paradox’ approach favouring controlled burning to provide a fresh start for the forest holds some merit. Fires efficiently clear out combustible forest clutter such as invasive weeds, insects and disease. Their nutrients and minerals are restored to the soil, increasing its fertility and boosting microbial life on the forest floor. Climate sceptics love the resultant “greening” effect, but research has found that re-growth generally favours invasive or woody plants, which re-colonise native forests and fuel further fires. Eucalypts have adapted to fire and regenerate strongly. Where one burns, many rise from the ashes. With rural depopulation and economic cuts negatively impacting forest management, Portugal is ill-equipped to cope with mega fires. Are privately-owned paper companies doing enough to enforce sustainable forest management and fire prevention? Instead perhaps, as our digital society becomes increasingly paperless, initiatives to reinstate Portugal’s indigenous vegetation might prevent so much more of the countryside going up in smoke.


Cork harvesting & bread making BY JEANETTE FAHLBUSCH

Portugal’s cork industry has been making a bit of a comeback of late. Earlier this summer the Western Algarve Gardening Group (WAGGS) went on a mission to find out more about cork harvesting in the region and while they were at it they learnt about bread-making too!

At the beginning of July some 20 members of our local group got together at yet another wonderfully hidden Algarvian country house, some 10 minutes north of Messines, owned by Mike and Sue. This time the focus was on the amazing cork plantations surrounding the property and their harvesting. The timing was perfect, as cork from cork oaks (Quercus Suber), can only be harvested between May and August, otherwise stripping the cork can cause permanent damage to the tree. As we all congregated on the shaded, multi-coloured Bougainvillea verandah overlooking the cork plantation hills beyond, prior to our cork walk, Sue deftly brought out bowls. The bowls had different flours, yeast and within lightning speed and without much ado introduced us to three different types of bread and roll making: seeded loaves, gluten-free and Irish soda bread. As these were proving in the (hot!!) sun, some of us braved the cork walk, whilst others decided to stay cool and swap gardening stories, problems and share inspirations over iced tea and coffee. The rather sunburned lot came back from the cork plantation walk just in time for the buns and soda bread coming out of the oven – the long tables had been laid beautifully with checked table cloths, and wooden boards laden with chouricao, local cheeses, homemade delicious fig chutney and chilli jam. During lunch, Mike gave us some more information: did you know that a cork oak needs to reach close to 30 years of age before you could extract the first cork? Prior to reaching harvesting stage, the tree is called Sobreiro (male); after the first harvest of the cortiça it is then called Sobreira (female). In Portugal it is said that the cork is the child and the cork oak is the mother. If a cork oak never gives

good oak, it is always called Sobreiro! Extractions usually occur every nine years and the older the cork oak the higher the quality – if you do want the highest quality, go for cortiça amadia – the 'gentle cork'. The extractors traditionally use a very sharp axe and make two types of cuts: a vertical and several horizontal. Large “planks” of cork are then very sensitively (so as not to damage the tree) removed, carried off by hand, as cork plantations are rarely accessible by vehicles, and stacked to dry and get ready for collection and transport to regions around Lisbon, where the main cork manufacturing industries are based. Despite the introduction of synthetic stoppers, a comeback has been made and today some 60% of all cork production goes into bottle stoppers. Another fascinating and educational morning, coupled with culinary delights! Our Garden Group meets on the first Tuesday of the month. Our members take it in turns to host a month´s event, and whilst we are all there primarily because of our passion for gardening and plants, it is also a wonderful opportunity to meet ‘like-mindeds’ and make new friends and meet old ones! We are open to all nationalities, backgrounds and ages – the more variety the better! Anyone interested in our autumn/winter programme, please email: There is no membership fee for our local group, but paid for membership of the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal (of which we are the Western Algarve offspring) is well worthwhile and will give additional benefits.

For more information: 





Luzdoc: Rua 25 de Abril, 12, 8600-174 Luz, Lagos 282 780 700

282 780 709

Medilagos: Rua José Ferreira Canelas, Loja 40, 8600-744 Lagos

282 788 217

Urgência / Emergency

+351 919 869 700

Group Matwork, Private & Semi Private Classes Tel.: 926 514 613 |

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