Tomorrow Vilamoura to Faro - July 2019

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Sport Surfaces and Synthetic Grass Solutions Campos Desportivos e Soluções de Relva Sintética 913 056 131 918 190 128

 TomorrowAlgarve EDITOR Amber Henshaw

SALES Simon Moulson +351 963 807 162

DESIGN Creation Media


Thanks to the wonderful Olga Rosi from Algarve Pictures for our front cover picture which is Matriz de São Sebastião de Boliqueime Church.

SEDE: MESSINES DE BAIXO, CAIXA POSTAL 301X, SÃO BARTOLOMEU DE MESSINES, 8375-046. PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 3,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website.

WELCOME TO OUR JULY EDITION The wealth of extraordinary characters that we have here in the Algarve never fails to amaze me. Every day I have the pleasure of being introduced to passionate, creative and determined people who succeed in so many walks of life. Many congratulations to Debby Burton who was honoured in the Queen’s Birthday honours list. I particularly like to hear when community people are truly recognised for their cause. The work that Debby and countless Facebook friends (Ass. Alerta de Incendio Florestal/Forestfire Alert, Algarve/ lower Beja) do is extraordinary and the courage our firefighters show is on another level. It’s a great worry to read the decreasing water levels across our country’s reservoirs. You can read about how to play your part later in the magazine. I am convinced that local councils need to implement stricter measures with implementing water reduction usage. However, unlike adding a hose pipe ban like they do in the UK, many people don’t have hose pipes over here - they have full garden irrigation systems. You will find, for the first time this month, a pull-out edition featuring the town of Boliqueime. This is our chance to shine a spotlight on a particular place where we will feature community news, businesses and what’s on events. Special thanks to the Mayor

of Boliqueime, Nelson Brazão, for taking the time to meet me and providing me with a great insight about everything Boliquieme. I would also like to thank Olga Rosi (Olga Rosi Photography) for the stunning photos and Lewis Moulson (Chilli Pepper Productions) for his great community video. I thoroughly enjoyed introducing our magazine which has been very well received. In our August edition the spotlight will be on Loulé so please get in touch if you have any restaurant reviews or suggestions for stories or if you want to advertise with us. You can email our editor at I am pleased to read of the European Commission which placed an eight-month stoppage on the sardine fishing has proved dividends. The need to work in tangent with these initiatives is so relevant and whilst I understand from the lives of fishermen that this necessary ban must have had a detrimental impact on their livelihood; to have done nothing could of seriously had a detrimental effect on the sardine numbers within the medium to long term. An increase to both the sardine size and quality also further substantiates this initiative. We hope you enjoy our July edition. Here’s to the start of a great summer for us all. Simon, Amber and the whole Tomorrow team.




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RECYCLING HELPS A LITTLE FIGHTER This month we are getting behind a campaign to support a 13-year-old girl from São Brás de Alportel who developed cerebral palsy when she was a baby. To help her mother fund her medicine and therapy we are urging readers to recycle bottle tops. Our reporter Phil Egginton went to meet Miriam Domingues and here he tells us about her and the recycling campaign.

"Recycling company, Resialentejo as part of its social responsibility programme, runs a project called ‘Dê Uma Tampa."

When I met Miriam and her mum, Sandra, at their small apartment in the centre of São Brás, Miriam was very tired and slept peacefully through most of my time there. She looked just like many other 13-year-old girls but sadly she isn’t the same as most teenagers. Having had a teenage daughter of my own, I felt a great compassion for her, sat slumped in her special chair. Her mum, Sandra, also made an immediate impression. Sandra spends most of her waking hours caring for Miriam. She has done so for many of Miriam’s 13 years. Living in a first floor apartment without a lift is not easy for them. If Miriam needs to get out, then often the local bombeiros will come and carry her down.



Sandra is greatly assisted by Miriam’s grandparents, Isidro and Fatima, as well as the Salvation Army and local residents. Sandra has converted one of the bedrooms into a mini gym area for Miriam to have therapy at home. If you meet Sandra, the one thing that strikes you is her dedication, honesty, passion and determination to help Miriam live a better life. I was introduced to Miriam and Sandra through some of her local helpers and was met by local resident Shirley Blackman when I went to visit. Shirley in turn introduced me to Luis and Filipa Viriato, captains of the local Salvation Army. They help coordinate support for Miriam locally in Sâo Brás and with their wider contacts in the Faro area. It was Luis and Filipa that told me Miriam’s story. Miriam was born quite normal and healthy

COMMUNITY Being a full time carer, Sandra cannot work. She does receive some support from the Portuguese state, however it is never enough. I asked her what specific help she needs. She does not ask for money but prefers people to give practical aid. Sending day to day shopping from online stores is a good way.

but when she was only a few months old, it is believed she came into contact with someone with herpes. Tragically this entered Miriam’s system and is believed to have caused her to develop cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is the name for a group of lifelong conditions that affect movement and coordination, caused by problems within the brain. Symptoms include poor coordination, stiff muscles, weak muscles, and tremors. Also, it gives problems with sensation, vision, hearing, swallowing, and speaking. Affected children often live to adult life but ongoing therapy and support are required. Miriam needs a range of therapies to help her including speech, physical movement, occupational and physiotherapy. She also has dog therapy which involves visits from dogs who are trained to provide affection, comfort and love. With little state aid available, all these therapies cost money. Currently over €2000 per month and this is where the used bottle tops come into their own. Collection points exist all over São Brás for used plastic and metal bottle tops. Miriam’s grandfather spends most days collecting these and organising shipment of them to the recycling company.

For example, the state provides three nappies per day, but this is not enough. “If there is one thing I need more of it is nappies and wipes,” Sandra says. Sandra has set up a Facebook page called “Miriam a pequena lutadora” (Miriam the little fighter). Here you can see details of her therapies and local events to raise funds to support her. Luis and Filipa through the Salvation Army, together with Sandra, help coordinate fundraising social events and other support locally. I asked Sandra who looks after her. I think this came as a bit of a shock. She is so focussed on Miriam that any thoughts for herself come last, if at all. She rarely gets any break from full time care such is her love and dedication. So next time you dispose of bottles think not only about the environment but also about giving practical help to people in need. Ask around in your locality about who collects bottle tops to help people. If there is none then collect them yourself and find one of the worthy causes such as Miriam or Lagos based Vicente to help. For more information and to help support Miriam see the Facebook page that Sandra runs.

+INFO:  miriamapequenalutadora Phil Egginton is a motorsport consultant and journalist who has now retired to the Algarve.

The recycling company, Resialentejo, based near Beja in the Alentejo, as part of its social responsibility programme, runs a project called ‘Dê Uma Tampa’. People in need of medical or therapy support can register with the company. They then send them used bottle tops for recycling and their medicines and therapies are paid directly by the company. As an example, 2000kg of mixed plastic and metal bottle tops generates €1300 towards medicine and therapy. It was my friends John and Sue Bannister told me about how they have arranged for a UK restaurant to get involved in helping. The Southcote Beefeater Restaurant in Reading collects bottle tops. These are then transported to the Algarve with the support of Direct Transport in Porches and these go towards helping Miriam and her mum to get the therapy she needs.



COMMUNITY can channel your water through the whole circle of production, from sea water to brine to salt crystals, in a way that does not necessarily involve machinery.” The initial ‘evaporiser’ set-up works by channelling the sea water so it ends up as a highly concentrated brine solution when it reaches the final ‘pond’ in the network. The subsequent salt pans – “imagine a table of little rectangles that are all connected to each other and all fed by a channel system that brings the brine into the pans,” says Andrea – are where the actual crystallisation into salt takes place. Then it’s time for that method of hand harvesting which dates back to Roman times. Traditional sea salt is gathered from the bottom of the pans using wooden rakes called rodos. Delicate and flaky Flor de Sal crystals are skimmed from the surface of the water with butterfly-shaped sieves known as borboletas. Having given it a go herself, Andrea says: “It’s enough to try it once in order to admire the physical strength and resilience of the salt pan workers, because it’s high temperatures, it’s dry, they start early on. You have to be skilful and careful, you have to do it with feeling – it’s craftsmanship.” The 1990s saw “a lot of abandoned salt pans and there was the danger of this salt gathering culture dying out”, Andrea recalls. It was in 1999 that João Pedro ventured into exploring his Grelha family salt pans again as “traditional artisan salt gathering saw a slow but steady revival”.


An unyielding sense of tradition and heritage is one of the driving forces behind ages-old techniques still being employed to this day in the Algarve’s artisan sea salt industry.

"You have to be skilful and careful, you have to do it with feeling – it’s craftsmanship."

The system of harvesting from salt pans, which remains in practice at locations around the Ria Formosa natural park, was “introduced to the Algarve by the Phoenicians and then perfected by the Romans”, according to the website of Olhão-based production and supply business Marisol. The company works with one particular contractor who speaks of “a certain stubbornness of a handful of artisan producers and salt pan owners who always had a passion for their craft and meant to keep the tradition up”. And João Geraldo Mendonça Pedro should know, coming as he does from a long line of such producers. Salt is in João Pedro’s blood, so to speak. The 45-yearold’s Grelha family salt pans are situated in the Belamandil area, with a second site at Castro Marim close to the Spanish border. Although some techniques and processes may have been modernised or improved over time, the core harvesting work still takes place on the same plots of land that his great-great grandfather worked more than a century ago. Marisol’s managing director and co-founder Andrea Siebert says: “It’s not just keeping up something nostalgic [for the sake of it]; it makes sense actually because it has a very low ecological footprint. You make use of the natural energy of gravity by designing your production site with a lot of inclines and descents. You



Marisol was founded a year later by Andrea and her late business partner Nico Böer. The company has used João Pedro as a contractor for eight years. Now the traditional industry creates jobs and contributes to ecological management of the landscape. “It is a privilege to be able to work in the middle of nature,” says João Pedro. “Keeping up artisan salt pan production is of paramount importance because it helps to preserve the region’s cultural heritage, linked to such an important product in the history of humankind.”


HOW TO BEAT THE DROUGHT I do not think any of us need reminding the we have experienced a hot and dry year so far, with very little rainfall. As a result of this many areas of Portugal are at various levels of drought. BY DAVID THOMAS Safe Communities Algarve

The month of May 2019 in mainland Portugal was classified as very hot in relation to air temperature and extremely dry in relation to precipitation. In fact, it was the seventh hottest May since 1931, the fourth hottest since 2000 and hottest since 2011. The mean maximum air temperature, 25.09 °C, was much higher than the normal value +4.13 °C, and was the second highest since 1931. During the month of May the air temperature values were ​​ almost always higher than the normal during the period from 1971 to 2000. In fact, according to the PDSI index, at the end of April there was a meteorological drought in the south ranging from severe to extreme drought. Thus, at the end of May, 2.5% of the mainland was in extreme drought class, 27.9% in severe drought and 22.4% in moderate drought. Unfortunately, the prognosis for the next few months does not look good with continuing high temperatures and very dry conditions. This is borne out by European studies which show that annual water availability will generally increase in northern and north western Europe and decrease in southern and south eastern Europe. Vanda Pires, a climatologist with the Portuguese IPMA stated earlier this year that that episodes of drought in Portugal have become increasingly frequent since 2000. Highlighting the grave consequences of droughts on agriculture and livestock, energy and the general wellbeing of populations, she said: “Climate change is making drought situations more serious and more common.”


Top tips to conserve water: Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth - this can save 6 litres of water per minu te. Place a cistern displacement devic e in your toilet cistern to reduce the volume of wate r used in each flush. You can get one of thes e from your water provider. Take a shor ter shower. Showers can use anything between six and 45 litres per minu te. Always use full loads in your wash ing machine and dishwasher – this cuts out unne cessary washes in between. Fix a dripping tap. A dripping tap can waste 15 litres of water a day, or 5,500 litres of water a year. Install a water butt to your drain pipe and use it to water your plants, clean your car and wash your windows, if you have a cisterna conn ect the drain pipe to this. Water efficient gardens. Use a wate ring can rather than a hosepipe. A hosepipe can use as much as 1,000 litres of water an hour. Mulching your plants (with bark chippings, heavy compost or straw) and watering in the early morning and late afternoon will reduce evaporati on and save water. Reducing the areas that need watering such as grass areas, and planting plants that need less watering will also go a long way in reducing consumption. Fill a jug with tap water and place this in your fridge. This will mean you do not have to leave the cold tap running for the wate r to run cold before you fill your glass.

“The extreme phenomena that we have witnessed in recent times are happening more often and cause greater impact. The rise in temperature - which has occurred over the last decades - has implications for the entire meteorological system as it stands and thus entails heat waves, drought, and lack of rainfall” she explained.

Invest in water-efficient goods when you need to replace household products. You can get waterefficient showerheads, taps, toile ts, washing machines, dishwashers and many other products.

Although we cannot produce rain, we can certainly do much to conserve what we have.

Use a pool cover which will reduce water evaporation and also keep the pool warm




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What's on in July


This summer you have the chance to sleep with the fish when you spend the night at Zoomarine's Aquarium. You've heard of 'night at the museum' well, now it's time to spend a night at the aquarium! During your stay you can feed the sharks, search for treasure and learn about some of the oceans inhabitants. Parents are welcome to join for breakfast and visit the aquarium. A night at the aquarium costs €50 per person. Participants must be from eight to 12 years of age with a maximum of 15 per night. It starts at 8.30pm on Saturday until 9am on Sunday. Those that sign up will get a snack on Saturday evening, breakfast on Sunday morning, participants insurance, a backstage visit to the aquarium for participants and parents, games and activities and lots of fun.

Alameda Beer Fest

Faro will host the fifth Alameda Beer Fest - International Festival of Beers and Artisanal Beers, from July 4th to 6th. This year promises to be bigger and better than ever with 200 types of craft beer on offer. In addition to the craft beers, there will be a selection of the Algarve’s finest gastronomy, music and artistic performances. The festival opens its door from 5pm. to 1am at the Alameda garden.

This year’s Brilliant Run takes place on July 5th at 8.30pm in Vilamoura.

Aquarium by Night will be on the following dates in 2019: July 6th and 20th and August 3rd, 17th, 31st

Praia da Falésia is the scene of the Brilliant Race, a race composed of an 8km and 12km course.

+INFO: 

The participants run along the cliff, on a dirt track and return along the beach,


This event is organized by the Municipality of Faro, OG & Associados e Ambifaro - Gestão de Equipamentos Municipais, EM.

+INFO: 


Participants should bring a sleeping bag, pyjamas, a pillow and a good semse of humour.


Live concerts and dj's will mean that there is music to suit every age. There will also be an urban craft market.

running in the sand. The non-competitive event is free and registration will be open until 6pm on July 5th.

+INFO: 

SAND CENTRAL The new SandCity theme park opened its doors to the public last month, featuring the largest and most varied exhibition of sand sculptures ever made in Portugal! 'Around the World' is the theme for the park's 50,000 tons of sculpted sand, with sculptures representing the architecture, culture, fauna and flora of the five continents and imaginary scenes linked to travel and travellers. This 'sand city' was carved by 57 artists of various nationalities who, for three weeks, shaped animals, monuments and people from all over the world in the sand, creating about 80 different scenes: Cristiano Ronaldo next to Fernando Pessoa and the Tower of Belém, Pope Francisco walking on a Vespa, Nelson Mandela in South Africa, The Dalai Lama in Tibet or Queen Elizabeth II having tea next to Big Ben in the dedicated sculpture to England, are some of the scenes interpreted and created by the artists for the exhibition. There is also a separate area dedicated to the ocean, where visitors can view a variety of marine environments and an interpretation of the ocean’s' pollution problem. Children also have a special area with sculptures, travel stories and various children's imaginary characters, such as Prince, Dumbo, Paddigton, Mogli, Snow White and Spider-Man. SandCity is situated between the main roundabout in Lagoa and the Porches's

POPULAR FAIR The 28th Popular Fair is back in Loulé between July 10th and 14th . The craft fair returns to the Court Square of Loulé, and starts at 7pm each night. The fair tries to recreate an event that took place in the former Quinta do Pombal (today Loulé Municipal Park) in 1946 and 1952, with remarkable success. It also brings entertainment to the city in the summer season. In addition to the usual stalls selling crafts and agrifood products, as well as traditional small taverns, it also has an area dedicated to the younger ones with a children’s entertainment tent, an inflatable, a carousel and a pool with buoys. Musical entertainment will focus on the Fado, folklore and popular music. Entrance is free.

roundabout and occupies an area of about 6 hectares, where there are several leisure and catering areas, as well as sand sculpture workshops and various artistic, cultural and environmental activities that will be developed during the summer. SandCity will be open to the public until November 30th, from 10am to 10pm, and can be visited by day and night when the sculptures are illuminated by light sets. Sand sculptors have come from many countries in Europe, Turkey, Brazil, Canada and Australia and many of them are winners of sand and ice sculpture awards and have already produced remarkable work in these new forms of artistic expression. SandCity is the company Prosandart's new project. Prosandart has, over the last seventeen years, produced FIESA (International Festival of Sand Sculptures), which was considered the biggest existing exhibition of sculptures in the world.

+INFO: 

Go vegan! The Environment and Vegan Fair of the Algarve (FAVA) takes place on July 18th and 19th in Loulé. The fair is an event organized by the Portuguese Vegetarian Association, with the support of the Municipality of Loulé and aims to raise awareness and promote a healthier and ethical lifestyle which is friendly to nature and animals. During the event there will be a focus on offering vegan and vegetarian alternatives in food, hygiene and cosmetics, clothing, footwear and accessories, handicrafts and entertainment activities. This year there will be exhibitors, workshops, lectures, food and drink outlets, live music, children's animation and other entertainment.

+INFO: 


QUARTEIRA SUMMER FAIR StreetLife Summer Ball StreetLife will hold its annual Summer Ball on July 26th, working together with Afpop East Algarve to raise money for its local Programme. It will be an evening of live music, dancing, a delicious threecourse meal plus wines kindly sponsored by Fiuza. There will also be raffle prizes for the evening. StreetLife has now sterilised 250 local dogs since it launched in September 2017 which is all through the help of supporters. Please join the fun and help raise money for the StreetLife Animal Sterilisation Programme. Contact Linda from Afpop for further information.

+INFO: 



The Quarteira Fair, which takes place in between June and September, is an event not to be missed. There will be music, arts, handicrafts and delicious food from the Algarve. Thefair aims to bring more tourists into the town. In addition to a stage for shows, an area with craft stalls and space for small shops, there will be an area that will appeal to kids and adults with carts, bumper cars and other amusements.

The Quarteira Summer Fair is free and will run at the following times: from 7.30pm to 1am between July 12th and August 31st and then from 7.30pm to midnight between September 1st to 15th. Entrance is free. Please check times and dates before you go.

+INFO:  jfquarteira/

TALENTED YOUNGSTERS TAKE TO THE STAGE Algarve History Association (AHA) hosts its last concert in the 2018-19 season at 5pm on Sunday July 7th at Quintinha da Música. This concert will be devoted to the talents of those students who benefit from the support given by the AHA to the Conservatório Regional do Algarve Maria Campina in Faro (CRAMC). Each year the AHA concert season ends with a performance by the young people. This year there will also be two student performers from Milan in Italy, one of whom at the age of 11 has recently won a piano competition in St Petersburg. They make a visit to the Algarve in return for a visit made to Milan by students at CRAMC and their programme ranges from works by Bach to much more modern jazz numbers. In 2018, Bach rubbed shoulders with Gershwin, Grieg, Chopin, Brahms and Duke Ellington. Quintinha da Música is Irene´s private house, and the location adds to the

intimacy of these occasions. The aftermath of the concerts involves conversation with the organisers and a chance to talk to the performers, as well as to their parents. There is no charge for this concert but we ask for voluntary monetary contributions which will be donated to CRAMC. Quintinha da Música is in Covas da Praia near Tavira. Directions will be sent on booking. AHA is devoted to divulgation of the history and culture of the Algarve and of Portugal, and its membership consists mainly of resident expatriates in the Algarve. The organisation is non-profit making and presentations are made on a voluntary basis.

+INFO: 



Welcome to

Freguesia de Boliqueime

BOLIQUEIME If you want to discover a true taste of Portugal then this little village is well worth a visit at any time of the year. There’s plenty to uncover here for both visitors and residents alike.

INFORMATION Population: 4 973 Area: 46,21 km² Density: 110/km2

Altitude: 43 m (144 ft) Location: Central Algarve, 20km from Faro



FEATURE - BOLIQUEIME Left to right: Pedro Pimpão (Vice President of Loule), Jessica Dunn, Nelson Brazão (President of Freguesia de Boliqueime), Zeca of Zeca´s Street Food

AN ARTISTIC ALL-ROUNDER I am a British artist living in Portugal. I was born in London, into a theatrical family. Daughter of actress Priscilla Morgan and comedy actor Clive Dunn, who was also a keen amateur portrait artist and always encouraged me to paint. I studied at Kingston University in the UK before moving to Portugal with my family where I continued to paint and enjoy the wonderful Southern sunlight of the Algarve. During many years I lived in Olhos de Agua and created oil paintings which reflected my surroundings; mostly observational scenes of figures against a sun-drenched backdrop of seaside life. My sister, Polly had a restaurant in Quarteira where I worked and this is where I began selling my work; painting during the day and selling my paintings while waiting on tables. I then moved to Boliqueime where I had my two children, Alice and Lydia, who became the subject of many of my paintings. My work evolved over time and I began removing the figurative element and focusing on the abstract landscape. I began experimenting in acrylics, enjoying the textural possibilities and flexibility, but have recently turned back to oils for their fluidity, allowing for spontaneous brushwork and dramatic effect. I aim for an abstract impression of land, sea and sky, influenced by the intense sunlight and



Exhibitions: During June 2019 I participated in an artist symposium (SIAC) in the city of Guarda (Serra de Estrela). I was invited by the Museum of Guarda to work for two weeks alongside several other international artists in a beautiful old art deco cinema which is being converted into a cultural centre. Painting in public for two weeks has been a great challenge and a sharp contrast to the quiet pace of Boliqueime and shows that there are always new opportunities for artists living in Portugal.


the drama of the ever-changing landscape, I try to capture an impression of its transient nature. Working the canvas from dark to light, layer-by-layer, brushing on, scraping off, a colour-mood begins to develop and a story begins to emerge. Tonal layering creates an impression of distance and depth and a focal point appears organically, drawing the viewer in. Working on several pieces at a time moving from one to the other a rhythm develops. For me it's about the paint and the expressive marks created, which gradually evolve into something familiar, an imagined or remembered landscape, a sea, a sky, or just a feeling. The visual experience becomes an emotive one, an illusion of being immersed in nature, reflective and timeless, of walking into a painting and feeling lifted. I have a permanent exhibition in Boliqueime at the Dunn Studio, which my father built at the family home and where we used to paint together. Visitors are welcome to make an appointment to come and view my work in a relaxed informal setting. I have a new series of limited edition prints, including abstract and figurative work, which are printed on high quality paper and come numbered and signed with a certificate of authenticity. I also have a range of printed pillows, scarves and jewellery all inspired by my paintings.

I have exhibited in various public museums and galleries throughout Portugal. In the UK, at the Eaton Gallery in London, the Naked Eye Gallery in Hove UK; the Affordable Art Fair in Brussels, “Anima Mundi” at the Villa Fabris, Thiene, Italy and this year at Roy´s People Art Fair in London, UK. I regularly host open studio exhibitions at my studio/gallery in the Algarve, Portugal. My paintings are held in private collections, in Portugal, UK, USA, France and Australia and in public collections in Portugal. My work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal online, Hello! Magazine and World of Interiors.


Meet the

Mayor of Boliqueime Let us introduce you to the Mayor of Boliqueime. Nelson Brazão was born and bred in this beautiful village and he absolutely loves the place. Simon Moulson went to meet him to find out more about the man and his plans for the place. Please tell us about your family? My father’s family are all from Boliqueime, my father had a business in Boliqueime and my great grandfather owned the Boliqueime Inn. My mother is from Alte. How did you come to be Mayor? I didn’t apply to become Mayor of Boliqueime. In fact I was invited by the residents of Boliqueime because I was seen as a pillar of the community. I am very involved with the church and local football. (From everyone I have spoken to I can see that Nelson is very well respected as a person, through his family, his engagement and enthusiasm to engage with anything Boliqueime-related.) What political party do you belong to? I have no political views and really was truly appointed based on involvement with the community! I actually took a few days to consider whether I should become Mayor as it genuinely wasn’t something I had ever thought of. My own view is that you cannot help but notice Nelson’s passion and true love for his hometown. He doesn’t really have any political ambitions as such. He is truly a modest man who seems to go with the flow. He is very welcoming and I feel very humbled in his company. What are your plans for Boliqueime? One of the key things I want to improve in Boliqueime is the infrastructure particularly when it comes to the roads. I want to pave/tarmac roads in the mountains to give access to houses which are still quite isolated and are quite cut-off. I also want to make sure that these houses get access to utilities and want

all of the Boliqueime community to have access to fundamentals such as public services. How do you bring the different parts of the community together? I am keen to integrate across the community and have implemented courses for French and English speakers to learn Portuguese. I dislike the term expats and merely class all citizens of Boliqueime as equal, irrespective of how long they have lived in Boliqueime and I want everyone to enjoy the same benefits! Please tell us what is coming up? The Boliqueime calendar is something with which I am immeasurably proud and passionate about. I have set my sights on one big event per month! In fact I have just set up an association across the Camara Municipal Loule to prevent a duplication of events within the calendar. There are many events every year but the upcoming key events are the Traditional Fayre which take place between July 11th and 13th. This is a fayre where traditional food customs are honoured and cooked. It provides a snapshot of a bygone era and an insight in traditional Boliqueime meals which are steeped in Algarvian tradition. The other significant event is that of the BFF (Boliqueime Food Festival) 16th, 17th and 18th August. Great gastronomy and great live music. We wish Nelson every success with the rest of his term and look forward to seeing many great things happen in Boliqueime over the next few years.

INFO This is Nelson’s first term as Mayor (he was appointed in 2017) and the term of a Mayor is for a period of four years. Within Portuguese law you are allowed to be reelected a maximum of three times, so a period in office of a maximum of 12 years.



Aníbal Cavaco Silva, who was elected president of Portugal in 2006, was born in Boliqueime in 1939.


Boliqueime has a significant cultural heritage made up of a number of tourist attractions which can be found down the traditional narrow cobbled streets including São Sebastião and the Church of St. Faustino, a museum, traditional windmills and wells that were once used for water supply.


Throughout the year, the village hosts a series of traditional festivals, such as the festival in honour of Nossa Senhora das Dores (Our Lady of Pains) on the 4th of August and 17th of October, the festival of São Faustino on the Sunday after Christmas and more recently the festival of São João which is celebrated in the middle of June.


Boliqueime has a man’s hockey team that is in the third National Division. They also have a ladies hockey team


In the Spring many people visit Boliqueime to see the almond trees in full bloom and capture its stunning pinkish flowers.




Antiques market HANDICRAFTS

Antique fairs have been growing in popularity in the Algarve and the Boliqueime Antiques Fair is one of the best. The antiques market is held monthly on the first Sunday of the month in an area near the churchyard of the small interior village of Boliqueime. This type of market has a huge variety when it comes to antiques.

+INFO:  R. Dr. João Batista Ramos Faísca, Boliqueime

Craftwork connects Bouliqueime with its past, the customs and traditions of people with a well-defined culture.

Work is crafted out of clay, people also use copper and rag. You can also find a wide range of woven baskets.

These handcraft traditions are still alive throughout the whole of the Loulé Municipality where people are able to produce diverse pieces of art and crafts using a wide range of materials made with techniques and ancestral knowledge, which are passed down from generation to generation.

Many of these pieces which were used traditionally in day-to-day economic activities have been reformulated and are now sold for different uses but still provide a useful reminder of the past.

HISTORY In the 19th century Boliqueime was part of the Municipality of Albufeira between July 10, 1839 and October 24, 1855 before it joined the new Municipality of Loulé where it remains now. Although some experts in the field say that ‘Boliqueime Velho’ was situated to the south, near the road that goes from Faro to Lagos, according to the distinguished author of the Monograph of the municipality of Loulé and a student of Algarvian history, Ataíde Oliveira, Boliqueime arose, initially, in a site further south, called the Eyes of Water. Its origin is linked to the Genoese, Venetians and Sicilians who in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries used the Algarve coast for tuna and whale fishing

and went to Olhos D'Água to carry the indispensable drinking water. In Italian Boliqueime means Water Eyes. This name, which pleased its natives, was adopted locally and remained even when Boliqueime ‘moved’ to where it is currently implanted. The old Boliqueime village, a short walk from the village and former headquarters of the parish, was destroyed by the earthquake of 1755. Already on the hillside and surrounded by the village itself, the current church was built soon in 1759 and dedicated to the martyr St. Sebastian.



o l i q B u e w i m o n e k o t et



Marcas Mendes Agostas

Morgadinho 0 27 é N E ul Lo

Torrinha Matriz de São Sebastião de Boliqueime church



Povo Velho

Sports Stadium

Football Stadium

Fonte de Boliqueime

Monte de João Preto


25 EN1 eira f Albu

Maritenda 5 12 il EN anc m Al

Train Station

Festas Populares de Boliqueime

Corrida de Carrinhos de Rolamentos da ACB

Boliqueime Food Festival

Hosted by: Junta Freguesia Boliqueime Date: 5 July – 8 July 2019

Hosted by: AC Boliqueime Date: Every June

Hosted by: Boliqueime Algarve Date: 16th, 17th & 18th August 2019



JESSICA DUNN ART DUNN STUDIO Viewing By Appointment Agostas, 8100-061 Boliqueime, Portugal Tel +351 962 544 650


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Tomorrow 135x90 06-19.indd 2

19/06/2019 12:17


THE BIRDS NEST... For quite a few months I have been hearing some great feedback about The Birds Nest Restaurant so we went for dinner last month.. The restaurant is situated in Tenoca, Boliquieme and as this month’s magazine focus is Boliquieme it made it even more timely to visit. BY SIMON MOULSON We arrive just before 8pm and park alongside the restaurant which is both convenient and gives you a chance to glimpse their private terrace. We are met by the front of house and showed to our table. We are taken to a table in the far right of the restaurant and are later to be told that it’s Sir Cliff Richard’s favourite table in the house; we are indeed honoured. The restaurant is simply divine, it’s like being in the dining room of a beautiful stately manor, yet on a smaller scale but still as grand. The room probably seats about 25 people and is adorned with beautiful antiques, the ambient lighting is perfect and the background music is perfect - it adds to the atmosphere but doesn’t detract from your dining experience. The restaurant oozes class and opulence, yet maintains an incredibly homely feel. We place our wine and water order and notice that the glasses, crockery and cutlery are placed perfectly and we have very high hopes indeed. There are little touches which truly resonate with me which were instilled in me when my father was a head chef at the Midland Hotel in Manchester back in the 1960s. The table linen is crisp and white, heavily starched and a don to many fine dining establishments back in the day. The restaurant owner has an intrinsic eye for detail. We raise a toast and sip our house white and red wines which are great and have been carefully selected for the house. We are served a range of freshly baked bread with real butter. The breads are stunning, we have traditional Irish soda bread, which takes me back to childhood memories, and yeast bread with beetroot (also divine). A point to note if I may, is that there is no charge for the bread and butter. In this day and age this is unheard of and is yet again another lovely touch. We order our food from a delightfully varied menu which includes six starters and mains. We opt for the cod, lobster and spring onion fishcakes with sweet chilli sauce. The presentation measures up to any Michelin



restaurant but without the Michelin price tag. The other starters are bruleed goats cheese with roast beetroot and candied honey walnuts and finally grilled Cajun spiced king prawns and chorizo. It’s fair to say that the goats cheese and prawns are stunning. The addition of bread to gain and savour the Cajun spice was heavenly. Our main courses were belly of pork, apple sauce, crackling, buttery mash and cider jus and the other main course was monkfish tail. The presentation was fantastic and the service throughout the evening was simply on-point. The cooking of the pork clearly showed an incredible understanding of how to get the most out of the flavour and texture of the meat. The crackling tuile not only decorated the plate beautifully was probably some of the best crackling we have ever tasted. The monkfish tail was phenomenal, the texture just right and the addition of the curry butter, lemon risotto and texture from the crispy potatoes for me was just a true crowd pleaser! We pause after the mains to allow us to digest and take in our beautiful setting. There is so much to adore about the restaurant and the overriding thing that we experience is the overwhelming sense of pride and genuine warmth and hospitality shown by both Sandra and Steven throughout the evening. Home-made desserts were ordered in the form of strawberry cheesecake and chocolate brownie. The presentation once again was decadent and stunning. The other two diners were in heaven. However, not to be left out I had a lovely Tawny Port which was presented in a truly-befitting vintage antique port glass – simply class personified! A truly wonderful evening which we enjoyed every minute of. We will definitely be back and I believe their Sunday roasts are phenomenal. A little birdie told me it’s the eclectic mix of both Irish and Yorkshire culinary charm which truly is a seriously good mix.

+INFO:  +351 289 366 471  Birds Nest Restaurant

GLO advert 90x135 NEW STYLE.qxp_Layout 1 17/06/2019 12:05 Page 1


tailor made

We're a dedicated financial services provider specialising in moving money overseas utilising great foreign exchange rates. From a substantial one-off property sale to regular ongoing payments, you can rely on us to work quickly, reliably and securely. T. +44 (0) 203 974 4738 / +351 289 093 137 E. Visit our oďŹƒces in Lagos and Vilamoura Global Currency Exchange Network Limited T/A GC Partners is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017, FRN 504346. Global Custodial Services Limited T/A GC Partners is authorised and regulated by the FCA and holds Part IV Permissions under the FSMA 2000. Registration number 595875.



Fear will stop you from fulfilling the assignment, the mission, the purpose and dream that you have for your life.

experiences but we have to be careful not to carry baggage from our past experiences and failures into our future.

for reasons that are not even physically real and only a mental prison may hold you back from reaching for your dream.

Psychologists say there are over 200 different fears. For example, the fear of water, the fear of animals, the fear of insects, the fear of heights and the fear of confinement.

We need to change the way we think about our failures so that they don’t trip us up and stop us from taking new opportunity. We need to look at our failures and fears and reprogram our minds so that our understanding and foundational belief is that there is no win or lose, there is only win or learn and keep moving forward.

Begin to renew your mind each day by looking into the mirror and speak life to your soul by saying aloud:

The cold hard fact is that we were born with none of these fears. Every fear that you have is a learned fear, you learn to be afraid, you learn not to take risks and you learn to be scared of certain things. Sometimes our fears are born out of witnessing other peoples experiences and sometimes our fears are born from our own

Make no mistake danger is very real but fear is a learned trait. Danger can always be overcome by knowledge, implemented training and courage to face the imminent danger and defeat it, but fear can stop you in your tracks

PINCHED NERVE Physical therapy is an important intervention for pinched nerve or nerve compression in the body. All nerves stem from the spinal cord which is housed and protected with the three groups of vertebrae or spine in the back. As nerves exit the spine through holes called foramina, anything that encroaches into this space can put pressure or ‘pinch’ the nerve. Nerve compression results in significant discomfort for patients such as pain down the arm, across the neck and face, down the leg or into the foot. With appropriate treatment, most compression can be managed conservatively without surgery. Causes: » Degenerative disk disease » Herniated disk » Trauma, muscle spasms Symptoms: » Pain » Numbness » Tingling » Muscle weakness » Muscle spasms Goal of physical therapy: The goal of treatment here in our clinic in Mexilhoeira Grande, Portimao is dependent on the extent of injury or issue. If it’s an immediate injury to the area, the goal



"I am a fear fighter I will face my fears I will have courage I will take every opportunity I will succeed I am a world shaker I am a history maker I am a winner."

+INFO:  +351 925 558 091 


is to remain conservative and not aggravate the existing injury. Once the initial inflammation has subsided, a careful but effective approach to care is initiated. After a thorough spinal examination therapy is directed to: » Eradicate pain » Reduce clinical symptoms of issues such as tingling, and numbness » Improve strength » Increase flexibility » Evaluate and correct posture Common treatments include: » Manual soft tissue release technique Soft tissue massage, stretching and joint mobilization » Therapeutic exercises Stretch and strengthening exercises to reduce stress while improving mobility » Neuromuscular re-education Improve posture, stability, and body mechanics to protect the injury » Other modalities include Dry needling, Graston technique and Trigenics to name just a few » Establish home programs Establish daily task to advance function to the next level.

+INFO:  +351 928 022 494  largodamaso 


MOVING WITH THE TIMES Changes are afoot at Global Currency Exchange Network which has changed its name to GC Partners and revamped its business structure to make sure its moving with the times. GC Partners, Head of Portugal, Alison Daun, spoke to our editor, Amber Henshaw, to find out more. What does GC Partners offer? We’re a specialist financial services provider. We move money overseas - quickly, reliably, and securely using great foreign exchange rates. We transfer money for buying or selling a property overseas, for businesses selling or buying goods from other countries. It doesn’t matter how large or small the payments are. We have served over 100,000 customers and carried out over $5bn worth of transactions in 2018 alone to over 125 markets across the world. Your name has changed and what about the structure? Last year we decided to change the structure of our business making each and every employee a partner. With every employee owning a share of the business we felt this was a great way to ensure that the service we continue to offer to clients remains outstanding. It’s our business which means we all care personally for each and every client and transaction. The founders of the business firmly believe that as each staff member is a partner they will have a vested interest in the future of the business. Therefore, the employees should be more motivated to take an already successful business to the next level whilst ensuring the highest levels of customer service are maintained.


It was important that the senior management structure remained in place to provide continuity, experience and ensure the vision of the company remains on track. We have employed new staff and will continue to do so to improve our services to our clients and our IT structures. As we all begin to embrace technology more and more and with most services moving online, we need to work hard to ensure that we embrace this movement, ensuring we never lose track of the personal service that we pride ourselves on. Please tell us more about the name change? Many of our clients have been working with us since we began Global Currency Exchange Network Ltd (GCEN) back in 2003, helping clients all over the world with their foreign currency needs. In 2013 we created Global Custodial Services Ltd (GCS) which allowed us to offer a wider range of corporate services to a broader spectrum of clients. In many instances the services of both organisations have been packaged together, it was therefore decided to combine the two businesses under one brand – GC Partners. Under one brand we can bring together all our offerings.

Where is the company based? We have offices in the UK, Dubai, Malta, Spain and Portugal. We are strategically placed throughout the world in order to work closely with our clients in each country and to understand the necessary money transfer procedures in each country. For example being based in Portugal helps us with our clients who transfer money to buy and sell property here. We understand the buying and selling process and we know many of the estate agents and lawyers, so we can help clients with their money transfers to ensure that they get to where they need to be on time.

+INFO:  +351 289 093 137 

TOP AWARD FOR NOBEL STUDENT A Year 10 student at Nobel International School Algarve has achieved the highest mark in the world for her IGCSE Portuguese as a foreign language. Leonor Castro Santos, 15, received the prestigious award from the Cambridge Assessment International Education to acknowledge her outstanding performance in the Summer 2018 Cambridge examination series. The Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards programme celebrates the success of learners taking Cambridge examinations in over 40 countries around the world. Leonor was born in Lisbon, and lived in Sintra until she was 12-years-old when the family moved to Algarve and opted for an international school. Leonor said: “My parents wanted me to learn English so that I could become fluent. We travel a lot during the holidays and it’s my dream to study abroad and I enjoy languages and the arts.”


As GC Partners, we’ll continue to provide foreign exchange services to private clients – moving money overseas quickly, reliably and securely, using great foreign exchange rates. And for our business and corporate clients, our range of solutions such as mass payments, payroll, client money and investment solutions, FX hedging, FX and international payments, and global currency accounts can all help to improve operational efficiency and cost reduction.


Leonor’s mother, Joana Castro Santos, said: “We are very happy with Leonor’s experience at the school, for all of the opportunities and for the quality of education. Leonor is only 15 but already has her sights set on studying art or design in America, and she is already researching possible universities and colleges. She is highly motivated. We are delighted that she achieved this award – although speaking Portuguese as her native tongue helped her, she prepared very diligently for the assessment and, with the guidance of her teacher, invested a lot of effort into doing her very best.” Head of International Maria Tomé said that the award recognises the talent, dedication and commitment of both Leonor and her teacher Ana Lucia Correia de Silva. She said: “It is extremely rewarding to see this achievement being recognised. Leonor is a very hardworking student and is a role model to others at the school.”

+INFO: 


YOUR PENSION IN PORTUGAL, BEFORE AND AFTER BREXIT funds, however, it is essential that transfer value is not the only consideration when deciding on a QROPS or SIPPs transfer; there is no substitute for regulated, licensed pension and wealth management advice in this regard. Reassurance but no certainty Although expats should be reassured by Britain’s close relationship with Portugal, until a deal has been agreed, there can be no certainties and global volatility means that it is perhaps more important than ever for retirement savers to make robust plans for the long-term. If you would like your money and your pensions to continue to work for you, speak with Blacktower Financial Management in the Algarve today.

Brexit uncertainty has resulted in many UK expats in Portugal having major concerns about the future of their pensions, both state pension and private schemes. One of the main worries is that the EU-agreed 'triple lock' on the state pension will be lost and pensions may not increase or uprate annually. While some commentators suggest that a reciprocal agreement between Portugal and the UK will almost certainly be negotiated, at Blacktower we can help you make your pension pot work for you right now, as well as into the future. Annuities in Danger Many expats currently rely on annuities to provide a guaranteed income once they retire. There have been widespread fears that a NoDeal Brexit could mean increased exchange rate charges and the possibility of payment problems into EU banks, but UK-firms should have already made plans to ensure retirees will still get payments. If you have an annuity and

your provider has not been in touch, perhaps now is the time to contact them.

Blacktower in Portugal Blacktower is an experienced wealth manager with offices in Lisbon and the Algarve. Speak with us today so that we can help you assess your wealth and its future.

While no-one can, at this point, predict what effects Brexit will have on financial services providers, what Blacktower can do for you now is to review your pension planning to ensure you are in the best position possible as we head towards Brexit and to be fully aware of your situation in the post-Brexit climate. Pension Transfers May be Key Ever since the introduction of pension freedoms in 2015, over 55s have had greater power to make decisions about how they invest and draw income from their pension pots. Some pension schemes have offered members favourable transfer values on their pension

For more information contact Blacktower: Tel: 289 355 685 Email: Blacktower Financial Management (International) Limited is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission. Licence No: 00805B. Blacktower Financial Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registry No: 3500648.


Party like it’s 2050 BY BY LISA LOFTHOUSE AND ZOË LENKIEWICZ Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our freshly formed eco-habits didn't go out the window as soon as it’s time to celebrate? Sticking to your green credentials needn’t dampen the fun. Hosting a party is a good opportunity to spread your message and show people an alternative way. It’s a great conversation starter and likely inspiration for your friends! Invites and cards – we often don’t need to send out physical invitations at all, and can rely instead on text messages, facebook events and other online invitation platforms… even for something as formal as a christening, it is becoming the norm. Not everyone has access to the internet and if you do choose to send paper invites, why not get creative with your own homemade recycled art? Party food – all parties take a degree of planning and a low-waste party just takes an extra step. Try making two lists, one with the dishes you’re going to prepare and what you will serve them in: borrow anything you don’t have from friends and neighbours rather than buying disposable serving trays. Then on your shopping list, add the containers, bags or jars you will need to take to the shops to cut right down on your single-use packaging. Defrost and eat the contents of your freezer to make space for leftovers. Serve dishes based on local, seasonal foods – it’s a great talking point, your guests will feel spoilt and it sets a great example! Making your own dips cuts down on packaging and they taste much better too. Drink it up – when it comes to soft drinks, it can be easy to avoid plastic waste and give everyone a welcome change. Homemade lemonade, with the Algarve’s abundance of lemons, sugar and perfectly good tap water always goes down a treat. Water steeped in the fridge with mint leaves and cucumber shavings is ridiculously refreshing. Or go all out and use the leftovers from your food prep – give cucumber skins, strawberry tops and orange rinds a second life before they hit the compost heap. If you are inviting lots of people look into hiring a keg of beer, or visit a local vineyard they may offer bottle refill services. The easiest here is the option of refillable beer bottles – better for the environment and cheaper too.



Tableware – although we've all done it in the past, disposable tableware is just not on. Don't do it! Plastic glasses break so easily each guest could use several during the event – so wasteful. It’s easy to pick up a few extra supplies of the real deal from charity shops and flea markets, then just stash them away for the next time. A fantastic alternative is to rent a party pack! We have a trial run of a rentable party pack available at the Almadena charity shop for a €20 deposit (€15 back with safe return), containing crockery, cutlery, kids’ cups, glasses, serving trays and tongs. You could even make your own with friends. Failing all this, maybe you could just ask your few closest friends to loan some supplies for the occasion. This is a great talking point and will discourage others from the horrible single-use plates and glasses of the past. Decorations – skip balloons and Chinese lanterns, they offer nothing for the planet and only cause unnecessary pollution. Anyway, paper pompoms and reusable garlands are much more chic. Green gifts – give homemade presents like soaps, beer or jam, or thoughtful gifts like artwork or a charity donation; offer seeds, seedlings and plant cuttings, especially bee-friendly species; or buy experience gifts like cinema tickets, surf lessons, yoga classes or dinner vouchers. Wrap gifts in cloth (the ancient art of Furoshiki). Foraged leaves make adorable gift tags! Replace sticking tape with a simple homemade glue of flour and water. Finally, suggest carpooling, with the added advantage of less parking needed and fewer designated drivers! Let guests know you are coordinating a sustainable event. It really makes others think and enjoy the effort you’ve gone to, and inspires them to give it a go. Next month we’ll put a spotlight on beach time – how to make sure you take only memories and leave only footprints. Lisa and Zoë are writing this series to support WasteAid. Please help make a difference at All donations from UK tax payers by 31 July will be doubled by UK government.



Part 1


I’ll preface this article by saying that I wouldn’t consider myself an expert on climbing plants at all, but I do have quite a few so will share what little knowledge I do have based on my own experiences. I think that climbers add another dimension to a garden as they bring height and often much needed shade to areas where nothing else will grow. Some scramble untidily, others use suckers or tendrils to cling on to vertical surfaces and some need to be tied into a framework to control them. They can be deciduous or carry leaves throughout the year, but one thing’s for sure, they’re generally quite messy plants as they will shed leaves and flowers periodically which will need sweeping up – especially on terraces. In this article, I’ll focus on plants that have been flowering from late winter to early spring, which includes the Banksia rose, the common white jasmine and Wisteria. The first to flower in my garden is the Banksia rose which I grow scrambling through a dead olive tree. It was given to me a by a friend so I’ve no idea what variety it is. All I can tell you is that it is evergreen, vigourous and extremely thorny with a mass of sweet-smelling white flowers from late winter to spring. My soil is heavy clay and very stony but this rose seems to thrive in it. It is not on an irrigation system and never gets any supplemental water. The only care it gets is some pruning to shape it and I also remove lower shoots growing in the wrong direction plus push the shoots I want through the tree branches with thick gloves on. If you google Banksia roses, it seems you can get thornless varieties so this is what I would recommend.

In February and March, the white jasmines burst into flower and the air around them is perfumed with their glorious scent especially in the evening. I think mine is Jasminum officinale (the common white jasmine). It’s a trailing or twining semi-evergreen climber and given half a chance its trailing shoots will easily root into the ground making propagation easy. I have multiplied mine in this manner and have one planted at the top of a wall cascading down it. We planted ours by a wooden pole at the corner of a pergola. We made a frame of chicken wire around the pole to help support the early shoots and form the framework of the plant. Every 2-3 years, we take a hedge trimmer to it and take off all the green growth leaving behind a series of upright brown twigs. It looks horrendous initially but in a very short time it all resprouts and is reinvigorated as a lot of the dead material inside the plant has been removed so that air can circulate freely around it. I love Wisterias at this time of year with their showy, pendulous, pea-like scented flowers. I have three in my garden – all planted in the ground as they don’t thrive in pots. They are all planted in positions to cover various pergolas and are slowly doing what I need them to do – namely to provide dappled shade in the summer. They are deciduous plants so shed their leaves in the winter. They don’t need a lot of care as they seem to thrive in poor stony soils with little to no water once they’re established. For the best flowers, prune the long shoots back to three side buds in the winter. An easy way to differentiate between the two most commonly grown species is whether the stems twine in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction. The Japanese wisteria (Wisteria floribunda) twine in a clockwise direction which is the opposite way to the more vigorous Chinese wisteria (Wisteria chinensis). Tamsin is chair of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different locations throughout the Algarve on the second Tuesday every month except over the summer with an optional lunch afterwards.

+INFO:  Clube Dos Bons Jardins 



Edifício Sol, Rua Cristóvão Pires Norte Almancil 8135-117 Algarve, Portugal +351 289 393 378


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