Pomeranian Club of Canada Official Magazine

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On The Cover Ch. Chriscendo Connoisseur (BIS Can. Pan-American, Brazilian Gr Ch. Silhouette’s Say It Right x AC Dynasty Dressed For Success) Our newest star, “Connor” has had a whirlwind career! In just 3 weekends, before 8 months of age, he has won 2 All Breed Best In Shows, 2 Group Firsts and a number of placements as well as 8 Best Puppy in Shows! He is currently Top Pom Puppy in Canada for 2013. Best wishes to you and yours for a very happy and healthy 2014.

Chriscendo John & Christine Heartz P.O. 189, Brookfield, NS B0N 1C0 Phone: 902-673-2446 New email: chriscendo@bellaliant.com Web: www.chriscendo.com

President’s Message

It is hard to believe that another year is coming to a close. It certainly does fly by.

Congratulation’s to all the Specialty Winners this year, it seems it was a good year for Specialties. Yes the entries seemed to be down some, but that is nothing that all the clubs aren’t dealing with right now. Entries are down everywhere. A sign of the times, where money is not as available, costs for everything seem to be on the rise making it harder for people to travel and enter dog shows. The Alopecia X survey has been a great success so far with 1200 unique responses from 400 countries. If you haven’t already submitted your dogs info, please go on line to the survey and do so. It will be so important to the study and the future of our breed. We have agreed to renew our membership to the survey for another year. A new endeavor, for our newsletter was started this year, due to the high costs of publishing and mailing the magazine, we are now on-line. Time will tell how successful this will be. I have to apologize to everyone for not doing as much for the club as I set out to do, but it turned out to be a far busier year than I had anticipated. I was hoping I could work with Chris and see if we couldn’t get the changes to the breed standard done, voted on, and submitted to CKC. Perhaps we can get going on this again real soon. I want to thank the rest of the executive for stepping up to the plate this past year. With special Thanks going out to Sue for all her hard work, keeping us all on track. A lot of time has been spent this year, with Sue having taken on the newsletter as well.

Finally I would like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.

Carol Graham 1

Secretary’s Report Holiday greetings to fellow Pomeranian fanciers! I am sure you will agree that the holiday season always comes up so fast. If you are like me, I feel the fall is a very busy time! It is though, a great time of the year to enjoy the crisp weather the fall months bring. I took an interesting picture not too long ago while outside with my 11 year old Maverick, that reminded me of Where’s Waldo? Maverick just seemed to disappear by being camouflaged in the fallen leaves! As Carol mentioned in her report, it does seem to appear that show entries are down. Some clubs such as Trillium Dog Fanciers here in Ontario, are trying some new ideas. This club offered a Spitzerama Specialty this past November (along with their regular shows and supporting specialties) which was open to our breed as well as the other breeds that are of Spitz origin. Having had the opportunity to win the breed and go into the group with Ch. Pinecrest Chriscendo Sequin, (owned by Catherine Bolahood), I must say it was different being in a line up behind a Siberian Husky and a Samoyed and in front of a Norwegian Elkhound and a Chow Chow to name a few breeds! It was though, another opportunity for points for those looking to finish a championship. In total, there were 6 chances for points in one location that one weekend. Regardless of whether or not you like to enter shows, I do hope you are relishing all of the joy that our breed brings to us.


As you are already aware, the readership of our Pomeranians in Canada magazine is now much larger. What a great opportunity for judges far and wide to see what our wonderful breed has to offer. Thank you to everyone who submitted an ad in support of the magazine. We would also love to see articles about obedience, flyball, agility and rally adventures. Are you doing something different with your Pomeranian? Why not write about it? Our club is also looking for a volunteer to take over the correspondence related to adoptions and rescues. Most of our inquiries are from people looking to adopt or from some who have just rescued a Pom and who need further information about the breed. If you are interested in assuming this responsibility, please contact me. Volunteer help is always truly appreciated. Next year will be an election year – will you step up and help? Finally, it is my wish for you that Santa brings the new titles you are aiming for, the new litters you have planned and all of your dreams and wishes for your furry friends. May you have a peaceful holiday season with your people and canine families and a wonderfully, happy New Year.


Pomeranian Club of Canada Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the period July 1, 2013 to October 31, 2013

October Year to Date Revenue: Membership Fees 203.61 2,462.31 Newsletter: Member Advertising 42.50 425 Non Member Advertising 0.00 0.00 Business Cards 0.00 249.78 Single Copy Sales 0.00 0.00 Website Advertising 140.00 170.00 Donations 0.00 0.00 Lapel Pin Sales 0.00 0.00 Specialties 0.00 103.79 Miscellaneous 0.00 0.01 Total Operating Revenue 386.11 3,410.87 Expenses: Newsletter Publishing 0.00 452.00 Bank Service Charges 0.00 8.40 CKC Fees 0.00 0.00 Postage and Stationary 0.00 23.13 Insurance 0.00 325.00 Dogs in Canada 0.00 0.00 Website 0.00 0.00 Kennel Visits 0.00 0.00 Specialties 0.00 0.00 Charities 0.00 0.00 Total Operating Expenses 0.00 808.53

DVD Project Revenue 0.00 289.73 Expenses 0.00 8.68 Net Income/Loss 386.11 2,883.39 (minus sign indicates loss)


Pomeranian Club of Canada Bank Reconciliation as of October 31, 2013

Statement Balance: Chequing 18,993.59 Deposits in Transit 36.11 Total Bank Balance 19,029.7 Outstanding Cheques:

Cheque #


#061 40.00 Total Outstanding Cheques -40.00 Balance to Ledger 18,989.70

Integrity Check: Opening Bank Balance – July 1, 2012 13,629.86 Plus: statement operating revenue 3,410.87 Less: statement operating expenses -808.53 DVD Project Bank Balance 2,757.50 Operating Bank Balance 18,989.7 Bank Balance per Reconcilliation


Difference 0.00


Club Executives President Carol Graham cgraham@nucleus.com (403) 226-2949 Past President Christine Heartz chriscendo@bellaliant.com (902) 673-2446 Vice President Pam Dodsworth foxworth@nbnet.nb.ca (506) 832-2161 Secretary Sue Betts pcocsecretary@hotmail.ca (905) 263-8816 Treasurer Renee Repka ren9666@shaw.ca (604) 472-9666 Webmaster Bev Carter drpomeranians@gmail.com

Regional Directors Eastern Canada Michelle McDonald hobbitpoms@ns.sympatico.ca (902) 443-8536 Central Ontario Catherine Bolahood pinecrest@rogers.ca (905) 697-8897 Prairies Janet Stoner minpom@sasktel.net (306) 862-4704 Western Canada Gerda Hill thehills@telus.net (604) 794-7345 Magazine publisher Top Dog Weekly www.topdogweekly.com Pomeranian Club of Canada website: www.pcoc.net


PCOC Magazine Advertising Rates All advertisements will be in colour

Club Members

Front Cover (includes half page inside magazine)


Back Cover


Inside Front or Back cover


Full page


Requesting a specific page

+ $5.00

Breeders Directory (business card for year)


Commercial advertising (non members)


Paying for your advertisement Members will be invoiced for their advertisement after publication. Payment should be sent immediately upon receipt. Commercial advertisers should send payment to Renee Repka (111-1655 Grant Ave., Port Coquitlam, B.C. V3B 7V1. Email: ren9666@shaw.ca once advertisement has been submitted. Please make cheque payable to the Pomeranian Club of Canada (There will be a $25.00 service charge for NSF cheques) All submissions are to be sent to Sue Betts, secretary at pcocsecretary@hotmail.ca Articles and information should be in ‘word’ document format. Pictures that accompany an article need to be 300 DPI. Send text copy with pictures. Ad will be professionally designed Free service to members: Announcements– New Champions, Obedience and Agility Titles, New Litters. Send your information to secretary.


Index of Advertisers

Winterhaven Pomeranians Crystalton Pomeranians Pinecrest Pomeranians Bapetikou Pomeranians HiTimes Pomeranians Sue Betts Hilton Insurance



Table of contents Pomeranian Club of Canada Membership Information


Prairie Director’s Report


Atlantic Director’s Report


Central Ontario Director’s Report


New Titles 29 New Litter Announcements 31 Pomeranian Alopecia X Survey 32 A Closer Look at: Angulation


Educational Memorial Program: Treatments for Atlantoaxial Instability


PCOC Pins and Stickers 39 Top Pomeranians 40 Business Cards 41

This publication is produced by TopDogWeekly.com


Pomeranian Club of Canada Membership Information Membership in the Pomeranian Club of Canada offers many benefits to Pomeranian breeders and fanciers. First and foremost, membership in the PCOC offers an excellent mechanism for getting, and staying in touch with others who share your interest in this wonderful and delightful breed of dog. All members receive the club’s official publication, Pomeranians in Canada. Club Membership Fees Within Canada: $45.00 single, $50.00 family Within the U.S.A.: $55.00 single Outside Canada and the U.S.A.: $65.00 single Membership Application Forms available online at: www.pcoc.net or by contacting: Renee Repka, Treasurer, PCOC 111-1655 Grant Avenue Port Coquitlam, B.C. V3B 7V1 (604) 472-9666 • ren9666@shaw.ca


Prairie Director’s Report


Janet Stoner

eems we turn around once and another year comes to a close. I would like to wish all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as we move into 2014. The Poms of the Prairies

little dog won the breed at a huge

have always made us very proud

international show in Russia

and this year is no exception.

where the entries were at 119.

Alberta is the home of the Top

Huge congrats Hi-Times!!

Pomeranian in Canada, Gr. CH.



Valcopy Jamel Sir Crystalton,


owned by Carol Graham, Dana


Plonkey and Janice Pardue.

Bapetikou Kennel very proud








this summer and fall; Ch. Another beautiful dog bred






by Hi-Times (Joan and Ashley

Group 4 and Puppy Group at

Carasole), Ch. HiTimes Read

Shamrock Kennel Club show,

My Lips, holds 7 championship

Ch Siulong LĂŹl Richard at

titles; BIS Rus./ Latvia/Ukraine/

Bapetikou won Puppy Sweeps

E s t o n i a / Fi n l a n d / B e l a r u s /

at Camrose, AB and Group

Slovenia. This past October, this

4th, Best Sweepstakes and his

championship at Brandon, MB

D-Man entertained with his zest

Nov 16/13. Not to be outdone,

and spark (a slight attitude was



also noted likely in response to

Baptikou (Trouble) won breed

removing him from his couch for

at the first show at Brandon and

an entire weekend!). Despite his

is close to finishing her Ch. All 3

refusal to acknowledge his past

puppies were presented for us to

history of being a trained show

enjoy by Lisa Stasiuk.

dog, he took third in his class.


This was just one month shy of Lisa Stasiuk & Mike Carbano

his 12th birthday. “Yay D!”

have also been busy with their own crew, Ch Diogenoir Ktarian

We would like to extend

Game (Etanna) finished her

“Get Well Wishes” to Allison

Championship with a bang by

Rain’s husband Randy following

going breed from her puppy

emergency surgery.


Rey-Lyn’s Last Hurrah

(Raja) is boasting a Group 4th at the Balgonie show and winners

From the Prairies,

bitch in Brandon and is sitting

until next time,

nicely at 7 points. Diogenoir

-Janet Stoner

Make It So (Jean-Luc) went winners dog in Brandon and is also close to finishing (6 pts). A special report by Lisa Stasiuk, “As a tribute to Laurie Kinsman we dusted her beloved Ch. Sablewood Shades Of Dalton aka D-Man and entered him in the Veterans’ Extravaganza.


Atlantic Director’s Report Michelle McDonald

Season’s Greetings to everyone our news this issue is from one member but rather big news! Congratulations to Chris and John Heartz, who have had a rather good year, Can.Am.Ch. Chriscendo Common Sense (Colby) won Best Of Breed at the APC Summer Specialty, handled by Pam Dzuik Campbell-a very exciting win. Colby will be staying in Brazil with co-owner Luiz Esperon Filho for the 2014 show season they already have an All Breed BIS in Brazil. Chriscendo has also finished 7 champions this year- a record for them! Can.Am.Ch. Chriscendo Common Sense (Puppy In Show & Multi Group winner) Ch. Chriscendo Can’t Resist (Group winner & BPIS) Ch. Chriscendo Catch My Breath (Group Placements) Ch. Chriscendo Conspicuous (Group Winner & 2 BPIS) Ch. Chriscendo Catch The Wave (Group Winner) Ch. Chriscendo Command Performance (2 BPIS) Ch. Chriscendo Connoisseur (8 BPIS, 2 Gr 1st, 2 BIS) And waiting in the wings, Chriscendo Can’t Say Enough…


Central Ontario Director’s Report Catherine Bolahood Pinecrest News I have not done much showing this fall, as my mother passed away very suddenly at the end of August and I have had a lot of family matters to deal with. I did however, manage to do a couple of shows while in PEI this summer, & finished my boy Pinecrest Back From The Brink - “Brinks” - with group 2 & group 4 wins. I showed him as a special for the first time here, at a Pine Ridge K.C. show in October, where he picked up a Group 3. Ontario had 3 Specialty shows in one weekend for Pomeranians at the beginning of November, and, because she was in peak condition (after a short diet:), I brought out BISS CH Pinecrest Chriscendo Sequin for a couple of the shows, where she won best of breed at both. I have just bred her, so she is now resting at home, waiting to go south with us for the winter. I also started to show Pinecrest No Shrinking Violet, who is a Sequin daughter, and she won breed at the Trillium K.C. show on November 3. I hope to show her in Florida

this winter. I have one other litter bred that is due in early December, and I am looking forward to having puppies around again. It has been a year and a half since my last litter! From Sandra Beisel, of Winterhaven Kennels It has been an extremely wet summer in Arthur making training puppies outside almost impossible & cash cropping a scary business. However, we did brave the wind and horrible rain at the Oakville and District Kennel Club outdoor show with Winterhaven The Ladies Man, “Mister”, under Judge Gail Forsythe, which warmed our sprits with his win over specials, completing his Canadian Championship. This little fellow, with very limited showing enjoyed a Group win and a lovely Best Bred by Exhibitor in Specialty at the Pomeranian Club of Ontario Specialty Show. I must say it was really wonderful to see everyone with so many Pomeranians out this year. Congratulations to everyone.


Thank you to Catherine Bolahood for our co-ownership of AM/CAN CH Pinecrest’s Mannequin, “Manny”. I understand where Mister gets his delight being in the ring and his fantastic temperament. Last year, Mister joined us on our trip to Florida and he will be along with us when we leave for Arizona in January. Sadly, he will not have our 16 year old “Beauty” to keep him company. She was a great Pom babysitter and greatly missed. It’s up to Mister now to help train one of the puppies, by CAN CH Pinecrest Man From Winterhaven, that will also travel with us. Now, instead of rain, we are showing in the snow with another young fellow Winterhaven Guy Sets The Beat, “Guy” co-bred with Colleen Beland of Pomhaven Canada, thankfully indoors, although traveling can be a bit tricky. “Guy” has been out at two shows and off to a good start, needing 5 points to complete his Championship. I am indeed a very fortunate person to share these wonderful bloodlines that Catherine and Colleen have worked so hard to produce. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to Laverne McCarthy and her husband Walter


of Son Shine Kennels and their family, with the loss of her Mother. We missed seeing you both at the shows and hope the New Year gets you back in the ring. Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to everyone, be safe. I am looking forward to our visits at the shows and thank you all for your support. Sue Betts Our secretary, Sue, has been out and about at shows lately, too, with her young, male chocolate lab, “Chuck”, and has been doing very well with him – a 3 point win at his first show! Sue is my cheerful show companion, and expertly handles for me when I have an extra dog, or (her 2nd favourite Pom), Sequin, out. Of course, her favourite Pom is her champion boy “Maverick”. Thanks, Sue! Sorry folks, although my area members were “nudged” a few times to send me their news, I have nothing else to report. I do hope everyone has a safe, happy, holiday season, and best of luck to all in the show ring in 2014!

New Titles Can. Ch. Chriscendo Connoisseur Born: Feb. 4, 2013 Breeder/Owner: Christine Heartz Ch. Chriscendo Communicado Ch. Silhouette’s Say It Right Suntera Sweet Surrender Can. Ch. Chriscendo Connoisseur Chriscendo Continuum AC Dynasty Dressed For Success Ch. Chikai Super Model Can. Ch. Chriscendo can’t Say Enough Born: May 1, 2013 Breeder/Owner: Christine Heartz Ch. Starlight’s Dream Comes True Ch. Starlight’s Say Something Suntera Say Envy Can. Ch. Chriscendo Can’t Say Enough Ch. Chriscendo Call To Arms Ch. Pinecrest Chriscendo Sequin Ch. Pinecrest Shimmer Can. Ch. Chriscendo Conspicuous Can. Ch. Chriscendo Catch My Breath Can. Ch. Chriscendo Catch The Wave Born: Dec. 27. 2012 Breeder/Owner: Christine Heartz Ch. Starlight’s Dream Comes True Ch. Starlight’s Say Something Suntera Say Envy Can. Ch. Chriscendo Conspicuous Can. Ch. Chriscendo Catch My Breath Can. Ch. Chriscendo Catch The Wave Ch. Fon’s Chasing Time Fon’s Follow Me To Chriscendo) Fon’s Precious Gift Ch. Winterhaven The Ladies Man Born Oct 16, 2012 Breeder/Owner Sandra Beisel Diogenoir Smoke and Mirrors Ch. Pinecrest’s Mannequin Pinecrest Crystal’s Glory Ch. Winterhaven The Ladies Man Daystreet Smarts Ch. Daystar Penny Lane Pomryte’s Penny for Yor Thots


New Titles New Rally Advanced (RA) and Canine Good Neighbor (CGN) Firesprite’s Dark N Bold CGN RA Breeder: Christine S. Hansen Owner: Fotina Karavas, Christopher Collom Ch. Starhaven Ohso Tan N Dark ROM BPIG Can. Phil. Ch. Firesprite’s Mercury Rising Ch. Firesprite’s Wee Elfin Queen Firesprite’s Dark N Bold CGN RA Larajus Joe Cool Ch. Javon’s Firedancer Javon’s Adventure in Paree New Agility Novice (AGN) and Rally Excellent (RE) Titles Firesprite’s CryBaby AGN, CGN, RE Breeder: Christine Hansen Owner: Fotina Karavas, Christopher Collom Am. Ch. Powerpom Piriate of the Caribbean Ch. CinDur Classic PJ Ch. CinDur La Luna of Lenette Firesprite’s CryBaby AGN, CGN, RE Ch. Starhaven Ohso Tan N Dark ROM Ch. Firesprite’s Itzamazing Crocus Ripley


New Litter Announcements Litters Born at Winterhaven Pomeranians, Sandra Beisel Sire: Ch. Pinecrest Man From Winterhaven Dam: Winterhaven R Sensational Kiss Born: June 1, 2013, 1 male Sire: Ch. Pinecrest’s TiLoup Dam: Winterhaven U R Amazing Born: July 17, 2013, 1 male 2 females Sire: Ch. Pomhaven The Heat Is On Dam: Winterhaven Miss Super Scoop Born: July 20, 2014, 1 male, 2 females Sire: Ch. Pinecrest Man From Winterhaven Dam: Ch. Winterhaven R Love Affair Born: July 26, 2013 2 males 1 female Litters born at Jenuwane Pomeranians, Jen Hryniuk Dam: Jenuwane Lily Of The Valley Sire: Pruden N Jenuwane Fade To Black Born: August 1st/2013, One Orange Female Dam: Jenuwane Hot To Trot Sire: Pruden N Jenuwane Fade To Black Born: Oct. 13th/2013, Three Females - Black & 2 Orange Dam: Jenuwane Simply Delicious Sire: Tinyprints Victory Win Born: Nov.1st/2013, Three Orange: 2 Female & 1 Male (died) Dam: CH.Jenuwane Sweet Chili Heat Sire: Pruden N Jenuwane Fade To Black Born: Nov.6th/2013, One Black Female & One Orange Male Dam: Jenuwane Totally Messmerizing Sire: Pruden N Jenuwane Fade To Black Born: Nov.8th/2013, 3 - Females, Orange - B/T - Beaver?


Alopecia X Survey Update By Dr. Paul Eckford

The Alopecia X survey has been a great success thus far. To date we have just shy of 1200 unique responses from 40 countries around the world. We have a significant number of records for dogs that haven’t lost their coats, for dogs that have temporarily lost their coats and dogs that have suffered permanent coat loss. We have answers on a great number of physical and health characteristics and we can cross reference dogs who have lost their coat and have other characteristics to see how this compares to dogs that have not lost their coat. To my knowledge, the results contained in the survey thus far are the largest dataset on Alopecia X in the Pomeranian ever produced. This is already a major achievement and will be an important resource moving forward. Congratulations to the PCOC for supporting the concept of the survey as well as the


financial commitment to make the survey happen. There have been a great many supporters of the survey within the club and in the greater Pomeranian community. We have links on the PCOC and APC websites, links on Facebook and personal websites, and have published articles promoting the survey in the club’s magazine, the US club’s magazine, the magazine for the Ontario Pomeranian club and also an international Pomeranian online magazine. There have also of course been a few people who will not support the survey and have chosen to preemptively criticize it, hedging in case it doesn’t give the answers that they champion. Regardless, the survey will be scientifically sound and honest, and reflective of the honest answers of respondents with the goal of getting at the truth about this coat loss issue, not simply promoting some agenda.

I have taken a small peak at some of the results but I do not want to get into a full analysis just yet. My hope and goal has always been to get 2000 unique survey responses. I believe with a little bit more work we can get there. I believe that 2000 responses will give us the most accurate picture of Alopecia X in our breed. Once we reach the 2000 level I expect we will be able to create a scientifically valid research

communication on the results of the survey which can be used by the Pomeranian community, the research community and the veterinary community, and it will at least help us to understand the condition much better. Share the links with your puppy buyers and veterinarians. Please do your part by participating in the survey! It will be available until December 2014.

Pomeranian Alopecia X Survey: English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PCOC-Alopecia-X Russian: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PCOC_Survey_Russian Spanish: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PCOC-Alopecia-X-Spanish


A Closer Look at: Angulation by Christine Heartz

The Standard is a blueprint

Keeshond and the Schipperke were

for Judges and Breeder/Exhibitors.

all developed as pulling breeds. The

It is meant to help us to stay “on

balanced, moderate angles of these

track” when choosing breeding

dogs mean they can work long days,

stock (in and outside the ring) and

pulling loads and running tirelessly

helps us when choosing for the next

for hours. (As opposed to say a

generation. Each decision you make

Whippet, who is a “sprinter”, who is

today affects future generations of

meant to “dash” for his dinner, and

the breed.

has a powerful rear built to provide a

Our breed has been plagued

burst of speed at a moments notice.)

with bad rears, from terribly cowhocked to very straight behind with the stifle/knee issues that accompany this. While a beautiful rear is certainly an attention getter in the ring, especially in a Toy breed, this article will focus on correct angulation and on the common structural




behind and over angulation.

The Pomeranian is a square

dog whose outline fits into a circle. (Illustration 1) He should not cover

Since “form follows function”,

more ground than his height at the

we can start by studying the function

shoulder. In other words, he should

of the Spitz breeds, the group of

not stand over more ground than the

dogs Pomeranians belong to. The

square he fits into.

Siberian, Alaskan Malamute, and closer






In Illustration 1a – the same dog, without coat. Often there is

When studying angulation, you want the hocks to not extend out too much past the perpendicular from the pin bones to the ground. This


would be ideal and be a moderately angulated dog.

no way to really see a dog under the coat, certainly not in the ring, and unless you shave him (not usually an option!) or wet him down in the tub it is difficult to actually “see” what is underneath. On the coated


dog, we can see that by looking at

In Illustration 2, while at first

the amount of ground the dog stands

glance it would be difficult, if not

over, we are drawing a line straight

impossible, to really see what kind

through the centre of the front leg

of angulation this dog possess, but

and back legs intersecting with the

again, by drawing lines through the

topline. This should be as close to a

feet and intersecting with the topline

square as possible. Dogs are living

you will see that there is actually a

creatures so one must allow for that,

shorter distance from front to rear

but as a blueprint, the standard asks

than from the ground to the topline,

for a square dog. You can also run a

this measurement falls short of a

line down the outside of the chest


and the furthest point of the rear, the “pin bones” (the buttocks). This too should still give you a square dog. In all these examples, and to just discuss angulation, the length of back in all three examples, is the same.

2a 35





the coat, you can actually see the problem, the dog posses almost no angulation, often referred to as “straight behind”. This problem is often seen in Chow Chows, where the hock actually becomes almost


double-jointed. In Poms this lack of

correct, when he is free-baiting or

angulation presents stifle problems

standing on his own, he will tend

as the groove that holds the knee

to stack himself naturally and will

cap in place is often too shallow and

stand with his hocks way out behind

causes slipping patellas.

himself. The correctly built dog will remain




(Illustration 1b) The straight behind dog will usually have hock flexion issues, and will usually not exhibit any drive behind. The over-angulated


dog will, depending how the angles of In illustration 3, this dog is

his front matches (or does not) that

over angulated behind. The Tail set

of his rear, compensates by side-

and length of back are the same as

winding over reaching or pounding

the 2 previous example dogs, but he

his front.

“seems” shorter backed because the angle is greater to the rear. In Illustration 3 a, we can see that the rear extends much further out past the perpendicular of the pin bones. While a dog that is overangulated can be set up to look


Educational Memorial Program Can Help Find Treatments for Atlantoaxial Instability The education of health professionals

Any toy breed dog owner can help

has always relied on study of anatomy

support this important research by

to ensure that practitioners have the

donating the body of their late pets to the

knowledge and experience required to

OVC Educational Memorial Program.

provide optimal care for their patients.

Breeders and veterinarians can encourage

The Ontario Veterinary College

their clients to do the same. The dog does

(OVC) is working with pet owners and

not have to have this disease in order to be

animal shelters to provide learning


opportunities for our students and to

This generous gift will be greatly

support investigations to find answers for

appreciated as each donation will help us

specific diseases. To assist us, we have an

take better care for our beloved pets. The

Educational Memorial Program whereby

donation is usually done through the family

owners whose pets are being euthanized

veterinarian who can directly contact

can donate their pet’s body to OVC. During

the OVC. This research can also been

this difficult time after loss of a pet, owners

supported simply by communicating this

may find some consolation for their grief in

information to the toy breed community.

knowing that their pet will help others in

So please “spread the word” among your

the future.

friends and other members of toy breed

The OVC Educational Memorial

clubs. Current research on atlantoaxial

Program is similar to the University

instability, is funded by the OVC Pet Trust

of Guelph’s willed body program that

Fund. Therefore, supporting the OVC

supports the human anatomy program.

Pet Trust Fund is another way to support

The OVC Educational Memorial Program

this field of research. You can find further

helps veterinary students, learn and helps

information on this charitable fund at

investigators, find solutions to disease


problems. Investigators are looking at a specific disease, atlantoaxial instability that affects miniature and toy breeds. Due to their

Information about Atlantoaxial (AA) Instability Atlantoaxial (AA) instability is

small size, these breeds have variations in

most commonly caused by congenital

the anatomy of their neck that affects the

malformations of the second neck vertebra

success of treatment of this disease.

(also known as axis). These malformations


are most frequently seen in younger to

the atlantoaxial joint. Veterinary

middle-aged toy breed dogs (including

neurosurgeons have shared their

Yorkshire terriers, Chihuahuas, miniature

experience and compared their success

and toy poodles, and Pomeranians). Dogs

using various bone methods. However,

may start showing signs early in life after

at this time the choice of the technique

a minor incident such as playing with

and the type of implants to be used relies

another dog or falling from a chair. The

mainly on the personal experience of the

symptoms can range from neck pain to

surgeon rather than scientific data. Proving

paralysis and may even cause breathing

the superiority of one technique over

problems and sudden death.

another will require studies using cadavers.

Treatment options include

working to establish detailed data on

stabilization. For conservative

anatomy of the atlantoaxial joint of

management of AA instability, the neck is

miniature and toy breed dogs. The research

immobilized with a brace for several weeks

group is also determining which surgical

to several months. This treatment has been

techniques provide the safest and strongest

reported to have a 57% success rate and

spinal stabilization. The long-term

is usually considered a viable option in

goal is to formulate guidelines to help

younger dogs with an initial, acute onset of

neurosurgeons choose the safest and most

clinical signs.

appropriate surgical technique for their

Surgical management involves

patients. The goal is to reduce the risks

stabilizing the AA joint through placement

associated with these procedures so that

of vertebral implants and sometimes bone

more of these dogs live normal, happy lives.

grafts to fuse the atlas and axis. Surgical

To learn more about the ongoing

AA fusion offers a 65-86% success rate

research on atlantoaxial instability, or if

and is considered the best therapeutic

you have questions about the importance

option in many cases. However, while AA

of donating the bodies of deceased pets,

surgical stabilization provides the best

contact Dr. Guillaume Leblond (Neurology

clinical outcome, it remains one of the

Resident at the OVC Health Sciences

most challenging procedures performed by

Centre) at gleblond@uoguelph.ca or

veterinary neurosurgeons. Due to the small

Dr. Luis Gaitero (Assistant Professor

size of the affected dogs, there is a very

Neurology and Neurosurgery at the OVC)

small margin for error.

at lgaitero@uoguelph.ca.

In the past 15 years, most of the research on atlantoaxial instability has been focused on determining the best surgical technique to stabilize


A research group at the OVC is

conservative management or surgical

PCOC Pins and Stickers

Pins - $10.00

Stickers (11cm x 11cm) $5.00

Contact Sue (pcocsecretary@hotmail.ca) or Renee (ren9666@shaw.ca)


Top Pomeranians (from Canuck Dogs)


Last Month

Dog Name









GCh Valcopy Jamel Sir Crystalton(M)









Ch Sunterra Star Status(M)









Ch Sunterra StarStruck(M)









Ch Chriscendo Connoisseur(M)









Ch AC Dynasty Dream Works(M)









GCh Sugarlamb's Rules Of Engagement(M)









Ch Crystalton Single Sinsation(M)









Ch Sunterra Sugar Sweet(M)









Ch Cheyennes Wyatt Earp(M)









Ch Chriscendo Common Sense(M)







Stats courtesy of www.canuckdogs.com and are current to December 17th, 2013.


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