Issue 163 - Pursuing Wellbeing & Heart Health

Page 73

Health Benefits of Tea Everyone Should Know About

PG 09

PG 62

FEATURING: Heart Health
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.









Brianna Connors

Riley George

Hannah Townes

Derek Archer

Lauren Rider

Sarah Cook


Adreana Mendez Gentry Shannon Louisa Emhof Peter C. Zenith Lundell Catherine Pannell Riley George

a letter from the editor

Living a healthy and balanced life is a daily challenge many of us face. With the constant flow of medical advancements and health trends in lifestyle mixed with the busy rhythm of our lives, we often are prevented from learning these new techniques to improve our lives for the betterment of our health.

Here at Top Doctor Magazine, we are on a mission to bring these advancements to your attention and become a source of inspiration for those who want to live their healthiest and best lives. We seek to bridge the gap between medical professionals and consumers who are seeking to improve their overall health and wellbeing. Our contributors guarantee to constantly keep you up to date in the latest health trends and medical advancements with fresh, entertaining, and reliable content, varying from anything like nutrition and travel to lifestyle choices and the latest medical technologies!

We hope that our exclusive articles, recipes, and pieces will guide you towards self-realization, self-improvement, and willingness to help those around you better themselves in every health aspect. Because we at Top Doctor Magazine know that when you look your best, feel your best, and understand your health best, you can be the greatest version of yourself possible.

Heart-Healthy Recipes to Try This Month!
contents 36 30 Tips for Eating Healthier On a Budget The Dos and Don'ts of a Sedentary Lifestyle 10 40 How Environmental Factors Affect Your Mental Health What Should You Eat After Working Out? 25 Which Facials Are Best for Your Skin?


What Does Actual Self-Care Look Like?

50 46 72 84 56 78 How To Figure Out Your Attachment Style How PRP Healing Changed One Man’s Life and Now Will Change Many: William Heskett and His Non-Profit How Your Mental Health Affects Your Heart Health Eye Exercises To Improve Your Vision What Do Minerals Do in Your Body? 5 Health Benefits of Tea Everyone Should Know About 46 72 78 56

Mental Health

You often hear that surrounding yourself with positive people rewards you with positive outcomes. Surprisingly, the same can be said for the places and spaces you occupy. From somewhere as personal as your bedroom to somewhere as public as the state you live in, the spaces you interact with often significantly impact your mental health.

There is a strong link between the environment and a host of mental health issues. Reading on will provide you with all the ins and outs of the connection between mental health and the environment, plus some tips on improving your relationship with the environment.

What Is the Relationship Between Mental Health and the Environment?

According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 8 people worldwide is currently living with a mental illness. While there is still much debate around mental health, one thing is for sure — these conditions are multi-causal. Genetics and environmental factors are primarily responsible for the onset of mental health disorders.

The relationship between the environment and mental health is far-reaching. Experts in the mental illness field refer to the environment as everything around you that is not inherited genetics. Environmental factors can be split up into physical and social environmental factors.

While you may be more familiar with the social environmental factors, the physical factors can become entangled in your life, causing a vicious cycle that contributes to poor mental health.

how environmental factors affect your
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What Are Social Environmental Factors?

Psychosocial environmental factors are commonly associated with mental health disorders. They are often related to the relationships between people. Social environmental factors can include:

• A lack of emotional support;

• Abuse, be it physical, sexual or emotional;

• Stigma, such as sexism, racism, homophobia, etc.

• Toxic relationships, either romantic, familial or platonic;

• Lack of meaning or purpose in spiritual, work or personal life;

• Poverty;

• Poor self-esteem and lack of self-care.

• Lack of safety and security, physically or emotionally

• The effects of social factors on mental health are well-known and widely studied but often go hand in hand with physical factors in negatively affecting your mental health.

What Are Physical Environmental Factors?

From cluttered desks to lousy weather, physical environmental factors are the 'hard' factors affecting mental health. They often occur alongside social factors but can also arise independently. Some physical environmental factors affecting mental health are:

• Extreme weather conditions, i.e., perpetually raining or sweltering heat;

• Substance abuse, smoking and drinking;

• Sleep deprivation;

• Chaotic surroundings, such as noise pollution or large crowds;

• Hazardous spaces, including messy rooms, lack of ventilation or inaccessible architecture.

The things you smell, see, hear, ingest and breathe can affect your mood and have lasting consequences on your mental health.

How Does the Environment Affect Your Mental Health?

Your parents may have been onto something when they told you to open the curtains in your bedroom during the holidays. Your everyday surroundings can have a significant impact on your mental health — be it how much light enters the room, how cluttered your hallway is or even how many times a day you visit the smoker's corner.

The environmental effects on mental health can have lasting, tangible consequences. Through his studies, Roger Ulrich, a Chalmers University of Technology researcher, found that patients recovering from surgery healed faster in a room with a view of trees than those with a view of a brick wall. The variance in cortisol production between patients led to this discrepancy.

Various studies are unpacking how the environment affects mental health. Just as the Journal of Urban Health suggests, high-rise living negatively affects the mental well-being of women and children.

Scientists have shown that certain environmental factors affect the body's hormone production, circadian rhythm, neurotransmission and executive functioning. Unfortunately, these changes often go unnoticed — you may not even realize how your environment affects you.

Is Changing the Impact of the Environment on Your Mental Health Possible?

There are many ways of controlling how the physical environment influences and shapes your well-being for the better.

Start by connecting your mental and emotional state and what environmental factors are triggering those feelings. If you work from home, you may find that a messy desk leads you to procrastinate more, increasing feelings of anxiety. Whatever it is, you need to work on identifying the cause and figuring out whether you have enough control to change it.

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You can start as small as you would like. You would be surprised at how little change makes such a massive difference to your mental health.

• Get outside and breathe the fresh air (harsh pollutants can affect sleep).

• Change your space, whether painting your walls bright or decorating a bookshelf.

• Organize and clear out your space in a way that works for you.

• Incorporate more light or plants into your home or office.

• Cut down on your drinking and smoking.

Another great way of improving the relationship between the environment and your mental health is to care for the environment around you.

The United Nations Environment Program urges people to give back to their communities and the environment in small ways. By focusing your attention, care and empathy on others, you can cultivate gratitude for your own circumstances.

While changing certain things, such as your job or neighborhood, may not be possible at the moment, even the smallest changes could boost your mental health and may even prevent the onset of mental disorders.

What To Remember About Environmental Factors and Mental Health

Almost all people have struggled with varying degrees of mental health issues, but it is essential to keep in mind that your situation can get better. Whether you are struggling with depression or just in a slump, environmental factors will always shape your mental health. Fortunately for you and everyone else, you can harness these factors to improve your overall mental well-being.

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The National Sculpture Society New York City awarded Richard MacDonald’s Duality, the 2022 Maurice B. Hexter Medal of Honor. Exemplifing the idea that the melding and balancing of opposites creates balance, harmony, and insite into the pervasive principle of Yin & Yang. Masterful sculptors of every era and culture move into the complex field of multiple figure compositions to explore the full emotional range possible when figures interact. Multiple figure compositions create in implied narrative, a suggested relationship, and ultimately, for the viewer. Richard MacDonald has been exploring the complex visual, aesthetic and conceptual relationships of multiple figures throughout his career, and the newest work Duality highlights a theme that runs through the diverse collection. w brings into focus the idea that darkness is defined by light, strength is balanced by tenderness, and that in the balance of opposing forces there is a center of tranquility and peace. It is the age-old concept of Yin and Yang echoed in a new form, and through this lens earlier works can be seen to exhibit the same dynamic balance.

"Self-care refers to any actions or attempts an individual performs toward improving their physical, mental and emotional well-being."

WHAT DOES actual self-care LOOK LIKE?

Since the mental health fallout of COVID-19, the concept of self-care has been all the craze. Many people experienced a notable downturn in their overall mental health after being deprived of their usual routine of work, leisure time and socialization. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the anxiety and depression prevalence rate rose by 25% due to the mental health detriments of the pandemic.

In response to the widespread emotional distress, self-care emerged as an accessible, affordable and actionable way for individuals to improve their mental health. Some sources estimate that searches around self-care rose by as much as 250% during the pandemic.

The jury was and still is out on self-care, with its advocates praising its ability to mitigate mental health symptoms, while critics claim that selfadministered efforts to improve one's mental wellbeing are often insufficient.

To fully appreciate self-care's benefits, one first needs to consider what actual-self care is and in what contexts it is useful.


Self-care refers to any actions or attempts an individual performs toward improving their physical, mental and emotional well-being.

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One usually considers active measures such as regular exercise or a thought-out hygiene regimen when discussing self-care. However, self-care also includes passive measures such as avoiding harmful behaviors, paying attention to well-being indicators and monitoring one's conduct, ensuring that it does not become detrimental and toxic.

Self-care does not refer to an over-indulgence in leisure activities, unreasonable prioritization of oneself over others and the neglect of social activities that lead to counterproductive isolation.

Actual self-care is also not a replacement for mental health treatment administered by professionals in an appropriate setting. For those with severe mental health disorders or those who do not experience symptom amelioration after trying self-care, seeking professional help is essential to preserving well-being and safety.


Modern society is hyper-focused on material and careerbased success, with these pursuits often usurping everything else in terms of importance. The result of this phenomenon is that after factoring in familial and social responsibilities, neglecting one's well-being becomes increasingly likely.

Self-care is an effort to return focus and energy to one's physical, mental and emotional health. Doing so is vital because an individual may become incapacitated in some way if they neglect their welfare. Consequently, the individual in question will no longer be able to effectively fulfill their work and home responsibilities.


Depending on one's circumstances and context, various types of self-care can effectively improve their quality of life.

Self-Care Activities

Various activities constitute self-care. For many, exercise is a self-care pursuit of choice. Being active can produce "a natural high" caused by the release of the neurotransmitters (i.e., nervous system communication molecules) dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is involved in regulating motivation, while serotonin regulates mood. Exercise can also help relieve stress, improve blood flow, increase sleep quality and boost energy.

Yoga is a prevalent self-care exercise due to its dual benefits of practicing and improving physical and mental well-being.

Other forms of active self-care include:

Stimulating one's creative side through art. Sharpening cognitive abilities with problem-solving games.

Making time to clean and pamper oneself thoroughly. Adorning the space which one inhabits.


Passive Self-Care

You can also achieve self-care by avoiding harmful behaviors and upholding commitments to improve well-being. For example, sticking to a plan or checklist through prioritization is a form of self-care.

You can also honor these kinds of commitments by not overspending on luxuries, not indulging in unhealthy foods, reducing alcohol consumption and avoiding the company of members of toxic social dynamics.

Honoring boundaries set with colleagues, superiors at work, family and friends is also a form of self-care since it entails putting yourself first.


Self-care is not a philosophy of abundance and indulgence but one to mitigate burnout and improve longevity.

Self-Care Is Not Over-Indulgence

Creating time for recharging and fulfilling activities and pursuits is starkly different from eating your favorite chocolate until you feel ill. Giving into the whims of instant gratification and craving temporary but sustainably ineffective solutions is not self-care. Self-care is a crucial part of maintaining and nourishing one's overall well-being, not a reward for meeting the responsibilities of life.

Self-Care Is Not Selfishness

While setting and maintaining reasonable boundaries is a fundamental facet of selfcare, being selfish and neglecting one's responsibilities is not.

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Self-care is preserving your energy and well-being so you can be the best possible version of yourself. It means holding a productive role in your community, family and other social settings. For those with dependents, the protection and hardiness cultured by self-care allow them to care and provide to their fullest.

Self-Care Does Not Require Anything Grand

Taking care of oneself does not inherently require grand measures. An individual does not need to book a weekend away at a five-star spa to enter the following week healthy, well-rested and focused.

Small and actionable initiatives such as reading a book, going for a walk in the park or getting extra sleep are adequate weekend self-care endeavors.

Anything that sustainably improves your overall well-being without being detrimental to your life can be considered self-care, such as:

Reconnecting with a relative or friend

Taking the plunge on a pet project

Meditating for just five minutes per day


When used in the correct context, self-care is a powerful tool that can rejuvenate you from the point of burnout and build up your resilience and well-being to endure future hardships. Recognizing that self-care has its place and is not a magic bullet for all the disorders of the mind, ensures that one does not fall into complacency, remains safe and seeks professional help when necessary. Cultivating a true and accurate understanding of self-care can maximize its usefulness.

"Self-care is not a magic bullet for all the disorders of the mind."
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Which Facials Are Best for


Few things in this world are as relaxing as laying back in a soft armchair, listening to the gentle background sound of a waterfall, letting all the tension in your body slowly dissipate, closing your eyes to the dimly-lit environment … and enjoying a facial. When young, most women likely go for the experience more than anything — the novelty of it all, the calming atmosphere and the wonder of newly-rejuvenated skin. But plenty of other women claim to go for the results:

Less acne.

Fewer wrinkles.

Youthful skin.

Are such treatments capable of significantly improving your facial skin health? Or are their calming benefits the extent of their worth?

Best Facials for Skin Rejuvenation

Not all facials are created equal. Some are noninvasive; others are. Some are perfect for delicate skin; others might be too harsh. It is prudent to

investigate the options offered at your local spa and talk to the employees to find the best fit.

The Classic/European

Involves: steaming, facial massage, masks, soothing serums, moisturizers.

Benefits: declogging of pores by extraction and exfoliation; cleans the face; evens skin tone.

Perfect for: those with dry or sensitive skin.

Basic Cleanup Facial

Involves: steaming, exfoliation and moisturizer.

Benefits: opens pores to release oil and toxins, allowing the aesthetician to remove acne, blackheads and dead skin cells.

Perfect for: anyone wary of harsher chemical treatments.

Lymphatic Massage Facial

Involves: a lymphatic massage (can also be combined with other treatments).

Benefits: relaxes the facial muscles and

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encourages drainage of blocked lymph nodes; improves blood circulation; eliminates water retention; removes toxins.

Perfect for: anyone with tension in the face and neck.

Aromatherapy Facial

Involves: facial scrub and mask.

Benefits: removes impurities; relaxing.

Perfect for: anyone who wants a simple yet soothing facial or enjoys essential oils.

Collagen Facial

Involves: a massage with collagen cream.

Benefits: restores the skin's elasticity and texture.

Perfect for: those looking for a facial with a facelifting effect.

Antioxidant Facial

Involves: creams and masks;

Benefits: replenishes vitamins A, C and E for soft and smooth skin.

Perfect for: older patients who want a gentler facial.

LED Light Therapy

Involves: different wavelengths of LED light (i.e., red or blue) to treat skin imperfections.


Red: encourages collagen growth for faster healing; reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

Blue: remove acne-causing bacteria and prevent further breakouts.

Perfect for: anyone looking for a stronger yet noninvasive treatment.

The Spa vs. The Dermatologist: How Do They Differ?

The effectiveness of facials is short-term rather than long-term. Dr. Joel Cohen, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Colorado and director of AboutSkin Dermatology and DermSurgery near Denver, emphasizes that topicals and serums aren't likely to do anything long-lasting for your skin since they only penetrate at the surface level. Dr. Adam Friedman, an associate professor of dermatology and director of translational research at George Washington University, says that most facials offered at spas are meant to improve the face in the "here and now."

Longer-lasting procedures go below the skin's surface, ensuring that topicals, moisturizers and serums are hidden from the sun's UV rays and their harmful effects on facial treatments. However, such options are usually offered at dermatologists' offices rather than spas, at least in their highest-quality form. Friedman and Cohen suggest that patients looking for enduring results look at their local dermatologist rather than their local spa. Dermatologists can medically assess the entire situation and offer the appropriate treatment. Though effective, some of their effective treatments are a bit more invasive.

Microneedling Facial: it uses tiny needles to puncture the skin in an effort to increase collagen (i.e., the protein that boosts skin elasticity). A microneedling facial can help minimize scars and wrinkles.

Microdermabrasion Facial: removes the top, dead layer of the dermis, thereby increasing skin turnover for faster-healing, younger-looking skin.

Facial Rejuvenation

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Recommendations by Age

Basic facial or aromatherapy, the spa or the dermatologist — these options are influenced by preference and age.

Your 20s

Focus on: creating consistent and healthy skincare habits with cleansers, exfoliants, moisturizers and sunscreen.

Spa recommendations: Focus on facials that clean skin and draw out impurities, such as deep-cleansing facials with masks of clay or kaolin.

Your 30s

Focus on: fighting adult hormonal acne by opting for lighter moisturizers and avoiding petroleum-based products and anything with synthetic fragrances. Look for products that are "non-occlusive" — they will not clog your pores.

Spa recommendations: opt for purifying facials that help unclog pores and calm existing acne.

Your 40s

Focus on: slowing the signs of aging by reducing spots and wrinkles. Exfoliate often, moisturize well and opt for serums with vitamin A to reverse any existing sun damage.

Spa recommendations: Facial peels can help cell regeneration by removing the top layer of

dead skin. Some facials are crafted to minimize hyperpigmentation — look for the ones that include glycyrrhizinate (i.e., licorice extract), soy proteins or Indian gooseberry.

Your 50s

Focus on: strengthening your skin by increasing collagen production. Buy moisturizing serums containing evening primrose, sea buckthorn, carrot seed, borage and geranium to replenish vitamins A and C.

Spa recommendations: Choose firming and hydrating facials, particularly the ones containing seaweed and algae, which help hydrate the skin.

The Word of the Day: Consistency

Pampering yourself with a spa treatment is wonderful, and dermatologists can make excellent recommendations to improve the health and appearance of your face. Much like dental hygiene, nothing beats diligent consistency. Taking good care of your skin by doing things such as taking your makeup off before sleep, cleansing and moisturizing twice a day and wearing sunscreen to prevent sun damage, will do more than any line of spa facials. So, the next time you're tempted to skip an aspect of your skincare regimen, don't! Your future self and skin will thank you.

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Taking good care of your skin by doing things such as taking your makeup off before sleep, cleansing and moisturizing twice a day and wearing sunscreen to prevent sun damage, will do more than any line of spa facials.

Tips for Eating Healthier On a A

s the cost of living continues to rise, eating healthy can become a financial challenge. But a healthy diet doesn't have to break the bank. With just a bit of planning and creativity, you can whip up a nourishing, delicious meal without splashing out.

How To Eat Healthy On a Budget

Meal Planning and Prepping

Meal planning is a fantastic way to save money on groceries. You can save money by taking advantage of sales and discounts and avoid wasting food by purchasing only the necessary ingredients.

Meal planning doesn't have to be complicated. Start by taking inventory of the food you already have, then make a list of meals you can make with those ingredients. If you need to buy any additional ingredients, make sure to check for coupons and sales. Once you have a plan, cook your meals in bulk and freeze any leftovers.

With a little planning, you can save money and reduce food waste. So get ahead and start meal planning!

Shop at Farmers' Markets

One of the best things about living in a big city is the abundance of fresh, affordable produce. There are farmers' markets and local grocers on almost every corner, and the selection of fruits and vegetables is incredible. Not to mention, the prices are more affordable than what you'll find at the supermarket.

So, next time you're looking for fresh, delicious produce, check out your local farmers market or grocers. You'll be glad you did!

Buying In Bulk

When it comes to food, buying in bulk can be a great way to save money and eat healthily. With a bit of planning, you can buy wholesome ingredients in bulk and cook delicious meals that are good for your wallet and your health.

“With just a bit of planning and creativity, you can whip up a nourishing, delicious meal without splashing out.”
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Warehouse Clubs

Warehouse clubs like Costco and Sam's Club offer great deals on bulk items. You can often find organic and natural foods at a fraction of the cost of buying them at a regular grocery store.

Seasonal Produce

You can save money and get the freshest possible ingredients by buying fruits and vegetables that are in season. Canning seasonal produce is also a great way to capture fresh ingredients' flavor while preserving them.

Buying Spices in Bulk

You love the taste of freshly ground spices, but those little bottles can be so expensive! Instead of shelling out for preground spices, buy them in bulk and store them in airtight containers. This way, you'll always have fresh spices on hand and save money in the long run.

Another benefit of buying spices in bulk is the ability to create your own mixes. Some supermarket spice mixes can be expensive and contain artificial ingredients. Mixing your own spice mixes will not only save you money, but it's also the best way to ensure that your spices are fresh and haven't been sitting on store shelves for months.

Substitute, Substitute, Substitute

One of the best things about cooking is that there are usually cheaper ingredients

you can use instead of more expensive ones. This is especially true when it comes to spices and herbs. You can use dried herbs instead of fresh ones or a cheaper spice instead of a more expensive one.

Portion Size

When eating healthy on a budget, it is essential to be mindful of portion size. Just because a food is healthy does not mean you can eat as much as you want. Just like with any other food, you need to watch how much healthy food you consume in order to maintain a healthy diet. Being mindful of portion sizes allows you to enjoy your favorite foods while decreasing expenses.

Use Your Leftovers in a Creative Way

When it comes to eating healthy on a budget, leftovers can be your best friend.

If you cook a healthy meal for dinner, you will often have enough leftovers for lunch the next day. Repurposing leftovers can save you both money and time, as you won't have to worry about cooking another meal or packing a lunch to take with you.

Here are a few tips to ensure your leftovers are healthy and delicious:

• Make sure you store them properly: Leftovers should be kept in an airtight container in the fridge and eaten within 3-4 days.

• Mix up your leftovers to avoid eating the same thing every day.

• Don't be afraid to get creative with your leftovers.

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Avoiding Junk Food

While processed and junk foods may be easy and affordable, they are often high in empty calories. As a result, they provide little to no nutritional value and can harm your health if consumed in excess. Instead of reaching for unhealthy snacks, opt for nutritious foods that will fill you up. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein are all excellent choices. And if you're on a budget, there are plenty of affordable healthy foods to choose from. With a little planning, you can eat well without breaking the bank!

It's Time To Start Eating Healthy On a Budget!

Eating healthier foods on a budget is worth the effort. To make the most of your budget, follow these tips and experiment until you find what works for you. With a little planning and effort, you can relish a healthy, delicious, affordable diet!

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“Instead of reaching for unhealthy snacks, opt for nutritious foods that will fill you up.”

The Dos and Don'ts of a Sedentary Lifestyle

With society's progress, it has become easier to acquire food and shelter with less physical exertion. People still work to provide for themselves and others, but the focus has shifted from physical to office work. Most jobs in the U.S. are office jobs where workers spend most of their day sitting down. A sedentary lifestyle can negatively impact your life, which is why we need to counteract its adverse effects on our health.

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What Is a Sedentary Lifestyle?

The phrase "sedentary lifestyle" refers to your activity level throughout your average day and how much of your day is spent in a sedentary state. From a scientific perspective, sedentary behavior involves sitting, reclining or lying down with low-energy expenditure. It considers how much time you spend sitting down instead of standing, walking or being otherwise active.

An inactive lifestyle can have a substantial impact on your overall health. Since the 1950s, the percentage of jobs leading to a sedentary lifestyle has increased to 83% in the U.S., according to the American Heart Association. Millions of Americans lead sedentary lifestyles, even if they try to work out regularly.

Exercising at least 30 minutes per day does not change the sedentary character of your lifestyle. Research has found that if you regularly sit down for 10 or more hours a day, your health is still at risk despite getting regular exercise.

If you're sitting for long periods of time, you may start seeing the effects of sitting disease regardless of how much exercise you regularly enjoy. "Sitting disease" is what some people have begun calling a sedentary lifestyle because of how harmful it can be.

Sedentary Lifestyle Side Effects

A sedentary lifestyle is associated with:

Heart disease.

Type 2 diabetes.

Increased cancer risk.

Weight gain.

Muscle loss and weakness.

Loss in bone health.

High blood pressure.

High cholesterol.



Anxiety and depression.

How a Sedentary Lifestyle Affects Health

Having little to no exercise can have major repercussions for your health. Studies consistently show that a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of certain types of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and premature death. One particular study noted that regardless of activity level, people who sat for long periods of the day were at a higher risk for early death. That is why it is so important to regularly get up from a seated position and move around, as well as have a regular exercise routine. It is not sufficient to meet the recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day if you spend most of your day in a sedentary state.

A sedentary lifestyle can also harm your mental health and well-being. Recent studies have shown that there is a link between a sedentary lifestyle and increased reports of depression. Another study has shown that people who lead inactive lifestyles are at a higher risk of developing other types of mental disorders. People who exercise regularly report that they experience fewer mental health disorders and episodes.

Exercises for a Sedentary Lifestyle

One way to counteract a sedentary lifestyle is getting up and moving regularly throughout your day. Investing in a standing desk is a great way to ensure that you're not sitting through the entire day while also not detracting from your work day. Standing while working moves a person from the "sedentary lifestyle" to the "low-active lifestyle" classification.

Studies have noticed improvements when employees regularly change position from sitting to standing. This movement increases heart rate and could effectively prevent the adverse effects of sitting disease.

Getting up to stretch and take a brief walk every hour is a great place to start. Set a timer to remind yourself to stand up every 30 minutes while


working at a desk. Start small and do not overly tax your body as you become more active. Going for a leisurely walk during your lunch break and doing some gentle yoga are excellent ways to get started without putting undue stress on your body.

It is important to gradually increase your activity levels if you've been living an inactive lifestyle. Going from a completely sedentary lifestyle to a highly active one can stress and harm your body. Remember to begin slowly and work your way up to your activity goals.

Adding bits of daily movement to your routine can be as quick and easy as a 20-minute walk or doing some yoga while watching your favorite TV show. You can also put on some music or a podcast and walk around your neighborhood after dinner, on your lunch break or before work.

It's Time To Let Go Of Your Sedentary Lifestyle!

Although most jobs in the U.S. contribute to people having sedentary lifestyles, it is important to try and remain active to avoid some sitting disease symptoms. Getting up to stretch and go for a quick stroll regularly throughout the day can be a great way to add more activity to your daily schedule. If you're currently living a completely sedentary lifestyle, consider discussing an increase in activity levels with your doctor.

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What Should You Eat After Working Out?

After your workout, there is a window of opportunity to help your body recover and rebuild. What you eat during this time can make a significant difference in your results.

What you should eat depends on your workout goals. To help your body repair and gain muscle, you should eat a meal that's high in protein and calories after finishing your workout. On the other hand, if you are trying to stay fit, you can eat a healthy snack or meal that is lower in calories. Either way, eating something after working out is essential for your body to receive the energy it needs to recover.

The Importance of Macronutrient Balance

Macronutrients are the nutrients that provide calories or energy. They include carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Your body needs all three macronutrients — carbohydrates to replenish its glycogen stores, protein to repair and rebuild muscles and fat for recovery — to function properly.

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Protein helps repair and rebuild muscle tissue. It also supports other functions in your body, including cell growth and repair. Good protein sources include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes and soy.

Fat provides energy and helps absorb some vitamins and minerals. It's also essential for building your body's cell membranes. Healthy fat sources include avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil and coconut oil.

Carbohydrates replenish your energy stores and help repair muscle tissue. They also promote healthy blood sugar levels. Good sources of carbohydrates include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

Eating a balanced meal or snack with the right mix of macronutrients will help you recover from your workout and reach your fitness goals.

Proper Muscle Repair With Electrolytes

Working out is great for your health, but it can take a toll on your body. That's why it's essential to replenish your electrolytes after a workout. Electrolytes help repair muscles and keep them functioning properly. Nerve cells and muscles communicate through electricity generated by the ions in electrolytes.

Many foods, such as bananas, avocados and coconut water, are rich in electrolytes. You can also find electrolytes in sports drinks. However, it's important to read the labels carefully, as some of these drinks can be high in sugar.

Bananas are a great source of potassium, an electrolyte that helps repair muscles.

Coconut water contains sodium and potassium, which help keep muscles hydrated and functioning properly.

Chocolate milk is a great post-workout drink because it contains both carbohydrates and protein. It also has electrolytes such as potassium and sodium.

Oats are a good source of carbohydrates, which help replenish energy levels after a workout. They also contain magnesium, an electrolyte that preserves

proper muscle function.

Yogurt is a good source of protein and calcium, another electrolyte that helps keep muscles healthy.

Eating electrolyte-rich foods is a great way to replenish your body after a workout. However, if you're looking for a quick and easy way to replenish electrolytes, you can also try taking supplements. Supplements like electrolyte drinks or tablets can help replace the electrolytes lost during a workout.

Post-Workout Meal Ideas

A Protein Shake or Smoothie

Protein shakes are an excellent option for postworkout nutrition. They're quick, easy to make and customizable to meet your needs. Add your favorite protein powder to milk or water and some fruit or vegetables for extra nutrients.

Greek Yogurt With Berries

Greek yogurt is a fantastic source of protein and good fat, and berries are a good source of carbohydrates. This combo makes for a delicious and satisfying post-workout snack.

A Whole-Grain Wrap With Chicken and Avocado

Whole-grain wraps are packed with complex carbohydrates, and adding chicken and avocado provides a good balance of protein and healthy fats.

A Bowl of Oatmeal With Fruit and Nuts

Oatmeal is a great source of complex carbohydrates, and adding fruit and nuts will give you a boost of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.

A Salad With Grilled Chicken or Fish

Salad isn't usually considered a post-workout meal, but it can be a great option if you're looking for something light and nutritious. Adding grilled chicken or fish will help increase the protein content, making it more satisfying.

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No matter what you choose to eat, ensure that you listen to your body and give it what it needs. Everyone is different, so there's no one-size-fits-all approach to post-workout nutrition. Experiment with different meals and snacks to find what works best for you.

What's the Ideal PostWorkout Portion Size?

The portion size for your post-workout meal depends on your goals, such as strength, muscle growth or weight loss. If you're looking to repair and grow muscles, you'll need a larger portion than if you're trying to stay fit.

If you want to grow muscle, you need about a caloric surplus of 350 to 500 calories per day. A good rule of thumb is to eat around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be eating about 150 grams of protein daily. In addition to protein, you need to consume plenty of carbohydrates and healthy fats. To lose weight, you need to be in a caloric deficit — you need to burn more calories than you consume in a day.

Eating After a Workout Is Essential to Hitting Your Goals

What you should eat after a workout largely depends on your goals. At the end of the day, the best thing you can do for your body is to listen to it. Pay attention to how different foods make you feel, and eat accordingly. Your body knows best.




Aperson sits on the couch after a long day at work, drinking some mineral water. Everyone at work has gotten sick, except for them. They think of all the possible ways they've managed to avoid getting sick but can't quite put their finger on how, except … maybe it's because they've had mineral-rich foods the whole week.

This scenario, although fictional, exemplifies how vital minerals are to the human body in fighting illnesses, promoting digestive health and strengthening muscles and bones.


Minerals are essential substances that aid the body's development, growth and function.

Central to these functions is the minerals' help in resisting infections and gathering energy from foods.

Minerals are found in all sorts of food and beverages. They can even be found in water!

Sometimes vitamins and minerals can get confused with one another, but they aren't the same thing. Vitamins are necessary for bodily function, whereas minerals are essential to building bones, regulating the heartbeat and flow of blood, as well as strengthening muscles, brain function and hormones.


Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic compounds with a definite chemical composition and atomic structure. While minerals are inorganic compounds, they are often bonded to carbon atoms in their purest forms, which makes them easily digestible.


Water contains a ton of minerals, such as zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and bicarbonate, each with its specific properties. When a person is dehydrated, the body lacks electrolytes comprising sodium, potassium and magnesium. Electrolytes help regulate normal body functions, such as regulating body temperature, production of cells and aiding in digestion.


In addition to these properties, learning about minerals is essential simply because they are omnipresent in our daily foods. Certain foods have certain minerals, which can serve different purposes throughout the body! Minerals are crucial to healthy development, especially during pregnancy and infancy. They can repair bones, support healthy immunity and facilitate hair growth.

Minerals have a variety of functions, such as the mineral calcium, which strengthens bones, teeth, muscles and blood vessels. In addition to its strengthening properties, calcium also helps release hormones and enzymes to regulate

Many minerals are found throughout the body. For example, calcium is generally located in the bones and the teeth. Calcium is obtained through foods such as milk, collard greens and yogurt. So now, Mom reminding everyone at the breakfast table to drink milk makes more sense!

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“Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic compounds with a definite chemical composition and atomic structure.”


Iodine is an essential mineral for hormonal function. It controls metabolism, aids in making thyroid hormones and is crucial for bone and brain development.

Iron aids in cell growth and development and regulates bodily functions.

Phosphorus maintains healthy bones, blood cells and muscles. It is typically found in protein-rich foods such as meat or nuts.

Potassium is vital to helping cells, nerves and muscles function, regulating blood pressure and aiding in digestion. It can be found in bananas.

Selenium is vital to maintain a healthy reproductive system and endocrine system and aids in DNA production.

Zinc aids the body in the fight against infection and assists in digestion and DNA production.


Some of the essential minerals for the body include:

• Calcium, for bone health;

• Sodium, for muscle contractions;

• Chloride maintains the balance of bodily fluids;

• Magnesium maintains heart health and brain functions;

• Copper forms red blood cells.


While you should eat some minerals in large quantities, such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, other minerals, such as iodine and fluoride, work best in smaller quantities.

Here are some examples of minerals and the suggested intake each day:

• Calcium: At least 1000 milligrams daily.

• Fluoride: At least 3 milligrams for women and 4 milligrams for men daily.

• Iron: At least 18 milligrams for women and 8 milligrams for men daily.

• Magnesium: At least 310 milligrams for women and 400 milligrams for men daily.

• Sodium: At least 1500 milligrams each day.

It's essential to ensure you are taking only the required amount of minerals because while they are healthy, they aren't healthful in excess.


Minerals are essential when factoring in how to keep the body healthy. They help the body in many ways, including maintaining healthy hair and even helping grow hair, fight infections or prevent illnesses. Therefore, it's vital to know how many minerals are necessary to consume each day, as well as which minerals to consume for a healthy, balanced intake.

These minerals all promote organ function, healthy growth and vital organ protection against diseases. Make sure to eat a varied diet to get these minerals in your body!


Maybe you're worried about your hair falling out, or you stare at the mirror every day wondering why it looks so dull. The issue may be a lack of minerals, such as iron, zinc and iodine. These compounds help lengthen, strengthen and produce healthier and fuller hair. Take care to eat foods rich in these minerals.

Minerals are found everywhere, and it's important to understand where they are, how they work and what they do. Spend time reading labels to learn more about what minerals certain foods contain and how much intake is appropriate. Talk with your doctor to understand what's best for you. Now, enjoy a glass of milk and get that calcium!

“It's essential to ensure you are taking only the required amount of minerals because while they are healthy, they aren't healthful in excess.”
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To Improve Your Vision

Vision problems can impact our ability to function, whether at work or in our everyday lives, and they can be a pain to fix. They can be even more frustrating if your job involves activities that cause eyestrain (such as looking at screens). However, glasses and surgery aren't the only tools available for improving vision. In many cases, exercises for poor vision can be a valuable part of treatment. So, how can vision exercises improve your eyesight?

Can Weak Eyesight Be Improved?

In some cases, exercises for vision problems can help improve weak eyesight. Eye exercises don't help in every case, though. Their efficacy depends on the vision problem you intend to treat.

Eye exercises strengthen the muscles that control your eyes' movement. As a result, they can help with various vision issues, such as:

• Focusing;

• Eye alignment;

• Eyestrain.

Eye doctors might recommend eye exercises for vision problems such as amblyopia (i.e., lazy eye) or crossed eyes. Eye exercises are also a way to combat digital eye strain.

Numerous vision problems need more than eye exercises to be corrected, such as conditions affecting the eye tissue or how the brain processes visual information. Astigmatism and near-sightedness, for instance, involve the eyeball's shape, which is why eye exercises do not ameliorate them. In addition, macular degeneration, glaucoma and other common conditions can't be treated with eye exercises.

If eye exercises might help your vision problems, it's best to consult a medical professional who can guide you. It's never a positive idea to let serious eye problems go untreated. Eye exercises can be helpful in many cases, but they won't cure all underlying medical conditions.

Benefits of Eye Exercises

Eye exercises can provide a variety of benefits when used to treat a specific set of vision problems, such as digital eye strain or lazy eye. Understanding how these conditions develop can help explain why eye exercises work.

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The eyes are controlled by a series of muscles. Just like any other muscle, they can be strengthened by exercise. Since eye exercises strengthen the muscles that control your eyes, they can help achieve better eye alignment. If your eyes aren't properly aligned, you might experience blurred vision, increased light sensitivity or eye strain. Similarly, eye exercises can improve your ability to focus. Sometimes, people experience vision problems due to their occupation or habits rather than specific eye disorders. Digital eye strain isn't inherent to the structure of the eyes, but it can still cause various symptoms, including blurred vision, dry eyes and headaches. It typically affects people who work with computers. It might not be feasible to take time away from computers if your job requires you to use them, but eye exercises can help. For example, taking time to blink regularly can alleviate the pain associated with dry, sore eyes.

Eye exercises have several clear benefits. Although they have limitations, they can help strengthen eye muscles and alleviate dry eyes and eyestrain. So, what eye exercises provide the most benefit for specific conditions, and how are eye exercises performed?

Best Exercises for Improving Eyesight

The following exercises are commonly prescribed for patients who experience vision problems involving eyestrain, focusing issues or improper eye alignment:

1. Figure eight: The figure eight exercise is best performed from a seated position. Pick a spot on the floor approximately 10 feet away from you. Once you've found a spot, imagine the shape of an eight-figure and follow it with your eyes. After about 30 seconds, switch directions. This exercise will help you track objects with your eyes.

2. Near and far focus: The near and far focus exercise is designed to improve focus for people who wear glasses. Alternate your focus between your thumb and an object approximately 10 feet away. Focus on each object for 15-second intervals, and ensure that you hold your thumb only about 10 inches away. This exercise is easiest to perform while seated.

3. Focus change: Focus change exercises are easy to perform and can help you improve your eyes' ability to focus. Start by focusing on your finger while holding it within a few inches of your face. Then remain focused on your finger as you move it away from your eyes. Once you've moved it as far away as possible, look away briefly and return your focus to your finger.

4. Blink break: A blink break is a fantastic way to ease eye irritation. People blink less frequently when focused on a digital screen, so taking a few moments to blink at a regular rate is a great way to ensure that your eyes are adequately lubricated. Try a blink break if you suffer from headaches or dry eyes while watching screens. This exercise is particularly valuable for people experiencing digital eye strain at work.

5. 20-20-20 rule: The 20-20-20 rule is an excellent way to practice vision exercises at work. Every 20 minutes, stop what you're doing and spend 20 seconds focusing on an object 20 feet away.

Taking time to blink regularly can alleviate the pain associated with dry, sore eyes.
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A Parting Reminder

Eye exercises can positively affect vision problems such as lazy eyes, focus or alignment issues and eyestrain. They're also easy to perform. If you spend your workdays staring intently at a computer screen, exercises such as the 20-20-20 rule can help you reduce eye strain and improve your eye health.

If you struggle with lazy eyes or experience problems with focus or alignment, some form of vision therapy might be exactly what you need to improve your eyesight. Exercises for vision problems aren't always a substitute for professional medical treatment, but they can be a valuable supplement for other kinds of treatment. Talk to your doctor if you believe that eye exercises might improve your vision.




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How PRP Healing Changed One Man’s Life and Now Will Change Many

William Heskett and His Non-Profit

Throughout middle and high school, William Heskett worked hard at setting records in several sports in his surrounding districts, some of which he still holds today, 25 years later. Heskett fell in love with several sports but was particularly dedicated and passionate about powerlifting and track and field.

Along his sports journey, though, he suffered injuries to his shoulders, pectoral muscle and knees, which cost him qualified opportunities such as the Junior Olympics, a scholarship, and ultimately, his powerlifting competitions. His sports dreams abruptly ended.

But young Heskett was unaware that years later, these injuries, with some hard work and dedication, would lead him to a path he never imagined.

In late 2020, Heskett discovered a motivational speaker on the Internet. Soon, he had three motivational speakers added to his nightly routine who inspired him so much that he decided it was time to try and ignore the pain and suffering once and for all. So, he took a leap of faith and built his first pro-like gym with the goal of living a longer, healthier life as a family man.

It became a drive like no other, like a force had his back pushing him forward and past the fears of further injury. Undenounced


to him, this action, along with hard work, would ultimately lead to the creation of his future vision.

Unfortunately, those old injuries started to flare up again and he began re-injuring himself every few months, which became quite the burden to recondition over and over, trying to build around these old injuries. Heskett thought to himself that something had to be done, so he went back into researching updates on the advancements of stem cells and discovered an extraordinary option that also has been proven to work called platelet-rich plasma therapy.

And that’s when an idea was born.

Heskett is now the President and founder of a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit named Pivotal Reach and Paramount Foundation. This public charity focuses on the public citizens at large who qualify physically and financially as an option to receive PRP or any kind of regenerative medicine, including stem cells, that can be helpful to treat the musculoskeletal system, such as bone and or soft tissue injuries. It also seeks to bring public awareness and education regarding regenerative medicine treatments. Heskett has experienced firsthand the healing effects of his treatment.

The mission of Pivotal Reach and Paramount Foundation is simple: to create treatment plans and solutions for those who suffer from injuries and chronic pain for a healthier quality of life.

He has recently grown new tissues and rejuvenated old injuries all at once and has testimonial pictures proving this on his website. Heskett's chronic pain is now gone, and he is back at his gym.


Origin in philanthropy

“Philanthropy is in my genes,” Heskett said. His grandfather is just one example of philanthropy in his family tree. When he was a child, Heskett's grandfather and dad built a dirt track on a piece of property in town for the local kids to have fun on and compete in races. An article from their hometown newspaper from December 1954 explained how his grandfather had handmade a handful of “mini racer” karts, so that groups could race together.

One night when Heskett was 7-years-old, his grandmother told him when you see the first star come out just before dark, it is the best time to make a wish. At the time, Heskett wished for health, wealth and happiness. He admits now that he was confused because he didn’t understand the wealth part.

“I realize now, wealth to me doesn’t mean riches; it's the doors and windows that appear and open as opportunities through determination and manifestation. It was like me calling out to my adult self for later in life as a reminder of where visions come from and how they can create new realities. Looking back, it's like I see that 7-year-old boy not as me, but as a message from him to my present self,” Heskett said.

These doors and windows are opening for Heskett now, enabling him to help others open doors to new opportunities through acts of philanthropy and charity.

“This can happen for anyone, and many know it; it's good mojo. And it feels good, too, that's why I do what I do!” Heskett stated.

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Heskett reflected on how the PRP treatments he received would have been a game changer for him in sports if they had been available earlier in his life. But life would have almost certainly taken a slightly different path if injuries never occurred.

“This discovery of Pivotal Reach and Paramount Foundation may not have been if that all hadn’t happened,” he stated. But regenerative medicine, specifically Platelet Rich Plasma, had been the chosen solution that Heskett was destined to find one day while researching.

“I was fascinated by what I learned, and that inspired me to act. I deciphered this vision and saw an opportunity to create an action of greatness,” he said.


PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, is an element of blood containing growth factors that cleans first and helps to clots wounds and plays a crucial role in healing the body. Damage to the body from injuries as well as the natural aging process reduce functionality negatively affecting the quality of life.

As you age, it takes longer to heal. PRP also promotes healing by reducing inflammation and generating the growth of new healthy tissue.


A small amount of your blood is extracted from your vein. This blood is placed in a centrifuge, and it spins at thousands of r.p.m.’s separating the Plasma from your blood. The enriched layer of plasma is extracted and injected directly into the injury under the guidance of ultrasound for precise targeting.

These growth factors/immune cells have been shown to work well for spinal injuries, nerve damage, damaged ligaments, tendons, cartilage, arthritis, tendinosis, tendinosis, carpal tunnel, growth of new blood vessels, muscle tears, bone fractures, and more.

Heskett supports stem cell treatment as well as PRP, which adds to the list such as bone fractures. But what it ultimately comes down to is what the doctor recommends most for the patient.


Heskett realized that the disappointment he experienced because of his injuries was not unique to him. Others, too, had to abandon their dreams, and millions of people each year suffer from injuries and chronic pain needing relief. So, his penchant for philanthropy kicked in, and he started formulating Pivotal Reach and Paramount Foundation into a reality.

“I was always taught to have boldness, courage, and to believe in myself. In order to implement anything, you must have the belief and the will. If you believe in yourself, you can circumvent anything,” he said.

This mindset gives William Heskett the courage to step out of his comfort zone and do things like talk to groups of doctors and people who are curious to know what Pivotal Reach and Paramount Foundation are all about. He is always looking to share his story to inspire others.

He believes if someone is always in their comfort zone, they may not be taking risks towards any great ideas they may have and could miss out.

People think of great ideas all the time, but most will not capitalize on them. Heskett believes others have to take a chance, and when they take action, they will know it's the right thing to do. If they never act on it, nothing will become of their visions, dreams or passions.

“Work on your paradigm because you become who and what you are around. If you have to be that person who is mostly alone, then that means you have more time to write down your notes and stay on track. Bring those wishes and dreams into realities, and remember to believe,” Heskett said

The core of Heskett’s motivation is simple: “No one wants to go through life in pain.”

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"I realize now, wealth to me doesn’t mean riches; it's the doors and windows that appear and open as opportunities through determination and manifestation."

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heart health

Top Doctor Magazine / Issue 163 / 63

Heart-Healthy Recipes to try this month!

People often forget to connect their everyday behaviors to their bodies. Overeating, a lack of exercise, increased stress levels and poor sleeping patterns weigh heavy — quite literally — on our hearts. Heart health is not only affected by genetics but also by poor lifestyle choices.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., but luckily, there are small yet practical steps to minimize risk and improve your overall heart health! Eating healthily and cultivating a heart-healthy diet will decrease your chances of heart disease and other medical conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, that impact overall heart health.

Why Should We Look After Our Hearts?

Our hearts are responsible for pumping oxygen-full, nutrient-rich blood to every living cell and removing

toxins and waste. Having a healthy heart is imperative to your overall health. You are always young enough to change your ways and adopt a healthier way of life.

Here are some of the reasons why you should maintain a healthy heart: Preserve healthy cholesterol levels Lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer's Regulate blood pressure

How Can We Take Care of Our Hearts?

There are many ways to ensure that you keep your heart healthy. Regular exercise strengthens the muscles of the heart. Limiting or stopping smoking altogether places less stress on the heart and lungs.

The most straightforward place to start is in the kitchen. Changing the ingredients in your fridge and pantry can improve blood pressure, maintain


cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Here are some tips to keep in mind when following a heart-healthy diet:

Control portion size; Reduce sodium intake; Choose whole grains; Eat more fruit and vegetables; Limit unhealthy fats.

Don't let this overwhelm you. Several delicious heart-healthy recipes to choose from have considered all these factors for you!

Easy Heart-Healthy Recipes to Make

Making the change to a heart-healthy diet has never been easier. These heart-healthy recipes are perfect for simple, flavorful and, most importantly, healthy meal ideas!

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Heart Healthy Oatmeal Recipe

Perfect for this time of year, apple cinnamon overnight oats can be eaten as a quick breakfast option or a healthy afternoon snack.


• ½ cup of oats

• ½ cup of apple, chopped

• ½ cup of nonfat milk or milk alternative

• ¼ cup plain, non-fat yogurt

• ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon

• 1 teaspoon of honey

• 1 teaspoon of chia seeds

How To Prepare

Pour the oats into a Mason jar or container of your choice.

Pour in the milk and yogurt. Add a layer of chopped apples and chia seeds.

Top off with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a drizzle of honey.

Place in the fridge overnight and enjoy the next day!

You'll be pleasantly surprised in the morning when the oats and chia seeds have puffed up, resulting in a creamy, easy-to-eat delight of a meal!


Heart Healthy Hummus Recipe

Dips don't have to be jam-packed with preservatives, flavorings and saturated fats. You, too, can enjoy hummus the heart-healthy way!


• 15 ounces of can of low-sodium chickpeas, undrained

• ¼ cup of tahini

• ½ tablespoon of ground cumin

• 2 cloves of garlic

• 2 tablespoons of lemon juice

• 1 tablespoon of low-sodium miso

• Freshly ground black pepper to taste

• Water to thin the hummus, if desired

• Sesame seeds for topping

How To Prepare

Combine all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Taste and adjust any seasonings to your preference.

You'll feel transported to the islands of Greece and the dunes of Morocco with this hummus recipe, all without the guilt!

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Heart-Healthy Zucchini Bread Recipe

Heart-healthy does not mean no bread! This zucchini bread recipe is the perfect alternative to processed bread.


• 1/3 cup of melted coconut oil

• ½ cup of honey or maple syrup

• 2 room temperature eggs

• ½ cup of low-fat milk of choice or water

• 1 teaspoon of baking soda

• 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

• 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

• ½ teaspoon of fine-grain sea salt

• ¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg

• 1 ½ cups of grated zucchini, with the moisture squeezed out

• 1 ¾ cups of whole wheat flour

• ¾ cup of roughly chopped raw walnuts or pecans

How To Prepare

Preheat the oven to 325 F and grease a loaf pan. Toast the nuts in a pan. Once cooled, chop the nuts and set aside.

Combine the coconut oil and honey in a large mixing bowl. Add in the eggs and beat well.

Whisk in the milk, baking soda, cinnamon, vanilla, salt and nutmeg until well blended. Add the zucchini and fold it in. Add the flour and nuts. Stir just until combined. Pour the batter into the greased loaf tin.

Place in the oven for 55 to 60 minutes or until a knife inserted comes out clean.

Let the bread cool on a wire rack. Cut and serve. Whether you dress it up with wholesome toppings or dress it down and serve it as is, this bread is a delightful addition to any meal!


Heart Healthy Meatball Recipe

Are you looking for an Italian-style meatball without putting a strain on your heart?

Look no further than this heart-healthy meatball recipe!


For the Topping

• 1 cup of seeded and diced tomato

• ¼ cup of finely chopped sweet onion

• 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh basil

• 1 teaspoon of chopped garlic

• ¼ teaspoon of black pepper

For the Meatball

• 16 ounces of extra-lean ground beef

• ¼ cup of wholewheat breadcrumbs

• ¼ cup of egg whites

• 2 teaspoons of chopped garlic

• ¼ teaspoon of onion powder

• ¼ teaspoon of salt and black pepper

• ¼ cup of shredded low-fat mozzarella cheese

• ¼ cup of shredded Parmesan cheese

How To Prepare

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line a baking pan with parchment paper and set aside. Add all topping ingredients to a mediumsized bowl. Mix until all combined.

Mix the beef, breadcrumbs, egg whites, garlic, onion powder, black pepper and cheeses in a large bowl. Roll out 12 meatballs.

Lay meatballs in a tray and cover the tray with foil and bake for 20 minutes. Serve with the topping.

This recipe works well as an easy weeknight dinner, with leftovers for lunch the next day!

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Heart-Healthy Juice Recipe

Juices are an effective way to get all-important vitamins and minerals into your diet. This beet juice is a quick and easy heart-healthy option for when you're on the go.


• 3 large beetroots, washed

• 2 medium-sized apples washed and cut into squares

• 2 large carrots washed, stem removed, cut into pieces

• 1 large orange, peeled

• Juice from half a lemon

How To Prepare

1. Put all the ingredients into the juicer and juice. Set the lemon juice aside.

2. Add the lemon juice and stir well.

3. Pour into serving glasses.

The beetroot and lemon improve blood flow by reducing blood vessel inflammation — a great option to add to any heart-healthy diet.

Take Care of Your Heart, and It Will Take Care of You!

Lowering cholesterol and managing blood pressure to prevent heart disease and minimize the risk of a heart attack can often be daunting. These recipes will take you from not knowing where to start to a happy, healthy heart!

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5Health Benefits of Tea

After fresh water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, with over 3 billion cups consumed daily. The earliest archaeological evidence of tea consumption was found in China, dating back to around 200 B.C., with tea playing a pivotal role in economic and political development throughout human history.

As its popularity spread west towards Europe, tea became highly popular amongst the British middle and upper classes, leading to heavy taxation being introduced in 1689. British tea taxation would infamously be imposed on British colonies, leading to the Boston Tea Party in 1773 and setting

a strong impetus for American independence in motion.

Tea plays a crucial economic role globally. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) estimates annual tea production to be around $17 billion.

While tea has undoubtedly shaped the world we live in and continues to play a role in the lives of billions globally, we must ask ourselves whether tea is conducive to human health. Thankfully, a plethora of evidence attests to the safety of tea and its health benefits.


Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

Ancient Chinese civilizations were amongst the first to claim that tea had healing and medicinal properties. Until the sixth century B.C., tea was primarily considered a medicinal concoction in China. Modern medicine is continually attesting to the broad health benefits of tea.


Chemicals found in green and black tea, known as catechins and theaflavins, give tea its antioxidant properties. Black, green, oolong and white tea, sometimes called the "true teas," are all derivatives of the same plant, Camellia sinensis, but have been processed differently. Green tea has the highest content of catechins and, for antioxidant purposes, is the most effective tea. This is partly the reason for green tea's primary association with health benefits when compared to the other true teas.

A comparative study published in the Toxicology journal found that one to two servings of black, green or oolong tea contained as many antioxidants as five servings of fruit and vegetables.

The benefits of antioxidants are diverse and vast, with research associating antioxidant consumption with:

• Protection from oxidative stress;

• Reduced rates of certain diseases;

• Improved mental health;

• Inflammation reduction.


A stroke is a severe medical condition typified by an obstruction of blood flow to the brain, causing eventual cell death and neurological damage. Strokes are the fifth highest cause of death in the U.S., and many stroke survivors face a greatly reduced quality of life and a generally poor prognosis.

A Danish study of all stroke patients aged over 25 between 1982-1991 found that survivors had a 60% increased chance of death five years after their initial stroke. Additionally, 1 in 3 American adults has at least one of the leading risk factors for strokes — obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and a smoking habit.

Overwhelming medical literature supports the efficacy of tea in reducing the risk of stroke. A meta-analysis of studies published between 1966-2012, cumulatively involving over 500,000 participants, found a statistically significant association between tea consumption and a reduced risk of stroke. Drinking 3 cups of tea daily was associated with a 13% lower risk of stroke. Another meta-analysis involving nearly 200,000 participants found that consuming at least 3 cups of tea per day decreased the risk of stroke by 21%.

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Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates it causes nearly 18 million fatalities annually, approximately 32% of all global deaths. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that heart disease costs the U.S. roughly $219 billion annually.

Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease is one of the many health benefits of tea. A study of more than 82,000 Japanese men over the period 1995-2007 found that green tea consumption of 2 cups and upwards per day reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, another Japanese study of over 76,000 men and women found that consuming black, green and oolong tea reduced cardiovascular disease mortality.


According to the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, cancer was the second leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2020, with just over 600,00 fatalities. Cancer is a particularly scary disease since it is notoriously difficult to treat sustainably.

Tea has shown some efficacy in prophylaxis (i.e., prevention) and in slowing down the progression of some cancers. Studies on animals have shown that tea can mitigate tumor transformation and the overall progression of the disease. A journal article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that tea might have similar effects on humans as it does on animals regarding cancer. Moreover, the U.S. National Cancer Institute website suggests that tea may inhibit angiogenesis (i.e., the growth of new blood vessels required for the growth and spread of tumor cells).

While human-specific studies of the effects of tea in combating cancer are in their early stages, some have shown positive results. As modern medicine continues to search for an effective cancer cure, there is almost no harm in preventive tea consumption.


Green tea has long been touted as a weight loss supplement, and the evidence from research supports this belief.

Research conducted at the Pennsylvania State University's College of Agricultural Sciences found that green tea increased metabolism in mice and achieved an average body mass reduction of 27.1%.

A Chinese study suggests that consuming different types of true teas daily, as opposed to one single type of true tea, may augment their weight loss benefits.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Tea

Tea has been consumed by humans long before the advent of modern medicine and the scientific method. As such, it is important to separate fact from fiction when considering narratives surrounding tea and its uses, safety and benefits.


Consuming more than 4 cups of tea per day can lead to adverse side effects, such as sleep problems, nausea, dizziness and impaired iron absorption.


Due to their caffeine content, the consumption of true teas should be monitored carefully during pregnancy. Pregnant women looking to get their fix of tea should consider switching to caffeine-free herbal teas until after giving birth.


People looking to regulate or limit their caffeine intake might be interested to know which of the true teas have the highest and lowest caffeine content, respectively.

Black tea has the highest caffeine content, with approximately 64-112 milligrams per serving. Contrastingly, white tea has the lowest caffeine content, with 32-37 milligrams of caffeine per serving.

For reference, a cup of brewed coffee has between 70-140 milligrams of caffeine, while a double espresso contains 125 milligrams.


According to an assistant professor at TUFTS University in Massachusetts, dried tea leaves can last up to two years before losing their flavor. Outside of losing flavor and changing in aroma, there is little to no danger in consuming expired tea, whether brewed with dry leaves or a teabag.


Tea leaves contain many of the same minerals as plant fertilizers, such as nitrogen and potassium, and can be used around your garden. It is best advised to remove the leaves from a used teabag before gardening. Using tea leaves will increase the acidity of the soil it is added to, so be sure to only use them for plants that thrive in acidic environments.

Tea Is an Ancient Medicine Fit for the Modern Age

Diverse cultures worldwide have fully embraced tea, and it seems that its popularity isn't going to die down any time soon. Luckily, tea has a broad range of benefits that keep us healthy and prevent disease. Consider these benefits the next time you consider making yourself a cup of the world's favorite beverage.

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How Your Mental Health Affects Your Heart Health

When people suffer from heartache — whether due to a breakup or the loss of a loved one — it's commonplace to eat copious amounts of ice cream, snuggle under a blanket and lean on friends and family for moral support. This trope was reenacted in countless movies and appeared in various popular culture references.

So, why do people engage in all sorts of unhealthy behaviors when they are struggling emotionally? There are multiple reasons for this, such as attempting to increase serotonin. However, these choices affect many other parts of the body, including the heart

Can Mental Health Affect Physical Health?

People often forget that our minds and bodies are intrinsically linked. That is why it is essential to address both mental and physical health in order to maintain overall wellbeing. However, there is a notable effect when one or the other suffers.

One way mental health can affect physical health is by linking stress and physical illness. Chronic stress can negatively affect the body through the release of hormones such as cortisol, which can increase blood pressure and heart rate, and also contribute to dermatological conditions such as psoriasis. A person at risk of dying from cancer is 50% more likely to pass away if they also suffer from depression.

Mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia and anxiety, also affect physical health. People with these conditions may be more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking. Studies report that more than 80% of people with schizophrenia smoke, compared to only 12% of adults in the U.S. as of 2020. Other manifestations, such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease, are also linked to mental health disorders.

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It is essential to take the connection between mental and physical health seriously and seek treatment if necessary. Various options, such as therapy, medication and lifestyle changes (e.g., exercising and eating a healthy diet), are available.

How Are Mental Health and Heart Disease Related?

According to the Psychological Bulletin, 1 in every 18 deaths in the U.S. is stroke related. Heart health is not something to be taken lightly. Now that it has been established that mental health does affect physical health, we can explore how it affects heart health and, subsequently, how it may lead to heart disease.

Evidence suggests that mental health can affect heart health. Studies have shown that people with mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, may be at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke.

How Different Mental Health Disorders Affect Heart Health

While the effects of mental health disorders are not completely understood in relation to heart disease, there are notable links between various mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and depression, to heart health. This is partly because mental disorders and heart disease share a similar etiology.


People with depression have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke. The link between lethargy and physical illness and the fact that people with depression may be more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors, such as eating unhealthy foods and a lack of physical activity, are the potential reasons behind this risk.


Chronic stress, often a symptom of anxiety, can adversely affect the body. People with anxiety experience an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and heart palpitations.


People with schizophrenia are at risk of various heart health issues owing to the erratic mood changes that cause the body's nervous system to panic and the heart to go into shock. The risk of heart disease is exacerbated by the poor lifestyle choices people with schizophrenia make, such as increased alcohol and drug consumption.

The relationship between mental health disorders and heart health is complex, and more research is needed to fully understand the connections between these conditions.

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When people are more aware of mental health issues, they are less likely to view them as taboo, making it easier for them to seek help and support and feel more comfortable discussing their mental health with others.

Can Poor Mental Health Lead To Heart Failure?

In severe cases, poor mental health can lead to heart failure. Chronic stress negatively affects the body by increasing blood pressure and heart rate and contributing to inflammation, a known risk factor for many physical health conditions, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

People with poor mental health may also be more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking, unhealthy eating habits and a lack of physical activity. These behaviors can increase the risk of developing physical health conditions like heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

Heart failure occurs when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. Various factors, including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, can cause it. Poor mental health may contribute to the development of these conditions, thus increasing the risk of heart failure.

Why Is Mental Health Awareness Important?

One of the main benefits of mental health awareness is that it helps reduce the stigma surrounding mental health conditions. When people are more aware of mental health issues, they are less likely to view them as taboo, making it easier for them to seek help and support and feel more comfortable discussing their mental health with others.

If there were a great understanding and acceptance of mental health, the positive effects would also be perceivable in the physical body. The healthier the mind, the healthier the body — the mantra of various cases, as reported in the UN AIDS Update in 2018, with a direct correlation between the mental well-being of a group and the prevalence of HIV/AIDS.

How To Manage Mental Health and Boost Heart Health

Mental health is an essential aspect of overall health and well-being. It is crucial in how we think, feel and behave. When people's mental health is not optimal, it harms their physical health. So, prioritize your mental health and take care of it just like your physical health.

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attachment style How To Figure Out Your


Every relationship is unique. Each one presents distinct challenges, requires unique inputs and supplies various advantages. For example, a mother-daughter bond will invariably differ from that with a sibling, and a romantic relationship from that with a friend.

However, some consistent patterns and requirements hold between all types of connections. All require sacrifice, communication and introspection. And tendencies developing in one relationship, particularly an early and formative one, often continue to appear in relationships further down the road.

Some psychologists use a framework called attachment theory to help contextualize and explain how we relate to significant figures in our lives as adults and where those tendencies may have originated.


Attachment theory was proposed by psychoanalyst John Bowlby in 1958. His theory attempted to explain how one's emotional connection to parental figures in early childhood, particularly between 10 to 20 months, is formative for patterns carried into later relationships. Bowlby first hypothesized his theory after analyzing a body of research indicating that animals with an absentee mother experienced resulting distress later in life.

After working as a child psychiatrist with emotionally disturbed patients at the Child Guidance Clinic in London, Bowlby suggested that children developed attachment behaviors (e.g., crying and clinging) as an evolutionary safety mechanism. When experiencing fear or stress, a young child instinctually seeks security through propinquity to their parents. Further research on Bowlby's theory indicated that, when separated from caregivers and placed in an unfamiliar situation, children tended to react in one of three ways:

• Secure: Although initially distraught, these infants desired comfort and were quickly reassured when their parents returned.

• Anxious-Resistant: Children in this category were more distressed. When parents came back, they sought comfort but simultaneously seemed to 'punish' their parents for leaving.

• Avoidant: Unlike the first two groups, these children showed little concern when separated from their caregivers. When reunited, the children largely disregarded or even actively avoided their parents.

Later in the development of attachment theory, a fourth category was added — Disorganized-Disoriented — to describe babies exhibiting unpredictable attachment patterns.

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According to Bowlby, the attachment style developed when young results in a mental model of how relationships function. The person then (consciously or subconsciously) applies this framework to future relationships, whether with romantic partners or friends. This is known as the 'continuity hypothesis.'


Though developed very early in childhood, the four attachment styles manifest themselves differently in adult relationships.

Secure Attachment

Summary: Appearing in roughly 66% of adults in the U.S., the Secure attachment style is one in which the person easily trusts, feels safe in relationships, is easy to bond with and can identify and express how they are feeling. According to the Attachment Project, five conditions must be met in someone's childhood to develop a secure attachment style. They must feel safe, seen, and known, and receive comfort, reassurance, appreciation and support to explore. The other three attachment styles technically fall into an "insecure attachment" category.

Childhood Characteristics

Positive emotions are displayed toward parents.

Avoidant Attachment

Summary: Adults prone to form anxious-avoidant attachments generally keep their distance from forming deep relationships. Despite having many friends and seeming self-confident, they shy away from meaningful connection and vulnerability. They are fiercely independent, refusing to rely on others. Because of this distance, they quickly shut down in seemingly threatening scenarios, such as during conflict. When they do engage in relationships, they sometimes self-sabotage or look for a reason to terminate the relationship, afraid of being hurt if they allow it to continue.

Childhood Characteristics

The child seems disinterested in their parents. The child shows no signs of being upset if separated from their parents. The child doesn't fear strangers.

Those with an anxious attachment style often crave affection and attention to an abnormal extent, idolizing their significant other while demeaning themselves.

The child is capable of being independent while still connecting with caregivers. The child is stable, even when separated from their parents.

Adult Characteristics

The individual assumes a two-way trust and love in relationships.

The individual participates in healthy and open communication.

The individual has high respect for themselves. The individual can trust others.

The individual knows how to balance autonomy and intimacy.

Adult Characteristics

The individual avoids cultivating close relationships. The individual protects independence at the cost of engaging with others. The individual conceals true feelings.

The individual feels that relationships requiring emotional intimacy are 'needy.'

Anxious Attachment

Summary: Those with an anxious attachment style often crave affection and attention to an abnormal extent, idolizing their significant other while demeaning themselves. They may believe that a relationship or person will make them whole. They require constant reassurance, often blaming themselves for events outside their control. Occasionally, this fear of being left by their significant other will make them unnaturally suspicious and jealous.

Childhood Characteristics

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The child is needy or clingy. The child exhibits extreme distress when left by their parents. The child occasionally partakes in aggressive behavior.

Adult Characteristics

The individual consistently fears being abandoned. The individual may be jealous. The individual frets over the state and future of their relationship. The individual is highly aware of others' needs. The individual displays low self-esteem. The individual asks for reassurance from their partner.

Disorganized Attachment

Summary: Adults with this attachment style are often hard to characterize, owing to their irregular and unpredictable patterns. They may have drastic mood swings, expressing a desire for intimacy and closeness one day while isolating themselves the next. While strongly desiring love, they are afraid to pursue it. Those with a disorganized attachment may struggle to comprehend that their partner loves them unconditionally. This often leads to a highly negative view of themselves and others.

Childhood Characteristics

The child struggles with confusion concerning their parents.The child displays inconsistent responses when left by and approached by caregivers.

Adult Characteristics

The individual desires intimacy but is afraid of vulnerability.

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The individual may sabotage relationships. The individual is often distrustful. The individual is unpredictable in relationships and with emotions.

The individual struggles to control their emotions.


Despite being used by psychologists, therapists and the everyday self-searcher for years, attachment theory has more recently been criticized for being overused and lacking a solid foundation. Some have attributed Bowlby's theory development to a conglomeration of "personal and cultural confirmation biases." They point to Bowlby's youth, where he was distant from his mother and close to a governess, who then proceeded to leave when he was only four years old.

Some psychologists believe that social class and environment are far more influential than one's connection with parents as a young child. Others assert that peer relationships, rather than parental relationships, have the greatest impact on a person's attachment patterns.

While Bowlby's theory is still widely used and undeniably contains some material of value, it is important to constantly analyze older theories through modern developments and critiques.


If this article has sparked an interest in attachment theory and you're looking for more information, there are plenty of sources out there! The Attachment Project has a blog with dozens of detailed articles, as well as a short 5-minute quiz where you can discover your attachment style. Diane Poole Heller's Attachment Styles Test, which you can find here, lists 45 different statements, asking the participant to rate themselves from "Rarely/Never" to "Usually/ Often." If you're curious, do some digging; there are an incredible number of resources out there just waiting to be explored!

If you're curious, do some digging; there are an incredible number of resources out there just waiting to be explored!
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