Top500 10th Edition

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AN ECONOMY FOR ALL SOUTH AFRICANS What would an economy that works for all South Africans look like? After a decade of slow growth and poor governance, the ills that plague the economy are easy to discern. It is not difficult to recite the litany of woes and missteps that have kept the economy stagnant over that period. After President Ramaphosa took over the mantle of leadership early in 2018, business and consumer confidence rose. The change in leadership provided hope that the economic climate would improve. Indeed, government has tackled a number of pressing issues with vigour. Some of the policy and regulatory issues that have dampened the environment for growth – in fields ranging from mining, energy, tourism and telecommunications – are being tackled. A new Mining Charter has been released. There is constructive debate over the newly released Integrated Resource Plan. Regulations on visas have

The Constitution provides the vision of a society that

been amended. The policy framework for the release of high-demand spectrum

progressively gives all South Africans the opportunity

is being laid out, and an inquiry into the cost to communicate is under way.

to live with dignity, in good health, and with access to

New leadership has come in at various state-owned enterprises. The framework

education, sanitation and housing. This instructs us to

agreement arising out of the Jobs Summit signifies the desire of business, labour

build an inclusive economy. Global economic history

and government to work together to tackle unemployment. Private investment is also

teaches us that an economy that creates value in

set to emerge from the slump of the recent past, with some significant investment

extractive and exclusionary ways breeds social instability,

pledges announced at the Investment Conference held in October last year.

destroys the planet and steals from future generations.

Yet this newfound sense of direction and energy risks being overwhelmed by the

In responding to short-term challenges while developing

effects of the past. In the first two quarters of last year, the economy suffered a

a long-term growth strategy, social partners – including

contraction. This came about as the result of a confluence of factors, with the prospects of emerging markets under scrutiny as crises unfolded in peer countries

business – need to keep the end-state in mind. In reading all the voluminous body of texts attempting to

such as Turkey and Argentina. The failure to stage a decisive recovery from the

influence the economy’s trajectory, from the Constitution

Great Recession means that our economy lacks the resilience to weather high oil

and the National Development Plan to the national

prices, brewing trade wars and negative global sentiment.

budget, monetary policy statements and company annual reports, one sees the common thread of a nation

The negative macro-economic trends that played out in the second and

aspiring to sustainable, inclusive growth. This end-state

third quarter of 2018 add to the odious economy legacy that keeps potential

eludes us for many reasons, including those related to

growth low. The structural underpinnings of the economy, with its high levels of

implementation and co-ordination. One of the greatest

concentration, inequality and exclusion constrain growth.

achievements that can come from this era of change is to reaffirm our commitment to a just and prosperous

In the face of the foregoing analysis, there is a tendency for the difficulties to

economy and to pursue, relentlessly, priority initiatives

overwhelm the progress that is underway.

that enable investment and create jobs. In so doing, we will turn that commitment into a reality.

At times like this, it is important to step back and turn to a constructive lens through which to assess the economy. We will never have the luxury of a blank state. That being said, we need to develop a shared understanding of the principles on which to build the South African economy of the future.

Trudi Makhaya Advisory Board Member: KASI Insight Presidential Economic Adviser

TOP500 10th Edition 11

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