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OT Magazine produced by:

Tonbridge Society Tonbridge School Tonbridge School TN9 1JP +44 (0) 1732 304253 e: tonbridgesociety@tonbridge-school.org w: www.tonbridgeconnect.org

Director Andy Whittall andrew.whittall@tonbridge-school.org

OTS Chairman Richard Hough richardhough547@gmail.com

OT Relations Manager Rebecca Watson rebecca.watson@tonbridge-school.org.uk

Contributors: Tara Biddle, Katerina Dimnik, Beverley Matthews, Vivienne Teckoe, David Walsh, Rebecca Watson, Yvette Young

Students: Patrick Thompson (Sc5) In a normal year we welcome many OTs from around the globe back to Tonbridge School and to Skinners’ Hall. Due to the pandemic, this past year a digital programme of events and meetings has developed, resulting in some incredibly rich relationships that we may not have otherwise made. We have opened our doors when possible, and opened our laptops when necessary, to the faces of Old Tonbridgians from those learning the ropes of a new career to those about to take retirement.

A sharing of knowledge has been the theme. We’ve heard from impressive experts in their field and from those transitioning careers. Matt Barry (WW 06-11) moved from civil servant to starting his own tutoring business. You can read how on page 22. Charlie Myatt (FH 81-86) talks about his change of pace from criminal barrister to ice cream businessman, on page 18.

Jonathan Smith’s By the Fireside interview on page 44 highlights his teaching career and what it was like working with Headmaster at the time Michael McCrum. The school said farewell OT Andrew Edwards (Sc 73-78) who taught at Tonbridge from 1985 to 2020, read about his hard work and career on page 56. Peter Carpenter, also known as ‘Pete the Poet’, retired from Tonbridge in July 2021, after a distinguished career as English teacher and many other titles at the school. Read about his passion for the literary arts on page 55.

David Walsh has documented the history of the chapel, the rebuild and dedication service with help from Martin Hammond who oversaw the chapel restoration back in the 1990s on page 28. Be sure to turn to page 31 for beautiful photographs and a history of the Marcussen Organ written by organist and music teacher, David Williams.

In June 2021 we reappointed Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles (PS 68-73) as our Old Tonbridgian Society President. We hope that he may be able to meet many of you at the upcoming dinner and reunion later in 2021. Hear more about his fascinating career in foreign affairs, in an exclusive interview by current pupil, Patrick Thompson (Sc5), on page 12.

OTS Chairman, Richard Hough (PH 79-84) has been actively involved in promoting our Spotlights Talks and mentoring programme. If there are any areas of our alumni engagement programme that you would like to see developed further, please contact Richard Hough directly.

My colleagues here in the Tonbridge Society team are so proud to work with the Tonbridge community and we are grateful to all those who have reached out to us over the past year sharing your time, experience, memories and stories, as you have helped tremendously in keeping our community of Old Tonbridgians connected. I hope you enjoy reading our annual OT Magazine which captures just a handful of these stories. For more news visit us online at Tonbridge Connect.

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