Tomorrow Portimão - Lagoa May 2017 Edition

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FREE to take home May 2017 | Edition 11 | 4,000 copies |  TomorrowAlgarve


A literary life We talk to a local novelist

The Pope in Portugal

New chapter in a 100-year-old story


Alvor street party returns

Get ready for fun in the sun

Recipe: Burgers with a twist An update to the BBQ favourite

Plus much more...


Introducing your new-look Tomorrow Hello and welcome to the May issue of Tomorrow. You’ll notice that we’ve had a bit of a makeover to take us into the summer season; it’s the work of our brilliant creative team, Phil and Rebeca at Creation Media, and we hope you love it as much as we do! We’re keen to hear what you think, so send any thoughts or comments to us using the details below, or leave a post on our Facebook page. The magazine isn’t the only thing getting a makeover in the Algarve at the moment. Renovations at Faro airport are close to completion, and a steady stream of visitors is already starting to arrive to enjoy the sunshine spot that we call home. From speaking to many of you out and about, we already know it’s going to be a great season. And there’s certainly plenty going on already! From a new walking group and an opera performance, to SandCity’s 15th anniversary celebrations and Alvor’s now-annual street party, get planning the month ahead from page 12.

supported the magazine from the very beginning, penning articles and offering her time to proofread although, as Steven’s mum, some would say she had little choice! Mary sadly passed away in late February, and she is sorely missed by everyone on the team. We would like to dedicate this issue to her memory. It’s a timely reminder that opportunity is not a lengthy visitor. Sometimes it’s all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, especially during the busy summer months. So as the season gets going, remember to take time out where you can to enjoy that coffee or meet that friend for lunch. Go sit on the beach or take a drive up the mountains. In short, squeeze everything out of living in one of the world’s most beautiful spots - just like Mary did. Enjoy the issue and have a wonderful month.

Elsewhere in this issue you’ll find a report on team Tomorrow’s second Giving Back Day - see and read more on page six. There’s also a feature article on Lisa Selvidge, the local author of five books, a mouthwatering recipe for burgers with a Swedish twist, and a humorous guide to Portuguese sayings that make absolutely no sense in English. On a sadder note, the Tomorrow team lost a very dear member recently. Mary Sutton (pictured with Steven)

Steven, Stephanie and the entire Tomorrow team Steven Sutton (advertising and sales)   +351 919 185 677 Stephanie Wood (editorial)   +351 964 187 303

On the cover This month’s cover features a beautiful shot of the bridge in Silves. It was a spot Mary visited on many occasions and got a lot of enjoyment from (indeed, she penned an article for a previous issue of Tomorrow detailing a boat trip she took there). Why not pay a visit to the town this month?

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Lisa Selvidge: living a writing life

The British author who teaches creative writing at her local home lets us in to her creative world. BY STEPHANIE GINGER "After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world” - Philip Pullman. Everybody has a story to tell, so the saying goes, and the Algarve seems to attract its fair share of interesting characters with more than one or two. None more so than Lisa Selvidge, teacher of creative writing, creator and editor of an anthology of Algarvian writers, Summer Times, and author of five novels and a book of interlinked short stories set in the Algarve titled Beyond the Sea. But I’m a long way from the sea today. I’m high in the Monchique mountains to meet Lisa, one of the English writers invited to share her work with the public as part of the Eighth Algarve Book Fair in Lagos. Lagos seems far removed as I approach Lisa’s home, tucked away in a tiny village above Marmelete. Turning off the precipitous mountain road I sniff the air, heady with the scent of eucalyptus. The tantalising blue smudge of the barragem lies far below, the ocean a distant blur, and I can see why this place would appeal as a writer’s retreat. But walking through an archway leading to Lisa’s house, past the toys, bikes and children’s t-shirts hanging on the line, it’s clear there’s a lot more going on here than a solitary writer contemplating the surrounding hills. Leo, Lisa’s lively four-yearold son, has been spirited off to the beach by his visiting English grandfather to give us time to talk. “Otherwise this would simply have not been possible,” she laughs.


Over coffee, Lisa fills me in on her background and how she came to be a writer - and how she came to be here. A keen traveller from an early age, she left England at seventeen. For five years in the eighties she lived and worked in places as diverse as Switzerland, Berlin and Tokyo. She travelled around Southeast Asia before returning home to do a BA in Russian and Portuguese followed by an MA in Creative Writing, both at the University of East Anglia. Student became teacher and by 1998 Lisa was teaching creative writing at the Norwich School of Art and Design, eventually becoming Academic Director for Creative Writing for Continuing Education at UEA, the very university at which she herself studied. So how did she come to teach the skill she loves? “I always loved writing,” Lisa explains. “I won essay prizes at university but I’d never done a course in creative writing until I did the MA.” She goes on: “Creative writing wasn’t an accepted academic course in the eighties and nineties.” Nonetheless, long before self-publishing became recognised, even admired, Lisa knuckled down and wrote and published her first two novels: The Trials of Tricia Blake, a thriller about a young girl who murders her stepfather, and A Divine War, a dark, comedic fantasy about a pantheon of Gods who descend to an Earth devastated by global drought and stir things up further. “I loved writing that book,” Lisa admits. “It may not be one of my better-written novels but I had such a lot of fun. It was one of those books that just flowed from beginning to end.” These two novels were followed by The Strange Tale of Comrade Rublov, based on her time in Russia during the period of the counter-revolution in 1991, with an unusual hero in the form of a cockroach. The book Lisa refers to as her big book - her best seller and perhaps the novel of which she is most

proud - is The Last Dance over the Berlin Wall. Taking place between 1984 and 2004, it’s a story of love, decadence and tragedy set in Cold War Berlin about Johnny, a British dancer who falls in love with a Russian tightrope walker. Together they plan crossings from East to West. “Place is very important to me,” Lisa says. “I lived in Berlin as a teenager before the wall came down and found it deeply inspiring.” “In fact,” she goes on, “although my characters are purely fictional, while doing my research I discovered that what I’d fictionalised had actually happened.” She was even asked to appear on Newsnight with Jeremy Paxman as publication of the book coincided with the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. “I was in Portugal and just couldn’t get there in time for the programme,” she says with a little shrug. “But it was nice that they asked.” So what persuaded Lisa to swap her staff role in the humming lecture halls of the University of East Anglia for the somewhat different challenges of pastoral Portugal where she’s now been living for almost thirteen years? “I worked at UEA for a long time… about nine years,” she explains. “I was teaching mornings, afternoons and evenings and then had to fit in admin and board meetings in-between. I just burned out. I was with my Portuguese partner, Mario, at the time. Although he’d never lived in Portugal, we’d had a holiday apartment in Salema since 1995. So in 2004, we decided to sell up in England and bought this place.” Unfortunately, in the three years it took to renovate the house in Monchique, Lisa and Mario split up. “I think that’s what killed it,” she now admits with disarming honesty. “We moved here and split up. It happens. Suddenly you have time to find out who you are and what you want. So much change was happening and we didn’t know where to stop.” But over time things settled down and Lisa continued teaching online courses in creative writing for UEA, York and Oxford universities. She also ran writing workshops in Monchique and Lagos, as well as weeklong writing retreats from her home. “I could only have three or four people at one time and it was very intensive but I enjoyed it very much.” In 2006 Lisa also published Writing Fiction Workbook, using methods developed from her online university courses as well as her book of interlinked stories from the Algarve, Beyond the Sea, which she wrote shortly after arriving in Portugal. “When you visit somewhere for the first time, you’re like a sponge,” she says. “People and places make more of an impression. You just soak up everything.”

“After Leo was born, lots of things in my life had to change. But I still wanted to travel. Travelling by air proved very difficult so I bought a camper van, and Leo and I have travelled all over Spain and the UK. This summer we are planning to visit my father in Corfu, returning via Albania and Croatia. After that, I’ve given myself a four-month slot to concentrate on writing my next book before I start teaching again in January.” Understandably, Lisa now finds herself drawn to children’s fiction. Her new project about – guess what – a magic camper van is aimed at the 7-10 age group. She hopes it will be an enjoyable read but also inclusive and empowering for children from all kinds of different families and backgrounds. “Thanks to medical advances in IVF there are so many children these days born to non-traditional families: marginalised people who were previously unable to have children, whether they were couples with medical problems, gay and lesbian couples, single mums and even single fathers. The central theme is the importance of love and children having their needs met – as much as possible. And that travelling in a camper van that flies and can become invisible is fun!” “Writing the novels should be quite quick,” she laughs. “I have planned out a series of six books. It’s now just a question of sitting at the computer. But ultimately living forms what I write about, so it’s very important for me to live life as well as write life.” And living life is clearly a priority. Before I go, Lisa shows me the electric bike with special trailer which she uses to pick up Leo from school. “I love cycling but I’ve got knee problems so an electric bike is perfect. I try to travel this way as often as I can,” she says, and I can see why. I can imagine the serenity of cycling the empty mountain roads with her son enclosed safely in his own little bubble behind her. “Writing is a journey,” she says with a smile before I head off down the mountain back to cars, civilisation and 21st century life. “And now Leo is part of that journey too. A magic journey.” Lisa will be reading from Beyond the Sea at the Eighth Algarve Book Fair on May 18th. The fair runs from May 14th28th at the Armazém Regimental (Military Warehouse) on Praça do Infante in Lagos. Search ‘Lisa Selvidge’ on Amazon to buy her books.

Interestingly, she tells me that the German version of her book, Zwischen Himmel Und Meer, is easily the best-selling version. So how does she fit in writing and teaching as well as being a mum?




much-needed energy boost most! In all, a great day was had by everyone.

Doing our bit at the beach

We managed to gather a total of 45 bags of rubbish, which included lots of discarded metal and furniture. The biggest offender, however, was plastic bottles and bottle tops - each one casually discarded by someone at some point.

On Sunday April 2nd, team Tomorrow joined forces with the crew at Extreme Algarve for our second Giving Back Day of 2017.

In the grand scheme of things, 45 bags may seem like a drop in the ocean (pardon the pun), but it’s all about baby steps. Or, how do you eat an elephant? Small bites! If a group of people like ours can remove 45 bags of rubbish once a week, that’s 2,340 bags a year. And in 10 years that would mean 23,400 less bags of rubbish in the ocean and on our shorelines.

This time round a thorough beach clean was on the agenda. The team met Extreme Algarve’s owner, Sebastian Wolff, in the car park of Praia da Cordoama, and set about combing the beach for litter.

So, we may not be able to change the world, but we can think about our role in it and do what we can to help. This is one of the founding principles of our Giving Back Days.

The Algarve relies so much on the ocean for its economies – whether it’s for the tourist industry, the world-class surf schools or the fresh fish served up in its restaurants - so we felt this was a great way to serve the local community and environment.

We currently plan on holding four such days every year. Our first one, detailed in the February issue, saw us lend a hand at Happy Donkey Sanctuary in Monchique.

We were ably assisted by over 30 volunteers who came along to help out, with a mixture of local people and even some who had come from as far afield as Lisbon. We were also thrilled to have the company of four children from the orphanage in Lagos; they seemed to enjoy the sweets and cake supplied as a


If you would like to know how to get involved in future Giving Back Days, please get in touch with Steven. The more the merrier!

  +351 919 185 677

Portuguese sayings that make absolutely no sense in English! Portuguese is a rich language with plenty of traditional sayings, most of which don’t make sense - especially when literally translated into English! Check out a few below with their literal translation and a rough guide to their meaning…

Engolir sapos | ‘Swallow frogs’ Meaning: Accept unpleasant things Dormir sobre o assunto | ‘To sleep on the subject’ Meaning: Think before you act Tira o cavalinho da chuva | ‘Take the little horse from the rain’ Meaning: Don’t count on that! Muitos anos a virar frangos | ‘Many years turning chickens’ Meaning: A lot of experience/ knowledge Ter muita lata | ‘A lot of cans’ Meaning: 100% shameless

Dor de cotovelo | ‘Elbow ache’ Meaning: To envy someone/ something Chatear Camões | ‘Go bother [16th century Portuguese poet] Camões’ Meaning: Go bother someone else / Leave me alone Soltar a franga | ‘Release the chicken’ Meaning: Have a lot of fun Ir com os porcos | ‘Go with the pigs’ Meaning: Die Now that you know the meaning of the expressions, here is a message comprising all of them - see if you can understand it!

In life, but mainly at work sometimes we need to swallow frogs or sleep on the subject when our boss says for us to take the little horse from the rain; we can have a lot of cans or we turn chickens for many years now but there is always someone with an elbow ache. So, we advise you to send them to bother Camões, release the chicken and enjoy life, because we know that we are all destined to go with the pigs! This article was provided by the team at Mar d’Estórias, a unique shop, café, bistro, art gallery and seaview terrace bar in Lagos that brings together Portuguese culture, tradition and customs by selling products, services and experiences. 

Spring has sprung for local archaeology group Members and friends of the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) enjoyed a very successful spring lunch at São Domingos Restaurant in Guia last month. The Association’s president, Jenny Compton, was in attendance (pictured alongside Maryse Van Buuren and Brenda Hindley), and long-standing member Glenis Vowles was presented with flowers in thanks for her years of work for the AAA. The organisation hosts regular lectures in the Algarve such as this month’s event, Silves through the ages: archaeological evidence of human presence since the Upper Palaeolithic, set to be held on 

Tuesday May 2nd at 5.30pm in Lagoa’s Convento de São José. Delivered in English by Jorge Correia and António Rodrigues, the talk will focus primarily on some of the main archaeological sites in the Silves area and present the material evidence of human presence in the region from up to 50,000 years ago. Non-members are welcome to attend any of the AAA’s lectures for a €6 admission fee. All money raised by the lectures and events such as the spring lunch is given in grants to archaeological projects throughout Portugal and pays for their speakers. Get in touch for more information about this and other upcoming events, or to enquire about joining the AAA.



 Algarve Archaeological Association


A new chapter in the 100-year-old story of Fátima Pope Francis will be visiting Portugal this month to mark the 100th anniversary of the Marian apparitions that featured the so-called ‘miracle of the sun’ and the highly contentious ‘third secret’ of Fátima, a town in the municipality of Ourém in central Portugal. The first of six monthly visions of the Virgin Mary reported by three shepherd children at Fátima occurred on May 13th 1917, leading to a following that grew rapidly and soon spread internationally. The Pope’s pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fátima on May 12th and 13th will be at the invitation of President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and the bishops of Portugal, and will attract many thousands of other pilgrims from all over the world. “The story of Fátima has always been steeped in mystery and controversy,” says Algarve-based journalist Len Port. “I think it is the most intriguing story to have emerged from Portugal in modern

Bowled over

history.” He is the author of The Fátima Phenomenon: Divine Grace, Delusion or Pious Fraud? The book was first published in 2010 after years of research into historical, theological, political, philosophical and scientific aspects of the story. “After my first visit to Fátima I wanted to delve deeply into the story, focusing on facts and accuracy in pursuit of the truth,” Len says. “The relevant opinions of a great many individuals past and present are included in the book, but I leave it to each reader to make up his or her own mind.” The recently updated edition is available in English as an ebook from Amazon. The Portuguese edition, Fátima – Milagra, Ilusão ou Frande?, has been in the top non-fiction bestseller lists of leading bookshops throughout the country since publication in early January. The Fátima Phenomenon - Divine Grace, Delusion or Pious Fraud? is priced at £7.61 in the Kindle store on

Your feedback needed

Following the open day at Alvor Lawn Bowls Club we told you about in last month’s issue, we received this lovely letter from reader Elly Clayman…

It’s likely that over the course of the last nine months you’ve heard about the 365 Algarve cultural programme, whether via local billboards, Facebook posts or even in the pages of this very magazine (we’ve featured several of the initiative’s events, such as the Algarve International Music Festival we told you about in the March issue).

I had recently been thinking about what I could do to keep me fit and agile when I saw the article inTomorrow about the open day for beginners at Alvor Lawn Bowls Club on Wednesday April 4th. It was like a destiny call, so I went along.

The programme was launched to complement the traditional range of tourist activities on offer in the Algarve, and establish the region as a year-round holiday destination. This was achieved with over a thousand cultural events covering music, dance, theatre, art and other activities that celebrated the area’s heritage.

The sun was warm, the sky was blue and the bowling lawn was emerald green. The members were so friendly and helpful, and my instructor, Maggie, was patient and encouraging as it certainly isn’t a sport that is as easy as it looks!

With the news that a second edition of 365 Algarve will run from October 2017 to May 2018, the Algarve Tourist Board now wants YOUR feedback on the success of the first initiative in order to make it bigger and better next time round. To this end they have set up an online survey which can be completed by visiting the web address below. Log on and let them know your thoughts today!

It was the most enjoyable morning I have had for a long time and now I’m hooked. Thank you Maggie, all at Alvor Lawn Bowls Club and alsoTomorrow for bringing this new experience to my notice. Got any thoughts, feedback or comments you want to share with us? We hope to launch a readers’ letters page in the near future, so please do send yours to editor Stephanie! 




British Ambassador answers your Brexit questions BY ALYSON AND DAVE SHELDRAKE

The triggering of Article 50 on March 29th is destined to go down as a historic day for both Britain and Europe. But what is it going to mean for Brits living in Portugal – or even for Brits wanting to travel and holiday here? British Ambassador to Portugal Kirsty Hayes and Vice Consul Clive Jewell Picture credit: Dave Sheldrake Photography

We attended an information evening in March hosted by the British Ambassador to Portugal, Kirsty Hayes, to try to find out some answers. It was reassuring to hear the current position of the British government in relation to their UK citizens abroad, and to feel that our questions and concerns were being heard. What was clear, however, is just how many complications and areas of negotiation lie ahead. The event allowed for questions to be raised in advance, and the sheer volume of different categories of interest to UK nationals living in Portugal became apparent as the talk began. Here’s an overview of what was addressed… Right to remain post-Brexit This was one of the major areas of concern, and one that the Ambassador was keen to address. Her stance was clear: the Portuguese government is not going to be “asking us to leave” in two years’ time. The Portuguese recognise the valuable contribution that Brits make to their country, and we will continue to be made welcome. Indeed, Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva has already made it clear that he wants to “ensure our Brits here are duly protected and looked after,” and that he “wants to attract even more British citizens to come to Portugal” - good news for the 30,000 Brits that currently call Portugal home. Dual citizenship Although quick to point out that the UK government does not give advice on gaining citizenship or nationality of another country, the Ambassador did helpfully confirm that both the UK and Portugal accept and recognise dual nationality, which would allow us to retain our British passport but also gain a Portuguese EU passport too – something we are keen to do.

The article is an edited version of a post on Alyson and Dave’s website - visit to read the full article which covers additional topics.

Our timing is perfect. Our five-year residency is due for renewal prior to the end of the two year Brexit period, so we can apply for our 10-year residency, and as you need to have completed six years’ residency before you can apply for citizenship, we will make it within the two year Brexit period! There’s just this small matter, as stated on the IRN website: “Nationality may be acquired if you have been legally resident in Portuguese territory for at least six years … provided that you have sufficient knowledge of the Portuguese language.” Better start those lessons then!


Healthcare Access to healthcare was a major issue for many. Brits with Portuguese residency are currently entitled to register with a local health centre and receive state healthcare. This is unlikely to change once Britain is no longer an EU member, as non-EU nationals with residency here currently have the same access rights as nationalised Portuguese residents. However, it is a different matter for UK visitors to Portugal. The website currently states that holidaymakers should have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and take out private travel insurance before travelling to Portugal. Post-Brexit, however, the Ambassador stated that “we can’t give a blanket reassurance, this will have to be an area that is negotiated.” A theme is already emerging. We need to look at the rights non-EU citizens living in Portugal currently have, and start wondering if those issues are going to be applicable for Brits once the UK is no longer an EU member. Tourism and travel The Ambassador appeared confident that some form of visa-free travel in the EU would be possible, although the details of this remain to be seen. Right to work This is an area which is likely to see changes postBrexit, with right to work visas and lengths of stay to be negotiated. As the UK is insistent that it wants more ‘control of its borders’ and influence over the numbers of people coming to the UK to seek work, we can expect reciprocal arrangements to be considered in the EU. Driving licences The issue of holding an EU UK licence post-Brexit was another ‘hot potato’. The advice was to simply surrender your UK licence for a Portuguese one if you are legally resident in Portugal. Summary The Ambassador’s advice at this stage was simple: check that your papers are in order, ensure that you are registered here appropriately (including registering for healthcare and any other rights that you are entitled to), and that circumstances will not change for Brits living in Portugal in the next two years. She pledged her support and willingness to return with updates when they became available, and recommended consulting both the ‘Brits in Portugal’ Facebook page and newly launched government website Whatever happens, the next two years are certainly going to be interesting. We hope that we will continue to be able to enjoy such a beautiful place that we are very happy to call home for many more years to come.

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What's On

Try something new: yoga Every month we shine a light on one of the activities you can get involved with locally in hopes of inspiring you to give it a go. This month: yoga. What’s it all about? Yoga is a 5,000 year old tradition, however today the word is used to describe the modern practice in which we shape our bodies into certain postures accompanied by a conscious form of breathing. It is done on a mat and consists of standing and sitting postures, plus postures where you lie either on your back or your belly. In the postures you concentrate on what is happening inside your body, but also (dis)comfort or other sensations like tight muscles. It is a great way of getting to know both your body and mind better. Tell me more The health benefits of yoga are numerous, explains Andrea Schoonheim, who teaches classes in Lagoa and Carvoeiro. “The combination of postures and breathing has a calming yet energising effect,” she told Tomorrow, adding that benefits can include better balance, strength and flexibility as well as improved digestion, circulation and capacity to deal with stress, to name just a few.

Who’s it for? “Yoga is for everybody - and literally every body,” Andrea says. All yoga poses can either be modified or replaced, so you can always do it to your own level. Andrea teaches in small groups (up to eight people) so she can give individual attention where needed. She advises that absolute beginners start with Taste of Yoga or Gentle Yoga classes. Hatha yoga (where the main focus is on breathing) and yin yoga (which aims to balance the energy pathways in the body) classes require some experience. What do I need to take part? “I provide yoga mats, blankets, belts and other props,” says Andrea. “Wear comfortable clothes and preferably don’t eat for at least an hour before the class.” How can I get involved? Andrea’s classes last for 90 minutes and cost €10 per person. If you buy 10 classes at once, you get the 11th for free. Get in touch to find out more, discover Andrea’s class timetable, or to book a class.

   +351 911 510 641

Health & beauty open day at Vale d’Oliveiras When: 10am-12.30pm, May 25th Where: Vale d’Oliveiras Resort & Spa, Barranco Fundo, Sesmarias, Carvoeiro

Local five-star resort Vale d’Oliveiras has planned the perfect health and beauty morning for you and your friends. On May 25th from 10am to 12.30pm, the luxury resort near Carvoeiro will host a special open day at its Lisvaýa Spa and Health Club, in partnership with renowned skincare brand Elemis. Along with a presentation of Elemis products and a treatment demonstration, visitors will have the opportunity to have a consultation with a representative from the award-winning beauty brand. Complimentary tea, coffee and orange juice as well as freshly baked pastries will be available. There will also be special offers to enjoy in the elegant spa, which features relaxing treatment rooms 


and experienced therapists. There’s also a stateof-the-art health club with a heated indoor pool, fully equipped gym with personal trainer service, sauna and jacuzzi, as well as a full programme of activities. Those wanting to make a full day of it can enjoy a cocktail or a light snack at the resort’s poolside Jasmine Bar, or take the opportunity to try the onsite restaurant, The Olive Tree. With Mediterraneaninspired cuisine and a lovely terrace overlooking the mirrored pond and swimming pools, the restaurant is offering a special lunch menu for just €10, created especially for the open day. The Vale d’Oliveiras team looks forward to welcoming you!

Tomorrow 90x65 01-17.indd 2

17/01/2017 09:08

What's On

15 years of SandCity sand. Highlights include sand carvings featuring the pictures of Picasso, Dali and Michelangelo, scenes from movies and heroes from children's entertainment, guaranteeing a fun and unique day out for all the family.

Last month’s re-opening of SandCity in Pêra was an extra-special affair, with the attraction celebrating 15 years of FIESA, the International Festival of Sand Sculptures. This year’s theme is the Seven Arts, with over 80 scenes that pay homage to key forms of artistic expression such as music, literature and television using a massive 45,000 tonnes of

Produced by local company ProSandArt, FIESA is recognised as the largest event of its kind in terms of the size of the sculptures and the sheer volume of sand involved in bringing the exhibition to life, and is created by some of the world’s finest sand sculptors.

A-mezze-ing new menu at Carvoeiro Six

SandCity is open daily until October 31st and can be visited at day and at night, when the sculptures are illuminated by special lighting effects.


Local eatery Carvoeiro Six has relaunched this season as Carvoeiro Six Gin Palace and Mezze Lounge with an exciting new Middle Eastern menu to boot.

History lesson in Lagoa

The long-running bar and restaurant on Estrada do Farol is now serving up delicious mezze favourites as part of its two-course set evening menu. Starters include classics such as hummus, taramasalata and stuffed vine leaves (all with bread and crudités), whilst mouthwatering hot mains include kofte (spiced meatballs), chicken shish and falafel, all served on a bed of rice.

On Wednesday May 10th, Lagoa Arts and Letters will present a lecture titled From Carthage to Mecca: a Thousand Years of Iberian History. Delivered in English by Professor Ron B. Thomson, it will take place at 5.45pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa.

north, Iberia also saw invasions and occupations by these Germanic groups (mainly the Visigoths), who in turn were replaced by Muslim forces, ironically invited in as allies in the various internal wars of the seventh and eighth centuries.

Iberia moved into recorded history with the systematic occupation of its southern and eastern coasts by Carthage from as early as 500 BCE, but especially after 241 BCE, the end of the First Punic War with Rome. The region became the jumping off point for Hannibal’s invasion of Italy during the Second Punic War (218 to 201 BCE), which in turn led to counter attacks and its capture by Rome during the war. Rome eventually occupied the entire peninsula, creating numerous cities whose remains can still be visited across the whole of Spain and Portugal.

Ron B. Thomson (Fellow Emeritus, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto) outlines these various changes and shows the underlying themes which mark each of them, as well as those themes which are essentially common to all of these groups. From Carthage to Mecca shows that there is a unity to the history of the period, even if the dramatis personae change. By the 12th century one can also see these themes as the background to the various Christian kingdoms which developed in Iberia, including Portugal.

During the day, a menu of light bites including sandwiches, baguettes, toasties, meat dishes and a variety of cakes is available to enjoy.

With the disintegration of the Roman empire in the fifth century in the face of various non-Roman tribes from the

Lagoa Arts and Letters sponsors and advertises cultural events in the Lagoa area.

So pop in to Carvoeiro Six soon and try out their a-mezze-ing new menu!

When: 5.45pm, Wednesday May 10th

Where: Convento de São José, Lagoa


Co-owner and chef Chris Ray is behind the new Middle Eastern menu. Chris trained in Turkish, Greek and Lebanese food many years ago and decided it was a good time to put his culinary skills to use. Meanwhile, mixologist Adam Rafis is on hand to serve up the perfect drink to complement your meal from the bar’s extensive collection of specialist gins.

   +351 282 354 190

What's on

Alvor Amblers walking group BY JANET HARDWICK

When: 9am, Thursday May 11th Where: Alvor Boardwalk

Would you like to walk at a leisurely, relaxed pace and meet new friends? Then why not join our newlyformed informal walking group, the Alvor Amblers?

We will meet at 9am at the boardwalk entrance at Alvor harbour car park. Places are limited to around 20 people, so please get in touch if you wish to join us.

The first walk will take place on Thursday May 11th along the nature boardwalk in Alvor, taking in a route that is around 4.6 km in distance and will take approximately one hour.

We will be repeating the walk at the same time on Thursday June 8th, with monthly walks to be confirmed at a later date.

Afterwards you can join us, if you wish, as we continue along the beach boardwalk to O Candeeiro cafe where we will have a well-earned coffee. This walk is approximately a further 2 km (around an extra 25 minutes) each way.

We look forward to welcoming and walking with you!


Alvor street party returns The carnival spirit returns to the region once more this month with this year’s Soul in the Algarve street party! On Sunday May 14th the usually sleepy streets of Alvor will be taken over by the colourful event, organised London-based Soul Network following the amazing success of their instalments in 2015 and 2016 - and this time they promise it will be even bigger and better. Picture credits: Robert Malcolm

It is part of a whole week of events and parties planned by the company which will see holidaymakers flying in especially to take part in the celebrations and enjoy sun, sea and soul in a beautiful location.

Organisers are expecting over 3,500 people to descend on Alvor on the day - making it one party that’s not to be missed! If you plan on heading down, remember to wear your brightest threads and, if you want to make a day of it and eat in Alvor, be sure to book ahead to avoid disappointment. The procession begins at 5pm at The Yacht Club on Rua da Ribeira then goes all around the edge of Alvor, finishing on the main street, Dr Frederico Ramos Mendes. We will see you in the thick of it! 

 Soul In The Algarve

Enjoy the music of Mozart Opera lovers are in for a treat this month, as the Porto Opera Company pays a visit to Portimão to perform one of Mozart’s finest operas, Così fan tutte.

When: 9.30pm, Saturday May 6th Where: Grand Auditorium of TEMPO, the Municipal Theatre of Portimão

One of three ‘Da Ponte’ operas (works with librettos by Lorenzo Da Ponte) written by the classical composer, the work - commissioned by Emperor Joseph II - was first performed in 1790 and followed Mozart’s wildly successful opera The Marriage of Figaro. Translated in English as ‘women are like that’, Così fan tutte is above all an opera written to amuse audiences, with some of the most beautiful arias and the greatest number of ‘ensemble scenes’ (duos, trios and quartets).


The performance will take place at 9.30pm on Saturday May 6th in the Grand Auditorium of TEMPO, the Municipal Theatre of Portimão. Tickets for the event (part of the 365 Algarve initative) are priced at €15 and are available from the theatre’s box office, which is open 1.30pm - 6pm Tuesday to Saturday and until 10pm on show days. 

May Calendar

Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:


Walking Football Wed 9.30 +50yrs Welcome, €3 Boavista Golf Resort, Luz  +351 282 790 930 Bootcamp Class Mon - Fri 7.30am 10am & 7pm, Yoga Tue & Thurs 9am, Pilates Mon Wed & Fri 9am, Mobile Bootcamp Sat 9.30am, €8 Luz AXN Club Cascade Resort, Lagos  +351 915 183 888 Yoga Mon & Wed 8 & Tue & Fri 7pm, Pilates Mon 7.30pm, Clinical Pilates Tue & Thurs 11.30am & 5.30pm, QiGong Mon 10am, Meditation Fri 8.30pm €25 p.m Villa Prana, Portimão  +351 282 484 256 Aerobics Fitness Mon 10am, Total Toning Wed 10am, Body Conditioning Thurs 10am, Alvor Community Centre,  +351 934 393 232


Socialisation Walk Thurs 4pm, €5 Porches  +351 967 925 099 Latin American & Ballroom Dancing Tue 10am (beginners) & 11am (improvers/ intermediate) Alvor Community Centre & Thurs 6pm (beginners) & 7pm (improvers/intermediate) Nobel International School, €5  +351 961 916 821 Scottish Country Dancing Mon 7.30pm, €1.50 Nobel International School Algarve, Lagoa  +351 282 356 029 Dog Instruction (Group dog lessons) Sat 5pm 1st lesson by appoint., Hotel do CÃO, Rasmalho Portimão  +351 964 083 602 Portuguese Beginners Class Tue & Thur 9.30, €5 Chinicato  +351 912417994

Qi Gong Class Thurs 7.30pm, €35/month Centro Serenity, Lagoa  +351 962 009 703 Taekwondo Mon Thurs & Fri 7pm | €45p/m (child) €60 p/m (adult), Fitball Mon & Thurs 9.15, Yoga Tue 11am, Power Circuit Tue 6.30pm, Body Shape Wed 10am, Power Hour Thurs 10am, Qi Gong Thurs 11am, Zumba Mon,Wed & Fri 11am, Kids Yoga Wed 5pm, €8.50 Carvoeiro Clube, Urb. Monte Carvoeiro  +351 282 350 800 A Taste of Yoga Mon 10am Vale d’Oliveiras & Tue 4.30pm Rocha Brava, Yin Yoga Tue 8.45am Serenity, Hatha Yoga Tue 4.30pm Vale d'Oliveiras & Thurs 8.45am | Serenity, Gentle Yoga Fri 11am Vale d’Oliveiras & Sat 11am Rocha Brava, €10  +351 911 510 641 Dog


Quiz Night Fri 8.30pm, Sunset Bar Alvor,  +351 918 040 382 Espiche Golf “Roll Up” Lesson Wed 2pm, €10 pp Group Lesson - Putting & Driving Range(2hrs) Fri 2 4pm | €5 p.p Junior Golf School Sun 10am | €10 p.lesson, Espiche Golf  +351 282 688 250 May 6th Walk Rota Vicentina 9am, €15 May 14th Fonte Santa, Picota & Monchique €15, May 20th Ria Formosa Tour 9am €20, May 21st Speleology - Vale do Telheiro 9am €20, Quimera Experience  +351 969 467 275

May 5th Live Music: Jo Alice & Friends 8pm Music Jam & Drinks, Free Admission, O'Grahla Vale Fuzeiros Messines  +351 964 201 904 May 6th Yoga Workshop 9.30am (inc. lunch), €105 Boavista, Lagos  +351 963 614 499 May 10th Latin American & Ballroom Dancing (8 week course), Wed 6pm, €5 p.sess Nobel International School,  +351 961 916 821 May 10th Lecture "From Carthage to Mecca: A Thousand Years of Iberian History" by Dr. Ron B. Thomson 5.45pm, Presented by Lagoa Arts & Letters, Free (donation) Convento de São José, Lagoa  +351 910 737 820 May 11th - 14th The Portugal Open Moragdo Golf Resort, Portimão  +351 282 402 150 May 20th | Live Music: Jo Momma & Friends From 9pm, Great food & drinks, Free Admission Art'Aska, Silves  +351 964 201 904 Healing Circle Retreats May 12th - 14th New Earth Retreat, May 27th - June 4th True Nautre Retreat, May 28th Healing Circle Gathering, May 19th - 21st Animal Communication & Healing Course with Madeleine Walker, May 22nd Personal healing sessions with your animal, Quinta da Eira, Silves  +351 964 201 195

Charity/ Support May 17th Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos  +351 926 297 527  +351 968 084 946 AA Meeting Mon 7.30pm & Fri 730pm, Beco das Hortensias Lote 18 R/C/ B Vale Franca, Portimão  +351 919 005 590


112 808 781 212 965 026 176


282 490 750 281 380 660 289 803 181 289 820 903 289 803 757 213 942 260


966 214 517 282 459 268 282 459 588 282 420 400 282 420 130 282 420 750 282 496 581 282 415 460 965 017 845 282 457 841 282 457 499 966 103 601 928 022 464


282 420 161 282 425 858 282 485 641 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 417 217 282 417 714 282 423 056

Carvoeiro CITY COUNCIL 282 356 690 TOWN INFO 282 357 728 TAXI COMPANY 282 460 610 BUS STATION (LAGOA) 282 341 301 PHARMACY 282 357 463 HOSPITAL 282 357 320 FIRE STATION (LAGOA) 282 352 888 POLICE STATION 282 356 460 PLUMBER ANTÓNIO 962 870 665 BUILDER BOTO 282 461 336 ELECTRICIAN EURICO 968 778 953 MECHANIC CARLOS 282 085 027 HAIRDRESSER 282 356 894 HOUSE SELLINGS 919 839 299 TV & SATELLITE 926 459 429 PAINTING 916 666 210 CHIROPRACTOR 282 352 202

Ferragudo TAXI ANTÓNIO 965 881 971 HEALTH CENTRE 282 461 361 PHARMACY 282 461 232 HOSPITAL (PORTIMÃO) 282 450 300 FIRE 282 420 130 POLICE STATION 282 420 750 PAINTER MARIO 967 881 062 LAWYER CELIA 282 476 305 TREE SURGEON 964 384 613 FIREWOOD 917 601 798


What is bioresonance therapy? BY HEMINA MALDE

Bioresonance therapy is a gentle form of alternative medicine without harmful side effects. In the 1920s, biophysicists discovered that cells emit energy, which can be measured and recorded as a frequency. Frequencies can be used to detect and treat problems in the body at a much deeper level than just treating symptoms. Classed as a complementary therapy (like homeopathy and acupuncture), bioresonance therapy uses the body’s energy wavelengths to diagnose issues and treat them accordingly. Using a specialist bioresonance machine, healthy frequencies are intensified whilst negative wavelengths are counteracted to get the optimum balance back in your body. Today humans are exposed to many types of stresses: chemical additives in food and drinking water, environmental toxins, and radiation stresses from wi-fi and smartphones, to name but a few. Smokers, drinkers and drug users are particularly vulnerable. Bioresonance therapy can help combat the effects of these, such as chronic fatigue, allergies, digestive disorders and sleeping problems. At a consultation, a personal diagnosis is made to see if one would benefit from bioresonance therapy and to establish the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms. A course of treatment is then prescribed, along with any recommended dietary changes. The treatment is non-invasive and pain free. The first treatment usually takes one and a half hours. Subsequent treatments are around an hour. Bioresonance therapy is currently subject to scientific research and is therefore not yet approved, but I have achieved great results with my clients, including an eight-year-old girl suffering from severe eczema, reducing her suffering and returning her skin to a normal colouring. Hemina is a trained bioresonance therapist who offers consultations and treatment in the privacy of your own home. Treatments are €60 for an hour and €90 for one and a half hours. The therapy is not suitable if you are pregnant or have a pacemaker.

 +351 967 583 449 

Protecting your dog from mozzie-spread disease BY LARS RAHMQUIST, BVSC

Well, the mosquitoes are well and truly here. Come the twilight hours the flying bloodsuckers have been descending on BBQs, beach walks and sun-downers across the Algarve. Their arrival brings with it the threat of Leishmaniasis, a mosquito-spread disease that, once contracted by a dog, there is NO cure for. Leish is spread by the bite of certain types of sandfly, but I prefer not to use this name as it confuses a lot of owners, who often inform us at the clinic that this won’t be a problem as their dog never goes to the beach. Anytime you are giving the ‘Australian salute’ (i.e. swatting away mozzies) then some of these nuisances are most definitely sandflies, meaning infection is possible. Unlike other mosquito-spread diseases such as heart worm (which can be protected against throughout the season with a Guardian SR injection or monthly tablets), protection against Leishmaniasis is difficult to guarantee. The mainstay of prevention here is to repel the blood(y) thieves. Certainly a spot-on containing permethrin (a repellant) or a collar (if your dog is a swimmer)


is strongly recommended to help protect your pooch from this awful disease. If you are using Bravecto tablets for flea and tick control, a Scalibor collar is perfect to add to the mix. The second arm of defence against Leish is a specific agent. As of this year, there are two vaccines. One is CaniLeish, which a lot of our clients have been using for a few years now, and the other is a new one called LetiFend. The third preventative measure (which I personally use with my mob o’ dogs) is an oral liquid called Leishguard. If you have been outside wearing mosquito repellent, you know that some mozzies will still get through and bite you. Using Leishguard or one of the vaccines will ‘mop up’ any of the Leish-carrying mozzies that get through the primary barrier and keep your dog free from the disease. Please protect your dog against Leish and avoid a lifetime of tablets, injections and chronic skin problems. 


Shape up for summer! With the summer season now upon us, many people will no doubt be frantically trying to shift a few pounds before putting on their swimsuit for the first time this year. But I’m pleased to say that, for the first time ever, I’m not worried about showing some skin on the beach. That’s because earlier this year I made a resolution to shape up, and I took a bold step to get there: a course of body sculpting at Beauty Angels in Ferragudo.

Body sculpting at Beauty Angels costs between €250 and €450, depending on your requirements. Get in touch for more details.

The treatment involves cryolipolysis, an advanced aesthetic procedure also known as fat freezing that is a non-invasive alternative to liposuction. Before my first treatment I was not sure what to expect, but Andrea at Beauty Angels was there to talk me through the process. She explained how cryolipolysis uses fat freezing methods (up to -5 °C) to permanently destroy fat cells. At this temperature, fat cells die off naturally without any damage to other cells and tissues. Over a period of up to 12 weeks, the cells separate and are disposed of naturally through the lymphatic

and excretion systems. Areas that can be treated include the upper arms, abdomen, hips, buttocks and thighs. The skin in the area to be treated was protected with a special membrane and then a vacuum was placed on the area to begin the cooling process. It definitely felt cold but not uncomfortable, and I was able to sit back and relax. Following the initial round of cryolipolysis, I then had four sessions of cavitation and radio frequency, which uses advanced ultrasound technology to target fat cells in the desired area and breaks them down so they can be disposed of naturally via the lymphatic system. So what of the results? Well, after my first sculpting session I lost three centimetres from my waist and abdomen, and overall I lost an incredible 17cm that’s almost seven inches! I’ll definitely be going back again over the summer for a few ‘top up’ sessions before I hit the beach.   +351 282 418 221 / 968 633 879

Reducing the effects of acne Acne is a distressing problem for sufferers, with the physical symptoms often causing psychological damage resulting from lack of self esteem. Even if the acne itself is only temporary, the scarring left behind can be a problem long after it has cleared. Called posttraumatic hyperpigmentation, the skin is left disfigured with darker patches where the blemishes associated with acne were once located. The more damaged the skin is by the acne, the darker and larger the patches are likely to be, and popping or picking acne spots only exacerbates the problem. These visible marks are highly distressing for sufferers, who are often young and concerned about their appearance. The dark spots left behind by acne are not permanent and will fade over time, but it can take a while. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help your skin get back to normal, however many products on the market contain hydroquinone, which cannot be used long term and has proven problems relating to



immunotoxicity. Furthermore, treatments such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion and laser therapy can help to lighten the scars caused by acne, but have the potential to further aggravate the skin.*

of hyperpigmentation following acne, as it speeds up the healing of the skin and reduces scarring. Use it twice a day as a moisturiser. It is classed as a carrier oil so there is no need to dilute.

Instead, I recommend a natural daily regime which is both skin brightening and blemish reducing. If you’re looking to reduce hyper pigmentation left behind by acne, give one of the following treatments a try…

Carrot seed oil speeds up skin regeneration, and as such is also excellent in the treatment of scars. However it is a powerful oil, so dilute three drops with 15ml of rosehip oil for facial use.

1. Brown sugar and honey facial rub Mix one teaspoon each of soft brown sugar and raw natural honey, then gently massage into the face for a few minutes. This will slough off dead skin cells, increase your circulation and provide more oxygenated blood to the face, thus speeding up the healing process. Leave the mixture on the skin for a further 10 minutes to allow the honey to naturally dissolve the dead skin sells that the massage has softened and released. Remove by rinsing in lukewarm water then pat skin dry with a clean, fluffy towel.

3. Cucumber rub Cucumber is often a key ingredient in skin lightening products. To use this wonder veg at home, simply rub a cut piece onto the scarred skin daily. * If you are considering restorative treatments you need professional advice first, so consult a professional dermatologist before you see a beautician.

2. Essential oil treatments Rosehip oil is valuable in the treatment


Lesley is an ITEC-qualified aromatherapist and the owner of Beautylicous Me in Alvor.  


New salon turning heads in Ferragudo It took just one trip to the Algarve for Alexandre de Troetsel to fall in love with the area. He left his life in Belgium - where he ran a hair salon for 12 years - and came in search of a new life here three years ago, settling in Lagoa. Now Alexandre has returned to hairdressing with the opening of his new hair salon in Ferragudo, where he offers a range of hairstyling services and specialises in colour and highlights. But the salon offers so much more. Having trained as a beautician at a private school in Belgium, Alexandre offers massages and waxing services to men and women. For male clients, he also offers ‘manscaping’ - perfect for any gents wanting to look their groomed best this summer! Nail extensions and skincare services are also on his list for the future.

How to create hackproof passwords


Here is a poignant fact for you to think about: statistically, one in four people reading this article has a password that includes one or a combination of the following… •

Their partner, child or pet’s name, possibly followed by a 0 or 1 (because they’re always making you use a number, aren’t they?)

• The last four digits of their NI or Fiscal number • 123 or 1234 or 123456 • Their football or sports team’s name • A company they’ve worked for • Their date of birth, or that of their partner or child • The old favourites: ‘password’, ‘letmein’, ‘money’ and ‘love’ • Any of the above but in reverse sequence or with a number at the front or end Sound familiar? Scary, isn’t it?

But there are endless ways to create memorable and strong passwords. Go with what you think would be the easiest for you to remember and, as long as you follow the basic guidelines below, you shouldn’t have any problems. To foil would-be hackers, the general advice is to create a password that is at least eight characters long (the longer the better) which includes numbers, upper and lower case letters, and symbols (such as @ # $ % ^ and &). It also shouldn’t contain any words found in the dictionary. You should also change your password regularly and never send it to anybody electronically. Don’t write it down and don’t type your password when somebody is looking over your shoulder - after all, you don’t do this when you’re typing your PIN in the supermarket! If you have any questions on this topic, suggestions for future tips or require any IT assistance, I am very happy to help please just get in touch.

  +351 936 387 512


In line with his quest for a different, more spiritual life, Alexandre is also practising Reiki, a Japanese method of channelling energy. It is a complementary technique and can help humans and also animals in different ways! Anyone interested in learning more about Reiki’s benefits should speak to Alexandre directly. Alexandre’s main aim with the salon is to make his clients happy, so call in and book an appointment today!


 + 351 282 049 454

Currency update BY SHARON WILSON, CURRENCY INDEX The Pound has found more stable ground since the invoking of Article 50, and that is just what we can expect in the near term for sterling exchange rates: more stability rather than any significant swings in rates. All the uncertainty around Article 50 and Brexit has yet to have any negative impact on the Pound – in fact we have seen the opposite. Rates for sending Euro payments from sterling accounts have in fact improved since Tim Barrow delivered the Government’s letter to Donald Tusk, although only by around a cent. One reason for the slightly weaker Euro is that central banks have been selling the EU currency due to worries about long-term growth and interest rates in the singlecurrency bloc, and betting instead on long term prosperity for the Pound. For the best exchange rates or to get currency advice, get in touch with Sharon and the Currency Index team.   +351 289 380 194 





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Food & drink

Recipe: Biff à la Lindström (Swedish beef burgers)


One of the things I love about living in the Algarve is the great cultural minestrone soup that exists here. In addition to the usual expat crowd, recently we have seen an influx of Swedish people who are making Portugal their new home in the sun. My wife and I recently invited some new Swedish friends over to our home for an early season barbecue and found ourselves wondering what we could cook to make them feel at home. That’s how we came across this great burger recipe - and judging by the empty plates after the meal it seemed to hit the spot! Apparently the recipe is a classic of Swedish cuisine. The origin of the recipe’s name, Biff à la Lindström, has two potential explanations - they are outlined in more detail below. Describing it as a burger might put some of you off trying this dish, but the addition of beetroot and capers to the beef makes for a super tasty and much lighter eat than your bog-standard burger. Having cooked the recipe, I for one will find it hard going back my usual alternative!

Ingredients (enough for four) • 500g ground beef with low fat content • 2 egg yolks • 6 cream crackers crushed to a powder • 120g onion, finely chopped • 2 tbsp pickled beetroot, finely chopped • 2 tbsp capers, coarsely chopped • 2 tbsp water or beetroot juice • 1 tbsp chives, finely chopped • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste • Butter (herbed if you want to be really fancy!) Method 1. Put the beef, egg yolks, onion, beetroot, capers, water/juice, crackers and chives (if using them) in a large bowl. 2. Blend the ingredients together until reasonably evenly mixed, but do not over mix or you will make the burgers too dense. 3. Divide the mixture into four and shape into flat burgers between 1-2cm thick. 4. Let the burgers rest for about one hour at room temperature before grilling. 5. Heat the BBQ to a medium heat and place the burgers on the grill. Add a nob of butter on top, which kicks in a lovely richness to the flavour. Grill for three to four minutes and then flip. 6. Again place a little butter on top and grill for a further three to four minutes. The burgers should now be slightly pink inside and ready. Traditionally, the burgers are served with a fried egg on top. When we cooked the dish for our friends we served with garlic sautéed potatoes, roasted tomatoes and a nice cold beer. Har en stor måltid!

History on a plate There are two theories on how Biff à la Lindström came to be. The first traces its history back to not Sweden but Russia. It’s said that famous industrialist Henrik Lindström (1831–1910), who was born and raised in St Petersburg, went into the kitchen at Hotel Witt in the Swedish town of Kalmar to cook his favourite Russian dish for his friends. The dish


Picture: National Library of Norway

was a hit, and Biff à la Lindström is still served in that same hotel to this day. Meanwhile, another story attributes the dish to Adolf Henrik Lindstrøm (pictured), the chef and explorer that accompanied both Fridtjof Nansen and Roald Amundsen on their missions to the poles and through the Northwest Passage.

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

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Food & drink

Head to Safari for a taste of tradition BY STEVEN SUTTON

Sitting on the back terrace of Safari restaurant in Praia da Rocha, Portimão, it’s hard to imagine what life was like here 40 years ago when it was owner Francisco Coutinho’s family home. The area along the beachfront has undergone major change in that time, transformed from a quiet lane with a few grand buildings to a busy and vibrant holiday destination, enjoyed by thousands of people every day. However, one thing that has not changed is the glorious view from that back terrace. To the east you can see the tip of Ferragudo, to the west you have Lagos, and directly in front is the golden sand and blue water of the stunning beach. I have eaten here many times before but never questioned the history of the place. Yet when Francisco starts chatting to me - and shows me pictures of himself as a child sitting on the wall in the back garden - I begin to understand. He and his family came to Portimão from Angola in 1974, just after the revolution. They took over the running of the restaurant (which was already trading) in 1976, but there was great uncertainty in the air and tourists were not guaranteed.

However, soon business was so good that they were able to employ more staff. One person who has been there since day one is Beto the chef, who is the family’s godchild! Even more impressively, Francisco’s father still brings all the vegetables used in the kitchen down from their farm in Monchique, despite now being 90! Another thing they are extremely proud of is the fact that the fish they serve is caught locally. They like to support the local markets and surrounding communities. Family and tradition are both clearly very important to Francisco, and a number of dishes on the menu reflect this. One such dish is the lamb stew made from a closely-guarded secret recipe, it is a celebration of the flavours found in their African hometown. The Safari curry is another popular dish, even in the height of summer - take my word, once you try it you will want to eat it again and again. With light snacks also available in the restaurant’s front area, this is the perfect place to eat, drink and relax as you watch the world outside go by.  +351 282 423 540


Say bonsoir to a live entertainment jewel Last month saw long-loved restaurant Portal de Serra reopen it’s doors with an exciting new twist. The venue is now a cabaret and theatre restaurant, and the concept is a fresh addition to the Algarve’s evening entertainment scene. Visiting as a guest of French director Francois and his team after the re-launch in March, team Tomorrow enjoyed a dazzling evening of song, dance, comedy and so much more. The evening began in glamorous style, with a walk up the red carpet. On arrival, we were warmly greeted at the door and quickly shown to our allocated table. From that moment to the last, the staff were friendly, attentive and happy to help. Tickets cost €42 per person, which buys you a four-course meal and non-stop music and theatrical entertainment. The show

starts before the first dish is even served, and is as varied as it is entertaining - expect everything from fado to Frank Sinatra, with some jazz and middle eastern influence thrown in for good measure! Special mention must go to the comical compare who is a master of surprise, delighting with comedy, magic and his talent for making even the most reluctant member of the audience want to take part. The food was as good as the show - in fact, it was part of it. It is prepared in a kitchen housed behind glass windows, which allows guests to see the chefs in full flow. We enjoyed foie gras tartines, Russian salad, salmon fillets and panna cotta, and it was all delicious. Coffee is included, but drinks are extra and very reasonably priced. The entire evening was slick and polished, and it is quite amazing that such an


impressive pool of talented performers has been assembled on the Algarve to thrill the local population. Credit to brothers François and Julien Pluvinage for bringing it all together! All in all, Portal de Serra is a unique and wonderful night out that is guaranteed to impress, and we encourage you to pay a visit this summer. On Friday May 12th Portal da Serra is offering Tomorrow readers a special deal which includes the meal, show, a welcome cocktail and transport to and from the venue for just €60. To book, email: Read our interview with François in last month’s edition at   +351 282 401 314


A fanfare of trumpets Drum roll please… and enter the dramatic Angel’s Trumpet! If you are lucky enough to have one of these in your garden, then you will be used to the exclamations of wonder it evokes when in full bloom. Part of the Solanaceae family, Angel’s Trumpet can refer to one of two closely related genera: Brugmansia and Datura. They are more often found in hotter and temperate climates, although only last week I spotted one growing majestically in a public garden in Penzance, Cornwall where the biting winds often keep winter temperatures hovering around 2°C. We inherited a Datura suaveolens when we bought our home in Monchique and it’s rarely out of flower. It gets no irrigation, minimal pruning, the occasional battering from Mother Nature, the odd diesel fume blast from a passing tractor, and lies in the path of the daily goat herder – yet every few weeks it explodes into a mass of heavy blooms. Everything about the tree is extreme: big leaves, gnarly-bark trunk, and huge, beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers in an assortment of colours from yellow, white and peach to two-toned pinks and purples, that hang so heavily on the tree you wonder how it holds them all up. But it’s the intoxicating perfume of the majority of this species that envelops its surroundings at dusk and fits so perfectly with its dramatic personality that I love most. Lovely as it is, Datura has a darker nature. This powerful species



has been used in ancient shamanic rituals around the world for centuries, as all parts of the plant are extremely toxic and poisonous. If ingested, you will be sent on a ‘trip’ that you may find rather hard to return from – even our local goats refrain from eating it. So be aware of its darker side and stick to using just three of your ‘senses’ with this one – sight, smell and, most importantly, common! Some varieties will produce a spiny ball-shaped seed pod that will enable it to self-seed very easily. Unless you want a garden filled with trumpets, I would recommend removing these quite regularly. They can tolerate most soils and conditions, so I suggest minimal molly-coddling, instead letting the shrub settle and adapt to the surroundings - although some wind protection is best if you want to see it flower throughout the year, as strong winds can strip it of both flowers and foliage. Justin runs Mediterranean Gardening and Outdoor Living magazine 

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And finally

10 minutes with… JJ Johns JJ Johns is a local musician and a country and western aficionado who performs across the Algarve. Along with his wife he also runs Vivenda Yucca, a country-themed holiday home where guests can enjoy a ‘hee-haw holiday’, with country by the pool, BBQ nights and live performances. We caught up with the Dutchman to find out more… What is your background, JJ? I was born and raised in the Netherlands, just a few miles from Amsterdam. I worked in the advertising business as an illustrator and art director, but also as a musician. How did you get into music? When I was 12 I started singing rock ’n’ roll music by the likes of Cliff Richard, Elvis and The Shadows. Later when music became my profession I changed to the Beatles and Rolling Stones, playing in clubs in Holland, Belgium and Germany. After some (surprisingly!) very successful TV performances as Barry Manilow on the Dutch version of Stars In Your Eyes, I did a one-hour Manilow show for a few years, but I finally followed my heart and started playing and singing country music.

What’s your favourite live music spot in the local area? I love the music café O Feedback in Alcantarilha (located on the N269 opposite the train station - What is it about country and western that you love? For me, country music has something special. Even the saddest songs have some sort of twist that makes them different from other music. I also love the instrumentation, such as the sound of the guitar picking on the Fender Telecaster and the crying of a steel guitar. In regards to our holiday home, we feel that the western statues, paintings and other paraphernalia we’ve used to decorate our place give it a special atmosphere.

When did you move to the Algarve? I moved here in 2005. I live in beautiful Silves with my wife, Marja. We’ve been married for 50 years.

What do you love most about living in the Algarve? Living in the Algarve must come very close to living in heaven - I don’t know anything that could be an improvement.

Where might our readers have seen you performing? I sing all over the Algarve; in and around Silves all the way down to Aljezur. At the moment I regularly appear at Big Reds in Alvor and campsite A Cegonha in Albufeira. I sing the old country songs that will ring a bell, such as Rawhide (you might know it as Rollin’, Rollin’ Rollin’!), The Gambler and Ring of Fire. I dress the part too - all my outfits are sourced from the USA.


I Spy Algarve: along the coast Do you know your spits from your stacks? Here’s our guide to some key coastal features to look out for up and down the Algarve when you hit the beach this summer!

Sand spits A thin beach that projects out to sea and is joined to the mainland at one end, like at Ria Formosa.

Caves Undoubtedly the most impressive is Algar de Benagil, where the water’s upward pressure has created a blowhole.

Arches Observed at just the right angle, the double arch at Praia da Marinha is said to look like a love heart!

Stacks When the erosive power of sea water breaks through the top of an arch, a stand-alone stack is left.

Picture credits: João Domingos, Bruno Carlos, Klugschnacker, Juntas, Tm (all via Wikimedia Commons)


Volcanic rock The distinct black rock at the end of Luz beach is the product of lava flow from Monchique some 150 million years ago.

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