HR PILLAR: Employees’ Experience
Work: It’s No Longer a Place By Louise Mowbray, Managing Director, Mowbray by Design
“The illiterate of the 21st century
will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
prepared to walk it back, as we’ve
“Before the pandemic, we
witnessed over the last couple
encouraged people to ‘bring
of months with pushback from
their whole self to work,’ but it
employees around the world.
was tough to truly empower
- Alvin Toffler, Futurist & Author
them to do that. The shared Our relationship to work is
vulnerability of this time has
’m going to work, I’m at
changing and it’s not just the
given us a huge opportunity
work or I’m working” used
practicalities of ‘working’ - it’s our
to bring real authenticity
to be rooted in something
collective awareness of a system
to company culture and
physical, something tangible. Work
that no longer serves us. A system
transform work for the better.”
was a place that had working
designed for people who have
Jared Spataro, CVP,
hours, people, culture, water
minimal parenting responsibilities,
Microsoft 365
coolers and big corner offices for
who can afford to live close to
management. Interestingly, today we are beginning to redefine work
the office and are measured in
We are becoming more aware
industrial style ‘productivity’ terms.
of the need for a more agile,
as an activity rather than a place,
mutable approach to work
and it’s no surprise considering
The shared vulnerability we have
and life. And we know that the
the eighteen months we’ve all
all experienced over the pandemic
minute the majority of people
been through.
has fundamentally shifted our
change their awareness, the
appreciation of who we are and
rules that govern our actions
That’s a big shift in our collective
how we might thrive as ‘whole’
and behaviours begin to
behaviour and it seems we’re not
human beings.
change too.