Tomorrow Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro October 2017 Edition

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5,000 FREE copies October 2017 | Edition 16 |  TomorrowAlgarve


Designing the dream An incredible self-built home

9 restaurants with a view How many have you tried?

10 minutes with... FC Carvoeiro United's president

Oktoberfest in the Algarve

Plus more what's on



Isn’t the Algarve amazing? If there’s one thing we’re constantly struck by here on the Algarve it’s just how many amazing people live in this equally amazing place. This issue is chock-full of such people; incredible individuals who, through their passion, selflessness and big-hearted nature, achieve all manner of wonderful things. They include, in no particular order, Algarve proconsul Angela Morado, who has just received an honour MBE from Her Majesty The Queen (page 12); all the incredible staff at Gardenias Living, who - as Steven found out when he visited - do a truly humbling job at caring for local people suffering from dementia (page 22); and Sandro Pacheco, president of local football team FC Carvoeiro United who is driving the club forward through hard work and his sheer love of the beautiful game (page 30). This month we also heard from Jackie Billings from the APAA (Association for the Protection of Animals in the Algarve), who told us about the 720-metre zipline she and other supporters of the charity took on in the name of fundraising. Read all about it in our Care Devils of the Algarve story (page eight). Meanwhile, turn over to read the story of John Venner, a Dutchman who moved here with his family five years

ago and set about building their dream home from scratch - every stick, stone and caravan (you’ll see what we mean…). These are just a few examples of all the brilliant people we have been fortunate to meet and get to know through putting together the magazine you hold in your hands right now. And we also think you’re pretty great for picking it up and reading it! So here’s to you, and all the other amazing souls living and working in this amazing place. We hope you enjoy the issue. Oh, and if you’re wondering how the cute kitty above fits into all of this, turn to page 10! Steven, Stephanie and the entire Tomorrow team Steven Sutton (advertising and sales)   +351 919 185 677 Stephanie Wood (editorial)   +351 964 187 303

On the cover Yes, that’s our Steven. In freefall. Hurtling towards earth. And somehow he’s still smiling! Want to know whatever possessed him to hurl himself out of a plane high above the Algarve? Turn to page six to find out…

Stay Connected... 


+351 919 185 677



The house that John built

BY STEPHANIE GINGER As I turn off-road down a steep track and the car lurches from boulder to boulder, my heart is in my mouth. I’ve got a bottle of water but no phone signal. Out here, in the countryside just a few kilometres inland from Lagos, is as isolated as it gets. Surrounded by gorse-land dotted with megalithic rocks, neighbouring habitation seems nothing more than a distant promise. Just as I’m about to give up, Dutchman and yacht surveyor John Venner appears around the corner, surrounded by tail-wagging dogs. Sporting a wide smile, he jumps into the car and directs me along the final furlong, followed by his excitable but loyal entourage. The last few rocks give way to paving and we turn into a wide calçada driveway fringed with generous potted palms and cacti. At the end, a simple yet elegant wooden house wrapped with raised verandas and topped with traditional Portuguese tiles emerges from the landscape like a well-kept secret. When people talk of building a house, they usually employ an architect, a building contractor and any number of other people to do the hard graft. Not John. Everything I see around us is testament to John and his wife Sandra’s dream of


a better life. It’s taken courage, ingenuity, tenacity and nearly fourteen years, and the project is still ongoing; for every stick and stone of the house that the family now calls home, John has built with his own hands. This chapter of the Venners’ story began in 1995. Originally a weapons systems engineer in the Dutch army, John’s civilian career in Holland had evolved from working at the sharp end of engineering and design to an office job for a company building dentists’ chairs. “By ’95, I was sitting in my smart office in a hypermodern factory, financially secure but utterly miserable,” he recalls. He knew that something needed to change. “One day I was reading an article in a water sports magazine and said to Sandra, ‘you know what? I’m going to be a yacht surveyor!’” Already a keen sailor, a year later he had qualified and was working for a marine survey company. This happy state of affairs lasted until 2002 when company changes forced him to re-evaluate his future once more. That year, whilst on holiday with Sandra’s brother who lived in the Algarve, John was asked to do a couple of boat valuation surveys and he had a revelation: what if it was possible to do the job that he loved in a better environment with a kinder climate and - best of all work for himself? “We rented a car and drove up and down the coast researching the market, checking the marinas and boats for sale,” he recalls. The idea was daunting and loaded with challenges but John was so convinced he could build a brighter future for himself, Sandra and their young daughter, Celine, in Portugal that his wife agreed to the plan. By February 2004 they had bought

their plot deep in the Algarvian campo and packed up their life in Holland. Looking back, moving to Portugal was not an easy option for the couple and Celine, then five years old. “Everything we owned in the world was in one container, a VW transporter and the caravan,” he says. It was definitely not plain sailing, he now admits. For the first six months the family lived in their caravan at the Valverde campsite, and John would cycle into the hills to work on the site. “Even before I could put in basic services such as sewage, water and electricity, I had to build a road so that the truck could deliver our container,” he explains. By August, he’d cleared the land and installed the necessary water tank, electricity supply and a reed bed sewage system using natural ecological processes. Only then was he able to move the caravan and the family. Meanwhile, John also needed to find his feet professionally in the local yacht brokerage and survey market. This became possible after a fortuitous and friendly beer with Paul Mallett of Bluewater Yacht Services in Lagos, who wanted to expand the company. “It was a tough time for everyone,” John remembers. “We worked flat out to develop the business, but there was no money and in every spare moment, I was building this house.” He began with two Dutch sheds transported in the container. “One was a shower shed, and the other a makeshift kitchen,” he explains. “We lived in the caravan and bit by bit the house grew up around us.” A decade on, John and Sandra are proud of their achievement, and rightly so. Sandra’s influence in

the place they now call Rainbow House (after the rainbow they saw the first time they visited the plot) is evident; it’s a happy marriage of contemporary chic with an eclectic and individual style. Their home is comfortable, well designed and built to an exacting standard by a man with an engineer’s keen eye and a Dutchman’s common sense. And living up to the Dutch reputation (which, for the uninitiated, is akin to the Scots’), nothing goes to waste in John’s house. He is the master of upcycling. Take the kitchen: with customary ingenuity, he’s extended the original shed, salvaged someone else’s dated white cast-off units, and turned it into a delightful mix of white wood and warm cherry. John’s engineering skills and eye for detail have also paid off professionally. Having weathered the rough seas of the downturn, Bluewater’s services yard, chandlery, yacht agency and brokerage service are thriving, and John’s reputation as an expert boat surveyor is recognised both in the Algarve and further afield. But when times were toughest, did the couple ever consider packing it in and returning to Holland? “Failure was never an option,” John insists with a grin. Left page, top to bottom

As I look at everything he’s built here amid the tranquillity of the Algarvian countryside, I can see why. For a man whose talents are tied to the ocean, John’s dream was always firmly on dry land. To provide a comfortable home for Sandra, their daughter Celine (now a young woman) and their dogs lounging in the shade under the veranda; this was always John’s dream. And hidden at its heart still lies the quirky surprise that sums it all up, the thing that started everything: the caravan.


John taking time out for a wellearned beer; The view from the veranda (inset); The property's driveway.

This page, clockwise from top John’s Dutch shed - the start of the 'rainbow’; The white wood and cherry kitchen; A private sunny spot; The caravan is now a feature wall in the sitting room.


Care devils of the Algarve This month we bring you news of two unique charity events that saw Algarve residents take on daring feats in order to help their chosen organisations - starting with our very own Steven Sutton… Tomorrow Algarve Charitable Trust (or TACT) is the charitable arm of Tomorrow, through which we distribute all the funds we raise via events such as our Golf Day and Christmas Ball to local good causes. TACT also aims to shine a light on such causes, and to lend a practical hand where possible through our once-a-quarter Giving Back Days. We launched TACT earlier this year with very little fanfare, and so last month I decided to do something to really draw attention to the organisation - by agreeing to do a tandem parachute jump with Skydive Algarve in the name of the Trust! The entire Tomorrow team here in Portugal turned out to watch me jump on Saturday September 7th, so there was no turning back - even though I had more than a few last minute nerves. It wasn’t until I was in my jump suit and climbing high into the sky inside the aircraft that it hit me: ‘I’m going to jump out of this thing!’ Once we reached 14,000 ft, it was time to get ready. As I nervously edged to the door, I looked out and took in the incredible view of the Algarve. Then came the jump! As my expert co-jumper and I hurled ourselves out of the plane, all my fears dissipated and a sense of sheer wonder came over me. The free-fall lasted 90 seconds, after which my co-jumper deployed the chute, and after a quick jolt came - sweet silence. It was amazing how quiet it was up there.

As I got my bearings I managed to make out Lagos, Praia da Rocha and the railway line, the land below dotted with all the swimming pools in the area. It was like being inside a computer looking at Google Earth but on a much bigger - and more real! - scale. My co-jumper was Pol Toussaint, who hails from Brussels in Belgium and is the chief instructor at Skydive Algarve. With thousands of jumps under his belt, he was perfectly placed to point out key sights and made me feel at ease as we got closer to terra firma. The company’s marketing director, Alethia (who is also a licensed coach) arranged everything and jumped alongside us, taking the picture on our front cover. She is clearly passionate about skydiving, telling me: “I think it's a direct line to a source of joy for those brave enough to try it.” Alongside her role in the family business (which has sites in Spain and the UK in addition to the Algarve), she also has 10 years’ charity experience as a volunteer and director, working with homeless women and children, children from troubled families and animals. “I feel I have more purpose when I'm doing something that gives back,” she says. I have to say a huge thanks to Alethia and the team at Skydiving Algarve for giving me the opportunity to do such an amazing thing. In the spirit of TACT, I must also mention the non-profit organisation they support, Right Choice Academy. This charity enables young people to take part in activities that may otherwise be inaccessible or unknown to them due to social, economic or personal disadvantage. A very worthwhile cause! We have plenty of fundraising and lend-a-hand TACT events planned for the future, which we’ll announce in the magazine, but we always welcome help. So what could you do for TACT? From coffee mornings to sponsored walks/bean baths/head shavings, let us know and we will support and promote you - and maybe even get involved! 

Turn over to read our second ‘care devils of the Algarve’ story!



From Spain to Portugal in under two minutes BY JACKIE BILLINGS

made our way to lunch where we joined supporters of the day’s organisers, Streetlife, a new animal charity that launched in the Eastern Algarve that day. I met Streetlife’s founding members, Linda and Graeme Cree, a couple of months ago, along with APAA president Jenny Tucker. As a long-established animal charity, they were keen to learn from the APAA and form an informal working relationship with us. That’s when we learned of their upcoming ‘zip for a snip’ day, organised to raise funds for their sterilisation programme. They suggested we join in to raise money for the APAA, and somehow Jenny convinced me it would a good idea! Our thanks must go to Streetlife for organising such a fun day, and we wish them every success with their sterilisation programme. Thanks too must go to our intrepid band of zippers: Gill, Heather, Maggie, Tony, Alistair and Miguel. Our champion fundraiser for the day was Maggie, who later told us that this was one way of thanking APAA for helping to pay for her dog’s life-saving surgery a few years ago.

On a sunny September morning I stood nervously on a small wooden platform just below the castle at Sanlúcar de Guadiana, Spain, with seven other Association for the Protection of Animals in the Algarve (APAA) supporters. We were waiting for our turn to cross the Guadiana River whilst dangling from a 720-metre cable. Our landing stage in Alcoutim in Portugal, located just across the border, seemed a long way off - and the river was a long way down! With pounding heart and churning stomach, I quickly stepped forward as I wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. The longer I waited, the more chance there would be of backing out, which really was unthinkable as I’d have to return a substantial amount of money to my sponsors. My harness was checked, I was clipped onto the wire and I grabbed the metal bar. I instantly worried that my sweaty palms would cause my hands to slip off! Then I raised my legs to the correct horizontal position, the gate opened and I was off, whizzing through the air at 70 km/h. I thought that I’d have my eyes shut tight with fear, but no - it was amazing! It didn’t feel as if I was travelling that fast and I was able to look around. I wanted to be up there for much longer. After landing I made my way (on sightly wobbly legs) to watch the rest of the APAA team descend. All back on solid ground and after a much-needed drink in the town, we


And of course, we have to thank everyone who sponsored us. When we first thought about doing this, Jenny and I hoped we would raise €500. However, through the generosity of our supporters, we raised the staggering sum of over €1,800! We understand that Streetlife also raised a similar amount, so it was a very successful day all round. We would be absolutely thrilled if we could make our total €2,000, so if you haven’t already sponsored us it isn’t too late - just drop me an email.



Kittens arrive at local cattery Earlier this year we ran an article on Maine Coon cat breeder Rose-Anne Burgunder and her husband Andreas (Crazy About Maine Coon Cats, February 2017). Rose-Anne recently got in touch with us to relay some happy news involving some very cute new arrivals… We are pleased to announce that we have welcomed five beautiful kittens at the Maine Coon Cattery of Roucky’s Spirit; two females, Ischka and Ila, and three males, Inouk, I-Boy and I-Red. Their mother, Kiss Me Kate, did a great job and all the kitties arrived within a two-hour period. You will have noticed that all the kittens have names beginning with the letter ‘I’ - let me explain why. The rules of FIFE – the Fédération Internationale Féline – dictate that any cats born within a specific year must have names beginning with the same letter, and this year that letter is ‘I’. So now you know! At the time of writing the kittens are four weeks old

and have started to venture out of their kindling box and explore the far corners of their room. They have also started to eat on their own, but still prefer to suck on their mother or come to me when I arrive with a feeding bottle! Three lucky kittens have already found new families in various parts of Europe: Paris, Luxembourg and (a little closer to home) Carvoeiro! They will leave here and go to their new homes in about three months’ time. We plan on mating two further sets of cats this autumn, so one thing’s for sure - it’s going to be quite a year for all our coonies, and also for us the breeders! For more info, contact Rose-Anne directly. To read our original article, visit   +351 916 335 350 

Football fans choose team’s new colours Players at FC Carvoeiro United will be running out on away games in a fetching new camouflage-print kit (pictured) this season, thanks to their fans. The local club asked its 2,600-plus Facebook fans to choose the away strip for the new football season in an online poll. Fans were given the choice of three kits; as well as the winning design, there was also a white and a royal blue shirt, all trimmed with the club’s trademark shade of orange that features in the home kit. Securing a total of 101 ‘likes’, the distinctive camo-print design was the runaway favourite. The white shirt came in second place with 72 votes, whilst the blue shirt came last with 62 votes.

The amateur team, which has just been promoted to the first division of the Associação de Futebol do Algarve (AFA), kicked off their pre-season games last month with a 3-1 home defeat at the hands of nearby rivals Esperança de Lagos. Let’s hope that the club can taste victory whether sporting their home or new away shirt when the season begins! Turn to page 30 to read our interview with FC Carvoeiro United founder and president Sandro Pacheco.   @carvoeirounited

New Algarve art project A brand new art venture for the Algarve has launched which will promote local art and artists through a new website, a new Algarve Society of Artists, and the forthcoming Algarve Art!, a quarterly online art magazine. It’s the brainchild of well-known local artist Alyson Sheldrake. She told Tomorrow: “The aim is simple - to bring together, encourage, support and promote artists and art of all genres across the Algarve.” There are already over 40 members of the

new Algarve Society of Artists, with new enquiries being received every day. A range of discounts, special offers and benefits will be available solely to members, and future plans include hosting Algarve Society of Artists exhibitions and events. Meanwhile, the first edition of Algarve Art! magazine is due to be released in early October and will be free to read online. Alyson and and her husband Dave Sheldrake arrived here in the Algarve six


years ago, inspired to follow their lifelong dreams; for Alyson that of having her own studio space and working full-time as an artist, and for Dave of becoming a professional photographer. Both have now made those dreams a reality. Alyson who can also be found walking her rescue dog Kat on the beach every morning - is available for private art commissions.  +351 912 027 256  


Portimão-based proconsul receives MBE BY LEN PORT

In times of personal trouble, a great many British residents and visitors have been able to count on essential help from Algarve proconsul Angela Morado, whose outstanding career has been recognised by Her Majesty The Queen in the form of an honorary MBE. Angela (pictured above in blue) began working for the British Diplomatic Service 29 years ago this month, as a support officer with the British Consulate in Portimão. The accolades that accompanied the presentation of her special award - given ‘for services to the British community in Portugal’ - gave an insight into Angela’s dedication and professionalism over this time. Bestowing the honorary MBE at a reception held at Portimão’s Tivoli Hotel, the British Ambassador to Portugal, Kirsty Hayes, said: “Angie has proved herself to be a consummate professional in dealing tenaciously with hundreds of consular cases, and providing exemplary support to many distressed and vulnerable British nationals.” She added: “Angie always sees each and every person as an individual - an essential skill in consular work, where each person has a set of unique personal circumstances - even if the type of situation is one she has dealt with many times before. “She has a seemingly limitless supply of empathy and compassion for fellow human beings, often facing the worst situation in their lives in a foreign country, sometimes alone, where they don’t speak the language or understand the norms.”

Clive Jewell, head of the Portimão consular team, points out that British nationals here sometimes find themselves faced with circumstances ranging from upsetting to tragic. Whether it is the need for an emergency travel document to get home, serious illness issues, introducing isolated, older citizens to the Portuguese welfare system or the death of a loved one, the consular team is there to help. The team also focuses attention on prevention work aimed at helping people to avoid needing assistance. “Ever since I joined the team in 2010, Angie has given me, as well as other colleagues in Portugal and beyond, terrific support,” says Clive. “For me, Angie is a wonderful colleague and the epitome of diplomatic excellence.” Angela came to Portugal with her parents and sister when she was 18 years old. Despite her father being Portuguese, Angela did not have the Portuguese language skills to pursue a university degree here. Instead, in October 1988 she started working for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office at the British Consulate in the Algarve, having been advised about the job vacancy by her previous employer, Zita Neto, director of language school Interlingua in Portimão. The British Consulate was just up the road from the school. “I was interviewed by then Honorary British Consul Dr. José Pearce de Azevedo, to whom I am ever grateful for teaching me


the Portuguese I am able to read, write and speak today,” Angela says. In rising through the ranks, she has served under seven successive consuls. Commenting on her MBE award, Roger Nuttall, the British Consul in the Algarve between 2000 and 2005 who now lives in retirement in England, said: “Among former colleagues in my 40plus years in the Diplomatic Service, Angela Morado was simply the best consular officer I ever worked with. She was conscientious, professional and wonderful with the public, British and Portuguese alike.” He added: “I wish we could clone Angela for every consular job in the Service”. On being made a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Angela said: “I am truly honoured for the recognition and proud to work for this organisation that has provided me with so many opportunities in my career to learn, develop and to travel. “Above all is the great job satisfaction I have every day in being able to help vulnerable people. Within the consulate we have a saying that ‘there is never a dull day’ and this makes my job exciting.” She continued: “I have always worked with fantastic teams who have been supportive, especially when dealing with the more complex cases. It is a luxury these days to be able to say I get paid for the job that I love doing”.

What's On

Oktoberfest comes to the Algarve! BY MYGUIDEALGARVE.COM

When: Daily until Sunday October 8th (closed Monday October 2nd), 1pm 10pm Where: VILA VITA Parc Biergarten, Porches

You don't have to travel to Munich to enjoy Oktoberfest this month! Instead simply head to VILA VITA Parc Biergarten in Porches for an authentic take on the German festival, with everything from sauerkraut to strudel, and beer to an oompah band.

A special menu will be on offer, replete with Germanic goodies such as traditional sausages and meats, pretzels, obatzda cheese spread, pickles, crunchy knuckle of pork with cabbage and potato salad. Most of the meat comes from VILA VITA Parc's on-site butcher, Tomas Weber, so you can be assured of top quality.

The Biergarten is a slice of Bavaria in the heart of the Algarve. Outside, long wooden tables and benches, wooden kegs and colourful wall murals depicting typical scenes recreate the atmosphere of a true Bavarian biergarten. Meanwhile, inside the restaurant is decked out in 120-year-old wood, creating the feel of an alpine chalet, and the staff sport dirndl dresses and lederhosen. It's the perfect setting for the annual festival, that this year runs from September 27th to October 8th.

And, of course, there will be beer - and lots of it! Erdinger features on the menu (including a special Oktoberfest edition, the only venue in Portugal to sell it), as does the venue’s newest star: Porches IPA, VILA VITA Parc’s very own craft beer (more on this in next month’s issue of Tomorrow).

The annual event is always very popular, with hundreds of people enjoying the beer, food and drinking songs. The atmosphere is as good as the real deal, with the famed Münchner Gaudiblosn band on hand from 7pm every day to keep things lively with typical Oktoberfest music and plenty of sing-along songs.

Over the years, the Oktoberfest event has grown hugely in popularity and attracts a great mix of nationalities. With a children's play area in the grounds of the Biergarten, it's a great family affair. Advance booking is recommended to ensure a table.   + 351 282 381 177 

Inaugural Algarve Dance Open An exciting new event takes place this month in the form of the first ever Algarve Dance Open. Set to take place on October 7th and 8th at Centro de Congressos do Arade in Parchal, the dance competition is designed to encourage the artistic and technical development of young people from four to 21 years old in a wide variety of dance styles, including ballet, contemporary, jazz, tap, folklore and musical theatre, in a competitive but friendly environment. National and international schools have been invited to take part in the event, with various prizes set to be awarded by the international jury. The competition will be divided into sections with different ages, classes and styles within each section. Three sections will take place on the Saturday and two on the Sunday.

Things will then come to an exciting climax with the closing gala on Sunday evening, due to take place no later than 6.30pm. Schools will be invited to submit an example of their work, winners will be celebrated and special prizes will be distributed. The public is of course welcome to share in the experience by witnessing the dedication and skill of the dancers and the choreographic inventiveness of the incredible teachers. Tickets are €3 a session, €12.50 for the two days and €10 for the closing gala. They can be bought on the day at the front desk. For more details, see the website.

An improvisation competition is scheduled for the Sunday, and there will be various workshops taking place during the weekend too.

  @algarvedanceopen


When: October 7th and 8th Where: Centro de Congressos do Arade, Parchal

Photo credit: Nico Arnoldi -

Golfing for good The fourth annual Tomorrow and Espiche Charity Golf Day raised a massive â‚Ź4,500 for charity last month. Once again Espiche Golf Club put on an amazing day on behalf of the new Tomorrow Algarve Charity Trust (TACT). The money raised will go to Madrugada, the palliative care charity in Luz, the soup kitchen in Lagos and CASLAS, the home for disadvantaged children also in Lagos. The weather was perfect and the event ran extremely smoothly, with over 80 golfers taking part. We have produced a page on our website to mark our appreciation for the generous sponsors and prize givers so that their support does not go unnoticed. Thank you all.

We also want to thank the directors at Espiche and their totally dedicated team who made this event so successful and enjoyable for all. Thanks also must go to Phil Harding who provided the trophy and so much more to ensure the day raised as much as it did and turning it into another memorable fundraising event. The Mary Sutton trophy was awarded this year to Kevin and Helen Gould and Bob and Jenny Milne with 61.1. Second were Alan Becher, Neville Richards, James Calydon and Peter Corbett with 61.4, and third were Mick Furlong, Chris Jones, Alan Washington and Ethan Shaw with 62.2. Nearest the pin winners were Ethan Shaw and Helen Gould, and the longest drive prizes went to Jason Brown & Shirley Willis.


What's On

Charity fashion show The charity fashion show hosted in aid of Estômbar donkey sanctuary Refúgio dos Burros is always one of the highlights of the International Fair every June, showing off some of the gorgeous summer clothes available at the organisation’s three charity shops in Lagoa, Carvoeiro and Ferragudo. And now, due to popular demand, the charity is organising an autumn/winter event! Called ‘Catwalk and Cake’, it’s due to take place between 2pm and 6pm on Sunday October 29th at Quinta do Paraiso in Carvoeiro. Set around the venue’s beautiful poolside area, the event will not only feature the fashion show, but there will also be a variety of stalls selling goods - perfect if you want to pick up some early Christmas gifts. And of course, all the clothes modelled will be available to buy after the show, when

there's usually a stampede as people flock to grab something that's caught their eye! What’s more, Ricardo, the food and beverage director of Carvoeiro Clube Group (who have kindly allowed the use of the venue for the event) has offered a special price of €2.50 for homemade cake with a tea or coffee. The bar will also be open if anyone wants an afternoon tipple. There will also be live music from Mandy, a popular local artist who often gives her time to help the charity. If you want to dance off the calories in the cake there will be plenty of space to do your thing!

donkeys we also have over 100 dogs, 35 cats, horses, pigs, sheep, ducks, chickens and even a turkey!”

Refúgio dos Burros vice president Christina Cottis told Tomorrow: “Although our charity shops finance the day-to-day running of the sanctuary, it's events like this that enable us to do the extra things that are needed, such as new fencing, pens, kennels and shelters for all the animals. As well as

She added: “Most of the models in the show are volunteers from our shops and we are always looking for extra help. It’s a fun place to work and meet people - and, of course, you get a first look at what comes in! So if anyone can spare three to four hours a week then please do get in touch.”

 +351 966 033 127 

 @o.refugio.dos.burros

Mamamaratona 17 Mamamaratona, the biggest charity event in southern Portugal, returns to Portimão on Sunday October 8th. The annual event sees people turn out to run or walk a variety of courses in the name of the campaign against cancer. The main event is an 8km course that can either be walked or ran, starting at Antiga Lota da Zona Ribeirinha de Portimão at 10am. Alternatively, keen runners can take part in either the mini marathon (10km) or half marathon (21km) races. Registration is open at various locations in the Algarve until October 7th, and is also possible on the day, albeit at a slightly higher price. Hundreds of participants turned out for last year’s event, and this year is set to be just as successful. Of course, if you prefer to cheer


on the participants from the sidelines then spectators are welcomed too! Details of the course routes are available on the Mamamaratona website. The event is organised by the Associação Oncológica do Algarve (AOA), an association that offers support to cancer patients in the Algarve and has three main objectives. First is to raise awareness about the importance of early detection of cancer, in particular breast cancer - which is why the event takes place in October, the international ‘Pink Month’ for breast cancer awareness. Another key aim is to promote the importance and benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Finally, the event raises funds for Casa Flor das Dunas, a temporary housing hostel near the AOA’s Radiotherapy Centre in Faro for patients who need daily radiation treatment but cannot commute. So whether you run, walk or simply cheer others on, be sure to get involved in this incredibly worthwhile event!


October Calendar

Promote your events and activities here - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us:

Fitness Bootcamp Class Mon - Fri 7.30am, 10am & 7pm, Yoga Tue & Thurs 9am Pilates Mon, Wed & Fri 9am Mobile Bootcamp Sat 9am, €10 Luz AXN Club Cascade Resort, Lagos  +351 915 183 888 Yoga Mon & Wed 8pm & Tue & Fri 7pm Pilates Mon 7.30pm Clinical Pilates Tue & Thurs 12pm QiGong Mon 10am Meditation Fri 8.30pm Vinyasa Yoga Tues & Fri 7am(2x week €45 p.month) €25/m Villa Prana, Portimão  +351 282 484 256 Aerobics Fitness Mon 10am Total Toning Wed 10am Body Conditioning Thurs 10am, Alvor Community Centre  +351 934 393 232 Qi Gong Class Thurs 7.30pm, €35/month Centro Serenity, Lagoa  +351 962 009 703 Taekwondo Mon, Thurs & Fri 7pm, €45p/m (child) €60 p/m (adult) Fitball Mon & Thurs 9.15am Yoga Tue 11am Power Circuit Tue 6.30pm Body Shape Wed 10am Power Hour Thurs 10am Qi Gong Thurs 11am Zumba Mon,Wed & Fri 11am Kids Yoga Wed 5pm, €8.50 Carvoeiro Clube, Urb. Monte Carvoeiro  +351 282 350 800 A Taste of Yoga Tues 11am Rocha Brava Carvoeiro Yin Yoga Mon 11am Vale d'Oliveiras Carvoeiro & Tues 8.15am, Serenity Lagoa Hatha Yoga Mon 4.30pm Vale d'Oliveiras Carvoeiro & Thurs 8.15am, Serenity Lagoa Gentle Yoga Fri 11am Vale d’Oliveiras Carvoeiro Sat 11am, Rocha Brava Carvoeiro, €10  +351 911510641 Netball Thurs 6pm, Carvoeiro Tennis Club  +351 917 036 883 Hatha Yoga Mon 8 & 10am & 7.30pm

Yoga Kids (3-5yrs) Wed 6.30pm Theatre Tues 6pm (Adults) Thurs 6pm(15-20yrs) & Sat 9.30am(5-9yrs) Lagoa Hatha Yoga Mon 8 & 10am Oriental Dance Wed 7.30pm Painting Classes Fri 6pm Portas do Sol Portimão, Ideias do Levante  +351 965 017 845 Yoga on the Roof Groups 2-4 people (Try for free Sat 10am) €5 Portimão  +351 936 786 266

7.30pm, €25 Ferragudo Zip & Trip  +351 925 445 828 Quiz Night Fri 8.30pm Sunset Bar, Alvor  +351 918 040 382 Group Lesson Wed 10am-1pm, €20 p.p & Fri 3-4.30pm, €15 p.p Espiche Golf  +351 282 688 250 Quiz Night Wed 9.30pm, Rodizio of Tapas Thurs 8.30pm BBQ Meat Feast Sun 2pm – 9pm, €6.50, The Courtyard Bar & Bistro Alvor  +351 912 441 143

Classes Pregnant Classes Tues & Thurs 1.15pm, Villa Prana Portimão  +351 282 484 256 Sevillanas Dance Classes Wed 8.15pm €22 p/month Academia Dança Mais, Portimão  +351 962 556 856 Latin American & Ballroom Dancing Tues 10am (improvers) 11.45 - 12.30pm (beginners), Jive 11-11.45am, Dancers 12.30, Alvor Community Centre,€5  +351 961 916 821 Piano Lessons €80x8/ €15 a lesson, Parchal, Svetlana  +351 936 786 266 Dog Socialisation Walk Thurs 4pm, €5, Porches  +351 967 925 099 Scottish Country Dancing Mon 7.30pm, €1.50, Nobel International School Algarve, Lagoa  +351 282 356 029 Dog Instruction (Group dog lessons) Sat 5pm Hotel do CÃO, Rasmalho Portimão  +351 964 083 602 Portuguese Beginners Class Tue & Thur 9.30pm, €5 Chinicato  +351 912 417 994

Events Cave Tour & Snorkeling Daily 10am -2pm, €45, Alvor Sunset walk Tue, Wed & Fri

October 4 at The Motown Collective "Motor Sitee" AKA Funky Latin Soul 9pm Cafe Algarve Porches  +351 913 730 376 October 8 Mantra Yoga Workshop 5pm Portas do Sol Portimão October 20 Sounscape Concerto Dell'Acqua 9.30pm, Auditório Municipal de Lagoa,  +351 965 017 845 October 14 - Workshop of Raw Food, October 21 Ayurveda Course, Villa Prana Portimão  +351 282 484 256


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966 214 517 282 459 268 282 459 588 282 420 400 282 420 130 282 420 750 282 496 581 282 415 460 965 017 845 282 457 841 282 457 499 966 103 601 928 022 464


282 420 161 282 425 858 282 485 641 282 450 300 282 420 130 282 417 217 282 417 714 282 423 056

Carvoeiro Charity/ Support October 18th Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group 11am, Restaurant Pirilampo, Lagos  +351 926 297 527  +351 968 084 946 AA Meeting Portimao: Mon 7.30pm - 9pm & Fri 730pm, Beco das Hortensias Lote 18 R/C/ B Vale Franca Porches (Lagoa): Thur 7.30pm Centro Cultural D. Dinis Rua da Praça 2 Albufeira: Tue 8pm | Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Albufeira (next to INATEL)  +351 919 005 590 Depression & Bipolar Support Group First Monday of every month, 6.30-8.30pm, Casa Inglesa Portimão  +351 914 878 927

CITY COUNCIL 282 356 690 TOWN INFO 282 357 728 TAXI COMPANY 282 460 610 BUS STATION (LAGOA) 282 341 301 PHARMACY 282 357 463 HOSPITAL 282 357 320 FIRE STATION (LAGOA) 282 352 888 POLICE STATION 282 356 460 PLUMBER ANTÓNIO 962 870 665 BUILDER BOTO 282 461 336 ELECTRICIAN EURICO 968 778 953 MECHANIC CARLOS 282 085 027 HAIRDRESSER 282 356 894 HOUSE SELLINGS 919 839 299 TV & SATELLITE 926 459 429 PAINTING BY STEVE 916 666 210 CHIROPRACTOR 282 352 202

Ferragudo TAXI ANTÓNIO 965 881 971 HEALTH CENTRE 282 461 361 PHARMACY 282 461 232 HOSPITAL (PORTIMÃO) 282 450 300 FIRE 282 420 130 POLICE STATION 282 420 750 PAINTER MARIO 967 881 062 LAWYER CELIA 282 476 305 TREE SURGEON 964 384 613 FIREWOOD 917 601 798


Trick or treat!

€3,000 awarded at local tennis tournament

All Hallows’ Eve rolls round again on Tuesday October 31st, and the team at Holiday Inn Algarve in Armação de Pêra invites you to join their Halloween celebrations. A special themed, three-course dinner buffet is on offer, including ghoulish delights such as Magic Potion, Nessie Stew, Demon’s Rice and Scary Desserts. Dinner will be followed by dancing to live music (start working on your Thriller moves now…) in the hotel’s Bar Boa Vista. Fancy dress is of course encouraged (witches, wizards and zombies all welcome) and there will be a prize for the best outfit! Tickets to the event are just €22.50, and can be booked in advance by contacting the venue. And for those wanting to make a night of it, the hotel is offering special room rates of €27 per person including breakfast. The venue is also hosting it’s regular Fine Dining & Hot Jazz night on Thursday October 26th at 7.30pm. Local band Cool Manouche will be providing the music alongside a threecourse Indian dinner with wine and coffee, costing just €27 per person. Again, get in touch to book.

 +351 282 320 260 

Last month saw another successful edition of the Torneio de Verão tennis tournament take place at Carvoeiro Clube de Ténis. This year’s event was bigger than ever, with some 71 athletes - including the top 10 players in Portugal - taking part. With prize money totalling €3,000, it made for a very special event.

Ladies 60+ Teresa Simoes, Carcavelos (AT Lisboa) Men 35+ Nuno Almeida, Club VII Men 45+ Nuno Delfino, CT Porto Men 55+ Jose Alberto Pereira, CT Porto

The winners were as follows: Ladies 35+ Dominika Gorecka, AA Coimbra (AT Coimbra) Ladies 45+ Isabel Pinto, ATJ Stewart (AT Algarve)

Men 60+ Raul Ferreira, Vale Lobo TA Carvoeiro Clube de Ténis did an excellent job of arranging all the matches and put on a great BBQ too. Congratulations to all who took part!


Live music Wednesdays at NoSoloÁgua After another incredible summer season, NoSoloÁgua in Portimão continues to deliver firstclass entertainment in the form of live music Wednesdays - and the venue has a brilliant lineup planned for the month of October. The month kicks off on October 4th with a performance by Daddy Jack (pictured), a favourite band on the local scene who play everything from Motown to blues, disco to funk, soul to pop and more! Next up is The Mashups on October 11th, who promise rock, pop and soul covers in their


own unique style. On October 18th it’s the turn of B.B. Kween, a blues band fronted by Diana Silveria, a former runner-up on Ídolos, the Portuguese version of Pop Idol. And the month begins where it started, with Daddy Jack returning to play the October 25th date. All gigs start at 8pm and take place in the beautiful setting of the NoSoloÁgua pool, where dinner can be enjoyed from the on-site restaurant. For more information see the website. 

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Dental health in pets BY LARS RAHMQUIST You may not know, but dental health affects the whole body - not just the breath! When an animal has a bad case of caries (the medical term for tooth decay or cavities) the immune system is constantly fighting this infection. As long as there is tartar for bacteria to ensconce themselves in, they will continue to mount an attack on the immune system as a whole. This takes it's toll on the entire body, especially in older animals. Older pets with organ disease such as heart failure, kidney problems and liver disease are also at a higher risk from dental disease. As you may well know from your own experience of munching a Granny Smith, gums can bleed very easily. When a mouth is full of tartar, there are literally billions of bacteria in that mouth, so when these gums bleed, a load of bacteria

are absorbed into the blood stream. Compromised organs, like a leaky heart valve, are easily colonised by bacteria and this makes the organ disease much worse. But when we see dogs or cats at the clinic for a follow-up after dental surgery, their owners commonly tell us that they haven’t seen their pet so happy and energetic in ages! Once we complete a dental clean we dispense a choice of products to ensure that the animal’s mouth stays clean and we don’t need to see the dog again for another clean in a year’s time. These products include powders and liquids to put in the animal’s food or water source. We also stock special chews which are impregnated with enzymes to stop tartar from adhering to the enamel of the teeth. Note to the wise: dental sticks DON´T work!

So if there is a hint of halitosis, a taint of tartar or a plague of plaque in your pet’s mouth, then head to the vet for a dental check. Your puss or pooch may well thank you for it! October is dental month at Lagos Vet Clinic, with FREE dental health checks for dogs and cats on offer all month. Get in touch to book an appointment. 

Trouble sleeping? Try this simple yoga pose BY ANDREA SCHOONHEIM

Arguably the ultimate yoga pose (and certainly the most visually impressive to execute) is the so-called headstand; standing on your head with the support of your forearms or hands. In the yoga community it is considered the king of all poses because of the wide-ranging benefits it brings. However, the headstand is not for everybody; great strength and flexibility is required in order to actually perform this majestic pose. Fortunately, its benefits can be achieved through other yoga poses as well. One such pose is hare pose. You’ll need to combine it with other poses to equal the benefits of the headstand, but it’s a great place to start.

when you get up - stimulating the pineal gland can help.

The main selling point of hare pose is that it stimulates the major glands in your head, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. The former regulates your sleepwake pattern whilst the latter is the body’s master gland and regulates all your other glands (including the pineal). If you have trouble sleeping - whether that’s dropping off, waking too early, or not feeling rested

Next, place your hands on your heels and your chin on your chest. Keep your chin on your chest and start moving forward until the crown of your head is on the floor. Now lift your hips from your heels. Don’t worry if your hands slide off your heels. Stay in this pose, more or less ‘standing’ on the crown of your head, and take a few deep breaths. Then come up slowly and sit back

With that in mind, the best time to practice hare pose is before you go to bed. Start by kneeling on the floor on a mat, rug or folded beach towel with your legs slightly apart - this means you will be sitting on your shins with your hips over your heels and your feet pointing backwards. If this is very uncomfortable for your ankles, place a rolled up towel underneath them, and if your thighs feel tight then place a cushion or two in the creases of your knees.


on your heels a little while before you get up. You can gradually increase the time you spend in the pose, staying in it as long as is comfortable. In the beginning you might find the pose very uncomfortable, but you will get used to it quickly. Please don’t try this pose if you’ve got glaucoma, unmedicated high blood pressure or thyroid problems, and if your blood pressure is low then be sure to move slowly to prevent dizziness coming out of the pose. When in doubt, always consult your doctor. Andrea is a qualified yoga teacher who leads classes in Carvoeiro and Lagoa.     +351 911 510 641

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Dementia care in the Algarve BY STEVEN SUTTON

Growing old brings with it a unique set of challenges - including some that we cannot face alone. This is where establishments such as Gardenias Living, a Portimão-based facility that specialises in dementia care, are invaluable. I was lucky enough to be invited to visit the facilities there, and was incredibly moved by what I saw. Located in Vale do Lagar, the centre serves the needs of the local elderly population in three key ways. First is Assisted Homes, its assisted living service which provides independent accommodation for those in need of support in their daily life or with a specific healthcare need. There is also the Active Ageing Centre, a hub intended to promote health, quality of life and wellness in older people. And finally is the Alzheimer Portugal Association Support Office, which is open to the general community. As specialists in caring for people with Alzheimer’s Disease (the most common form of dementia, accounting for 50-70% of all cases), I was keen to learn more about the condition that can be so devastating for both the sufferer and their loved ones. Alzheimer’s Portugal defines it as “a type of dementia that causes a global, progressive and irreversible deterioration of various cognitive functions” - but of course, this is a rather detached definition. In reality, it can be akin to watching a loved one shut down, slowly losing the ability to know themselves or recognise those closest to them. For a sufferer it can be frustrating and cause anger over the simplest thing. For those closest to them, it is heartbreaking. As I was shown around the amazing Gardenias Living complex, it became instantly clear that this disease doesn't discriminate by sex or age; the youngest

person in residence was a 54-year-old doctor and the oldest resident was aged 90. I watched as residents enjoying a group yoga class, some participating more vigorously than others, but all with a smile on their face. I also visited the light therapy and leisure rooms, but what left the biggest impression on me was what I can only describe as the ‘memory room’. It was like stepping back in time; all the furniture was from a bygone age, with a Singer sewing machine in one corner, a 1970s television set and an old record player in another. The purpose of this room is to stimulate long-lost memories and feelings. I sensed that it could be a very emotional room, and my tour guide told me: “As long as we get a smile from our patients, we know we are going in the right direction.” A quick peek in the centre’s kitchen proved tantalising. All the nutritionally-balanced meals are prepared on the premises by a team of chefs, with residents encouraged to eat together but at their own pace. I must also commend the delightful staff, who work together relentlessly and tirelessly 24 hours a day to make sure that everything runs efficiently. Of course, dementia is something that we all hope we will never have to deal with. But, as we all know too well, life is a fragile thing and we can never know what is just around the corner - which is why it is encouraging to know facilities such as Gardenias Living exist. Gardenia Living will be hosting an open day next month, on Tuesday November 11th between 10am and 4pm. All are welcome to come along and learn more about their work.    +351 282 425 221 / 920 067 800

Alzheimer’s: the signs » Persistent and frequent memory difficulties,

» Taking more time to perform routine activities

especially relating to recent events

» Forgetting about known people or places

» Vague speech during conversations

» Inability to understand issues and instructions

» Loss of enthusiasm for carrying out previously

» Deterioration of social skills

appreciated activities

» Emotional unpredictability



New essential local app Always find yourself wondering what to do in the local area? Now there’s an app for that! Property management company Carvoeiro Clube Group (who look after Quinta do Paraiso, Carvoeiro Clube de Ténis and Quinta da Palmeira Properties to name but a few local ventures) have launched their very own app, which features plenty of useful features to help fill your days here on the Algarve.

you can discover what’s happening in the local area over the coming weeks and months - ideal if you often find yourself at a loose end and want to make the most of your time here. Meanwhile in the ‘explore’ section you’ll find handy guides under all manner of headings, such as ‘churches’, ‘fortresses’ and ’heritage’ - the latter of which features a fascinating insight into the decorative chimneys of Porches.

One particularly handy feature is the ‘activities’ section, which offers a seemingly never-ending list of fun things to do with local tour operators in the area - everything from jeep safaris and abseiling to wine tasting packages and more.

The Carvoeiro Clube Group app is available for free on Google Play and the App Store, and offers both Portuguese and English-language listings.

And if you’ve ever grumbled about missing out on events due to simply not knowing about them, then the ‘events’ section is for you. With just one click


The kids have gone back to school, the firewood has been delivered and - dare we say it? - Christmas is just around the corner. It pays to plan ahead to make sure your Christmas is one to remember. But when it comes to ensuring everything arrives in time for the big day, forget Santa - and instead trust Direct Transport to deliver! Whether you’re looking for unique gifts, children’s toys or your favourite festive groceries, simply shop online at your favourite retailers, have your order delivered to Direct Transport’s UK depot, and let them do the rest.

To get you started, Direct Transport are offering all Tomorrow readers 20% discount on the delivery to Portugal of all online shopping from Amazon, Asda, Waitrose and Ocado for the whole month of October. Simply mention the offer when informing the team of your order, or take a copy of this magazine along when you collect your goodies. Meanwhile, the company will once again be offering beautiful ‘non-drop’ Norman Pine Christmas trees for sale, along with

their ever-popular seasonal veg deliveries. Please note, Christmas trees need to be ordered before the end of October. There’s no better feeling than ticking things off your Christmas ‘to-do’ list, so get shopping today and let Direct Transport help make this year’s celebrations the best yet. 

Walk the Nordic way! A company offering Nordic Walking is about to open in the Algarve. Nordic walking is said to suit every age group from eight to 80. It’s essentially an enhancement of ordinary walking using poles, the addition of which mean that the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs.

Nordic Walking is a specific fitness technique and is not to be confused with trekking, hill walking or trail running as the poles are not planted in front of the walker, but in a specific way that increases the use of the upper body. The poles help to propel the walker along – meaning they work harder than usual, yet the support given by the poles makes it feel easier!


If you want to find out more, get in touch with Marc Botterill using the contact details below. He is offering free tasters to help people decide whether Nordic Walking is for them. 

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Food & Drink

Nine restaurants with a view BY MYGUIDEALGARVE.COM

Looking for restaurants in the Algarve that offer a feast for your eyes as well as your stomach? Here's a selection of great restaurants where the views and the food will vie for your attention…

Casa Velha The beautiful summer patio at Casa Velha overlooks Quinta do Lago lake and resort from it's prime hill-top position. As day moves to dusk, the scene is perfectly set for an evening of elegant fine dining.

Akvavit Akvavit serves a wonderful selection of Portuguese, Swedish, French and international cuisine, with the above-water deck giving front-row views of the yachts coming and going in Vilamoura marina. Open all day and with an appropriate nautical theme.

Belmondo For a little history with your view, feast your eyes on the picturesque scene at Belmondo. From the crescent-shaped deck you can look across the large pool in the gardens towards the cliffs and the white-washed medieval chapel of Nossa Senhora da Rocha.

Sandbanks Want frontline beach and ocean views as well as great food? Sandbanks is for you. This super all-day restaurant nails the casual yet stylish summer vibe. Set on the Praça, the beating heart of Vale do Lobo, this is a prime people-watching spot.

Caniço This spot is accessed via an elevator that descends through the cliffs and opens to a narrow, dimly lit corridor from which you emerge blinking in the sunlight and bewitched by the views of golden sands and azure waters. Situated just beyond the eastern end of Praia dos Três Irmãos, it is open all day from March to October.

Mirandus Mirandus Restaurant at boutique hotel Vivenda Miranda in Lagos offers uncluttered ocean views to soothe your soul. Paired with the fresh and healthy Mediterranean cuisine, a meal here replenishes the senses. The vast ocean views are mesmerising, and keep an eye out for passing dolphins - they can sometimes be spotted just off the coast.

Ocean The view - and indeed the whole experience - at Ocean restaurant is immersive. Located at VILA VITA Parc, this restaurant holds two Michelin stars. Upon entering, a vast ocean view embraces each diner and sets the focus on all things oceanic, aided by the subtle yet highly effective decor.

Ababuja Set by the riverside in Alvor, this restaurant overlooks the small marina as well as what was the old fish market. A shaded area, this is a favoured spot with local elders who gather for a few hands of cards sheltered from the hot sun. As befits its location, you can enjoy wonderful fresh fish cooked over charcoal.

Café Inglês No sea view here - instead your eyes are filled with the warm red tones of the ancient bricks of Silves castle and cathedral. Café Inglês is a relaxed bistrostyle restaurant nestled directly beneath the medieval castle walls. It also plays host to regular live music evenings, cinema nights and performance arts.


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Art in the garden: azulejos BY JEANETTE FAHLBUSCH, WESTERN ALGARVE GARDENING SOCIETY Gardens are art. Each of us that is passionate about plants and gardening is, at heart, an artist; designing and creating living colour palettes, patterns and structures that reflect our individual personality. Planting aside, for many of us a garden isn't complete without the right art to complement it. But what art? And how do you find the right spot for a piece and choose the plants to surround it? The first step is to find a work that really speaks to you, be it stone, wood, ceramic or whatever. It does not have to be expensive – one can find wonderful pieces in junk shops or second-hand markets that can really spark the imagination. Choose something you really love; chances are that if you’re placing it in a garden you have designed and planted yourself, it will work because it's the same aesthetic. Consider from where and when the work will be viewed, and for inspiration visit other artists’ gardens! With this in mind, WAGS (Western Algarve Gardening Society) did just that for its September outing. For the first in a series of ‘Art in the Garden’ events planned over the next few seasons, WAGS members Jenny and Geoff Bertenshaw organised a visit to the Lagos garden of English artist Ray Gilman and his wife Vi. The couple retired to Portugal in 1999 and Ray became interested in the art of Portuguese azulejos, which he began to paint and had fired by an artist friend with a kiln. The object of our visit was to view the ceramic tiles handmade and painted by him, to appreciate the addition of such ornaments in one’s garden, and to learn how they can enhance space and offer inspiration.

It proved an unusual and fascinating visit. Ray and Vi’s home and garden reflect a strong Moorish design element, with different garden ‘rooms’ – from shady and secluded spots such as a vinecovered veranda to a sunny courtyard planted with perfectly clipped Calamondin (a hybrid between bitter orange and kumquat that is perfect in a G&T!) in strict geometric order around a centre statue on a tiled plinth. Wherever one looked there were artfully-placed handmade tiles, either on their own or combined to create wall murals, surprising and delighting the eye. The highlight was a series on the Seven Wonders of Portugal including, amongst others, Guimarães Castle. Ray decided to depict each of the Seven Wonders (chosen by the Portuguese nation on 7/7/2007) on a series of large panels to decorate one of his garden walls. We were treated to a short history of each of the wonders and so learned not only about the art of tile making, but also something about Portuguese architectural history as well! The highly inspiring morning was rounded off by our very generous hosts welcoming us to their shady veranda where, over clinking glasses of prosecco and locally produced dried fruits and nuts, we had the chance to discuss the morning’s inspirations and impressions. A most inspiring and educational visit to a wonderful garden. WAGS meets on the first Tuesday of the month and our members take it in turns to host each month’s event. Whilst we are all there primarily because of our passion for gardening and plants, it is also a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded people, make new friends and meet old ones. WAGS is open to all nationalities, backgrounds and ages – the more variety the better! There is no membership fee, but paid-for membership of the Mediterranean Gardening Association Portugal is well worthwhile and will give additional benefits.

 



CALLING ALL RESTAURANTS AND BARS Are you open in the winter months? Advertise with us for as little as €35 per month and let everyone know!  +351 919 185 677 

And Finally...

10 minutes with… Sandro Pacheco Sandro is the president of local football club FC Carvoeiro United. He was also their centre back until last season, when he hung up his boots to focus exclusively on growing the club (and to save his aching legs!). Here the 35-year-old Algarvian tells us more… What’s your background? I originally hail from Portimão, but moved to Carvoeiro eight years ago. I’m a massage therapist by trade, and did that for five years before working for an events production company. Nowadays I work at Hemingways bar in Carvoeiro. FC Carvoeiro United was founded three years ago. How did that come about? That's a good story. A group of local residents of different nationalities used to play 5-a-side football every Monday in Carvoeiro. Most of us had played competitive 11-a-side football before, and we were all missing it. Yannick, the vice president of the club, decided to do something about it, and together we started looking at how to make it happen. That's how Carvoeiro United started - it’s all Yannick’s fault. Ha! Tell us more about the club today We give local players the chance to play competitive football with one main goal: that they will be better players by the end of the season than they were at the beginning. We play at district level in a league organised by the Algarve Football Association. The majority of the team live in Carvoeiro, but we have some members that come from outside of the town too. No-one gets paid; it’s all about the pleasure of playing the game. What have been your biggest challenges and achievements? The club’s biggest challenge is always the same: to finish the season in a better position in the table than the previous year, whilst also playing positive, attractive football and ensuring all our costs and

fees are paid. Our biggest achievement is that we've succeeded in doing just that every season so far! What sort of support do you have from the local community? The support from the community has been great; both our fans and local businesses have helped us as much as they can. The local authorities, Câmara de Lagoa and Junta de Freguesia de Carvoeiro, have also helped to develop the club. What are your hopes for the future of the club? We have improved season on season since we started, taking little but solid steps, so I hope we continue to keep moving forward. In the near future I would like to grow the number of people working for the club in order to develop other activities, such as a youth academy and a ladies’ team. What do you love most about living in the Algarve? I’ve lived in cities such as Lisbon and Porto and, don’t get me wrong, they are beautiful with lots of history and things to see. But they cannot rival the weather, food and lifestyle of the Algarve - there’s nothing like it! Want to get involved with FC Carvoeiro United? Get in touch with Sandro via the club’s website. 

Local loves: Sandro’s favourite…

Carvoeiro restaurant We have so many, it’s hard to pick just one! I’ll choose JAN on the square - I love their pizzas and also their noodle dishes.

Algarve activity I’m a typical Algarvian - you can’t beat heading to the beach and going for a swim! My favourite in the local area is Vale Centianes.


Spot for a sunset drink There's not much of a sunset view at Hemingways, but there is cold beer, good snack food and plenty of sport on the TV. Perfect!

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

Selecção de Enófilos: Unique wines.

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