Compass. Training of Trainers

Page 27





20. Are the characteristics of the problem to be addressed by the activity and the expected impact clear?

It is important to clearly define and explicitly express the problem that led to the need for the learning/training programme.

21. If the activity was organised before, did you re-visit the last activity's evaluation results?

Revisiting the evaluation results of a similar previous training activity can help you identifying the learning components that need to be adjusted.

22. Is your training material up-to-date or will new learning/training material have to be developed?

Delivering high quality learning events means including the most recent knowledge and learning tools in the training support material.

23. Do you foresee a follow-up or monitoring system of the training activity?

The training needs analysis can enable you to develop a set of measurable indicators of achievement, that can be compared before and after the training.

24. Is there a gender-related issue in the organization? Did you take into account the gender dimension in the content?

During the TNA a gender analysis can help understand, develop and implement gendersensitive learning programmes. Mainstreaming a gender is a strategy for making the concerns and experiences of women and men an integral part of the design and implementation so that they benefit equally, and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal of mainstreaming is to achieve gender equality.

Knowledge sharing and access to information 25. Can your activity benefit from inputs (content, methods,) from other training activities or programmes of the Turin Centre?

Programmes of the Centre should develop synergies. Course preparations can benefit from TNA or design of other activities.

26. Do you foresee different techniques to facilitate learning? Enough?

Varied training/learning methods can facilitate better achievement of transfer of knowledge and competence-building.

27. Do you foresee a learning kit including flexible tools and learning instruments?

Developing a learning kit, guide or platform can enable a more flexible, quick, complete and updated response to learning needs, including an e-space where participants and experts can share ideas and post questions.

28. Can your activity benefit from the evaluation results of similar activities or programmes of the Turin Centre?

Programmes of the Centre should develop synergies. Course preparations can benefit from evaluations of other activities.

Utilizing assessment results

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