Tomorrow Vilamoura to Faro - June 2019

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Europe's Best Golf Venue

 TomorrowAlgarve EDITOR Amber Henshaw

SALES Simon Moulson +351 963 807 162

DESIGN Creation Media


WELCOME TO OUR JUNE EDITION I think it’s fair to say May has been a brilliant month in terms of the weather. Evenings have been like balmy summer nights permeated with the smell of BBQ’s with sardines smouldering over hot charcoal and maybe a cool glass of crisp Portuguese wine to compliment. I have been driving around a lot this month and have loved going down the country lanes and seeing the grape vines with their new shoots of hope for the wine season. June is when somebody turns the temperature right up and the Algarve comes alive. Businesses are now open for business, so to speak, and the tourist season is upon us. For those of us who have chosen to come and live in the Algarve - it's our home - I call it a part-time paradise as we do work; albeit with beautiful blue skies, the warmth of the sun and some of the best coastline on the planet. No wonder Portugal and in particular the Algarve is becoming the hottest ticket in town to get married. It comes as no surprise and it is a great boost to the region’s economy so keep up the good work those of you who work in the wedding industry.

Don't forget this year's Carvoeiro Black and White party. Thanks to Gerty Geerts for this amazing photo from last year's event.

 gerty.geerts

So we are now in our fourth month, I can honestly say I love the magazine! Of course I would say that you say, but genuinely, I see and hear people read the magazine month-in-month out and I think our readers appreciate the fact that everyone at Tomorrow Algarve goes the extra mile to ensure that we

Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow Magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

Anyone who wants to advertise with us will have at their disposal our great design team who can design an advert to suit any business or professional. We have a number of new and old businesses that take us up on this in-house service, why? Because they receive great designs and ideas at no extra charge to their advert. The Algarve still amazes me after 15 years, especially when I read an article like last month’s “The road to reinvention.” I am ashamed to say that I had never been up to São Brás De Alportel until last week and I was swept away with the charm of the place, coupled with the abundance of artisan and community projects. A fantastic advert for the community and I am delighted to confirm that our magazine is now being distributed all over the town! We would love to bring our magazine to the heart of your community so please get in touch with your ideas or even if you want to make a comment about the magazine. You can contact our editor at with news of events, interesting people, community campaigns. Have a great June and enjoy our Algarve! Simon, Amber and the whole Tomorrow team



provide a professional, worthy magazine that showcases the great talent around us.


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REACHING THEIR POTENTIAL It took Andrew Brown just 56 days to come up with the concept but on reflection it had probably been brewing for at least 56 years. In the end it took a life changing moment to force him to take stock and to think again about where his purpose lay. He spoke to our editor, Amber Henshaw, about the launch of his new Algarve-based sporting project for disadvantaged youngsters from across Europe.

Andrew Brown, who's now 57 and living near to Loulé spent more than 20 years of his career in advertising and marketing before moving into spa and gym design. He'd also started to work with elite athletes helping them to recover from sports injuries using pioneering techniques like cryogenics technique where athletes are submerged into an -140degree environment, created using liquid nitrogen to help them with bruising and exceptional post event recovery. But by last July though Andrew was in need of a break so he checked himself into a retreat at the Conrad Hilton; it proved life-changing. He decided he wanted to give something back. "Sport has always played a fundamental part of my life. I have done 10 international marathons, raising €50,000, and I am also a sprint runner," he said. The project that he started to conceptualise was to help young people (age 10 to 17) from both underprivileged and disadvantaged backgrounds from 10 countries across Europe to improve their lives through sport.



Andrew said: "These youngsters are already participating in sport, possibly with a local group or with a local coach. They all possess potential but their circumstances often create barriers in their lives. "The amazing thing about our venues and contributors here in the Algarve is that we can cater for any sport that the children are already playing and all of the sports facilities are very close to the hostel where we be hosting the youngsters," Andrew added. The criteria for the children to take part is that they are already playing a sport with a local coach - generally a volunteer, helping in the local community, and have to live in a country which is only a three-hour flight from Faro Airport. The young people and their coach will then be able to come to the Algarve for a week where they will be put up in a specially selected hostel in Quarteira; which is within minutes of the sporting facilities they need. Each day their own coach will deliver up to three hours of training in their chosen sport. The Santana team will also give them the opportunity to explore many other sports which they may not have experienced before and each course is tailor-made for each group.


"They are guaranteed to have a great time with the beach, water sports, great weather and of course, all the amazing sports here in the Algarve."

Andrew said: "The key is to have some amazing fun whilst at the same time broadening the youngsters opportunities and helping them to develop self esteem, confidence, their sense of contribution, respect and teamwork." "They are guaranteed to have a great time with the beach, water sports, great weather and of course, all the amazing sports here in the Algarve," he added. The youngsters will also have an in-house chef, physio and emotional performance psychologist. The children will learn about nutrition and will have the chance to cook for themselves under the guidance of Santana's nutritionist. They will also get the chance to explore Portuguese culture during the trip which will include outings around the Algarve – perhaps to Silves or Faro. Andrew said: "These kids will be on an emotional journey as well as a physical journey." The first course looks set to take place in September. The idea is to do between 10 and 12 courses during the first year with more year-onyear as the project gets bigger. Children will only be able to come on one course each but there are hopes that down the line that children who show extraordinary promise or potential will get some kind of bursary to help them with the education and developing their sport when they return to their home country. Andrew is using his extensive network of contacts to reach out to teams across Europe. As one example, he has been in touch with 1996/2000 Olympian, Diane Modahl who herself came from Moss Side, inner city Manchester. Andrew said that someone like Diane would have been a perfect Santana candidate. Someone who had perhaps been born in an inner city with less obvious financial advantages than others whose life was dramatically changed through sport.

He plans to have a commercial arm to his business which would offer luxury retreat holidays where guests will benefit from fantastic accommodation, unique training, tailored nutrition and well being advice. He also plans to approach European brands who share similar values in identifying and promoting potential in young people. He has just made a film with a well-known film director who is supporting the project and happens to live in the Algarve not too far from Andrew. The film, which is due to be sent out to sponsors in the next few weeks, focuses on a 9-year-old Portuguese boy whose life is monochrome as he yearns to be able to play the sport of his dreams. His world changes forever when he eventually gets the opportunity. Andrew’s ambition is that his courses will turn people’s dreams into reality and if possible change lives forever. He is dreaming big and we certainly hope it happens.

+INFO:    +351 919 770 537  +44 7887 832172

So, how does Andrew plan to fund this? Well at the moment it’s philanthropic. It’s a matter of using his savings but he has a couple of other ideas up his sleeve.




CALL FOR SEAHORSE SANCTUARY feeding in to the illegal market for Chinese medicines, according to PAN which also states that the occasional capture of illegal nets has proved to be ‘insufficient’ in the protection of species in what already is meant to be a highly protected area.

Portugal’s nature party wants to see a sanctuary created in the Ria Formosa to save the dwindling seahorse population. PAN - People-Animals-Nature - has presented outline legislation to classify seahorses as a protected species and to create a haven in the Ria Formosa lagoon area for their recovery. Seahorses are at risk of extinction in Portugal either by the degradation and pollution of their habitat or by the illegal capture for

According to biologist Jorge Palma, from the University of Algarve, the results of the census requested by the Oceano Azul Foundation revealed that the Ria Formosa was home to only about 100,000 seahorses in 2018, in contrast to the two million estimated in 2001, representing a decrease of 90% in the population. "Given this identified high risk, it is clear that the conservation of the species is compromised, thus this requires greater protection at the national level," states PAN.

The party proposes that seahorses be included in the list of "animal and plant species of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation", as well as the constitution of sanctuaries with restricted access in the Ria Formosa, thus allowing the local seahorse population to recover and thrive. PAN also intends that the government assess the ecological condition of the habitats of the Ria Formosa Natural Park and consider limiting economic and recreational activities to "reduce anthropogenic pressure" and reinforce regular monitoring actions in order to identify pollution, deter illegal fishing and punish offenders. Thanks to the Algarve Daily News for this story

CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ALGARVE Last month a conference was held by Safe Communities Portugal, Regional Tourism Algarve and the ANEPC CDOS Faro. The overall aim was to ensure that the Algarve remains one of the safest destinations in the world, reflecting the importance travellers attach to this in selecting a holiday destination. Most countries throughout the world face various challenges brought about by climate change and other factors. These can include rising temperatures resulting in rural fires and flooding resulting from heavy rain as well as other extreme weather conditions. In addition many countries are at risk of earthquakes and tsunamis. It is



important therefore to be aware of the measures in place to anticipate these conditions and understand the effects by assessing and mitigating the risks, in order to protect both residents and visitors in case of such catastrophes. President of Safe Communities Portugal, David Thomas, said: “Everyone in the tourism industry has a role to play in ensuring the safety of their clients; for instance by understanding weather patterns and how these influence tourists activities; knowing the threats caused by extreme weather conditions such as rural fire risks; how the emergency services respond in crisis situations and the part the tourism industry plays in communication and coordinating with the authorities”.

+INFO:  scalgarve

We offer a safe environment to buy and sell a wide range of products. Contact us for more information: î ” +351 289 832 380 | î Š


Get your kit off for charity


The craze of the so-called ‘naked calendar’ is coming to the Algarve and it’s promising to be “cheesily tasteful.” Stuart Richards has been uncovering the story. Ladies from their mid-30s to their 80s are daring to bare it all in a frisky fundraising effort. At least 50 Portugal posers will shed their inhibitions to raise money for the Algarve Oncology Association (AOA). The naughty notion was dreamt up by women from various social groups around the area. Dawn Annandale, who has lived in Loulé for three years, takes up the story. “Some of us meet for things like a monthly ladies’ lunch,” she says. The 52-year-old previously helped organise a naked calendar for a rugby club in her native Kent in the UK and adds: “I thought ‘Well, why not do something here’.”

"Obviously we’re not going to have 100 naked ladies on the beach at Quarteira".

Explaining why the AOA was chosen as the beneficiary, Dawn says: “The financial aid [for cancer patients in Portugal] is maybe not quite as easy to come by as it is in England, where Macmillan will give financial help to people who are struggling if they’ve lost wages and things like that. “We thought we could see if we could make a difference, because after all we benefit so much from living in the Algarve, it’s only right you give something back.” It’s also something very personal for Dawn, who has lived with breast cancer herself since being diagnosed in 2016. Now, with the naked calendar idea well up and running, it’s a case of getting all the right help in all the right places and having plenty of sponsors on board. Dawn says: “We have people who are not keen on actually being photographed for the calendar, but one lady is really happy to deal with distribution and sales. We’ve got a lady who’s a make-up artist, someone who’s a graphic designer, we’ve got some photographers among us, people who’ve been in advertising – lots and lots of skill sets.”



All this creativity and talent on tap means ideas for the calendar ‘scenes’ have been free-flowing – but you definitely won’t find yourself stumbling across a mass of naked women covering their modesty with rugby balls anywhere in the Algarve! “Obviously we’re not going to have 100 naked ladies on the beach at Quarteira,” Dawn jokes. “I don’t think I could persuade them to get their boobs out in the middle of Vilamoura or something like that. “There’s a lot of photoshopping going on. We’ve got beautiful backgrounds and things will be superimposed. We’re using the photography club from São Brás who are providing backdrops.” Planned scenes already include “some girls building a wall, who are basically starkers but with obviously very strategically placed concrete pegs, trowels and hard hats”, plus a golf scene with “ladies’ lovely hats and fans, golf clubs and balls, bags will be in the way… there’s a suggestion of a hint of curve and a bit of bum”. The AOA has given official confirmation of its backing for the fundraising frivolity. Dawn says the association has a mobile mammogram machine where women over the age of 50 are invited for screening. The naked calendar project is aimed at raising enough money to help the AOA towards funding the service from the age of 45 onwards. It’s intended the calendar will be marketed with stalls at various social clubs, supermarkets and other locations. “We’ll tell people to feel free to take one, but please make a donation of a minimum of five euros,” Dawn adds. Sponsors are still being sought for the calendar’s pages as are any photographers, or people who want to take part or contribute ideas in other ways. So let’s not give them a bum deal! If you can help, please get in touch.

+INFO: 



The craft beer revolution has now reached the Algarve. A project that initially started in 2016, The Algarve Rock Brewery opened for business in February 2018 producing a range of artisan beers.

with further expansion on the horizon the first year has been a good start for this young business. Locally the number of establishments serving Algarve Rock's range of beers is steadily increasing with regular new enquiries too.

A serial entrepreneur not content to grasp retirement, or the quality of beer available locally, Gary Hosmer along with his co-founder and son-in-law, Neil Conchie set about building a micro brewery in Faro. An enormous investment of time and money, the establishment they have built is the largest independent brewery on the Iberian peninsula. Capable of producing 90 thousand litres of beer each month, the entire production line including bottling takes place under one roof.

"We know that it is difficult to make a living in this market, my whole family moved here and we invested in Portugal with the goal to make craft beers that the Algarve and the country can be proud of ".

“One of the greatest challenges small brewers face is restrictions upon production growth due to space and equipment issues. We wanted to ensure that we didn't face this problem down the line so started with this in mind” explains Neil. The most important element when brewing beer is the water. After completing a prolonged series of tests across the region they found that the water in Olhão was the nearest match to water found along the River Trent where for centuries they have been brewing the finest of ales. “The water quality is really excellent, we just have to soften it very slightly, making it really good for beer. Also the quality is consistent and we can analyse the data from the source online.” Apart from good water, quality yeasts and barley from the Lowlands along with Kentish hops from the garden of England are used in their zero chemical beers. Finally staff including a master brewer were recruited, with fifty years of brewing experience between them the team began creating their first craft beers. Algarve Rock began showcasing their product at festivals in Lisbon followed by the Minho, Silves and Alameda Beer festivals where their unique products received positive feedback and the company were able to sign contracts with a distributor. Already exporting to the UK and Italy,



Offering six standard varieties of beer to satisfy various palettes, available in 33cl bottles or a 30 litre kegs being between 4% and 5% alcohol by volume they are, Rock Solid a red ale, Rock Steady a pale ale, Rock Session an Indian pale ale, Rock Stout and Rock Sharp, a Czech style pilsner lager plus the Piri-Piri Pilsner which has been well received by the Portuguese beer consumers. Experimenting with a number of combinations the guys are launching their latest line to the brand this month, described as an Erdinger Weiss style of beer, “you will have to try it” says Neil. This month you will also be able to try the wares as the Tap Room will be open to the public from 3pm every Friday at The Algarve Rock Brewery 2B, Vale da Venda Industrial Park, Faro. The venue is also available to book for private groups where you can experience tasting the artisan beers and other gastronomic experiences. Locally you can find the range served at The Cheeky Pup and Dano's in Quinta do Lago, The Beer District in Loule, 19th Hole Vilamoura, Maria's at Vale do Lobo and in Faro the tapas bars of Petisqueira 3 em pipa and Alameda Restaurant & Rooftop. If you prefer to drink at home Algarve Rock have an introductory offer exclusively for Tomorrow magazine readers. Delivered direct to your door or sent to someone as a gift, just add the promotion code TALGARVE19 to receive 15% discount on online orders.

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10/06/2017 11:45


Atlantic action


In winter, all along Portugal’s west coast, Atlantic storms carve out new cave and cliff formations. These spectacular land and seascapes are portrayed by Russian artist, Vladimir Klemazov. His contemporary images demand attention – rich in colour, forms and expression – he describes his painting styles as a mixture of Russian Romanticism and Realism. Awash with powerful seas, rugged rocks and towering cliffs that are best seen along the Algarve’s west coast from Cabo de St Vincent to Bordeira. At Carrapateira erosion has exposed multicoloured strata in the rocks and fossils from the Jurassic period, 160 million years ago. Views out to sea include huge stacks and the craggy island of Pedras da Gale. The westernmost point of mainland Europe is further north, 40 kms beyond Lisbon. Here where the cliffs reach a height of 144 meters they are constantly battered by waves and strong winds. It is the strength of this environment that Vladimir captures in his paintings. Born south of Moscow in the Ryazan region of Russia, he later attended Simferopol Art School. At that time it was in the Ukraine and Vladimir participated in exhibitions entitled ‘Young Artists of Crimea.’ His style was recognisably influenced by Ivan Shishkin, Russia’s most well-known realist painter of trees and forests, whereas Vladimir has found his personal inspiration from coastal landscapes.



Following Perestroika his career took on an international transformation with exhibitions and collectors of his art scattered across Europe, America and Asia. In Portugal his paintings are displayed at Galeria Côrte Real in Paderne. Signposted from Boliqueime, Ferreiras and Paderne Open: Thursday to Sunday - 11am until 5pm

+INFO:   +351 912 737 762


SAINTS DAYS Don’t forget June is the month for the Popular Saints days when parades take place in Quarteira. On the three saints days people take to the streets parading in costumes in a feast of colour, music and fun. The events always draw huge crowds of visitors who flock to watch the parades which feature wonderfully choreographed dances and songs. Keep an eye out for the dates which were yet to be confirmed when we went to print.

What's on in June MONOCHROME The streets of Carvoeiro will be closed on June 15th between 8pm and 3am for one of the biggest parties of the year. The Carvoeiro Black & White Night offers visitors live music and entertainment on every street corner, in the square and even in the amphitheater. There will also be fireworks at midnight off the cliff tops and DJs on the beach.

Entertainment will include music from The Bottles (back to the 60s); The Piano Man Band; Raquel Peters (fado) and much more. The dress code is of and white. Entry is free.

+INFO:  carvoeironoite

Calling all Harry Potter fans The sixth Meet Harry Potter event is taking place in Loulé Castle on June 15th between 10am and 7pm.

It's about putting Potterheads together in a completely magical day filled with your favourite world.

Are you ready for another day full of Magic and adventure at Loulé Castle?

Organisers say: “We want to provide the best realistic experience to all soul muggles of wizards and witches who dream of entering this universe for a day.”

The Meet Harry Potter event is organized by the Harry Potter Community of the Algarve. It is one of the ways in which this dedicated group of ‘Potterheads’ demonstrates their passion for the subject.



+INFO:  HarryPotterAlgarve 

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Outdoor cinema


The Algarve Social and Sports Club in Loulé is offering movie sessions every Saturday until October.

Festival Med is a annual event held in Loulé’s historic centre, where you can experience the best of Mediterranean culture. The event takes place between June 27th to June 30th at the Mercado Municipal de Loulé.

As the Summer gets warmer and the days longer the outdoor cinema offers a relaxed environment to watch a movie. Lie back on a deckchair and enjoy a cold drink with popcorn, ice cream or sweets or even one of the fantastic cocktails served here — all under the stars in a beautiful garden. The entertainment starts at 8.30pm but the film will start promptly at 9pm. The kitchens will be open from 6pm for full meals and drinks which will be served in the garden. Meals need to be pre-booked please and depending on numbers the meal could be a BBQ. Please enquire. To attend you must register for a free one-time membership to this Private Club and RSVP for each event.

+INFO:   

The Pepper Empire After the disaster at Alcácer Quibir in 1578, Portugal became a part of the Spanish Empire, and although Filipe I of Portugal (Felipe II of Spain) promised to safeguard Portuguese interests, the Spanish king lived in Spain and attended first to Spanish affairs. When Portugal was faced in eastern waters with competition from the Dutch and the English, they attempted to defend their Empire at first militarily, and then by creating their own East India Company, in line with their English and Dutch opponents. Why did that company fail, and why were the Portuguese unable to withstand the pressure of competition from the northern European rivals? In this talk, Peter Booker discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the Portuguese Empire in the east, and give reasons why their enemies from the north were able to overcome them. The talks will take place on Tuesday June 25th at 6pm (Lagoa Library) and Friday June 28th at 11am (Tavira Library).



The three-day festival will feature 75 hours of music from 50 concerts on nine stages in Loulé. Well-known names in 'world music' will be performing at the event. There will also be other forms of art, including handicraft exhibitions, dance performances and street theatre, poetry, cinema and children's activities. In addition, there will be a number of different restaurants in the festival ground, where you can sample some of the flavours of the countries taking part.

+INFO: 


Archaeology of memory at a Roman site

On Tuesday June 4th, the Algarve Archaeological Association (AAA) will present two lectures, in English, by Catarina Viegas and Rui de Almeida. The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Traje, São Bras, the second lecture at 6pm at the Convento de São José, Lagoa. Catarina Viegas and Rui de Almeida, from the University of Lisbon, will be presenting what is known about the site of Loulé Velho (adjacent to Praia do Trafal, Quarteira) in the framework of the Roman economy from the 1st to the 6th century AD. The LORIVAI Project, which began in July 2018, has as its main objective the study of the Roman site of Loulé Velho. In this presentation, Catarina Viegas and Rui de Almeida will focus on the available knowledge about the site and its investigation, teasing out an understanding of the role of Loulé Velho in the Roman economy. An important part of the project is the collaboration and participation of the local community. Non-members are welcome to attend AAA lectures for a €5 admission fee, with all money raised by the AAA being used for archaeological grants and speakers. Please check the website or facebook page for any last minute changes.

+INFO:    Algarve Archaeological Association


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Miguel Oliveira is currently the latest in a long line of top level Portuguese motorsport competitors. The 24-year-old from Almada is this year competing in MotoGP, the highest level of motorbike racing in the world. Riding for Red Bull KTM Tech3, 2019 is his first year competing at this top level. The fabulous Autódromo Internacional do Algarve (AIA) is one of his sponsors. Many of us hope to see him racing at the circuit should MotoGP come there in the future. Miguel is keen to ensure that other Portuguese talent follows him into the top level. In order to be successful in motorsport, it takes many years of hard work and focus. The younger you can start the better. For example, Lewis Hamilton, the current Formula 1 world champion, was winning in go-karts at the age of 10. To encourage young people, Miguel has founded the Oliveira Cup. This is a motorcycle racing school project, based on finding and nurturing new talent from 7 to 14-years-old. It is supported by the Miguel Oliveira Fan Club, and has eight events for this, its second season, in Portugal. The aim is to enable young talent to then move on to Portuguese national motorbike racing (National Velocity Championship) all with Miguel’s personal support. From there, hopefully, into international competition in World Superbikes and ultimately MotoGP. The Oliveira Cup consists of three classes of racing. Firstly the ‘Troféu-Escola Ohvale’ (Ohvale School Trophy). This first step on the ladder, is for young people between the ages of five and 12. All use the same motorcycle, an Ohvale 110cc Automatic. All must also be in possession of the correct protective gear (suit, gloves and helmet) as well as a Speed Sports License. Next is the ‘Troféu-Escola MiniGP’ (Motocycle GP School Trophy). This will further train and promote the future motorcycle champions. Using the same RAV MiniGP 220cc bikes, guarantees mechanical equality between riders. Participants in this category are aged between 10 and 14 years. Finally, is the ‘Troféu Naked’ (Naked Trophy). The Naked category is intended for participants over 14 years and with no age limit. Participants up to 25 years of age are included in the ‘Junior’ sub-category, above 25 years in the ‘Master’ and



in addition there is a Naked Pro category. Junior and Master categories use single-cylinder 220cc bikes with tubular chassis and adjustable suspensions giving the feel of a true racing bike. The second round of the 2019 season, was held at the Kartódromo, part of the AIA complex, at the end of April. Local interest centred on Portimâo based 11-year-old Miguel Santos, entered in the Ohvale trophy. Miguel is the son of former AIA communication and marketing director Miguel dos Santos. So, he is keeping the family tradition of having petrol in his blood! With some personal coaching from AIA events and racing school director Miguel Praia and AIA architect Ricardo Pina as technical support, the odds were stacked in his favour. Young Miguel finished an excellent 5th overall and now lies 7th overall in the championship. In the Naked Trophy Miguel Oliveira himself was entered together with our local ex World Supersports rider Miguel Praia. A good crowd of spectators and supporters watched the racing on a hot day blessed with the usual Algarve clear skies. I have seen motorsport at all levels from bottom level club racing to the very top levels of international competition. I can say without doubt that the young people racing that weekend had the same level of determination and focus I have seen at the very top. They were not playing; this was serious professional sport to them. This bodes very well for the future of motorsport and motorbike racing in Portugal. It is also testament to the level of dedication Miguel Oliveira puts into it himself. He spent the day talking to and encouraging the young riders. After every race he greeted and congratulated every one of them, no matter where they finished. What a fantastic example to the world of motorsport. To quote Miguel himself: “It's always good to get back to the Oliveira Cup. Every race there are pilots who surprise me more and more. This is fantastic.” For more information on Miguel Oliveira and the Oliveira Cup see:

+INFO:   Phil is a motorsport consultant and journalist who has now retired to the Algarve.

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Easy to install – includes a set of clip heads ensuring it fits virtually any vessel or engine that is already fitted with a kill switch.


CARTILAGE TEAR BY DAVID MURPHY What is torn cartilage in the knee? Medically speaking, the cartilage is actually known as the meniscus. The majority of the meniscus has no blood supply. For that reason, when damaged, the meniscus is unable to undergo the normal healing process that occurs in most of the rest of the body. Typically, when the meniscus is damaged, the torn piece begins to move in an abnormal fashion inside the joint. If history and physical findings indicate that a tear is present, arthroscopic surgery may be indicated for treatment. Cartilage injuries can also occur as a result of deep knee bends so avoid squats & lunges!! Should I have surgery? The latest studies about doing arthroscopic surgery on the knee state that unless there is locking of the knee or if you cannot fully bend the knee you should not have surgery. The reasons for this are once the meniscus has been removed a degenerative process will

start to take place that leads to the necessity of having a total knee replacement in time. Remember surgery is going to be taking something out of the knee that cannot be replaced and with its absence the pressure of the femoral condyle will erode the underlying cartilage causing arthritis to develop. Even a damaged meniscus has more coverage for this area than none. You need to be in a physical therapy program to strengthen the entire leg, especially the Quadriceps muscles at the front of the leg. What can I do myself? Avoid activities that require running and jumping for they will lead to further deterioration of the meniscus. The exercises that you will be given, are going to have to be done to maintain function and strengthen the knee joint in order to be functional without pain in the future.

Do activities such as walking, swimming, and biking for they are easier on the knees. Aqua running (running in deep water with a Buoyancy device to keep you from touching the ground) are very effective in treating this issue as well as any other joint issue that needs to avoid impact on hard ground. We can use Graston Technique here in our clinic in Mexilhoeira Grande to break down some of the loose meniscus that may be causing a lot of the pain and return you to physical or normal activity.

+INFO:  +351 928 022 494 


I’ve used Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) more than any other herb in my dispensary this month, and have come to rely on it as a trusty little ally for many an occasion. As the name suggests, Motherwort is a calming tonic that soothes the nerves of new mothers, eases the tension of PMS and the pain of menstruation. In traditional herbal medicine it is most used as a nourishing reproductive tonic for women who wish to conceive, regulate their cycles or become more ‘in tune’ with their hormones.

Another interesting use of Motherwort that I have recently started experimenting with is in the management of ‘white coat hypertension’ - an acute syndrome where elevated stress levels cause a temporary spike in blood pressure.

It’s calming effect on the nervous system means it is also used in many other situations where anxiety, tension or psychological stress plays a part.

Traditionally, the herb is a bitter digestive tonic, both stimulating and relaxing to the digestive organs. A member of the mint family, it can be grown in your garden or in pots very easily, and made into a simple infusion when needed using the leaves and flowers.

Its Latin name Leonurus cardiaca translates as the ‘Lion-Hearted One’, and its specific soothing action on the heart explains its effectiveness in slowing the fast pulse of hyperthyroidism, or regulating an irregular heart rhythm.

Poppy is a degree-qualified medical herbalist who offers holistic consultations and personalised treatment plans using plant-based medicine.

I use Motherwort a lot for lowering high blood pressure when specifically related to stress or



emotional trauma, and especially when associated with arrhythmia. It is an extremely safe herb that can be used in combination with other cardiac medications, and I’ve had great success with it every time.

+INFO:   +351 969 091 683

Yo u r S p e c a l i s t f o r H o t Tu b s i n t h e A l g a r v e


Cherry on the cake

What kind of job has you dealing with palatial decadence on one occasion and headless chickens another time? No, it’s not being a writer for satirical puppet show Spitting Image – this is the work of luxury wedding cake maker Louise Hayes. Louise is marking the first anniversary of her business making centrepiece cakes for people’s big days and she admits: “I never thought I would be as busy as I am. It’s amazing how many weddings actually occur in the Algarve, it’s like a conveyer belt.” She describes her work as an obsession. That’s why you might find Louise spending seven hours painting the gold detail on cake layers, or hanging a tiny working chandelier from the interior ceiling of one of her palace cakes. The artistry is fascinating. Take Louise’s six-tier paean to the Pálacio Estói, for example. The statue in the centre of this grand cake is based on the one in Pálacio Estói’s garden. “They’re the kind of cakes I love,” Louise affirms. “Totally over the top. Architecture works so well on cakes, it looks so good. They take a lot of work and a phenomenal amount of time, but it’s a labour of love.” So Louise is not afraid to, as she puts it, “push the boat out” with her cake creations. Her first attempt in this vein was recreating the Palace of Versailles for her mother’s wedding. “I couldn’t tell you how many hours it took,” says Louise, who lives in Boliqueime with her long-term partner and two children. “The curtains are made from fondant icing, rolled out and manipulated to hang. The chandelier is from a



doll’s house. I put a battery in it and then I just worked it into the interior of the cake, fed it down the back and hid the wires in the icing and then I was able to turn it on.” So does all this intricacy come with a high price tag? Well, yes and no. “The cake I made for my mother would probably be about €1,200,” Louise estimates. “Whenever I give prices of my cakes to people, I also tell them how much it works out per portion, which I think softens the blow. “A three-tier cake is €400, I’d say lots of people probably recoil [at the price], but then they’re feeding 70 people [around €5.70 per portion]. If you went into Starbucks or Costa Coffee and you bought a piece of cake I’m sure that would set you back a few euros, so when you think about how much it costs per portion it’s not actually that bad. It’s a piece of art. You’re paying for someone’s craftsmanship. It’s the same difference between going to Primark or Armani for a pair of trousers.” But what about those headless chickens? Louise sometimes does birthday cakes as well, including one particularly surreal creation for the father of a family. “They wanted it to have a little sailboat on top and five headless chickens [representing his children running around like them]. It had to have him standing there with a white doctor’s coat on, a headlamp and he was holding a plate of sausages.” If your taste is flapping poultry, or something a little grander, you can find out more at Louise's website. Thanks to Stuart Richards for this article.

+INFO:   ATasteofDecadence



There is a beautiful new salon that has recently opened in Almancil, so I decided to pop in one morning to get the low down on this trendy and contemporary place.. Lucia, the owner, is both front of house and stylist, and what strikes me from the onset is the warmth and hospitality that she exudes. She has an effervescent Irish charm which is infused with wit and intellect. This lady is passionate about her craft and that resonates. I see her meet a client and from the get-go I can see her utter focus and attention, rightly so, is with her client. I could imagine that Lucia would make every client feel special, relaxed and she seems to spend a great deal of time consulting each person to ensure she implicitly knows what the client wants. The salon is certainly cool and modern which has some serious touches of class from stunning chairs to one of the best additions I have ever seen in a salon, in the form of a children’s car which is ready for your little cherubs to sit in and have their haircut.

+INFO:  Av. 5 de Outubro 187A (1,721.63 km) 8135-102 Almancil  LuciaandCoHairExpert  +351 914 118 899

APP OF CULTURAL ROUTES The Portuguese Tourist Board, Tourismo de Portugal, has an app that offers a whole selection of cultural routes for holidaymakers travelling to the Algarve. The cultural and tourist routes of the Algarve guide the traveler through the region allowing visitors to understand the region’s identity, as well as the nature and the hospitality of the people. There are many routes to choose from and these include the Al-Mutamid, which crosses the Algarve from Aljezur to Vila Real de Santo António, celebrating the king poet and governor of Silves. Another journey takes the visitor from Lisbon to Seville, passing through the Alentejo and covers very diverse landscapes and the rich monumental heritage that can be appreciated all over the Algarve.


Imagine having an exercise programme in the Algarve which Nasa would approve of! Well, to find out more you just need to speak to Carolyn who has brought this exercise to the Algarve. Sometimes we see the words ‘fun’ and ‘exercise’ and think that it must be a contradiction in terms, akin to like the ‘pleasure and pain’ approach. However, I have heard from good authority that Boogie Bounce is exactly that - a fun way to exercise which doesn’t alienate people of any size, age or ability. I think it’s fair to say that this revelation has certainly caught on - the brand has so far been launched in 13 countries and to date in excess of 3,000 instructors have been trained.

+INFO:   boogiebounceportugal  +351 964 268 062



One route takes in the extraordinary landscape of Sagres where the European route of the Discoveries begins to evoke five centuries of history. The route also reveals the maritime tradition of the lands that were the birthplace of the discoverers: Sagres and Vila do Bispo and, on the other side of the Guadiana river, the Andalusian Seville, from where sea voyages set out to explore the planet. The Discoveries increased the Jewish communes of Lagos, Faro, Tavira and brought new ones to Alcoutim, Alvor, Loulé, Portimão, Silves and Castro Marim. If you want to find out more routes please go to or download the app: Roteiro Cultural do Algarve


THE NEED FOR TRUSTED, HOLISTIC FINANCIAL ADVICE JUST KEEPS GROWING Brexit has, thankfully, not dulled enthusiasm for Portugal among potential expats and the need for quality, timely advice has resulted in expansion for Blacktower's teams in Portugal. As one of the leading wealth management companies in Portugal, Blacktower is able to provide expats with the trusted financial solutions they need. The demand for Blacktower's services traditionally emanates from UK expat arrivals in the country and through referrals among the expat community. However, an increased influx of other nationalities such as French, South African, Scandinavian and American expats into Portugal means our multilingual, client-focused, industry-experienced consultants have been in high demand. Bespoke solutions backed by experience There is "no one size fits all" approach for successful wealth management and we aim to really get to know our clients and to communicate without the contradiction and obfuscation that is sometimes part of the financial services industry. We believe that our longevity and success as a financial services provider in Portugal is down to our transparency, integrity and high levels of client service. Combine this with our commitment to providing only locally-based, accomplished consultants with absolute loyalty to the Blacktower client-care ethos, and this is the reason why Blacktower's trusted status within the sector is growing. We are highly regulated in all jurisdictions we work in and hold relevant licences which enhance client protection. Our advisers are highly-qualified and immersed in the sector, which means we can offer skill-sets key to

helping clients achieve their objectives. The more business we see in Portugal, the greater our knowledge and expertise – it's a win-win situation for clients and our team members. Expansion has been key Over recent months, as a result of Brexit, Blacktower has been helping clients understand that they should have financial matters in place sooner rather than later and we are seeing more and more expats who want to make sure they are as prepared as possible in the current political climate. Whatever the outcome of Brexit, there will almost certainly be challenges ahead. As these challenges unfold, Blacktower in Portugal has put the infrastructure in place to ensure we can help our clients, manage their wealth and meet all the jurisdictional requirements. We have expanded our teams so that we are able to cover a wider area of Portugal across the Algarve and, from our Lisbon office, north to Oporto.

Manuela Robinson, Joint Country Manager Algarve: Having worked for some of the biggest Banks in the world, advising people and institutions on how they can make their money work efficiently for them, I know that each client is different and every recommendation must be “tailor-made”. Antonio Rosa, Joint Country Manager Lisbon: Blacktower is a company that contributes to and is part of the community it serves. Our clients do not want simply something to invest in but they want something to believe in. Our consultants all offer a commitment to unabated excellence in our chosen field – managing wealth for private clients. Blacktower Financial Management (International) Limited is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission. Licence No: 00805B. Blacktower Financial Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registry No: 3500648.

Photo © Federico Van Zeller



Hidden down one of the myriad of lanes that make up the fishing village of Olhão we were lucky enough to discover a delightful little restaurant called Chá Chá Chá. There are tables outside on the cobbly streets, some which are covered by a canvas for those that are after a little shade, as well as a beautifully decorated restaurant inside for those cooler evenings or hotter days. As soon as we sat down we were made to feel incredibly welcome by the front-of-house, Sonia who had a big smile and greeted us as if we were old friends.

forks which didn’t last long. Frankly we didn’t want to eat anywhere else. Over the next couple of days we had the most delicious food – always starting with the dip and then branching out (a little) to try the amazing butter bean, tomato and wild thyme starter; the prawn salad; fresh tuna mayonnaise. Everything we tried was mouth-watering. We met the friendly, enthusiastic owner Kevin Gould who used to be a travel and food writer for the Guardian. He has now settled in Olhão. On Tripadvisor Kevin says: “Local joint slightly off the beaten track, a few steps from Olhao’s wonderful markets, where we buy what’s freshest each morning. Fresh tapas/ petiscos, salads and a handful of fish and meat dishes every day. We’re not posh. We just buy the best and treat it with respect. This includes our wines, which are made for us by Jose Mota da Capitao. We’re not big, either, and we fight to keep our prices fair.”

The set menu, which is handwritten daily, offered a wonderful selection of food that reflected our location. The food could be categorised as Mediterranean, seafood, European with vegetarian choices too. We opted on the first day to have the delicious green olive and cumin dip with some bread to start with. The flavours were delicate and yet intense and from that point on we knew that we were in for a real treat. On the first day my husband opted for tuna steak which was light and perfectly cooked and I chose some local prawns which were large, succulent and perfectly cooked.

That seems to sum it up perfectly and if you don’t believe me, check what other people say on Tripadvisor – I don’t think anyone has a bad word to say. In fact, most people can’t seem to find enough good words to describe it!

The wine menu is small but we chose the house rose which was delightful. Light and dry - perfect for lunch.

It’s definitely worth an excursion if you are after a bit of a change and the most delicious food going.

All of the puddings are gluten free and on our first day we opted for a chocolate based raspberry cheesecake with two

If you would like to submit a restaurant review please email

+INFO:  Olhão



 chachacha.olhao

 +351 918 727 242




Pass it on Clutter. Sometimes it feels like we’re

accumulating more and more stuff and goodness knows where it comes from. Spring is a good time for a clear out but what to do with all the stuff we no longer need? Of course, buying less in the first place is a great start, but once you’ve got it and you no longer want it, there are a few good alternatives to sticking it straight in the bin.

Pass it on:

Children’s clothes, toys and bicycles are the classic examples of handme-downs. We were both clothed in corduroy dungarees that had been preloved by at least three older cousins before us. Adult clothes are also great to pass on to friends. Bored of wearing the same hoody or little black dress? Why not see if a friend has something they’d swap for it? If you don’t want to give something up for good you can always agree on a 3 or 6-month “lease”. Books of course last a lifetime and lots of cafes host a shelf for borrowing these days. There are also good few charity shops around that will be glad of your unwanted books, clothes, curtains, bedding and crockery. You could organise a bring-and-buy sale for a charity of your choice, or simply run a swap event with your friends. Have some fun, make some space in your house, and try not to fill it up again with other stuff!

Mend it: It’s frustrating that so many

electronic items are made from moulded plastic that render them unfixable. For everything else, repair is back on-trend and the internet is full of helpful how-to instructables and YouTube videos showing how to open and fix all manner of appliances. Repair cafes and reuse parties are becoming popular and repairing skills are in high demand. A surprising number of household electrical appliances can be fixed with a set of mini screwdrivers and a soldering iron. If you know your sprocket from your spanner and your fuse from your faucet, why not start a repair club yourself? It’s a great way to make friends and help avoid otherwise perfectly good items from being consigned to the bin.



Get creative:

Feeling creative? Why not explore upcycling? There are so many great ideas online. Old 12-inch records can be turned into placemats, cake towers or funky picture frames. Old clothes can be used to make stuffed toys, bunting or shoulder bags. We’ve seen chair covers fashioned from old jeans, and knitted rugs made from old t-shirts. Lamp shades can be made out of just about anything: a personal favourite was made from yellowing pages of an old book and cast a soft dappled light through the print. Broken mirrors and crockery can be used to make stunning mosaics to brighten up a plain flower pot or table top. Garden furniture can be spruced up, or refashioned from wooden pallets and crates. Old bedding can be cut up and used to wrap gifts, the possibilities are endless!

Leave it by the bins: When passing the

bins we’ll always have a quick check to see if anyone has left some treasure. We’ve found all manner of things, from casserole dishes to rugs, and even double glazed patio doors. Home owners preparing for summer lettings often leave perfectly good items there knowing that someone will appreciate discovering them.

Take it to the tip:

Locate your local waste management centre (tip) and see for yourself the number of categories they sort junk into. Alongside the standard paper/card, plastic/ metal and glass, waste management company Algar will take old mattresses, computers, kettles and coffee machines, televisions and broken furniture. If they can’t recycle it, at least you can be sure it will be disposed of safely and legally. Please join the conversation on facebook. In the next edition of Attainable Sustainable in the Tomorrow magazine, we’ll be in party mood and sharing tips and suggestions for throwing an eco party. This series is in support of WasteAid, the charity that shares recycling skills around the world. You can help stop ocean plastic pollution today by donating to WasteAid’s Widening the Net appeal. All donations received by July 31st from UK taxpayers will be doubled by UK government, up to £2 million.

+INFO:  Attainable Sustainable, Algarve 

Sport Surfaces and Synthetic Grass Solutions Campos Desportivos e Soluções de Relva Sintética

913 056 131 918 190 128



Grow your own! There are more than 400 different varieties of chilies, ranging from the world's (currently) hottest chili “Carolina Reaper”, to the gentle bell pepper. But try and get any apart from the ubiquitous green and red in your supermarket, or the “piri piri” in the farmers' markets – mission impossible! Growing your own is not only huge fun, but you will discover a whole new world of flavours. Most chili plants, whatever their size, can easily be grown in pots, and provided they get full sun, regular watering (let them dry out a little in between) a regular feed of potassium or diluted tomato feed, your chilies should thrive.

It was a few years ago in September, on my birthday, that my love affair with chilies began. My husband had treated me to a wonderful lunch in Odeceixe. As we sat outside the restaurant, watching our fish being grilled, I noticed this huge ´piri piri´ chili plant just outside the restaurant entrance. It measured a good 1.5 metres high and was covered in masses of shiny red chili fruits. A gardener was just tending to it, so I went over and told him that I had never seen such a fantastic specimen. He smiled proudly and carried on, lovingly snipping bits off here and there. Later, my husband happened to mention to the waiter that it was my birthday lunch. Within minutes, the gardener appeared at our table and, with a smiling ‘parabéns!’ handed me a bag containing five large chili cuttings, nestling in moist compost, and giving me strict advice how to plant them. The result after a year: To me, chilies are simply amazing – they are not only highly interesting ornamental plants which come in all colours, shapes and sizes – they are of course a fantastic spice: today, it is unimaginable to think of international cuisine without it! The origin of chilies has been traced to Mexico, where they were cultivated from about 3500 BC. They spread to the rest of the world initially thanks to Christopher Columbus, who took them from South America back to Spain, but it was the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama in 1498, who brought the chili (notably the ´Piri Piri´- or African Birds´Eye) to Portugal and the Cape Verde islands. But what have chilies ever done for us? Well, apart from being a visually stunning addition to any hot gardens or verandahs, as well as a must in any kitchen, chilies have fantastic health benefits. They contain seven times more Vitamin C than oranges; are powerful antioxidants; reduce cholesterol; detoxify our gastrointestinal systems; contain lycopene which helps prevent cancer disease; are antibiotic and help in relieving arthritic pains – to mention a few. And why do people get addicted to chili? Because it stimulates the brain to excrete endorphins and gives a sense of pleasure when ingested!



So, which to choose? For me, anything I plant and want to eat too, has to taste good, as well as be of interesting colour and shape. Chilies have it all! Cherry Bomb – little red mini ‘bombs’ indeed! Heavy crop, great flavour and great for stuffing (try herbed goats cheese); Trinity Habanero, starts lime green to bright red, producing masses of interestingly shaped delicious fruit which are perfect for lifting sauces; Bishop´s Crown, unique shape, bright red, sweet subdued flavour. One plant will produce between 3-4 kg of chilies during the season! Serve those little ‘mitres’ roasted and stuffed with feta, garlic and basil – fabulous! Aji Orange is a brilliant deep orange chili, long and pendulous. Make your own hot sauce, mixing it with lime, lemon, pineapple or mango; Peruvian Purple, a striking 70 cm plant with purple/green leaves, lilac/purple flowers, deep purple chilies, turning red as they mature; Padrón: my all-time favourite, first encountered in San Sebastian: divine fat little mild chilies fried in olive oil until slightly charred, sprinkled lightly with crunchy sea salt. The plant provides a perpetual crop in the summer, provided you keep picking; Lombardo - a ´Padrón` type but long and thin and so mild it can be sliced into salads. It is very high in Vitamin C and delicious pickled, serve with seafood and fried chouriço. Melt some 80% cocoa chocolate on to a baking tray, sprinkle with sea salt and finely chopped red chilli, cool, break into bite sizes – heaven! Companion planting But if chilies are not ‘your thing’ for eating, they are a gardener's delight! In flower (ranging from white to cream to lilac/purple) from early June, in our Algarvian climate they will produce their ornamental fruits from about August right into November. Consider companion planting – imagine Peruvian Purple next to the dazzling orange of a Crocosmia, against a backdrop of flame orange Miscanthus Purpurascens. Or Aji Orange with exotic and pungent purple Thai Basil (Ocimum basilicum) and late flowering deep orange Oriental Lilium maculatum? Cherry Bomb chilli looks fabulous grown amongst deep red Rhubarb Chard – the list is endless.

+INFO: 

Edifício Sol, Rua Cristóvão Pires Norte Almancil 8135-117 Algarve, Portugal +351 289 393 378


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