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Universal Open Access
licensed operators and ser vice provider can reach their customers. Responsible corpo citizenr y is the foundation of our socio-economic development position. We beli universal access for all.
licensed operators and ser vice provider can reach their customers. Responsible corpo citizenr y is the foundation of our socio-economic development position. We beli universal access for all.
licensed operators and ser vice provider can reach their customers. Responsible corporate citizenr y is the foundation of our socio-economic development position. We believe in universal access for all.
This means making our network available to all people in all metropolitan areas as w surrounding townships. To this end we are already in Johannesburg, Tshwane, Ekurhuleni,
This means making our network available to all people in all metropolitan areas as w surrounding townships. To this end we are already in Johannesburg, Tshwane, Ekurhuleni,
This means making our network available to all people in all metropolitan areas as well as in surrounding townships. To this end we are already in Johannesburg, Tshwane, Ekurhuleni,
Katlehong, Diepsloet, Umlazi, Chatswor th and KwaMashu to mention a few Our vision make available high-speed telecommunications infrastructure to all ser vice provide reach all the citizens of the countr y, rich and poor
Katlehong, Diepsloet, Umlazi, Chatswor th and KwaMashu to mention a few Our vision is to make available high-speed telecommunications infrastructure to all ser vice providers to reach all the citizens of the countr y, rich and poor
Katlehong, Diepsloet, Umlazi, Chatswor th and KwaMashu to mention a few. Our vision is to make available high-speed telecommunications infrastructure to all ser vice providers to reach all the citizens of the countr y, rich and poor