Tomorrow Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro June 2017 Edition

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FREE to take home June 2017 | Edition 12 | 5,000 copies |  TomorrowAlgarve


Life is sweet Honey-making in the Algarve

Say 'cheers' in Silves The town's beer festival is back

Yoga for golfers

Could it help your game?

Fado, updated

Discover the sound of Fad'Nu

And much more...



Welcome to the June edition What an exciting time to be in Portugal, huh? Following last summer’s Euro 2016 win for the men’s national football team, Portugal are now Eurovision champions too! With the country – and particularly the Algarve – at the start of what’s predicted to be bumper tourist season, it’s just another highlight in what’s shaping up to be a memorable year. There’s already been talk in the office of chartering a bus to Lisbon next May for the Eurovision 2018 final, if anyone is interested…! It’s proving to be a very successful year so far for us here at Tomorrow, too. It is with great pride that we can reveal there are 5,000 copies of the magazine in circulation this month, up from the 3,000 we started with just 12 issues ago. The increase is in response to the demand we’ve had for copies across the local area and this success is largely down to you, our readers, contributors and advertisers. Many thanks for your continued support and feedback. And look out for our first birthday issue, out July 1st! Back to this month’s issue and in the pages ahead you’ll find an interesting read on honey-making in the Algarve, for which our features writer Lena headed to a local farm to find out just how the sweet stuff is made. There are also details of a celebrity golf tournament set to take place for a very worthwhile cause, a (perfectly timed) guide to beating pricky heat and an interview with the founders of Fad’Nu, a modern interpretation of traditional fado music. As the weather hots up (May saw the mercury hit temperatures of up to 35°C, and June is set to be a

Dancers in the Alvor carnival parade last month turn to page 16 for more pictures from the vibrant event!

scorcher!), so does the action on the Algarve. In our What’s On section you’ll find plenty to do this month, from the third annual Carvoeiro Black and White Night to the much-anticipated return of Silves Beer Festival. We should add that team Tomorrow will be lending a hand looking after the pooches on the Dog Emporium stand at the International Fair in Lagoa on June 3rd and 4th – come say hi! Have a great month and enjoy the issue, Steven, Stephanie and the entire Tomorrow team Steven Sutton (advertising and sales)   +351 919 185 677 Stephanie Wood (editorial)   +351 964 187 303

On the cover This month’s cover shows off our local coastline from a point of view few of us will have experienced – 15,000 feet in the air! The incredible image is courtesy of Skydive Algarve, who feature in our regular Try something new section this month. Turn to page 12 to discover more, and see if they can inspire you to give skydiving a go. As our cover proves, it’s worth it for the view alone!

Stay Connected... 


+351 919 185 677



Honey blossoms in the Algarve Local honey maker Maria Rodrigues shows off her product

for the season, and wax was melting in the fire, ready to be sent away for making up covers for comb frames.


Our features writer visits local honey farm Melaria da Bravura, where husband and wife team José and Maria Rodrigues have established an essential enterprise. The Algarve is the perfect place for bee keeping. When you walk in the countryside you are bound to come across lines of beehives placed in strategic locations, you can buy locally produced honey in attractive jars in markets and shops - and who hasn’t tasted bolo de mel, the delicious traditional Portuguese honey cake? In fact, honey making here dates back to Roman times and continues to be an important part of the local economy. But how many of us really know how the honey we buy in jars gets there? Local honey makers José and Maria Rodrigues provide the answers. Their honey farm Melaria da Bravura is nestled in a valley deep in the countryside near Odiáxere, accessed by a narrow road. The low-rising white building I spot behind a wall as I approach proves to be deceptive; beyond is a large courtyard with outbuildings, a furnace for extracting wax and stacks of hives ready to be used. On my first visit in late autumn José greeted me at the gate, clad in blue overalls and a grey peaked cap. The furnace was blasting behind us as he busily prepared


Several visits later, and having seen the facilities and talked at length with José and Maria, the honey making process begins to make sense to me. I soon learn that bee keeping is complicated and time consuming; in the winter months there is plenty of maintenance to be done, and now that summer is here they are busy with extraction and packing. It is not cost effective to employ others so José and Maria do all the work themselves, sometimes not finishing until 3am. José explains that honey making is a family affair for him. “My grandfather grew cork trees but also produced honey for personal consumption. It was my father who started bee keeping as a business in the early 1960s. I have continued the tradition and now I can’t imagine another life. I suppose it must be in the blood!” he laughs. José uses Apis mellifera, a black variety of honey bee. They feed on local flowers, predominantly rosemary and orange, although the heather, eucalyptus and carob found in the region also attracts them. He can’t specify how many bees he has as the number fluctuates, but each colony can contain up to 80,000 bees - although every hive has only one queen. The female worker-bees do all the hard graft while the task of the male drones is to mate with the queen, who can lay up to 2,000 eggs per day. An interesting division of labour… He points out the hazards involved to me, saying: “Honey harvesting has to be done fast. I take

about 70 frames from the hives per day. I shake them to remove bees before loading into my car. I have occasionally lost a queen in the process.” This is a catastrophic loss if the hive can’t create a replacement queen, in which case the whole colony perishes. He also needs to be aware when swarming takes place as this is when colonies divide. It is an opportunity to create further colonies but can also lead to loss of bees.

help us producers and would also provide employment.” They belong to associations that hold regular meetings but feel that there is not enough training and few incentives for youngsters to enter the trade.

Five years ago José and Maria took the plunge and acquired the necessary licenses. There were lots of requirements to fulfil, “and paperwork to complete,” Maria sighs. ”We needed medical and hygiene certificates and can only buy specially certified cleaning materials.” However, this allowed them to go one step further. They were able to invest in new premises and the latest equipment. Maria takes me on a tour of the inside space and I must say I am impressed. The spotlessly clean area is divided into several sections. There are shining machines for the extraction of the honey and others for drying nuts and figs.

Honey making has a long, proud tradition in the Algarve. Honey has been produced commercially since the 16th century and it is still an important activity, adding to the local economy. Yet while the Algarve has the perfect conditions for its production, it is surprising to learn that demand outstrips supply and that honey is imported from abroad. José is right: it is essential to invest in the ancient nectar of flowers as a source of prosperity. The Romans would nod in agreement.

The license elevated them from primary producers to what Maria calls estabelecimentos, which enables them to sell larger quantities of honey and add dried fruits and nuts to jars. They sell at the local Saturday market in Lagos, some supermarkets and smaller shops in the neighbourhood.

  ‘Melaria da Bravura’

Although José and Maria are totally dedicated to what they do, they feel that support is lacking in the region to ensure that honey production has a future. José bemoans the fact that he has to send wax to a factory in the north of Portugal for the production of wax covers lining the frames. “There should be facilities for this in the Algarve”, he insists. “It would




Jaws drop as shark is spotted in Portimão marina

Picture credit: Luis Monteiro

Portimão marina had an unexpected visitor last month when what appeared to be a shark was spotted making its way through the water near the river’s bank.

Based on the picture and an accompanying video (which can be seen on Luis’ Facebook page), the general consensus was that the snap showed a blue shark.

Local resident Luis Monteiro spotted the dark figure whilst taking a stroll along the riverside one morning in May. He quickly shared a picture (left) on Facebook, writing: ‘Na caminhada matinal de hoje tive uma companhia especial…’ [‘I had special company on my morning walk today…’].

The species tends to seek out cooler waters, preferring a temperature range of 7–16 °C, although it will tolerate temperatures of 21 °C or above. As such they are not uncommon along the Algarve coastline, but are generally found out at sea.

The snap quickly went viral, gaining over 650 ‘reactions’ and more than 2,000 shares. Many people commenting on the picture expressed their shock, with one posting: ‘I'm scared!!!! I've always said that they were in there.’

It’s also worth noting that, although the blue shark boasts a set of teeth to make Steven Spielberg’s Jaws jealous, it feeds primarily on small fish and squid, and rarely bites humans.

Forest fire prevention As summer approaches, it is time to start thinking about forest fires - and, most importantly, how to prevent them. To that end, Safe Communities Algarve has put together some reminders as we approach the critical wildfire period known as Phase Charlie (July 1st to September 30th). During Phase Charlie the following rules apply in rural areas: * Burning of debris or grassland/renewal burning It is prohibited to light fires during the ‘critical period’, including for these purposes. * Fireworks The use of fireworks is subject to prior authorisation from the respective City Hall. * Use of matches and cigarettes It is forbidden to make fire of any kind including smoking - in the forest areas, or in the pathways that border or cross them.



* Bonfires It is prohibited to light a fire of any kind, including the provision of campfires for recreation or for food preparation, as well as the use of burning and combustion equipment to provide lighting or for making food. * Picnics It is prohibited to hold barbecues and picnics in rural areas with the use of fire for cooking or heating food. Suitable authorised spaces should be used instead. * Heavy vehicles and machinery It is forbidden to operate tractors, machines or heavy transport vehicles that do not have fire extinguishers, spark and ember retention systems, or flame dampers in the exhaust pipes or chimneys. To read more about fire prevention and protection visit the Safe Communities Algarve website. Here’s to a safe, fire-free summer!

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Fundraising in Niamh’s name Chris Curry and his wife Samantha lost their five-year-old daughter to a rare and aggressive form of cancer in 2012. They went on to set up a charity in her name, Niamh’s Next Step. This month they are holding their annual celebrity golf fundraiser in the Algarve for the first time. Amber Henshaw, the editor of our sister magazine in Lagos, spoke to Chris. Please tell us a bit about yourself My name is Chris Curry (44) and I have been married to Samantha (41) for 17 years. We have a daughter called Hannah who is 12. We are originally from London but we moved to Northamptonshire in 2000. Together Samantha and I founded registered charity Niamh’s Next Step in December 2012 after losing our youngest daughter Niamh (pronounced ‘Neve’) in May 2012. As our day jobs we run a furniture removal company called CCT Removals. How did you discover Niamh’s illness? In late 2010, Niamh went into hospital for a routine scan to try and find out why she was getting urine infections. During that scan, they found what they thought was a tumour on her adrenal gland. Niamh was just three years old. We were referred to the amazing Kamran’s Ward at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford where Niamh underwent extensive scans and tests before the childhood cancer neuroblastoma was confirmed a week or so before Christmas. Just after Christmas Niamh was back on the ward to start her treatment programme, which took around 12 months. It included three months of front line chemotherapy, a six-hour operation to remove the tumour, and high-dose chemotherapy followed immediately by a stem cell transplant, plus 12 weeks of localised radiation therapy. How did you cope when Niamh was diagnosed with cancer? As parents, you breeze through life and

never expect anything like this to happen to your children. We learnt the hard way that this can happen to anyone. I don’t think you can explain how you cope when you are told your child has cancer. You just do what you have to do to get them better and make them comfortable. Can you tell us more about neuroblastoma cancer? Neuroblastoma is a rare but very aggressive childhood cancer, usually diagnosed in children five years and under. It is classed as a cancer of the nervous system. It usually originates on the adrenal gland and can spread quickly to other parts of the body. In the UK, 100 children are diagnosed with neuroblastoma each year. What impact did Niamh’s death have on all of you? At 7pm on Sunday May 20th 2012, life as we knew it changed forever. Niamh passed away after a very brave 18-month battle with this vile disease. As a family, Sam, Hannah and I carry on (because you have to) but we miss Niamh so much every day. In May this year it will be five years since she passed away, meaning she has been gone longer than she was alive. What can you tell us about both Niamh and her sister Hannah? Niamh was a beautiful, amazing little girl and never let anything get her down. She always had a smile on her face and made life so easy for Sam and I throughout. Hannah has been a superstar and we are so proud of the way she has dealt with losing her sister. She is thriving at school and is so


caring with so much time for others. We are incredibly proud of them both. Tell us about the charity you established in Niamh’s name We set up Niamh’s Next Step after losing Niamh, and our main focus is to fund research into neuroblastoma. We also support families in various ways to help make their fight that bit easier. Our charity is run on love by myself and Sam with an amazing group of trustees. Nobody gets paid, meaning that every penny can go to the right place. There is currently no government or NHS funding into neuroblastoma research, meaning all funding has to come through charities like ours. In the five years we have been going we are very proud to have committed over £250,000 to research. We are currently working with some of the leading organisations in the world to fund research including Sparks, Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, Neuroblastoma UK, Brunel University, Newcastle University and SIOPEN (International Society Of Paediatric Oncology Neuroblastoma). This is all great but there is still so much more to do to save these children’s lives. How do you fundraise? Each year we have various fundraising events in the Northamptonshire area including our big charity gala ball and charity golf day. We are very lucky to have amazing supporters who do all sorts of things to raise money including climbing mountains and running marathons, or by simply dropping a couple of pounds into our charity pots. 

Community Tell us about your plans in Portugal As it’s five years since we lost Niamh we wanted to do something special, so this year’s charity golf tournament will be at Vale de Lobo from June 8th to 11th. We teamed up with Phil at Algarve Sports who put together a superb package for us at this stunning resort.

We have around 40-50 golfers coming over from the UK including some of our celebrity patrons. We are also very excited to be able to offer places to the local community on Saturday June 10th, with a presentation dinner straight after hosted by former England cricketer Ronnie Irani.

Which celebrities are taking part? We are very lucky to have a few celebrities involved with Niamh’s Next Step, including Westlife’s Shane Filan, former England cricketer Darren Gough, Pete Dale (Tubes from Soccer AM) Former Saints and All Blacks rugby player Bruce Reihana, and former England rugby stars Ben Foden and Lee Dickson. They are coming over to play and support which is amazing. What are your ambitions for the charity? Our main goal for Niamh’s Next Step is to keep Niamh’s name alive through the research we fund and the awareness we raise. Our ultimate goal is that the

research will one day find a cure to this vile, life-destroying cancer called neuroblastoma.

For more information or to buy tickets to the event, visit the website or get in touch via email.

 

Lagoa’s new look divides opinion

However, one person wrote: “When it’s totally ready, then we can comment, still not finished... Let's wait, it may be a surprise.”

Lagoa council has been forced to justify its decision to tarmac its streets and paint them red. The update - which affects the streets around the historic market square - is part of wider plans to make the area more pedestrian friendly. But instead of using traditional materials and colour, the council authorised the widespread use of red painted tarmac. The move has been met with anger by some local residents, who complain that the town’s streets and the entire feeling of the historic square have been ruined, and that the new look will prompt ridicule from tourists. Meanwhile, comments on Facebook labelled the red streets “terrible”, “absurd” and “ridiculous”, with one user commenting “I can’t believe this is real!”. Others have even questioned the council’s footballing allegiance, with one labelling the streets “Rua da Benfica”.

The council is defending its choice of bright red and says the city will be a better place when all the street furniture and plants are in place. They also argue that around 50 members of the public were shown the outline plans - including the plans for the streets to be coloured red - at a public consultation meeting three years ago. One local at the meeting said this colour on the plan was never discussed. Instead it looked like the colour was just to delineate the area and no one was told this was to be the actual colour of the surface. “We have been badly misled,” said João Fernandes. “The council never explained that this bright colour would be used on the street surface. What about a traditional area in calçada? Now that would be something to be proud of.” Thanks to Algarve Daily News for this story.

Let there be light Carvoeiro’s clifftop walkway has received an upgrade with the installation of 114 LED lights, allowing the attraction to be enjoyed at night as well as during the day.

Picture credit: Câmara Municipal de Lagoa

Unveiled in late April, the lights were installed as part of the next phase in the development of the 570-metre walkway, which runs from Algar Seco to the Nossa Senhora da Encarnação fort. The instalment of the lights cost


€56,000, and was overseen by Lagoa Câmara. The walkway was first opened in September 2014 at a cost of €212,000. Since then, thousands of people have enjoyed the pleasant stroll and stunning views that it offers. Last year, a second phase of development saw the building of an open-air amphitheatre at the western end of the walkway for hosting concerts and other performances.

What's On

Try something new: skydiving This month’s instalment of Try something new is not for the fainthearted, as we shine a spotlight on sky diving in the Algarve! What’s it all about? Jumping out of a plane from high above the Algarve coastline may sound pretty wild, but skydiving is so much more than an extreme sport. Alethia Austin, marketing director of Skydive Algarve tells Tomorrow: “It’s the perfect way to shake things up a bit, feel a sense of excitement and get a new perspective on life - from 15,000 feet, that is!” Tell me more Those wanting to try a jump are in safe, experienced hands at Skydive Algarve, located just outside of Alvor. First-time skydivers are given a 15-minute instructional briefing in order to learn the correct body position and what to expect, and will jump in tandem with a fully qualified instructor. As for the jump itself, the freefall lasts about one minute (which may seems short, but it is an exhilarating, fun-filled 60 seconds!), whilst you will have five to seven minutes after the instructor opens the parachute to enjoy the stunning views of the Algarve. “You won't find a view as beautiful as the one you see during the skydive,” promises Alethia.

Who can take part? Safety is of paramount concern, and so there are some medical limitations (listed on Skydive Algarve’s website) that may prevent someone doing a tandem skydive. They ask that anyone with a medical history let them know in advance so that they can clear them for the jump. What do I need? In a word - nothing! Everything is provided, including high-quality skydiving gear. A hi-tech camera also accompanies you on the jump so you can take home stunning pictures and video footage of the incredible experience. How much does it cost? Prices vary but can start from as little as €180 per jump, depending on the group and the discount. How can I try it out? “Our team is a friendly one and we love hearing from people!” says Alethia. “You can call us, email us, Facebook us, Instagram us, or stop by - we are ready to answer any questions you may have.”

   +351 282 496 581  @skydivealgarve

Black & White Night is back

Head to Carvoeiro this month for an evening of revelry that in just three short years has become one of the biggest events on the town’s social calendar. Carvoeiro Black and White Night returns on Saturday June 17th for a high-energy evening of live music, street entertainers and a few surprises! Established by Lagoa Câmara in 2014, previous instalments of the annual event have proved very successful. Last year’s night attracted thousands of revellers from across the Algarve and beyond, giving the town’s local economy a major boost whilst also bringing together the local community.

When: 8.30pm - 3am, Saturday June 17th Where: Carvoeiro

Billed as the Algarve’s first big party of the summer, this year’s event kicks off at 8.30pm and runs until 3am. It will see performances across no less than nine stages by the likes of Algarve-based band Daddy Jack, DJ Alexandre Ramos, who will be playing nineties and noughties hits, and Brazilian samba dancers.


The Black and White Night takes place on Carvoeiro beach, and along Estrada do Farol, Rua dos Pescadores and Rua do Barranco. There is no charge to attend. What’s more, a free shuttle bus service will operate until 4am on the night, running between Carvoeiro and the Fatacil in Lagoa, stopping at Aldi, Apolónia and Intermarché. So dig out your party clothes (black and/or white only please) and we’ll see you in the streets of Carvoeiro!  @carvoeironoite

• Prices from 25 Euros per person/per hour • Departing daily from Marine de Lagos from March to November. • Maximum eight passengers • All drinks and nibbles included • Snorkelling kits provided • WiFi on board • Bluetooth music system

Nauti girl Lagos

Tomorrow 90x65 01-17.indd 2

17/01/2017 09:08

What's On

Charity bike ride raises over €8,000 the intrepid eight (along with two support vehicles) set off from Tróia, just south of Lisbon, on Thursday May 4th. Two days and some 280 kilometres later they arrived at Silves Golf Course to much applause - and some tears of relief - from about 80 golfers and friends.

Whilst sitting having a glass of wine with ‘the boys’ one day, Warren Tennant, captain of Serra da Monchique Golf Club at Silves Golf Course, suggested: “We could do a sponsored bike ride.” No one imagined at the time that this would actually take off, let alone become a big event for the club! Eight cyclists signed up for the adventure, ranging in age from 58 to an impressive 82 years old. After much training, planning and aching muscles,

Their efforts raised €7,250 for Mr. Tennant’s chosen Captain’s Charity for 2017, the Algarve Oncology Association. Further fundraising has now increased the amount raised to over €8,000. The group would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported them!

Picture: The cyclists present Maria Lourdes from Algarve Oncology Association with a cheque. Left to right: Euan Pyper, Richard Usher, Warren Tennant, Gary Edwards, Maria Lourdes, Don Forrester, Steve Edwards and his wife Jill, and Ray Groves.

Paddleboard yoga returns for summer This month sees the return of paddleboard yoga sessions in Ferragudo - and we suggest you book a much-sought-after slot now! The classes are lead by experienced yoga teacher Silvia Duarte from Villa Prana, the Portimão-based exercise studio, therapy centre and guesthouse. They will see yoga mats swapped for paddleboards on the tranquil waters off Ferragudo’s coastline. They are ran in collaboration with Kalu Beach Bar on Ferragudo’s Praia Grande, where the classes commence every Saturday morning until the end of the season. Places are limited and boards need to be booked in advance - so give them a call today and reserve your place!

Silves Beer Fest makes a comeback

 +351 917 734 087 / 282 461 115   @villaprana

When: 10.30am on Saturday June 3rd, then 9am every Saturday throughout the summer Where: Kalu Beach Bar, Praia Grande, Ferragudo


We don’t generally need much of an excuse to sup a beer (or three) in the sunshine, but the return of Silves Beer Festival is as good as any! First established in the medieval city in 1978, the festival - previously recognised as the best beer festival in Portugal - was last held in 2007. However this year Silves Football Club is bringing the event back for its 30th edition, in association with the City of Silves and the RTA (Regional Tourism Algarve). The dates for the festival are June 15th -18th. News of the festival’s return was greeted with excitement by locals, with one writing on Facebook: “Thank you to the board [of Silves FC] for resuming what was once the biggest event on the Algarve, that put Silves on the map. Let’s hope it can achieve the same fame it held before.” Others hailed it as “huge news” and a “great initiative”. The action will take place at the city’s waterfront area around Praça AlMutamid where various stalls will offer a wealth of drinking options, with a particular focus on craft beer. It is a free event, and no tickets are required to visit, although be sure to pick up this year’s special edition beer mug - a long-running tradition at the event. Cheers! When: June 15th-18th Where: Praça Al-Mutamid, Silves

 @silvesfutebolclube 

June Tide Table

1 QUI / THU 2 SEX / FRI 3 SAB / SAT 4 DOM / SUN 5 SEG / MON 6 TER / TUE 7 QUA / WED 8 QUI / THU 9 SEX / FRI 10 SAB / SAT 11 DOM / SUN 12 SEG / MON 13 TER / TUE 14 QUA / WED 15 QUI / THU 16 SEX / FRI 17 SAB / SAT 18 DOM / SUN 19 SEG / MON 20 TER / TUE 21 QUA / WED 22 QUI / THU 23 SEX / FRI 24 SAB / SAT 25 DOM / SUN 26 SEG / MON 27 TER / TUE 28 QUA / WED 29 QUI / THU 30 SEX / FRI


LOW TIDE Height (m) Afternoon

Height (m)


HIGH TIDE Height (m) Afternoon

Height (m)

01:34 02:49 03:59 04:56 05:42 06:21 06:56 07:29 08:02 08:35 09:09 09:45 10:21 11:01 11:46 00:25 01:23 02:29 03:36 04:39 05:35 06:28 07:17 08:05 08:52 09:40 10:28 11:18 00:00 00:58

1.10 1.19 1.21 1.18 1.13 1.07 1.01 0.95 0.92 0.92 0.94 1.00 1.08 1.18 1.28 1.20 1.24 1.24 1.17 1.04 0.90 0.76 0.65 0.59 0.59 0.66 0.78 0.95 0.90 1.08

1.33 1.38 1.34 1.26 1.17 1.08 1.00 0.93 0.89 0.88 0.91 0.97 1.04 1.12 1.35 1.39 1.35 1.23 1.06 0.86 0.67 0.54 0.47 0.48 0.57 0.71 1.12 1.29

07:53 09:05 10:12 11:09 11:56 00:15 00:54 01:30 02:05 02:39 03:14 03:49 04:27 05:08 05:53 06:45 07:46 08:51 09:57 10:58 11:54 00:19 01:12 02:03 02:53 03:43 04:33 05:25 06:18 07:16

2.82 2.76 2.79 2.87 2.96 2.99 3.04 3.08 3.11 3.12 3.10 3.06 3.00 2.92 2.85 2.80 2.78 2.83 2.94 3.11 3.31 3.38 3.50 3.57 3.58 3.51 3.39 3.23 3.05 2.90

2.97 2.91 2.91 2.94 3.06 3.15 3.23 3.28 3.30 3.29 3.25 3.18 3.10 3.02 2.96 2.94 2.98 3.09 3.23 3.50 3.65 3.74 3.76 3.71 3.58 3.40 3.20 3.01

13:53 15:11 16:21 17:17 18:03 18:42 19:17 19:51 20:26 21:01 21:36 22:13 22:52 23:36 12:40 13:45 14:56 16:06 17:08 18:05 18:57 19:48 20:37 21:26 22:16 23:07 12:12 13:12

20:18 21:29 22:34 23:29 12:37 13:13 13:47 14:20 14:54 15:28 16:04 16:42 17:23 18:10 19:05 20:07 21:14 22:20 23:22 12:46 13:36 14:25 15:14 16:03 16:53 17:44 18:39 19:39

What's on

Lend a hand at our next Giving Back Day When: 9.30am, Saturday July 8th Where: Portimão Soup Kitchen

One of our key commitments here at Tomorrow is to put the community at the heart of everything we do, and with this in mind we launched our ‘Giving Back Days’ earlier this year.

Paint and tools will be provided on the day, along with refreshments - although if anyone has paint rollers, brushes or protective sheets that they can bring along, that would be much appreciated.

With two successful GBDs under our belt so far, we are pleased to announce that the next one will take place on Saturday July 8th from 9.30am - and we are looking for volunteers to join us!

The Giving Back Days are just one initiative established by the Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust (TACT). Other events include our first charity ball on July 15th (contact Steven to nab one of the last tickets), with more to be announced in the coming months - watch this space.

This time round we will be helping Portimão Soup Kitchen, which provides meals for the area’s needy. For the last five years the soup kitchen has been housed in a building on Beco São José, and the space is now in desperate need of redecorating. “The room periodically needs a new coat of paint, especially after the winter rains have finished,” says Joy Borgan, who runs the charity project. “When the walls are bright and clean it makes the whole place so much more inviting and welcoming - like a touch of home for those who don’t have one.” Steven: 

So come on, roll up those sleeves and join team Tomorrow for what promises to be a fun and very rewarding day! If you would like to help out, please contact Steven using the contact details below. Anyone interested in volunteering to prepare and serve meals at the kitchen or distribute clothing should contact Joy directly.

 +351 919 185 677 Joy: 

Alvor carnival Over 3,000 people enjoyed the Soul in the Algarve carnival on the streets of Alvor last month. Organised for the third year by London-based company Soul Network, the event was a riot of rhythm and colour - as these pictures prove!


 +351 917 358 098

June Calendar

Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:


Bootcamp Class Mon - Fri 7.30am 10am & 7pm, Yoga Tue & Thurs 9am Pilates Mon Wed & Fri 9am Mobile Bootcamp Sat 9.30am, €8 Luz AXN Club Cascade Resort, Lagos  +351 915 183 888 Yoga Mon & Wed 8 & Tue & Fri 7pm Pilates Mon 7.30pm Clinical Pilates Tue & Thurs 11.30am & 5.30pm QiGong Mon 10am Meditation Fri 8.30pm €25 p.m Villa Prana, Portimão  +351 282 484 256 Aerobics Fitness Mon 10am, Total Toning Wed 10am Body Conditioning Thurs 10am, Alvor Community Centre,  +351 934 393 232 Qi Gong Class Thurs 7.30pm, €35/month Centro Serenity, Lagoa  +351 962 009 703 Taekwondo Mon Thurs & Fri 7pm | €45p/m (child) €60 p/m (adult) Fitball Mon & Thurs 9.15 Yoga Tue 11am Power Circuit Tue 6.30pm Body Shape Wed 10am Power Hour Thurs 10am Qi Gong Thurs 11am Zumba Mon,Wed & Fri 11am Kids Yoga Wed 5pm, €8.50 Carvoeiro Clube, Urb. Monte Carvoeiro  +351 282 350 800 A Taste of Yoga Tues 11am, Rocha Brava Yin Yoga Mon 11am, Vale d'Oliveiras, Tues 8.15am, Serenity, Lagoa Hatha Yoga Tue 4.30pm Vale d'Oliveiras & Thurs 8.45am, Serenity, Lagoa Gentle Yoga Fri 11am Vale d’Oliveiras & Sat 11am Rocha Brava, €10  +351 911 510 641 Netball Thurs 6pm, Carvoeiro Tennis Club, all welcome  +351 917 036 883

Hatha Yoga Mon 7.30pm Yoga Kids (3-5yrs) Wed 6.30pm Theater (5-9yrs) Sat 9.3011am Lagoa Study Support Mon 3.30pm, Wed 3pm & Fri 2pm, Espaço Portas do Sol Portimão, Ideias do Levante  +351 965017845

Classes Piano Lessons Portimão, Svetlana  +351 936 786 267 Dog Socialisation Walk Thurs 4pm, €5 Porches  +351 967 925 099 Yoga on the Roof Sat 10am | (First lesson free), Portimão  +351 936 786 267 Latin American & Ballroom Dancing Tue 10am (beginners) & 11am (improvers/ intermediate) Alvor Community Centre, €5  +351 961 916 821 Scottish Country Dancing Mon 7.30pm, €1.50 Nobel International School Algarve, Lagoa  +351 282 356 029 Dog Instruction (Group dog lessons) Sat 5pm 1st lesson by appoint., Hotel do CÃO, Rasmalho Portimão  +351 964 083 602

Events Cave Tour & Snorkeling Daily 10am -2pm, €45 Alvor Sunset walk Tue, Wed & Fri 7.30pm, €25 Ferragudo, Zip and Trip  +351 925 445 828 Quiz Night Fri 8.30pm, Sunset Bar Alvor  +351 918 040 382

June 3rd: Walking Marmelete 8.30am €8, 4hrs June 11th: Marinha Beach to Sra. Da Rocha & Wine Tasting €15 3.5hrs June 24th: Boca do Rio (Vicentine Coast National Park) €8 3.5hrs More Walks/Tours Avaliable | Quimera Experience, Reservations  +351 969467275 June 10 & 11th: Medicine Wheel Retreat, Monchique  +351 961 161 577 June 10th: Alvor Amblers walking group, 9am June 11th: APW - Path to Victory wrestling event 5pm, Centro Treinos Portimão  +351 964 931 113 June 16th-22nd: Sacred Sites Retreat inc. walks, healing water basins, & summer solstice event, 5 nights in shared room or yurt & most meals, €645, Ceratonia Calvos Algarve  +351 961 161 577 June 15th-18th: Beer Festival Praça Al-Mutamid Silves June 21: Carvoeiro Balck & White Night, 8.30pm - till late Dress Black & White, FREE, Carvoeiro Town Beach & Surrounding Streets June 24th: Meditative Singing Circles Cátia Alhandra & Tânia Carvalho, Voz d`Alma, Monte das Borboletas Silves  +351 965 669 815 June 24th: Sound Journey with Johnny White inc. vegan / vegetarian dinner, €25, Bica Boa B&B, Monchique  +351 961 161 577


112 808 781 212 965 026 176


282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260


966 214 517 282 459 268 282 459 588 282 420 400 282 420 130 282 420 750 282 496 581 282 415 460 965 017 845 282 457 841 282 457 499 966 103 601 928 022 464


282 420 161 282 425 858 282 485 641 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 417 217 282 417 714 282 423 056

Carvoeiro CITY COUNCIL 282 356 690 TOWN INFO 282 357 728 TAXI COMPANY 282 460 610 BUS STATION (LAGOA) 282 341 301 PHARMACY 282 357 463 HOSPITAL 282 357 320 FIRE STATION (LAGOA) 282 352 888 POLICE STATION 282 356 460 PLUMBER ANTÓNIO 962 870 665 BUILDER BOTO 282 461 336 ELECTRICIAN EURICO 968 778 953 MECHANIC CARLOS 282 085 027 HAIRDRESSER 282 356 894 HOUSE SELLINGS 919 839 299 TV & SATELLITE 926 459 429 PAINTING 916 666 210 CHIROPRACTOR 282 352 202


Charity/ Support AA Meeting Mon 7.30pm - 9pm & Fri 7.30pm, Portimao  +351 919 005 590

TAXI ANTÓNIO 965 881 971 HEALTH CENTRE 282 461 361 PHARMACY 282 461 232 HOSPITAL (PORTIMÃO) 282 450 300 FIRE 282 420 130 POLICE STATION 282 420 750 PAINTER MARIO 967 881 062 LAWYER CELIA 282 476 305 TREE SURGEON 964 384 613 FIREWOOD 917 601 798


How to beat prickly heat BY LESLEY WALL

Many people suffer from miliaria - more commonly known as prickly heat or heat rash - in summer. Prickly heat occurs when pores become blocked and sweat gets trapped under the skin in hot and humid weather. The result is intense itchiness, unsightly red blisters and the prickly feeling that gives the condition its common name. Prickly heat can be prevented by wearing light clothes made from linen or cotton, staying in the shade or in air conditioned rooms, taking cold showers and keeping your skin as dry as possible. But if heat rash does occur, the following cooling treatments will soothe the skin, ease the symptoms and help get rid of this intensely irritating and itchy rash. 1. Watermelon pulp mask Watermelon is great for treating the skin as it is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and its cooling properties will provide instant relief. To make a mask, deseed a large piece of watermelon and make a pulp from the red flesh. Apply the crushed pulp to your rash, leaving it on the skin for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water. 2. Aloe vera gel Aloe vera is well known for its healing and antiinflammatory properties, and is the go-to product for reducing skin inflammation associated with prickly heat. There’s no need for a recipe, just apply pure aloe vera gel to your rash and leave it for about half an hour. Rinse with cool water then pat (not rub) your skin dry with a soft, fluffy towel. 3. Cucumber and coconut salve Coconut oil cleans and unclogs the pores while cucumber acts as a coolant. Blend half a cucumber and pass through a fine sieve to squeeze out the juice. Mix the juice with three tablespoons of softened coconut oil and apply to the affected area and two centimetres around. Leave on your skin for 20 minutes. Dab to remove excess with a cotton wool pad. 4. Sandalwood and rose water Sandalwood is great for giving relief from prickly heat rash and will also help treat any skin blemishes, while rose water acts as a toner. Make a paste using three tablespoons of sandalwood powder blended with rose water and apply the


paste directly to the affected skin. Leave in place for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water and pat dry with a soft towel. 5. Gram flour and rose water Gram (or besan) flour is an Indian ingredient made from chickpeas and is readily available in good supermarkets, ethnic grocers and health food shops. It is soft, gluten free, and in this case helps maintain the correct pH balance in your skin. Combined with rose water it will provide relief from the itching and prickling sensation associated with the rash. Take two to three tablespoons of gram flour and add a few drops of rose water to make a thick paste. Apply to the affected area and rinse with cool water after 15 minutes. 6. Fuller’s earth and yoghurt Fuller’s earth, a clay-like material, has been used in skincare for 4,000 years. This recipe utilises its healing properties to ease the rash and remedy the blemishes, while the lactic acid in the yoghurt dissolves dead skin and tightens the pores. Mix two tablespoons of yoghurt with four tablespoons of Fuller’s earth to make a smooth paste. Apply this on the affected area and leave in place for 20 minutes. Rinse gently with cool water and pat dry with a soft towel. 7. Neem leaves Neem is a staple in Indian Ayurvedic medicine and is excellent for reducing inflammation when applied as a poultice or paste. It is also a powerful antiseptic. Take a few dried neem leaves and grind them. Add some rose water and work the mixture until a paste is formed. Apply the paste directly onto your skin and leave in place for 30 minutes, then wash off with cool water and pat dry with a clean, soft towel. Lesley is an ITEC-qualified aromatherapist and the owner of Puraglow. She lives in Alvor, and will be at the Algarve International Fair in Lagoa on June 3rd and 4th with her new line of registered products.




Yoga for golfers In golf you don’t simply hit your ball - it’s much more complicated than that. To achieve success, what you actually must do is place yourself in the best position relative to your ball and perform just the right movement with your body. Done correctly, the club head will connect with your ball almost by coincidence, and by the time you’ve finished moving your body you will follow the envisioned trajectory with your eyes to see the ball land exactly where you want it - or at least very close! All golfers know this is truly how it works, but does it happen very often? No. For professional golfers, it is paramount that they can successfully execute the routine outlined above time and time again - in fact, their income depends on it. To do this they employ coachers and trainers to help with everything from their fitness and technique to their mental approach. And, in recent years, more and more of them also enlist the help of yoga and meditation teachers. The reason? To move your body in the supercontrolled way required for success in golf you need to be strong, flexible and have a good sense of balance. Good focus is just as important, as any distraction from the task in hand can cause minor changes in your movement - resulting in big changes in the path of your ball. Success is only possible when you have a clear wider picture of your physical performance, intended trajectory and desired outcome, as any good coach will testify. In short,

BY ANDREA SCHOONHEIM golfers need body and mind to work together - and this is where yoga can help. Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning union; the union of body and mind. The practice involves holding various positions or poses whilst using breathing to establish this union. Classes start with an initial relaxation period, consisting of focus or concentration exercises, and visualisation techniques can also be used. Health-wise, the benefits of practising yoga include improved strength, flexibility, concentration, balance, and overall fitness and wellbeing. Now it’s easy to understand why golfers see their game improve rapidly when they practice yoga regularly. Everybody can do yoga and there are many classes available in the local area, so why not give it a try for a few months? Generally any good yoga class will help with your game, but if you are looking for a specialised golfing programme then please get in touch. Andrea is a qualified yoga teacher who leads classes in Carvoeiro and Lagoa, and a former golf coach.   /  +351 911 510 641

Spotting a heart attack - and what to do BY JOHN CLIFFORD

A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is blocked. The interrupted blood flow can damage part of the heart muscle. A heart attack may lead to cardiac arrest (heart stoppage). What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack? • Sudden crushing, vice-like chest pain that does not subside with rest • Pain that radiates to the neck or left arm • Dizziness, weakness or nausea • Cold and profuse sweating • Breathlessness • Ashen skin • Blue lips • A fast pulse becoming weaker and irregular • Unconsciousness • Stopped heart or breathing What should you do? • Sit the person down with their back against a support


• Get them to pull their knees up towards their chest and place support under the legs if possible • Give lots of reassurance, as the person is often very frightened • Call an ambulance quickly (112) and advise them a heart attack is suspected • Keep the person warm, maintain support and give constant reassurance • If the person loses consciousness and stops breathing, assess the person and be prepared to carry out CPR if necessary REMEMBER: Follow the instructions of the emergency services at all times. For more information or to enquire about first aid courses on the Algarve, get in touch.



Grass seeds and your dog BY LARS RAHMQUIST If you have taken a walk off the beaten path lately I suspect you have also spent a bit of time pulling grass seeds out of your socks. I know this because I have spent a lot of time lately pulling grass seeds out of my clients’ pets! Grass seeds are analogous in their nature to an Indian spear tip. Using sharp, symmetrical barbs they not only cling onto a dog’s fur but, as the dog moves, they ‘walk’ their way deeper into the fur. By this insidious penetration, the grass seeds can then pierce the skin and get lodged inside the dog. This, of course, applies equally to cats, horses, bunnies, etc. But the thicker the fur, the more the grass seed can work its way in - and a thick coat also makes it harder for dogs to pull them out. The most common places for grass seeds to get stuck are between the toes (another tricky place for dogs to clear), in the ears, up the nose and under the eyelids - uch! So if your dog, cat or horse is sneezing loads, is holding one ear down, has a closed, painful eye or is constantly licking at its paws, it might just have a grass seed stuck in there. Pop along to your local vet to discuss your concerns. Once a grass seed is out, the body usually resolves the situation pretty quickly. A course of antibiotics


will help if it has been stuck under the skin and there is a secondary bacterial infection at play. You can help prevent grass seeds from burying themselves in your dog by getting their hair trimmed regularly by a groomer, or else try yourself (like my mum did when I went to primary school – how embarrassing). Less hair = less gripping potential for grass seeds. It’s also a good idea to check between your dog's toes after a walk over grassy knolls. If you suspect a grass seed in the eye or the ear, do get down to your vet sooner rather than later as sharp foreign bodies such as these can cause corneal ulceration or a ruptured ear drum. 

your Zen in Lagoa


national and international exhibitors and therapists with nourishing food, natural and organic products, workshops, classes and other activities for all the family.

These days people are becoming much more aware of how they treat their bodies; whether that’s being mindful of what they ingest through their mouth or skin, or remembering to stop and take a breath every now and then for the good of their minds. When: June 16th - 18th Where: Fatacil, Lagoa

With that in mind, Lagoa will play host to the first +ZEN Health International Fair in the central Algarve region this month. Set to be held at the Fatacil venue, the event aims to promote healthy living habits, nutrition and alternative therapies. It will feature a range of 



While many love the thought of having that massage, doing that yoga class or learning how to meditate, very few actually understand how it could be of benefit. In our busy lives, such things are often classed as treats and we rarely indulge ourselves in this way. However, we are all very much worthy of such rewards, which prove nurturing and nourishing. Permitting regular self-care will affect your life in a positive way, and its never too late to start taking small steps towards a healthier, happier lifestyle. So keep an open mind and drop in to the fair between June 16th and 18th. There is an entrance fee of €2 to raise funds for social causes and local charities - another great reason to pop along.





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Save money, enjoy living with Access Algarve Jason Brown, the creator of Access Algarve - a voucher book offering exclusive local deals on a range of products and services - explains how he came up with the concept… The idea for Access Algarve originally started with a similar book I used whilst living in Dubai. It helped tourists choose where to go and gave them an extra incentive to visit, and also provided locals with amazing benefits at their favourite places. When I moved to the Algarve I noticed that the expat community and tourist industry are very similar to those in Dubai. I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to explore what the Algarve has to offer, as well as benefit people that live here for all or part of the year. The book offers a wide range of savings and deals on everything the Algarve provides. From discounts in supermarkets to buy one get one free deals on hot air balloon rides and money off at waterparks, there really is something for everyone! How to use the book The Access Algarve voucher book retails at €20 and, with 300 vouchers inside, can save you up to €2,000. It is an annual publication and the current one is valid from March 1st 2017 to February 28th 2018, giving ample opportunity to use the vouchers at your own convenience.

The voucher book is broken down into three sections. In ‘food and drink’ you will find discounts at bars and restaurants, whilst the ‘activities' section provides deals at all three major waterparks, as well as on things such as wake-boarding, boat tours, tennis lessons and more. If you can do it in the Algarve it is more than likely in our book! Finally the ‘lifestyle’ section features unique offers in shops such as Baptista, where your voucher can save you €15 alone on your shopping bill. Spas feature strongly, and every Vila Galé across the Algarve is in our voucher book with 50% discounts. Money off at pottery shops and golf stores across the Algarve (including all Nevada Bob’s stores) are also to be found inside the book. Be part of the Access Algarve family The Access Algarve voucher book is a great way to promote your business and highlight what you have to offer. If you would like your business to be part of this new and exciting opportunity, contact the team by phone or email. You can also check out our website and Facebook page for the latest on our deals and events throughout the year.

 +351 282 037 989  +351 935 342 444  

Help when you move “We break through language barriers in order to achieve better integration when you choose to live in Portugal,” say Ana and Luis Cardoso - and this very much sums up why their business, LC Consulting, is so valuable in this market. The couple started the company in 2012 to assist Europeans moving over to Portugal, helping people find their feet in the transition from one home to their next. Luis told Tomorrow: “I saw the necessity of creating a company that could help people solve issues when moving to Portugal. I was already doing this for friends, so I


thought: ‘Why not extend it and help more people?’” Luis - who was born in Lisbon but grew up in Sweden - adds: “I understand the unique challenge of moving to another country because I have experienced it myself, and my knowledge of Portuguese, Swedish, English and Spanish facilitates my work with clients.” With their warm, easy approach and knowledgeable background, Ana and Luis’ service covers every aspect of the moving process, from translation to documentation and everything in-between.


Their guiding principle is to help people on a mission to move to this country to find peace, happiness and new friends - and they have now helped more than 300 people do just that. If you are interested in their services or know someone who would benefit, give them a call today for a no-obligation chat.

 +351 916 123 473  

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

Food & drink

Here’s a week’s worth of Kate’s favourite juice recipes to get you started! Monday: Power Gulp Spinach, grapes, cucumber and apples This green goodie sneaks in a dose of iron and also delivers more than your daily recommendation of vitamin K - essential for blood and bone health. Tuesday: Fruity Booster Apples, pears, cherries and oranges A, B, C This juice is packed with vitamins (namely ins vitam as g, and E) and even helps fight agein er strong for ction A and C up collagen produ bones and younger-looking skin.

Healthy eating isn’t always easy, and sometimes we need a helping hand to get all the nutrients we need. The answer... juicing! I am a strong believer in juicing. Since having two children, I am now in better shape than before I had them, simply down to my healthier lifestyle and my juicing routine. It has helped me maintain a healthy size, improved my complexion and hair, and generally made me feel happier and more alert in my day-to-day life. You may wonder what the point of juicing is, but the fact is - for whatever reason - most of us don’t consume enough fruit and veg. If you're one of the rare people who are consuming six to eight servings a day then I take my hat off to you! But for the rest of us, juicing provides a simple way to give our bodies a plenitude of the raw, live nutrients it needs. The first step is to make sure your raw ingredients are fresh, clean and pesticide-free. At Algarve Gardens we deliver organic fruit and vegetable boxes from our farm in Portimão, so all of our produce is as fresh and local as can be. Of course, the other thing you’ll need is a juicer! You want something which is durable, good value, easy to clean, quiet and makes good quality juices. There are many options on the market, so go and talk to someone in your local electrical store. A lot of clients often ask ‘what can I juice?’ Well, you can juice pretty much any fruit or vegetable! I mean, you can even juice wheatgrass - not something most of us know how to whip up into a meal (if you do know, call me). You may also be surprised to learn that you can juice a lot of parts of the fruit or vegetable that you wouldn’t typically eat. For example, the roots of the carrot bunches I send in our fruit and veg boxes can be juiced! Just make sure you do your research. Juice is at its best when consumed fresh, i.e. within 20 minutes of juicing. Busy schedules don’t always allow for juicing on demand, however the good news is that, if you do it right, you can keep a lot of the nutritional benefits of your juices intact for up to three days. I find that the best storage method is a jam jar. Alternatively, pop into Green Bifes, our café in Portimão, for one of our daily juices. It’s worth noting that in some cases juicing can have unwanted side effects. For example, if you drink carrot juice three times a day over a sustained period you may well turn orange - no joke! So be sure to mix up the ingredients you use to juice, and consult a medical practitioner if you have any queries or concerns.


Wednesday: Antioxidant Supreme o Blueberries, raspberries, goji berries and mang ging Antioxidants in berries boast potent anti-a body your giving , toxins benefits and help fight the cleanse it needs. Thursday: Energy Upper Lychees, coconut water, peaches and pears , Natural fruit sugars give you an instant boost helps water ut cocon d loade and electrolytekeep you hydrated. Friday: Immune Warrior Grapefruit, oranges, kiwis and spinach kiwis Ward off colds with this vitamin bomb! The the whilst C, in vitam daily your twice pack nearly track. on back get levels iron your help will h spinac Saturday: Weekend Reboot s Sweet potato, almonds, oranges and apple repair The protein in the almonds helps build and recipe this in sium potas the whilst muscles, balances your electrolytes and fluids. Sunday: Sunday Blast Ginger, garlic, beets, carrots and apples High-fibre fruits and root veggies keep things r moving through the digestive tract, while ginge at us fabulo calms your stomach and the garlic is helping your digestion.

If you would like any more information or a delivery of fantastic fruit and vegetables to get you started please don’t hesitate to contact Algarve Gardens or stop into our café for a chat and to try one of our juices.

 +351 927 094 497   @algarvegardens



Last month a group of local gardeners took a trip to a hidden hillside gem where the visitors learned about using local plants that don’t need to be watered. Could this be your kind of gardening? For our recent April event, the Western Algarve Garden Group (WAGG) visited a private garden, well hidden up in the hills behind Bordeira near the west coast. We were met in the village by host Georg Krause and then our convoy followed him on an adventurous 15 minute uphill drive on a winding dirt track through highly-scented cork, oak and pinus plantations. Here and there we criss-crossed the Via Algarviana, eventually landing on top of a hill with the most amazing far-reaching views across the inland hills and over to Carrapateira. There were flowering white and pink cistus, purple wild lavenders, and blue and yellow lupins as far as the eye could see. If that isn’t the Algarve in spring at its best, I don't know what is! Over the last 11 years or so, our charming hosts, Gisela and Georg, have created a garden that blends seamlessly with the wild countryside around it, fenced in only to keep the wild boar out. Partly for practical reasons (they live both in the Algarve and in Germany) and partly because they are passionate about using only local plants, they have designed a garden that does not need watering. Gisela explains: “We only water once – when we plant a new plant. Once it is established, it needs to be able to look

after itself. If it survives, fine. If not, it is not a plant for our garden. We started gardening full of enthusiasm and had to learn the most important experience: patience! We planted many flowers and trees and were often disappointed when nothing happened.” She adds: “It took us a while to understand that gardening in this area is quite different from gardening in Germany. Here, we have to respect the dry and hot summers, the strong winds and the soil conditions. We read a lot of books, learning about draught-resistant plants, and how to plant and take care of them. We were lucky in that the previous owners had planted lots of Osteospermum in different colours, Vinca as ground cover and Pelargonium, so we have wonderful spring flowers. Our greatest success was with Bougainvillea, which we grow together with Jasminum and Campsis as climbers. We planted Tecomaria which did not flower for five years, but has now suddenly started growing and flowering!

Other shrubs and plants that do very well are Agapanthus, Convolvulus, Rosmarin (ideal ground cover), Hebe, Myrthus and the very fast growing Myoporum.“ Following our tour, Gisela and Georg served a wonderful brunch. Imagine a traditional farmhouse kitchen with a table laden with grilled chicken, home-made salsas served imaginatively in Kilner jars, spicy red hot and cool green sauces, and baskets of fresh, crusty country breads - all of which our group enjoyed outside in delightfully shaded seating areas at tables decorated in true Algarvian style, with sprigs of flowering rosemary and fresh oranges. We all agreed: it was another very enjoyable WAGG gettogether in a wonderful location with likeminded company, learning more about the Mediterranean way of gardening. There is no membership fee for our local group, but paid membership of the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal (of which we are the Western Algarve off-shoot) is well worthwhile and gives additional benefits.

 


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And finally

10 minutes with… Cátia Alhandra and JoséAlegre The husband and wife musical duo are the creators of Fad’Nu, a modern take on traditional fado. Here they tell Tomorrow more about their lives and their music… is a link to the Portuguese soul. It is a marriage between poetry and music.

What are your backgrounds? Cátia: José is originally from Alcácer do Sal in the Alentejo and I am from Lisbon, but we have both lived in the Algarve for over 10 years. We met at the Associação Cultural dos Músicos de Faro in 2012. I was looking for some musicians to perform with and José was looking for a singer for his project, Fad’Nu. Soon we started to feel something more than a professional relationship, and one year later we married. We have now been married four years and live happily in Silves with our animals.

Outside of music, what else do you do for work? Cátia: I studied psychology, and I currently work with Voz d`Alma (‘soul voice’), an arts, voice and healing project. I also run special classes for children fusing meditation, music and creative therapy techniques. José recently finished an MA in Portuguese guitar, and currently teaches at music conservatoires on the Algarve in Loulé, Portimão, Lagoa and Lagos.

What is Fad’Nu? It is a musical project that has roots in fado but with a new interpretation. Fad’Nu means ‘naked fado’, and we adopt a minimalist, stripped-back approach. We perform with just a Portuguese guitar and a voice (no classic guitar as in traditional fado).

What do you love most about living in the Algarve? As well as the year-round sunshine, beautiful landscape and great food, there is much peace in the Algarve. The rhythm of life here is natural and calm.

What sort of reaction do you receive when you play? People feel very invovled in the music. Many say that they feel chills and some even cry with emotion. The mood of all concerts is dictated by three different factors: the artists, the music and the public. We just present our music honestly and hope it will touch people’s feelings.

You can see Cátia and José performing Fad’Nu at Taberna Almedina in Silves on June 20th. They also perform individually - for full details, visit their website. For bookings contact Nuno Filhó: / +351 918 576 022

What is it about music that you love? Ahh… Music is a universal language, a way to communicate, transform and influence people, achieving a higher consciousness. It plays a role in shaping humanity, helping us to create a cultural identity, to find who we are - and we are so many things! Our music reflects this. Fado

  @fadnu

Michael Guerreiro from local tour operator Quimeira Experience details the sights and experiences to be enjoyed on the company’s Marinha Beach to Srª da Rocha walk…

Praia da Marinha Deemed one of the 10 most beautiful beaches in Europe, it features impressive marine fossils between 16 and 24 million years old

Sea fennel Flowering between May and July, this distinctive wild plant is edible and used to be consumed by sailors as a syrup with salt and vinegar

Nª Srª da Rocha chapel Doubts still remain about the origins of this tiny chapel, found at the end of a dramatic promontory, where a fort also once stood

Limestone pavement This unique geological feature sees the rock carved with lattice-like grooves and cavities due to the sea’s erosive powers

Vines and wine The walk ends at local vineyard Monte de Salicos, where you can sample local wines and tapas plates in a tasting session

This walk costs €15pp including the wine tasting and transfer to the starting point. Discover more excursions along the Algarve organised by Michael at


Pictures: All © Michael Guerreiro expect sea fennel (© H. Zell) and vineyard (© PIRO4D), both via creative commons

I Spy Algarve: a local clifftop walk

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