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This year’s Techweek promises to be on a higher level than what we have seen before, judging by the lineup of speakers and participants. Africa is going through is not a struggle to move to digitisation, but it is a collective and collaborative effort to reach the pinnacles we need to achieve as Africa in solving problems faced by Africa. I will keep my introduction succinct lest I delve too deep into the intricacies and technicalities of digital advancement in Africa . I am a devoted proponent of the digital economy, and get straight to the main gist of the conference and the awards ceremony for the 2023 conference.
This year , the SENTECH Africa Tech Week will most certainly deliver on its set objectives, as it has done in the previous year, to propel Africa into the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). The challenges that many Africans are faced with, because of the lack of connectivity, include; children not receiving new technological skills set from school curriculum because of the lack of advanced digital infrastructure. Also, healthcare remains an inaccessible essential service in indigent constituencies, environmental consequences, increased poverty, higher unemployment, and cybercrimes. As SENTECH we constantly seek to find permanent solutions, not respite, to Africa’s digital shortfall. No one person or community should be deprived of digital connectivity to suffer the deleterious effects of a digital divide.
As government entities, policymakers, the academia, young and old innovators, private organisations, and global leaders, we are accountable for building a sustainable and competitive Africa. It all begins at the SENTECH Africa Tech Week. This renowned conference will ensure that it lives up to its theme Unleashing Africa’s Digital Economy
As our mission statement states, “A global leader in digital infrastructure, enabling connectivity and content delivery”; we are committed and determined to put Africa on the map and contribute to technological advancements towards bridging digital divide!

Mlamli Booi CEO | SENTECH

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