Tomorrow Vilamoura to Faro - March 2019

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4.000 FREE COPIES March 2019 | Edition 1 |  TomorrowAlgarve


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Europe's Best Golf Venue

Editor's note frantic work going on within restaurants, bars, hotels and businesses to ensure that their renovations / improvements are complete before the start of their new season. We look forward to working with businesses across the central Algarve to provide a showcase for what they do and what they offer.

 TomorrowAlgarve EDITOR Amber Henshaw

SALES Simon Moulson +351 963 807 162

DESIGN Creation Media


Welcome to the first edition of the central Tomorrow Algarve magazine, which I am delighted to be a part of. The rest of the team is made up of the editor Amber Henshaw and the graphic design team, Phil Harding and Rebeca Silva. The response from both businesses and residents alike has been fantastic and has filled me with much excitement and optimism. There seems to be great enthusiasm for a new monthly magazine that will cover the patch from Vilamoura to Faro offering an eclective selection of stories which focus on ‘the great, the good and the quirky’ of this place I call home. Already I have met with characters galore through the magazine, who are an integral part of the community. The community element of this magazine is an essential part of what we do, as you will know if you have seen our sister publication that covers Lagos to Aljezur. The magazine charity TACT has already raised thousands over the last few years for local good causes.

Thanks to David Sheldrake for the great cover photo taken at Loulé Carnival last year. Don't forget that carnival season is coming up - this year's Loulé Carnival takes place between March 3rd to 5th. 


It’s lovely to see, after a short period of hibernation for some tourist businesses, the

Networks – an excellent group of like-minded business individuals who meet once a month to listen to a range of hot topics over a glass of wine or beer and enjoy snacks from local restaurants and network. It’s a great concept and one that I am keen to get behind. You can read more about it in this edition and next month’s Networks meeting will feature me and the new magazine. Under the editorial leadership of our editor we will work with a team of journalists and writers to ensure we have got something interesting and exciting to offer to our readers month after month. We really do rely on being told what’s happening on the ground in the area that you live, so please contact Amber with any ideas for stories/recipes/reader’s letters, what’s on events - in fact, we are open to almost every suggestion. This month we are featuring a truly remarkable couple who have created their own oasis “Casa de Mondo” in the Algarve with their passion and charisma. Many thanks to all the businesses who have advertised in our very first edition. We appreciate their support enormously. We look forward to working with the advertisers, contributors and readers over the next few years. Best wishes, Simon, Amber and the whole Tomorrow team


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INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO EDUCATION Plans for an innovative new English school in the Algarve have just been made public. Tomorrow Magazine sent Sophie Sadler to interview headteacher Penelope Best to uncover all the details. I meet Penelope in the new Eupheus office in Carvoeiro, which is a happy blend of minimalist white interiors and colourful children's toys, which very much sums up the concept behind the Eupheus school, currently under construction near Loulé. The school will embody a new technological approach to 21st-century learning, whilst staying true to core old fashioned-values and the British curriculum. It is being marketed as a preparatory school for ages 3-11. Penelope tells me; "Eupheus means lifelong learner in Greek and also implies originality and something unique. The school’s USP is small class sizes, allowing an individual approach to learning for each child." An educational visionary, Penelope Best, will be head of school. She is a highly experienced primary head, well-known for her educational and philanthropic endeavours in the Algarve over the past 18 years. After 10 minutes in her company, I challenge any parent not to want their children to be in her care! Her enthusiasm and ideas are infectious and most importantly she makes school sound fun! Their press release announces that Eupheus will be an Apple School and I am still thinking this may mean they are focusing on ‘core’ values or



nutrition! I learn, however, that we are talking about technology giant Apple Inc. Penelope says: “We will be piloting the only Apple School in Portugal and will only have Apple products and be totally interactive. Every aspect of Apple will be incorporated into every element of the school from the classroom, communication and administration. Which doesn't mean to say the children will sit on ipads all day, but it will make the children prepared for the technology they will need to embrace in the future." Apple's website sums up the concept: "Apple Distinguished Schools are centres of leadership and educational excellence that demonstrate Apple's vision for learning with technology — and we believe they are some of the most innovative schools in the world." Penelope explains what this will mean for her school: "We are the first pilot school in the Algarve. Apple invests in the school and the school invests in them, teaching and learning on both sides. There will be interactive screens to help with age-appropriate demonstrations and research. It will be used where this would be advantageous and will be entirely dependent on the subject and totally will not take away from the importance I place on reading and writing. Rather it will enhance 21st-century learning by providing an engaging way for children to process information." For parents there will be posts created by teachers and the pupils, showing what the children have done throughout the day, allowing them to be part of their children's education. Apple says: "We've developed tools to make it easy for you to guide how your students use devices and apps in the classroom and to provide valuable insight into each student's progress. So you can focus on what's most important: teaching." Will this put parents off because they are coming to the Algarve to escape technology? Penelope thinks not:

COMMUNITY "parents want the best education possible for their children, at the highest level so that they can return to their home country at any time. We are going to have a selective entrance, small class sizes and be at the forefront of education. A concern of parents, when they come to the Algarve, is will their kids keep up? I can now truthfully say, Yes, they will." All prospective pupils will be interviewed and given diagnostic tests, the UK National Curriculum will be delivered by fully qualified and experienced teaching staff, personally recruited by Ms Best. "It is all about teachers and how the education is delivered," she says. They are also going to be following the concept of the forest school, "There will also be an emphasis on embracing the outdoor classroom and taking learning outside as much as possible and embracing ecological themes. Penelope shows me the plans of the new school situated to the south of Loulé located a short distance from junction 12 of the A22 motorway. It is a pleasant modern looking building with undulating curved walls, which she points out, by a twist of fate, mirrors the shape of their school mascot, the owl. All classrooms are purposebuilt, age specific and have very wide windows providing natural light and all open onto an outdoor learning area. The property was built for another function and then abandoned and as they are refurbishing the building, they have the potential to create the areas that will contribute to the forest school ethos. There is a good amount of outdoor space which will incorporate a playground and sporting areas.

makes things easier and the Loulé Camara have been very open and helpful and we have worked with the Ministry of Education." Her aim is for every child to have a fluency in Portuguese, they will assess each child and they will then learn accordingly. They will have a dedicated Portuguese teacher educator to help meet the aim throughout the school. English, mathematics, science, information communication technology, design technology, geography, history and art will be among the subjects taught. "We will make the British curriculum purposebuilt for our children. All sports will be offered within the time-table including gymnastics, games, football and dance. Assemblies will reward good work and celebrate school activities. School dinners will be multi-national and nutritious created by a hand picked chef specialising in children's nutrition." The sound of her Ancient Greek Days make me want to return to school again! "Everyone is involved in the day, designing their outfits, preparing Greek style food, inventing activities and learning through games." She will be building on the owl theme by making owl houses, inviting the children to design owls out of recycled materials and studying nature. "We also want to embrace world events and embrace the cultures of the different pupils and celebrate International events." 

Has she found getting the licences difficult? "No, because I am working with very experienced and knowledgeable people who know exactly what they are doing. Although it is a challenge, because of rules and regulations, we know that our school will be one of the few fully licensed private schools in the Algarve. The fact that we are creating a school from scratch also




One of the things that I most admire about Penelope is her desire to embrace the community into the school not act as an island in the middle. "I want to embrace our surrounding and our people. We have already built a strong link with Loulé Câmara. We can step onto a beach in minutes so I want us to embrace our surroundings. We are already linked with the local orphanage to exchange ideas, bringing the local children to us and us to the local children. You have to infiltrate the local community and learning Portuguese is something we have to focus on and activities within the community. I am all about learning to speak first, building confidence and then everything follows."

So who is funding the project? "It is funded by likeminded investors that I know, who have experience in education and who I have trust in and have educational experience. They have put their trust in me to bring this to fruition." So how much does all this cost? Unusually the school fees will stay the same whatever the age of the child, Penelope says; "The younger ones actually need the same specialised teachers so it has never made sense for me that older children pay more." The fees will be €9,990 per year and that will include all insurances and school trips. The only extras will be the colourful burgundy and tartan school uniform and extracurricular activities, which will be tailor made to suit the children's individual needs, although Penelope is keen to offer Royal School of Music lessons and exams. Parents will have the option to pick up the children at 3:30 if they are not doing activities and homework is focused on reading and research on topics and discovering information. Penelope is not a fan of hours of textbooks once they get home; "I want my kids to come in and say look, Miss Best, what I found out about Van Gogh, not having spent time working through exercise books. That is our job." She is also open to any new approaches that come along and has a very international stance as she recognises the target market is no longer predominantly British, but must incorporate children from all different countries











who, though they recognise the benefits of an English education, may speak two or three different languages. What does she think education should be? "Enjoyable, everyone working together including parents, teacher, family, admin staff and the community to create lifelong learners. I feel there is a need to create a community which works together for the benefit of our children." So if you are thinking of signing your children up, Penelope is currently meeting families, either at her office in Carvoeiro, on-site in Loulé or home visits. She is already seeing a fantastic level of interest and anticipates having almost full classes when the first school bell chimes in September. Penelope has an Albert Einstein quote hanging on her office wall: "Play is the highest form of research;" and this seems to summarise nicely this vivacious and dedicated educator's approach. I am just sad about one thing; that Miss Best never taught me!

+INFO:   289 308 226 


JOINING FORCES TO TURN THE WHEEL The sun-kissed marina at Vilamoura and the (sometimes) rainy back streets of Belfast in Northern Ireland are not your typical European bedfellows – but they can work together in peace and bar-mony, as Stuart Richards explains… Backyard tiles trodden on, swept over and washed clean by mothers, fathers and children in Belfast. With the passage of time and redevelopment, the tiles are removed… but where to? The answer lies 3,000km away on the southern coast of Portugal, where the journey for these ‘Belfast yard tiles’ is just part of the process for creating an “authentic Irish bar”.

a bar feel authentic, you have to bring out the actual materials" Ciaran says.

The Brewery Bar was opened at Vilamoura Marina in August 2014, the site having been bought and then developed by a group of former waiters – Viriato Teixeira and his business partners Manuel Valente, Avelino Ribeiro, Rui Diogo and and Antonio Sousa.Viriato had known of Ciaran Leeson, from Belfast-based interior architects Intec Design, who had previously worked on two other Irish bars in Vilamoura, The Punter and The 19th Hole.

Ciaran and his team’s designs were handed over for construction to Brian Laverty, managing director at Derry-based bar fit-out company Refit-ni. “The bar is made in Derry and then it’s taken apart and brought over,” Ciaran says.

They began working together and Ciaran recalls: “When I started thinking of what the design might entail, I wanted something that would attract the eye from the far side of the marina, something that moved and then lit up at night. That was when I decided to put in a water wheel.” The large wooden water wheel outside the front of the bar is indeed eye-catching – and it’s another important aspect of bringing that authentic and traditional Irish feel across thousands of kilometres of land and sea.

Traditional Irish bars on the continent are built from scratch on Irish shores – or at least parts of them are – before being dismantled and sent to their new home.

“That way, you know it fits [the actual bar site] as well. You mark it all out on the floor in a big warehouse in Ireland, exactly the space you’re dealing with, and then you know it’s all going to fit. You don’t want to have to start cutting it up when you get there.” The fitting-out work in Vilamoura took around six weeks. The Brewery has been extended three times since. For Viriato and his co-owners, the bar is part of their portfolio of food and drink properties, also including Mayflower, My Thai and Rocha Baixinha. The five friends used to work together as waiters at the Mayflower restaurant, before joining together to buy it out as their own business just over 20 years ago.

Ciaran says: “It’s what you may have seen in Ireland many years ago in a brewery. The wheel drives an internal wheel that crushes down the barley and the wheat.” Bespoke-made beer barrels dotted around the bar continue the Irish brewery theme. And what about those yard tiles? They are of course the light cream-coloured flooring you now see inside The Brewery. They’re salvaged tiles, it’s an old tile that used to be in backyards in Belfast, in small houses in the west of the city,”

Viriato recalls The Brewery’s location being “a very old and run down restaurant” when they bought the site. They had planned for it to become a Mexican restaurant before Ciaran’s proposal ultimately led to a bit of Belfast arriving in the Algarve.

“They’re very thick and unusual, you wouldn’t get them in Portugal. You can’t get the colours of paint that you would get in Ireland. To make

+INFO:  thebreweryvilamoura  +351 289 308 226



So if you ever find yourself sitting in The Brewery, perhaps enjoying a cold pint of Guinness, you know you really are in a proper Irish bar.


What have been doing over the last few years? I have travelled the globe performing since the early 90s, and can't imagine life without it. I found fame touring with Boney M and now I perform in shows across the world and sometimes, closer to home in the Algarve. I will be performing at Boavista Golf and Spa in Lagos this summer season. Have you ever suffered from stage fright? Even now, before any gig, the nerves kick-in, and I have to prepare myself mentally to get into the zone, with the will to perform to the best of my ability. I try to convey my passion in abundance and create a stage presence.

TEN-MINUTES WITH... Singer Althea Browne who used to be part of Boney M. Please tell us about your background? I was born in Hackney to Antiguan parents, and began singing at the tender age of eight at my local church in the 30-strong choir. My musical influences were a generation of artists, Aretha Franklin, Shirley Bassey, Tina Turner and Eleanora Fagan, better known as Billie Holiday, to name a few. What draws you to those particular artists? I like strong female artists. Some would say I am strong-minded! One observer said of Althea: “She is an absolute performer, who completely owns the stage.” You will understand implicitly when you meet, and watch Althea perform, why her choices are so apt. Her favourite songwriter/ artist of all, who she simply adores, the incomparable Stevie Wonder. Have you ever done any other jobs apart from singing? I have a BA Hons in Event Management, and held jobs in the UK with local government organisations, many charity events, and probably one of my finest hours was my involvement with IpArt, the largest free music festival in the southeast of England.



Where are the most special place you have performed? ”It was at the Olympiastadion in Garmisch Partenkirschen, Bavaria, where Hitler held the 1936 Winter Olympics, during a motorcycling World Championship event. This was the first time that I was on stage as a solo artist with my dancers, performing in front an audience of more than 20,000 people. Whilst living in Munich, and on a break from touring with Jennifer Rush, who was the first singer to have a hit with 'The Power of Love' I met Madeleine Davis, one of the singers from Boney M. We hit it off really well, and obviously as performers mixing in similar circles, we met often on the musical circuit. Due to band member Marcia falling ill, there was an opportunity for me to join Boney M on tour through South East Asia. Needless to say this opportunity was incredible, I recall frantically organising all the relevant paperwork and necessary immunization jabs, within a very short period of time, 3-4 days in fact. I had the time of my life, and upon our return to Germany I performed a few more gigs with “Boney M”. When did you move to Portugal? A few years ago I came to the Algarve to join my partner, and enjoy the Algarvean lifestyle. I saw this move as a new challenge professionally, and haven’t looked back, although I do still pop off to other locations for shows. What do you to unwind? My relaxation time is spent exploring the Algarve and Portugal, long walks, exercise, eating well, travelling, listening to music and reading. Catch up with Althea, and follow her through her Facebook page and website.

+INFO:  Althea - Singer, Algarve 

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ARE YOU AN ALGARVE ADDICT? Over the next few months we will be introducing you to some of the people that Nick has interviewed including a couple who set up an odd sock company, Portugal’s top Stand Up Paddler from Albufeira and a whole lot of other interesting and eclectic characters.

I planned to stay for six months and return to South Africa. I loved it so much here in the Algarve I decided to stay.

Over the next few months we will be introducing you to some of the people that Nick has interviewed including a couple who set up an odd sock company, Portugal’s top Stand Up Paddler from Albufeira and a whole lot of interesting characters. Our editor, Amber Henshaw, turned the tables on Nick to find out more about the idea. Please give us a bit of background about yourself. I was born in one of the world’s most naturally beautiful cities: Cape Town, South Africa and enjoyed an upbringing, like most South Africans, where the great outdoors played a major role. Surfing, windsurfing, hiking, river rafting and obligatory sport at school kept me



active. However, it was never enough so I took a part time job as a professional river guide after a session on the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe where we descended some of the most extreme rapids in the world. It still wasn’t enough so I went to go and work full time in the bush at one of South Africa’s premier game lodges, Singita game reserve near the Kruger National Park. Please tell us about your professional background. My professional background is in business (I studied at the University of Cape Town) and Information Technology and after moving to Portugal in 2000, I focused on digital marketing and have been working in the sector ever since.


How, why and when did you move to the Algarve? It was the year 2000 and my cousin owned a restaurant near Carvoeiro (called Restaurant Roma) and he kept bugging me to come over and run it for him. I kept telling him he was insane and that I had a thriving career in Cape Town. One day, after I had just moved into a new high pressure job I was chatting to one of the women in human resources who was Portuguese. She kept telling me how wonderful Portugal was so I thought what the hell, I love adventure, let’s go. I planned to stay for six months and return to South Africa but I loved it so much here in the Algarve that I opened my own business in digital marketing and stayed. Please tell us about Algarve Addicts? Algarve Addicts is a culmination of all my skills in podcasting, vlogging (a raw style of video diary for those of you unfamiliar with the term) and blogging. Through Algarve Addicts I have a real desire to help visitors to the Algarve to get way more out of there holiday than they normally would. The focus is on outdoor activities in the region as we really need to get the most out of our natural places before we can’t any more. Think hiking, biking and paddling for a start. Additionally I want to help people who are planning to make Portugal their home through the publishing of helpful information.

+INFO: 

CAMPAIGN TO RETURN FARO'S LOOTED BOOKS BY LEN PORT Renewed efforts are being made to recover the unique collection of books plundered from Faro by a British military force more than 400 years ago and kept ever since at the University of Oxford.

ordering system and take photographs for their own research purposes”, she says. “If anyone wants to come and see any of our books there’s a simple same day process to obtain a readers card”.

The Faro 1540 Association is at the heart of a request for the return of what it regards as an historical, cultural and symbolic treasure. The association is devoted to the defence and promotion of Faro’s environmental and cultural heritage. The collection it wants returned is believed to consist of 91 volumes. It was stolen from the library of the Bishop of Faro in 1596 when a military force, led by Robert Devereaux, the 2nd Earl of Essex, came ashore from a passing fleet and set the city ablaze.

The president of the Faro 1540 Association, Paulo Oliveira Botelho, an archaeologist and historian, says that in order to promote dialogue about the return of the books, the association has been in contact not only with the University of Oxford, but also with the British Embassy in Lisbon, the Portuguese Secretary of State for Culture, the Regional Delegation of Culture, deputies representing the Algarve in the Portuguese parliament, the bishop of the Algarve and the president of the Faro Municipality.

The atrocity took place during the AngloSpanish War while Portugal was annexed and under Spanish rule. The books were taken from the library of Fernando Martins Mascarenhas, a highly-acclaimed Portuguese scholar and theologian, who resigned as Bishop of Faro to take up the post of Inquisitor General of Portugal. Back in England, Devereux presented the books to his friend Sir Thomas Bodley, founder of Oxford University’s Bodleian Library. Faro books have remained in the Bodleian since its inauguration in 1602. At its general assembly in December 2013, the Faro 1540 Association unanimously approved a motion requesting the return of the books. The University of Oxford has shown no intention of giving up the collection. But it is now clear that the books are in good condition, securely stored and are catalogued online. This has been confirmed to us by Sarah Wheale, head of the Bodleian’s Rare Books Department of Special Collections. “Readers can order any of the books themselves via our online

The committee of Faro 1540 has decided that this year, in which the association celebrates its 10th anniversary, it will “reraise the flag to undertake all possible efforts to recover this important cultural heritage and make this dream a reality”. Botelho added: “We intend to appeal to the highest authorities of the British government, with the support of the important British community who reside in the Algarve and elsewhere in Portugal, in the name of the Treaty of Windsor, one of the oldest alliances in the world signed in May 1386, which has united us for 633 years”. “It’s time to heal the open wound in our relations and to take a further step in the strengthening of Luso-British relations.” For more on this story please go to Algarve Daily News (




they decided to upsticks and move to Portugal in the summer of 2018. They were sick of city living and wanted a slower pace.

Starting afresh Lots of people up sticks and move to the Algarve with exciting results. Harriett and Mondo Pena fall into the category. They have overcome challenges and heartache to set up an oasis of calm in the hills of Boliquieme. Casa de Mondo is a bed and breakfast with a difference. Simon Moulson wanted to find out more. Lots of people up sticks and move to the Algarve with exciting results. Harriett and Mondo Pena fall into that category.

Mondo woke from a coma after being involved in a serious motorcycle accident and had an epiphany

Their lives have been eventful in so many ways. American-born plumber Mondo woke from a coma after being involved in a serious motorcycle accident and had an epiphany if you like and started to sculpt from his plumbing materials; with no previous experience of sculpting at all. Harriett was born and raised in London and at the age of 18 went to a Kibbutz in Israel for a year. After a period of several months, she was joined by her parents. It was an amazing time for Harriett and her family until tragedy struck and her father died while he was swimming in the sea. Harriett was just 18 at the time. There are moments in people’s lives, which shape the way you are or become and this defining moment was pivotal in Harriett’s life. This terrible adversity has created a beautiful soul whose voice resonates with utter belief and passion. A twist of fate brought them together when a few years later when Harriett was working in publishing in San Francisco where Mondo comes from and they bumped into each other in a bar. After a stint in San Francisco and then London



After many holidays in the Algarve in the 1980's in quaint fishing villages like Armação de Pêra the couple and their two children dreamt of setting up their own little slice of Portugal in Portugal. Their dream is now reality but their journey took time - three years from first thought to actually moving which meant they were able to spend a long time planning what they wanted to create; and what they created is a true haven. If you need time to take stock, Casa de Mondo is the place to go for. It’s a retreat that has a cookery school, B and B and a spa. It’s a place to recharge your batteries without a mobile phone within sight. The cookery courses are something else. They are hosted by their fantastic chef who trained under Rick Stein in Cornwall. There are also writing courses, art courses, yoga courses, cake decorating and the list goes on. It reminds me of watching ‘Charlie and the chocolate factory’ as a child for the first time and being amazed by the sense of wonderment and excitement in equal measure; the magic that keeps giving and enriching. It’s hard to sum up the feeling that I get from spending time at this beautiful house. I love the gardens and the incredible sculptures designed and created by Mondo. It’s a bit like being in a living art gallery in a friend’s stunning home surrounded by amazing and interesting people. You cannot buy true hospitality, it’s instilled in you, through the way you simply are, it’s in your DNA. Harriett and Mondo reminded me that we all need an oasis in our lives or alternatively you can go to theirs - it’s simply lovely. Harriett has a saying which resonates completely and quite simply: “Celebrate everything until further notice!”


What's on in March


Smugglers festival

The Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV) is a private charitable organisation,which supports victims of crime, in a personal, sensitive and professional way, through the provision of free and confidential services.

This year’s Festival do Contrabando takes place in Alcoutim from March 29th to 31st. The event focuses on a cultural and historical legacy that is collectively remembered throughout the region and the area, and which is part of the local heritage - smuggling in the late 30's and early 40's. This was a significant era along the Spanish Luso-Spanish border, due to the not so distant Spanish Civil War and the start of the Second World War.

Almancil International Rotary Club invites you to celebrate International Women’s Day in aid of APAV at the Conrad Hotel on March 16th at 12 noon.

To book your place please call or email. Tickets cost €40 per person.

+INFO:  +351 915 399 727 



The festival is an event that re-creates a rural market of the era, combining all the activities of contraband, guards, and ancient crafts, with a street art festival and historical recreations that focus on themes like rurality, desertification, aging

The theme for this year’s Carnaval de Loulé, one of the oldest and most popular carnivals in Portugal, is Selfie Circus. This massive street party which will take place between March 3rd and 5th has been held each year for over 100 years and attracts thousands of people to Loulé. The streets are alive with spectators and people taking part on floats and as dancers, musicians and performers. There are giant costumed characters, including humorous interpretations of national and

customs and traditions of the region and beyond linked to smuggling. One of the great attractions of this event is the Floating Bridge over the Guadiana River that allows local communities to see a longstanding dream fulfilled; allowing pedestrians to cross between the two banks of the river, during the three days of the event. The festival is from 2pm to 2am on March 29th and between 10am and 2am on March 30th and 31st. Free Entry (Floating Bridge Crossing €1)

+INFO:  festivaldocontrabando 

international political figures, celebrities and sports stars. Ahead of the main event there is a day dedicated to children on Friday March 1st, It’s a full day of fun for children with costumes and face painting. The parades and festivities take place over three days - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and there's a Grand Ball on the Monday night. There's always a great atmosphere at this event - not to be missed! Entrance: €2.00


FOCUS ON FOOD IN FARO This month the Algarve is hosting its very own Gastronomy Congress. It's a three-day exploration of trendsetting cuisines, culinary innovation, and debates on food, sustainability and the future of gastronomy in the region. All brought to life by Michelin starred and renowned chefs, mixologists and sommeliers. "The idea was to bring together what is done best in the region and create a space where we can debate real issues and share ideas." says Maria Nobre de Carvalho, organiser of the event. The programme will be released over the next month but there will be something for everyone. Maria said: "We have 12 incredible names in the cooking scene already confirmed for the cooking presentations (most of them with Michelin Stars), we will have cook-offs, debates and a lot of tastings". The full ticket will grant access to the opening party (a cocktail party with DJ, wine and beer tastings and tapas) and the closing dinner (a four-course meal set in the spectacular Pateo of the venue, an old convent in Faro).

Tickets range anywhere from €100 to €175 for full access and are for sale online, through the EventBrite platform. There will be something on offer for everyone in the food and drink industry, irrespective of whether you work for a brand restaurant, bar, retailer, supplier, manufacturer or hotel. So, whether you're a chef, developer, manager or director (or even if you just love food!) – come eat, drink, watch, photograph and network in an incredible forum.

When: March 15th, 16th and 17th 2019 Where: EHTA, Largo de São Francisco, Faro

+INFO: 



This year’s Algarve Trade Experience takes place on March 1st and 2nd at the Municipal Museum of Faro, It is organized by Garrafeira Soares, who says it is "the largest beverage event dedicated to trade in Portugal".

This month Professor Len Newton will be giving a talk to the Algarve Succulent Appreciation Society called ‘A succulentist at large in Africa’ followed by a talk by Dr Keith Bensusan on ‘The plant collection of the late John Lavranos. The event will take place on March 26th at 10am at the library in Albufeira.

This is the seventh time the event has been held and it looks like it will be bigger and better than ever. More than 3000 people are expected over the two days. This year’s theme is ‘the oceans and their preservation’. There will be a range of workshops and lectures with guests and specialists from other across Europe.

+INFO: 

Len Newton has been interested in succulents since he was a child and followed up on his school boy hobby by reading botany at university and eventually gained a PhD on biosystematics of some tropical aloes. After teaching in England for several years, he went to Kumasi University in Ghana on a two-year contract as lecturer in botany, and left 18 years later as a Professor.

History Museum, in London, but after one year went to Kenya, as a Professor at Kenyatta University and was appointed as Emeritus Professor on his retirement. Keith Bensusan is the Director of the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens. The late John Lavranos, who was a world authority on Aloes, donated his important succulent collection to La Alameda gardens and Keith will give us a short talk about both the plants and the gardens.

He then took up a fellowship in the Botany Department of the Natural





MotoGP is the premier global class of motorcycle racing using purpose-built racing machines unavailable to the general public. MotoGP has a massive worldwide fan base with famous names such as Valentino Rossi, Marc Marquez and Jorge Lorenzo competing. Live TV coverage of the 2019 races being shown all over the globe. The last race held in Portugal took place in 2012 at Estoril near Lisbon. Hopes are now high for a return of this top class of racing to Portugal but this time at the fabulous Autódromo do Algarve. Our local circuit has a reputation as a challenging circuit for motorbikes and is a big favourite with riders worldwide. Where better to have a MotoGP race! Since opening in 2008, the Autódromo has regularly held races for the World Superbikes Championship. This uses modified versions of road-going motorcycles. The last race in September 2018 was attended by a record 50,125 spectators. World Superbikes and MotoGP are both now organised by Spanish based Dorna Sports. Following last September's World Superbike race, the Autódromo received glowing praise from Dorna for its organisation of the races. This puts it in a great state of preparation for holding a MotoGP race in the near future. As it attracts a worldwide TV audience, MotoGP is in much demand for races across the globe. The team at the Autódromo are under no delusions to the size of the task in front of them. As with all motorsport, finance is a key element, but progress is being made. Portuguese



media have reported that €1.5 million is being sort with the backing of Portimão council. Local mayor, Isabel Gomez, confirms: “The event would guarantee a financial return for Portimão and the Algarve”. Adding to the drive to get a race back to Portugal is the presence in the championship this year of Portuguese rider Miguel Oliveira. Miguel has raced in the supporting Moto 3 and Moto 2 championships in previous years. He was runner up in the 2018 Moto 2 championship. He now steps up to full MotoGP, riding for the Red Bull KTM Tech3 team. Organisers Dorna have said they would like a MotoGP round in all the rider’s countries. Fingers crossed for the Autódromo! Phil Egginton is a motorsport consultant and journalist who has now retired to the Algarve.

+INFO:  /


YOU’LL NEVER WALK ALONE Walking football has become a real hit in the Algarve with one of the most prominent teams, Browns in Vilamoura now running two meetings a week and two international tournaments. Vaughan Willmore reports

There are many active Walking Football teams throughout the Algarve who work together exceptionally well to create a vibrant environment for the sport to grow and prosper. One of the most high-profile teams is Browns, who play out of the Browns Sports & Leisure Club in Vilamoura, every Tuesday and Thursday morning between 9.30 am to 11.00 am. It costs just 5 euros per session to play, and offers a friendly and supportive environment, with everyone made welcome. Browns also host two international tournaments. The Browns Walking Football Festival takes place the May 2nd to 5th. Sixteen teams competed in the 2018 tournament and the closing date for applications for this year’s is March 4th. If you’d prefer to go along as a spectator to find out more about walking football and perhaps cheer on a local team, you’ll be made very welcome.

Walking football is one of the fastest growing sports in Europe with an incredible 40,000 participants per week in the UK alone. Likewise, here in the Algarve its popularity continues to grow with the region hosting several high-profile teams and major international tournaments. ​On the face of it walking football is exactly what it sounds, a game of football where players walk instead of run, but there is far more to it than football alone, with a real emphasis on having fun, making new friends and keeping (and getting!) fit. Walking football was introduced in 2011 by the Chesterfield FC Community Trust in the UK in the belief it would encourage more people aged over 50 years to exercise and adopt a healthier lifestyle. The sport came to wider public attention in July 2014, when Barclays Bank aired a television advertisement featuring walking football to promote their services. Coverage of a game on Sky Sports News and a documentary on Sky Sports Football in October 2017, served as a catalyst for further interest in the sport. While based on association football, the main difference is that if a player runs (and it’s sometimes difficult to resist not running!) they concede a free kick. This restriction, together with a focus on minimal contact, is all aimed at avoiding injuries and enabling people over 50 years of age to participate. The health benefits of walking football are considerable, such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and improving blood pressure. Research into people who have played football for many years found they achieved a sense of reward and satisfaction from playing, and lower levels of stress.



The Algarve Walking Football Cup is from October 3rd to 6th 2019. João Varela, Team & Events Manager at Browns said: “Last year we had 32 participating teams and around 300 players competing with representatives from England, Scotland, Ireland, Netherlands, and Portugal. We are really looking forward to our 2019 tournament, which, besides the nationalities that usually register, we also have already a team from Canada, such is the level of interest in Walking Football and our tournament”. Prior to these two tournaments, on April 1st and 2nd, the inaugural EuroCopa Walking Football Tournament takes places at the Estadio da Nora in Albufeira. Born out of the Albufeira Walking Football Cup and organised by Gary Thomas of Algarve Football Tours, it will feature representatives from the mighty Benfica FC and premiership football teams in England and elsewhere. It will also include separate competitions for those over 60 years age, thereby providing even more opportunity for the older player to get involved. More information on the weekly sessions and the two tournaments is available by contacting the contacts listed. Walking football is a fantastic opportunity to achieve a happier and healthier lifestyle, and to feel energised by doing more of what you love. Many participants never thought they would play football again, and are relishing a second chance to play and make new friends!

+INFO:  +351 289 322 740   (EuroCopa Walking Football Tournament)

HEALTH & BEAUTY Most worries are based on future events which do not actually occur. The process of having such thoughts can create anxiety. Worries are fears which can cause us to get in a physiologically stuck position. We can at times become paralysed by fear and scared to take action.


There are times during our lives when we will all have concerns, this is a completely normal human response. It is when worrying becomes a preoccupation and creates negative thought patterns it is time for change. Listen to your internal dialogue, can you identify a pattern of negative thinking? If so are these thoughts realistic? It is as easy to have a positive thought as it is to have a negative one, this is a fact. It can be helpful to reality check the issues which are causing you emotional disturbance. Start by writing a list of your worries, carefully examine each item on the list, then write down why this particular worry may not occur. If the situation does arise, how will you deal with it? This will help you develop coping strategies and lead to solution focused thinking. Prior to my training in Counselling and Bereavement Therapy, I was an expert

KEEP HYDRATED BY DAVID MURPHY Hydration and its importance I am seeing more and more injuries at my clinic in Mexilhoeira Grande as a direct result of dehydration. These are not all sports people. Hydration is one of the most important factors in health today and has a huge effect on performance for all activities from walking with the dogs to taking part in all types of sports. Dehydration is thought to cause around 60% of muscle injuries found in people and athletes alike. Water replenishment is the most important factor during and after any activity and exercise. On a normal day in the Algarve, you will perspire a lot and lose water naturally however once your temperature rises, your body will always sacrifice muscle function, for temperature regulation. This is done in order to bring you back to normal body temperature, hence much needed water is taken from your muscles resulting in increase of injury and cramp. What are the daily intake recommendations? No two people are the same but standard



recommendations are to drink a minimum of 1 to 1.5 litres a day and more on training/high activity days! You should drink this throughout the day to allow the kidneys etc to metabolise it correctly. If you drink it all in one go, the body knows it’s over loaded and will just reject it, resulting in you losing it all through perspiration or continuously going to the toilet. What’s the disadvantage of dehydration? Common issues are: reduced endurance and energy levels, fatigue, poor stamina, reduced maximum recovery between workouts/activities and it's the main cause of muscle cramps and joint pain. Remember thirst lags behind need!!!

+INFO:  Largo Dâmaso Physical Therapy Clinic 7 Largo Dâmaso Rocha, Mexilhoeira Grande 8500-132  +351 928 022 494 

at worrying. This caused me great distress and anxiety. It was compulsory for all prospective students to have Talking Therapy, this was to prove life changing for me, it enabled me to alter my unhelpful thought processes and I became more confident, positive and empowered as a result. I believe my experience of anxiety has developed within me advanced empathy with my clients. Talking honestly and verbalising how you feel can be very helpful. There is absolutely no shame in admitting when we are struggling emotionally. It is my belief Talking Therapy can be seen as preventative medicine. We can liberate ourselves from unhealthy, negative thinking,embrace life and live it fully without the suffocating burden of fear. “I have had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened” Mark Twain. Teresa is a Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and sees her clients at The Hospital Particular, Alvor.

+INFO:  707 28 28 28 / +351 960 417 731

Yo u r S p e c a l i s t f o r H o t Tu b s i n t h e A l g a r v e



On March 29th residents will need to change their EU driving licences over to Portuguese licences. It looks like GNR, PSP and Portuguese Police will clampdown on residents driving Portuguese cars without having changed their licences. This could then result in having to take the Portuguese driving test from the start! So if you have been putting it off, this is what you will need. - A completed IMT (Modelo 13 application form) - Proof of residency - Your Fiscal (tax) number (NIF) - Your current driving licence - A health certificate from a driving school doctor (it usually costs €30); and

- If the original licence is not an EU one, you may need a declaration by the original licence issuing department certifying the authenticity; the issuing country’s embassy or consular services in Portugal can do this.

whilst I thought I had all the relevant forms in-hand for me to gain as smooth as possible application, I haven’t. I have recently found out that I need to have a physiological test, so another trip to my doctors.

When you go and see your GP to have your medical for the driving licence application, at this stage mention to them the classification of licence you are applying for. If you are simply applying for the category B classification, to drive a car up to 3.5 tonnes this is fine. However, if you wish your car to pull trailers, caravans etc you will need category B + E. However, with the majority of UK driving licences (especially if you have had your UK driving licence for over 15 years or so) then your driving licence allows you too drive a vehicle up to 7.5 tonnes ie category B + E. So

Another handy tip is that when in-person taking a ticket in the IMTT office, you MUST take one ticket per driving licence application. Otherwise, when you eventually get seen, they will merely tell you the bad news that they can only process one application per one ticket!

BUILDING BUSINESS BRIDGES One of the most important elements for building a successful business in any country is connections and building networks. Dean Coleman from the Works knows that as well as anyone having set up his business in Almancil six years ago.



As I write, the IMTT website is under construction:

+INFO: 

Networks Algarve is Dean’s brainchild. During the six years he has been running his print shop he has got to know most of the new businesses being set up in the Algarve. The Works had become a bit of a hub for those people with start-ups and everyone who walked through the door felt an immensely warm welcome from Dean and Adilia. There’s always a coffee and a seat waiting for anyone who is in need of direction and business advice. If Dean can’t help then he knows someone who can. Over time and with a growing contact list of friends and acquaintances it seemed only right that something should be done to bring these people together to support local businesses and to help promote the idea of creating a better Algarve. Dean requested the help of two avid networkers who shared his vision. Nick Robinson from Algarve Addicts, Podcasts and Blogs which tells the stories of interesting local people and Sharon Truman from TruSales, a sales consultancy with a focus on corporate social responsibility. All three firmly believe that collaboration and sharing

ideas is vital to success. They want to engage local Portuguese and expat businesses to exchange ideas and help each other. They also encourage buying local to support local business. Since their first gathering almost a year ago things have just got better and better. The aim of the meeting is for attendees to meaningfully engage with like-minded business decision makers; they are run in a relaxed and favourable environment. There is always a speaker on a subject that is relevant to enhancing business potential. There is space to showcase products and a 90 second elevator pitch opportunity. The meetings start at 5.30pm on a Friday at Quinta dos Borbaletas Restaurant & Bar and are a great opportunity to leave work and start to unwind for the weekend. The team have witnessed that great ideas are discussed and conceptualised over a glass of wine in this environment.

+INFO:  Networks (Algarve) 

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So, if you’re looking for a Sunday lunch or Sunday dinner that packs a punch and is the epitome of South African cuisine with its own unique twist, then head over to South African at the Greek. It’s a pop-up restaurant which is the brainchild of two fellow South Africans, Theunis and Graven who saw a gap in the market. The name is explained because the pop-up restaurant opens at the Grego Restaurant in Amancil, which is closed on a Sunday giving Theunis and Graven the chance to offer up their own culinary delights once a week. We order a lovely bottle of South African white and I have a glass of their house red. The house red is good and we all settle down for our first foray into South African cuisine. It’s a smidgen after 1pm and the quirky, fairly intimate restaurant has a good number of tables occupied with the most delicious smelling food on them. We peruse the menu. At the moment they have their Sunday lunch special with a three-course meal. We opt for the special and two of us order the chicken and the other orders Sirloin steak. Right from the outset Theunis is attentive with a relaxed manner and offers a lovely level of assurity with his dishes. Fresh bread arrives cut into slices, accompanied with room temperature butter. It’s the smallest of things from the outset that has already pleased me and shows that we are in for a lovely meal. The bread is divine, it’s nothing like I have ever eaten. It has a cake-like texture, yet it’s incredibly moist and served warm. The platter of starters arrive in the form of skewer basted mushroom, Boerewors and marinated pork rashers, beautifully presented and laid to the table with aplomb. The salad finishes the platter and is adorned with beautiful edible flowers.



The starters were incredibly flavoursome, the chef knows his craft, there is a hickory-style smoke on the pork rashers and a stunning glaze which permeates the skewer basted mushrooms which ease off the wooden skewers effortlessly. Then not forgetting the marinated pork rashers, which are divine. The salad is suitably acidic to help contrast and cut through the sweet smoky glaze for the trio of starters. The Boerewors are a meatsensation, cooked to perfection and each bit offers an intense meat flavour which are probably my particularly favourite of the three, but all of them are very good. A great start, a lovely atmosphere in the restaurant of likeminded people enjoying their Sunday lunch. I later realise the woman running the front of house with such panache and style is Theunis’s Mum. A great relationship between all three, Theunis, his Mum and then the chef, Graven. The main courses arrive and again the quirky wooden boards are festooned with little cauldron-pots which are paying homage to the cooking vessel namely Potjie. I lift the lid on my mini cauldron-pot and a stunning aroma wafts and instantly I’m happy. Does the taste of the chicken Potjie live up to the aroma, oh indeed it does. The chicken is beautifully tender and each mouthful is incredibly morish, the accompaniments are yellow rice and that stunning bread yet again. I can’t help but devour it all and couldn’t resist in tearing into little chunks to soak up the remainder of a delightful sauce. The home-made chips are a welcome addition to the meal and the sirloin steak which was our third meal in our party of three was cooked to perfection – medium / rare and cut majestically and carefully placed on your own wooden board. All three of us are delighted. Two desserts are ordered a Melktert and a Malva pudding served with custard. The Melktert is good, but the Malva pudding is the hottest ticket in this restaurant and they cannot keep up with the demand. I’m not a dessert person and so I opt for a coffee and a South African Tawny Port which again is a first and I am delighted with the whole afternoon’s lunch. It may well of been our first visit to, South African at the Greek, but it will definitely be one our regular haunts. In the coming weeks and when the weather is warming up a treat, they have an outdoor terrace which seats about 40. So let me set the scene, great BBQ meats cooked by a seriously talented chef, great wine, great beer, sunshine and great service. I would strongly advise that you make a reservation as I firmly believe that Sundays in Almancil have a fairly new kid on the block which has some seriously good talents.



BY LISA LOFTHOUSE AND ZOË LENKIEWICZ We are now buying 400% more clothes than 20 years ago, so this month we decided to look at fast fashion. While most of us know it’s not good for the planet to wear something once and throw it away, it is surprisingly common. A survey by Barclaycard found one in 10 UK shoppers admit to buying clothing only to take a photo on social media, and then return it to the store. This behaviour was most reported by shoppers aged 35-44, and men outnumbered women. By 2030, it is predicted that we will be using two Earths’ worth of resources, and fast fashion is a major culprit. Cotton is grown in sweeping monocultures of genetically modified crops, controlled by multinationals at the cost of biodiversity. Well-adapted insects can thrive on a single crop, so the industry is now pushing ‘super strains’ that can withstand more toxic chemical pesticides. Cotton already accounts for 24% of the world’s insecticide use, which pollutes waterways and can cause serious birth defects. What’s more, growing cotton is a thirsty business: according to the World Wildlife Fund, it takes 2,700 litres of water (roughly three years’ worth of drinking water) to grow enough cotton for a single T-shirt. Meanwhile textile dyeing is the second largest polluter of clean water globally, after agriculture.



Realistically you can’t buy a T-shirt for €2 and not expect it to have involved some kind of exploitation, and unsurprisingly child labour and lethal working conditions are rife in the garment sector. In 2013, in Bangladesh, the Rana Plaza factory collapsed – killing 1,127 poorly paid garment workers and making headlines worldwide. Finally, waste from these factories is usually burned in the open, throwing thick smog from chemical dyes and additives into the air. Whether standards and conditions have improved was the subject of a recent UK Environmental Audit Committee report that shows a patchy, and somewhat underwhelming response from the fast fashion industry. The clothes are then transported to our shops and sold at bargain prices. The UK’s Waste and Resources Action Programme found that an average piece of clothing in the UK lasts for 3.3 years before being discarded. Synthetic fibres release plastic microfibers into laundry machines, and finally, most of our clothes end up in landfill. It’s hard to read all this and think we can actually make an impact, but change definitely starts with each of us, the ‘consumer’. By demanding clothes that have been sourced and made ethically, and that will last longer, we can start changing what the clothing industry offers us.


Here are some ideas for shrinking our wardrobe footprint – please join us online to share other tips and suggestions. - Hold onto your clothes for longer: one campaign encourages shoppers to commit to 30 wears from an item of clothing. Do you think that’s realistic? Or not enough?

- Give your unwanted clothes to a charity shop if they’re still decent quality, someone will be grateful of a bargain, and the charity will benefit too.

- Explore sustainable and ethical clothes brands understanding the stories of the people who made our clothes can make a big impact on our buying habits.

- Learn to care for and repair your clothes – sewing classes are growing in popularity and there are some great instructional videos online.

- Build yourself a capsule wardrobe – get creative with a mix-and-match choice of classic essentials.

- Discover slow fashion and support your local dressmakers – these are special skills, and it’s great to support local craftspeople.

- Organise a clothes swap with your friends – you could even raise money for a local charity in the process.

In the end, it’s about buying less and looking after what we have. Extending the life of a garment by an extra nine months reduces its impact by 2030%. That’s an easy win.

Join us on facebook, Attainable Sustainable Algarve, and share your ideas and suggestions. Lisa and Zoë are writing these articles in support of WasteAid, a charity that tackles mountains of waste around the world.

- Shop in charity shops or buy secondhand vintage clothes online – find those special items that you will love for years and years.





Monochromatic This is the easiest colour scheme to pull off as is basically combining shades of a single colour in one bed. In a monochromatic colour scheme, you can keep all plants the same hue, or you can integrate different tones of the same shade.

BY TAMSIN VARLEY I should really be the last person writing about using colour wheels as I am technically colour blind. However, when I learned about it on my garden design course, I found it a fascinating topic and one, I think, worth sharing. The colour wheel shows the colour spectrum of the rainbow essentially bent into a circle. The hot bright colours of red, orange and yellow are followed by refreshing green and then by the cooler darker colours of blue, purple and violet. There are different triads within the circle with the primary triad being made up of red, yellow and blue which are the pure colours and can’t be made by mixing any other colour together. The secondary triads are orange, purple and green which are made by mixing different combinations of the primary colours together. For example, green is made by mixing blue and yellow together. The tertiary colours in the colour wheel result from mixing primary and secondary colours together. Another important point when considering colour is what colours are considered neutral in gardening. They include white, black, greys and various shades of brown as well as green. Neutral colours can be used with any other colour without changing the effect you are trying to achieve, can tone down other colours and also be used as a buffer between potentially clashing colours. So, now we understand a bit more about colour, let’s explore different planting schemes using the colour wheel.

Tamsin is chair of Clube Dos Bons Jardins, a small, friendly multi-national garden club that meets at different locations throughout the Algarve on the second Tuesday every month (except over the summer) with an optional lunch afterwards.

+INFO:  Clube Dos Bons Jardins 



Analogous This is where you use two colours next to each other on the colour wheel such as red and orange, orange and yellow and blue and violet. These colours tend to blend well with each other.

Harmonising This takes an analogous planting scheme a step further by using three colours - a common pigment is shared so the colours will be adjacent to each other on the colour wheel. Examples include red, orange and yellow to create a “hot” border. Bright or hot colours draw attention and make a large space feel smaller. A ‘cool’ border can be created using green, blue and violet. These dark colours create an oasis of calm and will appear cool even in the worse heat. They are ideal for areas where you want to unwind and relax.

Complimentary This is a bit more adventurous and can make quite a statement. Such planting schemes use colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel such as yellow and purple or orange and blue.

Edifício Sol, Rua Cristóvão Pires Norte Almancil 8135-117 Algarve, Portugal +351 289 393 378


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