Tomorrowland Today 2022 | Glorious Sunday

Page 18





With only one day of dancing left, today is the day to catch every last beat! A wide selection of great music is on offer for you to keep moving your feet until you drop. Belgian euphoric hardstyle producer Coone will surely set Youphoria on fire before handing the decks over to the originators of the style: Da Tweekaz from Norway. Hardcore fans of trancey techno label Afterlife are likely to lose their minds at Crystal Garden, where Kevin de Vries, Adriatique and Stephan Bodzin will cover over four hours of mesmerising, hypnotic techno together. Some of the biggest names in EDM, such asAfrojack and Dimi & Mike, are expected to blow apart the Library from the early evening onwards, while Alesso, Paul Kalkbrenner and Martin Garrix cover the last three sets at the magical Mainstage.


It’s been an intense weekend – but we know that you have one last hurrah in the tank. So let’s join forces and ascend one more time at the Mainstage for the closing set at 22:50, brought to you by Martin Garrix. The final ceremony will follow right after.


Celebrate the last day of Tomorrowland! Embrace each and every moment, make magical memories, and remember to take this newspaper as a cherished keepsake of your incredible weekend!






Isn’t it still an unbelievable thing, even as dawn descends upon the final day? The sensation of being lifted on the wings of unity as you build connections, spinning threads of love linking you to friends and new faces, to artists and stages, and to all your fellow People of Tomorrow? But it really is happening, friends. This is the way of life the Guilds have built, and this is the type of coexistence that you have well and truly become a part of. More than just a part, in fact, for what would this intricate tapestry, this interwoven tale, look like without all of its separate parts – without you? This is about you, in the end. Like Labourers, you are building the foundations of Arcadiana. Like Windriders, you

sweep in to protect your fellows from harm. Like Ateliers, you engineer your very own marvels, and like Birdsingers, you have become entuned with the songs resounding on these hallowed grounds. And in the end, like Weavers, you thread the strands of your very own story together with everyone else’s, creating a tale that’s set to go down in history as one of the greatest ever told. And to think that the best part of that story is yet to come! As you must be well aware, friends, you have one more day in our enchanted city. So take to the air, honour the original inhabitants of this great city, and write the last, best chapter – together.



We absolutely love putting together every single issue of Tomorrowland Today, and it wouldn’t be possible without all of the fun-loving, welltravelled ravers that we meet every day. You are a unique, ever-smiling bunch of people who tell us the very best newsworthy stories. Thank you!


Not a cloud in the sky could break your spirits, or so we hope. Some cloudiness is expected, but the sun may surprise us later. Be prepared for anything and keep those smiles shining through the clouds!


Did you witness, experience or do something newsworthy, then contact us! Think unforgettable highlights, tales of friendship or invaluable festival knowledge. Simply send an email to your daily gazette at!



Thanks to the magic of Amare, the Golden Aurics and all the other birds, Arcadiana is held aloft in the sky, light as a feather forever. But the thing that makes this soaring city tick is its guilds: five associations of expert craftspeople working together to provide each other with food, housing, art, and all the other ingredients of a meaningful life. Now that you are welcomed into this harmonious domain, it’s decision time… How will you contribute? Which guild will you call home? Today, the Birdsingers’ Guild make their case for you to join them.

“You’ve travelled far from across the lands

Over the seas and the desert sands

Looking for the right place to dance

The search ends here at the promised land

You have now reached your destination”

Sound Rush ft. Maikki – Destination




Catching the worm amidst the tents

7, 23


Hot tips for your last day in paradise



How to train hard and have a blast

Our feathered fellow citizens are example, teacher and friend, all in one, and they give us the greatest gift of all: the magic of healing and keeping the world in balance. Without the birds, there would be no Guilds, no city – nothing we hold dear would exist. That is why we sing with them.

We Birdsingers commune with the avian world, acting as the conduit of their spells into the human sphere. From our patron birds, noble creatures like the owls, eagles and herons, and above all the Golden Aurics, we obtain the power to preserve knowledge, and we share the blessings of these opulent creatures with the other Guilds.

If you find yourself attuned to the most beautiful songs, if you can hear the call of the Golden Auric, then ascension to the Birdsingers’ Guild might be in store for you. Be sure to take on this duty, as it is a sacred task that should be accepted with delight.

May we join our voices with the birds in song, The Birdsingers’ Guild.


No one wants to carry a lot of stuff around on the dance floor and, of course, there is no need to. You can find the locations of the lockers on the floorplan in the app.



Sending a message with the Golden Auric’s elusive feathers



Reliving Tomorrowland memories above the clouds



• Steve Angello

• Timetables

• Artist Bios


Medical emergency? Look for the ‘First Aid’ signs or find First Aid locations on your floorplan. There is always a doctor with every team. To bring medication onto the grounds you will need a doctor’s certificate.

3 BELGIUM 2023
To all alluring, magic-entuned birds out there,


What were you up to last night? Did you go hard until the end or were you smart enough to save yourself for today? If you partied until late, you may have missed out on sleep, but if you didn’t, you know you could’ve danced more. It may seem like a lose-lose situation, but really, there is absolutely no need to worry, as today’s golden rays of dawn herald a new round and a new chance to it all. What did we all look like and what did we have to say yesterday morning? Waking up means something different to everyone, is what we make of it!


Lenys is helping Margot, her boyfriend’s 13-year-old sister, sell some waffles near the DreamVille entrance before they head to her in-law grandparents for a family visit. Margot –who lives just 200 metres away – has sold eleven waffles so far. “We’ve created a QR code for people who don’t carry cash with them. I’m too young to party, but I love electronic artists like Timmy Trumpet and this is a great way for me to be close to the action.”

Lamea & Adine from Sweden Reading the Saturday edition of Tomorrowland Today, Adine learns that the Adscendo Mainstage is 43 metres high and boasts no less than 48 fountains. “I haven’t spotted all of them, but I will take a closer look this afternoon.” Nara & David from Spain This cute couple fell in love last night at the CORE stage. “We partied, enjoyed fantastic music everywhere we went, and still feel pretty fresh this morning. We are more than ready for more dancing today!”

These two sisters are part of a fun group of housemates, college friends and dancing buddies from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Norway. “I can’t wait to see Tale of Us later, because my sister says they’re great,” says Nina.

Jens & Joris from Belgium

Some people just go the extra mile. Take Jens from Antwerp, who can’t bear the thought of missing a party: “I’m thrilled to be back again after an excellent three days at Tomorrowland just a week ago!”


Born and raised in DreamVille, Summer & Daydream invite people to keep dreaming all day long. Summer: “We give them pillows and pink sunglasses so the clouds look even prettier than usual. Together, we do a breathing exercise and wish for good things to happen at Tomorrowland. We wished for good weather yesterday and look around you, the sun is out!” What did Josh and Ali see in their dream? “Birds, bubbles and clouds, all the good stuff!”

Giovanna & Josh from the United States

“We’ve got EDC in our hometown of Las Vegas,” says Giovanna. “And don’t get me wrong, it really is great, but it doesn’t compare to this. The attention to detail in everything you see here is just insane.”

Chiara & Alessia from Luxembourg

Each and every one of us has a unique personality, but Chiara and Alessia are strangely similar when it comes to nighttime habits. Chiara: “We’re really good at sleeping to the sound of loud music, it’s quite convenient!”

Nina & Lea from Germany

“Getting ready to party is one of my favourite things at a festival,” says Carolina. “First come the glitters and then our outfits. We’re going out in our underwear, that’s what it basically comes down to!”

How desperate was Carl for his well-deserved shower? “Very,” he says. “I was just disgustingly sweaty from literally dancing all night long at the Mainstage and Freedom, my favourite stages.”


This is this year’s very last Tomorrowland Today, which means that as of tomorrow, you won’t be given your daily paper anymore by lovely boys such as these. And you probably wouldn’t want one, what with the bag-hauling and suitcasedragging you’ll be doing. Thank you for reading every single issue, though, and we hope to find you leafing through our pages again next year!

Abedallah from Palestine & Miranda from the USA

“I met Miranda when she was studying pigeons in Tel Aviv,” says Abedallah. “One of them once flew all the way to the West Bank. Google Maps doesn’t work there, so we couldn’t track the bird. I know many people in those villages, helped Miranda knock on many doors, and in the end we found the lost pigeon.”

Lucas just can't get over the ridiculous breakfast they indulged on this morning. “What did we eat? We mostly drank, actually: beer, chartreuse, and a little finger food. OK, to be honest, the latter was actually French fries.”

Gueti & Lucas from France Carolina from Austria Carl from the United Kingdown


Living up to the promise that’s suggested in its name, Nowjobs provides you with the opportunity to make some quick cash – a handy boost for the festival summer. Marie (20) from the nearby city of Antwerp normally works in a fusion restaurant in her hometown. She is a true ‘horecatijger’, as they say in Dutch: someone who is always out on the town. She got bar work through Nowjobs and loves the fact that she’s always in touch with fellow human beings. “That’s exactly what I do here all day,” she says. “I love serving fancy drinks like the Pornstar Martini or the official Tomorrowland Cocktail. They’re even more fun to serve than beers. I’m a returning employee, so to speak. I was here last year as well and we’re working with the same team – it’s starting to feel like family. I would totally recommend doing this, it’s such a fun experience!” Interested? Head to for more information.



Literally everything about Soul Water’s cargo bike bar tells you these people absolutely love planet Earth. You’ll find them at DreamVille in the morning and as the day progresses, the friendly bartender slowly starts wheeling the bike towards Tomorrowland. The people behind Soul Water remember its inception very clearly – it started with a bright epiphany: the idea that everyone should be able to enjoy clean drinking water without worrying about harming our planet. Therefore, Soul Water isn’t served in plastic bottles but in cans, which are more environmentally friendly. Admittedly, they say at Soul Water, filling up a reusable bottle from a tap comes with an even smaller ecological footprint, but the truth is that what’s best for Mother Earth isn’t always feasible. It is in these situations that drinking water from a can is the right thing to do. And it’s not just for show – a percentage of Soul Water’s proceeds goes to charities such as JustDiggit, Movement on the Ground and Ibiza Preservation.


We are giving away a pair of headphones! In order to win, you’ll have to flex your creative muscles, though… We are calling on all creative People of Tomorrow to submit their best photo taken at Tomorrowland to Be like a Weaver, show us colour and texture, show us connection and beauty, but most of all: show us your best moment! The most wonderful picture wins the beautiful, musical prize: a pair of Tomorrowland x JBL Live 660NC headphones.


People of Tomorrow, are you yearning for a Brazilian adventure? And do you remember how in 2015 and 2016, thousands of music lovers gathered in Parque Maeda, in the heart of Itu, Sao Paulo? Guess what: Tomorrowland Brasil is happening this year. One confirmed name is none other than Brazil’s rising star Vintage Culture, and he’ll be joined by countless other familiar faces on the slopes of Parque Maeda. From October 12 to 14, our celebration of music, food and togetherness will land on Brazilian shores again. It’s sold out, unfortunately, but if you have tickets, prepare your heart for an explosion of joy!


Steve Angello is an artist who won’t need much introduction for many Tomorrowland fans. The Swedish House Mafia member has quite the reputation of his own in the EDM world, having produced solo and in group formation for many years. With his latest essential release, a Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano and Magnificence remix of ‘Monday’ out now on Tomorrowland music, find out what the Tomorrowland superstar’s own essentials are!

What’s essential at Tomorrowland and what’s the best moment to use it?

“I think having a good attitude and an open mind is key! There’s a lot to explore and there are incredible artists on the line-up. Go check out as many artists as you can. And if you are an artist, don’t hold back or stick

to a script, but have fun, and play what you want to play! Educate and show people the future!”

What song is essential in your set? And why?

“I would have to say that ‘Don’t You Worry Child’ is essential, because it’s a classic Tomorrowland anthem! It has to be in there.”

What’s essential within the group of friends who are joining you to Tomorrowland, and why?

“Happiness, freedom and discovery! Just go out there and enjoy!”

Scan the code to listen to the ‘ Monday’ remix!




Simple jumping jacks are a wonderful way to warm up all muscle groups. Make sure you have some space – we don’t want anyone being accidentally slapped – and just go for it. They’re super easy, so no excuses!


Time to focus on your shoulders first. Combining some rhythmics punches with a few quick jabs will get your deltoids burning in no time. After a quick boxing session, you’ll have the power and energy for a night full of fist-pumping fun.


Core is key! Your abs are incredibly important for balance, stamina, and posture, all of which are essential to a successful last flight through Arcadiana. So get your knees up and really lean into it to activate your core as well.




If your heart isn’t pumping already, a pull & push exercise will surely get you there. Grab a friend that you want to share your after-workout glow with and follow Ronny’s easy steps. Endurance upgrade guaranteed!



It’s the undisputed classic of all Warrior Workouts: the Fitness Move. You might already feel pretty energized at this point, and now it’s time to push even further for the ultimate kick. Be proud of yourself, Warrior!




A festival sensation hit the Mainstage yesterday right after the Daybreak Sessions, and got everybody moving without touching the DJ decks even once. The Warrior Workout by Q-Dance, first popularised at Defqon.1, was truly a sight to behold and a spectacle to experience. Thousands of you made the ground shake with your energetic movement to the sounds of gut-punching hardstyle-kicks. For 30 minutes, Ronny and his crew took over Arcadiana and got everybody jumping, pumping, and sweating like there was no tomorrow. We caught up with Ronny to talk about the magic of exercising at festivals, and got him to explain how you can recreate the Warrior Workout anywhere.

“It actually all came together very naturally. At every step of the way, all of those involved loved the idea of making it bigger and bigger and now we can bring this mad workout to the Mainstage of Tomorrowland. I have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming, to be honest. And who knows, maybe we’ll conquer even some more mainstages in the future…”

Working out at a festival might seem farfetched for some, as most days on the Holy Grounds already feel like a workout by themselves. Why is it still a great idea to do the Warrior Workout?

When all your muscles have already been activated, you are way less likely to pull or strain something. And finally: It gives you so much confidence and that in turn helps you connect with others a lot easier. For me it seems far-fetched not to do it!”

The Warrior Workout will sadly not return to the Mainstage on Sunday. What’s your advice for those who want to recreate it at DreamVille instead?

Ronny is probably the happiest workout instructor you’ll ever see. With his ‘open for everybody’ attitude, he has made the Warrior Workout one of the most memorable moments of Defqon.1. Follow his steps and access his source of unlimited energy!


“Put on the Spotify Warrior Workout playlist, follow the steps and spread those smiles around. Whenever we do the workout live, I see so many people smiling – I hope that people can recreate that on the campsite and involve everybody. And don’t forget the most important move, ‘Shirt off and twist it’!”

In a matter of just a few years, the Warrior Workout has turned from a fun online idea into a Mainstage hit. Tell us about the journey!

“We’ve never been to a workout like this at a festival –but oh my god, it’s so much fun!” Estelle is still jumping up and down long after Ronny’s team has left the stage.

“I feel so energized now – I bet I’ll have a beautiful glow for the rest of the day!”

“It’s simple: nothing hypes you up like getting a good workout – so while at first you might think that it will tire you out, it will actually give you more energy. Doing a full-body workout is also a really good way to lower your risk of getting hurt while you’re out enjoying the festival.

Ronny Christopher France

Q-dance Instructor Germany

Christopher and his friends are all sporting the perfect workout outfit, so it looks like they came prepared. “Actually, I decided to come here after picking out what I wanted to wear today. What a beautiful coincidence.” Indeed!



Boris Brejcha has come a long way from listening to his first Thunderdome CD as a teenager, wondering how on Earth all of these strange sounds came into being, to being the renowned hightech minimal artist he is now. Seventeen years into his career as a recording artist, creating futuristic sounds still fascinates him more than anything else: “If I were ever asked to choose between sitting at home and making music or to be on tour DJ’ing, I would always go for producing because that’s where I came from.” Preferences aside, the reason Boris travelled to Tomorrowland this year was to present his incredible sonic art during a min- bending threehour-long ‘In Concert’ live set, and we can only hope you were right there, at the Freedom stage, to witness it. If not, you’ve got something to look forward to as Boris Brejcha, one of the world’s most ingenious mavericks of electronic music, will certainly be coming back for more.

“It may sound odd,” says Boris as he gets settled in a deluxe armchair somewhere backstage, “but I’ve never been much of a raver. My friends were always asking me to go out partying with them, but I couldn’t help thinking that if I did go, someone else would be working on music at home and get better at it than me. I was so detached from the nightlife scene that initially, I didn’t even realise that to many people being a producer as well as a DJ is a logical and workable combination of professions.” The German producer’s obsession with creating highquality, authentic work goes even further than insisting to stay at home, as it turns out later in the conversation: “I do listen to hip-hop, pop music and film scores when I’m at home, but never to tracks by other techno artists, as I want to stay away from outside influences when I produce music. Creating music that’s unique is very important to me.”

A recognisable sound

Very few producers have it: a signature sound that, even though all of their works are different from one another, is always recognisable to the trained ear. Boris Brejcha, however, certainly is one of the select few. Boris laughs: “It puzzles me that people can tell that I’ve made a certain track. I’ve done so many different styles of music. Sometimes it’s house, sometimes techno, but they identify me nevertheless. Yet all I do is go to the studio and make the music I love and there definitely isn’t a secret to it.”

“I never partied when I was younger, because I imagined someone else would then be working on music at home and get better at it than me.”

Is it the graceful kicks, maybe, which lack the heavy bass so prominent in a lot of today’s techno, that causes his music to sound unlike anyone else’s? “Well, it’s true that I’m not a fan of the pumping type of techno that you hear a lot of these days. I love creating punchy beats that I then combine with a great melody. That’s what makes people remember the track. It gives meaning to my music. When it comes to the balanced distribution of energy within a track, I actually often compare it with sex: you don’t want to go hard all the time, you look for a combination of hard and soft, and it always needs emotion.”

The healing power of music

And this is not the only reference to emotion that Boris will make during our conversation, completely unfazed by sharing the source of the outpouring of emotion in his music. “I very much enjoy playing live sets, with nothing but my own music, and the fact that Tomorrowland lets me go on for three hours at that is something that I absolutely love. To connect with people, to let them feel something, you need to let a track run for five minutes, not one. Certain tracks can’t be rushed, as you will miss the point as a listener, you won’t reach that state of trance. As an artist, I need the time to gradually increase the intensity of my music. Performing for me is also about sharing my feelings with the crowd. The reason this is important to me is very personal: I had no friends when I returned to school with burn scars after a severe accident when I was six years old. Other kids would say crazy things to me and I felt completely alone. Later on in life, music gave me a chance to express myself. It was therapeutic. That’s why it is so important to me to just play my own music, so people can hear: this is Boris and the music comes right from his heart.”

The thrill of playing at Tomorrowland

Even for someone who is foremost a producer and not a clubber at heart, presenting his music to the keen crowd of Tomorrowland remains something very special. “I used to only know Tomorrowland from videos on YouTube, and I was always impressed by the sheer size of the festival, the flags and all the crazy stuff everyone was wearing. I never imagined I would ever play here. Then when they actually booked me, it truly felt like a dream was coming true. I drank several shots of vodka to take off the nervous edge before going on stage at the Atmosphere stage. When I came on I could not believe my eyes: there were all these people wearing my mask! Some of my fans actually have Boris Brejcha tattoos on their body. There’s hundreds of them! I just can’t head wrap my head around that, as I admire many artists myself, but I would never have their logo or picture on my body myself. I mean, it’s forever –it never comes off. But in the end I’m grateful, because it’s the best compliment you can think of: these fans love my music so much that they want everyone to know!”

“Music was therapeutic. It’s so important to me that people can hear: this is Boris and the music comes right from his heart.”

Having reached a near legendary status in the radio landscape, Tomorrowland’s One World Radio has been king of the airwaves ever since its conception in 2019. Boasting exclusive tracks, mixes and live sets 24/7 in the mix, they’re bringing all the goods live from the festival and its associated artists as well as gems from the vaults. One World Radio, in other words, is your trusted companion, a safe haven for electronic music lovers from around the globe, and an eminent channel with a worldwide following. Providing a new standard in live dance music radio, it has become the go-to place for People of Tomorrow with a need to keep in touch with what’s what and who’s who in today’s overall electronic music scene. Throughout the weekend, hosts Justin Wilkes and Adam K are hitting the airwaves with the hottest items live from their studio located next to the CAGE stage – and we managed to catch up with Justin in between tracks.


guests walk up here and see the view, it immediately puts a smile on their faces and that in turn gives us the energy to keep going. It’s the smiles and the vibe from the people that gives us the drive to get through the days up here – they’re long, but so fun!”

Even tough One World Radio is live all year long, it always feels like one big preparation for the main event: going on air from the grounds of Tomorrowland. Justin: “The station is a massive highlight and a brilliant window into the Tomorrowland world. The people that might not know the festival well or haven’t visited it yet are drawn into it, and get a great idea of what the brand is all about. They tune in to One World Radio to get a grasp of what is going on, and then we pull them in and try to capture the feeling of what is happening in here. I mean: who better to elaborate on the vibe than those who are experiencing it, right? And that brings in a lot more listeners for the rest of the year, too.” According to Justin, being able to visit the studio, step in and witness radio being made live is a huge eye-opener for many of the passersby: “You know, radio is like a theatre of the mind. You’re in your car listening to it but you don’t really know how it’s being made. It’s a very suggestive medium. So coming in and experiencing what’s going on, seeing your favourite DJs being interviewed, that really inspires people. By opening up our doors we let you in on a bit of the magic of the airwaves.”

From its inception in 2019, One World Radio has been an everevolving allround experience guiding you through every aspect of the festival. “The schedule’s filling up quite nicely lately,” Justin says. “We’ve got a lot of new monthly shows like Vintage Culture, and the Alok Infinite Experience has just come on board. Obviously there’s still the classics like Armin van Buuren every week, but the guests are filling up the weekend slots very well and that just brings more and more attention to the station. And everybody wants to be on the Tomorrowland Friendship Mix on Thursday. I think it’s fair to say today that we have a great offering seven days a week. Whenever you turn on the radio, you know something exciting will happen and you’re gonna hear the best electronic music in the mix.”

This year, the studio is open to the People of Tomorrow again, so that everyone who wants to can get a sense of what it is like to present a radio show. And that, it turns out, is great fun.

“It’s been absolutely fabulous as usual,” Justin says. “We have an amazing view over the grounds here in the studio. We see the very first people coming in in the morning, we see them moving between the stages and we can really soak up the atmosphere. It’s a true window on the world, only in this case that world is Tomorrowland.” Presenting live throughout the weekend with just the two of them, the tempo is at at a BPM that’s closer to techno than to dub, but luckily Justin succeeds in keeping it fresh and fruity. “The music keeps us upbeat. We’re tuning in to sets from various stages all the time, there’s guests and DJs constantly coming through, so there’s always something happening. When the

After the festival, One World Radio promises to continue their role as your go-to solution when you’re in desperate need of some quality dance music, riding shotgun beside you in the car or lying next to you while listening through your headphones on the sofa. “A lot of people dropped by with stories about how during hard times in their lives or during COVID, One World Radio was a way of keeping in touch with the rest of the world. They listened to the music knowing that at the same time, tons of like-minded people were listening too. It’s always going to be upbeat, we’re always playing dance music in a friendly and uplifting way, so you’ll never regret switching on the radio.”

“The view from up here really gives a boost of energy.”
“Radio is like a theatre of the mind. It’s a very suggestive medium.”

Reaching out on love’s golden wings

In Arcadiana, the rare Golden Auric’s elusive feathers are more sought after than anything else. Their magic capabilities are used by the Birdsingers to accomplish astonishing feats of healing, discovery, and wisdom, but also to intensify human bonds and achieve balance in the world. Meanwhile, you must be loving all the connections you end up making here, but not so much loving the fact that not all of your loved ones are able to join in the fun this weekend. So, if you could use the feather’s powers to convey Arcadiana’s energy to anyone in the world – who would you reach out to?

Anouk, The Netherlands

“I am reaching out to my best friend who is gone surfing in France right now. While she is riding the waves, I feel like I am flying here.” That soaring energy will make its way to France in no time!

Melissa, Belgium

Melissa immediately makes it known that she has truly understood the spirit of Tomorrowland. “I want to reach out to everybody! Wouldn’t it be amazing if this energy spread all over the world? I feel so blessed.”


Alonso & Sofia, Mexico Harley, Australia

“We want to reach out to our friend Tanke, but really, it feels like he is reaching out to us! He loves all events where people gather and dance, so we’re 100% sure he will come here one day.” Tanel, we can’t wait!

Magela, Brazil

Magela has to think hard about her answer – who to choose from all the people she holds dear? “It has to be my teacher from middle school. She always told me that someday I’d travel the world. Now I am here. Isn’t that crazy?”

Gasper & Rebeka, Slovenia

“Our love goes out to our friend Spela. Coming here is on his bucket list.” Gasper pauses, but Rebeka quickly finds the positive spin. “Now that we have already been here, we can give him so many tips on how to enjoy it to the fullest when he does make it.”

Alejandra, Columbia

“All of this feels like pure magic and absolutely perfect,” Alejandra says, “but I miss my boyfriend. There are so many moments here that I’d like to share with him. I am reaching out to him to Spain.” There’s nothing that can keep lovebirds at heart apart!

When asked who he’d like to transfer the power of Arcadiana to, Harley laughs. “I know just the one: My mom! She grew up in the ‘70s and went to lots of concerts. She is all about living life to the fullest!” What a family, huh?

Youri, The Netherlands

“My mother is who I want to send Tomorrowland’s energy to. My family is celebrating her birthday today at home – but she wanted me to come here and just think of her when I see all the lovely people around.” Mothers are the best…





The saying ‘needs no introduction’ might be overused, but when it comes to somebody like Armin van Buuren, nothing less will suffice. Over the course of his illustrious career, Armin has gone from trance wunderkind to being one of the legends of the global EDM movement, blending the two worlds effortlessly whenever he gets the chance to. Ever since he played the very first edition of Tomorrowland in 2005, the festival’s story and his have been forever intertwined. To celebrate, Armin will follow up Saturday’s powerful Mainstage performance with a special 3-hour set at the Freedom Stage on Sunday. Situated just behind that stage is the Home of Amare Ferris Wheel by Brussels Airlines – where we took the A State of Trance mastermind for a short flight over Arcadiana and a quick chat, looking forward and reminiscing just before he was due to set foot on the Mainstage.

Armin, we’re beyond thrilled you’re with us! You weren’t here the first weekend, but it’s hard to ever escape the global spectacle that is Tomorrowland. What’s something you saw that caught your attention, and what are you looking forward to?

“I mean… how could I ever choose? But I think it comes down to three things: the Mainstage, the entire design and the story behind it. I just had a quick look at ‘The Rise of Adscendo’, the novel that tells it all, and I am blown away by the idea. I can only imagine how much time that took, how much thought went into every detail. But that is what makes it all feel so special and truly monumental. And I just saw all the action at the Freedom Stage – I can’t wait to be back!”

How will your sets on the Mainstage and on the Freedom stage differ from each other?

“In my set on Sunday, I can show a lot more diversity, I think that’s the main thing. The Mainstage set is a bit more ‘planned’ as it needs to sync up with the fireworks and the show we planned. The vibe is a bit more fast-paced, with big drops and big tracks chasing each other. Tomorrow, I get to be more of an old-school DJ, craft a good flow, build up tension, tell a story. I have a folder with a lot of new music and mashups that I’ve been saving for months already – and I guess we will have to see which ones I end up playing. I like to think of it like this: the Mainstage set will be like a great sushi meal before a night out, while my Freedom set will be like a big Christmas dinner with multiple courses and a nice and sweet dessert.”

Armin van Buuren announcing he just became a dad at the Mainstage, 2013

Armin on the empty grounds of Tomorrowland during the pandemic, 2020

Something your two sets will definitely have in common is your newest song ‘Lose This Feeling’. Tell us about it!

“For sure. ‘Lose This Feeling’ is such a fun track! It is 150 BPM, has pitched vocals, and tons of energy. It really fits into a category with ‘Blah Blah Blah’, ‘Ping Pong’ and ‘On & On’ with its festival vibe. It’ll be at the end of my set, and I can’t wait to see the reaction. It’ll actually be the first time anyone has ever heard it.”

Let’s talk a bit about your history with Tomorrowland. Now that we’re high above the Holy Grounds and basically flying through Arcadiana, looking over all the stages with DreamVille in the background… what kind of memories come up?

“Tons! I mean, where would we start if not at the Mainstage, right? The memory of playing there in 2013 in the pouring rain and announcing the birth of my son at Tomorrowland will always be one of the most special moments of my career. Then in 2020 I visited the festival site on the weekend Tomorrowland was supposed to happen – but it was completely empty due to the pandemic, of course. It felt very surreal.”

“I have a really funny story from DreamVille as well, by the way. One year I stayed there for some glamping in a Dream Lodge tent

and when I woke up in the morning, I had a hilarious encounter while brushing my teeth. When I spat out the foam and looked up, I saw Tomorrowland’s art director and one of the festival’s founders standing next to me. But it wasn’t planned at all, so all of us where totally surprised. Quite the wake-up party if you ask me.”

We have to ask: any more fun stories from backstage encounters?

“Oh yeah, there are a lot of those. Whenever I see Carl Cox, for instance, I end up cracking up. His tour manager Ian and my tour manager Sander look very much alike, so Sander is always pointing at them and saying, ‘that’s going to be us in 20 years’. If I still have that kind of career in 20 years, I’ll be thrilled, to be honest.”

Well, if your sets at Tomorrowland are any indication, there’s no doubt in our minds that that will be the case. Thank you, Armin, and have fun out there!

“Thank you, and I can’t wait to see all the beautiful people of Tomorrow – I mean, their faces are just too small to make out from up here!”

“Announcing the birth of my son at Tomorrowland will always be one of the most special moments of my career”
“I can’t wait to see the reaction. It’ll actually be the first time anyone has ever heard it”
Armin van Buuren in a DreamVille pool, 2018

“The crowd is so enthusiastic, passionate about everything from hardcore to techno. It tastes like more”


“Self-expression is the only key to living freely with love and passion”

Jazie, 23, Belgium Judassime, 22, Belgium



Tomorrowland is a cosmopolitan country where people from all over the world meet and at MESA, the restaurant overlooking the Mainstage, global dishes are to be shared by these very same people. Marcelo Ballardin and Eric Ivanidis, the owners of Ghent-based gastro pub Door73 which is known for its delicious global flavours, have taken over the kitchen of MESA Restaurant for the duration of the festival. The idea is to share a selection of appetizers and a main dish, and guests are also served a welcome cocktail or mocktail and two glasses of wine. Specifically created for Tomorrowland is the dessert: raspberry and vanilla ice cream with chocolate and – drum roll – a splash of Red Bull. High time to find out what inspired chef Marcelo Ballardin to come here and create such a mouth-watering menu.

For star-studded chef Ballardin, who once had serious aspirations to become a professional DJ, things have come full circle now that the fine dining concept he cocreated with his companion Eric Ivanidis is to be enjoyed at one of electronic music’s most hallowed events. “Not many people know this, but when I was a teenager, my dream was to become a music producer and I used to DJ with vinyl. So to create a menu especially for Tomorrowland is something that’s very dear to me.” Ballardin essentially sees music and food as two sides of the same coin: “Food is so much more than energy for your body. It is also a way of connecting with people, which is exactly what we’re all doing at Tomorrowland. I just went to talk to people sitting at a table and they were from Switzerland, Venezuela, Peru, and Costa Rica. I believe that in the end, we are much closer to each other than we think.”

It comes as no surprise, then, that Ballardin also approaches his own profession with an open mind: “Eric and I have both lived and worked in many countries. I’m Brazilian, he’s Greek and also part Russian. Add to that the fact that we are both professionally trained in French cooking, and it logically follows that we use ingredients and spices from places as far apart as Taiwan, Norway and the Middle East. What we do is very much influenced by our own life history, that’s how we come up with ideas with inspiration from all over the world. Did you know, for example, that coffee oil adds a very special taste to a variety of dishes? It can add a smokey aroma to various types of meat, but also to potatoes.”

Eric and Marcelo are both very creative people, but where it came to the name of their restaurant they decided to keep things simple. “Our restaurant is called Door73, simply because of our location at Hoogstraat 73 in Ghent. We saved our creative energy for the kitchen,” says Marcelo laughingly. “We co-run the business. I am Eric’s senior and we’ve worked together for ten years, so I taught him many of the ins and uts of the trade. Over the years, he has slowly but surely taken on most of the creative duties of the business. I advise him on lots of things, yet sometimes he decides against my suggestions and goes his own way. Nevertheless, I fully trust him in whatever he does.”

If you are keen on dinner with a view, you may be out of luck: you can’t go in without a reservation, and chances are that the MESA Foodsharing experience is fully booked today. But if you’re unable to curb your curiosity about Marcelo and Eric’s deliciously experimental dishes, simply book a table at Door73 next time you’re in Ghent. Head to to find out more. And don’t forget to tell the chefs where you first heard of them!




Did you know that Tomorrowland’s magic can fit inside a glass? Since 2020, Tomorrowland has had its very own premium sparkling wine: Solo Vida Reserva. The fresh and fruity wine has an elegant and balanced flavour that reminds of apple and pear, with floral and citrus notes. It is perfect for toasting to special moments with your loved ones, preferably with loud music in the background. It is a beautiful alliance between people and nature, vineyard and winegrowers, resulting in a unique gift from Mother Earth. This exquisite wine is available at the MESA Garden Fountainbar and at most bars across the festival, but you can also buy a bottle through the online Tomorrowland store. Drinking it is a unique experience, and it comes in an equally unique and elegantly designed bottle. The four grapes used in this wine’s creation, Chardonnay, Macabeo, Xarel·lo, and Parellada, are harvested from the wonderful vineyards at the +500 Solo Vida area. Make sure to pick up a glass to enjoy or take a bottle home as a souvenir!


For many, yesterday’s Symphony of Unity performance at the Atmosphere will have been the highlight of their weekend: hearing your favourite electronic evergreens in an entirely new orchestral arrangement is not something that happens every day, or even at every festival. But what if you could replicate what you heard there yourself? At the Symphony of Joy stand by BMW, you can turn any one of your EDM favourites into classical music with the available instruments. Just imagine: your very own, angelic version of ‘Tremor’, an epic violin rendition of ‘Push Up’, or maybe even a 2023 remix of ‘Adagio for Strings’ – the only limit is your own imagination! Even if you’re not feeling like a musical genius, however, BMW’s Symphony of Joy is well worth a visit, not just to get your Symphony of Unity picture taken, but also to get a chance to visit Terra Solis Dubai. If that isn’t joyous, we don’t know what is!


Love soared to new heights at Tomorrowland’s Mainstage as Albert from Singapore took flight and proposed to his girlfriend Teri on the mighty hills, with the most stunning view. This couple, having been devoted to Tomorrowland for years, now embark on their enchanting journey together, dancing on cloud nine with their engagement. Congratulations to Teri and Albert from Singapore, flying high with love and joy!


As we reach the final day of the festival and prepare to bid farewell to DreamVille tomorrow, let’s leave a positive mark. Clean up your space, recycle your waste at the Recycle Club, and make a difference. Simply use the Recycle Kits provided on arrival, separate your rubbish, and earn valuable recycle tokens in return. Not only will you be contributing to a cleaner environment, but you’ll also be awarded tokens that you can exchange for Loop x Tomorrowland earplugs, flags, and more! Interested in even more rewards? Participate in the Camp2Camp quiz and get the chance to win tickets to Amber Broos’ gig at Waagnatie. By doing so, you’ll embrace the spirit of Dieter from Belgium, who advocates for sustainability, saying, “I just want my kids to enjoy Tomorrowland too, and that’s why recycling is crucial to protect the environment for generations to come.” Together, let’s love Tomorrow and make our festival experience eco-friendly!

OPENING HOURS: Sunday 09:00 – 17:00 | Monday 08:00 – 12:00


Anyone’s dreams will come true at Tomorrowland, we know. Life on the Holy Grounds is a dream. Yet it is still possible to wish for more! Interested? Surely you are! Head to the Freedom stage then, where you will find Budweiser’s Dreamcatcher fountain right outside the entrance. Hidden inside is an ancient book of wishes which has the power to realise the impossible. Simply write down your wish on one of the pages and arrange yourself and your friends in front of the Dreamcatcher for a professional, awesome-looking photo taken by Bud’s friendly staff. Each day, Budweiser and Tomorrowland pick two to three dreams to be made true on the very day you visualise them. What did Vanga (24) from Belgium wish for? “I didn’t have to think long: I just want to go to Tomorrowland again next year.” We’ll cross our fingers for you, Vanga!



The story of Adscendo is also the story of Ro, Ameris, Tomas, and their mythical winged friends – the main characters in ‘The Rise of Adscendo’, the first ever full-length Tomorrowland novel, which records the events leading up to Arcadiana’s present society. This weekend, every day, we reveal a few pages of the book’s first chapter. If you want to experience the whole epic story – all 374 pages of it – the second printing of the book can be ordered through the online or onsite Tomorrowland Store, while copies last. And rumour has it this is only the first of many Tomorrowland Tales…

Part 4/4


Her life had changed after her brother Matias was arrested and Ro turned down the offer of marriage from Grayden Mistral which most people would have killed for. Half the Windriders wouldn’t even look her in the eye anymore. Far more than half. When her parents died, she knew she would never receive another offer of marriage. She lingered at the bottom of the Windriders’ hierarchy and there she would stay. True, she could seek out her brother Saran and beg for his help, but the thought of that made her flush with shame. He’d asked her to join him in the Birdsingers’ Guild but she’d said no. She couldn’t go running after him now. Not when he was fast becoming the universally adored protector of their people, the one everyone looked to. She would look pathetic.

Her hand trembled and she dropped the tapestry.

“What are you doing there? Put that down.”

The harsh barking voice made her spin around. A Flight Officer bore down on her, a thin, little, weasel-faced man pulled up on his position.

Eno Hale. He’d been friends with Grayden in the Academy. She cursed under her breath.

“Ro Swift, I might have guessed. Leave that alone. The owners are here to collect.”

That wasn’t right. She faced Hale before he could walk away.

“Procedure says they have to be documented and the ownership papers matched to the manifest back at base so someone doesn’t just—”

He leaned in over her, pressing uncomfortably into her personal space. He smelled of too much aftershave and stale breath. “I said the owners are here to collect them. Step away, before I write you up for looting.” He growled out the words and Ro felt the skin at the back of her neck tighten in disgust and outrage.

For a moment she just stood there, and felt her hand slowly ball into a fist. It would only take a fraction of a second to draw it back and bury it in his stupid face. He turned away from her, not even concerned that she might react with anything other than deference.

Another hand closed around her clenched fingers, not tightly but firm enough to stop her.

“Not worth it,” said Tomas on a breath. She released her fist and turned, startled to see him here. He didn’t even look at her but stared past her like the perfect servant, his hand still curling gently around hers, behind her back. “Forgive us the interruption, Flight Officer Hale. The Weavers are most eager to collect their cargo.”

Hale scowled at Ro, and didn’t even deign to acknowledge Tomas Harper, a mere Labourer. “We’ll talk about this later, Swift,” he said and stalked away towards two brightly dressed men who had pulled up with a horse and cart.

“Tomas? What are you doing here?” she whispered.

Tomas just grinned, that same old dazzling smile which made her breath catch in her throat. His coal black eyes sparkled beneath the fall of his dark hair. “Keeping you out of trouble, it seems.”

“I don’t think you succeeded, but thank you for trying.” She shook her head, then glanced at her superior officer. “He’ll report me anyway, even though he’s the one breaking the rules. Malicious little—”

“Ro, stop. It’s okay. The Weavers are the owners, I promise. I came with them. Let’s leave them to it.”

“Aren’t you meant to be working? I presume you’re here as their muscle.”

He flexed one of those spectacular muscles at her. “What else is the Labourers’ Guild for if not lifting and carrying? But they’ll understand.”

All that was left to do here was the mundane gathering of debris and scavenging anything that might still be of use. And making sure that any surviving goods made their way to their proper owners. The grunt work.

The jobs the Windriders gave to those who ranked lowest in the hierarchy of their own guild.

People like her.

She was sick of it.

And trapped by it.

Tomas had a way of making her forget about this, almost. He threaded his fingers through hers and she smiled up at his face. Tomas was the one bright thing in her life.

“I’ll be paying for it later anyway,” she told him. “I might as well deserve it.”






The nostalgic ‘2010-2012’ hosting is back at The Rose Garden this Sunday!

Looking back at some wonderful editions of Tomorrowland, this stage presents a throwback line-up to reminisce over those glorious years of dance music history. With Tomorrowland all-stars such as Regi, Dannic and AN21, as well as well-known artists from back in the day such as Sidney Samson, Bassjackers and DJs from Mars, this stage will have lovers of all the classic tracks swooning. Do not fear the dragon, and make your way to the Rose Garden on this weekend’s last day to bask in the glory of Tomorrowland past!


Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike’s Smash the House label is taking over The Library today, having programmed the mystical stage’s line-up in full. Make sure to fly over, as some legendary artists are taking over the decks here this Sunday, from Afrojack and Brennan Heart to the iconic Paris Hilton, as well as MATTN, Tungevaag and many more. And with label owners Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike going b2b with none other than Timmy Trumpet, prepare yourself for a mad time. Expect nothing less than bangers only from Smash The House’s curation, as everyone here is bringing the energy.


Amelie Lens’s very own record label and event series, EXHALE has built up a loyal following over the years. Their motto is ‘Advocates for the underground’, and if you pay the dark insides of the Atmosphere stage a visit today, you will find that their sound is burrowing indeed. No singalongs or sunny vibes here, just hard techno kicks, distorted soundscapes and acid-tinged basslines! Besides label head Amelie on closing duties, today’s subterranean noises will be brought by heavyweights such as ANNA, Kobosil and Klangkuenstler. Bring fans and airy clothing, because with EXHALE you will be up for a sweaty fullbody workout today!

The birds of Arcadiana sing loudly from many different nooks and crannies. Every day, we explore three of them here, telling you about what sort of song to expect at which stage.




One World Radio is Tomorrowland’s official digital radio & content platform, bringing the sound of Tomorrowland to all People of Tomorrow. Besides presenting mixes, releases, label showcases and much more, One World Radio is also livestreaming from Tomorrowland through the Tomorrowland App and website, as well as its official YouTube channel. But did you know that for the very first time this year, they are taking over the Mainstage for a Daybreak Session?

It’s set to be a sight for sore eyes as you roll down the Mainstage hillsides on the Sunday morning: the beaming faces of the radio hosts, ready to put your plumage back in order after two intense days of conquering the Holy Grounds. But just like on the radio, it’s going to be more than just the hosts up there… One World Radio is going to introduce an open stage policy – open to regular OWR show hosts, that is, so don’t get your hopes up too much – in which they welcome a surprise bunch of DJ’s to improvise the first hours of the day together. From a reliable source called Justin Wilkes, we have heard speculation that Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Afrojack and Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano are all amongst the station affiliates who have expressed interest. No promises, mind you, but this goes to show that some serious heavyweights might appear as part of the One World Radio Soundsystem. Quite possibly, the Mainstage has never seen an act with so many combined years of DJ experience, and that should mean you are in for a unique journey through the history of electronic music. Deep listening fans unite, as for this Daybreak Session, the greats are likely to explore the mellower, more underground side of their record collections.







ADSCENDO Closing Ceremony 23:55 - 00:00 Martin Garrix 22:50 - 23:50 Paul Kalkbrenner 21:45 - 22:45 Alesso 20:40 - 21:40 R3HAB & W&W 19:40 - 20:40 Otto Knows 18:40 - 19:40 Indira Paganotto 17:35 - 18:35 Opening ceremony 17:30 - 17:35 Malaa 16:30 - 17:30 Andromedik 15:30 - 16:30 Marten Hørger 14:30 - 15:30 Daybreak Session: One World Radio Soundsystem 12:00 - 14:30 MC Stretch FREEDOM Armin van Buuren 20:30 - 23:30 Steve Angello presents SIZE XX 18:30 - 20:30 Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano 17:30 - 18:30 Don Diablo 16:00 - 17:30 Gordo 15:00 - 16:00 YouNotUs 13:30 - 15:00 Dave Lambert 12:00 - 13:30
2010-2012 Bassjackers 23:00 - 00:00 Sidney Samson 22:00 - 23:00 DJs from Mars 21:00 - 22:00 Regi 20:00 - 21:00 Dannic 19:00 - 20:00 Third Party 18:00 - 19:00 AN21 17:00 - 18:00 Romeo Blanco 16:00 - 17:00 Yamo 14:30 - 16:00 X-tof 13:00 - 14:30 ELIXIR RUM The Knightriders 22:30 - 00:00 Lady S 21:00 - 22:30 UNEAK ft. Cosmic & Babybang 19:30 - 21:00 Crack T 18:30 - 19:30 Jeronimo & Leaux Reese 17:30 - 18:30 Daddy K 16:30 - 17:30 Nicki Sanchez 15:30 - 16:30 Bart & Baker 14:30 - 15:30 El Bacha ft. Sam Renascent 13:00 - 14:30 CAGE DNB DJ Marky 22:00 - 23:00 Alcemist 21:00 - 22:00 Jamezy 20:00 - 21:00 Mozey 19:00 - 20:00 EJ Kitto 18:00 - 19:00 Charlie Tee 17:00 - 18:00 Cartoon 16:00 - 17:00 Natty Lou 15:00 - 16:00 Captain Bass 14:00 - 15:00 MC Lowqui RAVE CAVE BUTTERNUT Wørtaal 23:00 - 00:00 Brennt und Klakmatrak 22:00 - 23:00 Oton 20:00 - 22:00 Keyser 18:00 - 20:00 Ampe 16:00 - 18:00 Wannes Lenaers 14:00 - 16:00 Fuga 12:00 - 14:00
GARDEN Andrei Stan 20:30 - 22:00 Yelmet 18:00 - 20:30 Hadassa 15:30 - 18:00 F E M 13:00 - 15:30
TWEEKAMANIA Killshot 23:00 - 23:50 Mark With a K & MC Chucky 22:00 - 23:00 Rebelion 21:00 - 22:00 Hard Driver 20:00 - 21:00 Darren Styles 19:00 - 20:00 Da Tweekaz 18:00 - 19:00 Coone 17:00 - 18:00 MANDY 16:00 - 17:00 Sound Rush 15:00 - 16:00 Refuzion 14:00 - 15:00 Bassbrain 13:00 - 14:00
SHOMI Delafino b2b DJ Gee 22:00 - 23:30 Vato Gonzalez 20:30 - 22:00 Biscits 19:00 - 20:30 Oden & Fatzo 17:30 - 19:00 DJ Licious 16:00 - 17:30 PBH & Jack 15:00 - 16:00 Séa 13:30 - 15:00 Elenore 12:30 - 13:30
BY COCA COLA | YVES V PRESENTS V SESSIONS Mariana BO 23:00 - 00:00 Kris Kross Amsterdam 22:00 - 23:00 Glockenbach 21:00 - 22:00 Sevek 20:00 - 21:00 Yves V 19:00 - 20:00 Kura 18:00 - 19:00 Justus 17:00 - 18:00 Header 16:00 - 17:00 Bhaskar 15:00 - 16:00 Brian Cross & Abel Ramos 14:00 - 15:00 Odssey 13:00 - 14:00 SimonT 12:00 - 13:00 ATMOSPHERE EXHALE Amelie Lens 22:00 - 00:00 ANNA 20:30 - 22:00 Kobosil 18:30 - 20:30 Klangkuenstler 17:00 - 18:30 Farrago 15:30 - 17:00 Ahl Iver (live) 14:30 - 15:30 Herton 12:30 - 14:30
Âme 22:00 - 00:00 DJ Tennis 20:00 - 22:00 DJ Seinfeld 18:00 - 20:00 Carlita 16:00 - 18:00 DC Salas 14:30 - 16:00 Lilihell 12:30 - 14:30
Stephan Bodzin 22:00 - 23:30 Adriatique 20:30 - 22:00 Kevin de Vries 19:00 - 20:30 Like Mike 17:30 - 19:00 Massano 16:00 - 17:30 Hollt 14:00 - 16:00 Emjie 12:00 - 14:00
Kurt Verheyen 20:00 - 00:00 Dorothee Vegas & Like Maarten 19:00 - 20:00 Les Mecs Eclectics 16:00 - 19:00 Frank Mellemans 12:00 - 16:00 THE LIBRARY SMASH THE HOUSE Brennan Heart 23:00 - 00:00 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Timmy Trumpet 22:00 - 23:00 Afrojack 21:00 - 22:00 MATTN 20:00 - 21:00 Paris Hilton 19:00 - 20:00 Gabry Ponte 18:00 - 19:00 Ben Nicky 17:00 - 18:00 Viktor & Kobe 16:00 - 17:00 Tungevaag 15:00 - 16:00 Sevenn 14:00 - 15:00 Mr Pig & Le Twins 13:00 - 14:00 Suark 12:00 - 13:00 ÂME CORE | 22:00

teve ngello

As one of the most respected artists in today’s dance music industry, expectations are always high for Steve Angello’s releases and the moves of his label, SIZE Records. Launched in 2003 with his own ‘Simplicity’ EP, the label has seen a constant increase in international recognition. Between 2008 and 2014, following the massive worldwide success of Swedish House Mafia, SIZE became one of the most important labels in electronic dance music. With a Size XX vinyl box set containing a collection of all the releases on the label coming up, the Swedish mastermind is consistently exceeding expectations. As he celebrates 20 years of his iconic label with a SIZE XX show at Tomorrowland, there’s more than plenty to talk about.

Steve, you have a Size XX compilation album coming up, what’s the idea behind it?

“I’m obsessed with physical media, from posters and merchandise to vinyl. I’ve always cherished the value of something you can touch and feel, so the idea was to create an artefact that I can look back at in 20 years and feel like I’ve been part of a specific time. I’m very passionate about design and storytelling, and this XX vinyl box set is a testament to that.”

“I’m always happy to see artists that are pushing the boundaries and keep evolving, the ones that push the genre forward and help it become bigger. There’s Fred again.., Four Tet, Peggy Gou and Swedish House Mafia (laughs). All artists pushing forward!”

How does it feel to divide your energy between your solo work and Swedish House Mafia? How do you find the balance?

“It’s a very natural process, actually. When I create music I immediately know whether it's for SHM or for my solo work. It comes very organically, working together, whether it’s shows, show visuals, merchandise, music, music videos, marketing or anything else creative, we’re always doing it together. We find a balance in creating rather than separating.”

festival! I read an article in Mixmag about this crazy Belgian festival, so I immediately told my agent that I wanted to play. I remember that even back then I was blown away by what they had built. Fast forward to today, and it has become a whole world on its own. The unity and family they’ve managed to build is incredible.”

What is your favorite non-musical activity at Tomorrowland?

Does listening to music from your early years make you feel nostalgic? What kind of emotions does it trigger?

“It’s crazy that I have been doing this for more than 20 years, it feels more like 5 or so. In a way the music is my receipt of time, I love looking back and reminiscing about the times, the journey I’ve made. I’m blessed to have lived through so many incredible generations of music, and have been a part of some. Usually when I listen to my early works I can hear that eager 15-year-old kid trying to make it, and I love that hunger! I’m probably hungrier today, but I distribute my energy differently.”

Back to the here and now – what are some of today’s artists you’re excited about?

What achievement are you most proud of?

“In all honesty, I rarely think about achievements. I’m a bit boring that way, I always strive to push things forward and I never feel like I’m winning in any context. So with that said, I measure my achievements differently. When I see a vinyl box set with a complicated design or materials that come to life I feel a win, or when we built that impossible flying platform for SHM at Tele2 it felt like a small win. Achievements to me are the impossible made possible.”

Can you recall your first Tomorrowland performance? What was it like?

“I think it was the second or third edition of the

“My Tomorrowland experience is always different from the regular partygoer, as I move around the back like a little shadow meeting up with friends and artists, most of whom I’ve known for the majority of our adult lives. What always gets me, however, is the love in the air. People are just so happy to be here! Regardless of the weather, day or time, everyone is happy. So for me personally, hanging out at the back with all the people I’ve known for years and getting to know new faces is the best part.”

Will we see the compilation turn into a Size XX performance at Tomorrowland? Can you translate the record to a stage environment?

“Yes, very easily, actually! I teased some of the music during my set at Tomorrowland Winter and it connected really well. It will be great to build those records and moments in the show and bring along some fun surprises so the performance feels like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Don’t miss out on it, because chances are it’s probably never going to happen again!”

“Achievements to me are the impossible made possible”
FREEDOM | 18:30 - 20:30



MAINSTAGE | 22:50 – 23:50

Martin Garrix remains an incredible jack of all trades, a true force to be reckoned with. In the fashion of a chameleon, he easily switches between genres whilst always retaining his very own signature style. A decent indicator to measure the grandeur of this master of electronic music is to count the amount of high-profile collaborations to his name. Bebe Rexha (‘In the Name of Love’), David Guetta (‘So Far Away’), Khalid (‘Ocean’), Macklemore (‘Summer Days’) and Dua Lipa (‘Scared to Be Lonely’) all worked out well for the man who first rose to fame at the age of 16 and started a whole new genre with the timeless smasher, ‘Animals’. Not only does Garrix work with the biggest artists in the world, he also greatly enjoys working with up-and-coming artists on his very own STMPD Records. The STMPD crew are a real family, and this vibe is reflected nowhere more than in their studios, where artists like Loopers, NUZB, Dubwise, Duke & Jones, Julian Jordan, Liu & Mojjo, Vluarr and of course Martin Garrix himself come together to literally play around with all the facilities available to them. The most recent product of this fruitful label was realised together with Tomorrowland Music: ‘STMPD x Tomorrowland Music Vol. II’, a compilation EP including Martin’s latest production, ‘Hurricane’ with Sentinel and Bonn. This one is sure to be dropped at the Mainstage tonight, so give it a pre-listen if you want to be able to sing along! With his Mainstage sets, Garrix tends to go mental energy-wise, with a high-energy mix of big room, electro house, future bass, and whatever else catches his fancy. Get ready for an unforgettable experience as he closes out Tomorrowland 2023 in style.


MAINSTAGE | 17:35 – 18:35

Born in 1992, Indira Paganotto has a father who is, like herself, a raver. He gave his daughter a great eclectic musical upbringing, with lots of disco, jazz, acid house and psytrance to listen to. Eclecticism is still a big part of what Indira does sonically, as she effortlessly switches between techno and the thumping beats of psytrance. Charlotte de Witte is one of Indira’s most famous supporters and that has paid off: she’s accompanied Charlotte around the world to play at the acclaimed KNTXT events. The genres of techno and pystrance are both hotter than ever, and there is hardly an ambassador who blends the two with more love and passion than Indira Paganotto.


THE LIBRARY | 21:00 – 22:00

Consistently ranked as a global top DJ since 2010, Afrojack was nicknamed the King of Dutch house by his peers early on in his career. From 2018, Afrojack moved away from this particular strand of electro house to become an allround producer specialising in EDM hits, but also in techno and catchy house. Afrojack has collaborated with crossover artists such as Pitbull, David Guetta and Ne-Yo, and had major successes with songs like ‘Take Over Control’, ‘Ten Feet Tall’ an ‘Hey’. On stage, Afrojack is a skilled entertainer, keen to hype up the crowd with his versatile approach to dance music.


YOUPHORIA | 18:00 – 19:00

Norwegian hard dance duo Da Tweekaz are a worldwide leading act within the genre, bringing the ultimate uplifting dancefloor energy to the grounds of Tomorrowland. The two have an infectious way of collaborating: while one of them is mixing in the next tune, the other will have time to interact with one of the crazy dancers near the stage. Da Tweekaz fans love their heroes for their energetic sounds, but also for the fact that they don’t take themselves too seriously. Silliness is part of their everyday life and there’s no way of hiding it! And as they are not only playing, but hosting the entire Youphoria stage with their Tweekamania concept, they’re sure to see whether you can keep up. Are you ready to take the challenge?



What on Earth are those beautiful sounds emanating from unexplored corners of Arcadiana, you ask? As it happens, a key skill in our flying city’s world of sound is the ability to recognise any bird by ear. To help you identify and sing along to all those wonderful kinds of song, we help you get started with one style of music everyday. Today we dive into one of the most stratospheric genres out there: hardstyle.


ATMOSPHERE | 22:00 – 00:00


Originating from the underground music scenes of the Netherlands in the early 2000s, hardstyle has risen to become one of the most powerful and energetic genres in the electronic dance music landscape. The early pioneers of hardstyle, such as The Prophet and Lady Dana, played a pivotal role in shaping its unique sound.

With dedicated events and festivals focusing on hardstyle soon popping up, the genre spread like wildfire. Its distinctive features include high BPMs, powerful and energetic kicks, and outspoken, epic melodies. Hardstyle events became known for their intense and euphoric atmosphere, fostering a sense of unity among attendees.

As the decade progressed, hardstyle evolved into subgenres like euphoric, rawstyle, and reverse bass. Euphoric hardstyle emphasized uplifting melodies and emotional breakdowns, while rawstyle incorporated rougher and more aggressive sounds. Reverse bass hardstyle brought emphasis to a distinctive bassline pattern irresistible to dancers. Hardstyle’s international popularity surged in the mid-2000s, extending its reach beyond the Netherlands and Belgium. Throughout the 2010s, hardstyle continued to evolve with artists like Headhunterz, Brennan Heart, and Wildstylez pushing its boundaries.

While hardstyle often exudes a powerful and dark atmosphere, there’s also a lighter side to it, and Da Tweekaz exemplify how to have fun and throw an epic party with it. Hardstyle fanatics can enjoy their Tweekamania stagehosting at Youphoria today and jump to the pulsating beats and infectious sounds of Sound Rush, Coone, Hard Driver, and many more. Say it proudly: 1… 2… Stampuuhhhh!

Now one of the biggest names on the global techno scene, Amelie Lens began her professional career as a model for large fashion brands. Whilst away from the catwalk, she started to develop a fine taste for music, triggered by visiting a music festival for the first time at the age of 15. After securing a residency at the Labyrinth Club in the Belgian town of Hasselt in 2013, Amelie gave modelling another year before quitting the fashion industry in favour of a career in music. Having started her label Lenske back in 2018, she is now known around the world for her bass-heavy productions and DJ sets, with a particularly keen eye for detail when it comes to percussion. If you’re into high energy, then don’t miss out on this one!

MAINSTAGE | 15:30 – 16:30

The UK may be the home ground of drum & bass, but Belgium is its most important hub on the European mainland. And here, in the slipstream of the mighty Netsky, we find rising star Andromedik who will be hammering out his addictive breaks on the Mainstage for the first time in the history of Tomorrowland. Classically trained as a jazz artist, the Antwerp-based producer knows music through and through. Stunning tracks like ‘Howling’, ‘Take Me’ and ‘Let Me In’ have already moved millions of dancing feet globally and have received support from the likes of Sub Focus, Delta Heavy, Jauz and of course Netsky. To see Andromedik play these out on the largest of all stages will be nothing short of magical, we’re sure of it!


YOUPHORIA | 16:00 – 17:00

Powerful, creative and hands-on are all keywords applicable to 25-year-old hardstyle powerhouse MANDY. The caps say it all, really: there’s no stopping MANDY when she puts her mind to something. She started DJ’ing in Belgian clubs at the age of 16 and really began to gain traction when she first performed at the Gathering back in 2018. Soon after, a star going by the name of Tiësto knocked on her door, wanting to officially release her remix for his track ‘Jackie Chan’. Besides obviously being a massive music head, MANDY is also heavily into cars, football and gaming –anything that indicates POWER, basically. DJs who support MANDY’s music include Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Timmy Trumpet and of course Tiësto. MANDY is a force to be reckoned with!


MAINSTAGE | 21:45 – 22:45

Paul Kalkbrenner was playing live techno sets when that was still an unusual thing to do, and it still defines his approach to performing today. By not taking any DJ bookings, Paul feels he’s able to fully concentrate on what is most important for him as an artist: his own production work. “One of the biggest advantages of not DJ’ing is that I don’t have to keep up to date with the latest music,” is what he told Tomorrowland Today about this before. With all of the music coming straight from Paul’s heart, you can feel the soul and emotion in every single beat and melody – live sets by Paul Kalkbrenner are one of a kind.



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