Tomorrow Vilamoura to Faro - November 2019

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Welcome to the November edition  TomorrowAlgarve FEATURES EDITOR Sophie Sadler +351 912 176 588 MANAGING EDITOR Jeff Morgan +351 913 288 749 SALES / MANAGING PARTNER Simon Moulson +351 963 807 162 DESIGN Creation Media

SEDE: MESSINES DE BAIXO, CAIXA POSTAL 301X, SÃO BARTOLOMEU DE MESSINES, 8375-046. PERIODICIDADE: MENSAL . TIRAGEN: 3,000 | TIPOGRAFIA: C/ AL MEDITERRÁNEO, 29, POLÍGONO DE SAN RAFAEL, 04230, HUÉRCAL DE ALMERÍA CIF: B04250056 Whilst we take every care to ensure details are correct the publisher will take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Where prices or dates are quoted they are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change. Links to third party websites are by no way an endorsement of the linked material and the publisher takes no responsibility for the content or security of any third party website. Unless specifically stated Tomorrow magazine does not endorse any product or service appearing in the directory, classified, editorial or display advertising featured on the website.

Welcome November and welcome Faro, the capital and jewel of the Algarve. So many people are yet to unearth this city’s charms and merely think it’s a go-from place where they land; yet they couldn’t be even more wrong. Let me start by saying that the city is typically very flat and is easy to get around either on foot or by wheelchair. There are quite a number of pedestrianized zones, with some lovely boutique shops. I love nothing more than taking in a drink at the rooftop terrace of the Hotel Faro just to gaze openly onto the Rio Formosa, watching the majestic storks nestle in their oversize-nests, watch marina life and I still love to watch the airplanes coming into land over the sea at Faro airport. There is a lovely nod to Archimedes of Syracuse, the Greek mathematician and philosopher and his Archimedes' constant Theorem. If you; if you visit the Hotel Faro roof terrace (their Sunday buffet lunches are stunning, or just enjoy a drink on their terrace) look to the right hand side from the terrace and you will see a street with calcada (nothing new there you say!) the calcada has the Archimedes' constant Theorem which runs the length of the street, you know the 3.14159 and on etc. I will let you count how many digits they actually have detailed. The temperatures through October have been slightly higher than normal and the proverbial “Indian Summer” has been apparent. I am happy that the temperatures have still been warm, yet we certainly do need a monumental amount of rain in the coming weeks and months. I spoke with a local recently who said, “That this is the lowest he has seen the barragem levels for 65-years)." I know that the lack of water has caused havoc to the

agriculture and farming with especially the olive and grape harvest for 2019. I am relieved and thankful that the Bombeiros this year have been once again amazing and hope the rain falls to dampen the ground. Even though the burning of fire season has ended, please can I emphasize the need to contact the Bombeiros prior to having a garden fire, they are the ones that control this and know best. There is a certain irony that the showcase for November is Faro; having spent the last two and a half weeks at Faro hospital visiting Lucy (Mrs. Moulson), who was in hospital after suffering a major heart attack. Lucy is now home and we have taken to adjust our lives and take the slow steps towards recovery, it's a long process but we are heading in the right direction. I would like to take this opportunity in thanking an incredible amount of well-wishers who have continually helped Lewis and I through this incredibly difficult situation. The service levels which we received from the International Health Centre in Albufeira with Dr. Landau in the early hours of Tuesday morning, coupled with the quick-thinking of him, the healthcare professionals with the paramedics and duty doctor that night/early morning, saved Lucy’s life. I cannot praise the phenomenal attention enough, in an emergency situation and the on-going care given by the incredible nurses and doctors at Faro. The staff go way beyond their duty of care. They are a credit to their hospital and our home, Portugal.

On the cover Faro’s narrow, often cobbled streets are a fascinating way to see the old city, often overlooked by the crowds who use the airport before heading off to the regions beaches.


"Generally speaking, I think people are sad, they are sorry to see Britain leaving the EU"

MEET THE AMBASSADOR If the word ambassador conjures images of cocktail parties, dinner jackets and milk chocolate, think again! The only thing on Chris Sainty´s mind is Brexit! Sophie Sadler talks to the British Ambassador to Portugal, in an exclusive interview.

As I arrive at the Camâra building in Albufeira all anyone is talking about is the incredible drama playing out in Westminster, where the supreme court has just ruled that the government's proroguing of parliament was unlawful. I am here to meet British ambassador Chris Sainty who took up his post in September 2018. As a civil servant, he is politically neutral and does not comment on politics, but he is very open, friendly and keen to engage with the community. He talks to me extremely frankly about his role as ambassador and the current political situation. WHAT IS YOUR MAIN ROLE AS AMBASSADOR? To promote British interests in Portugal, but this also covers making sure we have a good and productive political relationship as well as managing economic, commercial and business relationships. For example, I work on behalf of British companies wanting to export to Portugal, or Portuguese companies wishing to invest in the UK. HOW DO YOU SERVE THE INTERESTS OF THE BRITISH POPULATION IN PORTUGAL? We do that in various ways, with outreach to the community, as I am doing now in the Algarve and offering advice and trying to answer questions. Of course, currently, a lot of my time is taken up trying to get successfully through this Brexit episode. The most important part of that is putting in place the strongest possible protection of the rights of the British community here and that has been my top priority for the last 12 months.



COMMUNITY Everything I hear I relay to the Portuguese authorities and British government in London to ensure that the voice of British expats in Portugal is being heard. WHICH ENTITIES OF GOVERNMENT DO YOU WORK MOST CLOSELY WITH? I serve the whole government so I am in contact with all the different departments of Whitehall, but my parent department is the Foreign Office. There is a special department in government being set up to negotiate an exit from the EU and I spend a lot of time doing business directly with them. I talk to all elements of the Portuguese government as well, but on questions relating to British community interests in Portugal and Brexit, I deal most regularly with the Portuguese foreign ministry including the foreign minister, high ranking officials and the secretary of state. HOW DID YOU BECOME AN AMBASSADOR? The ambassador role is a part of my British diplomatic career. I joined the diplomatic service in 1989 and have worked my way up, although this is my first job as an ambassador. WHAT DO THE PORTUGUESE OFFICIALS ALL THINK ABOUT BREXIT? Generally speaking, I think people are sad, they are sorry to see Britain leaving the EU. However, they understand and respect that there was a democratic decision in 2016 and they are doing their best to facilitate that. Their priority is that if we are going to leave it is done in such a way that it doesn't disrupt the good relations between the two countries and to ensure that Portuguese and British companies can continue to do business together easily after we left.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HELP BRITISH EXPATS WHO CAN Ě T GET AN APPOINTMENT WITH SEF? We talk a lot to SEF and in our meetings with the British community yesterday in Faro and today in Albufeira they sent a representative to address concerns. SEF has told me that if you are in this position where you can't get an appointment until after your card has expired, you are not going to lose the right to live in Portugal. In recognition of the problems SEF are experiencing, even if we leave on the 31st October they will allow a period of grace for people to register until the end of 2020; so people need not be worried if they can't get an appointment before the end of October. Our advice would still be to get on and do it as quickly as you can. DO PEOPLE RISK BEING DEPORTED IF THEY DON'T BECOME A RESIDENT? Ever since I arrived, the embassy has been encouraging every British person living here to get their residency. I think it is unlikely you will be deported, but you will save yourself an awful lot of hassle in the future. After all, it is a legal requirement if you live here more than three months to register as a resident, so we would very strongly recommend that people do this. Get on with it, get the piece of paper, then you have the certainty that your rights will be protected. î –

HOW WORRIED SHOULD WE BE ABOUT THE PROSPECT OF A NO DEAL? There is no doubt that the best way to ensure a smooth exit would be a deal. This would offer the best continuity for citizens living in each other's communities. With a deal, the rights of British citizens living in Portugal would be protected by an international treaty. But as the Prime Minister has pointed out, we have to be prepared for the possibility of a no deal. In this case, the British here in Portugal are very fortunate. The Portuguese government have been very clear; both in public and to me that they are determined to protect the rights of British citizens living in Portugal. In March, parliament passed a law which said even if the UK leaves without a deal, British Rights such as residency, health care and driving licenses, will continue to be protected in the future. British people in Portugal are fortunate as they have more assurances than many British expats in other EU countries, so whatever the outcome, they can be very confident that their residency rights will be properly protected. WHAT IS BEING DONE TO PROTECT TOURISM WHICH IS THE LIVELIHOOD OF MANY IN THE ALGARVE? Both sides want British people to keep coming here on holiday. From what I see, plans are being put in place by the Portuguese tourism department to make sure people continue to come here post-Brexit. They are determined to continue to attract large numbers of British tourists as it is good for their economy and to make sure there will not be long queues at passport desks.




For information on how the UK leaving the EU could affect you check our Living in Portugal Guide: Are you a UK national living in Portugal? Official information for UK nationals, including guidance on EU Exit on #UKNationalsinPortugal

WILL BRITISH PEOPLE LIVING ABROAD LOSE ANY OF THEIR HEALTH CARE BENEFITS WHEN WE LEAVE THE EU? British people living in Portugal are lucky in that your right to access the health service comes with your residency. And this won't change after we leave the EU.

For British non-residents, if we leave with a deal then these will still be valid for a period of time. If we leave without a deal there is a question mark, but we are having a conversation with the Portuguese government to see if we can come to an arrangement about whether this scheme will continue, but this is an area of uncertainty. The best way for visitors to Portugal to mitigate this uncertainty is to take out personal travel insurance. CAN YOU GIVE US ANY MORE INFORMATION ON THE NEW RESIDENCY CARDS? There is a programme in progress to replace the cardboard SEF issued card, with a laminated more modern issue. Some people will have new ones and others not. The embassy has discussed this with SEF and there is again nothing to worry about. Your existing card will not become invalid and if you have the old card you will not lose any rights. WILL THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PORTUGAL AND BRITAIN CHANGE POST BREXIT? I actually think it will get stronger. There is a very old friendship between Britain and Portugal and that is partly why it is such an honour and privilege to be ambassador here. This Brexit episode is complex and has implications for our



relationship with Portugal, but it seems to me that what we need to do is look beyond Brexit and think in the most creative and optimistic ways we can about what a strong future relationship between the UK and Portugal with the UK outside the EU, looks like. I think there is a lot of potential there. We already work very closely with Portugal on the international stage. We have coordinated very closely with the Portuguese on climate change initiatives which were recently launched in New York at the UN. I wish to see a lot more of this in the future. The total volume of trade between the two countries is still rising despite the fact that we are leaving the EU. We need to make sure this continues. WHERE DO YOU LIVE AND DO YOU LIVE WITH YOUR FAMILY? My wife and I live in a residence in Lisbon that comes with the job, but before people get too jealous, it is used for lots of conferences, events and receptions. I have three children, two have just graduated from University and live in the UK but are regular visitors to Lisbon. My youngest daughter who is 19 has just started at Edinburgh University. WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT PORTUGAL? It is a beautiful country with a lovely climate and I am also very fond of Portuguese food, but the thing that makes it such an enjoyable and rewarding place to live and work are the Portuguese people. We have such a strong and historic bond and you feel this in your personal interactions with the Portuguese and that is why it feels such a privilege to live here. There is a very powerful sense of ancient friendship. I enjoy the fact that the good weather means I can cycle to work, there is one very steep hill which keeps me in shape and at the same time saves some CO2 emissions!

Sunflower Lanyard Tomorrow Magazine is hoping to raise awareness of this simple but effective idea in Portugal. It began in 2016 when Gatwick airport posed the question, “How can we recognise customers that need assistance if they don’t have an obvious disability?” the answer, the Sunflower Lanyard. While some people do have visible disabilities, many people have disabilities that can't be seen, such as Autism, Dementia, Crohn's disease and deafness. As these disabilities are often unnoticed, this can mean that support is not offered when it is needed. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower offers a discreet way of identifying people with a hidden disability so help or assistance can be offered without the individual feeling awkward. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard was first launched at Gatwick Airport in May 2016 and has quickly grown into the most widely accepted Hidden Disabilities scheme in the UK. A bright yellow sunflower on a green background it is easily visible and can be worn as a lanyard, wristband, badge, sticker or ribbon. It has now been adopted by most of the major UK airports, supermarkets, local authorities and railway companies, as well as in the NHS. Tomorrow are now asking our readers to get behind the scheme in Portugal by sharing their Facebook page or putting their posters in their businesses. In this way, you will be helping many people with disabilities in the future.

+INFO:   Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard Scheme

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The Campus at Quinta do Lago will host the Algarve´s first running festival of its kind with Run Quinta. Sophie Sadler met up with race ambassador Wendy Sly MBE, who won the 10k World Road Race in 1983 and Olympic 3000m Silver Medal in 1984. When I met Wendy in the reception of the Quinta do Lago Hotel, she looked effortlessly chic despite a hectic start to the morning on the Chris Evans breakfast show, which is being broadcast from the Algarve. She is here to promote a new sporting event in an area where she has enjoyed running for many years. "I have been coming to Quinta with my family and friends for over 30 years from when I was still a competitive athlete. The running community here is growing as people are discovering what a great place it is to run, so this event will be a great way for me to share the experience.” Run Quinta provides a perfect opportunity for runners of all abilities, to have fun, participate in a variety of races and enjoy post-race entertainment in the new state of the art, multi-sports training hub. The facilities have received high praise from professional runners such as Lily Partridge, Susie Chan and Olympic triathletes Jonny and Alistair Brownlee. Wendy came from a sporty family and had an abundance of energy as a child. At 11 she enrolled in Feltham Athletics Club and at 16, she came 2nd in the national championships, from that point, it took over her life.



In 1980 she just missed out on the Olympics so she felt that 1984 was her year, “If I had not made it, I would have been very angry. So I wasn’t so much excited as the feeling that I deserved it.” There was no financial backing in those days, she went to the US during the winter months and earned prize money on the road-racing circuit in order to fund her summer race season. She was surely entitled to feel that she had earned her place on the starting block in front of the 84,000 in the stadium. Wendy won Silver in the same race as the infamous Zola Budd vs Mary Decker controversy. Barefoot runner Zola Budd, who was running for team GB, seemed to trip the US favourite Mary Decker who fell out of the race. It’s highly regarded as one of the most incredible moments in sport in the UK and had been ranked in the top 100 sporting moments on Channel 4. Is she annoyed that race is famous for the wrong reasons? “At the time I took it badly as no one wanted to talk about the silver medal or wanted to say well done, all anyone was asking was if I saw what happened. Now in hindsight, I know that my performance was

unaffected by events. Decker was a lot more vulnerable than she had been 12 months previously, she had been injured and beaten in the US trials. We felt Romanian, Maricica Puică, who won gold, was always the favourite. Budd wasn't in our thoughts in terms of medal positions. If I had not won a medal we would have been very disappointed.” “To get silver is an emotional moment and one you all dream of.” She keeps the medal in a safe, taking it out to mark the 35 year anniversary in August, which she celebrated by having lunch with her coach, Neville. Wendy was given an MBE in the 2015 New Year’s Honours list for services to athletics, she is also the manager of Athletics Weekly magazine in which her name started appearing when she was just 11-years-old. Why are runs like this important? “It is one of the easiest ways of keeping fit and being out in the fresh air is good for you. It also creates a sense of camaraderie with other runners.” “Chris Evans was telling me this morning how he is a fun runner who loves it and told me this morning that he is going to participate which is a great endorsement.” If you want to join Wendy and Chris, there will be three events starting on Saturday 9th November with a half marathon, followed by a 5k or 10k on Sunday. The post-race party will be at The Shack with live music and a chance to meet fellow runners. A day package is €25 for race entry or you can take part in multiple races on the €40 weekend pass, both include post-race entertainment. Run Quinta looks set to become a fixture of the Algarve calendar and if you can see yourself making an Olympian effort and taking part then all details can be found on their website.

+INFO: 


SANTA NEEDS YOUR HELP 15th Annual Shoebox Drive for the Elderly Castelo de Sonhos registered charity has more than 200 elderly in need, living in this area. This Christmas the 15th Annual Shoebox Drive for the Elderly are asking for your help.

bring the boxes on Saturday 30th November to the 3rd Annual Guia Autumn & Christmas Fair taking place at the Guia Football Club Snack Bar from 11am until 4pm.

Here is what you’ll need to do: 1. Find an empty shoe box. Most shoe shops are only too pleased to give you one. 2. Decide whether your gift will be for a man, woman or couple. 3. Fill your shoe box with a variety of gifts, each gift may be individually wrapped. Please pack carefully and wrap breakables well. 4. Wrap the shoebox and label for a man, woman or couple.

Some practical Ideas for items that make idea box fillers include personal health items such as shampoo, soap, body lotion, bath gel, hairbrush, comb, mirror, shower cap, face cloth. Items to combat the chilly winds are always welcome, they include woolly-hat, gloves, scarf, socks, hankies, tights, small shawl. Torch, tea towels, a small notebook and pen, and sweets, chocolates, cake or biscuits are also welcomed. Please ensure any food is still well before best-by-date. Add a Christmas card to make your gift more personal. Please do not include any types of medication.

5. Deliver the filled shoeboxes to Castelo de Sonhos in Silves, the Holiday Inn Algarve in Armação de Pêra or the Prímavera Restaurant/Snack Bar in Tunes, between 15th November and 9th December. Alternatively you can

+INFO Sue Butler-Cole:   +351 282 330 242 / 933 374 865


REVERSE ADVENT CALENDAR Countdown to Christmas this December while helping local communities in need. As the festive season approaches once again Chantelle Kortekaas of Quinta Bonita and Bernadette Abbot of Algarve Families in Need are once again asking you to open your hearts and your cupboards to participate in the Reverse Advent Calendar. This initiative reaches out to those in need at Christmas time whilst also steering ourselves away from material yearning and into thinking of others less fortunate than themselves. In its fourth year, the initiative has gone from helping one Lagos family in 2015 to 50 families across the breadth of the Algarve in 2018, thanks to the generosity of our local communities and Tomorrow Magazine readers. This year we hope to extend our reach even further from Lagos, Portimão, Monchique, Alte, Paderne and Albufeira to the communities in the Eastern Algarve and the homeless.






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The idea is simple, find an empty box 11 and print the calendar template. Every December day invite your children, 1 2 your family or remind yourself, to countdown to Christmas by adding something to the box. Then tick, colour 3 or label in the calendar template. Lists of suggested donation items, calendar template and all delivery information are provided as part of the initiative. Delivery is usually around the 20th / 21st of December. However, if you are going overseas prior to then, there will be early drop off locations available from mid-December.

+INFO:  







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children, spouses and partners, including widows or widowers. Also, relatives, those living with serving or ex-serving personnel or those dependent on them. Naturally, Portugal including Madeira and the Azores is a place where ex-service people lived or have settled.


I have recently been researching my family history. As part of this, I found one of my grandfather’s service records from the First World War. He had died when I was quite young. When he worked, he immersed himself in the skilled craft of sheet metal work. He had handmade the radiator on Malcolm Campbell’s Sunbeam, Blue Bird, land speed record car. His service record informed me that he had been discharged “medically unfit for service” in May 1918, some six months before the end of the war. As far as I knew he was a fit man, so maybe he had recovered from his physical wounds. However, further research showed that more than likely he had suffered from Shell Shock. Today we would call this Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). All I really knew of him was that within the family he was known as a bit of a loner. He took himself off “down the Legion” spending hours there, where he was known to have a beer or two. What was this “Legion” my grandfather visited? Why would he go there in particular? The “Legion” was one of the many clubs of the Royal British Legion (RBL) which was formed on 15 May 1921. There was little support available for the many ex-servicemen. They all lived to varying degrees with the horror and trauma they had seen. The RBL provided a means for them to meet to help and support themselves. Fund-raising was also undertaken to help veterans with employment and housing. The first-ever Poppy Appeal was held in November 1921, to mark the anniversary of the 1918 armistice. The poppies sold out almost immediately and raised over £106,000, a considerable amount at the time. The Royal British Legion is now at the heart of an international network that supports the Armed Forces community. It is not just in the UK that the RBL is active but across the globe. Indeed, wherever exservice people settle. Not just the service people themselves but also their dependants. This includes



The Portugal branch of The Royal British Legion was founded on 27th July 1956 by Legion Members in Lisbon who had served in WW2 and Korea. Among this group were the Defence Attaché and some prominent members of the British Community. Early members included John Stillwell, an officer with the Coldstream Guards in Italy during WW2. He was mentioned in dispatches. John later went on to found one of the Algarve’s first golf resorts at Penina near Portimão. The current President of the Portugal Branch is HM Ambassador and the current Chairman is Jacquie Collins. Jacquie is supported by a committee of 10. The Portugal RBL branch now has some 226 members and undertakes a number of important roles. Firstly, of course, is fundraising. Centred around the Autumn Poppy Appeal (Poppytide) but active all year around this raises funds which support the Royal British legions work across the globe. This year's Poppy Appeal was launched at the Holiday Inn, Armação de Pêra on 26th October. Lunches, dinners, raffles, grand auctions etc are also held for both social and fund-raising purposes. One member has recently undertaken a sponsored parachute drop. Poppies are sold at various outlets all over the country. Major collections are made at the airports, locally at Faro. Last year a total of €34,000 was raised. Help is always required particularly at Faro airport. There are several ex-service people and dependants living locally who need support. This often takes the form of simple visits or accompanying them for medical appointments. There are also a number of cases of PTSD. These have dramatically reduced from the postworld war times, however, the level of support needed has increased. The Portugal branch has 5-6 welfare caseworkers who help provide support. No special qualifications are required just empathy and the ability to help organise. New volunteers are always welcome. Finally, of course, the branch organises and participates in acts of remembrance. Held on the nearest Sunday to the 11th of November. This year services will take place on 10th November in Lisbon, Madeira, Porto and Algarve. The main Algarve ceremony taking place at 10.50am at St. Luke's Church, Palhagueira, near Faro. Reconciliation is also important for the local branch. Portugal RBL takes part in remembrance services in Aljezur, in conjunction with the German consulate, where there are WW2 Luftwaffe war graves. It also participates with the Portuguese Liga dos Combatentes. If you want to help either by selling poppies or with the welfare cases, then please contact the branch. Phil Egginton is a journalist and motorsport photographer who now lives in the Algarve.

+INFO: 


Municipal Awards


At the Louletano Cine-Theatre twenty of the Loulé firefighters have received further training and promotions. Carlos Alberto Silva Fonseca and John Xavier Rodrigues have attained the rank of FireChief, while four ranks were promoted to Sub-Chief. Members of the department have risen to the rank of First Class Firefighter while other members were awarded 2nd Class Fireman status.

At the ceremony the mayor, Vitor Aleixo, stressed the tireless and laudable work of the fire-fighters as they put their own lives in danger for the defense of people and goods. “In an extensive municipality with diverse realities such as Loulé's, these men have often been true heroes in supporting and helping the people but also in defending the forest heritage.”

80 companies in the municipality of Loulé have just been awarded Excellence status in a ceremony hosted by the mayor, Vitor Aleixo, "This is the recognition of the best among the good of those who are truly the heart of the economic activity of our municipality."

Loulé has the largest number of businesses registered across the Algarve with 9139 individual companies and 3843 companies while the average labour productivity of companies in the municipality of Loulé is higher than the regional average. The vast majority of the companies recognised by the award were small companies at 77%, 17% were medium-sized companies and 6% micro-enterprises.

Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 336 registered riders took to the streets of Faro, with nearer to 380 taking part in the Distinguished Gentlemen Riders event. The annual ride is one of the most stylish events in the calendar, groomed and dressed to impress astride they gleaming machines. The event is part of the now world famous Movember movement, a campaign started in 2012 by Australians to draw attention to male prostate health, and latterly mental health issues. For six years the local Algarve event coordinator Henrique Guilherme and his team have worked tirelessly to make the event safe. This year the ride raised over ten thousand euros on behalf of the Movember Foundation.

Photo: Bernado Lúcio Photography



The tragic loss of one of the early members of the DGR organisation gave the board an added incentive to add male mental health to the

agenda. 75% of suicides are men, with one taking their life every minute. Working with a goal of prevention the health pages on movember offer some advice. Should you be experiencing trouble, speak with a family member, a friend, your priest, doctor or even a stranger. Remember the statistics, you are not alone and your complex problem need not be a reason to take your own life. You wouldn't skip maintenance on your beloved motorcycle for years on end without calling it a death trap, so please take responsibility for your own care too. For more information on prostate cancer including symptoms, testing, treatment options and support resources, head over to the ‘your health’ section on

+INFO:  gentlemansridealgarve


Welcome to


FARO .....





Meet the Mayor Rogério Bacalhau Coelho is the 57-year-old Mayor of Faro, a resident of the City since infanthood.

Married with a thirty-year-old daughter and a son five years her junior Rogério has dedicated his life to the civics of Faro. A degree in mathematics Rogério began his career in teaching at the secondary school and as a professor at the University of Algarve. He became the headmaster of the secondary school, Pinheiro e Rosa in Faro. In 2009 he was elected as a city councilor and placed in charge of Education, among others as Vice-President. In 2013, Eng. Macário, the president at the time, didn’t run for office. Rogério stood as a candidate, winning the election and becoming the Mayor of Faro, a position he has held since July 2013. HOW DOES ROGÉRIO DESCRIBE THE MUNICIPALITY? Faro is a concelho (county) with great potential, economically, environmentally and with tourism. It has been progressing, especially in the last six-years because it was essentially a concelho of services, the hospital, airport, schools, court houses, etc. Now, Faro has felt progress in tourism. They quintupled the number of beds. We have a good theatre, a good museum and improved public spaces. We have lots of heritage, Ria Formosa, great food, security, health services and great weather.

There are also quite a few British, French, German, Italian and other European nationalities in the mountains, especially Santa Bárbara de Nexe. These foreign residents are completely integrated, participating in our activities and even organising activities that we participate in. This is a factor that helps with the municipally progression. WHAT PRIDE AND JOY DOES BEING PRESIDENT BRING? My biggest pride as a person are my children, as President it is making the citizens believe in us and making them proud of the concelho. This is very hard to get, but I think we are on the right path to do even better. WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL THAT THE PEOPLE ARE PROUDER? Mostly, the tourists that visit us leave with a good review of the concelho and its people. Also, the activities, national and international events that we host help the concelho feel alive, this is attractive. I think this is a factor that helps with the people’s self-esteem. WHAT ABOUT FESTIVAL F? Festival F is one of the events that absolutely contributed to this. It is known nationally. For this we thank the people and the business people that invested in us. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT TO ACCOMPLISH IN THE NEXT YEARS? Make the city more comfortable when it comes to public spaces. We have a transport problem in the city because there are more cars and we need to create alternatives, like bicycles and public transport.

WHAT ARE HIS BIGGEST CHALLENGES? The continuity of the work we have started, bringing more people to the concelho, making it attractive economically. In Faro we have the lowest numbers in unemployment at the moment.

We want to make the city prettier, more suitable for people to walk around. We are going to restore some pedestrian areas, we have already started on the fountains in the city and have increased the outdoor seating in coffee shops and restaurants.

Actually, we need more people, more workers. So, maintaining this progress is the biggest challenge and we have been working towards projects such as, requalification of the promenade, road restoration and construction of new roads. Like this we can stay in-front!

This is going to be the biggest challenge for the concelho, although we have already been working on this. This week we are going to inaugurate a pre-school, but we need to construct a new pre-school. We have a lot to do to better our quality of life, which isn’t bad, but we can make it better.

WHAT IS THE POLITICAL VISION. The vision hasn’t changed and we have maintained the same coherence. The municipality is here to help its citizens that live here and the people that visit us. This has been the motor to progress. Fortunately we have gained the confidence of the businesses and that has brought new investment into the city. Young people have been opening their own businesses in the city and they have adapted to what the public wants. For example, the restaurant business we have now is completely different from ten-years ago. Now there is better food, better service, improved quality and this is one of the reasons we have been having progress and we have visitor numbers increasing.

This year we are having difficulties with space in the primary schools for all of the children, which in one way is good because it means we have more people and children in our concelho. This will become a bigger problem in the future, so we are already working on the solution.

WHAT IS YOUR THOUGHT ABOUT ENGLISH RESIDENTS? We have been having an increase in British and French buying properties to live in or to open business in the city of Faro.



WHAT ARE YOUR PRIORITIES IN 2019 AND 2020? This year we will have more construction and repairs on our roads across the concelho. Next year we want to construct a kennel, we already have the project approved. We are going to requalify Alameda and Mata do Liceu and open a cultural centre in Bordeira. We will also refurbish the promenade and other projects that we are finishing.



FESTIVAL DE ÓRGÃO The 12th annual Algarve Organ Festival returns for the month of November combining fifteen concerts in twelve shows across four municipalities of the region. Concerts take place in the churches of Faro, Portimão, Tavira and Boliqueime. In Faro, the concerts begin on the 2nd of November in the Cathedral with a solo performance by Gyula Szilágyi. 9th November organist André Ferreira and the Coral Ossónoba will play Mozart. In the Church of Carmo on the 16th Rui Paiva will play with the Arabesque string quartet.

The 23rd, the organist is joined by two sopranos, starring Antonio Duarte, Ana Paula Russo and Russo Ariana. The Cathedral of Faro will also host the closing show on the 30th, the Spanish organist Javier Artigas and the Ministriles de Marsias combine organ and historical wind instruments.

The artist is well-known for her unique painting style, expressed by high realism and attention to detail. During the current exposition, Kateryna will expose Portuguese urban landscapes of Faro, Lisbon, Sintra, Ferragudo and other cities.

Portugal’s first printed works, books that were in Hebrew came from Faro in 1487.

One of the novelties of the programme this year is the concert for children, with organist Ines Machado on the 14th at 10am. All concerts, unless stated, commence at 9.30pm and offer free entrance.

Art Exposition The personal art exposition of Kateryna Ilchuk will take place in the historic restaurant Tertúlia Algarvia, Praça Dom Afonso III 15, Faro, during the whole month of November.

In 1596, Faro was plundered by the Earl of Essex and his men, who looted the library of the Bishop of the Algarve. Much of the city was also plundered and was later burned to the ground. These books and other texts are currently part of the Bodleian library at the University of Oxford.

Faro was established as the capital of the Algarve region by King Afonso III of Portugal.

The Ria Formosa is a designated Natural Park of over 170 km² playing a vital role as a stopping point for hundreds of different species of birds during the migratory periods.

When most of the Algarve was heavily damaged by the tsunami of 1755 Faro was protected by the sandy banks of the Ria Formosa lagoon.

+INFO:     +351 968 766 728






When a museum has one of its main attractions listed as a Portuguese ‘national treasure’, then you know you will be stepping into a place full of history and culture. That accolade was bestowed upon Faro Municipal Museum May 2018 for a Roman mosaic of Oceanus or Neptune, the god of the sea. Dating from AD II/III, the mosaics iconography and exquisite detail provide proof of a thriving commercial area in Faro, which was then named Ossonoba. It’s remarkable to learn that the mosaic was only uncovered near the city in 1926 and even more incredible that it was lost, before being rediscovered again in 1976. It was then that it was painstakingly relocated to the museum. At the time it was given ‘national treasure’ status, museum director, Marco Lopes commented, "This is an exceptional piece, both in size and in artistic terms and as a testimony of the Roman presence in Faro, then called Ossonoba, which was an important port city in the province. It's a fabulous mosaic." Mr Lopes and his 30-odd staff look after a grand array of collections at the museum, including: important archaeological remains from prehistory, Roman and medieval times, a great number of paintings, mainly religious in their themes, dating from the 16th century through to the 1800s. A 275-piece military collection, the result of various private donations and more than 300 photographs telling the story of Faro’s buildings, streets and people. There are upwards of 1,000 toys spread across two collections, including 180 dinosaurs!

of the fabulous Nossa Senhora da Assunção Convent took place. It has survived attacks and the devastating earthquake of 1755, along with many other challenges. In the 19th century the convent was abandoned and the nuns relocated to Tavira. It was then purchased by private investors who established a cork factory. In 1948 it was classified as a National Monument and was restored throughout the mid-20th century. The municipal museum, which had been located at a different site since its original opening in the 1890s, then made the treasured building its home in 1973. Now almost five decades on, director Mr Lopes says his main challenge is about “trying to keep entrance fees realistic, while attracting the best possible exhibitions and maintaining and restoring existing artefacts”. For technical supervisor Denise, who has worked at the museum for 20 years, the best thing about her role is “the chance to impart my knowledge of the museum and Faro itself”.

As well as hosting such artefacts and exhibitions, the building in which the museum is based has a fascinating history in itself, having previously been a convent, an administration centre and even a cork factory.

So if you want to tap into that knowledge, the Museu Municipal de Faro is open Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 6pm and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10.30am to 5pm. Last admission is 30 minutes prior to closing. The entrance fee is €2.

Indeed, this year marks 500 years since work on construction of the site commenced and the building

+INFO: 

Photographs by Marco Pedro




Festival F

Alameda Beer Fest

Feira de Santa Iria

Hosted by: Sons Em Trânsito When: September

Hosted by: Câmara Municipal de Faro When: July

Hosted by: Câmara Municipal de Faro When: October

CUTE LITTLE COFFEE & GELATO SHOP IN MONCHIQUE. Our gluten free gelato is made with local, fresh ingredients, including several vegan flavors. Our coffee and loose-leaf teas are from Portugal, all cakes are homemade in Aljezur and Monchique, and our chai, hot cocoa, and lemonade are made from scratch.  +351 282 102 356  CECESCOFFEEANDGELATO  ESTRADA DA FOIA CEICEIRA, MONCHIQUE

What's on in November


Infinity by the core © Jorge Leal

Plant and seed exchange The 6th annual Algarve Plant and Seed Exchange takes place on the 2nd of November, from 1 pm until 4pm. Bring along your spare seeds and plants to exchange them with others who maybe seeking your offerings or able to help you in locating that ever elusive plant of either vegetable or ornemental are welcome. The event takes place at the Almancil Social and Cultural Association.

+INFO: 



LUZA FESTIVAL The third edition of the Algarve International Festival of Light, also known as the LUZA Festival, will be in Faro. From the 14th until the 16th of November, between Marina de Faro and Vila Adentro the city’s buildings will become a festival of lights. ByBeau Studio and Eventors’ Lab are the organisation and production team who are bringing national and international artists to the city to exhibit their works for the event, which is supported by 365 Algarve and Faro City Hall.

Operation Green Mountain is back and this year aims to enhance the Algarve with 42,000 new trees to be planted in eight municipalities. Last year 1300 volunteers stepped-up to help, this year the organisers are hoping for 2500. The planting will be divided into two days with Sunday, 10th of November, for families and individuals while Monday the 11th will be for school groups and other organisations. This event is coordinated by Zoomarine's “Together We Protect”

The previous event attracted more than 60,000 visitors, with light installations along the streets of Loulé, the buildings illuminated and lights filling the city, this is an event not to be missed. There are also workshops and a conference, “Working with Light” as part of the programme.

+INFO: 

initiative and they are growing the area of the planting as well as the number of trees to incorporate the municipalities of Silves, Loulé, Portimão and Monchique. Volunteers will also help to plant in Lagoa, Olhão, Tavira and São Brás de Alportel. Those wishing to volunteer should apply on the event page.

+INFO: 



Euro Qualifiers

The prestigious Moscow Ballet performs Swan Lake at the Teatro das Figuras 26th and 27th of November at 9pm. Tickets for the show start at €25.

Zheljang Symphony The first ever visit to Portugal for the symphony orchestra sees the 74 musicians take to the stage 17th of November at 6pm, the venue, Teatro das Figuras, Faro. Tickets for the performance are €20.

On 14th of November at the Algarve Stadium in Faro Portugal take on Lithuania in the latest round of qualification matches for the European Championships. This is only the tenth time that the home nation has played in the Faro stadium.

La Traviata Opera in Faro

Kick-off 7.45pm Tickets start at €10

One of Verdi’s best known operas, La Traviata will be performed at the municipal theatre on 5th of November, curtain-up at 9.30pm. Tickets start at €37 and children under six are not permitted.


+INFO: 


The Praça do Mar Art Gallery in Quarteira will exhibit work by the photographer Jorge Graça. Calling all boardgamers to attend the first ever Geek Fest, Horror edition. Beginning on 9th of November at 6pm the challenge continues until 2am on the 10th at the Institute for Portuguese Sport and Youth in Faro.

+INFO:  SeMaisSeMelhor  +351 289 891 820


Enjoy an evening of celebration with a dinner and party with ACCA’s Golden, Glamour & Glitz Gala, the annual charity event in aid of under-privileged children in the Algarve. Live Music is provided by DJ Grace of Monaco & Singer Joana Lobo Anta with dancing throughout the evening. 2nd November from 7.30pm at the Conrad Algarve ballroom, tickets cost

The show Encantamentos reveals an unprecedented series held on full moon nights over the last few years. The exhibition runs for the whole month of November and is open Tuesday to Saturday, from 9.30am until 1.30pm, and from 3pm through 6pm.

€150 per person for the five-course menu, with beverages included. Full payment is required to guarantee your reservation, VIP tables are available, and can be booked for up to eight people.

+INFO:  +351 919 617 995  





According to the World Health Organization stress is the “Health Epidemic of the 21st Century”. Extended working hours, increased use of technology and being available 24/7, piled upon family commitments, illness or loss of a loved one are all factors that can cause a rise in stress levels. Studies show that spending time in forests, sitting looking at trees, plants and listening to birdsong can reduce blood pressure as well as the stressrelated hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Yoshifumi Miyazaki, a professor at Chiba University in Japan, upon researching the benefits of Forest Bathing found that leisurely forest walks can give a 12.4 per-cent decrease in cortisol, compared with say a walk in a town or built up area. Participants in his studies also reported better moods and lower anxiety. A little bit of stress is okay, it is what they call the ‘flight or fight’ response. Stress over prolonged periods without proper rest and recovery can manifest in the body leading to conditions like adrenal

fatigue or ‘burnout’, or even contribute to diseases like cancer and diabetes. Stress can present itself in a variety of ways: persistent headaches, digestive issues, feeling overwhelmed or emotional, aggression, pain and insomnia. If you are concerned about any of these symptoms always seek the help of a medical professional and look at lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and alcohol intake to help manage the ill effects. It is good to connect with others too so maybe do something social whilst making time for yourself. Simply sitting in nature and noticing what is there can have a hugely beneficial impact on our wellbeing. Suzanne Radford is a qualified Forest Bathing Guide offering groups public and private nature walks and tree bathing experiences.

+INFO:    +351 927 719 010

Top hair care tips BY LUCIA O’DONOGHUE

OILY HAIR Hand's off!! ... Less brushing and touching your hair. Use conditioners and serums mid lengths to ends. STOP over-washing your hair, you are over stimulating the follicle making it want to produce more sebum, resulting in oily hair. Meaning, less washing equals less oil produced. Rinse your hair thoroughly when shampooing and conditioning. Using water that is too hot when shampooing and conditioning can stimulate oil glands and make them produce more oil. DRY HAIR Keep your hair trimmed and healthy. Take care of your diet ensuring you are eating enough protein and drinking plenty of water. Avoid washing your hair every day. If you feel you need to wash your hair daily, use a repair or moisturising shampoo and conditioner.



Cut down on heat styling and use a heat protector when doing so. Use essential oils. CURLY HAIR Top tip! Ensure your stylist knows how to cut curly hair, this makes all the difference. Use product "cocktailing" to customise your hair care regime. For example, you can use a curl defying shampoo with a hydrating conditioner. Rely on a wide-tooth comb, never a brush, to detangle. Apply a conditioning treatment to your ends, this is extremely important as curly hair in naturally dry. If the day after washing your curly hair seems lifeless, get an empty spray bottle and add some conditioner with water, shake it up and spritz the hair. This will bring it back to life without the need to wash it again. BLONDE HAIR Wash your hair less and use a violet shampoo to counteract the yellow tones. Use a deep repair conditioning mask at least once a week. Leave conditioner in your hair when swimming to create a barrier against the chlorine, which can turn your hair green. if this happens you can counteract the chlorine by covering your hair in ketchup! Give dull blonde some gloss with shine spray.


Fausto's Mum works in administration at a car workshop in Loulé where he is able to source scrap metal. "I also depend on people who instead of selling the scrap material let me take it to make art."


A professional footballer until he was 32, Fausto Lucio has filled the void left by sport creating unique art-works from steel. Tomorrow Algarve interviewed him to find out about his love affair with metal. Fausto Lúcio, is 34 years old, from the Algarve who lives in Loulé. A professional football player until three years ago, he has played centre back for Benfica, Louletano and Bradford City. After playing since 2003 and many years of travel away from his family, his love of football began to wane. “Feeling unmotivated by football, art was undoubtedly what made my days after playing.” As a child he shared a passion for soccer with that of a builder and inventor. By eight-years of age he had already disassembled electric cars and made boats, bikes and moving parts. “I learnt about machinery from an early age and liked to make my own toys.” Since craftsmanship was something he did for pleasure, in high-school he decided to study in the arts, thinking that if football didn't work out that he could have another career he at least liked. Architecture was the choice, although he never studied metal art. As an adult, he always had space in his garage where he tinkered. “Instead of moving vehicles or some other kind of toy, my passion began to turn to decorative objects. I woke up in the middle of the night with ideas and, afraid of forgetting them, I kept a notebook on my bedside table. I visualised the pieces using the materials which I usually work with, bicycle parts, car parts, tools, engines and electrical parts.” Since retiring from football he has been working in a retail outlet in the Algarve, (Casa & Jardim) whilst making art pieces in his spare time. “I mostly use recycled material. I enjoy giving a second life to them and doing something good for the environment.”



He sees his art pieces as being a culmination of all the years he has experienced. “Everything is tied to what I did over the years when I was younger, the stuff that I wore, the ambition and imagination I had. Some ideas come from joining two or three parts of iron or some other material and that makes me imagine something else. Some I just follow the idea, others just come from looking at pieces of iron that I have in the garage. All of it arises spontaneously because art has no rules.” “I like to sketch my ideas on paper but his finished pieces often become much more complex from the sketch. Sometimes in the plan, it has about forty parts and in the final piece, it has 200 or 300 welded parts. Some can take about a month to do, others may take about two or three months, depending on the spare time I have.” Many of Fausto ́s art pieces are musical instruments, why? “Sometimes people ask me if I'm a musician because most of my pieces are guitars. When I was younger I learnt music and played some instruments but it was never a real passion. Although uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and even my godmother plays in the Minerva Philharmonic Band. My parents also did it for over 20 years and of course, some music stays in us!” The reason however for making his first decorative piece, a guitar, was wanting to make an instrument that was recognised and appealed to everyone whether they are a musician or not. He overcame the difficulty of finding materials, working with few resources and adapting machinery. His favourite piece is the golden guitar. Containing over 250 parts, it weighs 50 kg, has an interior red led light and Bluetooth speaker. Fausto spent 3 months in Qatar in 2018 creating it for a retail outlet called Luxury Signature. He has also made an extremely crafted Portuguese guitar for the Parish Council de Quarteira at the request of President Telmo Pinto. “I have sold pieces to Qatar, Nigeria and also in Portugal to visitors. I currently have some orders, but being a hobby, it is not always easy to have time for everything. I hope in the future to be able to dedicate my body and soul to this project.” Fausto's dream for the future is to open an art gallery where the public can get to know his work. “Yes, it is a dream, but I already have some of my work reserved for this purpose.” Fausto certainly has an iron will and surely his steely determination will pay off!

+INFO:  steel art lucio  artsteel_faustolucio



Carolyn McNaught was a single mother, living in Liverpool and wanting to find a better life when she discovered Boogie Bounce. Not only did it get her into fitness but it gave her the opportunity to move to the Algarve. This is her story. Carolyn was born in Brazil to English parents. Although she spoke Brazilian Portuguese fluently she left nearly 20 years ago to study Hotel Management in Australia. Then after two years, she moved to the UK, where she lived in London for six years.

“I have never been into fitness, always got bored very easily of any type of exercise, nothing really excited me until I saw an ad for Boogie Bounce."

She felt that something was missing so spent some time back in Australia, working on cruise ships where she met her ex-partner. She had her first little boy while living in London, then moved to Liverpool where she welcomed her second son. She gave up her career in hotels and set up a business working from home as a network marketer, selling cosmetics. Unfortunately, her relationship ended and bringing two young children in Liverpool as a single parent was tough. She found the weather depressing and started dreaming of moving to the Algarve. “I chose the Algarve as I obviously speak the language, I knew they had an International school here and mostly because of the weather, and to be perfectly honest that’s all I knew about the Algarve!” It was at this time she saw an advert on Facebook for Boogie Bounce: “I have never been into fitness, always got bored very easily of any type of exercise, nothing really excited me until I saw an ad for Boogie Bounce. I was still in the UK. I booked in to try my first class and at the same time, I booked to do the instructor training course. I can’t really explain why, I guess it was a gut feeling, I felt I had to do it and it was a good opportunity for me to bring over to Portugal and have my own business here; all of this happened while I was in the process of moving.” “I have rented a space in Parchal and opened my Boogie Bounce studio in May 2019. Boogie Bounce is a British company and I am an instructor, so I need to pay them



a monthly licence fee to use their name. My online cosmetics business is also doing well so I am selfemployed and I choose how and when to work.” “Boogie Bounce is a fun and all-round exercise, it’s suitable for all fitness levels, all ages, shapes and sizes. It’s like going out to dance with your friends, with the benefit of an extremely effective workout, low impact so great for people with joint pains, back pains like myself and every individual can literally do it at their own pace. I personally like to show my clients that yes, we can actually have fun while exercising something I never believed before doing this.” One of her clients has lost 10kgs in three months, and a few have mentioned how they feel their breathing and resistance a lot better with less pain in their shoulders, neck and knees. Carolyn has always suffered from lower back pain where she couldn’t have one night of full sleep without rolling in pain and now she is nearly pain-free. Carolyn finds that it is giving her a good income and the flexibility she needs as a working mum. “I choose when I want to teach my classes and have the total freedom of being an entrepreneur. The plan for the near future is to get a bigger studio and add an extra activity.” “I have no regrets about moving, I have met some wonderful people, locals and foreigners, businesses are booming and my boys have settled really well.” This is one super-mum who has certainly “bounced back” to create a great new life for her and her family.



Ceiceira Tasting Lounge Chris and Misha Evoy always dreamed of owning a vineyard and winery one day, then after a romantic marriage proposal in the Douro Valley they set about making their dream a reality. It took a few years, Chris retired as a captain in the British Army and Misha moved full-time from the United States before finally arriving in the Algarve. They saw the potential in a building outside Monchique, it had stood empty for years, but situated just below Foia, the highest point in the Algarve there are stunning views, plenty of parking and room to one day store their own vats of wine so they set about making their dream a reality. It took 6 months and lots of work renovating and meeting all the legal requirements necessary to set-up a business and they opened the doors to Ceiceira Tasting Lounge a couple of months ago and they haven’t looked back. The long bar as you enter is designed for standing wine tastings and the glass fronted atrium seats around 40 people where you can sit and enjoy tapas and wine or one of the Algarve craft beers with plenty of room across the whole interior to hold special events and private parties. Whilst they are planning to grow their own vines and eventually have their own label, they are currently showcasing a range of Portuguese wines from small producers across the country and serving a range of locally sourced ingredients and dishes to complement them. Chef Fernanda Guerreiro heads up the kitchen, originally from Monchique she combines her local knowledge of dishes and ingredients with her experience working in London. She has taken traditional Portuguese recipes and added a twist. These can be ordered as individual tapas, or you can try several items with a “Build Your Own Tasting” menu. All the food on the menu is gluten free, and there are dairy free, vegan and vegetarian options too, so everyone can have a great experience, which was important to Chris and Misha. Big hits already, include Monchique black pork and chorizo with



local cheeses and traditional organic breads along with compotes and dips. The fig, walnut and melted goat cheese crostini and the smoked salmon ceviche are popular choices. The real stars of the show are the wines and Ceiceira boasts a list of around 40 of them including a few surprises, especially among the Portuguese sparklings. There are wines of the month to sample and under Chris’s guidance you can partake in tastings with food pairings and even buy a bottle to take home at shop prices. On the weekend of the 1st - 3rd of November, we'll be offering food specials and cocktails using the medronho fruit, in line with the Medronho theatre event held by Lavrar O Mar in Monchique that weekend. On the 10th of November, to celebrate Magusto, Chris and Misha will be holding specials and a fixed-price menu featuring Chestnuts. An optional wine pairing will be available for each menu item. During dinner live Fado is provided by Adriana Marques and her band. 28th of November is Thanksgiving, so look out for some Misha specials. A lively weekly schedule of events also includes: - Tuesday nights are ladies nights, with wine and cocktail discounts for the ladies - Thursday night is quiz night - Friday night feature happy hour specials and live music

 Opening hours: 11am – 10pm Thursday - Tuesday, closed Wednesdays.  Estrada da Foia, 8550-245 Monchique    +351 282 012 958  Ceiceira





Give biodiversity a boost with a wildlife garden BY LISA LOFTHOUSE AND ZOË LENKIEWICZ We can all give nature a helping hand by turning our gardens into welcome wildlife refuges. The rewards of being among wildlife are well-documented: reducing stress, combating depression and helping hospital patients heal more quickly if a garden is within sight of their bed. Taking care of nature is mutually beneficial, so this month we have taken a look at simple ideas to inspire your inner wildlife gardener... GET WET – it’s difficult to overstate the positive impact of water for attracting wildlife and adding excitement to our gardens, so this is our number one tip: if you can, create a pond. Even a washing bowl with a thin layer of soil will do. Keeping it at ground level with gently sloping sides. Water is essential to all life, so even beyond the aquatic animals you can home (fish, frogs, newts, toads), other visitors such as hedgehogs, birds and foxes may come to drink, along with insects that cannot breed in a 'dry' garden such as dragonflies and damselflies. Aquatic plants that emerge from the water will encourage these, as well as providing an escape route for insects that might fall in. GO ORGANIC – avoid chemical or 'natural' commercial pesticides. They have a long-lasting knock on effect on the whole ecosystem and harm natural predators like frogs and hedgehogs. If you must spray, try and research organic pesticide ideas like lemons, garlic or vinegar, limit it to the veg patch, and only spray at dusk when bees are not flying. GO WILD – an abandoned log pile overgrown with native species can become a nest for bumblebees or stag beetles; stinging nettles in the sun are great for caterpillars and butterfly larvae; and a small sheet of corrugated iron left to nature can house a woodlice colony which in turn are great snacks for lizards such as slow worms. 'Think invertebrates and the rest can take care of itself'. Build a bug hotel or wildlife towers with old pallets, bricks, straw, old carpet or tyres. Deadwood, on or off a tree, is a perfect home and food source



for many critters which were once abundant. Nature will thank you for not clearing it ALL away... BUTTERFLIES – with a majority of species in visible decline, spare a thought for butterflies. Many flowering plants are good for nectar-eating butterflies, and rotting fruit will also attract them (try leaving that too bruised-to-eat apple next to your flower bed). Many caterpillars or larvae are more specific: stinging nettles, long mixed grasses or thistles in the sun can be good for quite a few species. Provide sheltered, undisturbed places to hibernate in the winter – piles of logs or leaves and ivy are ideal. Get the children involved by making a butterfly feeder – stick a bottle top to a piece of brightly coloured card and fill with sugar solution (1/20 sugar/water) and place in a sunny, sheltered spot (also good for bees and hummingbirds)! BEES – we are all aware of the plight of the bee, so beefriendly planting is a lovely way to give back. Winter or early spring flowering plants are a great idea. Remember they need nectar as well as pollen, so try low-growing plants such as annuals and herbaceous plants, grown in large clumps in sheltered, sunny spots. Bamboo sticks bound together inside an old pipe could be great for solitary bee nest, while an overgrown stone wall is ideal for bumblebees. BIRDS – no wildlife garden is complete without a nesting box, be it for birds or bats. Tips if DIY boxing: diameter can be species-specific; drill drainage holes in the bottom; and include a hinged lid for cleaning out end of season. Native berry or seed-bearing plants and trees (e.g. fig) make an excellent food source. A bird table for feeding, or hanging feeders do supplement a winter diet well and a shallow-sided bowl of water to bathe, even an upturned dustbin lid with a few pebbles in to stand out in the open should do the trick! Share your efforts on our facebook page, Attainable Sustainable, Algarve.

Edifício Sol, Rua Cristóvão Pires Norte Almancil 8135-117 Algarve, Portugal +351 289 393 378


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