How to achieve agility through payroll digitalisation By Charndré Emma Kippie
igital solutions create massive opportunities Digitalising payroll
solutions can signify the watershed moment for a company to embrace a
Ian McAlister, GM at CRS Technologies,
some of this risk. Of course, it is not a case of blindly implementing security and data controls that make systems unusable, it is about finding the right balance between dealing with compliance
cloud-based approach
while remaining operational and
across its systems and
delivering services to employees
processes. Ian McAlister,
and end-users.
General Manager at CRS Technologies, believes that
“The normalisation of remote
this provides an organisation
working has highlighted how flexible
with a massive opportunity
companies can become in their
for growth while enabling
workforce. This has also expanded
it to become more agile
the talent pool for a business as
and responsive to market
geographic limitations to finding
the right candidates are no longer a constraint. Whether a person lives
Ensuring the protection of customer information
in the US, Nigeria or China, if a cloud environment is in place, that person
With the deadline for
can contribute to the growth
Protection of Personal
of the organisation,” says
Information Act
(POPIA) compliance having come and gone on 1 July, companies are under pressure to ensure they have taken all
Adaptability to laws & regulations However, he cautions that with this comes a responsibility
reasonable steps to
by the
protect the personally
identifiable information
to ensure the
of customers. Digital
payroll can
systems can help mitigate
adapt to the