Tomorrow Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo & Carvoeiro April Edition 2017

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FREE to take home April 2017 | Edition 10 | 4,000 copies |



Lights, Camera, Algarve! On location with Longship Films

Recipe: pastéis de nata Make this traditional treat

Long lost family

Easter events

Dad & daughter reunited

What's on in the area Plus much more...


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 TomorrowAlgarve




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Welcome to your April edition of Tomorrow For anyone who gave up something for Lent (like editor Stephanie - chocolate, in her case), the good news is that the end is nigh! Landing in the middle of the month, the Easter period (Easter Sunday is April 16th) marks the end of the fast - and also the unofficial start of the summer season here in the Algarve.


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And what a season it promises to be! Recent figures released by the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics (INE) reveal that 2016 was a bumper year for tourism in the Algarve, with more than 18 million overnight hotel stays in the region - a record amongst all of Portugal’s tourist destinations and an increase of 9% on the previous year. 2017 is predicted to be just as busy, so hold on to your hats (or should that be Easter bonnets?). This is only our tenth edition of Tomorrow for Portimão, Alvor, Ferragudo and Carvoeiro, but this month we have increased our print run from 3,000 to 4,000 copies on the back of overwhelming demand. It took our sister magazine in Lagos four years to get to this stage, so a massive thank you for all your kind words and support. We’re unbelievably proud to have created a magazine that is so valued in the local community. Regular readers of Tomorrow will recall an article in our January issue detailing American woman Priscilla da Silva’s search for her long-lost father, a Lagoa man named João José Gomes da Silva. Our Facebook post about Priscilla’s search was shared far and wide by Algarve residents, and we are thrilled to report that through these efforts Priscilla and her father have been reunited! Read the incredible story on page six - and a big thank you to everyone who helped in the search. Elsewhere in the issue, our writer Stephanie Ginger went ‘on location’ of a feature film shot here in the Algarve earlier this year - read about her experience of being on a local film set over the page. There’s also details of an exciting addition coming to Lagos Zoo (page 11), an overview of what’s happening in the local area this month from page 12, and a tasty pastéis de nata recipe to try at home.


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Have a great Easter and enjoy the issue! Steven, Stephanie and the entire Tomorrow team  Steven Sutton (advertising and sales)  |  +351 919 185 677 Stephanie Wood (editorial)  |  +351 964 187 303


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On the cover This month’s vibrant cover shot shows Portimão marina in all it’s glory, with the colourful buildings of the Tivoli hotel as the backdrop. The four-star hotel will host our Summer Ball in July - which doubles as our first birthday party! To find out how to be there, turn to page 14.

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Community Filming by the seat of their pants By Stephanie Ginger

“He wasn’t going to ride a motorbike or be involved in the film business or smoke or do any of the things I did,” she laughs. “But of course he grew up and does all of them!” “I never considered anything but going into film,” Kristjan says later. “I started out as a runner when I was 18 and I’ve done practically every production job since: lighting, camera, grip, even special effects, and that was back in the days before computers.” He took the plunge to direct in 2004 and in his regular job makes commercials and corporate videos. He’s also involved in a project called Mission Live Ocean, an initiative to bring attention to the worldwide environmental problem of circulating ocean plastic.

Film director Kristjan Knigge, cinematographer Chad McClarnon & sound recordist Erik Schuring on location at Ponta Ruiva

It’s a blustery Monday in February and I’m headed for Vila do Bispo to an isolated beach not far from Sagres, the place once called ‘the end of the world.’ It’s day one of Longship Films’ five-day shoot in the Algarve. On February 18th, a close-knit team of nine dedicated film professionals led by director Kristjan Knigge arrived in the Algarve from as far afield as Ericeira in Amsterdam, Nashville in Tennessee, and Los Angeles. After three weeks' preparation, a couple of days spent brainstorming and a microbudget they will shoot a blistering 30 scenes of their second feature film Exposure from Ponta Ruiva on the west coast to Vila Real de Santo António at the eastern end of the Algarve in under seven days. Their first film, Second Honeymoon, was a drama thriller about newlyweds Jesper and Agnes honeymooning in sun-drenched Portugal, who find their happiness threatened by Jesper's memories of an earlier, similar holiday. Although shot in Portugal in just six days, it was good enough to win a special ‘Maverick’ award at the Flyway Film Festival in the United States last year. I hear disbelief reverberate along the coast. “What? Shoot a feature film in six days?” But this is not feature filmmaking as we know it, with years of development, thousands of

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dollars and hundreds of people already in the mix. This is the Longship way. This is seat-ofthe-pants filmmaking. As I arrive on set at Ponta Ruiva, a wild, westerly beach famous with surfers courtesy of the distinctive red rock just offshore, I already feel that I’ve passed some sort of seat-of-the-pants initiation. The precipitous access, more goat track than road, is deemed too perilous for me, a mere Tomorrow journalist of a certain age in my low-slung Mini. Gonzo, an intrepid photographer (and surfer, fortunately) is dispatched to collect me from the market square in Vila do Bispo. The second team member I meet is BJ Boulter, production designer and Kristjan’s mother. She talks to me while she finds dry clothes for Kristjan and American actress Erica Anderson who plays Rachel, one of the two main characters. They’re both wet through after shooting a scene at the water’s edge. While Kristjan moves on to set up the next shot, BJ tells me about her maverick son, the evolution of Longship Films, as well as this latest venture Exposure. She has been in the film business all her life, so it’s no surprise that Kristjan - carted from film-set to studio from the year dot - grew up to be a filmmaker too.

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So what brought about this idea to shoot a feature film in the shortest possible timeframe? “We’d made a comedy drama called The Right Juice here in the traditional way,” says Kristjan, revealing he prepped for a year and a half and shot the film in seven weeks. “It was hugely enjoyable to make but it got me thinking. “Traditional filmmaking is inherently a very lengthy process. It takes a long time to develop a script and put the financing together, but a relatively short time to shoot. Then it takes a long time to edit it and distribute it. So the run-and-gun bit – the shooting – is a tiny percentage of work in the middle of this vast thing! “I wanted to come up with a way to speed up that whole process; to ride the wave of joy and energy of creating, to devise a method where we can say, ‘Hey, let’s make a film’ and then five to six months later it’s finished and out in the world in front of audiences.” So, with three actors, a writer, a cameraman, a production designer and a producer, he came to Portugal and gave it a go. “I was very open that it was an experiment,” he says. That experiment turned out to be Second Honeymoon. But how does his approach work in practice? Kristjan explains: “Beforehand we only have

exclusivity is key and Kristjan believes that by giving everybody a voice in the creative process they can get the maximum out of minimum time to create engaging human stories. “For the period of the shoot, it’s like being in a pressure cooker,” laughs Geerteke. “But we do need that pressure for this process.” Stephanie went 'on location' at Ponta Ruiva on the west coast

a ‘concept’ of the characters and the type of story we want to tell. Then we take it out into the world and let the world influence the script and the development of the story, rather than the characters having to fit the narrative of the story. It could be the people you meet along the route, locations that you haven’t thought of, or even the weather. It’s opening the door to what people call ‘happy accidents’; things you couldn’t have thought of but add to the artistic merit and the story.” So how did that affect Second Honeymoon, for example? “Actually,” says Kristjan, unable to disguise the pride in his voice, “I think Second Honeymoon is a really good film. And what’s really gratifying is that part of the reason that it’s good and interesting was because of things that happened along the way.” Lead actress Geerteke van Lierop enjoyed the unusual process. “There are a lot of people who have a dream but don’t do it,” she tells me. “Kristjan is a guy who simply says, ’Let’s do it!’” She adds: “As an actress, normally the script is all written and planned and you have to do exactly what the director wants you to do. “But what’s really exciting about this process is that you really have a voice, not only within the character but also in making the story.”

Erica agrees. “Everybody has to be on their best game! Even after a long day, we’ll go back to BJ’s quinta and talk for another hour and a half about what happened today and how we shape what happens tomorrow.” So why the Algarve? “I grew up here, so I know it very well,” says Kristjen. But it’s more than that. Portugal, and specifically the Algarve, is heaven for shooting a film, from the landscape and locations to even the light; the western European light is somehow more magical for celluloid or video than others. Kristjan adds: “One of the things that attracts people who have moved here from the UK or other countries is that one just feels welcome. As a filmmaker you can just rock up somewhere and say, ’Hey, can you help us with this?’ Ninety-nine times out of a hundred they will say ‘yes’. And it’s a ‘yes’ plus benefits!” And what about the script? As a screenwriter myself, I’m not sure how I’d feel about dispensing with a traditional script, but catching up with Exposure’s screenwriter, Jackie Poplar, she’s quietly sanguine about her role. “It’s a different way of working. It has to be very fast but quite fluid. There’s no time to worry about if you’re doing the right thing or not. You just do it. There’s a lot of improvisation on the day but the scenes do have to have a bit of a target.”

And make no mistake. There is method and process in seat-of the-pants filmmaking. With a maximum of three weeks of pre-production, a week of shooting and two months of post-production, there’s essentially a three-month window of creative opportunity. It’s lean rather than mean filmmaking but those few days of shooting demand total immersion as well as professionalism from each member of the team. Inclusivity, not

The Longship team shoot at the Biblioteca Municipal in Vila Real de Santo António

>> Continues on page 6

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Community >> Continued from page 5 top of their game. I think back to something Kristjan said on the drive up the track from the beach, one hand on the wheel and one eye on the potholes.

Lead actress Erica Anderson shoots a scene on the wild beach at Ponta Ruiva

The day over, I leave the Longship team sitting over a bica or three, examining what’s been achieved on their first long, chilly day of filming and how their story is shaping up. What strikes me most is how well they work together, and how easy-going everybody is. What’s happened to all those egos you hear about in the film industry? But with this kind of filmmaking there is little room for that. For just one week, everybody – from director to unit manager - has to be at the

“Everybody has a voice. As director, I have veto because there has to be a vision, but I have to be flexible and refine, fine-tune and develop my vision according to what we as a team are creating.”

“It’s just super fun,” he grins boyishly. “And you get your feet wet!”  Crowdfunding for Exposure postproduction went live in March. Contact Erica Anderson via www.seedandspark. com/user/erica-anderson. To watch Second Honeymoon or The Right Juice, search on Amazon Video. 

Everybody may have a voice but it’s only fitting that Kristjan as creator of his seat-ofthe-pants film should have the last word. “We [the team at Longship] are much more than the sum of the whole. It’s a kind of synergy,” he says. “It’s a true collaborative process and together we come up with stuff that challenges me and takes me places that alone I could never have come up with. Sometimes better and sometimes just different.

The team set up a night-time shot at Villa Madrigal in Praia da Rocha

Father and daughter reunited

Born in the USA after her pregnant mother left Portugal in 1989, Priscilla knew little more than the name of her Portuguese father. With a little extra information supplied by her mother - including the fact that he lived in the Lagoa area when she knew him - Priscilla reached out to Tomorrow in a desperate bid to locate the dad she had never met. We published details of Priscilla’s search in the magazine, and also shared her search for her long lost father on our Facebook page. Well readers, we are thrilled to report that Senhor da Silva has been found! An elated Priscilla told us the story via Messenger:

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“My father was unavailable at the time of us speaking, and so I made arrangements to speak with him the following day. I carried on my daily routine, excited and nervous to speak with him and hear his voice something I never thought would happen. “Upon receiving the phone call I felt my heart rate quicken, as I was nervous he wouldn't be able to understand me due to a possible language barrier. But I answered and finally spoke with the man who helped create me. I could hear huge relief in his voice and listened to him cry with happiness as he explained that I was his only child and that the hole in his heart was finally filled - as was mine.

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“Not only did I speak with him, but we also video chatted and I was able to see some simple characteristics we have in common; our noses, teeth and eyes. It was an experience I will never forget and I will be forever be grateful for the efforts of everyone who searched and shared our story. I would like to thank Tomorrow magazine, and in particular Lena Strang for her efforts. As a 26-year-old woman who has never known much about her origins, I set out by asking a few simple questions - and now I have found my father. “The new journey in my life begins now. I'm hoping to try and save money in order to visit Portugal soon, so I can not only meet my father for the first time, but he can also meet my son - his grandson! “Thank you once again for all your kindness and love.” Needless to say, the whole Tomorrow team is thrilled at this happy ending and we hope we are able to bring you a further update on this incredible story once Priscilla makes it to the Algarve to be reunited with her father. Watch this space! 

Picture credits: BJ Boulter, Stephanie Ginger

You may recall that in January’s edition of Tomorrow we appealed for information regarding João José Gomes da Silva after his daughter Priscilla got in touch to ask for help.

“A few weeks passed [after the Tomorrow article was published and the Facebook posts were shared], but eventually I received an email and Facebook message from a woman stating she was my cousin and that she knew of my father’s whereabouts. The emotions were unexplainable. I was able to Facebook call my new cousin and speak with her; I’ve never experienced such excitement and happiness in all my life. I'd never met this woman before and we were thousands of miles apart, yet I already felt like a part of this family.


offer closes 30 th April

interior WAS 339€

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499 WAS 1099€






282 762 070 *Limited stock availability

(+351) 282 762 070 - info @ - Rua Professor Dr. Luís de Albuquerque, lt.44 - 8600-615 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal  TomorrowAlgarve


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From warships to artwork: the life of a local metal artist By Sophie Sadler of his work is inspired by the sea and marine life. He shows me his workshop in the garden; unsurprisingly for a man who has spent his life working in the building trade, he has constructed a make-shift building out of recycled materials he has found around the property.

Mickey Craig spent his working life in the building trade, but now he is using his retirement in the Algarve to indulge his love of metal work. Having spent much of his professional life in the Middle East, he has found his own personal utopia in the Algarvian countryside where he spends his days creating fantastic pieces as a metal artist. Born in Texas, USA, Mickey trained as an art student but didn't want the life of a starving artist, so he served in the US Navy for four years during the Vietnam conflict. On leaving he took an apprenticeship in the sheet metal business. He went on to enjoy 40 years in the trade, working on projects including the roof of The Astrodome in Houston, the world’s first multi-purpose, domed sports stadium. When the building trade hit a lull in the late eighties he went to Qatar to find work and eventually ended up in Abu Dhabi, building ships for the navy. After 10 years he was managing the 1,200 people working on Baynunah, a new class of multipurpose missile corvette. But his real love was metal artwork, and he would work on commissions for people’s homes and businesses in his spare time. He also displayed some of his work in Dubai and Connecticut. Having retired three years ago, he is now free to pursue his love for metal craft fulltime. He does not use a mould or heat the metal but works from a flat sheet which is hand-hammered with an anvil, so each work is totally unique. I visit Mickey and his wife Mary at the idyllic stone-clad cottage they are renting in the beautiful countryside near Odiáxere, where nature is providing him with the inspiration he needs for his artwork. A keen angler, he enjoys being close to the ocean and much

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He adopts a similar approach with his art, telling me: “I take what's available and work with it.” He shows me some examples of creations, which range from incredibly realistic depictions of sardines (currently selling very successfully through Loulé art shop Martina) to abstract statues. His work demonstrates artistic flair, with each individual piece reflecting nature in a different way - from a table he was commissioned to make with legs expertly crafted to look like coral to a shoal of fish he created for the walls of a restaurant in Muscat, Oman. His favourite working metal is currently aluminium, as he can use it to create large artworks that are light enough to hang on a wall without support. He would like to work more with copper but is yet to find a supplier locally. Mickey now wants to expand his commercial enterprise, but he is not looking to make big financial gains; he merely wants to fund his art, which he does for the love of working with metal. It was by no means a foregone conclusion that Mickey and Mary would stay in Portugal, but she tells me it has been almost serendipitous how everything fell into place since they came here, from finding their quirky cottage on Facebook to discovering a scrapyard from which Mickey is now sourcing recycled metal. They have found the Portuguese to be particularly welcoming and feel that Europe is a happy medium between the US and the Middle East. They expect their children and grandchildren to be regular visitors, and Mickey's sister already has a house in Loulé. Before I leave, I ask which piece he thinks is his best work. “The next one,” is his reply, which seems an apt response from this thoughtful artist who is truly the epitome of a craftsman.     +351 914 997 572

Got a story for our Community pages? Email

We need you! One of the founding principles of Tomorrow is that it is a magazine ‘by the community, for the community’ and, as such, we wanted to remind you of all the ways you can get the most out of our magazine. We’re always looking for stories to feature in our community pages, and would love to hear from you with your ideas and suggestions for articles - you can even write one, if you’re feeling inspired! For example, the article about Carvoeiro Cat Charity on page 10 was suggested by a local lady who works closely with the organisation. We met with her and the charity’s president, Corinna, and the rest, as they say, is history. The same goes for our what’s on pages. If you’re organising a charity event, run a local club, or have a social occasion you’d like to advertise, just drop us a line with all the details and we can let our readers know. For regular events, there’s our monthly calendar featuring lots of local listings too. Then there are the various sections towards the back of the magazine. Got a health query? Let us know and we’ll ask our team of health contributors to address it. Opening a restaurant? We’d love to visit and write a review for our food and drink page. Run a local company? Let us feature you in our business section. Whatever it is you can offer, we’d love to hear from you. Outside of the magazine, we also have the newly-launched Just Jobs section of our website (www.tomorrowalgarve. com/just-jobs) where you can advertise available roles or hunt for jobs. And with over 2,500 likes, our Facebook page is another handy means of communicating with the local community. Best of all? All of these benefits are completely free to take advantage of! Tomorrow is YOUR magazine - so let us know what you’d like to see covered in our pages, and we will make it happen.  

Nobel students complete inaugural Journey of Discovery

When Head of School Mike Farrer joined Nobel International School Algarve last year, he promised to take the students out of their comfort zone. Last month, a group of Year 10 students found out what he meant as they embarked on Nobel Algarve’s inaugural Journey of Discovery (pictured as they departed on March 10th). “The Journey of Discovery is a concept Mr Farrer brought with him from South Africa,” said Matthew Harris, geography teacher and year 10 tutor. “It’s essentially a rite of passage for young people.” During the eight-day expedition, 18 students trekked through difficult terrain, kayaked on a reservoir, worked together to set up and take down campsites, and

took part in team-building games and problem-solving activities. The Journey was designed to be physically, emotionally and intellectually challenging, with students having to assess and develop skills including teamwork, communication, planning and reviewing.

during which the students stretch and look within themselves,” said Mr Farrer. “There are no cellphones or laptops, no pizza delivery. There is just the great outdoors and opportunities to overcome difficulties, deeply reflect on where they are in life, and think about their future. This is why we are doing the Journey.”

“Modern-day society provides very little assistance to young people as they make the emotional and often confusing transition between being a child and becoming an adult,” said Mr Harris. “The Journey of Discovery offers an opportunity for students to step away from their everyday lives, look back on where they have come from and make decisions about where they are going and the type of adult they want to become.”

Mr Harris, who planned the itinerary and led the Journey, has extensive experience taking young people on adventure treks. Before becoming a teacher, he led wilderness and adventure activities in Scotland, training vulnerable young people to develop their personal and social skills. He is trained in mountain first aid, is a level three kayak coach, and holds a canoe lifeguard certificate. He specifically designed the trek to be beautiful, rigorous and memorable.

The students kept journals throughout the trek, and were given themes to reflect on in their writing. They were also faced with choices as to how they recorded their solitude experience, and made group presentations to share what they had learned.

“While the students took part in the physical discovery of the surrounding wild places,” said Mr Harris, “the biggest discovery has been about themselves.”  

“This a powerful journey of self-discovery,

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Local cat sanctuary needs your help By Stephanie Wood What keeps her going, I wonder? “The cats” is her instant answer. “Sometimes I wish I could stay in bed a little longer. But then I get up and they are miaowing and come for a cuddle, and it’s fine. I think cats are the best company you can have.”

Garfield, Meggy, Whiskey… Corinna Janiec can name each and every cat she looks after at Carvoeiro Cat Charity Associação’s refuge. This is impressive, considering that the sprawling sanctuary just outside of Lagoa is home to some 350 cats! I recently had the pleasure of being shown around the refuge by Corinna, the charity’s president, who is appealing to the local community for help with its running and upkeep. The cats are currently homed in several different houses. There are small huts big enough for two, where cats who have had trouble socialising with big groups live. Larger constructions are home to whole colonies of cats that have been moved from the local community. Meanwhile, cats with diseases such as leukaemia must be housed separately to avoid contagion. There’s even a ‘tree house’ where the moggies have the choice of several individual boxes. All are furnished with makeshift beds, blankets, feeding bowls, water and litter trays. It’s quickly clear that Corinna has quite a job on her hands. “When I have no help, it takes seven to eight hours a day to do everything,” she tells me of her daily routine. “But when I have helpers, they normally come around 9am and we are usually finished by midday.” She currently has three volunteers helping out, but she says: “We always need more.” New volunteers are shown the ropes by Corinna. “It’s not very difficult,” she tells me, explaining that the jobs include feeding the cats, topping up their water, cleaning out the litter trays, replacing dirty blankets with clean ones and sweeping the floor. Everything is provided, and the only thing the volunteers need to bring is a willingness to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in!

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Of course, the day-to-day running of the refuge incurs many costs. On top of basic expenses such as food and litter, the houses need maintaining. Corinna is currently planning a major overhaul of the refuge in order to replace some older houses that are no longer practical with new constructions - all of which requires materials and manpower. There are also vets’ bills to pay. Thankfully a recent change in Portuguese law means that the local Câmara now pays for the spaying of street cats. But the law also dictates that animals in shelters are not allowed to be put to sleep, so sick cats must be treated. Corinna works closely with several local vets who offer discounted rates to the charity, but the costs can still add up. In order to raise much-needed funds, the CCCA recently launched a membership scheme, starting from as little as €10 a year. “We are aiming for 1,000 members,” Corinna says, adding: “We are not there yet!” The charity also holds regular fundraisers, such as the ‘Christmas carols with the cats’ event they hosted on-site in December. “It was magical,” Corinna tells me. She hopes to host a charity garden party and a music concert in the summer too. Other ways to help the charity financially include one-off donations made either directly to the organisation (bank details can be found on the website) or via the charity tins located in various local bars and cafés. They also have a charity shop located in Ferragudo, from which all profits go to the care of the cats. Walking around the refuge, I’m most struck by how beautiful the cats are. Old or young, they all look very healthy with lovely, shiny coats in every colour imaginable - black, white, grey, ginger, striped - and I very nearly leave with one in tow. It seems I’m not the only one to fall under their spell. Last year the refuge re-homed over 80 cats, and not just in the Algarve; some

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ended up as far afield as England, Holland and Germany. “We prepare everything,” Corinna says. “We can deliver them to the airport, or else we have overland animal transport companies we work with.” Anyone interested in adopting a cat is welcome to visit the refuge, although Corinna jokingly warns: “It is very difficult to come and choose one cat because they are all so lovely!” Outside of the day-to-day running of the refuge, Corinna has grand plans she would like to implement. “In the future, I’d like to have two or three caravans on the site so people can stay here and volunteer,” she says. “They would have a place to sleep, but also have fun - this is a holiday country, after all! They could help me in the morning, but then have the afternoon off to go to the beach or do whatever they like. It’s an idea…” She also dreams of returning to her native Germany this Christmas, which would be her first visit home in 10 years. But with so much to do around the refuge, time off is nigh-on impossible. “I have a granny at home who is 88,” she tells me, visibly tearing up. “She can’t visit me anymore, so I would like to go and see her. It would be really nice. I told my parents I had this in mind, and they said ‘there is always someone missing at Christmas time.’” From what I’ve seen during my time at the refuge, she has more than earned a break. So come on, what are you waiting for? Corinna, Garfield and co are ready and waiting to receive your help.    @CarvoeiroCatCharity

Penguins set to make a splash at Lagos Zoo By Sophie Sadler passion for animals led him to establish the zoo on his parent’s land in 2000.

There’s an exciting addition coming to Lagos Zoo for summer 2017 - a penguin swimming pool! I can exclusively reveal that the new pool - hoped to open in June - will give visitors the thrill of swimming alongside the penguins, with a glass partition separating swimmers from the aquatic birds. They are African penguins, which do not live on ice so the pool will be a nice temperature! I learnt of the new addition to the extensive complex located just outside of Barão de São João as I chatted to owner Paulo Figueiras (pictured), whose childhood

On meeting Paulo, it’s clear that he cares deeply about his animals and wants to counter the negative publicity zoos often attract. “People need to start looking at zoos in a different way,” he says. “They are not about cages, it is all about conservation,” Indeed, one of the lovely things about Lagos Zoo is that many of the animals live on islands surrounded by a lake so that you do not look at them through bars. A member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA) since 2016, Lagos Zoo is home to many endangered species. “Zoos play a vital role in preventing species from becoming extinct,” Paulo tells me, and Lagos Zoo has had many successes on this front. They include the impregnation of a CottonTop Tamarin, one of the world’s most endangered monkeys, and the ongoing preservation of the Socorro Dove, the

population of which sank dangerously low when a military base was established on their habitat in Mexico. The zoo does not host any animal shows, instead opting for educational presentations. “I’m very happy when I see on TripAdvisor people saying that the zoo does not feel commercial because I don’t want it to be a spectacle,” Paulo tells me. On this score, I would say that Paulo has achieved his goal. You get a feeling of peace and tranquillity as you walk around the zoo and always come away feeling relaxed rather than exhausted. I for one can't wait to return with my kids to experience the penguin pool!  Entry prices for Lagos Zoo are €16 for adults, €14 for seniors (65+) and €12 for children aged 4-11. A Friends of Lagos Zoo pass is also available, which gives you a year’s unlimited access for only €45 for adults and €30 for children. The zoo is open all year round. 

 TomorrowAlgarve


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What's On Try something new: line dancing

two years. Live country music is a key feature, with local singers Danny Maverick, JJ Johns and Suzanne Wilson on the bill (look out for JJ Johns in an upcoming instalment of our regular 10 minutes with… feature!). Who’s it for? “Everyone is welcome,” Nick told Tomorrow when we popped along to try it out ourselves. There is usually a teacher at the front leading the group, and Nick promises: “All the dances are easy to do.” The main requirement? A desire to have fun! What do I need to take part? Some people like to dress the part (when we attended we saw stetsons, checked shirts and more than one pair of cowboy boots), but this is not essential. It’s an idea to bring an appetite though - Sunday lunch is served, with a choice of roast chicken or pork for just €9.95.

One of the best things about our vibrant community is the wealth of activities you can get involved in, and every month we shine a light on one in hopes of inspiring you to give it a go. This month, grab your partner and do-si-do - it’s line dancing! What’s it all about? Anyone who’s ever bopped around to Billy Rae Cyrus’ hit Achy Breaky Heart will be

familiar with the concept of line dancing. It may conjure up images of American country and western bars - but did you know that you can give it a go right here in the Algarve? Tell me more The venue is Big Red’s Steakhouse in Alvor, where owner Nick has been been hosting monthly line dancing sessions for the last

How can I get involved? Line dancing at Big Red’s takes place on the third Sunday of the month (so this month’s instalment is on Easter Sunday, April 16th. The sessions take place between 2-6pm, with lunch served at your preferred time from 2.15pm onwards. Booking is advised. See you on the dance floor - yee-haw!  

Pop along to a pop-up gallery A ‘pop-up’ gallery is opening exclusively for one weekend only this month, introducing and showcasing an exciting and vibrant mix of 10 artists and artisan crafters. It is part of a new venture called Algarve Pop-Up Art. Organised and run by Ferragudo residents Alyson and Dave Sheldrake, who have been staging and promoting their own temporary exhibitions since they moved to live and work in the Algarve five years ago, it will feature exclusive pop-up events and exhibitions showcasing hand-selected and unique art, crafts, photography and gifts. Alyson explains: "We have learnt so much from setting up and running our own art and photography exhibitions in venues across the Algarve, and we wanted to be able to expand that programme to include other artists and artisan crafts.

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“We have spoken to many artists who were keen to start exhibiting but did not know how to set up or promote an event. The natural next step was to create our own ‘Pop-Up Art' venture, and our aim is to organise and host a series of new and exclusive events to be held across the Algarve.” She added: “We have discovered so many wonderfully gifted and talented artists out here with amazing work that we cannot wait to share with a wider audience.” The first Pop-Up Art event will feature original works, including gentle watercolours, vibrant acrylics and bold oil paintings, plus photography, jewellery, ceramics and pottery, fabrics and textiles, hand-crafted gifts and art objects. Natural organic beauty products will be on offer too.

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The project’s motto is taken from Alyson and Dave's own mantra since they moved to the Algarve, which is to provide ‘affordable art for all to enjoy’, and the pop-up gallery promises to be a bright and enjoyable event with a wide range of wellpriced original work for sale. The inaugural event will be held at Holiday Inn Algarve in Armação de Pêra over the Easter weekend, from Friday April 14th Sunday April 16th. The event will be open from 10am - 5pm each day. You can discover more about the event including profiles on all of the exhibitors - through the online event brochure or via the Facebook page.    @AlgarvePopUpArtEvents 

Stéphane Rambaud for Fermob

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| 13 10/03/2017 11:52

What's On

Easter events in the local area Wondering what to do over the Easter weekend (Friday April 14th - Sunday April 16th)? Here’s a handy overview of events planned in our local area to mark Páscoa…

be followed by a mini golf tournament on the Academy Course. The fees are €35 for members and residents, €45 for visitors and €30 for juniors.

Easter fair

A special buffet dinner will be available at 7.30pm on Saturday at the hotel’s Sagres restaurant, whilst a traditional lunch will be served up on Easter Sunday. Priced at €35 per person, the menu includes mini vichyssoise with caviar, steamed sea bass fillet with a lemongrass and lime leaf emulsion, traditional Easter milk-fed slowroasted lamb scented with mountain herbs, and a variety of chocolate desserts. Wine, water, coffee and tea are also included.

Friday April 14th - Sunday April 16th, 10am ’til late, Carvoeiro The return of Carvoeiro’s three-day Easter fair has been announced. As well as a variety of artisan Portuguese products, this year’s fair will feature the Algarve coastal imagery of local photographer Jorge Fonseca, as well as the latest jewellery and gift ideas from Algarve Jewels. Located in the central square adjacent to the town’s beach, make sure you take time to view the wonderful products on offer in the marquees. For more information call Alan Sheppard.  +351 914 952 299

Easter golf tournament and special dining events Penina Hotel and Golf Resort The annual Family Cup golf tournament takes place at Penina once again this Easter, on Saturday April 15th. Categories include couples, father and son, grandfather and grandson, and brothers. The competition features 18 holes, pairs, Texas Scramble and Stableford formats, and prizes will be given. Entry fees are €40 for members and residents, €65 for visitors and €50 for juniors (18 and under). A programme for beginners is also available, with a golf clinic for golfers of all ages between 10am and midday. This will

  +351 282 420 200

Ideias do Levante Easter concert Sunday April 16th, 5pm, Convent of São José, Lagoa The Lagoa-based cultural group are proud to present soprano Carla Pontes, bassbaritone Francisco Brazão and pianist Cristiana Silva in a special Easter concert. The three musicians will interpret a repertoire which mainly includes pieces by Handel, Purcell and Bach. The concert is recommended for adults and children aged six and over. Tickets are €7 and available at the venue’s box office.  Whatever you do this Easter, we hope you have a wonderful time with friends and family! 

Come and celebrate our first birthday! This July marks one whole year since we launched our very first edition (where does the time go, eh?). To celebrate we’re throwing one heck of a bash. The Tomorrow Summer Ball will take place on Saturday July 15th at Tivoli Marina Portimão, and it’s set to be a highlight of the season. A three-course dinner will be hosted in the hotel’s stunning deck restaurant overlooking the Arade River, with the €35 ticket price also including a welcome drink. Live entertainment will be provided by brilliant local band 5EX, who will keep the party going into the early hours, and there’ll also be the chance to take home some brilliant prizes courtesy of our charity raffle. All in all, it promises to be an unmissable night. It’s our first event in the local area, but our sister publication in Lagos has previously hosted two Summer Balls. They’ve always been very successful affairs, with a good time had by all - and, even better, plenty of money raised for local good causes. Tickets are limited, so dig out your glad rags and contact Steven to book your place now. We look forward to seeing as many members of the local community there as possible!    +351 919 185 677

Zip across the border! Did you know that the world’s only crosscountry zip-line ends in the Algarve? Running from Sanlúcar de Guadiana in Spain to Alcoutim in the eastern Algarve, the 720m wire crosses the Guadiana river, with riders reaching incredible speeds of 70-80km per hour!

walk passes several natural and historical points of interest, including Nossa Senhora da Conceição Hermitage on the Portuguese side and the church of Santa María de las Flores in Spain. The Guadiana river will initially be crossed by boat, before you are given the option to zip-line back.

The zip-line reopened on March 24th after winter, and now local tour operator Quimera Experience is organising a scenic 8km walk that ends by zipping across the border. Graded as ‘medium’ difficulty, the

Taking place on April 14th, the walk starts at 10am from Centro Náutico de Alcoutim. A 7.30am pick-up from Staples in Parchal is possible. The trip costs €16 which includes a visit to Alcoutim Castle and the Guardiana

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river crossing, or €30 if you feel brave enough to take on the zip-line! Other trips planned in April by the company include an exploration of dinosaur footprints at Salema, a traditional chimneys tour of Monchique, and an ‘aromas trail’ to seek out orchids on the west coast. Visit their website or Facebook page to learn more.    @quimeraexperience

What's On Promote your events and activities in the Tomorrow Calendar - it’s FREE! Email your listings to us: Lagoa

Portimão Yoga | 8am - 9.30am Mon & Wed Pilates | 1pm - 2pm Wed & Fri | 5.30pm - 6.30pm Tue & Thu Yoga | 6pm - 7.15pm Mon Meditation | 8pm - 9pm Fri - By appointment €25 p.m | Villa Prana, Portimão |  |  +351 282 484 256

Latin American and Ballroom Dancing | Nobel International School Every Thursday, 6pm beginners, 7pm improvers/intermediate | €5  +351 961 916 821  Scottish country dancing | Mondays, 7.30pm - 9.30pm | Nobel International School Algarve, Lagoa | €1.50 |  +351 282 356 029 Qi Gong Class | Thursdays, 7.30pm | Centro Serenity in Lagoa (make a left at the roundabout after Fatacil), 35€/month |  +351 282 101 174 |  +351 962 009 703

Alvor Latin American and Ballroom Dancing | Alvor Community Centre Every Tuesday, 10am beginners, 11am improvers/intermediate | €5  +351 961 916 821 

Carvoeiro Fitball with João | Mon & Thurs 9.15am - 10am | €8.50 Taekwondo with Miguel | Mon & Fri 7pm - 8pm | €45p/m (child) €60 p/m (adult) Yoga with Jane | Tues 11am - 12pm | €8.50 Power Pump with Julie | Tues 6.30pm - 7.30pm | €8.50 Body Shape with Jaqueline | Wed 10am - 11am | €8.50 Power Hour with Julie | Thurs 10am - 11am | €8.50 Qi Gong with Gabriele | Thurs 11am - 12pm | €8.50 Carvoeiro Clube, Urb. Monte Carvoeiro |  +351 282 350 800

Aerobics Fitness | Monday 10am Total Toning | Wednesday 10am Body Conditioning | Thursday 10am Alvor Community Centre |  +351 934 393 232

Ferragudo Sunset Bar Quiz Night | Every Friday at 8.30pm

A Taste of Yoga | Mon 10am, Vale d’Oliveiras | Tue 4.30pm, Rocha Brava Yin Yoga | Tue 8.45am, Serenity Hatha Yoga | Tues 4.30pm, Vale d'Oliveiras | Thurs 8.45am, Serenity Gentle Yoga | Fri 11am, Vale d’Oliveiras | Sat 11am, Rocha Brava 

Further Afield Find your essence with nature | April 8th - 16th, 10am Gathering: yoga-sound journey-dance | April 15th, 11am Healing Circle Retreats, Quinta da Eira, Silves 

Run or walk to celebrate Abril 25th | 9am | Church square Carvoeiro | in the afternoon there will be music and activities  |  +351 282 352 655 |  +351 282 356 690

Tide Table for April LOW TIDE Moon 1 SAT 2 SUN 3 MON 4 TUE 5 WED 6 THU 7 FRI 8 SAT 9 SUN 10 MON 11 TUE 12 WED 13 THU 14 FRI 15 SAT 16 SUN 17 MON 18 TUE 19 WED 20 THU 21 FRI 22 SAT 23 SUN 24 MON 25 TUE 26 WED 27 THU 28 FRI 29 SAT 30 SUN


Height (m)

11:12 00:45 02:09 03:45 05:03 05:59 06:43 07:20 07:52 08:23 08:53 09:24 09:55 10:28 11:04 11:45 00:21 01:30 02:57 04:12 05:09 05:55 06:37 07:18 07:59 08:40 09:23 10:08 10:57

0.80 1.06 1.22 1.23 1.12 0.97 0.84 0.75 0.69 0.67 0.69 0.75 0.86 1.00 1.16 1.34 1.37 1.48 1.48 1.35 1.16 0.93 0.72 0.54 0.43 0.40 0.46 0.60 0.81

HIGH TIDE Afternoon 23:41 12:05 13:13 14:41 16:13 17:22 18:13 18:55 19:31 20:04 20:36 21:07 21:40 22:14 22:50 23:31 12:40 13:57 15:26 16:35 17:28 18:13 18:55 19:37 20:19 21:02 21:48 22:37 23:32

Height (m)


Height (m)

0.85 1.04 1.26 1.39 1.35 1.21 1.05 0.90 0.79 0.72 0.70 0.72 0.79 0.90 1.05 1.21 1.49 1.58 1.54 1.39 1.17 0.94 0.71 0.53 0.42 0.39 0.45 0.60 0.79

05:10 06:06 07:13 08:34 10:01 11:13 12:08 01:08 01:46 02:20 02:53 03:25 03:57 04:30 05:06 05:48 06:42 07:54 09:17 10:28 11:22 12:08 00:23 01:07 01:51 02:35 03:20 04:08 04:59

3.40 3.15 2.90 2.75 2.74 2.85 2.99 3.33 3.39 3.41 3.37 3.30 3.19 3.04 2.88 2.71 2.56 2.48 2.51 2.66 2.87 3.11 3.33 3.53 3.68 3.74 3.70 3.57 3.37

 TomorrowAlgarve

Afternoon 17:35 18:33 19:45 21:09 22:30 23:35 00:26 12:52 13:30 14:05 14:37 15:09 15:40 16:12 16:46 17:24 18:10 19:09 20:24 21:41 22:45 23:37 12:51 13:32 14:14 14:57 15:42 16:29 17:21

Height (m) 3.29 3.09 2.92 2.86 2.93 3.08 3.22 3.13 3.25 3.32 3.35 3.34 3.28 3.19 3.06 2.92 2.77 2.66 2.62 2.70 2.87 3.10 3.34 3.53 3.66 3.71 3.67 3.55 3.37


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What's On

Your invitation to Alvor Lawn Bowls Club’s open day By Ze Martins, manager and club owner

Harp concert in Lagoa

and to meet the club’s existing members. Bowls will be provided, but the club kindly asks attendees to wear flat shoes with no sharp profiles in order to protect the green. A drink and some snacks will be provided and, for anyone wanting something a little more substantial, it will be possible to buy sandwiches and drinks from the club bar. An article in December’s issue of Tomorrow introduced readers to the great game of lawn bowls. Now the members of Alvor Lawn Bowls Club invite you to join them for an open day to find out more about this enjoyable sport! The article (which you can re-read by visiting publications and selecting the December issue) explained the rules of the game, along with the social and competitive nature of bowls. It is played here in the Algarve throughout the year, with club and inter-club competitions taking place in February and March (the picture shows members at the recent club finals day). Building on that, the open day (starting at 11am on Wednesday April 5th) will be a hands-on opportunity for newcomers to the game to try it for themselves

How to find the club? Coming from the N125, take the turn towards Alvor. Stay on the narrow road for 2km, passing the small airport. Shortly after the left curve there are two speed bumps. Almost immediately after the second one, turn into the small road on the left (there will be a sign saying ‘Alvor Bowls Open Day’). After 200m turn right at the small roundabout, and after another 200m turn right into the parking area. In the unexpected event that we have heavy rain on April 5th, the open day will be postponed until April 12th. Welcome to Alvor Bowls Club - we look forward to seeing you there!     +351 282 490 280

Ideias do Levante, the Lagoa-based cultural association, is staging a harp concert in partnership with Municipio de Lagoa. Featuring Portuguese harpist and singer Helena Madeira - described as ‘a storyteller with a harp’ - it will take place on Saturday April 9th at 5pm in the Convent of São José. The concert is recommended for adults and children over 6 years old. The chapel seats 90 people, and tickets (priced at €7) can be purchased via the ticket office at the convent (contact number below). A 20% discount will be available for Ideias do Levante members, as well as for holders of the Passaporte Cultural de Lagoa.    +351 282 380 434

Algarve photography walks If you love exploring the local area but find that your snaps don’t ever quite do this beautiful part of the world justice, then why not join Dave Sheldrake for his next Algarve photography walk?

share some of his favourite places in the Algarve. As one of the authors behind the Algarve Blog - an online account of some of the best places and events the region has to offer - he is well placed to share!

How to Detox workshop

Professional photographer Dave launched the walks earlier this year, with the aim of helping people to take better pictures. They are an informal affair, advertised via a closed Facebook group and starting at various locations across the Algarve. Lasting around two hours, the walks feature quick demonstrations and plenty of opportunities to try your hand at capturing some winning shots along the way - with Dave on hand to offer individual help.

Previous walks have taken place at locations including Sítio das Fontes and Salgados, and have attracted a real mix of people with varying levels of photography experience. The next walk takes place in Alvor on Saturday April 8th from 10am -12pm. It will be repeated 2-4pm on Tuesday April 11th. You can see full details by joining the Facebook group. 

A workshop titled How to Detox will be held at Earth Shop and Café in Carvoeiro on Friday April 7th. Led by local health therapist Elke Muche, the 10am session will detail the toxins we encounter in the body, how to avoid them and possible ways to selfdetox. The workshop costs €25 which includes lunch, tea or coffee and water. Contact Elke for more information or to book your place. 

 AlgarvePhotographyWalks/ 

 +351 964 453 896 

The walks are also a chance for Dave to

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Be part of Portugal’s first stand up paddle board festival

Picture credit: Birch Photography (

Algarve coastline by paddle board. He is also the first person to stand up paddle the breadth of the Algarve, from Sagres to the Spanish border, and followed that feat with a 260km paddle through central Portugal in 2016.

If you’re into stand up paddle boarding - or have always wanted to give it a try - then head on down to Portugal’s first festival dedicated to the water sport. The Guadiana Challenge takes place April 7th - 9th on the Guadiana river, located on the southern Portuguese and Spanish border. One of the fastest growing sports in the world, stand up paddle boarding (SUP) involves a board similar to those used in surfing, with a paddle used to propel through the water. Nick Robinson was one of the first to popularise the sport in southern Portugal with his company Algarve SUP. Now in his third year of business, he has taken hundreds of guests along the stunning

Nick and a few friends founded the Guadiana Challenge in 2014, completing a 32km paddle from Mértola to Alcoutim. Now Nick has partnered with Tom Longhurst, owner of Algarve Marquees and another keen paddle boarder, to establish the annual festival, with plenty planned for this year’s weekend. “There will be a wide variety of boards to try for free, so anyone can come along and give it a go on Saturday and Sunday at the quay in Mértola," said Nick. “It's your chance to try out SUP-ing for the first time, with experienced instructors on hand to show you how." He added: “It’s such an easy sport to learn and the health benefits are tremendous!” There are three categories: a 32km race for more experienced paddleboarders, and two

fun paddles. The first is also 32km and great for a family adventure, whilst the second is 10km - perfect for novices. In addition to the SUP-ing, there will also be great food available on the riverside, festival music, a chill out bar with campfires, free camping and a huge waterslide into the river. Meanwhile, on the Sunday there’s the chance to meet some surf and paddle legends. They include world famous big wave surfer Andrew Cotton, SUP explorer extraordinaire Spike Reid (who recently paddled 3,000km down the Ganges River in India!) and Kiko Matthews, who will be demonstrating her training to row the Atlantic. There will also be a SUP race clinic with world-rated paddle board professional Leonard Nika, and an opportunity to meet members of the Water Skills Academy, who will be on hand to chat to anyone interested in becoming a SUP instructor. Visit the website and sign up for this fun event today!  

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Freehold options also available.

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Health Advances for patient care in Portugal By Dr. Bock

One area in which Portugal has now caught up with the rest of the European Union nations is regulating practitioners and care given by non-conventional healthcare providers, such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, homeopaths, naturopaths, physiotherapists and osteopaths. Previously, standards of care had solely been enforced or even just encouraged by their respective national associations, such as the Associação Portuguesa dos Quiropráticos (Portuguese Chiropractic Association).

credentials to practice in Portugal. It is a daunting process for the governmental agencies to process thousands of applications. Just recently, official licenses have begun to be issued. I encourage all patients and prospective patients seeking healthcare to ask their provider about their application status, to be sure that providers have submitted their application and that their license to practice has either been granted or is pending. This is the first line of assurance that you are receiving the proper level of regulated care.

In 2013, Portuguese law was updated to regulate these healthcare professionals and to begin authenticating their education and

In addition, much to Portugal's credit, the government has also decided in favour of the patient's financial welfare by waiving

IVA tax on non-conventional healthcare services, which could have imposed an additional 23% tax on top of clinic fees. Previously, only patients of medical doctors, physical therapists, and others were exempt from this tax on clinic services. Years ago when previous laws were enacted, most non-conventional professionals were either not practicing or not well represented in Portugal, so they were not included in the IVA exception. Presently, the Portuguese government could have held fast to those previous laws; however, they decided on behalf of professional fairness and equality - and, most importantly, the patient's pocket - to waive the IVA tax on care that patients now receive. The regulation of non-conventional healthcare providers and exemption of IVA tax on those healthcare services has been a welcomed advancement for both patients and providers alike. Over 10 years of concerted input, advice and guidance given by the various non-conventional healthcare providers’ associations has helped to bring these changes forward. We all owe them and those in the Portuguese government a big thank you for their tremendous effort in working through the many legislative hurdles to help the people of Portugal!  Dr. Bock can be reached at Active Quiroprática. Please consult a healthcare provider for specific advice regarding your health.   +351 966 706 606

Bowen therapy is just one of the treatments on offer at Dog Emporium in Porches - and it’s available for you and your dog. Bowen therapy is a healing technique that was developed in the 1950s by Tom Bowen. It can be effective in both humans and canines in treating a multitude of complaints. In humans, these include back pain (including sciatica), headaches and concentration problems, arm and shoulder injuries, leg and ankle pain, lymph drainage, fluid retention and oedema, asthma and respiratory problems, and stress. In

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addition, Dog Emporium’s dog clients have been treated with Bowen therapy with much success for post-surgery care and a range of movement rehabilitation. Research into how and why it is effective is still ongoing, but it is generally accepted that the moves used in the treatment generate an energy impulse which triggers the body's healing mechanisms. The Bowen move involves gentle cross fibre manipulation of the fascia or connective tissue which, when applied to specific muscles, ligaments and tendons, initiates

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relaxation of the muscles and reduction of nerve pressure. This allows the body to make appropriate adjustments to realign and balance for improved health and wellbeing. Visit or get in touch with Gail and the team at Dog Emporium today to learn more. Opened last November, the centre also offers dog training courses, a doggie spa and a range of retail options.    @dogemporium

Picture credit:

Could Bowen therapy help you - and your pooch?

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Stretch your way to flexibility By Andrea Schoonheim How to increase flexibility? The obvious answer to this question is ‘by stretching the muscles’. But anyone who has tried to stretch short hamstrings will know this is not quite true! Yes, muscles need to stretch in order to increase the so-called ‘range of motion’ of our joints - the definition of flexibility. However, the connective tissue in and around our muscles has to expand as well and, more importantly, the nervous system has to agree.

numbness, sensitivity and tingling, and if these are ignored pain will follow. Ignoring pain is a bad idea that usually leads to injuries that can take months and even years to heal.

When under anaesthesia, a person’s flexibility is massively increased because their nervous system is not protecting them (those working in operating theatres have to be very careful not to dislocate the joints of their patients). In normal waking life, however, your nervous system decides how flexible you are and warns you when you try to go further then what this system feels is safe.

Lengthening muscles (or, more precisely, growing the length of individual muscle fibres) can be achieved by carefully stretching muscles through exercises or yoga poses. At the same time the connective tissue needs to expand, otherwise it holds the muscle back. Connective tissue is not designed like muscle tissue and cannot stretch as such, but by carefully stressing it over prolonged periods, it is possible. Yin yoga has helped many people in this respect.

Think of the nervous system as an emergency break in relation to flexibility. If you parked your car on the clifftops of Carvoeiro with only your emergency brake on, would you release it? Of course not - and your nervous system functions in a similar way. When you attempt to bend forward, for example, and you experience resistance in your legs that stops you, it is your nervous system pulling the handbrake to prevent you from harm. Early warning signs from the nervous system that something is wrong include

And so, the answer to the question ‘how to increase flexibility?’ is threefold: you have to lengthen your muscles, expand your connective tissue, and demonstrate to your nervous system it is safe to bend further.

Both of these stages are essential, but they are useless unless we show the nervous system that we are looking to make a change. Communicating with the nervous system requires patience; it needs to be fully satisfied the requested flexibility is safe. Let’s illustrate this idea with an example. William spends a lot of time every day sitting on chairs and sofas. In doing so his hamstrings will contract in order to

facilitate sitting (the body constantly adapts to what we’re doing in order to make it easier). One day, he finds his hamstrings have shortened so much that he cannot easily bend forward anymore, so decides to work on stretching his hamstrings for 10 minutes a day - thereby telling his nervous system he wants to be more flexible. However, he also tells his nervous system over 40 hours per week he wants them short so he can sit comfortably. The result is not difficult to guess; his hamstrings stay short because the nervous system is not convinced William wants increased flexibility. What William should actually do is make changes that can have a long-lasting impact. Regular stretching classes or yoga sessions coupled with other small adjustments (such as sitting on the floor with his legs stretched out in front of him) are the way to go. Through this approach, increased flexibility - and all the benefits it brings to everyday life - can be achieved.  Andrea is a qualified yoga teacher who leads classes in Carvoeiro and Lagoa.     +351 911 510 641

Rosacea: face it with nature By Lesley Wall Rosacea is a severe or chronic inflammation of the capillaries in the facial skin which causes redness, skin thickness and an acne-esque appearance. It can also effect the eyes, causing dryness and sore lids. The condition affects one in ten people, usually in middle age. There is no definite answer on the cause of rosacea, with various possible reasons. Sunlight can aggravate the skin as heat opens the capillaries, whilst sun damage can make them appear more visible. Allergic reaction to the ingredients in soaps and cleansers can be a factor, as can harsh facial scrubs which can damage delicate skin. Stress, make-up and even spicy food could also all play a part. If you suffer from rosacea, all is not lost as

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there are many ways to ease the condition. If you are a sufferer, my first piece of advice would be to never exfoliate - this can exaggerate the problem. Also steer clear of thermal masks and cleansers. Instead, try a honey mask. Honey naturally dissolves dead skin cells without the need to rub the skin. It is also naturally anti-bacterial, so very healing for the skin. Using a clean make-up brush, apply one tablespoon to clean, dry skin. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. Do this once or twice a week. It is messy but the results will leave your skin clear and fresh.

healing and calming natural ingredients. Try boiling 50ml of chamomile tea, leaving it to cool and using this as a toner. Keep it in the fridge for up to one week.

You should also use a chemical-free facial cleanser, as non chemical-free ones can cause ultra sensitivity and strip the skin of its natural oils. Instead, soothe the skin with aloe vera, chamomile and calendula - all

Lesley is an ITEC-qualified aromatherapist and the owner of Beautylicous Me in Alvor.

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Other tips include using a chemical-free moisturiser with zinc-based SPF (zinc is also anti-inflammatory and very healing), swapping to a mineral make-up range, wearing a hat in the sun to protect your skin, eliminating any foods that cause your face to flush, and avoiding stress - easier said than done, I know! I will be covering stress control in a future article. 

 

 TomorrowAlgarve


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Business Local snapper opens studio

Bluetooth: a guide By Steven Dunwell Most people are familiar with Bluetooth - but have you ever wondered where the term came from and the history behind it? Bluetooth was originally developed by communications company Ericsson in 1994 and it is now used by many other companies. You will know if it’s on your device if you see the symbol above on your display.

Now he has branched out to offer a wide range of services locally, from covering

events such as weddings and christenings to family and new baby shoots. Working closely with his customers, Jorge’s aim is to capture moments, emotions and personalities through his lens, resulting in unique images that tell a story. He is committed to providing customer satisfaction, and considers it an honour for people to invite him to take their pictures. To chat to Jorge about booking him for an event or to arrange a studio session, contact him using the details below.    @jfonsecastudio

What’s lurking up your chimney? In addition to giant nests and lost toys, with regular use your chimney accumulates a build-up of tar and carbon residue called creosote. Mainly caused by the wood you burn, these deposits are hard to see but are a major fire hazard. Enter Miguel Sousa, who has been a local sweep since 1997. He ensures your home is left immaculately clean at the end of every job, and has never had a complaint in all the time he has been a chimney sweep some 20 years. Indeed, most of his business is repeat business and word of mouth referrals.

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He recommends an annual clean as the quality of wood burned today is not the standard that it used to be, and so much more waste is created. In addition, humidity can contribute to the corroding of wood burners. Miguel also offers and fits smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms for peace of mind. He is currently offering 50% off anti-rust treatments with all chimney and wood burner cleans - so get in touch today!   +351 919 498 280 

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Bluetooth itself is a wireless technology that allows devices to communicate with each other over short distances (up to 100 metres). It uses radio waves and is designed to be a secure, inexpensive way of connecting and exchanging information between devices wirelessly. You'll find Bluetooth in mobile phones, computers, printers, headphones, speakers and televisions. Uses for the technology include sending photos from your mobile, exchanging business cards, and sending voice from mobile phone to a specially designed earpiece receiver. You can also play music from an MP3 player to Bluetooth speakers. If you have any questions on this topic, suggestions for future tips or require assistance with any other IT queries or challenges, I am very happy help.    +351 936 387 512

Picture credit: Jorge Fonseca

A new photography studio has opened in Carvoeiro. Located on Estrada do Farol, JF Studio is the working base for photographer Jorge Fonseca. Originally hailing from Évora in the Alentejo, Jorge now calls the Algarve his home. He studied multimedia at university, but was inspired to take up photography thanks to the stunning setting of his hometown. Initially his work focussed on natural landscapes and he established an extensive portfolio of work, some of which featured in national and international magazines - winning several awards along the way.

The name came about originally as Ericsson were looking for a unique name for the technology. They settled on ‘bluetooth’ after discovering a 10th century Viking king called Harald ‘Bluetooth’ Blatand. During his reign, he united Denmark and Norway and was well known for his ability to help people communicate.





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New physical therapy clinic opens Do you suffer from painful joints or muscular issues? Suffer no more, as help is on hand at a new local clinic. After 10 years running a successful clinic in Ireland, neuromuscular physical therapist David Murphy has set up here in the Algarve. He specialises in treating very painful conditions that most people wrongly believe they are stuck with, such as sciatica, osteoarthritis and frozen shoulder to name a few. “Most people with these conditions have to take painkillers or anti-inflammatories just to make it through the day,” says David. “But recent press reports have shown they don’t always work and can cause side effects such as stomach upset.

“I use the latest techniques in soft tissue release and pain management to restore some (if not all) range of movement in the affected joint or muscle. What’s more, the reduction of pain is immediate.” On moving to the Algarve in November, David soon noticed a lot of people struggling to walk with back or leg problems, or holding their knees when they were sitting out and about. This, he says, is unnecessary pain. Practising physical neuromuscular therapy, David utilises many techniques such as dry needling (the use of thin needles to open and release muscle tightness) and Graston Technique (in which thin metal tools are used to iron out long term issues and hypersensitivity in cases such as

fibromyalgia, chronic arthritis and mid to lower back pain). These treatments go a little deeper into the muscle than other approaches such as physiotherapy. He is pioneering these and other approaches at his Mexilhoeira Grande clinic, and invites anyone suffering with aches and pains to pay him a visit. As he says, after all: “There’s no point having the sun, sea and lifestyle if you can’t enjoy it pain free!”   7 Largo Damaso Rocha, Mexilhoeira Grande  +351 928 022 494 

Brexit: your questions answered By Sharon Wilson, Currency Index ticket out of the club. Ultimately, in the unlikely event that the UK decided it wanted to stay in the EU after all, politics - not law - would determine whether Article 50 could be reversed.

Many expats in Portugal are eager to learn what Brexit and the triggering of Article 50 (expected to happen at the end of March at the time of going to print) will mean for the future - whilst just as many don’t really understand what is happening. Article 50 is the formal notification of the UK's intention to leave the European Union, the start of a divorce process which will last two years. The article itself is a fivepoint text that is short, vague and open to interpretation. Crucially, because no member has ever left the EU, there is no precedent to follow, so the process and procedures are unclear. Now that we are at the point of Article 50 being triggered, some wonder if there can be any turning back? The text does not say whether the move is reversible and European Union lawyers have never pronounced on the issue. There is logic to this; if it became clear that it was reversible, it would lose its credibility as a one-way

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So will negotiations between the UK and EU begin as soon as Article 50 is triggered? No. There is a common misconception that in the first week after its triggering, the two negotiators - Michel Barnier for the EU and David Davis MP for the UK - will face off across a table and begin negotiating Britain's exit. It won't work like that for several reasons. Firstly, the EU side will need at least two months to draw up guidelines. The remaining 27 states will decide on negotiating topics and red lines, and feed them into the EU Council. Hitherto, the EU has presented a united front on Brexit, but it will quickly become clear that many of the issues are unique to individual states; things will become more granular, complicated and divided. It will be up to the European Council's behind-the-scenes Brexit negotiator, Belgian diplomat Didier Seewus, to co-ordinate with the member countries and try to keep negotiations on track. Secondly, although Mr Barnier is the chief negotiator on behalf of the EU Commission, some issues will involve such important and divisive decisions that they

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will likely need to be negotiated by the leaders themselves. What if the withdrawal process takes longer than the designated two years? The exit clock starts the moment Article 50 is triggered. Precisely two years later the UK ceases to be a member of the EU. In that period, the negotiations for the exit must be concluded. This is an extremely unrealistic timetable to conclude such complicated negotiations. The two-year Article 50 period can be extended, in which case the UK would continue to be an EU member, but only if all 27 remaining countries agree to it unanimously. So with Brexit still at the forefront of everyone’s worries and, crucially, the markets staying volatile, it would be advantageous to consider managing your money and the risks over the coming months. Why not consider a forward contract and fix a rate for a future date? Whether you might need funds for a property purchase, a re-build project, a refurbishment or otherwise, let me monitor the markets for you. With just 10% of your total funds you can hold the rate for up to two years. This will take the stress and worry out of not knowing how much your money is worth and how much your final costs are going to be.   +351 289 380 194  

Wine with victory flavour. In 2016 the Intermarche exclusive brand Selecção de Enófilos was already awarded with 15 medals on 3 prestigious international wine competitions.

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13/09/16 17:19

Food & Drink Recipe: Pastéis de nata

half. Wrap each piece in plastic wrap and chill for two hours, or preferably overnight. The pastry can be frozen for up to three months. 9. Next make the custard filling. In a medium bowl, whisk the flour and ¼ cup of milk until smooth. 10. Bring the sugar, cinnamon and water to a boil in a small saucepan. Do not stir. 11. In another small saucepan, scald the remaining cup of milk, then whisk the hot milk into the flour mixture.

Ingredients For the pastry 2 cups (minus two tbsps) all-purpose flour, plus more for the work surface ¼ tsp sea salt ¾ cup (plus two tbsps) water 16 tbsps softened unsalted butter For the custard filling 3 tbsp all-purpose flour 1 ¼ cups milk 1 ⅓ cups granulated sugar 1 cinnamon stick ⅔ cup water ½ tsp vanilla extract 6 large egg yolks, whisked To finish Icing sugar Cinnamon Method 1. Start with the pastry. In a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, mix the flour, salt and water until a soft, pillowy dough forms that pulls away from the side of the bowl. 2. Generously flour a work surface and pat

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the dough into a 6-inch square using a pastry scraper. Flour the dough, cover with plastic wrap, and let it rest at room temperature for 15 minutes. 3. Roll the dough into an 18-inch square, making sure the underside doesn’t stick to your work surface. 4. Brush the excess flour off the top of the dough and then dot and spread the left twothirds of the dough with around one-third of the butter, leaving a one-inch border unbuttered. 5. Fold the unbuttered right-hand third of the dough into the centre, brush off any excess flour, and then fold over the left-hand third. Pat down the dough with your hand to release any air bubbles, then pinch the edges of the dough to seal. Brush off any excess flour. 6. Turn the dough 90° to the left so the fold is facing you. Lift the dough and flour the work surface. Once again roll it out to an 18-inch square, then repeat steps four and five. 7. For the last rolling, turn the dough 90° to the left again and roll out the dough to an 18 x 21-inch rectangle, with the shorter side facing you. Spread the remaining butter over the entire surface. 8. Using a spatula, lift the edge of the dough closest to you and roll away into a tight log, brushing the excess flour from the underside as you go. Trim the ends and cut the log in

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13. Heat the oven to 290°C. Remove a pastry log from the refrigerator and roll it back and forth on a lightly floured surface until it’s about an inch in diameter and 16 inches long. Cut it into ¾-inch pieces. Cut side down, place one piece in each well of a nonstick 12-cup mini-muffin pan (2-by-5/8-inch size). Allow the dough pieces to soften several minutes until pliable. 14. Have a small cup of water nearby. Dip your thumb in the water, then insert straight down into the middle of the dough spiral. Flatten it against the bottom of the well to a thickness of about ⅙ inch, then smooth the dough up the sides and create a raised lip about ⅛ inch above the pan. The pastry sides should be thinner than the bottom. 15. Fill each pastry cup ¾ full with the slightly warm custard, then bake the pastéis until the edges of the dough are frilled and brown, about eight to nine minutes. Repeat with the remaining pastry and custard. 16. Remove from the oven. Allow the pastéis to cool a few minutes, then transfer to a rack and cool until just warm. Sprinkle generously with icing sugar and cinnamon, then serve.  This receipe was contributed by the team at shop, bistro and gallery Mar d'Estórias in Lagos ( Got a recipe of your own you’d like to submit? Email our editor:

Picture credit: Jpatokal / Wikimedia Commons

Created by Catholic monks at Lisbon’s Jerónimos monastery in the 1800s, these delicious custard tarts are now synonymous with Portugal. You can find them in every local café and supermarket - but why not have a go at making your own?

12. Remove the cinnamon stick and then pour the sugar syrup in a thin stream into the hot milk and flour mixture, whisking briskly. Add the vanilla and stir for a minute until very warm but not hot. Whisk in the yolks, strain the mixture into a bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and set aside. The custard should be thin. You can refrigerate the custard for up to three days.

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Outdoor April pot-pourri

the house and patio which can be planted out once they have finished giving masses of cut flowers next year onwards. Average water and average soil with minimum disturbance or fuss makes the Peruvian lily a long-lived summer favourite here. Other solid tuberous/bulb favourites include Tulbaghia vilacea (wild garlic) and the dazzling Hemerocallis family (daylilies). For large impact then it has to be Agapanthus, mostly growing here in many shades of blue.

By Clive Goodacre


With winter now firmly behind us, one should not leave it much longer before pruning back any plants that have finished flowering. This will still give them some moisture to put on new growth for hardening off during summer and autumn. Be sure to clear away debris and anything likely to harbour snails, slugs or other pests. If your pot plants are not looking too good check that it is not something as simple as lack of water – even a small foliage canopy will act as an umbrella when it rains. See what plants you can add to provide extra colour next winter and fill difficult areas. Although this may seem a long way off, many plants like Jasminium nudiflorum, although relatively unfussy regarding soil or position, can take a year or so to become established. Known as winter jasmine, it has handsome dark green foliage all year with bright yellow flowers from winter to the beginning of April. It can form a large sprawling bush or grow up to 4m high tied up against a wall or even a dead tree. Yellow jasmine is unscented, but for a glorious heady perfume this summer and even better performance in its second year, choose J. sambac (Arabian Jasmine) which has shiny dark green leaves and waxy white flowers. It grows very well here, as it only requires low nutrition, likes mildly alkaline conditions and does best in raised beds or planters. Jasminum oditissima is far more discrete, having small six-petalled flowers surrounded by dull green leaves – although

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its scent is all pervading. For something altogether more spectacular then Jasminum grandiflora is the one to go for. Widely used in aromatherapy, it has larger flowers and leaves than other varieties – look for the ‘De Grasse’ variety, an ingredient of Chanel perfumes. This is a long-lived plant and with patience will become one of your garden’s aristocrats. Another white beauty is Magnolia grandiflora which grows into a huge shrub or tree, so give it space. Many people do not plant it here on the basis that magnolias are regarded as being only suited to northern climes, but in fact this is a true Mediterranean species and grows easily in alkaline conditions provided it is given rich soil and regular water. Large, thick, dark green glossy leaves, a rust-brown underneath, and the purest white flowers up to 20cm wide with burnt orange centres make it the focus of any summer garden here. Still thinking ahead for summer, long lasting cut flowers for interior use can be hard to find so Alstroemeria aurantiaca (Peruvian lily) is well worth planting. They are a tuberous perennial which can be left year after year to form large clumps of brilliant colour up to one metre high ranging from yellow and red to the deepest purple. As cut flowers they can easily last several weeks while outside they flower all summer long. Now is a good time to buy pot grown flowering specimens for decoration around

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Massed groups of Agapanthus work best and once established need little care except for deep watering during their flowering season. It is easiest to buy established plants which can be split rather than grown from seed as they take several years to flower. Unusual varieties such as the deep blue-purple A. inapertus pendulus are worth looking out for. Incidentally, agape is Greek for love and anthus means flower, thus making Agapanthus the flower of love. Still in the blues, late spring and early summer is a good time for Echium candicans, otherwise known as the pride of Madeira. It is a relatively short-lived shrub bearing masses of blue spikes and beautiful rosettes of grey-green pointed leaves. Plant it in a well drained spot in full sun but not in a container, so plant nursery grown specimens as soon as possible. Pride of Madeira can die suddenly for no apparent reason – it is also killed by frost. Cape mallow (Anisodontea) is another good flowering shrub for the late spring and early summer garden that only requires moderate watering and average soil. It is an old favourite here thanks to masses of small pink rose-shaped flowers and the ability to withstand hard cutting back when it gets leggy. Also in the easy and useful shrub category requiring only moderate water are Teucreum fruticans, and Westringia fruticosa or coast rosemary. Originating from Australia, Westringia flowers almost all year and can grow to 1.75m high and twice as wide.  Agapanthus

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And Finally 10 Minutes With… François Pluvinage

I Spy Algarve: butterflies Over half of the 140 butterfly species found in Portugal have been recorded in the Algarve. Below are six rather common species you can spot locally (and not in the UK)… Monarch (Danaus plexippus) First bred in Portugal at Paul de Lagos in 1998. Since then it has colonised other areas and is now quite common in the western Algarve. It can be spotted year-round.

Along with his brother Julien, François is the man behind the relaunch of Portal da Serra, a restaurant in Rasmalho on the road to Monchique. They have transformed the venue into a cabaret spot, with evening shows paired with a set menu. Team Tomorrow will be paying a visit soon and reporting back, but in the meantime we caught up with Frenchman François to find out more… What’s your background - and what brought you to the Algarve? I’m originally from La Rochelle in France. I studied in my home country, but then I came to the Algarve to join some friends on holiday here and I fell in love. How did you come take over Portal da Serra? I always like to challenge myself. The opportunity to take over Portal da Serra arose two years ago, and it has been a privilege to re-open this famous restaurant. What can people expect from a visit to one of your cabaret nights? To leave us with a smile! Our guests a guaranteed a unique and intimate evening, with a good meal and a fantastic show thanks to our brilliant performers and dynamic waiters. It’s a great night out for all the family. Who are your performers, and where are they from? The troupe is very cosmopolitan; we have Swiss, French, Portuguese and English performers. It was a long process to recruit them, but I have built a team I am proud to work with.

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I have many TV contacts, and was able to convince several names to come and join us. I explained our concept to them and they were excited by it. What challenges have you faced? The most difficult thing is the timings each evening. Our cabaret nights can host up to 100 people, so every evening we have to orchestrate the dinner, show and service in order to provide the best entertainment for our guests. You opened in March - what has the reaction been like so far? We’ve had some very nice comments. The main feedback has been that there is no place like ours anywhere else in the Algarve. Our guests leave us every night with stars in their eyes - that’s our main objective and we make a point of delivering it every night! What do you love most about living in the Algarve? The good quality of life, the beauty of the landscape, and the conviviality of the Algarve’s residents. 

Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) This species is found in the UK, but it is very scarce - yet it is common throughout the Algarve from February to December. Southern Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius feisthamelii) With its zebra-like wings, this butterfly is fairly common in the Algarve, except in coastal areas. It is from the same family as Papilio machaon (Swallowtail, above). Two-tailed Pasha (Charaxes jasius The caterpillar of this species feeds on the Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo) the fruit from which gives us medronho! Cleopatra (Gonepteryx cleopatra) A large, very noticeable butterfly, especially the male, which has dazzling yellow and orange wings (pictured). Common throughout the Algarve between January and October.

Portal da Serra is open Wednesday to Sunday. A four-course meal and the show costs €42 per person. On Friday May 12th they are offering Tomorrow readers a special deal which includes the meal, show, a welcome cocktail and transport to and from the venue for just €60. To book the deal, email

Spanish Festoon (Zerynthia rumina) With distinctive red markings, the Spanish Festoon is a fairly common sight, especially in the inland shale hills. It can be spied between February and July. 

  +351 282 401 314

With thanks to Simon Wates (

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