2013 Council for Aluminium in Building Annual Report

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Annual Report The Council for Aluminium in Building



Council for Aluminium in Building

Mission CAB’s Mission is ‘to promote the use of aluminium in building by being the recognised voice of the sector’.

Contents President’s Report


Chief Executive’s Report


Technical Director’s Report


Sustainability Updates


Technical Conference


Ecobuild 2013


State of Market Surveys


Members’ Meetings

14 & 15

Key Membership Benefits


Selected Achievements in 2012/3


Trade Body Links


Membership 19

Photography - Adrian Toon



Council for Aluminium in Building

After our sector has faced a very tough four to five years I am pleased to report that our own research, within CAB, shows there is much greater optimism for improvement in the marketplace over the next 12 months. A 50% net balance of members expect sales growth and there is clear evidence that there will be greater capital investment in CAB member companies, especially in areas such as product improvement, plant and equipment, e-business and research and development. When benchmarked, the aluminium in building sector is outperforming the wider construction sector. Obviously we have been hit by the reductions in government expenditure, but Aluminium fenestration continues to gain ground over other materials in the home improvements sector, as homeowners see Aluminium as a high quality material that has a very long life. After CAB’s recent project work with BRE, powder coated aluminium windows can now achieve ‘A+’ and ‘A’ ratings for commercial and domestic applications respectively and this can only support this momentum. ‘Momentum’ has been a key word for the Association in the last 12 months. Last year I highlighted my desire to find ways of increasing the value of membership and improving communication. To this end we have recruited a full time Technical Director in February 2013, Dr Justin Furness, who I am delighted to say has already made significant contributions. This report also highlights many fine examples of additional output including the launch of our new website (www.c-a-b. org.uk) and insightful CAB Quarterly ‘State of the Market’ questionnaire, in addition to sponsorship of a major International Architecture exhibition, development of major new Technical Guidance Notes on CE Marking and new ‘Technical Updates’ newsletters. My passion remains to see the closest possible contact between the Association and its members, so if there are any issues or points that you wish to discuss concerning the sector, or your own company, please get in touch with the CAB Team to arrange a site visit.

Photography - Adrian Toon

President’s Report Mo Panam Finally, I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their good advice and commitment, the hard working CAB Team for all their input and most of all our members for their continued support.

CAB Board as at 1 July 2013 Mr K Ashby Architectonics Systems (UK) Mr L Johnson Senior Architectural Systems Mr M Panam Barley Chalu Mr R Phillips Crown Aluminium Mr J Palethorpe Sapa Building Systems Mr J Ratcliffe Company Secretary Mr A Toon a2n Management Mr D Trussell Axim Architectural Hardware



Council for Aluminium in Building

We welcome you to our 7th Annual Report. While the downturn over the last 5 years has had a number of false ‘recovery’ dawns, I am pleased to report that according to the Construction Products Association output is expected to rise by 1.9% in 2014 and 3.8% in 2015 respectively. This total of £5.5 billion extra activity is anticipated to be driven primarily by infrastructure and private housing. In both areas there are excellent opportunities for aluminium and so long as there is some additional economic recovery, there should be growth in both offices and retail in 2014. Economic uncertainty has, however, made it even more imperative to highlight the benefits of aluminium as the ‘21st Century sustainable material of choice’ for architects and specifiers. To this end CAB was delighted to sponsor a major International ‘Prototyping Architecture’ exhibition at the Building Centre, London in February 2013 alongside world renowned architectural practice Kieran Timberlake. This was part of ongoing collaborative work on aluminium and durability with the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at Nottingham University and the International Aluminium Institute. While still a young organisation, CAB is growing and this was highlighted in February this year when we welcomed Dr Justin Furness to our staff as our first full-time Technical Director. Together with Martin Ford he forms part of a formidable CAB Technical Team. Our events programme which focused heavily on ‘the changing face of specification’ and the ‘building envelope’ was superbly well supported and took in venues in Coventry, Rotherham, Loughborough and Grantham. In addition we exhibited at Ecobuild in Docklands and presented at The FIT Show in Telford.

Photography - Adrian Toon

Chief Executive’s Report Justin Ratcliffe As we head into our 20th year and prepare strategies to 2020, I am genuinely excited by the momentum that CAB is gaining which, with your continued support, will materialise into an Association with a growing array of added value services to benefit you as a member and in turn help you gain increasing competitive advantage.

CAB Staff as at 1 July 2013 Mr J Ratcliffe Chief Executive Dr J Furness Technical Director Mr M Ford Technical Support Officer Mrs J Harley Office & Events Manager Mrs J Record Bookkeeper (Part-time)



Council for Aluminium in Building

The Technical Department is at the heart of CAB’s operations and it was with great pleasure that I joined the team in February this year to grow and enhance our service to members. With two full time office-based staff in Martin Ford and me, we now have more of the resource we need to help you meet the increasing demands of a dynamic commercial, regulatory and technological environment. In relation to standards development, the industry is at times dogged by a plethora of regulations and standards that often seem to be conflicting and contradictory, with the benefits to end-users not always apparent. We have an important role to play on behalf of members, not only to ensure that standards and regulations are developed with the needs of the sector taken fully into account, but that there is also some joined up thinking applied to make your lives easier. I do not underestimate the scale of the task! CE marking is a case in point. Martin and I have been kept busy answering your queries in the run up to 1st July when CE marking becomes a legal requirement and we know this service has been of value to members. Our Guidance Notes on CE marking 19/1 and 19/2 have proved extremely popular and we are planning more titles in the future. We appreciate that they are an important member benefit and a valuable tool in helping you to raise your performance. One of my first tasks has been to work with the CAB team to make sure that we provide timely, relevant and consistent information to members at all times. We launched a new Technical Updates newsletter which is circulated to CAB’s Technical Committee by email, as and when we need to alert members to important technical developments and proposals. We will continue to make improvements to our communications in the coming months.

Photography - Adrian Toon

Technical Director’s Report Dr Justin Furness

We could not be as effective as we are without the support of the Technical Committee and the Steering Group in particular. We are working with the committee to reappraise our technical strategy and help ensure that our resources are focused on the important tasks in hand and that we strike the right balance between reacting to changes and leading the sector. Through our membership of the Federation of European Window & Curtain Walling Manufacturers’ Association (FAECF) we play an important role in the European fenestration industry. Looking forward, in addition to the above issues, BIM, the increasing use of novel façade systems and concerns in relation to sustainability and Ecodesign are on our radar and I look forward to reporting progress to you on a regular basis. Finally, I would like to thank all members for their tremendous support and encouragement since I joined CAB.


Sustainability Updates

Windows Sustainability Action Plan 2nd Annual Report 2013 CAB was part of the windows supply chain group which captured evidence of the impacts on each product type, including aluminium, across their lifecycle for the 2nd Annual Report of the Windows Sustainability Partnership. The report can be freely accessed on the WRAP website (www.wrap.org.uk) and is also available from CAB. The IAI has established a number of global sustainability objectives on which the Action Plan highlights progress. For example: •

Between 2006 and 2020 there was a target reduction in smelter electrical energy per tonne aluminium of 5%. A 3% reduction in DC electrical energy was achieved between 2006 and 2011.

Between 2006 and 2020 there was a target reduction in energy use per tonne of alumina of 10%. An 8% reduction was achieved between 2006 and 2011.

Between 2006 and 2020 there was a target reduction in fluoride emissions of 35%. A 24% reduction was achieved between 2006 and 2011.

Between 2006 and 2020 there was a target reduction in perfluorocarbon (PFC) of 50%. A 25% reduction was achieved between 2006 and 2011. This took the overall improvement since 1990 to 87%.

11 million tonnes of aluminium was recovered globally from used products in 2011, an increase of 10% on 2010.

BRE Green Guide Aluminium’s generic environmental profiles were updated in the BRE Green Guide online on 8 August 2012. Aluminium powder coated windows can now achieve the following ratings: •

‘A+’ Rating (for all commercial windows < 0.9kg/m)

‘A’ Rating (for all commercial windows < 1.5kg/m)

‘A’ Rating (for all windows < 1.08kg/m)


‘B’ Rating (for all windows >1.08kg/m).


Ratings can be viewed on the BRE Green Guide website: http://www. bre.co.uk/greenguide/podpage. jsp?id=2126. The project to update the profiles was coordinated by CAB with other key sponsors being the International Aluminium Institute (IAI) and the Aluminium Federation. CAB was additionally indebted to the input from the European Aluminium Association (EAA).


Council for Aluminium in Building

Technical Conference Holywell Park Loughborough University 16th May 2013

Dr Stephen Ledbetter addresses the conference

The performance of the building envelope was explored in some detail during CAB’s 8th Technical Conference on 16th May 2013 under the theme of: ‘Getting through the Building Envelope’. Over one hundred and forty of CAB’s members and their guests enjoyed an informative and thought-provoking programme with six eminent speakers during the day. As our first speaker, Dr Stephen Ledbetter, Director of the Centre for Window and Cladding Technology, pointed out, the design and construction of the interfaces in the building envelope are critical in determining what gets through and also what does not get through. Interfaces should be designed early in the build process. As Stephen said: “At site design seldom gives a good outcome.” Advances in the testing of building façades for the spread of fire were presented by Dr Sarah Colwell of BRE Global. A number of serious fires in high rise buildings in recent years have been studied to improve both testing and façade design. Tim Fagg, Product Specification Manager for Pilkington then demonstrated that by selecting the

appropriate combination of glass, coatings and IGU design from the options at our disposal, it is possible to optimise the performance of glazing. Attention then turned to CE marking, with John Tebbit, Deputy Chief Executive of the Construction Products Association, explaining how the Primary Authority Agreement that they have negotiated could benefit CAB members. This was followed by an expert panel taking CE marking questions from the audience. Accessible Entrances and the Equality Act was covered by Jacky Sinclair from the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers. Jacky demonstrated the importance of making sure doors and associated hardware are designed to be inclusive and revealed some of the common pitfalls and how to avoid them. The performance of the building envelope in relation to sound was the final presentation of the conference, delivered by Peter Rogers, a Partner at TECP Acoustics. While we do not want to live in absolute silence, Peter pointed to a future of near silent electric vehicles and “green walls” of sound-absorbing planting reversing the current trend.


Ecobuild 2013 ExCel London March 2013

CAB stand at Ecobuild 2013

There was a danger of bad news fatigue overshadowing Ecobuild 2013 but the well located CAB stand showed no signs of it at all. This was highlighted by the sheer volume of visitors and interest in the Association’s activities and membership opportunities from amongst the 45,000 visitors to the show. They included around 40% of CAB’s entire membership who took time out to visit the stand in the North Hall. This year, the CAB Team at the show was strengthened with new CAB Technical Director, Dr Justin Furness. While there were less stands and unsurprisingly less visitors as a result there was still an air of confidence amongst visitors and CAB acquired its most exciting set of leads to follow up in the 6 years of exhibiting at the show.


Council for Aluminium in Building

The CAB stand was well placed on the intersection of three walkways which ensured good visibility and it represented an excellent meeting point for CAB’s growing membership. Aluminium’s key sustainability messages were again a key focus of the stand with many visitors choosing to share them on social media networks across Europe and worldwide. While the show still has an ‘eco’ edge, it has evolved into a general construction show which still attracts key specifiers and industry decision makers from across the UK and Europe. The expected reduction in numbers this year was more than compensated by an increase in both the quality of the visitor and their knowledge.

State of Market Surveys

In Q3, 2012 CAB launched a unique quarterly State of the Market Survey to provide an insight into current and expected future trends in the aluminium in building sector. Each quarter CAB members complete a personalised version of the questionnaire which is then integrated into the wider Construction Products Association survey. The survey utilises a balance of respondents to assess results and identify trends. A positive balance of respondents means that the percentage of firms reporting a rise is more than the proportion of firms that report a decline. The results over three quarters have shown that while confidence in the construction industry has remained relatively low, the aluminium fenestration sector continues to hold up well and remains positive about future business especially over the next 12 months.

In Q1, 2013 (above) a 25% net percentage balance of members predicted a rise in expected sales volumes in Q2, rising to 50% net balance for the year ahead. Obviously there were some concerns on the cost side and 33% of companies on balance expected unit costs to rise over the next quarter with this rising to 87% of companies on balance for the next year. Other encouraging signs of recovery elsewhere in Q1, 2013 were that 13% of companies, on balance, reported that they expected to be working at over 90% capacity utilisation in 12 months time and 25% of companies, on balance, expected headcount to have increased in a year’s time. Looking ahead over the next 12 months, product improvement remained the key capital investment priority with 67% of companies on balance anticipating an increase.


Members’ Meeting Coventry Transport Museum Coventry 31st October 2012

Ian Harris, Director, Maber Associates

Over 60 companies attended CAB’s mini-conference and Members’ Meeting in Coventry. A dynamic theme in ‘innovation’ together with positive feedback from the first CAB State of the Market Survey and a Capita Symonds innovation survey of CAB members meant there was much to discuss. CAB’s first guest speaker Ian Harris, Director at Maber Associates, looked in detail at some exciting innovations in the construction of ‘pod’ classrooms for schools. There was a clear message to CAB members that there are always opportunities to innovate and also to partner with architectural practices to enhance and refine any such product development. CAB’s second speaker, Richard McWilliams, Director of Research, Development and Innovation at Capita Symonds, highlighted the results of an Innovation survey carried out amongst CAB members just before


Council for Aluminium in Building

the event. Richard was delighted with not only the level of response from CAB members but also that the results showed a very positive and proactive approach to research and innovation, a trend that he said put CAB members well above the norm for the construction sector. CAB presented its first figures from its own State of the Market survey carried for Q3, 2012. Feedback showed a positive outlook for the future, with the majority of members being upbeat about prospects for growth. Some of this growth was due to the growing market for aluminium products in home improvement and the increase in refurbishment projects in the commercial sector. Interestingly the rise of aluminium’s popularity had also been reinforced by recent independent market research which highlighted that an increasing number of PVCu fabricators are adding aluminium to their product range.

Members’ Meeting Magna Science & Adventure Park Rotherham 21st March 2013

Members’ Dinner

The first Members’ Meeting of 2013 was upbeat despite the continuing concern at the economic environment. Members provided a positive message as results from the most recent market trends survey highlighted that on balance, 16% of CAB members anticipated a rise in quarterly sales in 2013 Q1. Similarly, 16% of CAB manufacturers, on balance, predicted higher sales volumes over the next 12 months. CAB’s first speaker was Kevin Frewin, Technical Development Manager at BSi, who highlighted the latest thinking on the Construction Products Regulations and the requirements for CE Marking which became mandatory on 1st July 2013. The presentation included an overview of what was required to provide a ‘Declaration of Performance’ (DoP) and specifically how this related to the CE Mark label itself. He also answered members’ questions on the complex subject with great clarity.

CAB’s second guest speaker was Ian Chapman of NBS, who highlighted how specifications are changing. Ian included consideration of how specifications were becoming more digitalised, where they were moving to and what their future was. In addition, he took a look at how CAB members could help specifier contacts in terms of providing the information they needed, the level of detail required and the format in which it should be delivered. Magna Science & Adventure Park’s site was formerly one of the biggest steelworks in the world with many of the elements of the original building largely preserved. After the presentations members were introduced to ‘The Big Melt’ which accurately reproduced the steel smelting process.


Key Membership Benefits

CAB Logo

• Use of the CAB logo which is widely used across the aluminium in building supply chain on literature, stationery and vehicle livery

Continuous Professional Development

• A 7 module RIBA fully approved CPD that is an excellent training tool for new staff as well as gaining the attention of Architects and Specifiers

Discounted Publications

• CAB publications at Members’ rates


• The opportunity to influence future Regulations & Standards through the medium of the CAB Technical and Marketing committees

Marketing Support

• Website providing detailed Members’ pages (www.c-a-b.org.uk) • Sector ezine (www.aluminiuminarchitecture.co.uk)

Market Trends and Intelligence

• Trends, briefings and surveys from the leading industry associations

Membership of a recognised Trade Body

• CAB is the only Trade Body representing the UK Aluminium in Building supply chain

Networking Opportunities

• Major regional meetings with high quality, specialist speakers • Mini-conferences and Breakfast Network events

Product Information

• Monthly updates on relevant topics in the ‘Insight’ Newsletter • Specialised technical publications

Professional Recognition

• CAB is recognised by Government, Professional Institutions, Specifiers and the Industry

Technical Advice and Guidance

• CAB Technical Director and Technical Support Officer, with a wide range of contacts, provide ‘independent’ advice and comment on regulations, standards and best practice

Training Seminars

• Contractual awareness seminars and CPD familiarisation


Council for Aluminium in Building

Selected Achievements in 2012/3


• CAB’s first full-time Technical Director, Dr Justin Furness appointed in early 2013


• Successful Technical Conference 2013 entitled ‘Getting through the Building Envelope’ which included presentations on: Interfaces between Glazing & the Building Envelope; Fire Regulations & the Performance of Facades; Accessible Entrances & the Equality Act and Acoustics & the Building Envelope • Two successful Regional Meetings and Mini-conferences at Coventry and Rotherham attended by nearly 300 people in total


• Key influence in getting the scope of PAS 24 changed to include non domestic as well as domestic products, allowing manufacturers another route for security classification • CAB proposed the revision to BE EN 13115 which now means members can achieve certification for large vertical sliding windows

Key Speakers

• Influential key speakers participating at CAB events included: Dr Sarah Colwell, Business Group Manager, BRE; Kevin Frewin, Technical Development Manager, BSi; Ian Harris, Director, Maber Associates; Dr Stephen Ledbetter, Director, CWCT; Richard McWilliams, Director Research, Development & Innovation, Capita Symonds; Jacky Sinclair, Technical Consultant, GAI; John Tebbit, Technical Affairs Director, CPA; John Wood, Senior Project Manager, Bouygues UK

Launched • •

CAB ‘Technical Updates’ newsletters to supplement the monthly ‘Insight’ publication Brand new website www.c-a-b.org.uk in September 2012


• Hosted busy CAB stand at Ecobuild in March 2013 at Excel, Docklands • Presented at FIT Show, Telford in April 2013 on Benefits of Using Aluminium


• Update to CAB Guidance Note 1 on Security Testing of Windows & Doors to include the revision of PAS 24: 2012 • New Guidance Notes 19/1 and 19/2 on CE Marking for Window and Doorsets that are being widely downloaded from the CAB website


• Technical Director nominated to join the Windows, Doors & Conservatories Group within the Energy Efficiency Partnership for Buildings (EEPB) and also joined the FENSA Impartiality Committee


• Sponsored a major International exhibition on Prototyping Architecture between January and March 2013 at the Building Centre, London • Sponsorship of a major ongoing project with the International Aluminium Institute (IAI) and Nottingham University on Aluminium and Durability


• Aluminium’s generic environmental profiles were updated for the BRE Green Guide in August 2012. As a result Aluminium powder coated windows can now achieve ‘A+’ and ‘A’ ratings for commercial and domestic applications respectively


Industry Bodies CAB is a member of the following industry bodies:

CAB also works closely with these organisations:


Council for Aluminium in Building Photography - Adrian Toon

Membership Consultants


Repair and Maintenance

a2n Management

AkzoNobel Powder Coatings

Commercial Windows & Doors

Exova Warringtonfire

Barley Chalu

Façade Advisory Services

Birmingham Powder Coatings

Roofing Components

NET Project Management & Consultancy

Powdertech (Corby)

Placing Leaders


Premier Extrusion Coatings

Quest International Services

Sprint Coatings

Shading Devices

United Anodisers

Renson Fabrications

Technology Centre

Extruders Hydro Aluminium Extrusion

Fabricators 3D Aluminium Plas Albann Alumet Aluminium Bending Specialists Amberley Doors & Windows

Valspar Powder Coatings Vertik-Al

Glazing Products Edgetech IG Float Glass Industries Pilkington UK Technoform Glass Insulation (TGI)

Anaco Systems


Apic UK

Adams Rite Europe

AWS Turner-Fain

Alpro Architectural Hardware

Ayrshire Shop Fronts

Assa Abloy Entrance Systems

Barnshaws Aluminium Bending

Aumüller UK

CDW Systems

Axim Architectural Hardware

Crown Aluminium

Caldwell Hardware (UK)

DML Architectural Systems

Carl F Groupco

Dortech Architectural Systems

Centor Europe

Drayton Windows


Dutemänn UK

Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies

Emperor Shopfitters Euro Windows Everglade Windows HansenFacades Holden Aluminium Technologies Howells Patent Glazing HW Architectural M B Glass Supplies

L J Pratley & Partners Peder Nielsen Roto Roof Windows and Hardware Savio S E Controls Securistyle SFS Intec

Software Design & Supply Soft Tech

Systems Design & Supply AluK (GB) Aluprof UK Architectonics Systems (UK) Architectural & Metal Systems Bowater Architectural Comar Architectural Aluminium Systems Gutmann AG Hunter Douglas iKON Aluminium Systems Jack Aluminium Systems Kawneer UK Kaye Building Systems Metal Technology Reynaers Sapa Building Systems Schueco UK Senior Architectural Systems Smart Architectural Aluminium Technal Universal Aluminium Systems


Thermal Barrier Products

Titon Hardware

Ensinger Building Products

Panel Systems


Technoform BAUTEC


Windowmaster Control Systems

Watkiss Thermalbreak

The Window Glass Company (Bristol)

Machinery Suppliers


Total Aluminium Systems

Elumatec UK


Unique Window Systems

Emmegi (UK)

Tremco illbruck

Metalline (Services) Norking Aluminium

The Standard Patent Glazing Company


Council for Aluminium in Building Bank House Bond’s Mill Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3RF


Council for Aluminium in Building

Photography - Adrian Toon

design by a2n

telephone: 01453 828851 fax: 01453 828861 email: enquiries@c-a-b.org.uk website: www.c-a-b.org.uk

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