Tomorrow Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro December 2017 Edition

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December 2017 | Edition 18




Season’s greetings! At this time of the year, Old Father Time is telling us to reflect on the year that has just passed, to take stock of our achievements in the past 12 months. It’s hard to believe that this is our 18th edition of the Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro Tomorrow. It’s difficult to comprehend that we have been going for a year-andahalf. Time really does fly when you are having fun! During this time, we have had some very positive feedback from you, our readers, on how much you like what we are doing and what we stand for. However, we would appreciate a bit more - please! Your comments and constructive criticisms help us to adapt and grow. So, if you get a chance, please drop me a line with any suggestions of things you would like to see or ideas of things you think we can cover. This magazine will continue to grow with your input. In this age of instant messaging and social media, mobile phones and text messaging, it is easy to forget how to communicate on a personal level. We are all texting each other more and more but do we really know how people are feeling or how they really are? We send and receive pictures of happy people and nights out, walks on the beach and people eating dinner. What did we do before we could send pictures of our meal out into the ether? And when was the last time you just picked up the phone and called someone for a chat and a good old fashioned catch up?

Christmas is a time when there’s a big focus on family and friends, on spending time with the people you love, having fun, eating and drinking, reflecting on the year that has passed and the year that is just about to begin. However, not everyone is in a position to have friends and family around them at this time of year and it is easy to forget or overlook these people. With this in mind, can I ask you one thing? If you know someone who is alone or doesn’t have anyone with them to give them a call. Say hello. Make sure they are OK. Make them feel loved and valued, whether it’s here or wherever in the world. It may actually make them feel a million times better to hear your voice. There only remains for us to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Steven, Amber and the rest of the Tomorrow team. Steven Sutton  +351 919 185 677 Amber Henshaw 

On the cover This month we are promoting the idea of shopping locally rather than just in shopping centres or online. If you look carefully you will find handmade delights like the gorgeous Christmas treats on the front.

Stay Connected... 


+351 919 185 677



Give a child a bed this Christmas After receiving an anonymous tip-off about a young people's home in Portimão that would benefit from some charity this Christmas, Tomorrow magazine was keen to help. We sent reporter Sophie Sadler to find out more. On arrival at the The House of Our Lady of the Conception, I am met at the door by Ana, the in-house psychologist and Fernando, the vice president. They give me a lovely welcome and I am shown into the family liaison room for a chat. We are immediately interrupted by the arrival of their longest resident, Ana Sofia, who has Cerebral Palsy and now, aged 59, has lived there since 1968. She has no family and the centre is the only home she knows so she is allowed to live there. She cuddles up to Fernando before taking a seat to observe our interview. Apart from Ana Sofia, I learn that they currently house 36 at-risk children and adolescents aged from four to 21. It is a private institution and has a similar function as CASLAS in Lagos. The next interruption is from a beautiful 7-year-old girl, who has come in to see who the strange visitor is! She has beautiful glossy brown hair and stares at me with big eyes as she hugs Fernando and I try to get her to tell me her name. She eventually whispers that her name is Francisca. She is at home from school today as her class teacher is away and immediately my heart melts as she is the same age as my daughter and she does not have a proper home.

While we are not allowed, under Portuguese law, to discuss individual circumstances and the names of residents have been changed, but they can tell me that she has been assigned to the home by the court as she has suffered either abuse or neglect at home. She has been living at the centre for 2 years and it is hoped that she can return to her family, but if not she can remain in the centre until she is 21. Ana, who has worked at the house for 8 years, gives counselling to the girls or sometimes this is outsourced, depending on the case. Many of the girls have behavioural problems and the centre tries to work with the families, however, as Ana explains; “Sometimes the family does not match our goals so it is not possible.” A second girl, the same age, enters the room and sits on Ana´s lap, she is called Barbara and has lived in the centre for a year. Both girls attend a school which is located just across the road from the centre. After school, the home tries to organise extra-curricular activites for the girls such as dancing or swimming, some of which are done on site or through external clubs. They currently have a dance teacher who gives their services free of charge but they would love to hear from any other


person who would volunteer to teach a fun activity. The charity was originally established in 1949 by Manuel Vitorino Correia, then Parish priest of Portimão, however the home in its current incarnation was established by Dra Mercedes Leote who was president from 1949-1967. It was run by the five Dominican Sisters of Santa Catarina de Sena who lived with the girls but all of the nuns became too old to continue and with no young novices to take over, the centre is now run by a committee, a staff of 18 and volunteers, with help from the community. Fernando is an architect and is one of the people who gives his time for free. He tells me; “I have children of my own so when I come here and am able to help, it gives me a good feeling in my heart.” The home has been located in the current building, in the area of Coca ​​ Maravilhas near Portimão Acqua shopping centre since 1990. The building does feel institutional and Ana points out it would be built differently now, however, all the staff are incredibly vibrant and friendly. When the charity began families would have brought girls there if they were too poor or unable to take care of them but now all are sent by the commissions of protection of

minors, juvenile courts and Social Security.Ana tells me; “Of course it can be hard sometimes when you understand what some children have been through but on the whole, it is a happy place but of course all these children deserve a family and sometimes we cannot make this possible.” Some girls return to the family environment, others go to host families and others may choose to leave at 18: Ana says; “We do not have as many opportunities for fostering children in Portugal as you do in the UK so if the children cannot return to their families or find another family to host them they remain here until they are adults. We try to give them skills which will make them successful adults. What is hardest is when by law they are allowed to make the decision to leave at 18 and we wish they would stay longer, but most retain a relationship with us after they leave.” We visit the dining area where there is a delicious smell of fish emanating from the kitchen which will be Francisca and Barbara´s lunch. On one wall is a behavioural chart which the girls move up and down and which reminds me of the star chart I have for my kids. There is a chapel where the residents would have had a daily service but now that they have different religious denominations staying including Muslims and Christians, they no longer have in-house services but residents can choose if they wish to go to churches in the area. They now use the room for events and parties and they have a big summer event for the community every year. Upstairs there is a cosy library and computer room so the girls can interact on social media at weekends. I am then given a tour of the bedrooms. There is a common room with a TV at the end of one of the living quarters. The younger girls can be in rooms of up to 3 with the older girls having single rooms. I am lucky enough to be shown one of the single rooms by its occupant Catia, an 18-year-old, with a beautiful smile. The walls are adorned with photos of her with friends so she is obviously very popular and social. I try to talk to her in my pitiful Portuguese but she replies in excellent English. I ask her what she would like to do when she leaves the home. She tells me it is her dream to be in the army so she can travel and see the world. Although the centre tries to give the girls normal experiences, they took them camping this summer and they visit the beach, these girls will not have the opportunities to travel or see new places that other children have so I imagine how Catia must dream of having new experiences from this small room.

The lady who wrote to tell us about this home says; “The local community seems to not know very well the great job that is done with the girls in this house and usually only helps with shoes, clothes and food; but they need lots of things that, if donations don't come in, they can't afford.” The Social Services pay about 85% of the cost of keeping each inhabitant and the rest must come from the community. I ask Ana and Fernando what they need. Fernando immediately gives an impassioned plea for new mattresses to replace the old ones which are in a very bad condition. The cost will be €14,700 for 46 new mattresses as they need to take more girls next year. Ana adds that they also always need hygiene products as it is incredibly expensive providing, soap, shampoo, toothpaste and sanitary items etc for 36 girls. They also always need volunteers. The social services just cut the budget they had for teachers, who help the girls with homework and extra tuition that they need, so help from teaching professionals would also be appreciated. We wander into the playground and one of the cats the girls looks after runs in front of us. There is a basketball pitch, play centre and climbing frame but Francisca and Barbara are doing what most kids do, ignoring the expensive toys and playing with a bowl of dirt! I am shown a large overgrown area which they would love to make into a vegetable patch for the kids to grow their own food, although Ana laughs that the children want a swimming pool! Having been moved by the tremendous efforts being made at this home to support and help children and young adults Tomorrow magazine would like to ask readers to donate what they can to our Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust (TACT) bank account. Details are below and donations should be labelled “Bed Appeal.” We will also have a box located in Sadler's Real Estate Office on Rua do Poço, (next to André Spinola hair salon and Madrugada charity shop) in Praia da Luz where you can donate any new and un-opened hygiene products for the girls. Residents of Portimão can take anything directly to the home which welcomes guests. I ask Ana what the girls Christmas will be like; “We try to make sure that the girls go to family or friends for at least Christmas Eve so they get a normal experience.” Sadly what most of these girls want from Christmas is a family but if you have any money to spare after buying presents for your own family please think of making a donation to these girls who, through no fault of their own, need our help. Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust (TACT) Millennium BCP IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 45513973438 05 BIC / SWIFT: BCOMPTPL 



A little corner of Finland in the Algarve BY LENA STRANG As Finland is my country of birth, I was delighted to come across the very first Finnish Shop and Café in the Algarve. Called Koivu, it’s situated right in the middle of Portimão. Having already stocked up on many familiar items that brought back happy childhood memories, I return the following week to find out more. It’s Thursday lunchtime and despite being busy serving customers, Pirjo Laurila, the owner of the shop, finds time to talk to me and my Finnish friend, Chrisse, who has accompanied me. Pirjo’s warm welcoming manner and bright smile make us all feel at ease. She tells us she hails from, Kiuruvesi, a small town in the interior of Finland. Having spent two winters in the Algarve and having been taken in by the friendly people she met, the pleasant climate and the freshness of the food, the decision was made. On her husband’s retirement this year, they moved lock, stock and barrel to Portimão. There is a sizeable community of Scandinavians in the Algarve with many Finns choosing Portimão as their place of residence. Based on numerous conversations with people about the lack of a shop and café, which could also serve as a meeting place, Pirjo seized on the idea. Armed with a long wish list from the 850-member- strong Finnish Association of Portimão, the shop opened its doors in September this year. “We named the shop Koivu which means birch,” Pirjo explains. “It’s a common tree in Finland and its white bark and silvery green leaves symbolise the beauty of the Finnish summer.” The interior of the shop is also light and airy with its white and green painted walls along with a covered terrace spilling onto the outside. Every day a daily dish is on offer. This being Thursday, it’s of course, hernekeitto, a thick pea soup with oven pancake to follow. The café follows an age-old tradition. Pea soup goes way back in Finnish culinary history and is said to have featured in the diet as early as the Middle Ages. Each weekday a different traditional soup is served with Saturday reserved for smoked salmon. The cost is €6 with coffee included. Today Pirjo has underestimated the demand and runs out of soup to the disappointment of some customers who settle for a coffee and an amicable chat instead. There are shelves stacked with various products. I ask Pirjo to name items which are typical of the country and popular with clients. She lists dark rye bread, which is one of my favourites too, and karjalan

piirakoita, an oval shaped open rye pasty with rice on top, usually eaten with mashed hardboiled egg. Amazingly delicious. And it’s only in Finland you get proper näkkileipä, authentic, dark crisp bread. Then there is lingonberry sauce, strong, white vinegar and mustard. Porridge in Finland is a serious business and should only be made with larger flakes of oatmeal for a superior repast. Finns drink a lot of coffee and Presidentti or Juhla Mokka are the varieties to go for. While chocolate made by Fazer is always a winner, there is also licorice and something strange called salmiakki which defies translation. Perhaps some readers might be able to help? I also note that there is glassware by IIttala and candleholders by Marimekko; two iconic Finnish designs. There is a section of wool yarn as requested by the Scandinavian knitting group in Portimão who prefer strong yarn made of 100% wool. I peep into Chrisse’s bag, and spot a can of pea soup, potato flour that she says isn’t available in Portugal and Amerikan Pastilleja, child hood sweets that she buys whenever she can. The products come via Spain where there are already a number of Finnish shops established. Pirjo is eagerly waiting for the supply of lenkkimakkara, a Finnish sausage that is often eaten grilled with plenty of mustard. As Finland is celebrating its 100th anniversary on December 6th, there is a commemorative ‘Finland 100 years’ wine on sale in the shop. I think there will be many a glass raised on this day. The majority of customers are Finnish together with people from neighbouring Nordic countries and a sprinkling of other nationalities. The doors are always open for anyone to visit, Pirjo assures us. Why not visit the shop this December and see for yourself? The Christmas fare will include typical oven baked casseroles made with either carrots, turnips, potatoes or liver. Pickled herring is ever present. There will be buns and ginger bread and all is washed down with glögi or mulled wine. On on December 16th and 17th there will be a Christmas market on the terrace. Tables will be reserved for customers who wish to sell homemade products.   Koivu Shop & Cafe


Opening hours: Monday – Friday: 10.00 -18.00 Saturday and Sunday: 10.00-16.00 Rua Quinta do Bispo Edifício Crisfer, Loja 4 8500-729 Portimão, (Turn left at the island by Continente towards the riverfront. Turn right by Pingo Doce just before you get to the river).



Dom Pattinson

Orlanda Broom Final


António Marra

Be an angel this Christmas Algarve children's charity, ACCA is calling on you to buy a present for a needy child this festive season. ACCA's annual Angel Programme provides an opportunity to those who want to make a difference. The charity, which focuses on the needs of underprivileged children across the Algarve, works closely with institutions, schools and community centres to ensure that the area's neediest kids get a special gift from Santa. And that is where you come in, by being an Angel. ACCA relies on individuals and sponsoring companies to take the name of a child, or a list of children, and to buy a present that will make their dreams come true. Those wishes are not very much, but the children's appreciation of your kindness is always overwhelming. It is that simple, and truly worthwhile.

Last year the charity put a smile on the faces of 1,500 youngsters across the Algarve. This year they would like to increase that number. If you would like to be an ACCA Angel, please use the following details and donate whatever you can: IBAN PT50 0079 0000 43426419101 22 For more information, contact the team using the details below. This year ACCA also has new greeting cards on sale. With the help of six internationallyrenowned artists, generous sponsors and the ArtCatto gallery in Loulé, children’s charity ACCA has produced its second series of six luxury greetings cards (with blank insides). All the proceeds from this fund-raising venture will be used to support the projects ACCA is involved in that help make a difference to the lives of young people in need across the Algarve.

The artists who have contributed this year are Dom Pattinson, Thomas Bossard, Steli Christoff, Alisa Lim A Po, António Marra and Orlando Broom. The cards cost €10 a set and will be available at forthcoming ACCA events, including the Christmas Fairs at Quinta Shopping on December 1st, the Conrad Christmas Market on December 8th and the event at the Algarve Tennis Centre, Villas and Vacations, Almancil, on December 18th They will also be on sale at a number of shops and club houses. If you would like to order direct, please contact Susi Rogol Goodkind. Sponsors include The Conrad Hotel, VIP Chauffeurs, 5-Star Villa sales and management, Euro Finesco and Curiosa.

 Wanda: +351 919 617 995 Jenny: +351 936 249 667 To order ACCA cards: Susi Rogol Goodkind  +351 965 581 831 

Annual shoebox drive for the elderly Registered charity, Castelo de Sonhos has more than 200 elderly in need living in this area. This Christmas we would again like to help them and we are now planning the 13th annual shoebox drive. The boxes will be delivered by the Castelo de Sonhos team. We hope you will participate. Here is what you’ll need to do: 1. Find an empty shoe box. Most shoe shops are only too pleased to give you one.

2. Decide whether your gift will be for a man or a woman. 3. Fill your shoe box with a variety of gifts (each gift may be individually wrapped) see suggestions below. 4. Wrap the shoebox and label for man or women, or couple. 5. Deliver filled shoeboxes to Castelo de Sonhos or the Holiday Inn, Algarve in Armação de Pêra. Before December 9th 2017.

Here is a list of gifts that would be appreciated: Shampoo, soap, body lotion, bath gel, foam hairbrush, comb, mirror, woolly hat, gloves, scarf, socks, hankies, tights, small shawl, sewing kit, shower cap, torch, packet of tissues, face cloth, tea towel, small notebook and pen, sweets, chocolate, cakes, biscuits, small ornament, Christmas decorations and Christmas card. Please do not include: Medicines.

Sue Butler-Cole:  +351 282 330 242 / 933 374 856 


Community as the stylish, overhead, translucent, sail shades, provide protection from the elements, rain or shine. The conventionally Algarvian grocery products found in Merceadia do Algarve are something not to be missed. While the, family-run, Topolino toy store provides a touch of nostalgia, as it becomes increasingly rare to find traditional toys in this computer game generation. Stunning homeware, clothing and jewellery stores are in abundance, as are charming coffee shops for a well-needed rest after a day spent shopping.

Shop local in Portimão! Here at Tomorrow we believe in supporting our communities which is why we are trying to encourage our readers to shop locally, particularly in the run-up to Christmas. We sent our reporter, George Ford, to find out what Portimão has on offer. It can be easy to forget the importance of looking after our town centres. If, like me, you are guilty of heading towards convenient shopping malls to dash in and out then maybe it’s time to think again! Why not take the time to meander through a historic town and discover the previously unknown. Independent shopping is being revitalised here in the Algarve and Portimão is the perfect example of town centre investments starting to reap rewards. Picturesque azulejo tiles provide a beautifully Portuguese backdrop to the cobbled streets, something rarely found in concrete shopping centres. Enjoy getting lost in the historic roads and soak in all the stunning culture on offer. From the quaint and quirky charity shops to designer brands, Portimão caters for all. Stroll down the main shopping streets, Rua do Comercio and Vasco da Gama, in comfort

For local shopkeepers to survive in this evercorporate world we must support and promote them. Look for the unique rather than the mass manufactured and discover hidden treasures and handmade products. If you are looking for an authentic Algarvian shopping experience, then head to the incredible Municipal Markets. The vibrant colours of fresh fruit and veg complement the vivacious atmosphere. This is clearly a local’s haunt and something we should all experience while living here in the Algarve. Immerse yourself in Portuguese culture, why not buy some fresh Algarvian ingredients and get creative in the kitchen? Take a train or bus into the heart of the shopping streets or park in one of the many free parking bays on offer. There is a large free carpark along the waterfront, or if you prefer a more central spot, head to the underground carpark near the market; take your ticket into the market to park for free. Unusually for the 21st century, in most Portimão shops the owner is on hand to help with any request. It can be often forgotten that individuals have devoted their lives to owning a shop they can be proud of. With the corporate likes of Primark and H&M taking over, it is a pleasant change to be greeted by a passionate owner. Head towards the Alameda square for a bite to eat while taking in the spectacular architecture. The Jesuit College church stands impressively at the centre of the square, take a look around to add a touch of culture to your trip. A modern playground at the end of the square provides a welcomed respite for children. With the crowds of summer falling as we draw closer to Christmas, now is the perfect time to head out and discover the real Portimão.

A noble effort Nobel School raised an amazing €3400 at its annual Christmas Fair last month. Much of the credit for the event goes to Pennie Best, Head of Primary. All monies raised will once again be donated to a Portuguese children's home in Portimao that Pennie and her staff have supported for more than 10 years bringing much needed support to a very worthwhile cause.


Amongst many wonderful raffle prizes donated by local businesses was a holiday at the 5 star Martinhal resort in Sagres. Pennie is a good friend of the Martinhal owners whose children were all taught by Pennie, and although they have now left, they always support her efforts generously. A big thank you to all who attended and help the sun shine even brighter on this amazing day.

What's On

Photo credit from left to right: ©Jean Luc Tabuteau; ©JP Estournet; ©Niels Benoist

Roll up, roll up! If you fancy seeing the year out at the circus, you can do just that in Monchique as French touring group Akoreacro brings it’s show Klaxon to town.

Where: Monchique heliport When: December 28-31 at 9pm and January 1 at 5pm

The high-energy performing group has been thrilling audiences in marquees, cabaret clubs and theatres around the world since 2005, combining acrobatics with plenty of invention to create a thoroughly modern circus show. Klaxon is the latest show the company have taken on the road. It features five musicians and six acrobats performing a a beautiful, vibrant and breathtaking show which debuted to much acclaim. And now the

show is set to roll into sleepy Monchique to see 2017 out with a bang! The show - which is just one part of the Lavar O Mar cultural programme - takes place at Monchique’s heliport 9pm every day from December 28-31, and at 5pm on January 1. The New Year’s Day show will be extra special, as it is the final time Klaxon will be performed, as the tour comes to an end. See the website for more details or else purchase tickets from the link below to secure your place at this spectacular event.

   (tickets)

Help clean up Alvor's water On December 17 local tour operator Quimera Experience will be offering one of their walks for free, on one condition - you help clean up the Alvor river estuary! Led by one of the company's friendly tour guides, they are inviting people to join them as they aim to clean up the areas along Alvor's boardwalk. They will be providing rubbish bags and gloves, and they encourage you to bring your friends and family along to help give a Christmas gift to the local environment. The circular walk covers 4.5km and is set to take three hours. It's level of difficulty is graded as 'easy', making it an enjoyable - not to mention worthwhile - activity for everyone to get involved in. Once the clean-up is

complete, the walk will end with a shared Christmas picnic - no doubt a much deserved reward for your efforts! Whilst it's free to take part in the walk, there are just 20 places available and so registration is necessary. Anyone interested should send their name and date of birth to Michael Guerrero and his team using the contact details below. Other events planned by Quimera in December include walks in Barranco Velho, Rocha da Pena and Salir (the latter of which includes a trip to a local dairy farm for a spot of cheese tasting) and a a three-day New Year's trip encompassing ecotourism, gastronomy, trekking and culture near the 'great lake' Alqueva in the Alentajo. Full details can be found on the company's website.

 +351 962 647 741    @quimeraexperience


December Calendar Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us: Quiz Night Fri 8.30pm Sunset Bar, Alvor +351 918 040 382

Fitness Yoga Mon & Wed 8pm & Tue & Fri 7pm Pilates Mon 7.30pm Clinical Pilates Tue & Thurs 12pm QiGong Mon 10am Meditation Fri 8.30pm Pregnant Classes Tues & Thurs 1.15pm Vinyasa Yoga Tues & Fri 7am(2x week €45 p.month) €25/m Villa Prana, Portimão +351 282 484 256 Aerobics Fitness Mon 10am Total Toning Wed 10am Body Conditioning Thurs 10am, Alvor Community Centre +351 934 393 232 Qi Gong Class Thurs 7.30pm, €35/month Centro Serenity, Lagoa +351 962 009 703 Taekwondo Mon, Thurs & Fri 7pm, €45p/m (child) €60 p/m (adult) Fitball Mon & Thurs 9.15am Yoga Tue 11am Power Circuit Tue 6.30pm Body Shape Wed 10am Power Hour Thurs 10am Qi Gong Thurs 11am Zumba Mon,Wed & Fri 11am Kids Yoga Wed 5pm, €8.50 Carvoeiro Clube, Urb. Monte Carvoeiro +351 282 350 800 A Taste of Yoga Tues 11am Rocha Brava Carvoeiro Yin Yoga Mon 11am Vale d'Oliveiras Carvoeiro & Tues 8.15am, Serenity Lagoa Hatha Yoga Mon 4.30pm Vale d'Oliveiras Carvoeiro & Thurs 8.15am, Serenity Lagoa Gentle Yoga Fri 11am Vale d’Oliveiras Carvoeiro Sat 11am, Rocha Brava Carvoeiro, €10 +351 911510641 Netball Thurs 6pm, Carvoeiro Tennis Club +351 917 036 883 Hatha Yoga Mon 8 & 10am €10 | Pilates Thur 9.45am €25p/m Espaço Portas do Sol Portimão | Ideias do Levante, +351 965 017 845 Private Yoga & Partner Yoga €15-25 p.session, Portimão +351 936 786 267

Classes Sevillanas Dance Classes Wed 8.15pm €22 p/month Academia Dança Mais, Portimão +351 962 556 856 Latin American & Ballroom Dancing Tues 10am (improvers) | Jive 11am | Dancers 12.30 Alvor Community Centre | Wed 7pm & 8pm (All Levels) Carvoeiro Club de Tenis, €5, +351 961 916 821 Piano Lessons €80x8/ €15 a lesson, Parchal, Svetlana +351 936 786 266 Dog Socialisation Walk Thurs 4pm, €5, Porches +351 967 925 099 Scottish Country Dancing Mon 7.30pm, €1.50, Nobel International School Algarve, Lagoa +351 282 356 029 Dog Instruction (Group dog lessons) Sat 5pm Hotel do CÃO, Rasmalho Portimão +351 964 083 602 Portuguese Beginners Class Tue & Thur 9.30pm, €5 Chinicato +351 912 417 994 Piano Lessons Mon & Thur 5pm €45 p/m | Private Singing Lessons €30 | | Painting Classes Fri 6pm €35 p/m Music Theory & Study Group €50p/m Espaço Portas do Sol Portimão, Ideias do Levante +351 965 017 845


Group Lesson - Short Game Area & Driving Range Wed 10am €20 p.p & Fri 3pm €15 p.p, Espiche Golf +351 282 688 250 Winter Golf Special 2 Players + Buggy €105 or 1 Player + Buggy €60 Boavista +351 282 000 111 December 2-3, 9-10 & 16-17 VILA VITA Christmas Market 1pm - 8pm Free, Vila Vita Biergarten Porches +351 282 310 100 December 1st Walking Barranco Velho (inc Lunch) 3hrs €33.50, December 2nd Salir & Cheese Dairy 2.5hrs €15, December 17th Cleaning Alvor Estuary 3hrs, December 30-January 1st New Year's Eve in the Great Lake - Alqueva Alentejo 3 days of ecotourism, gastronomy, trekking & culture nr Alqueva €15p/d Quimera Experience +351 962 647 741

Charity/ Support December 20th Alzheimer's/Dementia Support Group 11am, Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos +351 926 297 527 +351 968 084 946 AA Meeting Portimao: Mon 7.30pm & Fri 730pm, Beco das Hortensias Lote 18 R/C/ B Vale Franca Porches (Lagoa): Thur 7.30pm Centro Cultural D. Dinis Rua da Praça 2 Albufeira: Tue 8pm | Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Albufeira +351 919 005 590

Cave Tour & Snorkeling Daily 10am -2pm, €45, Alvor Sunset walk Tue, Wed & Fri 7.30pm, €25 Ferragudo Zip & Trip +351 925 445 828

Depression & Bipolar Support Group First Monday of every month, 6.30-8.30pm, Casa Inglesa Portimão +351 914 878 927

Quiz Night Mon 9.30pm, Rodizio of Tapas Thurs 8.30pm BBQ Meat Feast Sun 2pm – 9pm, €6.50, The Courtyard Bistro & Bar Alvor +351 912 441 143

Sunday service at Wesleyan Methodist Church 4pm Rua António Rocha Silveira, Lote 2, Loja A, Portimão +351 931 721 005


112 808 781 212 965 026 176


282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 213 914 900 289 803 757 213 942 260


966 214 517 282 459 268 282 459 588 282 420 400 282 420 130 282 420 750 282 496 581 282 415 460 965 017 845 282 457 841 282 457 499 966 103 601 928 022 464


282 420 161 282 425 858 282 485 641 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 417 217 282 417 714 282 423 056

Carvoeiro CITY COUNCIL 282 356 690 TOWN INFO 282 357 728 TAXI COMPANY 282 460 610 BUS STATION (LAGOA) 282 341 301 PHARMACY 282 357 463 HOSPITAL 282 357 320 FIRE STATION (LAGOA) 282 352 888 POLICE STATION 282 356 460 PLUMBER ANTÓNIO 962 870 665 BUILDER BOTO 282 461 336 ELECTRICIAN EURICO 968 778 953 MECHANIC CARLOS 282 085 027 HAIRDRESSER 282 356 894 HOUSE SELLINGS 919 839 299 TV & SATELLITE 926 459 429 PAINTING BY STEVE 916 666 210 CHIROPRACTOR 282 352 202

Ferragudo TAXI ANTÓNIO 965 881 971 HEALTH CENTRE 282 461 361 PHARMACY 282 461 232 HOSPITAL (PORTIMÃO) 282 450 300 FIRE 282 420 130 POLICE STATION 282 420 750 PAINTER MARIO 967 881 062 LAWYER CELIA 282 476 305 TREE SURGEON 964 384 613 FIREWOOD 917 601 798

What's On

Celebrate in style The Arade Music Fest, which is said to be the Algarve's biggest indoor way to celebrate the New Year is on December 31st at the Arade Congress Center in Parchal (Lagoa). The Câmara de Lagoa said it is "a unique building, equipped with facilities that will welcome the public with a high level of comfort, safety and great views of the Arade River. Guests will be greeted with a sparkling cocktail at 8pm and treated to classical music. The gala dinner will be served, starting at 9pm, and will have musical animation with the group

Sexteto Son from Cuba. At midnight, from the outdoor terrace of the Arade Congress Center, you will be able to see a spectacle of fireworks. At 12.45am guests will be treated to hits from the 70s and 80s, selected by Dj Mark Guedes, nationally recognized for being responsible for the weekly programme Flash Dance on radio M80. Tickets are still available at the Convento de São José and Auditorio Municipal de Lagoa and cost €55 for adults and €25 for children up to 10 years old and children under 10 go for free.

Convento de São José  +351 282 380 434 Auditorio Municipal de Lagoa  +351 282 380 452

Festive fun for charity

Living statues For the third year running there will be a number of ‘living statues’ in Lagoa’s busy Rua 25 de Abril and Largo 5 de Outubro on December 16th and 17th. These street artists are are people who can keep stationary poses for several hours at a time. The performers will be ‘on show’ between 3pm and 6pm on December 15th and between 10am and 1pm on December 16th. The initiative has been organised by Lagoa council and Ibérica Eventos & Espectáculos. It’s usually a wonderfully colourful spectacle.

BY NIRALI SHAH-JACKSON Jingle your loud and lairy bells all the way over to the ‘ultimate Christmas Party’ hosted by none other than Nobel International Primary School, Lagos campus, near Espiche. Famous for bringing the vibrant international community together on bonfire night, organisers are sure not to disappoint as they host their first, festive Christmas bonanza on Saturday December 9th from 4-10pm. 'Rudolf' will trot the kids down the Christmas ‘memory lane’ from 4.15pm to 5.30pm, courtesy of Tiffany’s Riding Centre, whilst Santa offers special gifts for your little ones in his cosy grotto between 4pm and 6pm. There will be traditional mince pies and a sing-a-long with the Western Algarve Community Choir from 7pm until 8pm. What more can you ask for to get you and the kids into the Christmas spirit? A spectacular video projection show by a famous Swiss artist will

accompany the children’s disco, hosted by Burgau Sports Centre and if this isn’t enough, a snow machine will create an enchanting winter wonderland. To add to the fun, there will be a children’s games organiser and face painting stall. A warming glass of mulled wine will be waiting for you all at the bar, generously stocked by The Garden Restaurant, Lagos, whilst a Baptistasponsored BBQ awaits your festive appetite. A vegan chilli will also be available, along with a raclette served up by a traditional Swiss family from the region where this famous dish was invented. In true Christmas spirit, this event has been created to support local charities. Entrance is free and your generosity would be appreciated via donations at the event.


Let the markets begin The Christmas fair will be returning again to the square in Carvoeiro with more stalls, live music and entertainment for all the family. This year the market will be in the square on December 15th, 16th and 17th from 10am until 7pm. There will also be a Christmas fair held in the square outside the auditorium in Lagoa on December 7th to 10th which will also include a living nativity scene, complete with animals, which will be worth having a look at.

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

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13/09/16 17:19


Pets Mate


Lagos Vet Clinic wants to thank all of the local shelters, canils (canis!) and community members who have helped ease the problem with local stray animals. This year was better than last year! Long standing residents will no doubt be nodding sagely when I say things are already MUCH better than they were. Special mention here to local shelters like Bamboo, Animais na Rua, AEZA and Cadela Carlota. Lagos Vet Clinic also works with the Lagos Canil and, with the financial help of kindly private clients, have been able to help rehome dogs from there. It can be like digging upwards from a bottomless hole at times. Still, irrespective of how deep holes get, you can always see the light! Problems arise when injured/sick animals present on our doorstep. Three months ago we saw the trio in the photo arrive at our clinic, bloodied, in the arms of strangers who had found them on the road. Between them (Candy, Slappy and Stumpy) we have done five orthopaedic surgeries. They have all recuperated here and waiting for homes! We managed to do these surgeries (and stays) with the help of donations from private clients. This helps take the pressure off organisations like NANDI who do, and have always done, a great job in helping the

community with stray animal problems. To end this year and kick-start 2018 we’d like the acknowledge and thank the following individuals who have helped us privately: Bootsie O´Connell, Maria Pacheco, Mrs Winiker, Sandra Lancaster, Tom Hambling, Klaus, Pedro Rocha and Michael Relf. These and many more local people have done much to improve the quality-of-life for animals with no homes, within our community. On behalf of our four-footed mates and from us at LVC: Thank you all. If you feel you would like to help with the local strays, contact us and we can direct you in what ways might suits you best. From in clinic charities to helping with the local shelters or even fostering a stray animal that is recovering from a surgery...every little helps. If you want to get into the Christmas spirit, give something to those who have nothing. Merry Christmas from all of us at the Lagos Vet Clinic! 

Mindfulness exercises Last month I introduced mindfulness and promised to give a few simple exercises to start with. In short, you are mindful when you focus your attention on the present moment. This doesn’t come naturally to most human beings and that is why we practise it. The exercise I started with many years ago is being mindful of cleaning my teeth. Brush your teeth one by one and focus completely on cleaning that one tooth meticulously. With all exercises in mindfulness you will get distracted. That is normal, we are human beings, and we do get distracted easily. When you are distracted and you notice it (!), don’t judge yourself, but go back to your exercise. Learning to be

mindful is like training a puppy; you have to do the same over and over again. The second exercise I did is still my favourite. Peel or chop vegetables with complete attention. After a busy day nothing is more relaxing then peeling or chopping vegetables with total awareness. I usually feel calm and energised again and it adds to a healthy meal as well. Place your feet consciously when you’re walking. Really notice how you walk. How do you move your feet, your legs, and the rest of your body? What is the surface you walk on like? How quickly or slowly are you walking? Observe. This exercise I did daily for a month in an ashram in India. It worked well in combination with the heat during the day. Before that I usually walked a lot

BY ANDREA SCHOONHEIM faster than other people; now I´m usually slower (and more relaxed). Enjoy a ‘raisin’ with all your senses. For this exercise you need the help of someone else. In my case a trainer put a raisin in my hand, while I was sitting with my eyes closed. She asked me to smell the little gem in my hand. Then I had to feel it, listen to it and taste it. When I put it in my mouth I really had to explore it, not just chew and swallow it. Ask someone to put something edible in your hand and do the same. Choose one of these exercise or all of them and observe what is happening. Don’t judge, have an attitude of open awareness and discover the gift of undivided attention. Andrea is a qualified yoga teacher.

   +351 911 510 641



Bits & Bytes Why are local Backups so important? If you already store most of your data in cloud-based storage services, why is it so important to do a local backup of your devices? Often when I write something about backing up your computer, I notice comments from people that say they keep everything in iCloud, Dropbox or some other cloud-based storage system, so they don't feel the need to back up their computer or iOS device any other way. It's true that cloud-based storage services are great for keeping your most important documents safe, but that's not all there is to backing up your data. One of the biggest problems with starting new on a device is not that you've lost your data (if you are


storing it in a cloud service), it's that you've lost all of your programs and apps. Sure, you can re-download all of those .doc files from Dropbox, but you won't be able to open them until you've reinstalled a word processing program. Your pictures may be safe in OneDrive or Dropbox, but if you want to edit them, you'll have to track down that photo editing app you love and download it again. Even though you store all of your app purchases, music and photos in iCloud and all of your spreadsheets, reports and documents in Dropbox, starting from scratch on your device, whether it's a computer or a mobile device, is time-consuming and frustrating. Would you rather spend hours downloading files, reinstalling apps, and readjusting your settings or just tap "yes" when asked if you want to restore from a local backup and wait a few moments for everything to be restored exactly as it was before on your device?

Please feel free to email any questions you may have to  or contact us on  +351 282 356 799

Get cycling with G-RIDE The Algarve is slowly but steadily establishing itself as a highly regarded destination for serious cycling; with a vast choice of scenery for every type of rider from hilly terrain to flat beautiful coastal roads. Weather wise, the Algarve has ideal conditions to promote cycling, boasting over 300 days of sunshine per year, granting year-round cycling conditions. With a concerted effort from Mayors group AMAL, Turismo de Portugal, the Algarve Tourism Association and the Algarve Regional Tourist Board, the Algarve is pushing hard to create a cycling friendly environment and a cycling culture in the region. Trying to pass on the cycling culture is G-RIDE concept bike store in Portimão, a store that started in 2005, after having worked successfully with the largest Portuguese franchising in bike trading.

G-RIDE was born out of an awareness that the owners can provide a service with better quality and better options to all customers. G-RIDE is proud to provide an excellent service, having the best possible staff, people who practice various forms of cycling and try to instill the passion and the joy that is cycling. This experience can be proven either in the selling stage or on the maintenance phase of your bike. Customers appreciate the time, energy and commitment of our staff to find the most appropriate bicycle and accessories or components necessary for every occasion. In store you can find selected products of brands like Cannondale, Giant, Scott, Cervélo or Assos.

Portimão:  +351 282 180 798/966 928 159  Faro:  +351 289 812 080/937 538 472 


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Food & Drink

A late night meal in Ferragudo Square BY STEVEN SUTTON At this time of year, we see restaurants closing for holidays or for the end of the season. In Ferragudo Square, tucked in the corner, is Portarade Restaurant. Usually the square is buzzing with the voices and laughter of people here to enjoy the charm that is Ferragudo, but this is a November evening and the cold evenings have arrived – so the place is very quiet. You can see looking through the windows that Portarade is busy, always a good sign of any restaurant. Having picked friends up from the airport I had not booked a table, not being sure we would eat out. As soon as we walk in there is a feeling of familiarity and welcome. A table? No problem. Looking around nearly all the tables are full. Couples, family and groups of friends. We are just looking for a quick bite as my travellers were tired and hungry. The staff, as always, are attentive and welcoming with friendly chatter and conversation. For starters we all shared, garlic

mushrooms, which arrived on toast, this was enough for three. For our mains my guests had Chicken PiriPiri (with extra Piri-Piri for that bit of kick) and Pork Tenderloin with Pepper sauce. Both of which hit the spot. I had the Vegetarian Lasagne. This was a first for me as I wanted to try something new. To my surprise, there wasn’t the normal over kill on tomato, but a real selection of vegetables and sauce topped with cheese which really worked. It was quite sweet to the taste and a welcome alternative to meat. Deserts? Well, it had to be the Banoffee Pie. What can I say??? Perfect. We had coffees and green teas to finish. Considering we were only calling in for a quick bite we were there over three hours chatting and catching up on news. We were the last to leave. Some things never change. Well worth a visit, whether the set lunch menu or an evening meal. Also, the pizzas should not be missed. It is always nice to see somewhere that is frequented by the locals as well as visitors.

 Portarade Largo Rainha D. Leonor 17 Ferragudo  +351 282 461 310 / 914 637 479

Traditional brownies


Chocolatey, dense and chewy with a light crust. Set aside while you whisk together the eggs and sugar until you get a lighter colour with a frothy consistency (to keep the bowl from moving around put a tea towel under while mixing).

Serves 12 Ingredients: - 200 g dark chocolate, roughly chopped - 175 g unsalted butter - 325 g granulated sugar - 130 g plain flour - 3 eggs - Icing sugar to decorate - A 33x23x5 cm baking tray

Pour your chocolate and butter mix down the side of the bowl and quickly whisk all the ingredients together while pouring slowly, this is so you don’t cook the eggs as they mix , sieve the flour into the mixture then fold the flour until completely integrated.

Preheat the oven to 180’C (325’F) Gas 3 grease your tin or dish, line with grease proof paper.

Put in the oven for 5 minutes on 180’C 325’F) then turn the oven down to 170’C for 20 minutes.

Melt the butter and chocolate over hot water (in a bowl over the boiling water).

Decorate with the icing sugar. Serve hot or cold with cream or ice cream. Ideal for a cool autumn day.


And Finally...

10 Mins with Sonia Carr Sonia was born and raised in the UK but her family are from Jamaica. She trained as a chef and once she had qualified, her passion for food and cooking took her all over the world. After travelling, she settled in Amsterdam where she opened her own restaurant where she could share her love of food. Sonia now lives in the tranquil and beautiful mountain area of Picota in Monchique with her two sons and husband, their three dogs and chickens where they are busy planting a sustainable forest. What brought you to Monchique? We came to Monchique to be self sufficient, to grow our own food. We know this is a big ask, so we are aiming to be least for 95% self sufficient. In addition to this, we want to create a food forest and farm. Most of all we wanted a cleaner and better way of life. Being able to look out across the Algarve every morning and see this amazing vista is good for the soul. Where does your passion for food come from? The reason I am so passionate about food is because I believe food is our medicine and our medicine should come from our food. It’s a cycle. I am talking about real food (not the pasta, bread and pizza etc). Real food has such a wonderful intelligence and if we just would get out of the way and let nature do her job we would be healthy and happy. Our time should be spent being creative and doing things we truly enjoy. Unfortunately we spend most of our life trying to heal our self's from some disease. Life is for living and we sometimes forget this.

What does your inner voice say to you every day? My inner voice says to me every day to remember how fortunate I am to live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet, Thank you for my health, all the knowledge I have collected over the years. But most of all, thank you for family and friends. These are the most important things in anyone’s life. It also reminds me to be conscious of my words and thoughts. What do you want your legacy to be? Our vision is to create a place where we can educate people how to work with nature (instead of against it) and to teach traditional cooking methods (fermenting, soaking dehydrating and juicing) in order to restore people's health through the power of food, in order to leave something for our children and our children's children. If you had one message to tell the world, what would it be? The power to look after your health lays in your own hands don't surrender it lightly..

Sonia is holding Cookery Classes in Portimao at Villa Prana. Sugar Detox Classes called ‘Mother’s Finest: Cooking with traditional foods.’

Three favourite things are: Casa Lamy bar and restaurant in Benagril

Praia Da Amoreira Aljezur, west coast

Restaurant in Monchique Luar da Foia

I go for my morning coffee, after I drop my son at school.

This beach is never full even in summer. It is one of the Algarve’s best kept secrets. There is a river that meets the sea, you can lay in the water and the tide pulls you into the sea.

This is a true family business and has a feeling of tradition about it. Before you even have any food you are faced with great mountain views, as expected in Monchique. The food is truly spectacular, they always make you feel so welcome and always seem to feed you too much! Which is something we keep going back for.

Breathtaking sea views. It's always full, the head waitress gives me a table no matter how busy it is and we laugh so much together, she is so funny and hard working.

My son loves to fish on the rocks there. You have a true feeling of being at one with nature. It is a calming and soothing place.


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