Top Dog Weekly

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TopDogWeekly’s Cover Dog... Multi BIS BISS Can GCh & Am Ch. Tees Me Provocateur - “PROVO”

Provo is a young dog that began his show career with a bang winning two Best Puppy in Shows and a Best Puppy in Specialty Show. Provo was shown in January of this year in the USA for two weekends, where he obtained four majors and his American Championship by going Best of Opposite to the #1 Poodle in the USA at the Puget Sound Poodle Specialty. He was also Winners Dog and Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at the Columbia Poodle Specialty in Portland Oregon, beautifully presented by Kim Cowie of Medicine Hat, Alberta. With very limited showing he has been awarded back to back Best in Shows under husband and wife Judges Linda and Mel Saranchuck, as well as a Reserve Best In Show under respected Poodle judge Edgar Bajona. One of his most memorable wins to date was his Group 1 at Alberta Kennel Club shows, which are Canada’s largest outdoor shows. This win was under Margaret Davis from Australia, in a highly competitive Best of Breed class and Non-Sporting Group. Provo was shown 3 days in September and was awarded 3 Non Sporting Group Firsts under well known and respected Canadian Judge James Reynolds, and Enrique Fillipini and David Ojavlo from Argentina. Provo is a delightful fun-loving dog that judges have commented upon for his fluid graceful movement, profound front assembly, small dark expressive eye and terrific coat. He is a dog of moderate size but tremendous heart. Provo is a dog with a great future ahead as a show dog and sire to pass along his outstanding qualities. Breeder, Owner, Handler: Dr. Terrill Udenberg

BEST IN SHOWS week ending October 14th, 2013

Fraser Valley Dog Fanciers – British Columbia Friday German Short Haired Pointer Ch. Parador High Road Judge: Christina Hubbell Saturday West Highland White Terrier Ch. Whitebriar Jaw Dropper Judge: Stephen Hubbell Sunday West Highland White Terrier Ch. Whitebriar Jaw Dropper Judge: Peggy Otero Monday West Highland White Terrier Ch. Whitebriar Jaw Dropper Judge: Ed Wild Fort Garry Kennel Club – Manitoba Saturday Show 1 Beagle Ch. Tashtins Lookin’ For Trouble Judge: Jack Ireland Saturday Show 2 Old English Sheepdog – Ch. Tumbleweed’s Valubal Maui Naini Judge: Thomas Nesbitt Sunday Show 3 Beagle Ch. Tashtins Lookin’ For Trouble Judge: Fred Dewsbury Sunday Show 4 Standard Poodle GChEx. Vetset Kate Winsit Judge: Darle Heck Monday Show 5 Affenpinscher Ch. Champagne Charly V. Tani Kazari Judge: Patricia Lanctot Monday Show 6 Affenpinscher Ch. Champagne Charly V. Tani Kazari Judge: Michael Lanctot Wine Country Kennel Club – Ontario Friday Yorkshire Terrier GChEx. NicNak’s Second To None Judge: Norma Fonseca Saturday Airedale Terrier Ch. Westchester Hill Boy Judge: Oscar Echandi Sunday Yorkshire Terrier GChEx. NicNak’s Second To None Judge: Thora Brown Monday Skye Terrier Ch. Kishniga’s HMS Maximus Judge: Robert Whitney Nipissing Kennel Club – Ontario Saturday Show 1 Great Dane Ch. Burke’s Pinocchio of BNV Judge: Fred Gordon Saturday Show 2 Great Dane Ch. Burke’s Pinocchio of BNV Judge: Denise Cornelssen Sunday Show 3 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever GChEx. Roaneden’s Int’l Harvester Judge: Ron Mahon Sunday Show 4 Doberman Pinscher GChEx Terrsanta Klitschko of Dabney Judge: Peter Machen Monday Show 5 Rottweiler GChEx Brandy Hills Inherit The Wynn v Reichrott Judge: Maida Puterman Monday Show 6 Keeshond Ch. Wund-R-Y Déjà vu All Over Again Judge: Guy Jeavons Cobequid Dog Club – Nova Scotia Saturday – Basenji Ch. Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel Judge: Rick Fehler Sunday Basenji Ch. Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel Judge: Lois Wilson

UPCOMING SHOWS this weekend

Alberni Valley Kennel Club – British Columbia Elgin County Kennel Club - Ontario

INSIDE COVER DOG MULTI BIS BISS AM & CAN GCH. POLOS AIR FORCE ONE “CAPTAIN” Captain remained at home maturing, while I showed Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. Polo’s the Aviator in 2012. “Ace” was Canada’s #1 Afghan, #5 Hound he also won the Canadian Afghan National Specialty, and was Best of Breed at Westminster. Captain began 2013 showing in both Canada and the U.S. while I finished youngsters in the U.S. In Captain’s 3rd weekend out in Canada he was awarded back to back, Best in Shows. By the second weekend in June he had been awarded 9 Best in Shows by Breeder and All Rounder Judges, he was ranked the #1 Hound and a Top Ten Dog of All Breeds in Canada. I am a very proud breeder/owner/ handler who works full time, by carefully planning our shows what an amazing year Captain and I have had to date. He has been shown 23 weekends in 2013 and he is Canada’s #1 Afghan, #1 Hound, and the #5 Dog of All Breeds. His record to date this year: 19 Best in Shows, 7 Reserve Best in Shows, 2 Best in Specialty awards, 56 Hound Group firsts. To the Judges, fellow Afghan breeders and ringside supporters who have helped us along on this journey in 2013, Thank You all for being a part of this amazing year!... I am so proud of Captain, I am truly honoured to be part of a Sport where as a breeder/owner/handler if you dream it, you can achieve it!! Bred by Lynn Faro, Marilyn Thompson & Lorianne Amadeo Presented by Owner Lorianne Amadeo



Ch Whitebriar Jaw Dropper - West Highland White Terriers



Ch Champagne Charly V. Tani Kazari - Affenpinscher



GChEx NicNak's Second To None - Yorkshire Terrier



GChEx Vetset Kate Winsit - Standard Poodle



GCh Polo's Air Force One - Afghan Hound



GChEx Roaneden's Int'l Harvester - Nova Scotia Duck Toller



Ch Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel - Basenji



Ch Hearthside Riveredge Sure Is Summum - Australian Shepherd



GChEx Goldgrove High Intensity - Doberman Pinscher



GChEx Tashtins Lookin For Trouble - Beagle


Ch Flacon d'Paris of Neigenuveaux - Barbet


(TopDogWeekly does not verify these stats. They are supplied as a courtesy to our readers)


1. Home City? As of February 2013 my home is in Langley, British Columbia 2. Breed or Breed’s you have bred? The breed’s I have bred are English & Irish Setters under the kennel name of Fantail, Perm Registered. 3. Years you have been judging? I now have been judging for 35 years 4. Licensed for or, on Permit for? I am an All Breed Judge with the Canadian Kennel Club for 25 years. I am also going through the American Kennel Club system and I am Approved for the Sporting Group, 1 Hound, 9 Working, 13 Herding, 2 Non-Sporting breeds along with Best in Show and Junior Showmanship, I have just applied for 6 more breeds. 5. Judged in what Countries? Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, England, Columbia, Mexico, United States and Canada 6. All time favourite assignment? It is hard to say every assignment is a real pleasure and adventure, it is a thrill just to be asked. If I had to state just one, it would be voted in by your Breed Club to do the American National Specialty, an honor I have had a few times. 7. Favourite dog or dogs Judged from the past? Last year I judged Peyton the English Springer from the U.S, wonderful quality. A few weeks ago while in Mexico I judged a beautiful 10 month old, Afghan bitch call name Carla, which shows what great new young ones are coming up. As judges we far in love with at least one dog every show. It doesn’t have to be the Top winning dog it could be a promising youngster. As I told Carla’s owners, I would gladly empty out my suitcase if I could take her home. Surprise the answer was no, but can’t hurt to ask. Two months before that was a Sammy. On the other hand I have had the great pleasure to go over several outstanding dogs that I was never able to judge. They were handled by members of my immediate family, the Kerry Blue Terrier Mick and the Giant Schnauzer Spirit to name a couple. 8. Pet peeve’s in your ring? Pet Peeves, well this could be a chapter in itself, I will try and hit on ones that not only drive me insane. But because of them lessen the chances of the dog winning that day. I am sure I know have your attention. A- Dirty

teeth- It is part of the dog’s grooming, Judges hear all the time when they mention the teeth, “ Oh they have an appointment Monday”. Really? We were not born yesterday...Clean them. B- Judges go over males to check their PARTS, have the dogs used to that. Do it as part of their regular training, don’t make it a surprise for them. C- BAIT!!!!!!!!! Do not feed the dogs just as we are going to look at their mouth! Please back off the bait. Do you have any idea how your dogs move when all you do is show them food? First they move sideways so they can keep an eye on it, second they do not move out as they can’t look at it and three you are creating Land Sharks! D -Also when you come back from the down & back and the judge tries to get the dog’s attention, DON’T turn the dog sideways. Do that ONLY if your dog has a REALLY BAD FRONT, We use that time to see the dog’s true expression and you are basically saying the front is awful so I shall try and hide it. If you keep doing these things others will be standing in First place, because we judges can not see how beautifully your dog moves, stands etc. 9. Favourite way to relax? I love my garden it is relaxing to work in it, I still have 2 Setters and they are not the sit at home, watch TV kind of breed. 10. How do you occupy your time in travel? Reading, Studying, does not matter what, there is always so much more to learn. 11. What do you think is the biggest problem facing our Sport? The amount of shows, Most of them keep getting smaller and that is very sad. I also feel very sorry for dogs (owners) who want Top in their Breed, Group or over all Top Dog that are on the road every weekend. If it is within their time zone then it is not too hard on them, but crossing the country all the time in a plane, not knowing the weather, time of day etc. That is really hard on them. I guess my dog that won Top Dog All Breed had an easier career, No matter what the handler never showed him 4 weekends in a row. Sunny always had down time and I do believe that is why he was such a showing fool. 12. What are your thoughts on Limit shows? Well this goes back to too many shows, limited shows to me should be for areas of the country that are remote. The people want a show but just can’t get the entries for multiple judges. I hate to see them showing up all over. Also it goes to the welfare of the dogs. You keep entering these dogs in multiple limited shows and by the end of a month think of the amount of time they were to be “ON SHOW” That is tough on them.


What attracted you to your breed? My parents Brian & Judy Taylor showed a number of Irish Setters, as a child I used to have whichever one currently was being campaigned sleep in my bed. Irish Setters are a mischievous breed who are full of life and of course beautiful. How many years have you been breeding and exhibiting? I have been breeding for 20+ years now, exhibiting my whole life. What are your accomplishments in your breed? I have breed well over 100 champions American and Canadian to date. I am an American Kennel Club Breeder of Merit. I have bred and shown multiple Best In Show winning dogs in Canada and the US. Captiva Irish Setters have won Winners Bitch twice, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex, The Stud Dog class, and Award of Merits at the Irish Setter Club of America National Specialty.

I have bred 2 Irish Setters and owned a third one that were #1 Sporting Dog in Canada and in the Top 10 of All Breeds, all owner handled. Multiple Best In Specialty Show wins at the Irish Setter Club of Canada, Puppy of the Year in Canada. Did you have a mentor in your Breed? Not particularly, I listened and learned from a number of people and developed a better understanding. Do you believe Judges have a good understanding of your breed? NO! In as few words as possible describe the essence of your Breed? Devil may care attitude. Balance, whether standing or in motion, substantial yet elegant. What are the medical problems in your breed? Bloat, Epilepsy, Allergies, Thyroid, PDA, Eye Issues. Fault wise, currently what needs the most improvement in your breed? Type, the cookie cutter, straight fronted, high tailed, snipey headed, no substance, not balanced, high reaching with lack of drive, Irish Setters I am seeing far too often in the ring now a days are not correct.

What do you believe to be the best dog you have bred? For showing in conformation Captiva Our Vision and Captiva’s Tommy Hilfiger, for producing Captiva’s Ride With The Wind and Captiva’s Turning Heads. What dog of your breed would you have loved to own? There is a bitch currently in Russia I would love to own, her name is Double Dream Loveset Filadelfia How many dogs do you normally have in your kennel? Anywhere from 10-20, I was going to say. But I don’t really have a kennel all of my dogs live together through out my home, but I am coming to the conclusion I actually live in a kennel they do let me have one chair though. How many litters do you have in a year and what is the average size of your litters? 1-5 depending on who needs to be bred, I have had litters of 1 and I have had a litter of 18 but generally 5-10 Are you having trouble selling or placing your puppies? No How many Canadian Shows do you attend in a year? When I campaigned Tommy and Robert well over 160 in a year. This year I have attended 2 all breed shows not with Captiva dogs and one Rottweiler Specialty in Canada. Do you attend your Breed’s National Specialty Show in Canada & U.S? I attended the National Specialty in the US, where a young Robert daughter won an Award Of Merit, I did not attend the one in Canada.


How did you get your start in purebred dogs? Nicole Casavechia Daggarwoods Norwegian Elkhounds I fell into the sport LOL, I went with friends, one whom was picking up her new Norwegian Elkhound puppy. It just so happened that the breeder Peggy Cameron (Daggarwood’s) had a male puppy who she really felt was special and she didn’t want to just place him in a pet home, this was Peggy’s last litter. I feel in love with the little grey fur ball and thought I’ve shown horses (Arabians) since I was a kid, how hard could showing dogs be and I agreed to co-own this dog and put a Canadian Championship on him. Unbeknownst to me, my friend Bett put an extra crate in the car when I decided to come with them for the trip LOL. This led to me getting truly hooked on this breed and a great friendship with Peggy was born, as well with many others in this great sport Honey Glendinning Fantail English Setters At 16 I was given an Irish Setter for my birthday, It was a breed I had always wanted and loved. The breeder told me I should show it and I asked to who? She said no you show at the dog shows! There was a dog show 2 weeks later and the family went to see it and I fell in love, I had no idea what was going on but knew I wanted to be a part of it and I have ever since. Best birthday present ever! Frank Davey Great Dane Exhibitor My late wife & I decided back in the fall of 1993 that we needed a dog. After doing a little book research and deciding on a Great Dane, she called the CKC and asked about breeders. They referred her to the Great Dane clubs, who sent her to the one nearby member who currently had a litter. She went to look, but the pup she liked was one of the two that the breeder planned to exhibit. The litter had an impressive conformation pedigree. We could have the pup, but only on a co-ownership. The breeder also offered to throw in a second, very shy pup, for $400 on a second co-ownership. My wife & I show-trained the two of them at Roy Aitkinson’s classes in London, so as not to waste our time when the month came to show them. The breeder finished the first pup in his first 2 weekends, at 7 months, and we began to discover that dog shows can be exciting when you have a competitive dog. But the show career of that one ended abruptly -- he came down with a crippling auto-immune disease at 10 months. The second pup, Sigmund, then blossomed. I showed him at local shows myself, not very well, and won a few breeds, and then watched Dora Ann Collins win a few group placements with him. In the next two years Judy Taylor showed him, and Dora Ann at shows Judy wasn’t travelling to. Judy won an AGDF specialty with him. My wife put obedience titles on both dogs. When Sigmund collapsed with cardiomyopathy in June 1998 he was 4 years old, un-breed able because of small cataracts, and ranked #1 Dane. Both dogs died of cardio shortly after. But my wife had already been looking for a breeder who we could be sure took health issues into account as well as type and soundness, and had acquired a puppy from Strider Danes in Manitoba. I finished that pup myself in a few weeks and then won 4 puppy groups in one

weekend. The next weekend I passed him over to Dora Ann and she won 5 puppy shows with him at New Liskeard. There was no looking back. Seizer went on to set numerous Great Dane records. But none of this would have happened if that first breeder had not insisted that the dog my late wife wanted to buy should have his brief show career. Sandra Lex Hilanne Affenpinshers My Mother, who bred Am. Cockers and Miniature Poodles, it was a natural. Laurie Hunter NicNak Yorkshire Terriers I think my love for the purebred dog goes back as far as I can remember, My first love was a Doberman that I took to the following obedience titles CD, CDX, and UD, with scores of 199 1/2 with the all dog sport team run by Art Nemen who was also doing personal protection work. Then I saw the Yorkshire Terrier and my love affair began, They were so beautiful, then add their feisty look at me I own the world attitude, coupled with their ability to always make me laugh, they completely won me over!!! I find the challenge of making decisions, commitments and then adding some luck to produce dogs with proper breed type, temperament and soundness thus creating a line with your look stamped on them extremely rewarding. It has taken many years of commitment to the breed, keeping in mind that “ it’s not what a breed can do for you, but rather what you can do to preserve a breed” I am a very proud PUREBRED dog breeder Kim McIntyre Exhibitor/Ring Steward I was born and bred into the sport of dogs by my father David McIntyre. My first dog was an old black lab by the name of Bess. The second dog I received as a gift for passing grade 4, a Westie my Dad bought for me from Scotland. The rest is all history... I graduated from high school and left the next day to work for Harold Butler. Then onto the U.S from there to work for the late Clifford Hallmark. From there I went to his son-in-law George Wright. Before returning home in my early 20’s I worked in Malibu, California for Mrs. Jill Cohen. One child and many years later I am still involved in this wonderful sport running a local dog show and doing the occasional ring stewarding jobs. I hope to find time to hit the road next year with my Brother “The McIdiot” and spend some time with the many friends I have made through the years. Lynda Torrance Sophisticate Shih Tzu My mother worked downtown in Toronto and met Ed Dixon totally by accident and dogs came up. My mother told him we had a pet Standard Smooth Dachshund, he bred Std. Smooth Dachshunds and it turned out he was President of the Canadian Kennel Club and an All Breed Judge. We also lived in the same area in Toronto, Ed told my mother of an upcoming dog show at the Greenwood Racetrack, he told my mother that your daughter would love the dog shows and she could do Junior handling and learn from there. It went from attending that show to getting a Std. Smooth show puppy bitch, junior handling, kennel sitting for Carol & Uffe Brae, helping Bob John Ellieff on closing days, with shows he did secretarial work for. In those days it was all done by mail, delivery to the house, all the work was done by hand and typewriter at his kitchen table. We joined the Scarborough K.C. and religiously went to meetings in Stan and Eve Whitmore’s basement. Thinking back now there was a room full of members at every monthly meeting, people never missed a meeting, a club with a huge membership. We bred the first Std. Smooth bitch and showed her puppies those were the days that Dachshunds rarely won a thing in Groups…Judges would stop at “Crackers” Beagle with Brian Taylor and turn around and

head back up the line and stop at Dick Meen with a Borzoi, on to Garry MacDonald or Bob Whitney at the head of the line with an Afghan. Unless Doris Wilson judged, then 4 Dachshunds would be the group placements… we Dachshund people loved her!!!!! Then my eyes opened to coated Breeds….I met Marilyn Corbett (Kaduna Shih Tzu and Basenji’s) with her Top Winning Shih Tzu bitch (still holds the record) Shoo Shoo and loved the hair and breed. I still have Shoo Shoo’s gorgeous silver/white topknot, and no I never used it in anyone else!!! I worked with Ron Darou and Al Dashner of PlayBoy Cockers, both at the shop and at home. In those days it seemed that Ron trimmed every show Cocker, American or English out in the rings in those days. It was probably the only dog grooming salon in Toronto, that Friday’s did nothing but show dog trims & bath & blow dry. I can remember going off to Cocker Specialties, or All Breeds, they were 4 varieties then with 20 dogs in full coats and trimmed to the nines. Those boys won like crazy!!! A parti color cocker by the name of Ch. Playboy’s Power Play was my first BIS win under the late Mrs. Jean Fletcher. I went off to Chicago to assist the late Donnie Johnson Cocker Handler in the U.S. for a bunch of Specialty shows when he was short help. Back in Canada travelling to shows with Billy Milne, Kristi Francis, Jodi Allward, and Luke Ehricht those were the days it all went on from there… LOL Patti Panchuk Kingsway Shih Tzu I was 13 yrs old when I used to ride my bike to our local dog shows to watch. When I was 15, I was allowed to get buy my first show dog, but it had to be a German Shepherd which was my Dad’s first love. Yes, I know those who know me with Shih Tzu will find it had to believe that I started with a German Shepherd Dog, but it is a True Story!!!! Cynthia Crysdale & Ed Shirley Harambee Kennels We always had purebred dogs when I (Cindy) was a kid. Not show quality purebreds but darned good looking ones! As a young adult, I used to stay with my cousin on the weekends when she would take her Chesapeake’s and English Cockers to shows, I was her ‘assistant’ and helped her with the grooming and care of her dogs. I also spent a lot of time ringside sketching dogs. Honestly Ed was ‘lured’ into purebred dogs by Richard Meen and I. I wanted one of his Borzoi puppies and when we went to look at the puppies, Ed asked if they shed (Ed was born and raised in Jamaica until the age of 11 years, where dogs are ‘yard’ dogs and not pets or purebreds). Dick raised his eyes to the ceiling and said ‘not much’. By the time Ed knew better he was hooked and the rest is history. Correen Pacht & Marc Ralsky Cormar Siberian Huskies We fell in love with our cousins Siberian Husky, who had bought her dog from Eric Van Loo’s Arcticlight Siberian Huskies. He was a stunning dog out of his Arcticlight’s Silver Shadrin. We subsequently bought a lovely black and white dog that was out of an Innisfree sire and a bitch from Europe. He was beautiful, and the first day we showed him he took breed from the classes over one of the top dog of all breeds at the time (a dog Laurie Campbell and her then husband Bill were showing) under Mr. Bud Haverstock at the Hamilton Kennel Club shows. We were hooked, we then eventually met Judy Russell from Karnovanda Siberian Huskies in Michigan and the rest is history, thru Judy we showed Arthur and brought Niklas Wolf to Canada. We also met and became great friends with Tommy O and his wife Marlene DePalma thru Judy and our dog named JR, between Judy and Tommy O and Marlene they have showed us the way!

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