Annual Report The Council for Aluminium in Building
Council for Aluminium in Building
Mission CAB’s Mission is ‘to promote the use of aluminium in building by being the recognised voice of the sector’.
Contents President’s Report
Chief Executive’s Report
Technical Consultant’s Report
Aluminium and Sustainability Projects
10 & 11
12 & 13
Members’ Meeting
Breakfast Network Event
Key Membership Benefits
Selected Achievements in 2010
Membership and Trade Body Links
University of Suffolk (and front cover) Photography - Adrian Toon
18 & 19
Council for Aluminium in Building
It is always sad to see substantial companies in our industry slip into receivership and during 2010 there were several incidences which included CAB members. For the people affected by the closures there has been, in most cases, some good job opportunities being offered within other CAB member companies. I think two things will be evident in the commercial supply chain during 2011. Despite the current climate CAB members and their employees will need to keep their heads and continue to be as professional as ever to ensure their businesses survive - I have seen this working to great advantage in a number of member companies visited. Secondly, there is still a shortage in our industry of professional and experienced individuals, hence the rapid uptake of redundant employees. CAB has always looked to support members with initiatives to improve their standing in the construction sector. We can see this in the formation of the CAB Mini-conferences, the Annual Technical Conference and more recently the highly successful CAB Breakfast Network Meetings. These are developed, amongst many other initiatives, by the CAB Team at Stonehouse, the CAB Marketing Committee and the CAB Technical Committee. CAB’s latest initiative is to look at developing a training programme for members and their staff which will dovetail with existing standards and place CAB members in a position of ‘preferred supplier’ with main contractors. It is early in the development, but CAB continues to punch its weight much higher than its physical size compared to other associations. With 2011 already being quoted as the ‘year of austerity’, businesses that continue to question everything and look at more economical and sustainable solutions are the ones who will profit where others fail. With new technologies in renewables and insulation systems now rapidly becoming more practical and affordable, there are some excellent opportunities in the market. I am confident that CAB members will expand into these new technologies and place their businesses on the path for profitability when growth in the economy eventually re-appears. Photography - Adrian Toon
President’s Report Adrian Toon
CAB Board as at 1 March 2011 Mr K Ashby Architectonics Systems (UK) Mr L Jonsson Senior Architectural Systems Mr M Nevitt Kalzip Mr M Panam Barley Chalu Mr R Phillips Crown Aluminium Mr J Ratcliffe Company Secretary Mr A Toon a2n Mr D Trussell Axim Architectural Hardware
Council for Aluminium in Building
We welcome you to our 5th Annual Report. Against a background of ongoing economic uncertainty your trade association has continued to be highly proactive with an increasing array of added value activities and projects. With a shift in focus from the public sector to the private sector for future growth for our marketplace, there has perhaps never been a more important time to be kept well informed. Having invested further in technical resource CAB has continued to drive forward on a number of fronts. These range from increasing our influence in Europe, involvement in further aluminium and sustainability projects and creating new meeting opportunities, such as our regional Breakfast Network events. The latter complement our existing MiniConferences which have attracted an array of leading speakers, especially main contractors, who have given their support and encouragement to CAB’s attempts to bring the supply chain closer together.
Chief Executive’s Report Justin Ratcliffe
Our growing PR coverage and aluminium ezine (www. aluminiuminarchitecture.co.uk), which has reached a record 6,500 circulation, have continued to be excellent vehicles to communicate CAB’s various activities. It remains important that members feel proud to promote the CAB brand within their businesses and there is increasing evidence of our logo being used on everything from vehicle liveries to media advertisements and stationery.
added value for members. Now in my 10th year in the role I am delighted to see the progress that we have made in being increasingly influential not only in the UK and Europe but also on a worldwide scale too. The CAB Team never forget that it is our highly committed membership that has enabled this to happen.
Like many progressive trade bodies, CAB has a wide remit. In our case it is to promote the increasing use of aluminium in building by becoming the recognised voice of the sector. Our exhibition programme remains one of the key strategies to achieve this objective. The CAB Aluminium Area at Ecobuild 2011, which incorporated 7 member company stands, was our largest ever at the show and it provided an excellent platform to communicate core aluminium sustainability messages to the widest possible audience that included specifiers, architects and main contractors.
CAB Staff as at 1 March 2011 Mr J Ratcliffe Chief Executive Mr P England Technical Consultant Mr M Ford Technical Support Officer Mrs J Harley Office & Events Manager Mrs J Record Bookkeeper (Part-time)
The activities featured in this report highlight our continued focus on
Photography - Adrian Toon
Council for Aluminium in Building
The CAB quarterly Technical newsletter has developed into a comprehensive INSIGHT for our Members on the progress of all aspects of Standards, Regulations, Government and other Accredited Industry Schemes, both in the UK and Europe. The re-organisation of the CAB Technical Committees, by separating out the Steering Group meetings to enable them to carry out timely consideration and guidance, has resulted in a more focused assessment of matters in the main Technical Committee meetings. These meetings have been well supported and specific Work Groups have been created to address key topics which have significant impact on the future of our Members and their customers’ businesses. Currently these Groups are working on guidance for achieving accreditation to Secured by Design and CE Marking. Once finalised, the work of these Groups results in CAB Guidance Notes for our Members. Further Guidance Notes are produced internally such as that on Building Regulations, AD L which was published in August 2010. The day-to-day work of answering enquiries from our Members continues and I believe has improved now that CAB has two Technical staff available with different, but compatible, knowledge and experience. We continue our involvement in both the creation of new and the development of existing British Standards, as well as the introduction of new and amended European Standards, through representation on relevant British Standards Committees. Less visible to our Members is that the last 12 months has seen us achieving our objectives in terms of gaining involvement in, and enabling us to have an influence over, the main European Standards Committees which affect our industry: • CEN TC 33 – The head committee for the determination of work on all European Standards relating to Windows, Doors, Shutters, Hardware, Commercial Doors and Curtain Walling, for all materials, as required by Directives from the European Commission. • CEN TC 33 WG1 – The Working Photography - Adrian Toon
Technical Consultant’s Report Patrick England Group which carries out the work items delegated to them by CEN TC 33 for creating new or amending existing European Standards (EN’s) for Windows and Doors. • CEN TC 33 WG6 – The Working Group which carries out the work items delegated to them by CEN TC 33 for creating new or amending existing European Standards (EN’s) for Curtain Walling. We have also progressed our objective of getting into a position where we can gain influence over the Directives for future European Standards developments from CEN through our involvement in the Federation of European Window and Curtain Walling Manufacturers’ Associations (FAECF). We now have the opportunity to represent the aluminium industry on CEPMC, the European equivalent of the Construction Products Association (CPA), which represents all construction products and materials and is ‘The Construction Industry’ voice which has a direct influence in CEN BT. In summary, the CAB Technical Resource has improved its ability to support our Members, to keep them informed and to represent both their current and future interests. 9
initiative, a programme of continuous improvement on the part of the global aluminium industry.
Aluminium and Sustainability Projects
As part of the project CAB has committed to: • Update and publicise aluminium’s generic environmental profiles (the partners in this include, Building Research Establishment (BRE) and Aluminium Federation (Alfed), IAI and EAA). • Update Defra on Sustainable Development Indicators. • Issue a case study report on the durability and service life of windows.
Windows Sustainability Action Plan This document produced by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) provides a robust action plan for all the major framing materials to improve the sustainability of windows across their respective life cycles and supply chains. Launched at BEST in October 2010, it has been developed by the Windows Sustainability Partnership (WSP) which includes representatives from across the windows supply chain, including CAB, as well as relevant Government departments, regulatory and delivery bodies. At the launch the CAB Chief Executive presented aluminium’s current and future sustainability plans and targets. These highlighted both CAB’s direct and collaborative work with the International Aluminium Institute (IAI) and the European Aluminium Association (EAA), in the UK, Europe and worldwide. It was also outlined how the global aluminium industry, through the IAI, had established a number of global sustainability objectives including energy and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Progress relating to the global objectives was reported annually and would be disseminated widely to those in the aluminium windows supply chain. CAB actively supported the Aluminium For Future Generations
Council for Aluminium in Building
• Continue (as a partner) to work globally to develop and implement a Responsible Aluminium scheme. The ‘Windows Sustainability Action Plan’ is a must read for anyone involved in the development and installation of sustainable window systems and can be downloaded at http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/ business/products/roadmaps/index. htm or from the CAB website. The WSP will be meeting on a regular basis under the guidance of the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) to monitor progress made on the sustainability targets set and the various projects undertaken. Below is an update on some of the projects CAB has committed to reporting on in the above Action Plan. Updating Aluminium’s Generic Environmental Profiles CAB has continued to work on updating aluminium’s generic environmental profiles with a BRE project supported by IAI and Alfed. Initial analysis was made of 14 environmental impacts such as climate change, water extraction and human ecotoxicity which appeared to show that the latter had a very significant impact. In their work BRE used a method referred to as CML. However, research by the University of Michigan, supported by IAI concluded that:
‘Life Cycle Assessments of aluminium products based on the University of Leiden Institute of Environmental Sciences method (CML, 2001) have previously identified primary aluminium outdoor emissions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)’ as the single most significant contributor to the environmental impact of aluminium products in the category “human toxicity”. However, the CML method has been superseded by ReCiPe, which is based on more up-to-date scientific knowledge. The PAH impacts are reduced by more than a factor of 10,000 in the ReCiPe approach. The impact on human toxicity of the production of one tonne of primary aluminium is reduced by a factor of 100 and is dominated by exposure to substances other than PAHs’. This work has been acknowledged by BRE and will be useful in forthcoming updates to the BRE Green Guide. Meanwhile it is planned for the current project to reach its conclusion during 2011. Aluminium Service Life The Action Plan report highlighted the need for education and awarenessraising across the windows supply chain which would help prevent windows being replaced before their actual service life expired. At the same time, however, ensuring through solid evidence based research and testing that predicted service life are revised to match the actual service life. Recycling aluminium
To highlight the extensive service life of aluminium windows, CAB will be reporting in detail on the refurbishment of the windows installed in the New Bodleian Library, Oxford University in 1938. Sample windows stripped back have revealed the structure to be intact and the anodised surfaces unharmed except for a build up of grime and some very minor mechanical damage. They are to be cleaned and repaired where necessary and it is anticipated that this will extend their life to more than 100 years. This is in comparison to the BRE Green Guide which allows for a service life of only 40 years.
Responsible Aluminium
Additional Activities
CAB is actively working with representatives of the worldwide aluminium sector towards a Responsible Aluminium scheme. This initiative, recognised by the industry and external stakeholders, seeks to minimise impact and improve performance throughout the aluminium value chain. CAB hosted a meeting of the main Working Group in London in January 2011 to review the initial scoping study that was undertaken.
CAB is an active member of BSi MI/1 committee which is working on ‘BS8905 – Framework for the assessment of the sustainable use of materials – Guidance’. As part of the EAA Sustainability Committee, CAB is supporting a project in 2011 to collect and consolidate environmental data on window fabrication across Europe.
Best 2010
BEST 2010 NEC Birmingham - October 2010
CAB took full advantage of its prime location on the Low Carbon City Hub at BEST 2010 (Built Environment and Solution Technologies) to highlight aluminium’s success to date in meeting global sustainability objectives and targets. One of the key pieces of literature distributed was the ‘Global Aluminium Industry Sustainability Scorecard 2009’ produced by the International Aluminium Institute (IAI) which included summary information on perfluorcarbon (PFC’s) emissions (which have shown an 88% reduction since 1990 for smelting), energy usage, and mine rehabilitation. The Scorecard came in very useful in responding to very specific questions from architects, specifiers and others in the supply chain. Once again CAB offered a drop in and question facility as visitors expected to see the Trade Association represented at key building shows,
Council for Aluminium in Building
underlining its role of ‘recognised voice of the sector’. While numbers at BEST 2010 were down on the previous year, visitors were better informed and the overall quality was very high. CAB fielded a surprisingly high number of membership enquiries with around 75% of the leads taken on the stand considered to be of serious business development opportunity. A major benefit of a show such as BEST, which is centrally located in the UK, is the easy access that it gives existing members to the CAB Team to address technical issues. BEST 2010 was also the venue for the launch of Defra’s ‘Windows Sustainability Action Plan’. CAB Chief Executive, Justin Ratcliffe, presented the aluminium section of the report (see pages 10 & 11).
CAB Aluminium Area at Ecobuild 2011
Ecobuild 2011 ExCel, London - March 2011
CAB was delighted to head up the Aluminium Area feature at Ecobuild 2011 (1-3 March), the world’s biggest event for sustainable design, construction and the built environment. A partnership with the organisers led to the creation of a record 150 square metre ‘aluminium village’ style pavilion representing the aluminium in building supply chain. Visitors were updated on the very latest aluminium and sustainability information including a number of major projects that CAB was involved in such as generic environmental profiling, service life and responsible sourcing. There were over 1300 stands at the enlarged exhibition which made its debut at ExCel. The growth in interest in the use of aluminium as a sustainable building material was highlighted by the fact that a record 20% of CAB’s membership exhibited, either in the CAB Aluminium Area
Ecobuild 2010
itself or separately. The 7 member company stands on the CAB pavilion were: Alpro; Alumet Systems (UK); Carl F Groupco; Centor Europe; Fieger; LJ Pratley & Partners and Universal Aluminium Systems. At the centre of the pavilion was the CAB reception desk and information hub
from which architects and specifiers could receive the very latest information on standards, regulations and best practise issues. This central area also offered a general lounge area for informal networking by CAB members.
Members’ Meeting RBS Williams F1 Conference Centre Oxfordshire 23 September 2010
Mini-conference - ‘Commitment to Supply Chains’
The stunning RBS Williams F1 Conference Centre was the backdrop to the Regional Members’ Meeting which included a mini-conference entitled ‘Commitment to Supply Chains’. The event brought an enthusiastic response from leading sector speakers who detailed their experiences and suggestions for reducing waste and improving efficiency, while also endorsing CAB’s role in supporting closer supply chain links. Kieren Curry, Supply Chain Manager at Carillion Building, offered a contractor’s perspective. Without apportioning blame in any sector he urged a closer working relationship on new projects. Neesha Gopal, Associate Director of Ramboll UK Facade Engineering offered a clear overview of the consultants’ role in a major project by highlighting various projects that her company had recently worked on. Steve Poole, Head of Supply Chain at Prater Ltd, explained some of the challenges they faced during design and installation of building envelopes. Steve called for earlier appointment
Council for Aluminium in Building
Question & Answer session
of major sub-contractors in order to improving value engineering within the design team.
Breakfast Network Event Galpharm Stadium Huddersfield 11 November 2010
A superbly well attended launch of CAB’s Regional Breakfast Network meeting series in Huddersfield saw James Wimpenny, Regional Director, BAM Construction outline the challenges and the opportunities that exist for the aluminium in building supply chain. The presentation to 80 delegates at the Galpharm Stadium, home of Huddersfield Town Football Club, highlighted a number of the projects the main contractor has already secured and how members and guests might become involved. The second speaker, Simon Anderson, Construction Lawyer and Partner at Walker Morris Solicitors, based in Leeds, covered some of the issues that currently face site
sub-contractors. Explaining items such as ‘Retention of Title’ and ‘Tolent’ clauses, Simon quickly gained credibility of his extensive knowledge in disputes and how to avoid them. The speakers were preceded by key updates on CAB’s marketing activities and technical involvement in UK and European standards affecting the home market. There was excellent feedback to the ‘punchy’ format of the Breakfast Network event which aimed to add membership value by being both cost and time effective. The event also gave members easy access to the experienced technical team of Patrick England, CAB Technical Consultant and Martin Ford, CAB Technical Support Officer.
Breakfast Network delegates
Key Membership Benefits
CAB Logo
• Use of the CAB logo which is widely used across the aluminium in building supply chain on literature, stationery and vehicle livery
Continuous Professional Development
• A 7 module RIBA fully approved CPD that is an excellent training tool for new staff as well as gaining the attention of Architects and Specifiers
Discounted Publications
• CAB publications at Members’ rates
• The opportunity to influence future Regulations & Standards through the medium of the CAB Technical and Marketing Committees
Marketing Support
• Website providing detailed Members’ pages (www.c-a-b.org.uk) • Sector ezine (www.aluminiuminarchitecture.co.uk)
Market Trends and Intelligence
• Trends, briefings and surveys from the leading industry associations
Membership of a recognised Trade Body
• CAB is the only Trade Body representing the UK Aluminium in Building supply chain
Networking Opportunities
• Major regional meetings with high quality, specialist speakers • Mini-conferences and Breakfast Network events
Product Information
• Quarterly updates on relevant topics in the ‘INSIGHT’ Newsletter • Specialised technical publications
Professional Recognition
• CAB is recognised by Government, Professional Institutions, Specifiers and the Industry
Technical Advice and Guidance
• CAB Technical Consultant and Technical Support Officer, with a wide range of contacts, provide ‘independent’ advice and comment on regulations, standards and best practice
Training Seminars
• Contractual awareness seminars and CPD familiarisation
Council for Aluminium in Building
Selected Achievements in 2010
• Delivered a highly successful 2010 Technical Conference entitled ‘Get Legal, Stay Legal’ which included presentations on current and future requirements of Document L - Energy, Secured by Design and CE Marking including advice on testing and certification requirements
• The CAB President was invited to join the Executive Board of the Federation of European Window and Curtain Walling Manufacturers’ Associations (FAECF) and elected as their next Vice President • CAB was invited to join the main Working Group of the worldwide Responsible Aluminium initiative with major International clients, producers and stakeholders
Key Speakers
• Influential key speakers participating at CAB events included: Chris Bayliss, International Aluminium Institute; Kieren Curry, Carillion; Professor Michael Stacey, University of Nottingham; Jane Anderson, BRE; Stephen Poole, Prater; Neesha Gopal, Ramboll Facade Engineering; James Wimpenny, BAM Construction; Michael Ankers, CPA and Mick Reynolds, SbD
• Together with representatives from across the supply chain launched the Windows Sustainability Action Plan attracting recognition in the national press • Successfully launched the first in a series of Breakfast Network events in Huddersfield on 11 November, attended by 80 members and guests
• Continued strong lobbying of BRE resulted in a high level meeting in December 2010 with BRE Chief Executive Peter Bonfield and agreement to review the Green Guide ratings methodology for aluminium in 2011
• Excellent PR coverage and brand promotion included a series of regular special features and a special marketing campaign of aluminium’s benefits. • CAB selected for key interview with BSEC TV (run during BSEC 2010 exhibition) to promote both benefits of using aluminium and its sustainability credentials
• Published a key Guidance Note on the changes and requirements of the revised Building Regulations from October 2010
Record Numbers
• Record number of member companies involved in dynamic Regional Meetings and Mini-Conferences at Roman Baths, Bath and RBS Williams F1 Centre, Wantage • CAB ezine (www.aluminiuminarchitecture.co.uk) monthly circulation reached a record 6,500 during 2010
• Successfully achieved effective representation on European CEN Technical Committee TC33, the source of all European Standards for Windows, Doors, Hardware, Shutters and Curtain Walling • Through BSi, CAB has requested revisions to European Standards to assist the certification of member products
Industry Bodies CAB is a member of the following industry bodies:
CAB also works closely with these organisations:
Council for Aluminium in Building Photography - Adrian Toon
Membership Consultants
Fabricators Cont’d
Machinery Suppliers
a2n Management
Solaglas Contracting Division
Elumatec UK
Façade Advisory Services
The Standard Patent Glazing Company
Promac Window Machinery Sales
NET Project Management & Consultancy
The Window Glass Company (Bristol)
Placing Leaders
Quest International Services Technology Centre
Extruders Hydro Aluminium Extrusion
Fabricators 3D Aluminium Plas Advanced Aluminium Albann Allied Glazing Systems Alumet Systems (UK) Aluminium Bending Specialists Anaco Systems
TWR Commercial Unique Window Systems
ATB Systems AWS Turner-Fain Ayrshire Shop Fronts Border Energy Glazing Systems
Guttercrest Marley Alutec
Universal Glazing
Repair and Maintenance Commercial Windows & Doors
AkzoNobel Powder Coatings Barley Chalu Birmingham Powder Coatings Powdertech (Corby) Sprint Coatings United Anodisers Valspar Powder Coatings Vertik-Al
Apic UK Apropos Tectonic
Roofing Components
Glazing Products Pilkington UK Technoform Glass Insulation (TGI)
Shading Devices Duco Ventilation & Sun Control Renson Fabrications
Software Design & Supply Soft Tech
Systems Design & Supply Architectonics Systems (UK) Architectural & Metal Systems Blyweert Beaufort Aluminium Comar Architectural Aluminium Systems
CDW Systems
Crown Aluminium
Adams Rite Europe
Hunter Douglas
DML Architectural Systems
iKON Aluminium Systems
Dortech Architectural Systems
Aumüller UK
Kawneer UK
Drayton Windows
Axim Architectural Hardware
Metal Technology
DWL Commercial Projects
Caldwell Hardware (UK)
Euroclad Facades
Carl F Groupco
Sapa Building Systems
Euro Windows
Centor Europe
Schueco UK
Senior Architectural Systems
Everglade Windows Fieger Hepworth Framework Holden Aluminium Technologies Howells Patent Glazing HW Architectural Insutech Scotland
Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies L J Pratley & Partners Peder Nielsen Roto Roof Windows and Hardware Savio
Smart Architectural Aluminium Sunfold Systems Technal Universal Aluminium Systems
S E Controls
Thermal Barrier Products
SFS Intec
Technoform BAUTEC
M B Glass Supplies
Watkiss Thermalbreak
Norking Aluminium
Titon Hardware
Panel Systems
JPF Systems Lonsdale Metal Company
Council for Aluminium in Building Bank House Bond’s Mill Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3RF
Council for Aluminium in Building
Torre Agbar, Barcelona Photography - Adrian Toon
design by a2n
telephone: 01453 828851 fax: 01453 828861 email: enquiries@c-a-b.org.uk website: www.c-a-b.org.uk