Tomorrow Vilamoura to Faro - August 2019

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Sport Surfaces and Synthetic Grass Solutions Campos Desportivos e Soluções de Relva Sintética 913 056 131 918 190 128

 TomorrowAlgarve EDITOR Amber Henshaw

SALES Simon Moulson +351 963 807 162

DESIGN Creation Media


HAPPY AUGUST IN THE ALGARVE! What a monumentally busy July it was at Tomorrow Algarve. It was the first time we had showcased a town editorially, commissioned professional photography and created a great video of Boliqueime; which has been viewed over 11,500 times. It has been my pleasure to promote Boliqueime and to meet both the community and business owners alike. The team and I were immeasurably proud of what we all achieved which now leads me onto the delights of Loulé - our showcase town for this month’s magazine. Loulé in August 2019 is a hive of activity with a huge amount going on including the delights of the Loulé Criativo and then the anticipated two-year wait for the incredible White Nights where the Algarve descends upon the town and embraces the passion and spirit! I would like to wish a speedy recovery to the Mayor of Loulé, Vitor Aleixo, and a particular mention to Dália and her colleague, Marilia who have fully embraced our community magazine and provided exceptional warmth and hospitality by helping with the spotlight focus on the great town that is Loulé. I can’t wait to share with you all, the Loulé video which is being filmed as I write. Once again I find myself visiting incredible places in the Algarve which I hadn’t perhaps explored as much as I would have liked in the past. Having lived here for 15 years there truly is so much to love and discover across the region.

All credit to Simon Moulson who took the front cover photo of a Loulé craftsmen at work.

I sincerely hope, like me, that as we showcase the amazing towns and villages throughout the central Algarve it will encourage you to

SEDE: MESSINES DE BAIXO, CAIXA POSTAL 301X, SÃO BARTOLOMEU DE MESSINES, 8375-046. PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 3,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow Magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

visit different places. If you can visit with a local - either a resident or a guide - you will find their knowledge will help you truly immerse yourself in the culture. Loulé is a really magical place which offers an eclectic, creative community and a strong business sector that balance each other beautifully. There’s a great tourism sector and many artisan projects which give this town a real heart. As I have visited I have loved the stunning boulevard of trees near the bus station, which provides a very cool oasis of calm. The swathes of brightly coloured blinds which decorate the myriad of streets is both a practical solution to the intensity of the sun and provides a vibrant backdrop for photos and filming. I was delighted to see a great turn-out with the Networking for Tomorrow at Boliqueime last month and look forward to the August meeting on Friday August 16th. Have a great August, take time to appreciate what’s on offer within the hottest month of the year! May I also take this opportunity in wishing each and every Bombeiros fire-fighter the very best for the fire season which is now upon us. Incredible bravery from the fire fighters and I am very pleased that at Tomorrow Algarve we will be commissioning a 2020 Bombeiros calendar. Further details will be in the next edition. Simon, Amber and the whole team.





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“There is a tendency to wake up first thing in the morning and before they even think about anything else, they are checking social media'"

Healthy happy minds BY STUART RICHARDS The impact of smartphones, social media and online gaming on young people is a common 21st century debate – and that’s no different here in the Algarve. For one mother, seeing it first hand – and with a perceived lack of support “for people dealing with these types of issues” – was enough impetus for her to set up the fledgling Healthy Minds Algarve Association (HMAA). The non-profit association has two key strands of work, according to founder and board member Kelly Murtagh which are to build “a platform of information on issues that we are all dealing with” and “to create a healthy social environment for kids”.

lives in

The 41-year-old, originally from Ireland, moved to the Algarve in 2010 and Vilamoura with her husband and three children. HMAA was set up in early 2018 and Kelly points to social media as a key driving force, highlighting a “dependency” on



it and a subsequent “lack of social interaction face-to-face” for young people. Snapchat is one popular social media app where users can send messages called ‘Snaps’. According to the Childnet International website, these Snaps can become ‘Streaks’ which “count how many consecutive days two people have been sending Snaps to each other. Every day they send a Snap their streak gets longer”. Kelly says: “There is a tendency to wake up first thing in the morning and before they even think about anything in their day, they have to do these ‘Streaks’ and open up all the different apps." “I can see that it’s like a nervous disposition, having to go in and do these things, which I think is very wrong. These apps are sucking them in and making them do these kind of things. Already they’re on the backfoot and they’re not thinking about how my day is going to be and what am I going to eat for my breakfast or whatever. I just think there’s an anxiety even before the day begins.” And so the purpose of HMAA is to “get them out of their rooms and into social environments where they’re actually using their energies, be it sports or just generally being together”. The association targets children from 11 upwards. It conducts seminars and workshops with expert


speakers on different topics, such as gaming addiction, learning disabilities or disorders and motivational outlooks. So far HMAA has run workshops at The Campus, thanks to its patron sponsor Quinta do Lago. They are open to the public, for adults and youngsters alike, although some have been adults-only because “sometimes adults get more out of a workshop when they’re not with the children”. There have also been seminars as part of the assemblies at Vilamoura International School (Colégio Internacional de Vilamoura – CIV). Kelly believes integrating the work into school assemblies is “the best way to get a captive audience for this type of programme”, adding: “They’re all there with their friends and they’re in an environment that is their own, you’re not taking out of their personal time either, so that format has been very successful for us." “It’s just promoting a positive message, giving a thought for the day which will maybe change the behaviour of a student later in the day, either an act of kindness or they may see something which they can correct with just a couple of words.” The aim is to roll the project out to further schools with the hope of getting a similar reaction to the principal of CIV, who told Kelly that he “had a very positive response back from the kids” and said the collaboration had been fantastic and that he was 100% behind rolling this out for the next year. So what’s next for HMAA? Well, podcasts are being recorded (“important for parents who don’t really want to come and sit through a workshop”) and dual language workshops are planned. They are just in English at the moment but only due to a lack of resources. The Secret Garden Ball will continue, after the second event raked in €17,000 in April. Fundraising is also the aim of a proposed ‘Darkness into the Light’ charity run this December, but with all proceeds being donated to organisations like the SOS Voz Amiga emotional support helpline.

HMAA is also on the hunt for other spaces it can set up in, including a location for a youth club which is very high on the agenda for Kelly. Workshops and seminars can help young people with information, guidance and advice; then having somewhere to go offers a way out of the potentially destructive habits surrounding smartphones, social media and gaming. “When I was growing up you’d go and meet somewhere and you’d have a game of pool,” she says. “My daughter is kind of sitting here day in day out and there’s really nowhere to go, unless they go to the marina where there’s just an influx of drinkers at this time of year which is not necessarily a healthy environment. Back in Dublin the kids have youth discos to go, supervised and with no alcohol, that’s something I hope we can bring on board.” So what would be a good measure of success for HMAA? Kelly says: “To have these workshops running all the way across the Algarve and people attending them and getting the full usage out of them, where there’s no stigma, people feel comfortable just to come in and listen to advice. “They can basically take what they want from it and if it helps them in some small way, even one thing, then that’s success for me.” For the young people themselves, it’s about them “getting a message out of the workshops”. “They’re putting their phones down I guess and talking more to one another,” Kelly says. “This is probably what we hope for, that the problems around anxiety are being dealt with in an open way and nothing is off the table in terms of discussion. They get the best information for them so that they can mature in a way that’s healthy.”

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NOBEL GETS A ROYAL VISIT Three students in Year 13 at Nobel International School Algarve had the privilege of receiving their Gold Prémio Infante D. Henrique Duke of Edinburgh International Award from the Duke of Bragança earlier this summer. Cameron Dent, Maiya Farrer and Kiara Farrer were all presented with certificates which were the culmination of 18-months of hard work that saw them all develop a new skill. Cameron achieved Grade 8 piano, Kiara competed in a 1600m open swimming event and completed community service, and Maiya worked with primary school students to help them with their reading.

The students also took part in a residential experience, with Cameron attending a Medical School preparation week at Oxford University. As a team, the students also trained in expedition skills in the mountains of North Wales and then completed a four-day, three-night assessment in the English Lake District, where they walked for more than 80km carrying food, kit and navigating wild countryside. The Duke of Bragança was accompanied by Luisa de Sá Carneiro Beirão, National Director of the award in Portugal. They were welcomed by Head of School Mike Farrer, Head of International Maria Tomé and Prémio Infante D. Henrique Duke of Edinburgh International

Award teachers Matthew Harris and Joe Walker. During the awards ceremony Kiara emphasised the sense of achievement gained and the opportunity it gave her to learn new things about herself. Maiya and Cameron said they felt better equipped to deal with challenges they may face in the future. Kiara said: “I feel that this Award encourages discovery, self-awareness, leadership, an appreciation of the environment and essential skills for life and work. I look forward to continuing the lessons learned as I move forward.”

DARING TO CARE Kelly Harper is a woman on a mission. Her company, Algarve Care Services, offers community homecare care to people who need help whether they live in the region or are visiting but she has a much bigger vision for the future. Ultimately she would like to have a string of care homes that span the length of the Algarve. It’s certainly ambitious but as Kelly says: “Anything is achievable if you want it to happen.” But before that Kelly has a few other ideas up her sleeve that she wants to pioneer alongside growing her existing care business. Firstly she wants to set up a happy café. “It could be that we use a local café with a back room and people with dementia can come, their families can come to let off steam. Maybe we would have doctors there sometimes, tea dances and chair exercises amongst other things,” she says. That would really be stage one and stage two would be to establish a few day care centres where people can come for a whole day. Kelly says: “We would feed them, assist with their personal care, if need be to provide respite for their carers. I would like to start the day centres in the central



Algarve and move down the coast as demand dictates.” It is clear that Kelly, originally from Devon, has a real passion for providing people with the care they need and also for making care services more professional and more professionally regarded. She became interested in the care world after her father was diagnosed with COPD and her grandmother had dementia. She said: “I started in community care but I didn’t like the company because they didn’t offer the right support in terms of training and development. I was in charge of people’s life but without the right support and it didn’t feel right.” “That led me to start work in care homes because of my management experience I then went into a senior role in a care home – managing staff at night and that’s when I started to learn about the industry and what it entails,” she said. Making care services more professional is something she is now doing here in Portugal.

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Award for Algarve resident Former mental health nurse Debby Burton has been awarded the British Empire Medal for her amazing work supporting firefighters in the Algarve and keeping the local community informed about forest fires. Debby and her husband moved to Portugal nine years ago. She quickly became aware of the problem of fires in the mountain areas of the Algarve and originally set up a Facebook group and website to warn people about what was happening. Later she realised the firefighters were badly in need of support and arranged for them to get supplies of water and food. Three years ago her Forest Fire Alert Association became a charity. As well as keeping the community informed the charity is on hand to stock local stations with provisions including bottles of drinking water, supplies of energy snacks, amongst many other things. Debby said the medal was really for the whole community and added that she was totally gobsmacked when she got the call from the ambassador. She will be presented with her medal by the British ambassador in Portugal in October and will later attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace. For anyone who has not yet discovered the Algarve’s forest fire alert association on Facebook, it can be found under “Ass. Alerta de Incendio Florestal/Forestfire Alert, Algarve/Lower Beja”. The page runs information seven days a week between 8am and 10pm.




Eupheus will now open a Lower Secondary School alongside its Pre-Prep and Preparatory school on Monday 16th September for the new Academic Year. Eupheus is an innovative new International School in Loulè, and in direct response to the enormous interest from parents in the educational project it will now open a Lower Secondary School for ages 11- 14 adjacent to its purposebuilt Pre-Prep and Preparatory School. The school campus will consist of a Pre-Prep and Preparatory school that has been created to include and utilise cutting edge educational technology. Ergonomically designed teaching areas will embrace the indoor and outdoor classroom for 21st century teaching and learning. The Pre-Prep classrooms have their own inside creative play area and the school throughout has state of the art learning environments developed to stimulate and encourage teaching and learning at the highest level, with natural light flowing from the indoor to the outdoor classrooms. The outdoor play area for the Pre-Prep and Preparatory children is unique, and has been specifically conceived by Eupheus to provide an innovative and fun experience, allowing children the ability to explore, learn, play, problem solve and develop their curiosity in a safe and ecologically friendly environment. It is crafted from natural products tailored to meet the needs of the forest school ethos. The Lower Secondary site is adjacent to the Pre-Prep and Preparatory school. It is situated in its own spacious building and comprises interactive teaching areas, an enormous climate controlled indoor sports facility and a purpose-built auditorium with its own sound room. All of these facilities will be utilised by the whole school, and it is Eupheus’s intention to become an outstanding

sporting school, fielding strong teams across the board of competition, while offering a programme that includes and encourages every level of ability. All teachers at Eupheus have qualified teacher status QTS and are highly skilled practitioners in their chosen specialisms with extensive International teaching experience in the Algarve. An exceptionally gifted Royal School of Music trained Music co-ordinator has been specifically recruited from the UK to develop an extensive Eupheus music programme including the development of orchestras, choirs, bands and performances of every kind. Eupheus encompasses the forest school concept, implementing its programmes of learning throughout all aspects of school life. Instilled in the Eupheus family is the belief that we have one planet and we must do all we can to protect it whilst learning from its wonders. Fundamentally Eupheus fosters the relationship between the learner and the natural world and allows this to develop organically. It is truly inspiring that parents have embraced the Eupheus concept with such enthusiasm and support that we are already able to open a Lower Secondary School. Parents have taken our philosophy to heart and can clearly see that at Eupheus we value the happiness and wellbeing of children and believe that this is the key to excellent achievement, with every individual feeling understood and valued. It has been exciting to welcome so many children and parents into the Eupheus family and from September we will be embracing the lifelong journey of learning together.

+INFO:   +351 289 154 800 / 910 323 080 


STEP BACK IN TIME The annual Medieval Fair in the historical town of Silves will take place between August 9th and 18th this year. For 10 days in August, this colourful and vibrant festival takes over the town of Silves. It attracts visitors from all over the world who come to dress in Medieval costumes, eat and drink Medieval fare, cheer on jousting knights, dance to Medieval music and enjoy the magical atmosphere. The entertainment and activities centre around the spectacular Moorish Silves Castle, giving the event a true 12th Century feel.

+INFO:  Feira-Medieval-de-Silves



What's on in August PUDSEY’S COMING TO PORTUGAL! Centre Algarve is hosting a very special Pudsey Fun Day in aid of Children in Need on Saturday August 3rd. The brainchild of fundraising managers Tom and Amy Willis, the event promises a host of activities for all ages and of course a special guest appearance from Pudsey Bear himself. The line-up of events includes bouncy castle, photo booth, beauty parlour, fashion shows, dance shows, animal experiences, BBQ, wine and beer tasting, tombola, magician, cake fair, cream tea & Pimm’s and health check-ups. Centre Algarve describes itself as a holiday centre for children with special needs. Operated by the 24x7 Group, which offers contracted transport for schools, special needs children and social care in England, the care and respite facility has been recognised with the UK Prime Minister's Points of Light award. The Moncarapacho -based centre has 14 bedrooms, an American-themed

diner and children’s kitchen, soft play/ sensory room, the educational Discovery Centre, sensory gardens, a petting zoo, swimming pool and two outside play areas. Some guests will be involved in helping with the activities during Pudsey Fun Day. The event is open to the general public. “We would like people to come and visit our unique centre for a good cause,” says Amy Willis. “We are very lucky that Pudsey is able to come on a summer holiday and meet all of his fans in the sunny Algarve.” The Pudsey Fun Day runs from 12pm6pm at Centre Algarve, which is located at Sitio Da Fornalha in Moncarapacho.

+INFO:  CentreAlgarve



FEELING FISHY? The Olhão Seafood Festival has now been going for more than 30 years and takes place again this month between August 9th and August 14th. Visitors will flock to Olhão to eat their fill of seafood and enjoy live music concerts. Dozens of restaurants take part in the event and there is a huge range of seafood which is caught locally in the Ria Formosa to try.

+INFO:  festivaldomariscodeolhao

Shiver me timbers The fifth Olhão Pirate Festival is taking place between August 1st and 4th. The event takes place in the riverside area where you will see traditionallydressed pirates and be able to watch staged fights, fire, music and dance. The festival runs from 5:00pm to midnight with a pirate market. Each day will end with a show in front of Bom Sucesso.

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White Night, which attracts thousands of visitors, is Loulé’s regular festival marking the end of summer and the peak of the tourist season in the Algarve. Organised by the city council, and traditionally taking place on the last Saturday in August, it features a whole host of street entertainment and music. While the carnival procession earlier in the year is a riot of colour, this event is all white. The bars, restaurants, performers and literally tens of thousands of visitors – all decorated and decked out in their finest whites. The entertainers lining the streets and alleys of Loulé include jugglers, acrobats, fire eaters, stilt walkers, ‘living statue’ artists, clowns and magicians. More specifically, the last event in 2017 saw the likes of a trapeze artist hanging in a giant balloon, ballerinas with lit-up dresses, a parade inspired by ancient Rome, giant fish, butterflies and Star Wars characters! Musical performances two years ago came from The Gift, fronted by Sónia Tavares who chose a black outfit in

contrast to the white all around her, plus the Algarve Jazz Orchestra, hip-hop group MGDRV, the Rockestra musical ensemble and DJs turning the streets into an impromptu nightclub under the stars. Noite Branca is also a chance for the town’s traders to hopefully bump up their profits from the summer season. The mayor of Loulé, Vítor Aleixo, said in 2017: “It is with great satisfaction that we find that, after a very busy and strong summer for the whole region, trade had another opportunity here to generate important revenues.” Entrance is free and there are plenty of family-friendly things to do and see. The festivities run from the evening through to the early hours of Sunday. If you find at some point that you can’t keep up with the pace, maybe grab a white cocktail served by one of the bars and relax for a while on one of the white sofas placed along the streets. Oh, and don’t forget to dress in white for the occasion of course!

+INFO:  noitebrancadeloule

CELEBRATING AMERICANA Americancars Algarve, which will take place on August 10th and 11th at Parque Lazer Fás Figuras, Faro, celebrates American culture but is much more than just a car show. The event is the brainchild of Carlos Miguel Vila who restored a classic 1969 Ford Mustang Convertible and then came up with the idea to create a show for other American car owners. The first event was a huge success.

Today American car owners from across Europe descend on the festival that has grown to attracting American motorcycles, bicycles, choppers, American craft and food stalls with rock and roll provided by four live bands. There is also live football with the Algarve Sharks.

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Welcome to



Freguesia de São Sebastião

Freguesia de São Clemente

Loulé is a traditional Portuguese market town and one of the most popular of the Central Algarve region. With an abundance to discover including historic monuments, a lively market and a traditional Portuguese atmosphere. Loulé offers visitors a true taste of the Algarve!

INFORMATION Population: 14,991 Area: 6.50 km² Density: 2,307 km2 Altitude: 49 m Location: Central Algarve, 16.8 km from Faro





These pictures show some of the statues, ornate altarpieces and other church items which had been presumed lost but were amazingly found in relatively good condition during renovation work at the Igreja De São Francisco in Loulé. The discovery was made behind a wooden wall by workmen who were clearing an annex room, which was going to be brought back into use as a funeral chapel having previously served as the workspace for a carpenter. Father Carlos de Aquino, the parish priest of Loulé, described it as a “wonderful” and “incalculable” find, adding that he and others were “completely amazed” when they first laid eyes upon the hidden treasures. Many of the pieces have been dated back to the 18th century by Francisco Lameira, an expert on altarpieces who was brought in by Father Carlos. The statues include ones of the Lord of Steps and Our Lady of the Assumption.

were objects dating from the 1960s found in the hidden room. Additionally, an inventory carried out in 1958 by the then parish priest, Father Luís Celato, shows the ornate altarpieces still in the main church at that time. The treasure trove was found at the church in April this year and the items have since been undergoing a full inventory and repair process. Father Carlos said “Altarpieces considered to be in perfect condition will be rebuilt”, while others “which require some major repair or restoration” are likely to go on museum display. A collection of other pieces previously removed from the church were known about and had been stored in rooms which were included in the first phase of renovation works completed about a year ago.

It is not known precisely when the items were removed and put into storage, however there

A LOVE OF BOOKS A woman wrongfully convicted for the murder of her father; eight people locked in driverless cars and about to die; three women connected by a secret letter – where else could all these elements combine but in a book club. They are the plots of just three of the novels that have been digested, dissected and debated by Loulé Book Group, which was set up by local resident Dawn Annandale in January 2018. Members meet once a month at Praça Central in Loulé to discuss the latest book suggested for reading by one of their own. Authors so far this year have included John Marrs, Liane Moriarty and Joanna Cannon.

Dawn says the numbers reach up to 30, but this includes some people who are only in Portugal part-time.




The book group’s Facebook page features a number of member reviews, including one saying: “A really great evening with good company. Everyone was friendly and welcoming. Very enjoyable.” “It’s good fun, it makes you think and use those little grey cells,” Dawn adds. Dawn has "always been an avid reader and belonged to various reading groups”. Having formerly worked as a journalist, news researcher, magazine editor and author, she also runs the Algarve Writing Group in São Brás. Members are given short titles on which they then pen a 1,500-word essay, with some of the title suggestions previously given by TV screenwriter Chris Lang (Unforgotten, Dark Heart) and celebrated crime fiction writer Ian Rankin.

+INFO:  Loule-Book-Group

Giving Loulé new life Two years ago Dália Paulo became the Municipal Director in Loulé having been the commissioner of 365 Algarve - an organisation that promotes culture across the region. This passion has been more than apparent in her role at Loulé City Council. We caught up with her. PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF? I am passionate about the Algarve and came back to the region after completing my first degree in Archaeology in Coimbra. I did my master degree in Art History and I was studying for a PhD in museology but put it on hold but hope to finish it at a later date. My mother is from the Alentejo and my father was from Lisbon. If you trace my grandfather (on my mother’s side) he was from Ameixial. WHAT ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF? Here in Loulé, I should say that is to have been linked to three projects: putting Museu Municipal de Loulé at National Network of Museums, to participate in the team that put our “atas de Vereação do século XIV e XV” to a National Treasure and the work for the exhibition at the National Museum of Archaeology in Belem “LOULÉ: Territórios, Memórias e Identidades” with all the research and the catalogue. PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR DREAM WHEN YOU TOOK UP YOUR NEW ROLE? My dream is to promote the culture of the Algarve which will help to transform people’s lives, the region and our cities. The key areas that I am passionate about are education,the arts, heritage and literature. It was an honor to have been involved with the opening of Escola Publica (Music) in 2018 in Loulé which was a very big statement. Prior to this there were only six music schools - the nearest one being in Lisbon. YOU HAVE BEEN VERY INVOLVED WITH THE LOULÉ CRIATIVO - CAN YOU TELL US MORE ABOUT IT PLEASE? Loulé Criativo is a sustainable project for local development. Loulé Criativo is a huge project that contains Tourism Creative workshops with a local network, the Loulé Design Lab, with 18 incubated designers, 5 workshops along the historical center and a residence for researchers, creatives, artisans and designers. The formation of artisans is an important part of the project. Loulé Criativo has a new home. The

new building – Palácio Gama Lobo - is a competence centre for the development of traditional arts. A space of Knowledge, Crafts and Arts and where the headquarters of Loulé Criativo is located. We have a multipurpose room with capacity for 60 people, several multipurpose rooms, a store, an exhibition gallery and a whole inspiring space, whose rehabilitation was an exercise of great sensitivity and respect for heritage, and which will surely attract new creators. PLEASE TELL US WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE WORKSHOPS OF LOULÉ CRIATIVO? The Clay Studio – The Clay Studio was once traditional old pottery and now welcomes potters and ceramists, allowing them to experiment. Copper Shop – You can hear the sound of copper being hammered at the old Caldeiraria Louletana. In the shop traditional and authentic pieces such as cataplanas are produced by hand. Luthier Studio – The objectives at this studio is to show the whole fabric process, the tools and the history of the string instruments. Watchmaker Studio – Watchmakers had great importance in the Municipality of Loulé where there was a great demand for gold and silver jewellery but also for watches. Palm weaving shop -A collection of artisans gives continuity to the ancestral art of working the palm. Twisting and weaving the palm leaves (which come from the dwarf palm), skilful hands give shape to objects ranging from the more traditional to the contemporary. Loulé Criativo will be featured in a film that focuses on the town for Tomorrow Algarve magazine. Chilli Pepper Productions has been commissioned to produce the video.

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DID YOU KNOW The bell tower of the town’s oldest church, Igreja Matriz de São Clemente, was originally the minaret of a mosque which once stood there.

The Loulé Cup, an international competition of trampolining and gymnastics, is staged at the Municipal Sports Hall (Pavilhão Desportivo Municipal de Loulé). This year sees the 14th event taking place on October 11th and 12th.

Loulé is home to a 45-metre tall Norfolk Island pine tree, which towers above the Convent of Espirito Santo.

The traditional blue and white azulejo tiles inside the Chapel of Our Lady of Conception (Capela de Nossa Senhora da Conceição) came from Lisbon in the mid-17th century. They depict scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary.

Loulé is a member of the international Creative Tourism Network, with all manner of activities and experiences available to discover at the website,

" Sandro Soutilha Is a 43 year old South African, living in Portugal. Sandro has had a passion for art from a very young age. Constantly exploring, new creative methods and artistic techniques. Known for his freehand sketching; drawing; painting and photography which are an extension of his soul. His techniques include graphite, colour pencils, inks, acrylics, oils, watercolours, temperas; dry pastels; coffee and natural pigments."  Fragments by Sandro Soutilha



FEATURE - LOULÉ There’s been something in the air around Loulé... it’s been crackling and sparkling, accompanied by shouts of expecto patronum and wingardium leviosa! For the uninitiated muggles amongst you (‘a person that lacks magical ability’), those are some of the words uttered by the young wizards who cast their spells in the Harry Potter series of books and films. If you were in Loulé on June 15th you would have heard and seen these spells and much more besides at the VI Meet Harry Potter event.

MAGIC AND MUGGLES LOULÉ MARKET The town’s indoor market (Mercado Municipal de Loulé) is an important hub for local people and their way of life, as well as being a popular tourist attraction due to its distinctive red cupolas and Moorish design features. Originally dating back to June 1908, a recent and significant refurbishment project was completed with a grand reopening in February 2007. Visitors can buy fresh fish, local produce and regional fabrics and gifts. The market’s 111th anniversary is being marked this year, with the celebrations including a commemorative photo book, People in the Market of Loulé by Vítor Pina, musical performances and tasting of the Folhado de Loulé sweet (a cream-filled puff pastry), which is one of seven traditional Algarve desserts and cakes in the running for the 7 Sweet Wonders of Portugal contest (7 Maravilhas Doces de Portugal).

It featured displays of herbology, alchemy, owls and Quidditch, classes on Defence Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures and Potions, as well as a Sorting Hat ceremony and a talk with Ilyas Kaduji, who worked on CGI and digital effects for the Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire films. Look out for details in the near future about next year’s Magical Meet.

+INFO:  ComunidadeMagicaPT

It seems to be a success story that Hogwarts headmaster Professor Albus Dumbledore would have been proud of, growing as it has from an estimated 2,000 visitors last year to 3,500 this time around. Volunteer organiser Hélouisa van Wyk, owner of Dream It Events, says the 2019 instalment was put together by the Magical Community of Portugal (Comunidade Mágica de Portugal) group.

PACHECO IN THE PARQUE Described by the Algarve History Association as “the man who changed the face of Portugal”, Duarte Pacheco was born in Loulé in 1900. He was a government minister and was responsible for a revolution in the country's built environment during the early 20th century. There is a large monument dedicated to Pacheco in the Parque Municipal de Loulé.



t e G

k to

l é u o L w o n


Loulé Circular

EN270 Boliqueime

EN270 São Brás de Alportel

EN125 A22 EN125 A22

Noite Branca (White Night festival) Hosted by: Câmara Municipal de Loulé/Loulé Concelho Date: Held on the last Saturday of August

Football Stadium

Carnaval de Loulé

International Jazz Festival

Hosted by: Câmara Municipal de Loulé Date: Held annually, February or March (Check for exact dates)

Hosted by: Festival Internacional de Jazz de Loulé Date: Held annually every July (Check for exact dates)






Your home is our passion


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Av. José da Costa Mealha N.43 - 1º andar Loulé - Algarve - Portugal


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Tomorrow 135x90 06-19.indd 2

19/06/2019 12:17


PUSHING PADDLING TO ITS LIMITS Albufeira-born Diogo Sousa is making waves when it comes to stand-up paddleboarding. It looks like he has a very bright future ahead. He spoke to Nick Robinson from Algarve Addicts. It was 12 years from Cristiano Ronaldo’s first shot at European glory with the Portuguese national football team in 2004 until he tasted victory and lifted the trophy at Euro 2016 in France. The European Championship tournament takes place every four years; so if we say CR7 did it at the fourth time of asking, then can we stick our necks out and predict that Algarve resident Diogo Sousa will become a European champion at stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) in 2021?

“I was not expecting it. It was a good experience. All the top paddlers from Europe were there"

Diogo, who is 27 and was born and bred in Albufeira, had the honour of representing his country at EuroSUP Sardinia in 2018. He was Portuguese champion last year in what’s known as the ‘technical’ race and says: “The national coach keeps his eye on us until he decides who he is going to take to represent Portugal in the European championships. “I was not expecting it. It was a good experience. All the top paddlers from Europe were there, the level was high. I only did the technical race, I came ninth out of 15 or 16, I was aiming for top 10.” The Wikipedia website says that SUP involves participants “standing on their boards and using a paddle to propel themselves through the water”. The strength and conditioning of every part of the body has to be top notch; and then there’s being able to balance as you ride the waves of course. Even once you’ve got the fitness and ‘not falling off’ sorted, it’s not always a matter of straight line racing.



Diogo says the technical racing, while being shorter distances of around 5km, involves “a course marked with some buoys… just be fast, do the turns, pass the shore break and surf the waves coming back around the buoys”. He makes it sound simple, but that’s because watersports have been Diogo’s life. “Basically I like being in the water,” he says. “When I was younger I was just ski-boarding, so just running after my board and sliding against the wake. Step by step I started to get involved with other watersports and then only later with SUP.” After his early teens working at the beach and then finishing high school, Diogo joined the navy for a year at the age of 17. After that, it was university in Faro, studying sports science and gaining practical experience at the Centro Nautico. “We had sailing, kayaking and windsurfing, you get into teaching those sports,” Diogo says. “When I finished university, me and a friend of mine, we already had a job offer.” And so it was off to Quinta do Lago (“at the lake, it’s a perfect spot for watersports”) for a summer season. There followed a period of working at a gym in Portimao, but Diogo felt he had to “get back in the water”. “I came back to Albufeira and I was working in a local sailing club at the marina, I was teaching sailing to the kids,” he says. “One year later [in 2016] I started my own paddleboard business. I just had to risk it and spend some money on it. Paddleboarding was growing, not just in Portugal but worldwide.” Paddleboarding tours can be booked through Albufeira Watersports Centre and SUP Albufeira, while the allnew SURF Albufeira has now been added to the slate. “We've been able to take a lot of people paddleboarding and exploring our wonderful coast,” Diogo says. “For me it’s the perfect sport. I usually tell people that I used to go kayaking until I got into paddleboarding. Once you’re standing up, the view is totally different.”

+INFO:  diogosousa06   Algarve Addicts: 

GLO advert 90x135 NEW STYLE.qxp_Layout 1 17/06/2019 12:05 Page 1


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HEALTH & BEAUTY 0º 10-12lbs

Wonderful weeds BY POPPY BURR

Would it surprise you to learn that most of the plants you think of as weeds have potent medicinal properties?

Plants are intriguing creatures that are able to sense their surroundings and defend themselves in their environments by manufacturing a diverse chemical armoury. Weeds adapt their shape, colour and size to survive and thrive in the wild and, since they are the most threatened, are the most versatile and medicinally useful of all. One ‘weed’ I get particularly excited about is the humble stinging nettle. Pick the tops only, with gloves! NETTLE (URTICA DIOICA) There are over 100 compounds in the various parts of this trusty hedgerow star. The leaves are rich in minerals, vitamin C and silica - add them to any meal to help with iron absorption, inflammation and tissue repair. The stinging hairs contain histamine, serotonin and noradrenaline, which is why nettle is so useful in allergic conditions like hay fever, eczema and asthma. Nettle root is an excellent treatment for prostate enlargement in men, and the seeds are one of the best kidney tonics available to the modern herbal practitioner. Through scientific research, nettle’s anti-inflammatory properties have been discovered to be even more powerful than we thought. Take nettle as a tea, in soups, omelettes, or as a steamed vegetable, or get in touch if you think you might benefit from a medicinal grade extract.

15º 27lbs

30º 40lbs



60º 60lbs

TWITTER OR TEXT NECK? BY DAVID MURPHY Everyone knows that using your phone to text or browse while driving is dangerous. Texting while walking - perhaps surprisingly - leads to even more injuries per mile. You may have thought that using your smartphone while sitting or standing still was the safest thing you could do, but actually texting while standing has its health drawbacks as well. Tilting our heads down and forward even slightly when we look at our screens can put as much as 60 pounds of stress on our necks and spines. If you constantly do this for hours on end you could be at risk of ‘text or twitter neck’ as its become known. The human head weighs on average 10 to 12 pounds. With perfect posture, your spine is designed to carry this weight, but if you bend your head forward, you’ll add extra weight and more stress. The result? Pain. Most people that present to us here in our Physical Therapy clinic in Mexilhoeira Grande Portimão, complain of neck pain, shoulder tightness, upper back pain, and headaches, and if you start to put pressure on your nerves by using your phone this way, you can also develop numbness and tingling down your arms, and hands.

Poppy is a medical herbalist.

+INFO: 

45º 49lbs

I dread to see the children of today in 10 or 15 years time, as some will have had access to phones since they were three or

four, just when their bones are soft and forming. How to avoid ‘text or twitter neck’: Be aware of your posture. Keep your ears aligned with your shoulders and your shoulders slightly back and not like a soldier, this is a myth to have the shoulders right back and causes worse issues. Bring the device up to your eyes instead of bringing your head down where possible. Prop your elbows up — if you’ve got armrests on your chairs, use them — and keep your chin up. Holding your phone in front of your face may look odd, but you’ll avoid painful neck and spine problems. It’s also important to limit the time using your devices. “The constant repetitive movement and posture puts a lot of strain on the joints, muscles, ligaments and nerves If you have this issue and nothing is working for you, please contact us as we have full specific treatment for this issue and also furnish you with a full rehab program that will stop and start to reverse this issue, especially if you see it in your children or they complain of neck shoulder issue, please don’t ignore them or ignore your own pain. There is something you can do about it

Largo Damaso Clinic  Mexilhoeira Grande. Portimão  +351 928 022 494 


Beating against the wind BY SIMON MOULSON

Being a woman in business is no mean feat anywhere in the world and that’s certainly true here in Portugal.

Across the globe female entrepreneurs struggle every day to overcome hurdles that can hold them and their businesses back, according to American industry guru Desurai Wilson. Desurai is on a global mission to change that with her company Laveer Logic. Laveer is an old nautical term used by seasoned sailors which means ‘to beat against the wind’ and that’s exactly what Desurai is trying to help female entrepreneurs in all four corners of the globe to do. Desurai recently bought her Platform of Power and The Art of Laveering to Vilamoura to empower business women in the Algarve. One of those people that attended the event at the Anantara Hotel was 35-year-old entrepreneur Rita Sampaio who was originally from Monchique but moved to Faro in 2002 to study Graphic Design at the Algarve University.

Desurai herself is a force to be reckoned with. She’s an international speaker and transformational leader. The CEO of Laveer Logic also has a business consultancy company based in Houston, Texas. She had been an entrepreneur for more than 13 years, working in the government contracting and consulting space, servicing the United States Federal and State governments before she branched out. The Desurai Wilson brand was created to challenge stereotypes and to help women to overcome the everyday hurdles that female entrepreneurs face.

Rita has worked as a designer and in marketing for several corporate groups over the last 15 years. She has been an event organiser and created digital marketing conferences; like Share Algarve, that took place at The Tivoli Anantara, Vilamoura in 2018. She is now working on new ventures, organizing LINK Bloggers Meeting and TEDxFaro, as well as developing her own co-working place in Faro, the ‘Atelier’. She said: “I was introduced to Desurai Wilson through a mutual friend, Vanessa Nascimento at Turbine Kreuzberg, Faro. When hearing about the ‘Art of Laveering Mastermind’, I was very curious about the event... Why would a group of American business women would travel across the globe and come to the Algarve to gather and talk business?” Rita wanted to find out more and ended up as a speaker at the event. She said: “Desurai invited me as a speaker to the Mastermind, to connect with the women participating, talking about technology and the Algarve business scenario. We shared experiences regarding female entrepreneurship and discussed business opportunities.”

The vision of the brand is to take women from their natural business and professional habitats and infuse them into business cultures around the world. She encourages women to think about the science of business and how to improve their structures surrounding capital, support, and opportunities for women entrepreneurs. Desurai is taking her work globally and for the rest of the year will be travelling between Ghana, Dubai, Bahrain, and back to Portugal for another event next year.. As Rita Sampaio said: “For me, it was a memorable, lifechanging experience, that inspired me in many ways, both personal and professionally. I gained a lot of life-lessons and personal experiences from like-minded powerful women.”

+INFO: 

 desuraiwilson

NEW BUSINESS A new brewery in Loulé We are pleased to announce that a new family micro brewery has opened in Loulé. After 18 months of hard work the Nova Vida Brewery has opened its doors. The owners are a Portuguese-French couple who met in France where they were motivated by a passion for craft beer that eventually saw them move



back to the Algarve and set up their own brewery. The mission is to offer the best beer possible and to share their enthusiasm. They also offer brewery visits, tasting events and brewing workshops.

+INFO:  NovaVidaCerveja

Art AUCTION IN THE ALGARVE 20th october 2019 | Venue: TBC | FOREST FIRE ALERT ASSOCIATION Showcasing some great artists the Alerta Art Auction is being held in the Algarve to raise money for the voluntary firefighters.

Can you donate art to help our firefighters? Your art will be shown online from 1st September 2019 for prospective buyers to view and make early bids.




The restaurant in Praia Do Carvoeiro is easy to locate and we arrive just a smidgen before 7.30pm on a Tuesday night.

and makes for a great addition to the Algarve. Currently the restaurant is open in the evening five nights a week (closed on Sunday and Monday).

The terrace has beautiful furniture for al-fresco dining with a cool and sophisticated feel which rightly gives you a hint that you will be met with similar style and class when you venture inside.

The starters arrive: Burrata XO, a combination of burrata with pistachio cream, garlic toast which has surprising hints of flavour including orange notes, spinach and the sweetness of fig. A great starter which ticks every box.

We are met by front-of-house and co-owner, Michelle, who is full of charm and enthusiasm. We quickly discover that the restaurant has its own vineyard and we are asked whether we would like to try their own Chardonnay, well, of course we would! The wine is presented and opened with a degree of panache. It’s a lovely fresh white, with hints of apple and citrus but not too sweet - a delight.

The other starter is beef tartare - simply but very well made with shallots, lemon and olive oil.

We peruse the menu which has utterly delicious sounding food which brings together flavours from across a number of continents. I do really like an interesting menu which has so many things that sound tempting I could easily ask someone else to order for me. Whilst we are waiting for our food we are served with an amuse-bouche of cubed melon with lime. The fusion of the two flavours is a success and leaves you hungry for more. We decide to take our seats to dine inside and the restaurant is a true gem. The colour scheme and furniture are contemporary and there’s beautiful quirky objet d’art carefully positioned around the large dining area. I can’t help but appreciate the monkey coat hangers. The muted tones and paintings from Marrakech are just cool and seductive. There is funky music in the background which creates a good vibe without interrupting your conversations. This cosmopolitan place would not look out of place in either Lisbon or Porto



For our main courses there is a 30-day aged Ribeye served with shitake, enoki black garlic – dashi demi. and a tenderloin with coffee, king oyster mushroom, cauliflower puree and kale. When you have the finest of ingredients; a chef and his team who seriously know their craft the end result is nothing short of stunning. On top of that you add amazing ambience, a fabulous setting, beautiful earthenware crockery and French-style cutlery which creates a truly exquisite dining experience. It’s fair to say that this new wave of restaurant is surely going to corner the market and provide many brilliant evenings for their discerning guests. No wonder the restaurant is almost full and we’re there on a Tuesday night. I love their professionalism, the synergy amongst all the staff, the open kitchen so you can watch your meals being prepared and served on the pass. All round a stunningly beautiful evening and fabulous food.

+INFO:  semixorestaurant   +351 915 555 977

Semixo (pronounced Same E X O)

JESSICA DUNN ART DUNN STUDIO Viewing by appointment Agostas, 8100-061 Boliqueime Tel:+351 962544650


New Algarve Beer. Join us on the Portuguese craft beer express!



From L to R: Mandevilla; Petrea; Bougainvillea close-up; Campsis close-up; Campsis

Part Two

BY TAMSIN VARLEY There has been a slight time lapse between this article and Part One as I have been waiting for more of my climbers to burst into life and impress everyone with their showy flowers. I’ve chosen four different ones to cover in this article which are in flower now during early summer and are all thriving in my garden. The first, and perhaps, rather obvious one is the Bougainvillea, which is commonly grown in the Algarve as it is easy and showy over a very long period of time. The secret to growing Bougainvillea is heat and sun. They need a minimum of six hours direct sunlight a day and adore the heat which results in stronger colours. They are pretty drought tolerant once established and prefer a deep watering every three to four weeks in the summer rather than frequent shallow waterings. Mine drop their leaves in the winter and it’s towards the end of winter that I give them a hard annual prune as the flowers only form on new growth. After then, it is just minor cutting back to maintain shape and bushiness. Be warned though, that unless you have a thornless variety, they are armed with very sharp spines so wear gloves when pruning. There are over 250 different varieties, varying from clambering monsters which require strong support, training and tying in, to shorter varieties that can be used for hedging, ground cover or indeed be grown in pots. A more unusual climber is Petrea Volubilis also known as Queens Wreath or Sandpaper Vine due to its extremely rough evergreen leaves. I haven’t seen these for sale in Portugal, but you can find them in Spain, where I sourced mine and it’s certainly well worth seeking out. Mine is planted in a shady spot, in a pot which has had the bottom removed so that the roots can grow into the terrible soil beneath our terrace where they are kept quite cool. It has grown quite quickly so has its leaves in the sun on top of the pergola where it wows us with its very impressive drooping clusters of purple flowers that resemble Wisteria at first glance. It flowers at regular intervals over the summer and is very rewarding. It grows to about four metres and twines around any available support including other plants nearby.



When we first moved to the Algarve, I asked for a fast growing aggressive climber to cover a large pergola and was recommended to try Campsis Radicans, which is native to the southeastern United States. It can grow nine-12 metres and likes full sun with some summer water although it is drought tolerant when established. It has attractive pinnate deciduous leaves that give wonderful shade in the summer and then from May onwards it produces masses of terminal clusters of six12 bright orange, trumpet shaped flowers which last for a few days before dropping. It’s a self-supporting climber attaching itself to pillars, walls and trellises by aerial roots. It has similar requirements to Wisterias regarding pruning, in other words prune side shoots back to two to three buds in late winter once the main framework is established. My final climber is Mandevilla which is native to tropical South America. They can’t take a frost and need a sheltered, sunny site in order to thrive. The glossy dark green leaves are attractive in their own right but the mass of beautiful red to pink trumpet shaped flowers seal the deal as it blooms non-stop throughout spring and summer. These twining vines need plenty of support in order to climb so I have a trellis attached to a pillar, and tie the shoots to it as they grow. They also need plenty of water, but do allow the top couple of centimetres of soil to dry out in-between waterings. They also like regular fertilising throughout the growing season. The slight down-side of this plant is that it seems prone to quite a few bugs, so watch out for them and control with whatever pesticide regime you favour. Tamsin Varley is the Chairman of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different locations throughout the Algarve on the second Tuesday monthly, except over the summer, with an optional lunch afterwards.

+INFO:  Clube Dos Bons Jardins 

Something delicious is happening at Fairways Reserva ons: 00 351 289 357 579 @amarafairways

Four Seasons Fairways Avenida AndrĂŠ Jordan, 37 Quinta do Lago

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