Adaptive & Informative
SKIN The Cloud
Table of Content Introduction Students 6 Construction of the report 8 The Project 9
3. The quadrocopter concept 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
The basic concept The bigger picture Current Status Update The final result
44 50 84 86
4. Conclusion and recommendations
1. Pressure-cooker 1.1 The goal 12 1.2 The idea 13 1.3 The conclusion 17
4.1 Conclusion 4.2 Recommendations
106 107
5. Acknowledgements 2. Towards the mid-term 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.5
Inspiration Research Discussion The presentation
20 26 31 35
5.1 Thanks to
6. References 6.1 Sources
Tim Shen B1.2
My last project was mainly a handson project that could be applied to society immediately. Because of that, I wanted my project this semester to go a bit deeper, and look more towards the future. The Next Nature theme was exactly the right theme to do this. When I read the description of Adaptive and Informative Skin, I was immediately interested in the possibilities that it presented. During the process, I found that a skin comprises way more than just the physical skin, a direction which we extensively explored in our final concept. The great teamwork lead to an elaborate process but also to a lot of interesting discussions, which I greatly enjoyed. Our quadrocopter concept is complex and the direction we chose was quite difficult, but I’m glad that we went in that direction, because it showed me that the amount of possibilities in design is endless.
Michael Stockermans B1.1
For my first Semester of Industrial Design, choosing my choices for projects took some time. I was interested in a few different projects from different themes. I chose Adaptive and Informative Skin because overall the Next Nature theme was very appealing to me and aligned most parallel to my interests, identity, and vision. To me, a skin can be expressed beyond the boundaries of being physically visible, such as having a magnetic skin. The magenetic fields can not be seen around a magnet, but this skin can be visible by feeling it with another magnet, or with other tools. From my pespective, our quadrocopter concept has multiple skins, from physical with a shape, to non-physical with it’s network, a sort of decentralized nervous system. During this project I tried to explore possibilities, and have clear communication with my fellow team members, so we can continuously make decisions collaboratively and in agreement. This project explores possibilities and gives thought to ethical implications of human - robotic society interaction. I am happy with our project, and see myself as an active team member who has input and participates in many different aspects of the process.
Tom van ‘t Westeinde B1.2 Team leader
Wouter van der Wal B1.2
The first semester at this university was interesting because of all the new thing that were happening. When I looked back I was satisfied about this education but not totally about the project it was down to earth and not really for the future. That is why is wanted this theme right now. Next Nature. It is really interesting to think about this next nature theme and experience it. It opened my eyes for a new nature and new thoughts, extremely interesting and stimulating. My aim for this project was to be creative but not overwhelming, to stimulate discussions so that we think better about our concept. I like the input of others and how their thoughts are floating around in the environment. Last project I was team leader, it was interesting but this time it was great to experience it different.
With choosing the theme of next nature I was not immediately thinking of creating such a discussion provoking idea of fast flying robots that have to change society. I have to admit that this idea was not the first thing I would think about in terms of adaptive and informative skin. However, I am glad that during the process we headed in the direction of discussion provoking ideas, together with futuristic and technologic concepts. Motivated by the pleasant teamwork I focused on giving the skin in our project a different perspective by going to the edges of the possibilities and back. These out-of-thebox ideas made the implementation in society interesting for me because of the ethical and moral aspects. It gave me satisfaction that, as a team leader, I could guide our group through all the discussions, idea generating, and development within the process.
Construction of the report As seen on the image of this introductory chapter, this report is a representation of the development in time. After the introduction in this chapter this documentation will lead you through all the steps within the process in chronological sequence.
Starting with the pressure cooker, the second chapter describes how the team began developing the project and what the results of this first collaboration were. The report will continue with the representation of the process
towards the midterm with five concepts. This is followed by the elaboration of one final concept. At the end of the report the conclusion and recommendations are presented.
the project This project is started within the theme ‘Next Nature’. Next Nature is about the new nature created by humans but not controlled by humans. For example the internet, traffic jams, and the financial system. Within the theme Next Nature there is a wide variety of topics. As first year students we are in the subject of ‘Adaptive and Informative Skin’. This is all about the skin of a product, service, network or anything else which can adapt to show information. The old school banana is one
of the best examples. You can see from the banana’s skin what it’s qualities are. This is nowadays not often used for modern products like smartphones, remotes, laptops, toilets, etc. This semester was started by an introduction in the form of a pressure cooker. During the pressure cooker, the whole design process is gone through rapidly to come up with a prototype and a concept. After the introduction we started with brainstorming, some thinking and
researching. After that period the goal for the mid-term was to have at least three till five concepts. After the mid-term one concept should be prefered so you can work it out more in-depth. After this it is normal to come up with a so called prototype or ‘wizard of oss’ solution. This is in order to WWcommunicate our concept to the world at the final exhibition.
The goal As a kick off to the new semester and as an introduction to the project and working as a team, a pressure cooker was conducted. With this pressure cooker the intention is to go through roughly all the steps of a design process. Doing this under time pressure stimulates collaboration within a team and forces all the members to combine their qualities and experiences. It creates a kind of flow that keeps motivating and pushing you towards an end goal. [1] As a guideline for the pressure cooker, a design cycle was used, which includes all the steps of the design process. To ease the progress, planning was needed to give rough outlines of the activities during the day, which was made in advance. Every step of the planning included a specific method of how the activities would be done, varying from data gathering and idea generation to prototyping and evaluating. By the use of simple means as pen, paper, wood, electronics and Photoshop, a pressure cooker is a good way to get to know each other and solve a design question with a concrete idea and product that could be presented at the end of the day.
the ideas Eight ideas had been generated for the pressure cooker through thinking about what an adaptive and informative skin means. Through collaborative brainstorms the following ideas were proposed. With every idea a short description of their meaning is given. The last idea, The Color Coaster, is the final idea that has been worked out.
Intelligent Chewing Gum
Gum which would indicate the health condition of the user’s mouth.
Nano-technology Food
The possibility for food to show their properties.
Augmented Reality
By using augmented reality you can combine ingredients to make recipes immediately in the supermarket.
1.Physical objects adapt to your digital calendar. For example a watch that lights up when you have an appointment. 2. Physical objects adapt to your daily habits to make you aware of your continuous rhythm.
An object that indicates if your deviates from a certain route in a public space.
Cultural knowledge
Give an indication of a person’s cultural background without immediately prejudicing.
The windows in your house displays information about the world outside in a subtle way. By looking through a window you can see all events going on in a certain range around your building. For example traffic jam, parties, road work, weather.
The color coaster The ColorCoaster is an informative device which facilitates a more efficient dining experience. It expresses in real time, the progress of a customer’s beverage. The coaster provides a passive manner of indicating this status, as an extension of the glass in a subtle way. The enhanced drinking experience commences when a full glass is delivered, and the coaster pulsates to acknowledge this beginning. As the drink is diminished, the glow progressively becomes more intense, following the rate of the customer’s consumption. When the drink reaches empty, the glow is maximal, and this shows clearly that it need to be replenished, or that the customer is finished. This method allows the waiter to easily monitor many glasses in a large vicinity, increasing the efficiency of service. Without interrupting the social setting, the customer can enjoy a relaxing time, without feeling ignored in a busy dining space, or pressured to consume or purchase. The customer feels like they aren’t being constantly watched, and can maintain their privacy. Simultaneously, they are noticed in a discreet and friendly way.
The device functions by measuring the weight of the drink with a sensor. Once a weight is measured, it is stored in memory until a new weight is detected (ignoring 0 weight, which is when the cup is lifted off). By comparing the new weight and the previous, it adapts the light intensity to whether there is a positive or negative change. The coaster is calibrated and will recognize the weight of a certain glass type so it will know if it is full or completely empty.
Why is it only for drinks, and not for food? When people dine, food is more of a static choice, for example a pizza, and drinks are uncertain in quantity. This makes it more likely that you are changing/refilling drinks than food. So it is more important to know when someone is low on a drink, rather than finishing their meal. Since when a meal is finished, people may order drinks after the meal is over.
the conclusion After the pressure cooker the idea was presented in a cross-coaching session. The presentation was done with some acting out and demonstrating a prototype, together with the advertisement poster. This resulted in some feedback from coaches and other students: “In our project it’s really important to determine what a skin is and what it does.” “The adaptability should work for the waiter AND the customer, it should not just be passive.” “The object could be more intelligent, so it could recognize the habits of customers and adapt to that.” “Philips is doing a project with kind of the same idea but with OLED’s.” The overall impression of people was that the idea was good and could be worked out further, but should be more adaptive. The amount of feedback was low, probably because of the lack of time and the huge amount of concepts from other groups, who all received the same amount of feedback. The result of the pressure cooker was that the group members got to know each other and knew what they could expect from each other. The process went smooth and resulted in a working prototype and a poster explaining the concept. The overall impression from the team was that it was a good starting point in the project.
Inspiration DVD Life
As a starting point of the project the team started with an episode from the nature documentary Life from BBC. In terms of Next Nature, and especially nature, the strategies and behaviour of animals in order to survive had to lead to inspiring ideas. Out of the ten episodes the episode called “Creatures of the Deep� was chosen. This episode contains a small percent of the large amount of invertebrates that live in these depths. During the 50 minutes of amazement there were a lot of animals that use a way of moving, growing or changing physical appearance to hunt, defend or mislead other creatures. To accomplish this, animals
work in a group or use their skin. In this way they struggle to exist among the huge variety of beings in the deep sea. [2] [3] This stimulating material gives inspiration on different aspects of skin. The animals in the documentary use thier individual skins, but also combine in a large group to form a new skin. They can transform themselves to change their appearance to show different moods or attitudes. It is shown how creatures in huge amounts can create a new skin by forming one together. However, in comparison to the personal appearance,
a combined skin takes longer to assemble itself. Instead of covering or representing an opaque invertebrate, a skin can also be transparent and used to propel itself. The skin of a creature can also adapt on the size of what it is covering. This means that the
skin has to be renewed and will be replaced. Furthermore a growing skin can be the base of new things and over time create new structures. All these beautiful examples were taken into account for the start of idea generating.
City Trip 1 At this phase in the design process there were some ideas and concepts developed but they were a little bit unstructured and rough. This means that there was some thinking, analysing and abstracting to do. This was achieved by doing a city trip through Eindhoven. This helped to imagine some of our ideas and concepts, for example creating a structure/pattern out of parked bicycles, using loading bars as time indicator and something to make abstract information more visual, like money. As you can see on the pictures there are observations in real world about usage patterns (walking patterns, escalators and the crosswalk), virtual abstract information (specifications and paying terminal) and the train time indicator (train station with schedule).
Idea generating 1
With the information and documentation gathered from the City Trip, the first step into idea generating was made. The most common way to do this, with pen and paper, was chosen. This way of idea generating stimulates discussion and because nothing can be wrong the most creative directions can be created. The first exploration about communication is based upon the requirements of the project and looked for ways on how to communicate information. This basic aspect could be used for developing further ideas which may arise and to understand how and what can be communicated through a skin.
Information and senses focused on the type of information that can be transmitted through human senses and also other animal senses. This is important since an adaptive and informative skin conveys information through its skin, and allows a user to receive through senses. This brainstorm explores how the user could possibly receive information.
3 Because skin can be interpreted in many different ways, this group brainstorm involved thinking of abstract ways how skin can represent a certain expression.
4 To define the meaning of adaption and how adaption is
implemented in current society this brainstorm explored the ways how this is done.
5 With all the previous brainstorms together the final directions could be determined. Out of the most appealing words, ideas or definitions together created five main ideas. This poster is the first overview of the ideas created. This is the base of the further progress because the next steps are all based on this poster.
Abstracting information After this thinking and analysing, the information was abstracted and combined to make a poster with conclusions of the city trip. This shows an overview that quickly displays the kinds of directions present in the progress until now and what the characteristics were. The 4 main directions were: Collective dynamics as a skin, Extension of emotion, Abstract information becomes visual and Next nature of time. Collective dynamics as a skin: You have products that are used by everyone and those products create a new skin. At the start of this design phase there was no description of emerging behaviour included but now at the end of the project you can see the direct relation with emerging behaviour. On the poster is written “The collective products are often a result of next nature. The skin is adaptive because it reacts on the single product of every person.” This has many similarities with emerging behaviour.
Extension of emotion: There is often some trouble with communicating the emotion of a person. The concept is to come up with a product that changes its skin depending on the emotion of the person. This will help to communicate the emotion of someone or maybe something. Abstract information becomes visual: Abstract information like money, the price of your travel ticket with public transport, your cellphone bill and all kind of credits online is abstract information. But also specifications from computers are becoming more and more abstract. There are so many different types of CPU’s almost no one knows all the differences and is therefore abstract information in a shop. To make the abstract information more visual you will get more feeling with the information and get a better sense of its meaning. Next nature of time: People are more and more using computers. With computers a common way
of showing how long something is going to take is a loading bar. You see it when loading windows, exporting photos in Lightroom, starting your favourite game and downloading copyright (free) video’s from internet. This gives us a sense of time and expectations. We want to include this next nature of time into the ‘real’ world. (Include picture) nice arrows going to certain places on the picture/ poster with explanation about all the included conclusions and information.
Research After this abstracting there was a start made with doing research about those 4 directions to see how adaptive, informative and skin is used in our current environment within these four directions.
Collective Dynamics How are nature and life using collective dynamics and where could it be used for? - Ants create a structure and form transportation networks. They create/leave a trail to a task that can be food or a predator until that task is done then the trail becomes less intensive and will eventually vanish. - An idea created out of the enormous problem of waste: Self-separation of materials after use, ex: Old laptop which will spate itself from different materials. Materials of the same type group together and the garbage orders itself into materials ready for production into other things again. - Intelligence can be: Decentralized Self-organized Natural and/or A.I. - Biological swarming is interesting to see how collective behaviour is placed in nature. You have different examples: Birds fly in flocks, they use the updraft of the wing tip vortex created from previous animals in formation to
save energy, around 12-20%, and they place themselves at roughly optimum distances predicted by aerodynamic theory Fish dilutes itself to lower the chance of being eaten by predators, better foraging success and finding mates. Also likely increased hydrodynamic effects too. Prefer similar looking fish since “standing” out is preferentially targeted by predators. Krill lives in groups of 10 to 60 thousand per m3. There is vertical migration up and down and if they are disturbed individuals can moult instantly and leave a shell as a decoy behind. Bacteria swarm sometimes together in wolf-packs (Next nature) Stock markets have some sort of swarming behaviour in its genes. Bubbles in stocks are created from buying and selling stocks that are emotionally driven. There is greed in bubbles and fear in crashes, people join along in the emotion and join the crowd in selling or buying. Last but not least, people also have a flock-like behaviour, if there is a predator people behave similar to fish. If 5% of a group changes direction, others will follow them. Swarm behaviour also occurs with traffic flow dynamics. - Flocking rules for birds: 1 Separation – avoid neighbours (short range repulsion) 2 Alignment – steer towards average heading of neighbours 3 Cohesion – steer towards average position (long range attraction)
Next nature of time The research about next nature of time was mainly focussed on the progress bar because that was the most important aspect of this concept. The research consist out of some interesting quotes. With each quote goes a small explanation. “No matter how objectively fast we make these operations, it is typically the subjective speed that mars the user experience.” [4] With ‘these operations’ they are talking about the progress bars at computers and other equipment.
“Humans do not perceive the passage of time in a linear way. This, coupled with the irregular behavior of progress bars, produces a highly variable perception of how long it takes progress bars to complete.” [4] This means that the advantages of a progress bar, showing the amount of work that has been completed in proportional relation to what has been done, is less usable because of the way humans perceive the passage of time.
“Consequently, progress bars often exhibit non-linear behaviors, such as acceleration, deceleration, and pauses.” [5] “An understanding of which behaviors perceptually shorten or lengthen process duration can be used to engineer a progress bar that appears faster” [5] This was interesting because when using this you could improve the experience people have when they have to wait for example in the waiting room at the doctor. “Usability studies have shown that users are aware of response times of over one second. Consequently, you should consider operations that take two seconds or longer to complete to be lengthy and in need of some type of progress feedback.” [6] People usually don´t recognize changes smaller than one second. This means that the concept should take this into consideration. Furthermore this is interesting for a prototype because you don´t need to update it every 1/10tht of a second because it has no use.
When the need for time based progress bars is less, there are different ways of showing visualizations to display data. [7] The five most appealing ideas are written down below. These ideas are visualised by a picture. 1. Dividing your data into blocks. The blocks are all relative to each-other so you can compare them. 2. You see on a time based scale events happening. You can compare the time between specific events. 3. Patterns are created by events happening. Each block has a certain intensity that shows its value 4. Circles are relative to their size so you can compare them but also over time. 5. Over time you see the changes so you can predict a pattern bus also the relation to each other is clear.
4 5
2 3
Time is an important factor inside this concept but how do people visualize time? There are many metaphors about time, of course there is the old fashioned analogue clock, but also a river, circle, hourglass, arrow, ocean and a trajectory. [8]
This is about a technique that enables wireless and magnetic input which makes use of much more space around the device rather than limiting the range of motion to the size of the device itself. [9]
By analysing the human body transmission waves are recognized when you tap with your fingers on your arm. With this method it is possible to control your device with your own body by tapping on different places on your arm or fingers. [11]
“Scratch input’’
“Tesla Touch’’
Scratch input means that you can scratch with your fingernail over a surface for example a table from wood or glass and with the sound that produces the system can analyse the movement. In this way can you control the device you are working with. [10]
This technique offers you a way to feel what you are seeing by creating small vibrations to control electrostatic friction between a touch surface and your finger. This is an interesting technique and you can probably see this in the near future in mobile phones. [12]
Abstract visual information The research is mainly about interacting with a human body. For how this can be done there were found several interesting techniques that are being developed and some will be implemented in the near future through large companies around the world. The reason why there was focus this is because there was an idea of making your personal abstract information visual on your body. What’s the health status of your body is and how is it changing over time.
Extension of emotion Within the theme next nature there have been several projects about extension of emotion. It is a common problem that your emotion is not transferred in the same way through digital communication than a face to face conversation. The result of the research were some interesting conclusions. [13]
The relation between a psychological and physiological observation is present so it could be measured by a ‘machine’ or product. This could be measured by comparing the finger temperature of the person. The temperature also changes when listening to different music that changes your emotion.
The overall conclusion from the research is that it is hard to capture the emotion of people but not impossible but it is even harder to communicate the emotion on a human and normal way. The communication of human emotions are extremely delicate and subtle.
Five concepts
The combined brainstorms and research led to different small concepts. Through brainstorming and discussing, argumentation is provided, so things could be eliminated afterwards.
Progress Bars:
+ + + -
Fits our visualisation of time Adaptive to any time based application Better indication of passed time No direct time information
By taking our sense of waiting for things in the digital world from progress bars, this concept aims to create a physical device, either mechanical, or through projections, to create progress bars for different types of situations which require waiting. This could give an easier sense of time that people are already comfortable with, by means of universal progress bars. The drawback found is that it doesn’t relay time conventionally, but displaying only percentage of time complete and the speed, similar to how downloads are viewed.
Augumented Shopping
+ + + - -
Personalized shopping / Experimentation / Recipes / Taste Enhancing Shopping / Eating Experience Efficient shopping through store Maybe too cumbersome Location based technology required
By using a smartphone application to create an augmented shopping experience, new recipes can be suggested to users which compliment what they buy in the grocery store. This way, food is suggested similarly to complete a specific recipe which may want to try. It encourages helping find new healthy meals, with a drawback being that it’s through a smart phone, and not seamless with the whole shopping experience.
Abstract Money + + -
Financial Awareness Different ways of spending / time value Privacy and Security issues
Describing the spending history of a user, can help to manage finances, and realize their spending. Enhancing a credit or debit card through the use of a visual wallpaper on the card itself, using abstract patterns to describe the history of spending for a user. This way, it’s not clear to others except the sole user of the card what the pattern means, so only they understand the value spent, to maintain privacy.
+ + -
Futuristic Value Evolution of phone/laptop/personal computing devices Too many aspects/cases
The main concept of our group began with arguments for it’s broad value. The futuristic aspect appealed and seemed to fit in with the next nature theme. Personal computing devices have been maturing in time, and it seems reasonable to propose that the next step may involve autonomous devices. These personal devices involve social and ethical implications due to satisfying the tasks which smartphones perform. Along with having to address, and explore these implications, it is necessary to investigate the bigger picture of these devices networked.
Physical Feedback + + + -
Medical Value Instant Diagnosis Real-Time personalized data Ethical issues in terms of guilt and freedom
Through nano scale manufacturing, nano-machines could be active inside the human body, fighting diseases, and monitoring health status. This concept involves the creation of a removable tattoo, which could also be equipped with computing devices to give it innumerable functions. With nano-machines gathering data, and transmitting this data to the device being worn, all kinds of information regarding health status could be shown to the user.
Visualize emotion of country + + + + - -
Educational / Awareness Choose which displays the emotion of a country Interaction Artistic Value Emotion is hard Is there a purpose in relation to skin?
By analysing data on the internet, it could be possible to visualize the emotion of a country. It is interesting since it has educational value and provides awareness about current feelings. It could be interactive through the use of an interface to explore the social feeling of different places. It would have an artistic value as well, but emotion is very difficult to deal with, and not clear of the purpose of such a display.
Digital Identity Value + -
More concerned / Awareness Just Information
This idea wishes to investigate a person’s awareness of their digital identity, and the financial value of that identity. This idea revolved around providing information and less physical.
Conclusion After a legitimate argumentation and rating the final concepts for the mid-term exhibition could be chosen. Based on the arguments as well as on the personal interests the following ideas were determined to be worked out. 1. Augmented Shopping 2. Abstract Money 3. Quadrocopter 4. Physical feedback 5. Intelligent garbage packaging The following pages will be a description of how the ideas were shaped as well as we prepared them for the mid-term presentation.
Intelligent garbage packaging: - + +
Technological Possibilities Environmental Interesting Evolution Recycling/Afterlife
This concept has an environmental focus which was found interesting. Trying to think further ahead of current recycling, having packaging have a secondary purpose after consumption. The drawback to this was due to technological infeasibility at current times, and relies on future predicted developments in robotics and nanotechnology
Ethical issues During the brainstorming and discussions, some problems and ethical issues arose. Because discussion is hard to capture the most important ones are written down.
Credit card
The biggest problem with this concept was the fact that if someone took your card or looked at it, he could see your bank details. This was solved by giving the user the option to customize his card and make it an abstract pattern. This way, the only one who knows what the pattern means is the user.
Physical feedback
A problem with this concept was that some people don’t like to be reminded of their unhealthy lifestyle. For example, most smokers know that what they are doing is unhealthy, but they still choose to do it. They don’t want to be reminded that it’s unhealthy. This could be solved by letting the user choose what it shows. Another issue was that this concept could be forced on people by for instance the government. This would greatly diminish privacy.
Of most concepts, the feasibility was an issue. Things like augmented reality and nanotechnology are technologies still in development. However, the theme allows future concepts, as long as they’ll be realistically available in the next 10 years.
Adaptive Skin
The biggest problem of all was that the concept should be adaptive, since the project is about Adaptive & Informative Skin. The cross-coaching sessions helped a lot with making the concepts adaptive.
After there were chosen five concepts with argumentation there had to be a presentation made. This presentation would describe the process of idea generating, research, and discussing resulting into the five concepts with convincing argumentation. To substantiate this argumentation, each of the concepts were provided with a scenario. These scenarios contained a short description for each idea in which it works and how it is implemented in society. These descriptions gave a more concrete form to the concepts and served as explanation in the presentation. First, as introduction to the theme, there was a general description of Adaptive and Informative Skin written. This served as an introduction for all the students that were in this theme.
Introduction to Adaptive and Informative skin We live in an age where information is all around us. Every moment of the day we are overwhelmed with information ranging from news, finances, social life, advertisements and entertainment. Every object in our environment has a skin. The skin presents us with information about an object, or its surroundings. We can design these skins to adapt to our needs, having them communicate the information we choose. Through using ambiguity and repetition, information can be decorated to be more interesting. Currently, the majority of the information we receive comes from screens. Trying to manage and present this information in a suitable way while integrating it into our environment is our main concern. It is essential that we let go of our screens and look to other forms or possibilities in our environment. [14]
Augmented Shopping Supermarkets of today have a wide range of products which sometimes make it difficult to know what goes well together. Often you know what tastes you like, but do not know what ingredients to use together to cook an appetizing meal. Through the use of an app on your mobile, products can be suggested based on your personal preferences. After you finish shopping, you can pay by using your phone and recipes are generated based on your selections.
Virtual money becomes visible. Currently, money is becoming more and more digital worldwide. Such as the use of chipknip or online banking. By putting your card in the ATM or clicking on a
few buttons, it’s hard to keep track of and actually notice your spending behaviour. By using an abstract pattern, a bank card could show your recent transactions, monthly charges, and remaining credit. This would let the user be more aware of their spending behavior.
Collective garbage Swarming species such as birds or fish group together to form new entities of themselves. Inspired by nature, a new idea for unusable goods has emerged. This idea explores the concept of post-recycling by collectively using waste to shape large structures. Instead of taking up space by using landfills, it could be used to create new useful spaces by extending land or
building islands. This could be realised in the future by manufacturing packaging which has smarter capabilities using nanotechnology built into its skin. For example, after the contents of a bottle is consumed, it could make itself airtight to float on water. It could then navigate using it’s skin, meeting with other peers and selforganizing into groups to construct structures. Why not build packaging with complexity inside to create a distributed network, so it can do something more useful through potential agriculture, power generation platforms, or maybe even housing or buildings.
Personal data Nowadays you’re always up to date because of social media. You receive endless information from social
platforms concerning personal interests, family, religion, birthdays, relations, work and education that you know more about your friends than about your own health status. Imagine to have a timeline which contains all relevant medical information with regards to your body. Using nanorobots to measure data, physical statistics are displayed to the user through a transparent detachable plastic strip which can be applied to the skin, simulating a tattoo. Users can immediately view any changes in body condition. For example, one could look at the tattoo on their arm which would visually show them toxin levels in their body. If someone is smoking, they would be able to notice decreased lung capacity. Any type of body information which is otherwise unseen is revealed.
Quadrocopters Presently, mobile devices and computers are deeply intertwined with our lives. Inspired by quadrocopters, we see the next step in the evolution of how we connect and interact to the world wide web. Bridging the gap between the Internet and us, fast flying personal assistants can act as hosts for digital identities, replacing our current fixation on hand held devices and screens. The quadrocopters can be equipped with all kinds of gadgets making them useful for work, social life and personal business. For example, quadrocopters with projection capabilities could display information, or create interfaces. These devices could process information and respond to an ever growing range of situations, from medical emergencies, to natural disasters. The robots could maintain a network with relevant data about current situations that require attention. Behaving like locusts by working in extreme numbers, major emergencies like tsunamis could be significantly deterred by creating a barrier to break the impact. These robots are shared so they can work together to form a new skin.
Performance Each scenario was explained by a different narrator from the team and there was much time spent on practicing these scenarios so they would fit into the tight schedule of the presentation. In this way the presentation would become a seamless performance in which the text and slides were perfectly aligned.
Infographics Each concept either had an infographic or a short movie to support the presentation. The purpose of the infographics was to explain the concept with some visuals and a bit of text. Besides being a powerful tool for a presentation, it also helped summarizing the concept so far. The concepts that had an infographic were:
The quadrocopter concept This infographic is mainly based on the personal aspect of the quadrocopter concept. It shows some of the possibilities the quadrocopters presented when you would use them as a personal assistant.
The visualising personal data concept This infographic shows some situations in which the concept could be useful. It’s mostly focused on medical situations and what the physical form of the concept could be.
The smart collective and packaging concept This infographic shows some possibilities you could create with this concept and how the concept works. The possibilities are mainly construction of landfills that could fulfil a meaningful purpose.
Making a movie For the mid-term exhibition there are five concepts presented. For two concepts there were movies created that were shown at the presentation to explain the concept. Those concepts were: Augmented shopping and Virtual money becomes visible. The footage for the videos was first taken in Woensel, Eindhoven. That footage was edited to a short video in Adobe Premiere Pro. After this the graphics were made in Photoshop and Illustrator after some sketching on paper with pencils. You see some of the sketches here. Integrate sketches of graphics. The graphics were animated into the video. This was a little harder than expected and needed more time than was planned. First you have to track the movement of the object inside the video with use of ‘Mocha for After Effects’. Then you have to capture the finger that goes over the screen so you can place the finger on top of the animated screen. When you have the track data out of ‘Mocha for After Effects’ you can connect the graphics to the tracking data so this will follow your movements in the video. Finally you can edit it all together in After effects and export is as the video. Augmented shopping: The footage shot in the “EkoPlaza” was a little un-sharp because the aperture was at f1.8 this means that the depth of field was really small. At first thought it seemed to be no problem and deliver nice footage except for the tracking data in ‘Mocha for After Effects’ it was hard to capture the exact movement of the device at the end of the movie. This is the main reason why the animation is not perfectly placed inside the screen. The movement of the device couldn’t be exactly captured so the animation shifts a little bit during the scene. You can see the finger moving on top of the animation. This was hard to capture and place it perfectly in place but after some tweaking it finally worked well. The places of the buttons in the animation at the end were done last because they had to fit the finger movement. Virtual Money becomes visible: For this footage the movement was less hard to track because there was more contrast and the depth of field was perfectly in place. There are some choices in this video that may seem a little strange but are taken because of the communication aspect of this video. For example you see that the credit card is placed into the station but the animation is on top of the station. The reason why is because of the pattern on the card and this way it will get more attention. Otherwise you would see a small part of the whole pattern. Also the flashing new square is maybe a little bit overdone when it has your full attention but during the mid-term presentation there was less time and there were more presentations so it had to get attention.
The visualising abstract money concept
The Augmented shopping concept
Evaluation The mid-term presentation was an idea in the Next Nature theme as substitution for the mid-term exhibition. Instead of having an exhibition where everyone could walk in and see your project, there was a day of presentations only for Next Nature students. Every group had to present their project and concept in 5 minutes and after that they would receive feedback on their work. Our group presented the five concepts and received the following feedback: - Smart collective packaging
“Don’t be afraid to pursue an existing concept.” The team’s opinion on the new mid-term presentation idea was that it was not completely worth compared to the time there was spent on it. . It was interesting to see the work of other groups, but looking at how much time it cost to prepare the presentation and how much feedback our team received maybe the time was better spent working on the project itself. The mid-term presentation did help to summarize the project so far.
“Garbage could tell you what kind of garbage it is and maybe it could sort itself out or group together to make recycling easier.” - Credit card
After the mid-term presentation the five concepts were evaluated. Each group member had to evaluate the concepts and choose which one they wanted to continue working on. In the end the whole group agreed to choose the quadrocopter concept for several reasons. The first reason was that the concept should change society. Most of our concepts focused on making people’s lives easier and were already feasible with the technology of today. The quadrocopter concept however was focused on the future and had a much more interesting vision. The second reason was that the quadrocopter concept appealed to everyone in the group, because of its technology and the amazing possibilities it offered.
“The screen technology needed for making this product already exists.” - Physical feedback “You should discuss the ethical implications” “This concept could be forced on you, for instance by the government, we wouldn’t want that.” - Project
“This space is empty but not useless.� - Wouter van der Wal
The basic concept Sharing system After the mid-term presentation the concept of the quadrocopters had to become more concrete. Starting from the point that quadrocopters serve as a personal assistant the associated bigger picture could be worked out. To do this there was a list with several bullet points to where the system must satisfy. With the three main values of the system; the user, your personal quadrocopters and the cloud of quadrocopters the first outline was made. While visualising these values in a flowchart there were more detailed descriptions of its workings added. The flowchart is a representation of one of the basic aspects of the sharing system.
Sharing mode Similar to how people are away, busy, offline, online, robot allies may also have their own statuses.
Personal Quadrocopters: Quadrocopters could connect themselves to an open network where they can communicate using a standard protocol with each other. To enter the network, would require these devices to be set on sharing mode, where they can work with other quadrocopters to perform tasks which require more than an individual’s personal device/devices. A user has the control to turn off sharing mode whenever they wish, although there is an obvious time delay for a robot which is in progress with a workflow, and the time to travel back to its human counterpart. Independent robots: Over time robots may be on share mode for indefinite periods of time, or be donated to the network, or by mechanisms such as self-replication, and thus could become independent of having an owner.
Open and Distributed Network Having robots connect to an open network has a wide variety of reasons. A network where any model or make of quadrocopter could join, has the potential to accept the largest variety of makers and users. This would require a set of minimal software and hardware requirements which would be necessary for running the open source operating system and which is required in order to communicate with new open source communication protocols for autonomous robots, and encryption methods necessary to be shared safely. (Possible hardware features described further in Section 4.2) By having the operating system for robots which act in the public sphere open source and viewable by anyone, this guarantee’s that there is no malicious code, monitoring capabilities, or the ability to take control over a user’s robot by an external central entity. A rogue robot which is sent
into the swarm to infiltrate or try to control the swarm would not work with such a distributed system. A verification system using always the latest encryption would be able to confirm entry of a robot connecting to the swarm, that it is running the proper software. Governments, private companies, or any other entity which may have interest in control over people’s personal devices would fail in attempting to take control of this type of network through changing the operating system. This is due to the nature of being viewable by anyone, since changes are in plain view to the public and could not be simply be slipped in unnoticed, versus private proprietary systems.
Centralized private systems rely solely on trust by the users for privacy and security since the source code is not visible, so any potentially malicious content is simply invisible to users. Privacy and control by the individual are integral reasons why such a network needs to be open source to allow for maximal security considering the nature of a swarm of useful robots. To have the ability for a quadrocopter to be on share mode and successfully join the swarm, it would have to be running verifiable open software. Tasks which are performed by the network could be visible publicly by the whole world through camera’s on devices which could be broadcasting live. This also provides mass logs containing text, video, and sound of any happenings which occur near, or involving any quadrocopter which exists connected to the network. The central control, or hijacking of an entire network of capable swarm robots could have devastating consequences. There exists very real threats that personal robots could bring, in the form of malicious behaviour, being hacked, or made to do illegal work. This makes an open distributed system a conclusive choice for such a type of network of robots.
Incentive to share The personal feeling of helping others can intrinsically motivate users to let their robots join the swarm. In addition to this natural motivation, the possibility of a reward system is possible. This could be based on the contribution of users, for an added value for the growth of the network.
This could potentially spark an economy within the network itself, stemming from these hours of work completed. Active users of the network would hold value for these robots doing work, giving value to these hours completed. This could potentially enable buying and selling of goods, trading, and may possibly give rise to itself as a currency within the network, perhaps comparable to existing other currencies (Gold, Bitcoin, World of Warcraft Gold, Second Life Linden Dollars). It could encourage users to build more devices to participate in the network, stimulating growth of the network by open jobs which are completed through quadrocopters in association with people from all over the world. By participating, users may be connected to real world happenings, being part of news, and/or part of solutions to problems which exist and through which humanity is responsible. Task Creation
The hours of work completed by an individual robot is a direct representation of how much it shares.
In the swarm, some quadrocopters may be looking out for new tasks that need completion (by scouting), as well as human users could post jobs to the network with all the necessary information to perform the job.
Key variables which need to be broadcasted to the network • Workload (perhaps in terms of weight and distance carrying for lifting or dropping things) • Duration • Urgency • Location Individuals will rally to specific jobs on their own (due to different types of equipment) while updating their current status to the network in order to continuous make decisions to optimise the network. Simultaneously, tasks can be performed by shared quadrocopters. The basic behaviour of the network is simulated in Netlogo, showing an example for how robots could complete many tasks, based on individual decisions.
Ethical values With such a broad and complex concept, you are bound to encounter some ethical issues. Especially a concept involving robots will provoke a lot of discussion. A lot of people dislike the idea of robots taking a place in society. Robots replacing humans Robots are designed to do a certain task more efficient than a person. This logically leads to robots taking over jobs from people. With the latest technological advancement, robots have become more sophisticated. This also has an impact on jobs in the field of communications.
Ethical rules Robots integrated in society should abide by a certain set of rules. Ethical rules, such as not harming people, property and such. Autonomous species With the huge amount of quadrocopters and the amount of autonomy they have, they could exist as a separate species. This presents a whole new horizon of possibilities and problems.
Responsibility An issue with placing this many robots in society is the question: who will be responsible for them? An organization or company? The government? The owners? The quadrocopters themselves? Military use One of the most feared things of the quadrocopter technology is the fact that they could be used for military purposes, either as a means to spy on people or as a weapon.
Users and society Interviews The users are of course important in this concept. This concept needs support of the people that are living right now. To know more of the current status how people think about this concept there has been some interviews with people in the train. Every interview lasted for about 20 minutes. The most important conclusions from the interviews are: There are people that are afraid of all digital equipment; even digi-D is scary. People nowadays are not used to get a personal band with an electronic device. It is also hard for them to imagine that this could be in the future. However they are
confident that people will get used to flying quadro copters in daily life.
chess partner. This is interesting to see how quick people are giving it a purpose.
Most people don’t like it when there digital identity is inextricably connected to the quadro copter but they also don’t realise that it is often now the case with their smart phone.
Most people don’t like the quadro copter if it is going to take over jobs from people like construction workers. But most people do agree that the evolution is unstoppable and it could be the future.
It is hard for people to imagine what this quadro copter could do for everyone but even with that in mind their imagination is going quick, an older woman asked me if it was possible to help elderly people to change clothes and get out of bed and if the quadro copter was able to be a tennis or
Finally most people are willing to share their quadro copter with a community to something good. For example the quadro copters could pick up garbage in the neighbourhood from the street or painting the community centre.
Expert meetings Conversation with Ronald van Tienhoven Ronald mentioned that this quadro copter is a different binder than usual. You can compare the relation between you and the quadro copter a little bit with the feudalism of the middle Ages but now on techno scale. You can commend what the quadro copter should do and it has to follow your order. Nevertheless Ronald expects that you will get a new sort of attachment between you and the quadro copter. It will become a life mate instead of a pet. It can be gone for a week or two to do good stuff around the world. You will receive information and status updates from your quadro copter what it is doing and you see the effects on the news online. This is interesting because this will also create more attachment with the passive news if your quadro copter is involved in the ordinary news of every day you will get more feeling with it because your quadro copter was part of it. This also changes the relation with the quadro copter network. But off course with attachment there is also detachment. This quadro copter is not only serving you but a whole network. You have to accept it is partly yours but also partly of the community. For the society and the growth of this concept the most important bottleneck is the commitment with it. If it is big enough people start to accept it as a part of their life and give it the attention it requires but otherwise it will stay small.
Conversation with Berry Eggen Berry compared this quadro copter network with online butterfly gardens. Every butterfly represents a child that died at cancer. All the parents of the children can walk in the online garden and click on every butterfly to read their story. The quadro copter network could have some similarities with this. Emerging behaviour is really important within this concept. How every small decision has effect on larger scale. You can recognize at the decision an organism takes what kind of organism it is. But with this quadro copter network the opposite has to happen. You want that something big is being solved but how do you divide all the small tasks within it to ever quadro copter. To get this concept growing it needs to fulfil psychological needs of people. Then it will be adopted. They are: self-esteem, autonomy, competence and relatedness. A lot of this aspects are also present in massive online multiplayer games like world of warcraft. People create self-esteem with their character and what it can do. They can be autonomous, walking around the world. To do some interesting stuff there has to be a competence, a challenge and finally there is relatedness and because many people are playing the game they are getting friends in it, make new relations and an social world inside it. So it is a game but it fulfils a lot of the psychological needs of people.
The bigger picture City trip 2 1
To get more feeling of the quadro copter concept placed into the real world there was some research done in the city of Eindhoven there were some pictures and videos taken. This followed in collaborative brainstorming about the use of this concept in the real world. The pictures that were made had as goal to communicate the concept to our coach what this concept could look like, how the experience would be when looking in the sky with many quadro copters around you. The pictures from the city are edited afterwards. All those pictures are combined into an overview of how quadro copters could be of use on small local scale. The photos are imported and edited in Lightroom. The way of colour editing is done to fit the quadro copter sketches that were included by using Photoshop.
Quadro copters are helping construction workers with their day to day work.
If everyone has a quadro copter how would it look if you take the public transport.
The sunlight is reflected by quadro copters to the restaurant.
Quadro copters are pushing the clouds away to get a nice blue sky.
The majors house is under attack but saved by quadro copters.
Rent a quadro copter directly at the trainstation.
Quadro copters are working together to construct a building.
During an emergency quadro copters turn out to the place needed.
A pidgin is being chaced away by the quadro copters.
To give some privacy and notice the traffic a direct flexible wall of quadro copters is created
High windows are cleaned by quadro copters.
A person is saved out of the river by a group of quadro copters.
Sequirity everywhere. The camera’s don’t have to be fixed but can fly.
Birds are chaced away at the church to protect it.
Quadro copters are helping to clean the streets.
A thief is being stopped by a group of quadro copters on top of him.
This man visualizes his power by showing his own cloud of quadro copters.
Brain storm with post its The following are ideas which were gathered and categorized by discussion and idea generation amongst the team. By writing ideas, and arranging notes on a larger page, categorization of different situations for application of the quadrocopter network is established. The development of these ideas slowly took shape and form, in a dynamic fashion where all team members were participant and gave opinions on each point added. Disasters Extinguish or prevent fires Crown Control Stop a tsunami Rescue & Evacuation, Earthquake Scouting for early disaster detection Stop or channel lava flow Extinguish Forest Fires Crop dusting People Harry potter owl post (Personal delivery services) Playing games Education tool Entertainment purposes Filming or documenting Animals Monitoring, protecting & Guiding animals (endangered species) Scouting for illegal poachers
Climate Changing weather to suit needs Reflecting light applications: Focus light to gather energy, Portable scalable solar factory Repairing ozone, possible terra forming applications (Mars) Exploration Earth exploring Ocean reef exploration Population counting Evaluating war zones, disaster aftermath & radioactive places Unmanned exploration of other planets Finding land mines Filter water Business Displaying power intimidation Security/Safety Fight and prevent terrorism Take out enemies like bees surrounding. Looking for crime Fight bio weapons’ Road blocks Block inappropriate views Space Construction, building things (walls, housing through small pieces of materials piled, or stacking small modular pieces to create larger structures Discover unknown or impossible places
Physical models Some models were made to visualize the concept. The focus was on exploring the different situations you could use quadrocopters for and the feasibility of ideas. They show how the quadrocopters would look in groups solving problems and constructing things. We made models of the following situations:
Forest Fire
Oil spill
On the next few pages you can see pictures of the models. There are explanations for each concept included. This is really to give you an impression of the quadrocopter concept.
Forest fire The quadrocopters put out a forest fire by extinguishing the fire with water they take from a river nearby. The positive effect of the quadrocopters is that they can react faster than helicopters and evenly spread the water over the fire.
Construction A house constructed by quadrocopters carrying beams and bricks together. This could in the future replace construction workers.
Robbery Quadrocopters react on a robbery, if one detects a crime it will notify the surrounding quadrocopters. Together they will tackle the thief and keep him on the ground until police is arrived.
EMP Quadrocopters attack enemy vehicles and machines in a war by generating an electro-magnetic pulse, rendering them useless. This way there is no war possible on earth because quadrocopters will stop every crime even from the ‘good’ ones.
Reflecting Quadrocopters carrying reflecting panels, sending the sunlight any way they choose. Letting people decide where the reflection goes. This can be used to decrease climate change. If good algorithms are used quadrocopters could be used on the most productive places to reflect sunlight. Or to spots where energy can be generated from it.
Oilspill Quadrocopters assemble a barrier to keep an oil spill in the ocean from spreading and keeping away birds and other animals from the oil. This way birds are beforehand helped during an oil spill and not saved after they become stuck in the oil.
Roadblock The quadrocopters form a roadblock to wall off a car accident, with the purpose to block traffic and keep away bystanders. The only people who can go through are medical personnel and police. Because this roadbloack is so quick at the place of accident the privacy is secured of the people.
Tsunami The quadrocopters block a tsunami and can use different techniques for that. For example they can detonate themselves to disrupt the wave or they could create a pattern at the ground so the wave is becoming its own obstacle. It is all about decreasing the force of the tsunami.
Aspects of quadrocopters During the process some aspects of the quadrocopter concept were discussed. The focus of the concept shifted from having a personal assistant, to having a quadrocopter which you can share with others. The collaboration of the quadrocopters became the physical ‘skin’ in Adaptive & Informative Skin. The most important aspects discussed were:
Sharing quadrocopters
A sharing system for the quadrocopters. People that buy quadrocopters have the option to share their quadrocopter with friends, neighbours, colleagues, basically the whole world. The shared quadrocopters could together perform tasks that require huge amounts of work or time. This could work together with a credit- or reward system. The idea of sharing hardware is pretty unusual for most people, so the idea provoked a lot of discussion.
Ethical and moral issues
During the process of the quadrocopter concept, a lot of ethical and moral issues arose. Who is responsible for the quadrocopters, the production and maintenance? Should the quadrocopters be available for even the poorest people? Will you still have privacy? Will people share their quadrocopters? Can you sacrifice people’s quadrocopters saving the lives of others? These problems were discussed to some extent, but even though discussion is important, it shouldn’t take over the time you should spend on brainstorming and designing.
The quadrocopters should basically be available for everyone. It’s a concept that includes a world-wide network of quadrocopters. There are a lot of possible user groups for this concept. You can think for example locally: your friends, family, neighbourhood, community. But you can also think bigger: companies, organizations, governments.
Production of quadrocopters
Who will produce quadrocopters? Should it be the big companies? Should it be the government? Or should people build one themselves? Looking at the recent advances in 3d-printing, it might be possible that people in the future can design and print their own products. This would be a great opportunity for the quadrocopter concept, making the quadrocopters easily accessible and cheap to produce. It could also stimulate the advancement in quadrocopter technology and design, since everyone can add to the design of the quadrocopter.
Reward System
By sharing your quadrocopter with people, you earn credits, good karma, money or quadrocopter sharing time. You could use these rewards for quadrocopter work time, new parts and upgrades.
The original purpose of the quadrocopters was to act as a personal assistant. The higher purpose became sharing your quadrocopters. However that is the individual purpose of the quadrocopters. What is the general purpose? If you think about it, robots are designed to help people perform tasks, or replace the people doing the tasks, either because robots could do it better or the task is boring or dangerous. The same applies to the quadrocopters, not only to individual ones, but also to the entire quadrocopter network. The quadrocopters are supposed to perform tasks only they can do, either because there are so many of them, or because of their capabilities. But most of all, they should protect people from harm, help people in their everyday lives and create new possibilities.
Digital Identity
Your digital identity is related to your quadrocopter(s). Because of this, you can easily log into the quadrocopter network/internet. Sharing requests and quadrocopter tasks would be linked to your digital identity. Since it’s an open network, most of the information would be public. It’s also possible to constrain everyone to a single digital identity. This way, you can make everyone responsible for the actions of his/her quadrocopter(s). This digital identity could also be linked to the reward-system.
Online access point
The quadrocopters could act as an access point to the World Wide Web. By connecting through your quadrocopter you can search the internet, call people, see updates from friends and much more. The quadrocopters are also your connection to the quadrocopter network. In this network quadrocopters notify each other of situations, handle requests and process information.
Next Nature
The Next Nature mantra’s, from the Next Nature book by K. van Mensvoort & H. Grievink, played an important role in the design process of the quadrocopter concept. [15]
#1 Embrace complexity Creating a complex ecosystem that will change society. #2 Guided growth instead of total control Creating a system that grows and develops, it should not be controlled by anyone.
#4 Merge the made with the born Interaction between humans and quadrocopters. In a more personal way #5 Take old nature as teacher, create humane technology Schools of fish, a swarm of bees, a flock of birds. They all form a skin by grouping together.
nextnature colours
#3 Design processes instead of products We set up the platform, for the people themselves to develop further.
Technological features of future quadrocopters
Technological features of present quadrocopters
These potential capabilities span from present technologies, and also future possibilities which are relevant to not only quadrocopters but also may apply to other robot devices in the future.
Programmable flying patterns: Currently quadrocopters are capable of flying in synchronized paths, and in groups to perform complex tasks. [16]
Computing power: In order to operate the type of network described in this report, individual quadrocopters will require more computer power than present prototypes.
Autonomous 3d mapping: The through use of a Microsoft Kinect driven system, a quadrocopter is capable of navigating and mapping in real-time 3d environments without GPS aid. [17]This could allow for real time mapping and detection of changes in an environment, to support the possibility for detailed detection of physical changes.
By using a device such as a Raspberry Pi [18] (small open source ARM based low cost linux computer), it would then be possible to have more computer power to run the artificial intelligence, and also give communication capabilities to act as an access point for the digital identity, especially coupled with some kind of antenna, such as a small parabolic dish added onto a device.
Construction Algorithm: There have been algorithms written to allow construction of modular magnetic attaching cubic trusses through the use of groups of quadrocopters. [18] With better developments for the power of quadrocopters, different types of materials could be used to construct in modular fashion with varying levels of precision
Eye/Fingerprint Scanning: For identity verification, it could be necessary in the future for enhanced security, with the possibility for human implant security for coupling with a robot. Robotic Arm: Adding a small robot arm onto a quadrocopter could allow more accurate manipulation of objects, and extend its interaction capabilities with the environment. This could further construction possibilities, and allow higher detail in terms of collecting or sorting objects.
Sketching To visualize the concept of quadro copters on large scale, say 10 thousand, there were some quick sketch sessions. The technique was learned at the assignment exploratory sketching. Everyone took one paper in front of them and started to sketch for about 5 minutes per concept. After those five minutes the paper was shifted to the next person and so on. Everyone draw 4 concepts and their image of the concept so we could see how everyone was thinking about each concept. That was pretty important because the concepts are on huge scale and hard to visualize in one image. The interesting thing is that everyone takes a different approach of each concept. The sketches are first drawn with just a black pen. After that the sketch is given more contrast by adding darker lines with a marker and adding a background with a distinctive colour in the concept itself. This way you can hang the sketch on the wall and the image will pop out so people know where they have to look if you are explaining things.
Online Security: You see different stages of this concept. You see someone sitting behind his desk watching his monitor and sees someone doing something bad. You see a person throwing stuff away what gets noticed by a quadro copter and you see two scenarios of quadro copters observing the city.
Comets: You see the basics of this concept. A comet based out of quadro copters is coming from the air and when it ‘hits’ the ground it explodes and all quadro copters are flying in a different direction.
Flying Farms: The drawings show you 4 totally different forms of farms. Also the connection with earth is different. It was interesting to see and talk about the details in each drawing.
Tsunami: Interesting thing is that you see that the way the tsunami is stopped is drawn on different ways. With bombs, with a grid, and with throwing things. This was drawn before the research was done of the tsunami so it was logical that everyone had their own interpretation of stopping a tsunami.
Requirements To rate the existing ideas and measure potential new ideas, a list of requirements was made. This list contained different criteria which were seen as the minimum marge to which the ideas or concepts should satisfy. With this checklist it was easier to see in what ways new ideas fit into the vision of the project. The combination of all the ideas should, at the end, cover all the criteria so that at least all the aspects are covered. These are the requirements with a small explanation.
Intelligent behaviour.
Physical appearance.
Collective behaviour.
The quadrocopters, both acting in a group or individual, should behave intelligent. This means that they can adapt on a situation without being specifically programmed. They should respond on all the constant feedback they get from their environment without being controlled or asking permission.
As a relation to the skin part of the project it was important that, when working together, the quadrocopter would have a physical appearance that could be related to a form of skin. In this way that would be, just like seen by the sea creatures, that when they work together to combine their forces they form a visual skin.
As an addition to the previous two requirements it is necessary that through their behaviour and appearance the quadrocopters would represent a collectiveness. This means that working together must have a meaningful value to the task they providing, nor in terms of time span and amount nor in terms of power magnification.
Society related.
Because of the personal connection we made between the user and the quadrocopter as device the quadrocopter must have value for the society. In terms of usefulness the quadrocopter must fulfil an certain task that contributes to the improvement and change of society.
Supporting role For its role within society it of importance that the tasks of the quadrocopter will be of useful purpose.
Unique The tasks that the quadrocopters are performing have to be something that cannot easily be executed by any other form of robotic science. The special aspects about the quadrocopter have to make sure that this makes the assignment perfectly appropriate for a large group of agile, fast flying robots.
Discussion provoking Not every concept with society changing quadrocopters have to be plausible at first sight. It is good, in terms of next nature, to have concepts that go to the edge of the ethical and moral standards of humans. Through provoking discussion, like there was a lot within the team, it is possible to create new visions on current ideas.
Besides the fact that a large group of flying robots is already a sensation on itself it should be the intention of every concept to amaze the audience. This can be done through their appearance, intellectuality or behaviour. Especially when working in huge numbers the group of quadrocopters can create an overwhelming effect.
Creating opportunities Once a concept is created it should be possible, through for example discussion or technological development, to expand the idea. In this way a concept should be able to adapt on the fast changing society and open up to evolution.
Business aspects Because of the massive social value of the concept is was important to set up a business model to define the way how the value of the concept will be delivered to the users. Without any intention of making profit out of the system the focus was to describe the principles of a business to explore possibilities for future development. [20][21][22][23] Using the “Business Model Canvass� all the steps for creating a legitimate plan the following model was set up.
Customer Segments For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers The intention is to let the type of customer grow together with the amount of users. Starting with phase one, the product will be a new thing for people who are interest in new technologies and gadgets. Maybe even only the government or big investors in the first place. In this phase it is important for the user to get an personal attachment with the product and even see it as a pet. In phase two the product should be seen as a daily product, a part of your life. With this more and more people are going to use the product. In this way the real value of the product should come forward. This means that all kind of people will get to know the product. At the end the world wide population should be influenced by this idea and be part of a whole new community of sharing quadrocopters.
Value propositions What value doe we deliver to the customer? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? The start point with the concept is to have a piece of technology that will be regarded as a pet. In this way you can have personal attraction to technology the same as you can have it with your personal computer or mobile phone. This leads to the main goal of giving a person the personal feeling of being part of something bigger. The aim is that the user becomes more involved in real happenings by possibly taking part in something that normally would be just passive news. Hopefully by doing this there will be more awareness created of the world around us.
Piece of technology as a pet. Literally.
Channels Through which Channels do our Customers Segments want to be reached?
1.Awareness On a local scale people the idea is to spread the product and its services through word of mouth advertisement. However, because the main goal is to reach a worldwide public the most likely way of spreading will be the world wide web, magazines and billboards. 2.Evaluation By the use of the internet in the way of forums or questionnaires the use of the progress has to be evaluated. This has to be combined with the visualization of the growth of the network. This growth is a representation of the popularity as well as the understanding of the product its meaning. 3.Purchase The focus of the availability of the product will be on 3D printing but interested people will have to buy a basic product. These products will then be available for further elaboration through the open source community. 4.Delivery A user is free to interpret the value propositions in his or her way. However, by connecting user to each other through the internet they can give each other feedback on how to give the value they want. 5. Location To target the right customers you have to take into consideration what their current location is where they live. That means if there is no electrical powers source available it is not smart to sell one in that area.
Key resources
Revenue stream
What key resources do our Value Propositions require? Our distribution Channels?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay? How would they prefer to pay?
To produce the basic quadrocopters some main resources are needed. The physical part of the product require plastics and electronics but to really function all the software have to be tuned to the sensors and communicate this to the motors. For this some programming knowledge is essential. Furthermore the plastics can actually be printed by 3D printers and the electronics have to be bought. To really achieve the production money have to be obtained in every possible way. This could be through sponsoring, online advertisements or funding through kickstarting. Since the quadrocopter on itself is an existing device the thing that can be patented will be the whole system of sharing. To minimalize other cost like transporting it would be ideal if most of the production could be done as close to the distribution point. This should to be possible by the use of 3D printing.
The customers have to pay for a quadrocopters to attach value to the product. This will happen online or even specialized shops. Paying for the object will give it the start of the personal attraction. The main goal though is to get the feeling of being part of the bigger entity. This value have to be created through interact and actually use the quadrocopter.
Customer relationships What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? How costly are they? If it is possible the product, once it is bought, should be a thing on its own without any responsibility to a company or service. The main relation will be with and towards the open source community. The value of this relation has to be maintained because this stimulates sharing.
Key activities What key activities do our Value Propostioion require? To reach the final goal of global distribution mass production is inevitable. For these capabilities location, employees and devices have to be taken into account. Furthermore there have to be a distribution system to shops and houses. Finally a new network have to be set op to connect the whole quadrocopter community.
Cost structure What are the most important cost inherent in our business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive? While the focus of the business is driven by the creation of the value of experience the main cost will be in the production section. The cost of the materials may vary as well as the salaries of the employees. The distribution cost will depend on the type of delivery as well as their varying prices. [4]
Key partners Who are our Key partners? How are our key suppliers? Which key resources are required from partners? Which Key activities does the partners perform. The basics for the production will be the materials. The plastics, even for the 3D printing, as well as the electronics have to be supplied from extern parties. In collaboration with programmers, web builders and engineers are needed to set up the semi-finished products. At last there has to be an arrangement made with an mail order company that can deliver the product to users as well as to shops.
Current status update Second presentation After the first mid-term presentation there were five concepts presented, we had to communicate that we went on with the concept of quadro copters. Then there were two phases in our project after the first mid-term presentation. Phase one: This is about the sharing system, some discussions we had and the simulation in Net Logo. Phase two: Is more in depth about different situations, requirements of a quadro copter and our concept, sketches to communicate to each other, categories of situations we wanted to develop and some models we’ve made.
For the presentation it is recommend to have good quality photos of your products so the photos of the models are made in the photo studio. This is also interesting for us at the end of the project because it lowers the bar to make good quality pictures of everything. The end of the presentation was interesting because what would be our final products, that was a good thing of this presentation, to think about this. There were some comments about our final products but the general feedback was that the products would work but it depends on the quality how good it will work.
Furthermore there was some feedback about making a quadro copter ourselves but that was not our goal of this project. The goal was to show what a large group of quadro copters in the future could do and to make people aware of this concept. After all the presentations there was some time to talk with the coaches. We used this opportunity to ask who would be smart to talk to as an expert. In the following weeks Wouter had a conversation with Berry Eggen and Ronald van Tienhoven. Overall this presentation was less useful because we didn’t make anything specific for this presentation. With the mid-term presentation we had to make visuals to explain them to everyone. For this presentation we already had them.
final result To make a setup for the final concept there was made a subdivision into categories. Based on the requirements that were determined there were three areas created. Because the quadrocopters is an appearance on itself, especially working together in quantities of thousands, they could form dynamic shapes in the air. Herewith came the first category; entertainment. Within this category was chosen for a convincing visual footage in the form of a movie. Based on the tsunami idea the category of society changes came. The intention of this idea is to let the quadrocopters adapts on existing situations or problems within society. As can be read on the following pages, there are several examples of how quadrocopters contribute to a safer society. For the last category the focus was on what could change with the coming of quadrocopters and was called society changes. This means that, now that quadrocopters can be integrated in society, there can be new situations created. Because of their ability to fly as well as the option to equip them with all kinds of technology, they could fulfil unique tasks that never could be done before.
The entrance of the gods When there was discussion going on about the quadrocopter concept it was hard to imagine how everything would look. It was important how we showed the concept to communicate it well. It is also an experience and we have to communicate that in a way it seems convincing but attractive. That is why there is a movie created from one of the concepts. The comet is chosen because it has as a goal to be entertaining so it would fit the movie well. The general concept of the comet is that you have a form of quadrocopters, in this example a comet that comes down to earth during the opening of the Olympic Games. Every quadro copters represent an owner of a quadro copter in this way even if people don’t have the change to be present at the Olympic Games they can still be a participant. Being part of the passive news makes it more active because you are now involved, your quadro copter opened the Olympic Games. The movie is created through the whole group. At the start the 3d model of the quadro copters and the form and movement of the quadro copters is animated in blender after that there are frames exported as RGBA, the A for alpha channel and makes it possible to create an invisible background which is great because when imported in premiere pro you can place it in the composition without removing the existent background. Thus enables to create this animation. The light effects sound and timing of every frame is also done in Premiere Pro. The introduction and end of the movie are animated in After Effects and then imported in Premiere Pro.
Stop a tsunami When brainstorming about ideas for this quadrocopter concept we came up with stopping a tsunami. That seems a little bit farfetched but it also shows the potential this concept can have when it is getting big. If there are enough quadro copters you can do great, unimaginable things with it. First you have to know what a tsunami is. A tsunami is comparable with a normal wave except this one is a deep-sea wave. That means that not only the top moves but also the whole water column beneath. Furthermore the tsunami is uniform in height and width. This causes that they have great strength when they hit shore. The energy of a wave is proportional to the wave height squared. That means that a deap-sea wave like a tsunami has much more power.
There are several ways to stop or decrease the force of a tsunami: blocking, deflecting, bouncing and cancelling.
By using troughs and barriers the friction between the tsunami and the underground increases a lot. It also bounces back a part of the wave which will even increase the friction. This means that the fore of the tsunami is decreased. Although the wave height increases when the ground is higher but when the ground is lower the wave height becomes smaller than before because there is less force due to the friction.
Tsunamis also have a certain speed when they hit shore. The velocity of a tsunami can be up to (250 kilometres x frequency of once every two hours) 500 mph. When they approach shore the tsunami is becoming shorter thus means that the velocity drops down to around 50 mph but the wave height increases.
Stop a tsunami You can also use troughs and barriers on shore. It is just as how you imagine it. A wall that stops the tsunami. This is often used but is not so effective. There are several barriers in Japan and many failed with the last tsunami. For example the fuel engines near the nuclear reactor that would power it during a power failure were placed on lower ground because the engineers counted on the barrier that would stop a tsunami. It would be more efficient if the quadrocopters could build a movable barrier out of themselves to stop or decrease the tsunami. Because they are movable they can calculate where the best place is to save as many lives as possible. Or where they could lower the impact the best. [24]
Using explosives to create a wave moving in the exact opposite direction will eliminate the other force. Quadro copters have a unique quality, they are very agile and thus they can move quickly in the right position in the right order and detonate every explosion on the exact right time. This will increase the efficiency against the tsunami.
Quadrocopters have the ability to move freely and they can create structures like mangroves. It is proven that locations with mangrove have less damage than places without mangroves and where it is replaced by buildings, shrimp farms and refineries. Mangroves and coral reefs have been destroyed by humans but they could somewhat be replaced by quadro copters during an emergency situation. [25]
Guide the tsunami Off course there is more than only stopping a tsunami. You can channel the water dynamically with the quadro copters so the places where people are present are protected. The same counts for the emergency roads. They could be protected so people can hare away relatively save. Because quadro copters can come into places where it is hard to travel by foot or wheels people can be noticed about an oncoming tsunami earlier than before which increases the time they can find shelter and higher grounds. [26]
Urban harvesting
Quadrocopters have the ability to travel easily to places which may be difficult for humans. This could allow opportunities for gardening and harvesting food with the help of robots. Currently there is very limited free space in urban environments. The space which does exist may be scattered, high up between buildings, on top of buildings, and not easily usable by people. The following infrastructure possibilities could be feasible through the use of quadrocopters to help manage and monitor plants in urban environments in a controlled manner. • Platforms scattered on and around buildings Enable use of distributed spaces in a city. • Hanging gardens suspended between buildings, By suspending growing facilities between buildings, much space can be made useable where quadrocopters can fly into these gardens to conduct activities. • Airships using algae based biohydrogen reactor This future idea revolves around using algae growing on the surface in water to produce hydrogen to float airships (A similar concept with an algae based airship for housing is found by Vincent Callebaut Architechtures [27]). Quadrocopters could attach pipes to transport fuel, or the airship could lower itself on reactors to refuel. The advantage to having food growing in airships with the help of quadrocopters to manage, is that they can be portable and move away from dangerous weather which may normally endanger crops. Quadrocopters can act like bees for distributed gardens in urban areas. They could be used to monitor plant statuses, transport nutrients,and harvesting plants. The little recognized free space upwards in an urban environment becomes usable.
Controlling oil spill With the big natural disasters as the BP oil spill from 2010 it is shown that there is still no full control on such big marine accidents. Besides the number of human casualties there is also a huge amount of sea life that is affected by this form of nature pollution. The amount of up to 4.9 million barrels of oil spilled an area of 6.500 to 180.000 km2 can cause different fatal symptoms for these animals varying from liver cancers, to damaging their fertility. With the quadrocopter it becomes possible to decrease this amount of 6.814 dead animals in the future. In the first place because in combination with the surveillance possibility for the quadrocopters, the agile robots can be relatively faster at the location of the disaster. When working together in a huge amount the quadrocopters can a dynamic skin around the spreading oil spill the scare of the surrounding animals, especially the huge amount of birds. They could guide the animals away of the source of the disaster as well of the growing stain. To actually remove the oil spill, it is very difficult and depends upon many factors but there are several methods where the
quadrocopter could be used for. By the use of microorganisms oil spills can be remediated. For cleaning the stains of oil the quadrocopters could carry easily these organism to the location of the spill and spread this out very fast. By adding for example nitrate or sulphate fertilizers to facilitate the decomposition of the raw oil. To dissipate, instead of dissolve oil spills the quadrocopters are also perfectly appropriate to add dispersants to the petrochemical liquid. This composition is a substance consisting out of colloids that is meant to improve the separation of particles and prevent settling or clumping. However the oil spill will we spread throughout a larger volume, and that this intoxicates fish and kill their eggs. Besides cleaning the mess and protecting animals from getting polluted the quadrocopters are also the ultimate way to get constant feedback on how the stain of oil is behaving. In this way they can communicate with, for example, the navy who can control large floating barriers around the oil to manipulate the spill. [28] [29]
Fores fire Swarms of quadrocopters could be deployed to put out fires. Assisting firefighters, and in groups they could provide lift to carry people safely away from windows or tops of buildings. Forest fires could possibly be reacted upon faster and more accurately stopped. By dropping fire-proof materials to build fireproof barriers around an active forest fire. The quadrocopters could accurately estimate the acceleration of the fire, and create barriers in the right places to minimize devastation. They could carry water from nearby sources to drop on fires. Only
being restricted on the swarm size, and payload capabilities for the types of quadrocopters, either cooperatively lifting a solid mass, such as a large bag of water or other anti-fire compound [30] or distributing the load individually. Quadrocopters which could act in firefighting would need to be built with stronger heat resistant materials, and better battery life. Using aerial robots to fight against fires could benefit society by lowering environmental and economic damage, as well as less human casualties either fighting fires or fire victims themselves. [31]
Opensource security In the spirit of the neighborhood watch system, quadrocopters can form together to make a city wide security system, viewed publicly without any central authority. The use of cameras where a central authority is keeping watch on citizens is not uncommon. Quadrocopters may bring fear that they will be used as mobile government or police cameras. The idea to address people’s needs for security without the concern of big brother comes in the form of an open source security system. Networked quadrocopters that are shared could patrol the cities, recording audio and video in the city. Processing power could be used by the network to process the video in real time, possibly flagging any seemingly abnormalities.
Along with software to analyse, any person with an internet connection could be able to view video footage live, and also browse historical video footage, which could be used as possible evidence , unbiased and unchanged. Perhaps even open source robots and humans will someday be spotting rogue proprietary robots which are lurking in the city spying. By using robots in this fashion, hope may be on the horizon for having a sense of comfort by open source free robots which can document the streets.
Protection airports for birds Airports employ electric and real hawks to scare off birds away from equipment. Quadrocopters are capable of protecting birds and humans alike more efficiently to minimize damage. With intelligent programming of quadrocopters behavior, it would be possible to track birds, perhaps predicting patterns of birds, and detect incoming birds much faster.
With numbers they can cover a whole airport in order to cover maximum space. By shining lights at a specific bird or playing some kind of noise, quadrocopters could guide and flock birds. This would make it possible to lead or escort flocks of birds, and maybe other animals to lead them away from danger.
Roadblock Since the quadrocopters are able to move fast and react quickly to a situation, you can use them in case of an accident or an emergency. For instance when someone was in a car accident, a quadrocopter reports this accident in the network and immediately notifies authorities like the police and/or medical personnel. Reacting to the notification in the network, idle nearby quadrocopters fly over and form a physical barrier around the accident. This is done to
block traffic from the accident site, but also to keep away bystanders who aren’t of any help. When the authorities arrive, they are let through the barrier to help the wounded. Once everything is over, the quadrocopters can help clean up the mess.
final conclusion This report covers all the phases of the process towards the final concept. It shows how, starting from nothing, five concepts were created through idea generating, discussion and visualisation. Subsequently is summarised how one concept was chosen and worked out in all its aspects. With the first part of the project the possibilities of adaptive and informative skin were explored. In connection to next nature the vision of the group on this theme resulted in four directions. It can be said that the possibilities are endless and with upcoming techniques all the investigated concepts can be realised in the future.
For the second part of the project the goal was to convince society of the quadrocopter concept. This is done by as many examples as possible. By making visualisations through video and pictures the idea of personal quadrocopters changing society is communicated. Although the concept of thousands of fast flying robots is already pretty farfetched, this project was the start of further development. With upcoming technological research the quadrocopters can be featured with all kind of technological highlight to make them even more accepted in society.
recommendations When internet was invented no one knew what people would do with it. How it would grow and what the role would become in society. What we can learn from it is that we aren’t showing you right now the best concepts of the future. The world is full with brilliant people who will come up with even better concepts than we can do. Who would say that there will be one gigantic encyclopedia set up by ordinary people and maintained by ordinary people available for ordinary people. We gave you some good concepts that are interesting to explore. How this concept could be implemented. But there will be more developed in the future. You have to see this quadro copter concept as a network what is not under your control. When the foundation is there it will start growing and creating, without your input or control. You could guide the direction. For example like Apple is doing with its phones and tablets. You can jailbreak apple devices and do whatever you want with it, it is not under control of Apple but it is not out of control, they have something to say about things and guide the flow of events happening. With android even more but there is even less control. The future will tell what kind of network it will become.
This concept will create a total new product market and therefore you have the opportunity to do good with it. In our opinion it should be targeted to do well with it. This will almost automatically happen when you make it open source. Then there is a community created around it that will take care of it. It will help good people and won’t help bad people when you need support. Off course you can’t control that bad things will happen. You have to take into consideration that there will be ‘viruses’, trojans, and any other sort of criminal activities. Even the government could become an enemy of the people by denying the privacy rules and their will to control everything. Another lesson we can take from the internet is that there will be a lot of money involved when it is getting bigger and bigger. The money is good for stimulating the network. It will attract people with money and power this will increase the growing speed of the network.
thanks to We would like to thank a few people for helping with our project as well as this dissertation. In the first place all the coaches within next nature who, during cross coaches and presentation always were prepared to give feedback and tips on our ideas and process. Special thanks to the coaches Berry Eggen and Ronald van Tienhoven, for their inspiring vision on our concept. Furthermore we would like to thank all the students of next nature who were able to give their opinion. Most of all we want to thank our coach, Flip Ziedses Des Plantes, who supported our group through this semester. With his design vision he managed to guide us where necessary and stimulate us in our directions. His knowledge, kindness and his fair opinion made it into a pleasant collaboration.
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