TopDogWeekly’s Cover Dog... BIS, MBPIS, BPISS GCH Drewsar Goblet of Fire “Harry” (Sire: CH DownEast Lord Of the Rings “Frodo” x Dam: CH Del Sur Hello Dolly “Dolly”)
Harry hit the show ring running, his first day shown he won Best Baby Puppy in Show (thank you Janet Lobb). First day in the Bred By class he wins Best Puppy in Show. He was finished with multiple breed wins from the bred by class in 2 weekends. Harry is #2 PWD, #1 Working Puppy & #5 Puppy All Breed. By only 9 months Harry has: 1 Best in Show 9 Best Puppy in Shows 1 Best Puppy in Specialty 1 Best Baby Puppy in Show 2 Reserve Best Puppy in Shows 3 Group 1s 2 Group 2s 6 Group 3s 7 Group 4s 26 Puppy Groups He has broken multiple records for PWDs. He is the youngest Portuguese Water Dog to win a Group 1st (7 months), the youngest Portuguese Water Dog to win a Best in Show in North America (9 months), he became a Grand Champion at 8 months and is well over half way to his Grand Champion Excellent, He holds the record for number of Best Puppy in Shows on a PWD. Harry has been recognized by judges from all over the world, North America, South America, Australia & Europe. Thank you to all the judges that have recognized Harry in the Breed, Group and Best in Show ring. Special Thanks to: Ron Mahon, Patricia Laurens, Robert Ennis, Avery Gaudin, Martin Doherty, Deb Graffman, Mike Jackman, Alan Ewles (x2) for Harry’s Best Puppy in Show wins and Alan Ewles for Harry’s Best in Show. It has been truly amazing to be at the end of his lead to show him to all of these wins. Not only is he a great show dog but a fabulous bed dog as well. I can’t wait to see what comes next for him. Harry is Always Breeder/ Owner/ Handled by Sara Szauerzopf. Breeder/Owner: Mari & Sara Szauerzopf Drewsar Portuguese Water Dogs
BEST IN SHOWS week ending September 22nd, 2013
MOUNT CHEAM CANINE ASSOCIATION – BRITISH COLUMBIA Friday Scottish Deerhound Ch. Hollyrood June Bug At JaraLuv Judge: Lucie Paradis Saturday Newfoundland Ch. You Make My Dreams Del Basaburua Judge: Andy Hsieh Sunday Afghan Hound Ch. Polo’s Air Force One Judge: Peter Machen PRAIRIE CANINE ACADEMY - SASKATCHEWAN Friday Show 1 Siberian Husky Ch. Highlander’s Rumour Has It Judge: Ed MacDonald Friday Show 2 Basenji Ch. Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel Judge: Martin Doherty Saturday Show 3 Bull Mastiff Ch. Melkev’s Lord Angus At Newalba Judge: Enrique Gonzalez Saturday Show 4 Siberian Husky Ch. Highlander’s Rumour Has It Judge: Mary White Sunday Show 5 Boxer Ch. Tybrushe’s Ain’t Misbehavin’ Judge: Javier Ramirez Gomez Sunday Show 6 Siberian Husky Ch. Highlander’s Rumour Has It Judge: LeeAnne Bateman SUDBURY & DISTRICT KENNEL CLUB – ONTARIO Friday Show 1 English Cocker Spaniel Ch. Carnaby Between Friends Judge: Michael Shoreman Friday Show 2 English Cocker Spaniel Ch. Carnaby Collaboration Judge: Rosemary Shoreman Saturday Show 3 Yorkshire Terrier Ch. NicNak’s Second To None Judge: Katherine Grant Saturday Show 4 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever – GChEx. RoanEden’s Int’l Harvester Judge: Marilyn Foulds Sunday Show 5 Flat Coated Retriever Ch. Butterblac’s Stop Resisting Judge: Morley Thornton Sunday Show 6 Yorkshire Terrier Ch. NicNak’s Second To None Judge: Dianne Miller THUNDER BAY KENNEL & OBEDIENCE CLUB – ONTARIO Friday Shih Tzu Ch. Symarun’s Forbidden Love Judge: Don Fitzsimmons Saturday Maltese Fletcher Andes Henshaw Judge: Elaine Whitney Sunday Pomeranian Ch. Sunterra Star Status Judge: Robert Whitney CLUB CANIN CHOMEDY Friday West Highland White Terrier Ch. Whitebriar Jaw Dropper Judge: John Rowton Saturday West Highland White Terrier Ch. Whitebriar Jaw Dropper Judge: Patricia Laurans Sunday Affenpinscher Ch. Champagne Charly V. Tani Kazari Judge: Diane Adorno Le Grande
UPCOMING SHOWS this weekend
Lloydminster Kennel & Obedience Club – Saskatchewan Burlington Kennel & Obedience Club – Ontario United Kennel Club – Quebec Miramichi Kennel Club
Sire: BIS BISS Am/Can Ch. Northcote’s No Doubt Dam: Can Ch. Northcote’s Fast Forward Consistency of type is difficult to achieve, but I believe that this 9 month old puppy dog is clearly stamped with the Northcote look! He is very much his sire’s son, and yet has an added dash of delightful Terrier fire and showmanship. For his age he is everything that I would expect him to be, and more. It is not too hard to imagine what he will look like as a mature dog. Thrilling! To date Micah has achieved RBIS under esteemed International Breeder/Judge Roberto Velez-Pico. He has been awarded: 5 Group First wins 13 All Breed Best Puppy In Show wins A Best Puppy In Terrier Specialty Show Micah is currently one of Canada’s Top Fifteen Terriers. He is beautifully complemented by his talented Co-Owner/Handler, Kim Wendling. Watching the two of them together in the ring makes me very proud. Owner/Breeder: Terri Alloway • Northcote Lakeland Terriers Co-Owner/Handler: Kim Wendling
Ch Whitebriar Jaw Dropper - West Highland White Terrier
Ch Champagne Charly V. Tani Kazari - Affenpinscher
GChEx NicNak's Second To None - Yorkshire Terrier
GChEx Vetset Kate Winsit - Standard Poodle
GCh Polo's Air Force One - Afghan Hound
GChEx Roaneden's Int'l Harvester - Nova Scotia Duck Toller
Ch Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel - Basenji
Ch Hearthside Riveredge Sure Is Summum - Australian Shepherd
GChEx Goldgrove High Intensity - Doberman Pinscher
Ch Flacon d'Paris of Neigenuveaux - Barbet
Ch Flacon d'Paris of Neigenuveaux - Barbet
(TopDogWeekly does not verify these stats. They are supplied as a courtesy to our readers)
1) Home city? Shawnigan Lake, BC 2) Breed or Breed’s you have bred? Irish Setters, Cairn Terriers, Boxers and Afghans. Over the years my husband and I have also owned a Great Dane, Tibetan Mastiff and two Doberman’s. 3) Years you have been Judging? 20 Plus years 4) Licensed for or, on Permit for? All Breed 5) Judged in what Countries? I have had the privilege to judge in 18 countries on 6 continents. This experience has broadened my perspective of many breeds. 6) All time favourite assignment? This is difficult as I enjoy most of my assignments. It would have to be Judging Cairn terriers and giving CC’s at The National Terrier Show in Stafford UK. For me this is the Mecca for Terriers. I would also have to follow that up with judging Irish Setter Specialties. This is my ‘heart’ breed. Judging in Europe is another favourite because Judges are expected to write critiques and exhibitors are very interested in receiving them. Favourite dog or dogs Judged from the past? I still vividly remember having two beautiful dogs capture my attention when judging a Best In Show. One was the stunning Irish Setter called Ch Muldoon Dewitts Great One (Piper) shown by Will Alexander and the other was the Siberian Husky Ch Karnovanda’s Niklas Wolf shown by Colin Brownlee. Piper went on to be Canada’s #1 conformation dog in 2005. And yes my pick for that day for BIS! I remember a couple of dogs from the past too. I did not judge them but still remember the very beautiful Standard Poodle named ‘Bibelot’s Tall Dark and Handsome’ and the Boxer Scher Khoun’s Shadrack. They were my favourites for a long time.
8)Pet Peeves in your ring? Being ungracious. For me this is a person receiving a second place ribbon who makes the assumption they are losers! And then become ‘ribbon snatchers’. 9) Favourite way to relax? Reading, walking the dogs, gardening, and my newest past time, dragon-boat paddling. 10) How do you occupy your time in travel? I try sleeping, reading, sleeping, watching TV, sleeping, chatting about dog shows to any-one who will listen! Get the picture! 11) What do you think is the biggest problem facing our Sport? There are too many shows, and too few entries. Unfortunately today we have too many shows and too small an entry. We are often just handing out ribbons instead of using our skills of adjudicating dogs. The CKC points and Championship system requires revision. Top Dog Ranking – I think this has been a hindrance rather than an asset. I believe the system needs change. I believe it could be improved. 12) What are your thoughts on Limit Dog Show’s? I think limited shows should only be allowed in remote areas. When they were first approved they were intended for smaller areas that had limited access to a larger number of dogs. At one time the CKC Board defined what they believed were remote areas. Unfortunately this was later changed and we no longer have a definition of “remote”. It is time to re-define shows so we have meaningful Championships. I remember a time in Canada when we had 15-20 Irish Setters in the open class. Winning that class was very exciting. We do not have that luxury today so we need to re-define shows and the point system so that excitement returns.
THE CANADIAN DOG JUDGE’S ASSOCIATION PRESENTATION To R. William Taylor By CDJA President Mrs. Thora Brown CKC DIrector Mr. Ed Graveley Saturday, September 21, 2013 In Terrebonne, Quebec Emeritus Judge is a class of membership within CDJA for those members who a)retire after a minimum of 20 years judging experience. b) are nominated by a member of the Executive and approved by a majority. The criteria for nomination are outstanding contributions to the judging community, an exemplary model of the dog show judge Renowned not just in Canada for achievements in this field. To date those who have received Emeritus Judge status are Sally Bremner, Aldon Garland, Avis Mackie, Pat Miller, John C Ross and now R. William Taylor.
Which dog in the past was your favourite dog to show and why? Kerri Brangers Am GCh & Can GChEx Carnaby Promise Me CGN “Oreo”. She has that look at me attitude which makes her so easy to show and her winning record which included BOB at both American and Canadian Nationals has added to the fun. She is currently 9 years old and still enjoying herself with multiple specialty wins in both countries as a veteran. Donna Roadhouse Now that is a good question. First things first, Les Rogers called me and said you have to come to my house do you have $100.00 on you? Yes I did so over I went and we bought Brett, his outline and balance was outstanding. Brett had been advertised for sale in a laundry mat, and the family could not sell him as he did not have a full white collar so they brought him back to Les to see if he could place him. Brett was big and this was the reason we did not pick him at 8 weeks. Les bred his dam and arranged to use a stud dog in our area, the dam was owned by a family in the Okanagan at the time of the breeding. Now the fun began Brett was 1 1/2” over our dreaded size chart for his age. He would lie on Glenn’s chest at 3 1/2 months and watch hockey, so be became Brettzke, we kept our fingers crossed. Ch Forever Arpeggio Brett Butler, stayed in size 15 1/2” which was a miracle in Shelties and still holds the record for BIS’s for a male, plus the record for number of dogs defeated. He was the ultimate show dog, never let you down and loved every minute he was in the ring. When it was his time to retire – sulked at the back gate when the motor home backed out without him. Glenn had to take him for a ride in his truck to settle him down as he was determined to wait for me to come back and get him. Took a while. Unfortunately he had a health issue (tumor in one testicle and not visible to the naked eye) which created a huge hair loss, he was 8 when he was finally diagnosed with hardly any hair left except his legs and face. Brett’s hair came back in within months after the surgery, and he looked beautiful. Brett’s attitude never changed and as awful as he looked I would not give up on my buddy. When he was 10, I took him out to shows where he was allowed to play - he thought he had died and gone to heaven, still jumping straight up in the air and landing 4 square. Loved the photographer’s, and would set himself up wherever they moved with the camera and no lead necessary, had everyone in stitches. If Brett did not hear the click he stood in full show pose waiting for it, he was funny. You could not fool him on anything cookies included, he went into my friends purse one day after she said Brett I don’t have cookies, yes she did and he found it, boy did we laugh. Brett will always remain first in my heart as he was so very special, a true ambassador to the breed, and such a loving companion. A very special dog indeed, and our pet name for him was Fuzzy Butt. Jill Taylor Multi BIS Am & Can Ch.Quailfield Sytlish Success Windy, because she loved every minute of showing and I was younger, thinner and could run faster.
Raymond Yurick Your right it is a difficult question, that is why I am giving you 3 dogs, the reason for three is that I showed all of them together in a 2 1/2 year period and shortly after that I decided to retire from handling and move forward into Judging. I knew I would never be so lucky again to have such an amazing opportunity to have such a connection inside and outside the ring. Old English Sheepdog “Aussie“ for Terry and Gary Carter, Pomeranian “Merlin“ for Cathy and Garry Cinnamon . Whippet “Moxi” breeder/handled for owner Dennis Sumara It was a great way to end an amazing career I loved so much! Laurie Campbell There is no question for me!!!! Am Can Ch Vetset Forever Young, my beloved Mel. He was and still is one of THE greatest dogs I’ve ever had the honour to show. He was my heart dog and the reason I now have and breed St Poodles. I still miss him every day!!! Kim Cowie Without a doubt, BIS BISS Am. Can. Ch. Palasa Desiderata Spyanki, The Lhasa Apso owned by Al and Phyllis Lust. BIS record holder for the breed and Canada’s #3 all breed in 2009. He was such a joy to show and he never let me down. His temperament was to die for he just had an air about him. He always put a smile on my face. Wonderful Wonderful dog. Adam Bernardin Irish Setter, Multi BIS BISS GCh. Shadagee Caught Red Handed... When you campaign a dog like Emily and spend every day together for two years, you have a bond and love that is like no other. A boy and his dog! Shaunna Bernardin God ... That’s a really hard one, There have been so many I really loved both of the Doberman bitches Sparkle and Farrah, they never ever let me down once, they loved to show everyday with such intensity. I also was very young at the time and was able to have an amazing mentor in Mary White who taught me so many things about campaigning dogs, conditioning and training them etc. I will always have a special spot in my heart for Toy Poodle, Telina aka Rodent ...The best damn show dog ever!!!! She was so small with the heart of a lion!!! Torin the Irish Water Spaniel he was one of my best friends ever, he was a real ambassador for the breed he loved the ring so much… He always showed his heart out and loved all people. Although I didn’t show him often or for very long Megabucks the German Shepard is in my mind one of the greatest animals I have ever touched and my biggest let downs that I couldn’t have shown him to his top potential. He to has an amazing temperament and wonderful showmanship. Simon Briggs GCh Am GCh Can, Aust Gd Pvt Stk’s Fire In The Sky (Siberian Husky) He was my heart dog and best friend. Freddie always gave 120% and loved to show, He was smart, loyal and knew when to “turn it on”. Freddie travelled the world with me and took me on his magical journey of success winning 149 BIS wins across 3 countries. Not only an amazing show dog he was also an incredible sire, producing multi BIS winning progeny. I still think of him daily, still miss him and his fun loving ways.
Mary Merlo My favorite dog was my homebred Am/Can Ch Evergreen Chase The Clouds JH. “Flavio” had the most outstanding headpiece. It was such an honor to present that head to the judge... It was the first thing that was examined. I could see their eyes light up when they looked at his head and expression. Edgar Rojas Portugese Water Dog Ch. Claircreek Dolce Cordelia, not only was she a beautiful representative of the breed but she was a wonderful companion to be with. Peter Scott Silky, Aust & Am & Can Ch.Bogunda Krowallie “Sparky” would be my all time favorite dog that I have shown who ended up spending his whole life with me. Kim Wendling Lakeland Terrier Ch. Northcote No Doubt “Thomas” He was an amazing dog, not only a beautiful Lakeland Terrier he was a great show dog and fun to have around, my other all time favorite was our own homebred Shetland Sheepdog Ch. Lynphil’s Classy Lil’ Chassis “Shania” shown mostly at Specialty Shows, I would how her again in a minute. JoAnne Griffith My favorite dog would have to be the English Pointer Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. Tahari’s Serious Alibi, “Sonny”. He came to live with us at 18 months of age and a year and a half later Sonny was Top Dog All Breeds in Canada!! Always the showman, dependable, sweet natured, it sounds too good to be true, but it was. I was showing him the day he finished in Canada under Anne Rogers Clark winning the breed over specials. He was most definitely John’s dog, but on occasion Hailey or myself got to show him. He lived with us for 14 years, and left a big hole in our household when he left us. I was so fortunate to have had him in my life. Trina Neil I have 2 dogs who always gave 110% every time they were shown, The Bearded Collie Can/ Am.CH.Bedlam-Buaidh Xerox Copy TT and the Tibetan Terrier Can/Am.CH.Shakira The Road Warrior. Sue Ellyn Rempel Multi BIS Ch. Tru-Blu’s Show Me A Re-Run the Lhasa Apso Re-Run Bred by Neil Graves and owned by Jan Cote MacDonald. Re-Run was the first coated breed that I had to campaign, he was such a consistent show dog who never let me down. Alana Smith Yes this is a hard question to answer, as an assistant I have been very lucky to show a few of my favorite dogs. I will pick a dog from my own breed, it would have been Stand Smooth Dachshund Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. Valona’s Eagle Sprit “HEMI “ bred by Ed and Pat McDonald owned by Ryan Krokosinski. I will never forget the week end I won a hat trick of three Best in Shows on him, HEMI was that special dog that became my heart and soul dog, I was lucky enough to keep him in my life after his show career for the remainder of his life.
Penny Lewis After many years of having the honor to show many great dogs my favorite dog would have to be my first Whippet, MBISS MBIS Ch. Brushwood She B Smokin’ “ Billi”. She is my foundation of Bretica Whippets and a dog that taught me so much about being an owner handler. She was a real show dog and a crowd pleaser. Retired in 2008 as the number 1 Whippet, also #1 in 2005 and 2006 and the number 3 Hound and number 11 All Breed. Connie Krohn Do I have to pick just one? I have given this a lot of thought, and while I still think it is very unfair to so many of the GREAT dogs I have had the pleasure of showing. I think I would have to choose the Lakeland Terrier CH Delzar Waterwalk Stella Artois, owned by Judy Gruzelier. I could always depend on Stella to give 100%. She showed on the tip of her toes and was just a true pleasure to have on my lead. Thank you to this week’s responders!
Home City? We live in King Township, which is the countryside north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. What attracted you to your breed? When I was campaigning one of my Airedales with Richard & Wendy Paquette in 1993, they asked me to condition and train a 6 month old, Lakeland Terrier bitch that they had bred. I was totally enchanted by her joyous personality and full-of-life attitude and I never gave her back! Lakelands were the perfect complement to my Airedales. The two breeds were very compatible and bought much laughter and joy to our family.
How many years have you been breeding and exhibiting? I began exhibiting Airedales in 1989 and Lakelands in 1993. My first Airedale litter was born in 1994 and my first Lakeland litter in 1996. What are your accomplishments in your breed? I consider it quite an accomplishment and a huge honor that so many of the well known, and long standing North American Lakeland Breeders have either acquired dogs from me or bred to one of the Northcote stud dogs. Susan Fraser of Larkspur, Pat Peters of Kilfel, Tracy Szaras Deloria of Delzar, Maripi Wooldridge of Hi-kel Terrydale, and MJ Cohen of Thor-Kourt have all had significant dogs or progeny from my bloodlines. For me, winning at the U.S Lakeland Terrier Club National Specialty held at Montgomery County KC is affirmation that my breeding program is sound. It is the standard that I aspire to! Northcote dogs have been consistent winners at Montgomery. The dogs have won Best In Show, Group 2, multiple Best of Breed, Select, AOM’s, numerous Best of Winners and three Sweepstakes. In Canada, my dogs have won dozens of BIS and BPIS. I have promoted this breed for over 20 years not only by campaigning a dog every year but also by arranging and filming Judge’s seminars and holding breeder get-togethers. We do not have a National Breed Cub because there are too few of us.
Did you have a mentor in your Breed? Not in the truest definition of the word. But I have had several excellent friendships with top Breeders of Terriers and have always been able to turn to them with my questions. Much of my learning has been hands on through my own breeding program, as well as hours of research and study. Do you believe Judges have a good understanding of your breed? In fairness to our Judges, it is difficult to truly learn a breed that you rarely get to judge in significant numbers. Unless they can get to Montgomery or Crufts, Judges will seldom see a sizable entry in Lakeland Terriers. In as few words as possible describe the essence of your Breed? A small, strong and athletic dog who is at the same time flexible and graceful. What are the medical problems in your breed? For the most part Lakelands are an amazingly healthy breed. To date there are no problems that we routinely test for. There have been occasional incidences of Legg-Calve-Perthes, but to the credit of the breeders this was dealt with quickly and properly. Fault wise, currently what needs the most improvement in your breed? I believe Breed type needs to become more consistent. Right now we are seeing a resurgence of animals that appear low on leg. The Lakeland is a long legged Terrier that has to be able to cover a lot of ground as well as jump out of deep, mountainous fox dens. They have to have a good length of leg under them in order to do this. What do you believe to be the best dog you have bred? I don’t tend to think that way. It would be like asking me which of my children I thought was the best. Instead, I focus on the characteristics and traits of each individual dog and evaluate his virtues and his faults, his strengths and his weaknesses and then determine how best to use him. Having said that, Am/Can CH Northcote’s No Doubt aka “Thomas” has proven him self to be a truly great dog. For me this dog represents correct Lakeland breed type. He began his show career by winning Sweepstakes and Reserve Winners Dog at Montgomery in 2004 as a puppy and was a consistent winner all the way through his show career right up to 2011 when he came out of retirement to win the Breed from the Veterans class at Montgomery and make the final cut in the Group/BIS ring. More importantly, he has sired some very impressive progeny. He is the sire of the #1 Lakeland in the US for the past three years. I have a wonderful young puppy dog which is line bred off Thomas. I can’t help but smile whenever I watch that dog. What dog of your breed would you have loved to own? Without a doubt it would have been Am CH Kilfel Pointe of Vu, winner of BIS at Montgomery 1987.
How many dogs do you normally have in your kennel? As of the past few years I only keep 5 or 6 dogs. It fluctuates constantly because I try to place my dogs in family homes by the time they are 4 years old. How many litters do you have in a year and what is the average size of your litters? I usually have two litters a year and the average size is 4. Are you having trouble selling or placing your puppies? Not at all I get 5 to 10 very serious contacts every month. There is always a waiting list. How many Canadian Shows do you attend in a year? I personally get to five or six shows a year but one of the dogs is out being shown almost every weekend. Do you attend your Breed’s National Specialty Show in Canada & U.S? There is no National Lakeland Club in Canada and therefore no National Lakeland Specialty. However we make a point of competing at the various Terrier Specialties in Canada. Montgomery is the US Lakeland Terrier National Specialty and I have only missed one in 20 years, but the dogs were there!