“My own Tibetan tradition is not only one of the last surviving ancient civilizations of the world, it is also a culture that has important relevance for the modern world. Today there is a growing recognition that the knowledge and insights of one culture are in actual fact the heritage of all humanity. It is with this knowledge that I am very happy to welcome the initiatives of Institute of Tibetan Classics, and especially its ambitious Library of Tibetan Classics. Such a series could make Tibet’s classical thought truly a world heritage, an intellectual and spiritual resource open to all. As someone who has been nourished by these works, I am firmly convinced that the insights embodied within classical Tibetan texts will be of interest and benefit to many.” —His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama
Produced with Environmental Mindfulness
Wisdom Publications • Boston
ISBN 0-86171-473-3 ISBN13: 978-0-8617-1473-5
t h e l i b r a ry of t i b e ta n classics A thirty-two volume series covering the entire expanse of Tibet’s classical literary heritage