1 minute read
What is a domain name?
A domain name is a string of letters (and numbers) provided by the domain name system (DNS) to allow people to find their way around the Internet using names instead of the numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. The Domain Name System (DNS) works like the cellphone: instead of memorizing your friend’s number, you simply allocate their name to the number so that all you need when you call them is just to recall their name. Likewise, the DNS allows you to allocate the domain name instate of a tricky IP address, e.g. yourname co za
How do I register a .za name?
What can I do with my .za domain?
• Look professional with your very own personalised .za email address & .za website page.

• Link your social media profiles to your za website za domain name registration is done on world-class domain name registration system that allows names to be registered online without human interference. za registration fees are very competitive e g Co za, Net za, Org za & Web za wholesale fee cost only R55 excluding VAT. And Ac.za, Gov.za, Nom.za domain name registration is free!
• Advertise on your own .za web address.
• Open an online store using your za website!
Use a .za website to track and measure which product or service your website visitors are looking for, and prioritise what to advertise.

Why choose a .za domain name?

A .za domain name gives you a clear South African online ID. Nothing online says better that you’re South African than a .za domain name!
.za has a proven dispute resolution (ADR) against cybersquatting & intellectual property abuse in co.za, net.za, org za and web za domains
You will be investing in the local ICT industry (because your fees are used in South Africa).
Attract potential customers online through your .za website, as you rank better on search engines when people search for South African businesses, products & services
A .za domain name (web address) gives you exclusive, much better South African online real estate that you hold