Tomorrow Portimao, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro July 2017 Edition

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FREE to take home July 2017 | Edition 13 | 5,000 copies |  TomorrowAlgarve


The Arabic influence Heritage meets music

Wildfire appeal How you can help

What's on this month Party like it's the 80s!

10 minutes with...

A local wrestling champ And much more...



The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

Tomorrow Portimão July Edition 2016.indd 1

23/06/2016 10:42

Tomorrow Portimão August Edition 2016.indd 1

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

25/07/2016 07:50

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

Tomorrow Portimão September Edition 2016.indd 1

22/08/16 17:56

Tomorrow Portimao October Edition 2016.indd 1

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

22/09/2016 17:47

Tomorrow Portimao November Edition 2016.indd 1

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

21/10/16 11:59

Tomorrow Portimao December Edition 2016.indd 1

23/11/16 13:14

FREE to take home June 2017 | Edition 12 | 5,000 copies |  TomorrowAlgarve


Life is sweet Honey making in the Algarve

Say 'cheers' in Silves The town's beer festival is back

Yoga for golfers

Could it help your game?

Fado, updated

Discover the sound of Fad'Nu

And much more...

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

The AlgArve ProPerTy SPecialiSTS

Tomorrow Portimao January Edition 2017.indd 1

20/12/2016 23:43

Tomorrow Portimao February Edition 2017.indd 1


23/01/17 09:50


Tomorrow Portimao March Edition 2017 V2.indd 1

21/02/17 10:08

We are one! Welcome to this, our exciting first birthday edition! It’s hard to believe that just 12 short months ago we launched the very first edition of Tomorrow for Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo, Carvoeiro and the surrounding area. We had no idea how the magazine would be received, so we have been utterly thrilled at your enthusiastic response. We set out with a simple aim: to create a magazine for, about and with the local community, and through speaking to you, both in the bars, shops and businesses around the area and via email - it seems that we have been successful in this task. Thank you so much for all your support and feedback - we couldn't do it without you! As you'd expect, we're marking our one year anniversary in style. On Saturday 15th we're hosting our first birthday bash with our inaugural Summer Ball at Tivoli Marina Portimão. With a three-course meal and live entertainment, it promises to be a brilliant evening. If you'd like to be there, a few last tickets remain - contact Steven to snap them up. We've also organised a few special reader offers with local businesses and venues to celebrate our first year - look out for them in the issue! We’re also pleased to announce that the Tomorrow Charity Trust has now officially launched, through

Tomorrow Portimao April Edition 2017.indd 1



23/03/17 14:43

Tomorrow Portimao - May 2017 Edition.indd 1

24/04/17 15:18

which all the money we raise via our fundraising efforts such as the ball will be allocated to local organisations and individuals who need it most. We must take time out from the celebrations to mention the terrible wildfires that ravaged central Portugal last month and claimed many lives. We on the Algarve know only too well how devastating such fires can be, and we were proud to learn how a local fire alert organisation has helped with the relief operation for this latest tragedy - read more, including how you can donate, on page 13. Elsewhere in the issue there's a fascinating feature on Eduardo Ramos, a musician intent on preserving Arabic music on the Algarve, details of a guide dog appeal, and an interview with a local wresting champ! It has been our absolute pleasure getting to know you over the last 12 months, and we hope we can continue to deliver a magazine that you love for many more years to come. Enjoy the issue! Steven, Stephanie and the entire Tomorrow team Steven Sutton (advertising and sales)   +351 919 185 677 Stephanie Wood (editorial)   +351 964 187 303

On the cover How cute is our cover star this month!? To mark the official launch of the Tomorrow Charity Trust, we have welcomed Tom the teddy into the Tomorrow family. Hopefully he will be joined by others in years to come! For now, the 2017 Tomorrow teddy is available from Steven and is priced at just €15, with all proceeds going to the trust.

Stay Connected...  @TomorrowAlgarve

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 +351 919 185 677


Eduardo Ramos: heritage, identity and music Above: Eduardo performs at Quinta das Alagoas, Almádena

BY LENA STRANG and I played with my friends outside. We were content in our little world.”

Wearing a white embroidered tunic underneath a cream waistcoat, sporting a grey beard and with his hair tied back in a ponytail, Eduardo Ramos masterfully plucks haunting tunes from his alaúde, a 12-string classic Arabic musical instrument. His voice is deep and sonorous and he sings with feeling.

Music became part of his life early on. He was always singing songs and remembers his first musical instrument – a harmonica - that his parents bought him at a fair in Beja when he was six years old. Later he took up the viola and accordion.

I have heard him perform at different venues over the years and each time I have been mesmerised. This time the stage is the Hermitage of Our Lady of Guadalupe near Vila do Bispo, one of the few medieval buildings to survive intact in the region. It’s a most fitting venue as Eduardo is an eminent proponent of Iberian medieval music, specialising in 13th century Arabic and Sephardic Jewish music. At the end of the concert the packed church echoes to the sound of applause and calls for an encore.

Eduardo’s father’s professional army career opened up a whole new perspective for the little boy. Senhor Ramos senior was posted in India for three years while his family stayed on in Portugal, and Eduardo still recalls the impact of the letters and photos he received at regular intervals. It aroused a curiosity for different cultures and music that has stayed with him for the rest of his life. “It was an eye opener for me to see how the world was from the perspective of a young child in a little village.”

I have always wanted to know more about the man who can produce these beguiling sounds with such flair, and why he has opted for this particular kind of music. We agree to meet in Silves where he lives - again rather apt, I think, as this is the ancient Arab capital of the Algarve. We spend a pleasant afternoon in a backstreet café in town. With his infectious enthusiasm and glint in his eye, Eduardo outlines his journey in life and why he believes the music he plays is of cultural and historical significance.

The family moved to Angola in 1969 due to his father’s military posting. By this time music had taken centre stage in 18-year-old Eduardo’s life. Soon he established a musical group called Os Windies who performed regularly in different venues, playing rock and afro-jazz. African instruments such as the berimbau and the Angolan quissange also featured in his repertoire.

He tells me he was born in Penedo Gordo, a little village five kilometres from Beja in the Alentejo. “Looking back on it, it was rather an idyllic childhood,” he says. “We had no electricity and relied on candlelight. We didn’t have TV of course,


Surely the colonial war raging at the time must have affected his life? Although the family was largely sheltered in the capital Luanda, Eduardo had to enlist in the army like all young Portuguese men. However, he refused to carry arms. “I was lucky not to be arrested,” he laughs. “I was able to play music instead! My captain liked singing and I accompanied him on the viola. I also did concerts for other troupes.”

After the revolution on April 25th 1974, civil war in Angola made it difficult for the Portuguese to stay on and Eduardo reluctantly returned to his homeland. As life in post-revolutionary Portugal wasn’t easy, how did he manage to earn his living? “Through music, of course!” Having settled in Carvoeiro, he spent the next 13 years performing in hotels and restaurants along the Algarve. His music was sought after as he offered something different, but playing in noisy venues in busy tourist areas was not always satisfying. “My wife and I wanted a more authentic place for our children to grow up in so we bought a plot of land near Silves. Here we built a house where we have lived for the last 27 years,” he explains. This is also where his great passion for Arabic music and heritage was born. He attended talks about Arab culture organised by the Cultural Association of Silves and found it of immense interest. He began to realise the extent to which it had shaped life on the Iberian Peninsula. When he heard the alaúde being played for the first time by a renowned musician, he was smitten. “I knew immediately that this was the instrument for me,” he enthuses. As he already played the viola professionally, he adapted well to this instrument but it required a lot of practice based on listening to recorded music. “I must have bought well over 300 CDs. It was the only way to learn as I didn't read music,” he chuckles. Although I have heard him play the alaúde (or ‘oud') on many occasions, I want to know what’s so special about this instrument. Its origins aren’t absolutely clear. Various types of alaúdes are known to have existed in early civilisations. The present shortnecked, pear-shaped form appeared in the early part of the eighth century in Persia, Armenia, Byzantium and the Arab world. It has a low-pitched sound with vibration and echo, which made it suitable for the fashionable salons of the nobility. I was interested to also discover that it is related to the medieval lute on which the 12-string Portuguese guitar is based. When I ask Eduardo what he likes about this music, he doesn't hesitate: “The sentiments that are expressed.” Many of the songs he sings are based on the work of Arab poets, particularly Al Mutamid, 11th century caliph of Seville, considered to be one of the greatest of the Andalusian poets. As a Poet-King he could write freely about himself and the world in which he lived, expressing thoughts in an openminded, timeless way that still resonates today.

Arab legacy in Portugal and an increasing appreciation that it is something positive. Eduardo points out the rich heritage that was brought to the peninsula: arts and music, medicine, improved navigational tools and advanced technologies, including new agricultural methods and irrigation. I am reminded that noras, the old waterwheels that revolutionised agriculture - the remnants of which are still visible in the countryside - were brought by the Arabs. In addition, the Portuguese language adopted thousands of Arab words still in use today. “There was a great mix of people, with Muslims and Christians intermarrying and a large Jewish community that was well integrated,” Eduardo says, adding: “After the Reconquista of 1247, many of the Arabs stayed on.” I am curious to know something about the Sephardic Jews and their musical traditions. Eduardo explains that when the Arabs arrived they found a large Jewish community in the Iberian Peninsula who had settled there at the start of the second millennium. Life under Muslim rule was a great opportunity for them and they flourished culturally. “And yes, there are many similarities between Sephardic and Arabic music as they share the same musical heritage in medieval Spain and Portugal,” he explains. Eduardo sings in Judaeo Spanish (or Eastern Ladino), the language used by Sephardic Jews, in Arabic and in medieval Galician Portuguese. Just another way in which he is preserving old traditions and heritage. The last 25 years of his life have been dedicated to promoting this music both in Portugal and abroad. He performs at fairs, medieval festivals, libraries, museums and thematic events. When asked what his commitments are at present, he lists a series of events. He took part in sessions at a variety of schools in Lagoa and performed Sephardic songs in another town, followed by a performance 

“The culture and tradition of the people is something that needs to be preserved today,” he says. “We need to remember that we have a past and that it is closely linked with Arab history. This is important, particularly for the younger generation, to appreciate.” The impact of 500 years of Islamic rule (from the early eighth century to the Christian Reconquista of 1249) can’t be underestimated. At the time the Algarve was known as Al-Gharb (‘the west’), as it was the westernmost possession of the Arab empire. In recent years there has been a re-evaluation of the


Above: The alaúde - or oud - is a 12-string classic Arab musical instrument; Below: Eduardo performs at the Hermitage of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Community of Arabic and Christian music at a medieval festival in Monsanto. He also participated in the inauguration of the Museum Domião de Góis in Alenquer, north of Lisbon, dedicated to the victims of the Inquisition. When we meet he is busily preparing for the International Festival of Sephardic music in Cordoba.

There is no doubt that Eduardo has had a long and distinguished career as a musician. What’s his biggest achievement? I expect him to mention being the only Portuguese representative at the International Festival of Sacred Music in Fez two years ago, or perhaps performing in front of Prince Aga Khan, the 49th and current spiritual leader of around 15 million Ismaili Muslims. Instead he says: “It’s arriving at a place and winning the public over with the music and passion I offer. This is always a

major achievement for me.” He considers himself fortunate to have a supportive family. His wife (“the love of my life”) is also fond of music. She is his right arm and helps him with his professional work, whilst his daughter is an accomplished dancer and his son is a professional musician. He tells me that at times all three perform together - a perfect team. When I ask him if he has any intention of retiring any time soon, he laughs. “No, musicians never retire. If I stop doing music, there’s no point in living. Music gives energy, strength and the will to carry on.” I hope that for the sake of the captivating music he plays and his desire to preserve a heritage that has moulded present-day Portugal, he will carry on for a long time to come.

 @EduardoRamosMoçarabe 

Local artist unveils new public mural The streets of Parchal got a little brighter recently, as local artist Meire Gomes unveiled her latest public work. Brazil-born Meire— who is also the artist behind the painted electricity boxes and bin walls in Ferragudo undertook the painting of a huge mural on Rua Poeta Antônio Aleixo as part of an initiative with Lagoa municipal câmara. The project drew on the skills of the local community, with a youngster named João chosen to create the large fisherman’s face in graphite that is a key component of the mural, which Meire calls ‘fantastic!’ Students from Escola de Artes de Lagoa also participated in the mural’s creation, painting the sardines that run along the bottom.

The work took place over a month in March, with Meire revealing there was a lot of laughter that helped the artists in their task. “It was still winter so the days could be cold, but the warmth of humankind reigned,” she told Tomorrow. It’s been a busy time for Meire. In addition to painting further electricity boxes, Saturday June 18th also saw the opening of her own space, Atelier Meire Gomes, on top of the fish market in Ferragudo. Dubbed Arte no Mercado (Art in the Market), in this space she will teach art classes, display her work and also promote other local artists. She looks forward to welcoming you soon!

Algarve 41 Club invites new members Calling all former Round Tablers! For those not in the know, Round Table is a community and fellowship organisation that was established in 1928. At the age of 40, ‘Tablers’ - as its members are know - graduate to the 41 Club, the Algarve branch of which was set-up in 1985 by founding chairman Robert Todman. Today the club has 50 members, some of which live full-time in Portugal, although around half are regular visitors with holiday homes here. Together with the members’ wives and partners, the club is very active on the Algarve! In May the club had its annual changeover, the time when the old chairman hands over to a new chairman. This was marked with five days of celebrations that included parties, golf, a formal AGM and a black tie ladies’ festival, which this year was held at Penina Golf Resort. Some 85 members, wives, partners and guests attended to say thank you to outgoing chairman Bob Montague for a fantastic year, and to welcome new chairman Paul Taplin. The club meets on the first Tuesday of every month at O Farol restaurant in the Rocha Brava resort just outside Carvoeiro. A 1pm meeting of members is followed by lunch with wives and partners - a very convivial way to spend a Tuesday afternoon. In addition, on the third Tuesday of every month there is a social meeting, with past events featuring a quiz night, dinner at a member’s home and even a ten pin bowling trip. If you are an old around Round Tabler or a member of a 41 Club anywhere in the world and you are now living in or regularly pass through the Algarve, you are invited to join the Algarve 41 Club. Please contact vice-chairman Geoff Harnett who will be delighted to give you further information on the club. 

 @ateliermeiregomes






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Guide dog appeal: how you can help in-need youngsters When you are young, your biggest desire is to be like everyone else, to do what they do and not have to rely on your parents all the time. When you are young and visually-impaired, this can be difficult. You are in constant need of a helper to assist with daily tasks that many take for granted, and this can often lead to feelings of isolation and being ‘different’. Now local organisation Pawsitive Dogs Algarve is hoping to make a significant difference in two such visually-impaired young people’s lives by training and donating two guide dogs. The project is being spearheaded by dog behavioural therapist Karin Holmström Forster, a Swede who lives in Loulé. Having worked with people for most of her career, Karin’s love of dogs recently saw her become an Assistance Dog Trainer and she is now chairman of Alertalegria – Associação de Cães de Assistência Internacional, the Algarve-based association of assistance dogs.

“My dream is to help people with disabilities - I hope I can achieve it” Karin Holmström Forster

Karin plans to take two dogs to the UK this summer to be trained by Alan Brooks, one of the country’s most experienced guide dog trainers. Upon completing the training and officially qualifying as guide dogs, Pawsitive Dogs Algarve will kindly grant them to two visually-impaired youngsters living in Portugal.

It is a challenging task. In addition to the intensive 12-week training course, there is then the matter of matching each dog to a suitable owner, with Karin

completing a two-month handover and providing support for the dogs and their new masters. She already has one of the guide-dogs-to-be lined up, a five-month-old Labrador mix named Fred (pictured) who needed to be re-homed by his previous owners. A second dog originally lined-up unfortunately failed to meet the strict assessment any would-be guide dogs need to go through, but Karin hopes to have the second pooch sorted soon. “My dream is to help people with disabilities,” Karin tells Tomorrow. Explaining that she was motivated to help visually-impaired people when her father lost his sight in one eye after developing glaucoma, she adds: “I feel lucky - I have my health and my family, so this is a way to give back. It it the ultimate gift I can give, and I hope I can achieve it.” In order to make her dream a reality, Karin is appealing for donations to fund the project and cover items such as the cost of the training course, insurance for the dogs and other expenses. Karin points out that, despite having some of the best laws for assistance and Guide Dogs in the world, there is little support from the Portuguese government for visually-impaired people and sadly the supply does not come close to meeting the demand for dogs. A crowdfunding campaign has already raised some of the €40,000 needed, but there is still a long way to go. Anyone wishing to make a one-off donation can do so by visiting the Crowdfunder website listed below. Plans for fundraising events to be held in the coming weeks are also afoot - to hear about these and to follow the project’s progress, ‘like’ the Pawsitive Dogs Algarve Facebook page - and be sure to share it with your friends. Here’s hoping the project is a success and can make a huge difference in two visually-impaired young people’s lives.

  @algarvedogtraining   +351 91 707 60 40 



quantify in a short article, but I really must convey their complete loyalty to the principles of the Red Cross.

The Red Cross in Portugal BY TOM HENSHAW Founded in 1863 in Geneva, the International Red Cross now has over 97 million staff and volunteers worldwide. The humanitarian organisation’s mission is “to protect human life and health, to ensure respect for all human beings, and to prevent and alleviate human suffering”. Its international work provides support for all major world disasters including war-torn Syria, Somalia (where they are fighting cholera) and Cameroon (where they are helping with polio prevention). I was also amazed to discover that they raised more than £5 million to support the victims of the recent Manchester bombing. Based on the Red Cross ethos, I felt we at Tomorrow should acknowledge the work the organisation does here in Portugal. I recently had the pleasure of meeting up with Dr. José Batista, the president of the Red Cross in Lagos for the last fourteen years, along with two lovely and dedicated members of this wonderful organisation, Katya and Emanuel. I was amazed to learn that the Red Cross has been in Portugal over 150 years. In the Lagos organisation alone they have 22 people in full time employment and over 40 volunteers in the area, providing wonderful support for families and the community. Their work is so varied that it really is hard to

The Red Cross relies very much on gifts and donations from the community and it really is hard to comprehend how they achieve all they do locally, from delivering food to the needy, helping the sick through their ambulance service, and providing medical support and assistance at major local events. One of the Red Cross Portugal services that I felt could really help expats is the tele-assistance scheme, which provides round-the-clock cover for the elderly, incapacitated or infirm. Users of the service are able to contact a dedicated emergency call centre 24 hours a day. The call centre operative evaluates the person’s needs and decides on the most sensible response and necessary action. Two options are available. With the fixed communication service, the user has a wristband or collar with an emergency button linked to a central system (installed by a qualified technician). When activated in any part of their residence, contact is immediately established with the Red Cross centre. Alternatively, with the mobile service the emergency button sends your GPS location to the Red Cross centre as well as establishing telephone contact. Anyone interested in using this brilliant service in the local area should contact José’s colleagues at the Portimão branch using the contact details below. One last thing to mention - alongside their genuine dedication, the local Red Cross organisations do need help with funding. If you would like to donate to the local branch, the account name is Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa - Delegação de Portimão and the NIB 003600609910019586048.

  +351 282 485 640   Rua França Borges, bloco B, loja 1, 8500-674, Portimão



A day in the life… Emma Guerreiro, a currency dealer at Global Currency Exchange Network (GCEN) talks us through her typical working day here in the Algarve…

I was born and raised in the Algarve. With a Portuguese father and an English mother I had the best of both worlds from an early age – Sunday roasts and cataplanas! I have lived in the UK, USA and Cape Verde, but living in the Algarve is like living in paradise. Loving sports and outdoor living, the region has so much to offer. I also love to travel, and when I don’t have time to go abroad I explore the coastlines and countryside this country has to offer. I have just turned 30 and live in Vilamoura with my husband Elton, daughter Margarida, and Jack the dog. I wake at 7.30am every morning, then eat, get dressed and go to work. I wouldn’t say I was a morning person but neither am I a night person! Waking up at 7.30am doesn’t come naturally, but having said that 9am is probably the latest I stay in bed – even on Sundays. When I get to work at 8.30am I am often still half asleep, so I turn on my computer and check my emails before running to the coffee shop for a strong dose of caffeine to make sure I am fully awake before I start contacting my clients. My working day at GCEN can be quite stressful at times, dealing with clients, the changing exchange rates, and my various other tasks – it is sometimes difficult to prioritise as everything needs to be done at the same time! I need to understand why exchange rates move and, as I work with clients from all over the world, this gets a little complicated. To help, I spend some time looking at the news and understanding what is happening to the exchange rates globally.

I usually go home to have my lunch and to walk Jack, which helps to break up my day and gives me some time to destress and refocus before I return to the office in the afternoon. The thing I like most about my job is the people. We have offices all over the world and each office has a really small, close-knit team. There is a lot of banter between the offices; we all talk to each other regularly and inspire and learn from each other. We get the chance to meet once a year. Our client base is incredibly diverse, which keeps me on my toes. One minute I will be speaking to a client who is moving their young family to Portugal and the next I will be talking to an elderly person who has been living in the Algarve for 20 years and is moving back to the UK. Or I might be dealing with someone who imports products for their business from America and needs US dollars. At the end of the day I destress by doing sports and yoga; sweating and stretching is the answer to all my stress. Having dinner with Elton and Margarida whilst listening to Smooth FM and drinking a glass of red wine also does the trick! In my spare time I enjoy planning family adventures, doing sports such as circuit training or CrossFit, trying new vegetarian and vegan recipes, and spending time with the better parts of me.

Want to feature in a future ‘day in the life’ feature, or know someone who should? Email with your suggestions!



Photo © Paulo Cunha / EPA

Algarve association donates €1,000 following devastating wildfires A local fire awareness organisation has donated €1,000 in the aftermath of the devastating wildfires that swept through central Portugal last month in what was the country’s worst fire-related incident in a quarter of a century.

The organisation started life five years ago as a Facebook group, where people could keep members informed on fires along the Algarve. The group now posts alerts of all fires using information from the ANPC website.

At the time of going to print, the fires in Pedrogão Grande in the municipality of Leiria had tragically claimed the lives of 63 people including one firefighter, 40-year-old Gonçalo Conceição. More than 135 people were also injured in the blaze, which was thought to be started by a thunderbolt following a heatwave which saw the country bake in temperatures of 40°C and above.

Following the terrible fire at the autódromo in 2014, the group recognised the need for supplies during emergencies, and so Debby - along with husband Andrew - worked with Lagos bombeiros to co-ordinate donations.

As the catastrophe unfolded, Debby Burton from Algarve-based association Alerta de Incendio Florestal (Forest Fire Alerts) confirmed that the group had donated €1,000 to the Portuguese Red Cross, as advised by the ANPC (National Civil Protection Agency). The association collects donations - both supplies such as bottles of water, food and clothing items, as well as monies - and co-ordinates the distribution of these across the Algarve as needed. Their work is especially important during the summer months when the threat of wildfires is at its peak. Announcing the donation on Facebook, Debby said: “We have decided the bombeiros of Leiria have a greater need than ours at the moment.”

They were also pivotal in organising the community response during last summer’s devastating series of fires, arranging collection points for donations and delivering these to the bombeiros. This proved particularly helpful as it reduced unnecessary road traffic which can hinder the emergency services as they battle blazes. Following the group’s success in aiding the Algarve’s bombeiros last summer, the decision was made to formerly establish an association, or associação. Debby told Tomorrow: “There are nine of us in the associação who meet every month at Lagoa bombeiros. Our aims remain the same: to continue to keep the public informed via the Facebook group, supply provisions in times of crisis, and raise funds for the bomberios. “We are an associação in our own right, but we are not affiliated to any particular


station in the Algarve and hope to work with every station.” Explaining further, she added: “We have lists of volunteers who are willing to help in various ways, such as storing donations at points across the Algarve. We also have a fleet of volunteers willing to drive to collection points and deliver either to the point of need or a designated station. Then we have another list of people who are willing to give temporary homes for people and even animals. All across the Algarve the offers of help are there.” The association is currently working on ensuring they are ‘fire ready’ for 2017 by building stocks of provisions and replenishing the emergency fund following their generous donation to help those affected in Leria. If you would like to offer assistance, get in touch using the email address below. Anyone wishing to donate can do so using the following details… Paypal Email: Account: PT50-0033-0000-454990912135 Bank transfer Name: AIL-ASSOCIACAO PARA ALERTA DE INCENDIO FLORESTRAL NIPC: 514208295 BIN: 0033 0000 45499091213 05 IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 4549 9091 2130 5 SWIFT: BCOMPTPL Email:

 Search ‘Alerta de incêndio florestal / Forest Fire Alert!'


What's On

Go back to the 80s! Save 10% with Zip&Trip To celebrate our first birthday, our friends at tour operator Zip&Trip are offering Tomorrow readers an exclusive discount on two of their most popular excursions. The Ferragudo-based company offers unique tours with a focus on nature, designed to reveal the beauty of the Algarve away from its towns and tourist hubs. All tours are limited to small groups and are led by Zip&Trip’s team of nature experts. Throughout July, Tomorrow readers can save 10% on their Sunset Walk and Cave Crossing tours. The Sunset Walk (€25) is a cultural tour of Ferragudo, with the guided route winding its way through the cobbled streets of the traditional fishing village. The 3km walk takes in the town’s ancient buildings (like the Castle of Arade, pictured), whilst walking along the river you'll learn more about the history of the fishermen and women who worked in the sardine canning factories. The tour ends at a local tavern where you will enjoy a tasty selection of regional products and a glass of wine. Meanwhile the Cave Crossing tour (€45) sees participants swim and walk along the Alvor coastline. A short walk along the clifftops leads to a deserted bay with calm, shallow waters where you’ll don masks and fins for a spot of snorkelling. You’ll then swim along the coast to discover the hidden caves and beaches of the coastline, and marvel at the odd passing sardine, octopus or crab. The tour ends with a beach picnic. To take advantage of these special birthday offers, get in touch with the Zip&Trip team and mention Tomorrow. Full details of these and all the company’s tours can be found on their website.  +351 925 445 828 

If tunes like Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean, A-Ha’s Take On Me and Madonna’s Like A Prayer are guaranteed to get you on the dance floor, then chances are you’re an eighties child. And if that’s the case then this is one night out you won’t want to miss… On Saturday July 15th, M80 - one of the biggest radio stations in Portugal - is taking over beach bar and club NoSoloÁgua at Portimão Marina for what’s sure to be a fun celebration of all things eighties. If you can’t make that date, never fear - the venue hosts a weekly Back To The Eighties night every Thursday, so you can roll up those blazer sleeves (if you’re a guy), don a lace prom dress (if you’re a girl) and dance the night away to your favourite hits from the decade. And that’s not all that NoSoloÁgua has in store for you this summer. Every Wednesday sees live bands play by

the pool area, with July set to welcome the likes of Daddy Jack Band and BB Kween. Meanwhile, on July 8th the venue celebrates its 11th birthday with its annual White Party, the 16th is the date of the Sunset Sumol Colour Party, and the 22nd will see them host MTV Portugal’s 14th anniversary party. Or if dinner and dancing is more your thing, check out their Summer Show schedule. Held every Thursday and Friday from July 6th to September 8th, the Summer Shows feature great performers and delicious food - the perfect combination! To celebrate our first birthday, we have a pair of tickets to each of the M80 night, the White Party and the MTV party to give away! To enter, simply email your details to Winners will be picked and contacted the day before each event.

  booking.portimã

Calling all wine lovers Praia da Rocha is this month set to host another edition of Portimão Wine Tasting, an initiative dedicated to wine lovers. Designed to promote regional wines, the event will see three local producers - Quinta da Penina, Quinta Morgado da Torre and Herdade dos Pimentéis showcase their finest vinhos.


The event runs from July 21st - 23rd between 7pm and midnight and is free to attend. Visitors can purchase an official Portimão Wine Tasting cup for €1.50 which can then be used to sample vintage wines (€.150) and reserve wines (€2).  @portimaomunicipio





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What's On

Line-up for Club Nau Beach Festival revealed Get ready to party on one of Ferragudo’s most beautiful beaches as Club Nau hosts its annual live music festival.

bill, you’re sure to find yourself dancing into the night. The full line-up has now been confirmed as follows…

As ever, a stage will rise from the sand at the venue’s picturesque Praia Grande location where various acts will perform at the fun-filled three-day event.

Friday July 14th 5EX | Os Compotas | Rvolt

Running from July 14th - 16th, things kick off each day at 3pm and run until late. Food is available for those wanting to make an evening of it, as well as drinks - including Club Nau’s excellent cocktails. And, with an exciting selection of local bands on the

Sunday July 16th Daddy Jack Band | La Plante Mutante | DJ Alexandre Ramos

Saturday July 15th Ben & the Pirates | Cacique '97 | SoulBeat

So get your friends together and enjoy the Club Nau Beach Festival 2017!

  @clubnau1

A world of fun for kids this summer If you’re looking to keep the kids entertained this summer, you’ll be pleased to learn that Funworld in Senhora da Rocha has another jam-packed agenda of activities designed to do just that! The active, healthy and super fun programme runs every Monday to Friday until September 15th and caters for children aged six to 16 years. Each five-day event takes a different theme, with examples running this month including Expedition Robinson and Lego

SuperHeroes. The former sees kids face a number of challenges, active games, brain tests and skill-developing sessions. Team work is essential, with physical strength, endurance and intelligence also brought into play. Meanwhile, Lego SuperHeroes week will see children create a Lego-like city from painted cardboard boxes, build a sticky spiderweb and make candy kryptonite! This theme is designed to awaken children’s inner super powers by

unleashing their imagination. The price for each week’s event includes all activities, insurance, lunch, a morning and afternoon snack, and drinks. For more information get in touch with the FunWorld team.

  @funworld.algarve  +351 961 263 588  Rua dos Castros, Alporchinhos, Sra. da Rocha

Discover a Lota Cool things in Portimão Lota Cool Market returns to Portimão this month, bringing with it a host of handicrafts, design items and gourmet products for you to discover. Now in its fourth year, the event is

the first of its kind in the south of Portugal. With a focus on the artistic and creative, it was established to give a platform to small boutique brands from across Portugal, selling everything from handmade clothing and jewellery to original art and even cupcakes! This year’s event takes place July 14th 16th at the Zona Ribeirinha in Portimão. The chosen theme is ‘free spirit’, which is intended to invoke the romanticism of the


crafters’ work and the feel of summer. In addition to the various vendors, the three day event will see a variety of street food stalls set up, serving everything from burgers to bifanas, as well as cold beers and cocktails. There will also be a performance stage which will play host to various entertainment acts. See you there!  @lotacoolmarket

Images © Câmara Municipal de Lagoa

Black & White Night Saturday June 17th, Carvoeiro Question: What’s black and white and has fun all over town? Answer: Anyone who attended the Black and White Night in Carvoeiro! The atmosphere was far better than our ability to tell a good joke at the now annual event last month. Held in the streets and on the beach of the traditional fishing town, it saw thousands of revellers - all dressed in black and white, as per the theme enjoying what is dubbed the ‘first big party of the summer in the Algarve’.

Organised by Lagoa Câmara, this year’s instalment - the fourth to be held - saw high-energy performances across no less than nine stages by various bands and DJs. Meanwhile, street performers were also on hand to thrill partygoers. The party continued into the early hours, with a free bus shuttle service laid on by the câmera between Carvoeiro and Lagoa to ensure everyone got to and from the party safely. Now that we’ve just about recovered from this year’s bash, we’re already looking forward to next year!


What's On

Algarve artists take a moment to reflect on 10 years BY STEPHANIE GINGER

Calling all art lovers! This month the Algarve Artists Network (AAN) celebrates 10 years of ever-changing art in Portugal with its Take a Moment (Faça uma Pausa) exhibition, which opened with a celebration of music, food and drink on June 21st and runs until the end of July. The exhibition is a land art project, which exhibits a variety of original art in dialogue with the environment, with installations from twenty-one participating local artists.

supporting each other through an exchange of ideas and skills since 2006. The group has not only built a successful network that encourages artistic endeavour, but has also organised many diverse exhibitions over the years, including an exhibition in 2015 at Faro Airport. Celebrating a decade of artistic expression in the Algarve, the latest exhibition is as diverse and innovative as any that has gone before.

One of the artists involved is BJ Boulter. She points out that “many of the artists exhibiting this year have never made an ‘art installation’, having worked primarily on flat surfaces, whilst for others it is a familiar medium.” This should make for a very interesting exhibition.

Silvia Cavelti, AAN member and an artist who usually works in perspex, glass and light, has offered her olive grove as the delightful venue for the exhibition. The participating artists have then contributed their own personal ideas and concepts using the olive trees as living ‘canvases’ in a natural space to express a wide range of art in a variety of media and materials.

AAN is a network of professional artists based in the Algarve who have been

Brigitte von Humbolt’s installation invites interaction from guests; after wrapping her

olive tree in saffron canvas, she has made 130 painted canvas leaves (pictured) upon which visitors can write a poem, wish or thought and then hang them in her ‘wishing tree’. Another exhibitor, Siddarth Kerkar, is visiting Portugal as a guest of Silvia Cavelti. He is the son of the Museum of Goa’s founder and attends St. Martin’s College of Art. His installation is entitled Family Tree. BJ Boulter’s installation is of a cushioned figure resting on a charpoy in the shade of her olive tree. Her pensive figure invites guests to join him and ‘take a moment’ to watch the grass grow. When: June 21st to end of July Where: The Olive Grove, Casa Jacaranda, Sitio dos Quartos, Loulé Coordinates: 37.112157,-8.033990 

Explore Lagoa’s most aweinspiring coastal cave

Sometimes referred to as ‘Benagil Cathedral’, such is its magnificence, this particular cave features an algar, a natural

The cave’s location is close to Benagil beach, but access is difficult and can only

 +351 969 467 275  


be achieved by boat. It is possible to visit all year round, provided that there are good navigability conditions. During high season you can even rent a kayak and spend longer exploring. Local tour company Quimera Experience organises walks along the nearby cliffs and visits to the caves by both boat and kayak. Some trips are also combined with a visit to local vineyard Monte de Salicos for a wine tasting and tapas session - the next of these is on July 29th. To learn more about their trips, contact owner Michael Guerreiro.

Image: © Bruno Carlos via Creative Commons

Some of the most beautiful marine caves in Portugal can be found along the coast of Lagoa, and arguably the most aweinspiring is Algar de Benagil, which has impressed visitors from around the world for many years.

limestone cavity formed by the erosion of wind and water. The word derives from the Arabic al-Gar, which means ‘the crease’, and specifically refers to a cavity that, unlike most caves or caverns, is more vertical in its orientation, like a well. At Benagil, this opening in the cave’s ceiling allows light to spill through and illuminate the small sandy beach and clear waters inside. The two arches at the cave's entrance from the sea complete a truly heavenly setting.

July Calendar

Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:


Bootcamp Class Mon - Fri 7.30am, 10am & 7pm, Yoga Tue & Thurs 9am Pilates Mon, Wed & Fri 9am Mobile Bootcamp Sat 9am, €10 Luz AXN Club Cascade Resort, Lagos  +351 915 183 888 Yoga Mon & Wed 8pm & Tue & Fri 7pm Pilates Mon 7.30pm Clinical Pilates Tue & Thurs 11.30am & 5.30pm QiGong Mon 10am Meditation Fri 8.30pm €25/m Villa Prana, Portimão  +351 282 484 256 Aerobics Fitness Mon 10am Total Toning Wed 10am Body Conditioning Thurs 10am, Alvor Community Centre  +351 934 393 232 Qi Gong Class Thurs 7.30pm, €35/month Centro Serenity, Lagoa  +351 962 009 703 Taekwondo Mon, Thurs & Fri 7pm, €45p/m (child) €60 p/m (adult) Fitball Mon & Thurs 9.15am Yoga Tue 11am Power Circuit Tue 6.30pm Body Shape Wed 10am Power Hour Thurs 10am Qi Gong Thurs 11am Zumba Mon,Wed & Fri 11am Kids Yoga Wed 5pm, €8.50 Carvoeiro Clube, Urb. Monte Carvoeiro  +351 282 350 800 A Taste of Yoga Tues 11am Rocha Brava Carvoeiro Yin Yoga Mon 11am Vale d'Oliveiras Carvoeiro & Tues 8.15am, Serenity Lagoa Hatha Yoga Mon 4.30pm Vale d'Oliveiras Carvoeiro & Thurs 8.15am, Serenity Lagoa, Gentle Yoga Fri 11am Vale d’Oliveiras Carvoeiro Sat 11am, Rocha Brava Carvoeiro, €10  +351 911510641 Netball Thurs 6pm, Carvoeiro Tennis Club, all welcome  +351 917 036 883

Hatha Yoga Mon 7.30pm Yoga Kids (3-5yrs) Wed 6.30pm Theatre (5-9yrs) Sat 9.3011am Lagoa Study Support Mon 3.30pm, Wed 3pm & Fri 2pm, Espaço Portas do Sol Portimão, Ideias do Levante  +351 965017845 Yoga on the Roof Groups 2-4 people (Try for free Sat 10am) €5 Portimão  +351 936 786 266


Piano Lessons €80x8/ €15 a lesson, Portimão, Svetlana  +351 936 786 266 Dog Socialisation Walk Thurs 4pm, €5, Porches  +351 967 925 099 Latin American & Ballroom Dancing Tue 10am (beginners) & 11am (improvers/ intermediate) Alvor Community Centre, €5  +351 961 916 821 Scottish Country Dancing Mon 7.30pm, €1.50, Nobel International School Algarve, Lagoa  +351 282 356 029 Dog Instruction (Group dog lessons) Sat 5pm 1st lesson by appointment, Hotel do CÃO, Rasmalho Portimão  +351 964 083 602

Quiz Night Wed 9.30pm, Fado Evening Thurs 8.30pm, BBQ Sun 2pm – 9pm, €6.50, The Courtyard Bar & Bistro Alvor Richard  +351 912441143 July 1st Opera Night 9.30pm | Famous opera scenes from Mozart, Verdi, Lehár, Piazzolla & Offenbach | €8 | Tickets at Box Office of Convento de S. José, Lagoa  +351 282 380 434 Lagoa Municipal Auditorium or online  More Info:  July 2nd Sunset in Salgados 5.30pm, €8, Armação de Pêra beach to Praia Grande to Salgados Lagoon 8km, 2-3hrs, July 16th Ilha Deserta Path €25 (inc. catamaran trip to Ilha Deserta & Transfer from Portimão 3km, 2.5 hrs July 30th Tree Top Adventure, 9am, €25, climb trees & test your skills in an adventure park. More walks/tours avaliable, Quimera Experience  +351 969 467 275 July 3-7 Performing Arts – Intensive Course | Drama, Dance & Music (Lessons in: acting, singing, instrument, Music History, Hip Hop/ Street Dance, etc). Info:  +351 965017845  portasdosol Ideias do Levante & Sonarsis Espiche Golf “Roll Up” Lesson Wed 2pm, €10 pp Group Lesson - Putting & Driving Range (2hrs) Fri 2 4pm, €5 pp Junior Golf School Sun 10am, €10 per lesson, Espiche Golf  +351 282 688 250


Cave Tour & Snorkeling Daily 10am -2pm, €45 Alvor Sunset walk Tue, Wed & Fri 7.30pm, €25 Ferragudo, Zip & Trip  +351 925 445 828 Quiz Night Fri 8.30pm, Sunset Bar Alvor  +351 918 040 382


112 808 781 212 965 026 176


282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260


966 214 517 282 459 268 282 459 588 282 420 400 282 420 130 282 420 750 282 496 581 282 415 460 965 017 845 282 457 841 282 457 499 966 103 601 928 022 464


282 420 161 282 425 858 282 485 641 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 417 217 282 417 714 282 423 056

Carvoeiro CITY COUNCIL 282 356 690 TOWN INFO 282 357 728 TAXI COMPANY 282 460 610 BUS STATION (LAGOA) 282 341 301 PHARMACY 282 357 463 HOSPITAL 282 357 320 FIRE STATION (LAGOA) 282 352 888 POLICE STATION 282 356 460 PLUMBER ANTÓNIO 962 870 665 BUILDER BOTO 282 461 336 ELECTRICIAN EURICO 968 778 953 MECHANIC CARLOS 282 085 027 HAIRDRESSER 282 356 894 HOUSE SELLINGS 919 839 299 TV & SATELLITE 926 459 429 PAINTING 916 666 210 CHIROPRACTOR 282 352 202

Ferragudo Charity/ Support AA Meeting Mon 7.30pm - 9pm & Fri 7.30pm, Portimão  +351 919 005 590

TAXI ANTÓNIO 965 881 971 HEALTH CENTRE 282 461 361 PHARMACY 282 461 232 HOSPITAL (PORTIMÃO) 282 450 300 FIRE 282 420 130 POLICE STATION 282 420 750 PAINTER MARIO 967 881 062 LAWYER CELIA 282 476 305 TREE SURGEON 964 384 613 FIREWOOD 917 601 798


Connecting with your child Laura Newman is a speech therapist and parent consultant who set up family support service Connected Child here in Portugal one year ago. Aimed at supporting parents to raise their children to reach their highest potential, the service specialises in helping youngsters of all ages with difficulties in speech and behaviour. Here Laura tells Tomorrow more about herself and her work… How did you end up in Portugal? I moved to Portugal two years ago with my daughter after living in England, Florida in the USA and Brazil. It was visiting my friend in the Algarve that changed my life; my ‘impulsive’ gene was already excited. We moved to Sintra in the summer and quickly relocated to the Algarve in the winter. What is your professional background? I have degrees in Biology and Speech Therapy, and a master’s in Human Communications (my boyfriend called me The Three Degrees!). I worked with special needs children for 20 years in the UK. In 2002 I certified as a health educator, and since becoming a parent I have been engaged in ongoing training in Developmental Attachment-Based Parenting with The Neufeld Institute. Learning never stops. What are your areas of expertise? I specialise in children’s communication challenges (including autism, stammering, speech disorders, delayed language development and dyslexia), behaviour challenges (such as sibling rivalry, aggression, anxiety, fussy eaters and poor sleepers) and learning challenges (such as under-achievers and literacy issues). I also work with parents who would benefit from effective tools and emotional support.

Laura is based in Lagos and provides individual and group support via school/home visits and online sessions. She offers a free initial consultation which can be scheduled directly via her website or Facebook page.

How did you start working as a parenting consultant? I found parenting tough from the start, what with being a single mother and not knowing how to manage with three years of sleep exhaustion! My daughter’s need for connection and her immature behaviour pushed me to the edge. It forced me to look at myself and work on my emotional triggers in order to find an approach that really worked for me. When I saw the amazing results in both my daughter and myself, I started to share this approach with my friends and community. It was a natural progression to integrate this into my work as a therapist. Why does your work matter so much to you? I feel passionately about children getting the best start in life, having their emotional needs met, and being able to communicate clearly and with full expression. Being a mother is the most challenging work I have

ever done and what I need most is good information and support, so naturally I want the same for other parents. It is inspiring working with children and parents who are engaged in the process of change. What are the main challenges facing parents today? In terms of children’s development, it is digital devices, the erosion of extended families and ‘peer orientation’ - connecting more with their peers than their parents. The desire to connect is the strongest force in nature; if children are not developing deep, nourishing relationships with their parents, their desire to connect typically finds attachment with digital devices and peers. The result is that ‘immature brains’ are raising each other and children are staying at that level of immaturity, resulting in a host of behaviour issues and a nightmare for parents. Can you give us an example of your work? My first client in the Algarve was a three-yearold boy showing many signs of autism. He used short, repetitive phrases, parroting rather than communicating. His parents were distraught with his behaviour. I worked with the boy in play and taught the parents how to talk with him, but the real key was supporting the parents in dealing with his behaviour. When they stopped reacting to his frustration and dealt with their own, his learning took off. Within one month he was starting to communicate in a more developmentally appropriate way. What are the top three things that parents can do to help their children? First, parents can de-schedule children’s lives and spend more time together as a family; nourishing those family connections and giving children opportunities to engage in real play. Second, parents can listen to children’s feelings without consequence and see what happens to their behaviour. See through their behaviour and see the child, who is immature, frustrated and needing their attention. Third, they can focus on their children’s connection with them and keep that relationship safe, no matter what - even if they have to put themselves in timeout sometimes.

  +351 961 633 995   @connectedchildfamily


Tomorrow 90x65 06-17.indd 2

19/06/2017 10:52


Best foot forward With summer in full swing and feet on full display, Lesley Wall shares her recipe for a natural peppermint foot balm - and one for your fourlegged friend too! This DIY foot balm is designed to both repair and cool, and is particularly good at fixing cracked heels and softening hard skin. Apply in the evening after a bath or foot soak and rub in well. Then don a pair of light cotton socks overnight to keep it in contact with the skin and ensure deep nourishment. When you get up your feet will feel soft and refreshed. Ingredients - 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon Nilotic Fruit Butter or shea butter - 2 tbsp carnauba wax, grated - 2 tbsp jojoba oil - 2-4 drops peppermint oil - Airtight glass container or jar Method 1. Using a double boiler, melt the Nilotic Fruit Butter and carnauba wax. 2. Remove from heat, then stir in the jojoba and peppermint oil, mixing thoroughly.

3. Transfer the mixture to a lidded container and cool completely in the refrigerator. 4. Store at room temperature and use as needed. Sore paws treatment wax This easy-to-make wax is designed to treat doggy skin conditions and protect paws against damage from cold, heat and rough terrain. It is ideal for both prevention of cracks in dogs prone to skin conditions, and treating conditions that have already occurred. The product is 100% natural and vegan. Ingredients - 2 tbsp olive oil or sweet almond oil - Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp fractionated coconut oil - 1 tbsp Nilotic Fruit Butter or shea butter - 4 tsp carnauba wax, grated - Airtight glass container or jar

Method 1. Prepare small silicon moulds or a muffin tin by spraying lightly with vegetable oil. 2. Melt all of the ingredients using a double boiler, stirring constantly. 3. Pour the mixture into the muffin tin or moulds and solidify in the refrigerator. 4. Store the wax bars in an airtight glass container or jar at room temperature. They will keep for up to two years. 5. To use, warm in your hand and apply to the pads of your pet's feet before they are exposed to heat, cold or rough terrain, or as a treatment after damage occurs. Lesley is an ITEC-qualified aromatherapist and the owner of Puraglow. She lives in Alvor.

 

Breathing bad Phew! It’s getting hot out there, eh? Yes, the Algarvian summer is upon us again, and I reckon she’s gonna be a scorcher - which is why this article is about respiratory conditions. Last summer in the clinic my team and I saw a lot of animals (dogs mainly, maybe a couple of cats) with heat-related problems. Any lovers of programmes by David Attenborough and the like will know that dogs regulate their body temperature by panting - but if they have an issue with their respiratory tract this can become a big problem. Most problems come from the upper respiratory tract (URT) where we see a narrowing of the passages through which the air flows into the lungs. Pugs, Bulldogs, Boxers and other brachycephalic breeds (cool word, eh?) have a number of faults in


the anatomy of the URT. It starts with the nostrils being too narrow and also affects the larynx in four different ways. Owners of these breeds often find it cute how their dog snorts and snuffles in the daytime and snores when it sleeps. But this cute noise is actually the dog trying to get oxygen into its system. This worsens as the temperature rises and the dog tries to pass more air through these narrowed tubes. Elsewhere, breeds such as Labradors and Golden Retrievers can develop laryngeal paralysis, another condition which restricts upper air flow. This causes them to make a very loud noise when breathing, especially as the weather gets hotter. At the clinic we perform upper airway surgeries both for ‘brachycephalic


syndrome’ and laryngeal paralysis. Owners are always very happy with the results, which are pretty much immediate. Their dogs experience less struggle to breathe, making them more comfortable. It’s also worth noting that dogs with heart disease are more at risk in the summer, so be sure to get your dog re-checked if they are taking life-long heart medication - the dose often needs to be augmented as the condition develops. So as the mercury creeps up, be sure to get your dog checked if you are in any way worried about its breathing pattern or any noises it is making. Enjoy the summer! 


Paradise on the ocean Life on the ocean is second nature to Rui and Pedro Santos. The brothers come from a family of fishermen, and as such grew up on the water, learning all the tricks of the trade.

for 10 passengers with two crew. The comfort of the craft combined with the professionalism of Rui and Pedro makes for an unforgettable experience.

They have put these skills to use with RP Paradise, the company they launched in February this year with their boat, Poseidon. Together they offer private charters, leisure experiences and - of course - fishing trips.

Charter trips embark from Portimão marina, either heading east towards Faro or west towards Sagres. They offer a range of specialist leisure activities such as their Romantic Sunset tour, which features a tantric massage and a meal whilst the sun sets on the horizon. There’s also the Sommelier Cruise, a magnificent trip along the coast with a stop to savour local wines

The top-of-the-range vessel - a Rodman 12.50 Fisher and Cruiser - has capacity

and enjoy the scenery. Fishing enthusiasts are well-catered for too, with the brothers offering big game, traditional and deep-sea fishing amongst other activities. So if you fancy getting out onto the ocean this summer, give Rui and Pedro a call and experience RP Paradise for yourself!

 +351 913 914 823 / 910 408 683 

What the UK election result means for your money


As feared by many, both Labour and the Conservatives failed to win a majority vote in the UK’s General Election on June 8th, and the country was left with a hung parliament. Theresa May found herself facing a major headache in the form of fewer seats than her party held before the campaign, and was forced to thrash out a hasty deal with the DUP before meeting with the Queen to propose forming a new government. The small gains made by sterling prior to the exit polls were all but wiped out, with the pound suffering sharp losses against the other major currencies. It suffered particularly against the US dollar and the euro, losing two cents against both within ten minutes of the exit poll, which cast an accurate shadow into the future - as has been the case in the last two general elections. Now we find ourselves in a time of political and

financial uncertainty. Sadly there is no simple pill to make the pain of the parliament negotiations go away, not to mention the Brexit talks that at the time of going to print were due to begin on June 19th. It remains to be seen how they will develop, and with such uncertainty comes pressure and weakness for the pound. What we can be sure of is that choppy times lie ahead for sterling. At such a time it’s advisable to be aware of the various options available to currency buyers; for example, making use of forward contracts and limit & stop loss orders may well take away some of the stress and pressure of buying your euros. The Currency Index team are ready to answer any questions you may have to help you make the most of your money, so get in touch today.

  +351 289 380 194 


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Shop all your favourite foods at new British supermarket A new supermarket in Portimão has just made it a whole lot easier to get hold of all your favourite British food items that you miss from the UK. Last month saw Spain-based company Overseas Supermarkets open a 1,122 m2 store at Portimão Retail Centre on Rua San Pedro, close to the Aqua shopping complex. Until now the company’s nearest store was located in Guia, so the new location will definitely save a few trips along the Algarve! Open seven days a week from 10am to 10pm, the new store - which has created 20 new jobs in the local area - stocks thousands of British branded products. They also carry many Iceland-branded items such as cheese, ready meals and bacon, as

Apps of the month

well as Waitrose products including cereals, biscuits and soups. Frozen Greggs items such as sausage rolls and pasties are available too. What’s more, there is an in-store butcher’s counter where you can purchase fresh meat including steaks, lamb chops and good old sausages. There is also a café bar with seating for 60 people. The store officially opened on June 20th with an exciting launch event featuring ice creams and lollies for the first customers to pass through the doors and a band to entertain shoppers. Steven from team Tomorrow was one of the first through the doors and reported that the shop has been fitted out to a very high standard - and that he ended up spending a small fortune having gotten rather excited at being able to buy all his old favourites! 


Here's three vital summer-friendly applications for your Apple or Android devices; enjoy the surf by day, help decide which wine to order with your meal at night and a language translation app to help you order it correctly! Vivino Wine Scanner How many times have you been in the supermarket and found yourself undecided as to which wine to buy? We normally look for something we have had before and we are maybe not too adventurous in giving something different a try. Well this app is for you! It is possibly the handiest application ever. Take a photo of any wine label, a restaurant wine list or search by wine name. It will instantly give you ratings, reviews, average prices, tasting notes and food pairings from people that have tried it before. I have used it and it certainly has expanded my tastes, especially with Portuguese wines. You can even add your own reviews and ratings. It will keep track of wines you like and discover new recommendations for you based on your past choices. Handy if you’re like me and want to try something new. You’ll never pick another bad bottle of wine again!

Google Translate Another handy application when out and about, especially when shopping. It can translate as many as 103 languages, including French, German, Dutch and Portuguese. I have obviously used the Portuguese to English version and have saved money by picking the right cut of meat or the correct type of rice to use for a particular dish when out shopping. You can cut and paste text messages you’ve received in Portuguese, put it into the translator and there you have it - the English translation in an instant. One very cool function allows you to hover your camera over some non-English text and see it instantly translated on screen. It can also help you learn the most commonly used words that you may see in print so you improve your knowledge along the way. I use this all the time and it has definitely improved my Portuguese.


Surfline - Surf Reports, Live Beach Cams, Forecasts A must for all those surfer dudes! We are blessed with some of the best surfing in the world here in Portugal and who wouldn’t like to know the conditions before setting off on a potentially wasted journey? This app reports and forecasts surf in your area. If you are a surfer, it will tell you swell data which is given to you by surfers themselves at any given time of the day. With it you can also access cameras for some of the beaches, plus it also give you stories, videos and photos submitted by other surfers throughout the day. If you require assistance with any IT queries please just get in touch.   +351 936 387 512

Food & drink

Make time for tea in Silves BY SARAH PATSTONE

I have to admit it took me a while before I actually got to see inside Caffe Duetto in Silves (largely due to my lack of attention to the opening hours) but once I did finally make it I was hooked. This specialty tea shop is elegantly decorated and really does go the extra mile to deliver. The tea is all loose leaf with a great selection, including plenty of herbal aromatic teas, chilled ice tea infusions, and a lovely variety of good old black tea. There is also coffee and the usual soft drinks if that’s your thing. The lovely hostess and baker Val always

serves in a porcelain teapot with a china cup and saucer. My mom has always said a cup of tea tastes better in a china cup, and I have to agree. A timer accompanies the pot which allows you to perfectly time the brewing of the tea’s strength to your personal taste. Be sure to pay attention so as not to let it spoil. This is the perfect place for lunch or a light snack. Choose savoury (such as the delicious toasties or quiche) or sweet (including cakes, cream scones and a gluten free option) - or else go for both! Everything is homemade and cooked with oodles of affection - when you are enjoying the delights Caffe Duetto has to offer, know that love and passion are the extra ingredients.

My top tips? The carrot cake is divine, and if you are a lover of herbal teas try the rose it is like love in a cup, and to top it off it's all extremely good value for money! Afternoon tea can be arranged and groups/ parties catered for, and there is free wifi available. So why not take time to visit them soon? Caffe Duetto is located opposite the CTT post office on Rua Samorá Barros. It opens weekdays from 9am to 6am, except for Thursdays when it opens at 11am. It is closed weekends.

 @caffeduetto.casadecha  +351 916 211 904

Three great local wines - and what to drink them with The expert team from Mar d’Estórias selects three of their favourite wines from the local area - and gives their recommendations on the perfect dish to pair them with... We’ll admit it - we are wine lovers! Like most Brits and Portuguese alike, we are firm believers that a good meal deserves a great bottle of wine, whether red, white or rosé. Truth be told, little excuse is needed to crack open a bottle and - whilst ethnologists stir, smell, chew, drink, spit and then recite their classic terminology of “it has a volatile acidity" or "mature tannins” - we believe that you do not need to be particularly knowledgeable to appreciate it. For most ordinary mortals it is more a case of, "I don’t like this one because it leaves a funny taste in the mouth!” Whatever your level of wine knowledge, you certainly want your chosen tipple to complement what you are eating. The

Algarve is not one of the best known areas for wine production, but the region’s climate and soil heterogeneity make it an area with the greatest wine industry growth potential in Portugal. And so we have picked three great Algarvian wines that have impressed our team of late, along with our Chef Megan's suggested accompanying dishes - check them out on the right. Mar d’Estórias is an impressive shop, café/bistro, art gallery and sea-view terrace bar in Lagos that invites you to experience the best of Portugal, bringing together culture, tradition and customs with its products, services and experiences.

Imprevisto DOC Silves, Red, €8 Perfect paired with: Secretos de porco (pork ‘secrets’) served with tomato, bread and bean stew, orange and fennel

Euphoria DOC Silves, Rosé, €12.90 Perfect paired with: Braised tuna served with carrot purée, muxama, fig, tomato and onion

Lagoa, known as the Submerso (submerged) for having graduated underwater DOC Lagoa, Red, €24 Perfect paired with: Roasted octopus served with tomato rice and pickled roast peppers



Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

Food & drink

Recipe: fruit and bread kebabs BY CHRIS WINSTANLEY

One of the joys of living here in the Algarve is the vast array of fruit that is available to eat or cook with at this time of year. With each passing month there appears a new seasonable fruit; June seems to be the month of cherries and July brings nectarines and peaches to the fore, so this recipe is a celebration of all things fruity! Preparing the fruit with this easy marinade creates a whole starburst of flavour with every mouthful. Ingredients 2 firm bananas, peeled 1 small pineapple, peeled & cored 2 pears, peeled and cored

Method 1. Cut the pineapple, pears, nectarines and oranges into one-inch square cubes. Unless the strawberries are very large, leave them whole. Each banana can be cut into four pieces. 2. Place the prepared fruit in a large bowl and add the lemon juice, Cointreau, wine, cinnamon and half the sugar. Toss gently but thoroughly. Cover and leave for 30 minutes. 3. Remove the crusts from the bread and cut into one-inch square cubes, then brush liberally with the melted butter. Toss in the remaining sugar and coat on all sides.

2 firm nectarines, stoned 2 oranges, peeled 12 strawberries, hulled Juice of two lemons 100g caster sugar 4 tbsp Cointreau or other spirit 4 tbsp white wine 1 small uncut white loaf of bread 150g melted butter Ground nutmeg Extra sugar for dusting

4. Remove the fruit from the bowl, reserving the marinade. Thread the bread and fruit onto skewers, ensuring each skewer has a selection of different fruit. 5. Cook over a medium heat on your gas BBQ or coals for 5-8 minutes, turning from time to time and sprinkling with extra caster sugar, until browned and caramelised. 6. To serve, sprinkle each kebab with the remaining marinade and serve immediately. A good dollop of crème fraise makes a good partner.

Chris is the owner of Moveison Outdoor Living Store (



How to make your garden rock

as a garden feature in their own right in the midst of Algarvian plants. The under-layer helps keep weeds at a minimum and, as the rocks help hold water, the garden should only need watering once or twice a week, making rock gardens a low-maintenance option.


Gardeners living in the Algarve are always looking to save as much water as possible. This is called xeriscaping, a landscaping practice and art form that we at Algarve Gardens pride ourselves on. One major element of any beautiful xeriscape is usually a rock garden and, whether you want to spruce up your garden or make an attractive element for potential buyers or tenants, this is a cost-effective feature that really grabs people’s attention. Rock gardens often conjure up images of dull grey stones, but in reality they are anything but boring. They can include a wide variety of plants and design elements including rocks of different colours, shapes and sizes along with garden art. They work nicely with fish ponds, bird baths, stone and ceramic planters, and other similar garden features. They also make a great transition between different areas of space, such as from a decking area to the rest of the garden. The key component of any rock garden is a layer of porous rocks that holds water well while also allowing drainage. These rocks aren’t expensive as you can find them all around the Algarve. The rocks themselves create a part of the landscaping, serving



When the Algarve Gardens team are tackling a new rock garden, we start by establishing a base layer which contains a mix of sand and pebbles for drainage and soil over the top. We then sculpt this to create the texture and visual interest the client requests. The sides need to be reinforced to prevent collapse, which is why it is always best to call in professional help. For larger areas you can use concrete masonry units, bricks and larger rocks for reinforcement. Once we have established the base we lay out the rocks, which isn’t as easy as it looks! We use creative placement with accent pieces to ensure our clients get the feature they are looking for. Once the rockery is placed it is time to plant. When it comes to xeriscaping, succulents are an ideal option. These hardy plants thrive in low-water environments like the Algarve and look fantastic, with lush leaves and flowers in a variety of colours. We generally mix these with small, understated plants that blend well with the rocks, such as annuals, evergreens and perennials. Spring-flowering bulbs can also create more visual interest. So, if you want to make your garden rock, why not give us a call? With plenty of experience and a wideranging knowledge of Algarvian plants, our friendly team can make your vision for the perfect garden a reality.

 +351 927 094 497

 @algarvegardens

And Finally...

10 minutes with… Pedro Encarnação Pedro, 40, is a three-time national wrestling champion who goes by the name ArteGore. He is also the president of APW, the Portuguese wrestling association which he helped establish. In his day job he works as a computer programmer for the câmara. He lives in Portimão with his girlfriend, Ana. How did you first get into wrestling? At the age of eight I would sneak into the living room to watch foreign channels on pirate TV. One day I remember turning on Sky One and seeing [late Canadian wrestler] Rowdy Roddy Piper saying he was going to teach some guy a lesson. He did it with such intensity and passion that I was instantly hooked and wanted to know more. It was like seeing the heroes and villains from cartoons come to life! What’s the history of wrestling in Portugal? Wrestling had a huge boom here in the sixties, with wrestlers such as Tarzan Taborda and Carlos Rocha, but when they retired no-one continued their legacy. It had a small revival from 2006 to 2010 and now it is growing once again, with the various Portuguese organisations (as well as the APW there’s also the WP, CTW and WSW) holding shows in Portugal and even around the world. How would you summarise wrestling for our readers? Wow, that’s a hard one! Wrestling is action, drama, emotion, happiness and despair, all mixed into a show that promises to move everyone in the audience. It’s fought in a ring, inside of which we can do anything, but there is one guarantee: we always tell a story. How were you involved in establishing the APW? When I was 14, myself and a group of guys got together at the beach to try wrestling for ourselves. I called myself Zombie, and the others were Caveman (Luis Pargana), Doomsday Machine (Daniel Nunes) and Vitor Amaro. We just tried to copy what we saw on TV, which I must stress is dangerous. I would not advise that others do the same, but luckily we didn’t cause any serious injuries! Over time the group grew and we even started to attract an audience. Then a guy called Mad Dog (Carlos Sequeira) suggested we set up a wrestling

 @apwwrestling

association. This is how the APW began. I left initially to focus on my studies but returned in 2006, first as just a wrestler. Then I became fiscal secretary and vice-president before becoming president. I’m also a coach, promoter and friend to members. The APW is like my second family. What have been your most memorable matches? I fought Joe E. Legend in the semi-final of the European Championship in 2012. He is awesome, and has been in all the major leagues - ECW, WCW, WWE. At one time he held five belts. It was a great match, but unfortunately I lost. Another memorable one was my first match on TV, against Jimmy Best and Mad Dog. What do you enjoy doing outside of wrestling? Plenty! I love writing, football, photography and movies. I also love music and play drums, so I regularly check out the live bands at Bar Marginalia in Portimão. I like to ride my bicycle too, and wish we had more bike lanes here. I like to go to the top of the Serra de Monchique - there’s a great sense of freedom that you can’t get anywhere else. What do you love most about living in the Algarve? The sea. I went to college in Beja which I loved, but I missed the smells and sounds of the ocean. The APW hosts its second show of the season at the Centro de Treinos in Portimão on July 30th, featuring wrestlers from England, Spain and Portugal, including new Portuguese champion Vitor Amaro. Doors open at 4.30pm and the show starts at 5pm.



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