Top Dog Weekly

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TopDogWeekly’s Cover Dog... Am/Can Ch Daggarwood N Kingdoms Maku Shiver

(Am Ch Vin-Melca’s Top O The Mark x Am/Can/Rus/Eur Ch Daggarwoods Bombshell Babs)

This stunning typey young girl has just attained her American Championship in 2 weekends all from the Bred-By Class - Winners Bitch (3pt Major) at the South Eastern Michigan Elkhound Specialty under breeder/Judge Ed Hall (Somerri) and WB/BOW/ BOS over Specials the next day at the supported entry for 4pts under judge Steven Gladstone and WB for 3pts and to finish her US Championship under judge Clay Coady, Shiver picked up 5pts the previous weekend at the Cape Cod shows. We are very excited about the future for this outstanding Elkhound and her equally exciting littermates. We look forward to sharing more about SHIVER and her littermates in the future. Breeder/Owners Nicole Casavechia & Kevin Richard Nicole Casavechia

BEST IN SHOWS week ending September 29th, 2013

Lloydminster Kennel & Obedience Club – Saskatchewan Friday Show 1 German Shepherd GChEx Signatures Philip Marlow V Kridler Judge: Geraldine Taylor Friday Show 2 Chow Chow Ch. Spindrift Mr. Independence Judge: Phyllis Pancel Saturday Show 3 Keeshond Ch. Cinakees Christian Louboutin Judge: Jack Ireland Saturday Show 4 Doberman Pinscher GChEx Rex de Akido Sen Judge: Rick Fehler Sunday Show 5 Clumber Spaniel Tricklecreek on the Rocks Judge: Charles Bett Sunday Show 6 Bulldog Ch. Tumbleweed’s Super Quake at IROC Judge: Letitia Bett Burlington Kennel & Obedience Club – Ontario Friday Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Ch. Roaneden’s Int’l Harvester Judge: Sandra Lex Saturday Staffordshire Bull Terrier Ch. Clandara’s Outlaw Judge: Mark Houston-McMillan Sunday Bearded Collie Ch. Classical’s Playin’ With Fire Judge: Judith Byrne United Kennel Club – Quebec Friday Affenpinscher Ch. Champagne Charly V.Tani Kazari Judge: Valerie Gervais Saturday GChEx Tashtin’s Lookin For Trouble Judge: James Frederiksen Sunday Affenpinscher Ch. Champagne Charly V.Tani Kazari Judge: Rene-Echevaria -Cofino Miramichi Kennel Club – New Brunswick Saturday Show 1 Whippet GCh. Lorricbrook Fascinator Judge: Harold Huchinson Saturday Show 2 West Highland White Terrier Haeloganlane’s MacLaughlin Judge: Bruce Owen Sunday Show 3 West Highland White Terrier Haeloganlane’s MacLaughlin Judge: Christopher Neilson Sunday Show 4 Pomeranian Ch. Chriscendo Connoisseur Judge: Tom Touzel

UPCOMING SHOWS this weekend

Pine Ridge Kennel Club - Ontario


Am.Can. Ch. Roseland Eli Eli began his show career with his breeders Hal and Pat Pawley in 2008 at the age of six months. When he arrived to his new home in Philadelphia with Bill and Tina Bregman he was already pointed. The rest is history.

Special thanks to respected Judge James Frederiksen for finishing Eli's Canadian Championship

He completed his AKC championship and began his specials career. He has attained such prestigious awards in 2012 including Best of Variety at Westminster Kennel Club and the Eukanuba Invitational. His other accomplishments include multiple Group wins and group placements, Best in Specialty show wins and a Reserve Best in Show. Eli has been featured in many magazines as well as being on the cover of Breed publications and also on the cover of Chihuahua Champions 2008-2010, an ongoing record of the top champions and their progeny.

Eli is an outstanding representation of the breed with superb movement combined with ultimate showmanship which make him the complete package. Eli has also been producing champion offspring which we are also very excited about. Eli has achieved an AKC Platinum Grand championship, A North American International Championship and most recently he is a new Canadian Championship. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has supported us and Eli along our journey and helping us turn our dreams into reality. We are so very grateful. Owned by: Tina & Bill Bregman Bred by: Hal & Pat Pawley Presented by: Cathleen Cogan-Bird



Ch Whitebriar Jaw Dropper - West Highland White Terrier



Ch Champagne Charly V. Tani Kazari - Affenpinscher



GChEx NicNak's Second To None - Yorkshire Terrier



GChEx Vetset Kate Winsit - Standard Poodle



GCh Polo's Air Force One - Afghan Hound



GChEx Roaneden's Int'l Harvester - Nova Scotia Duck Toller



Ch Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel - Basenji



Ch Hearthside Riveredge Sure Is Summum - Australian Shepherd



GChEx Goldgrove High Intensity - Doberman Pinscher



Ch Flacon d'Paris of Neigenuveaux - Barbet



Ch Flacon d'Paris of Neigenuveaux - Barbet


(TopDogWeekly does not verify these stats. They are supplied as a courtesy to our readers)

Thank you to the judges who have recognised our boy!






Breeder/Owner: Terri Alloway Co-足Owner/Handler: Kim Wendling


Thank you Phyllis Pancel for awarding

Ryder his first Best in Show!



Home city? Durban Kwazulu Natal on the East Coast of South Africa


Breed or Breed’s you have bred? English Setters, GSD’s, Siberian Huskies and Shibas


Years you have been Judging? +/-35 years


Licensed for or, on Permit for? All Breeds, Junior Showmanship, Carting (Draftwork) and Flyball


Judged in what Countries? Canada, America, Brazil, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Philippines, India, Zimbabwe, South Africa


All time favourite assignment? All my assignments have been really interesting, some great dogs, interesting people and wonderful memories!


Favourite dog or dogs Judged from the past? GSD “Red Rum” he won BOB at Crufts in 1979, in Siberians - Innisfree Brannigan, & Tarzoric Paddington Bear.


Pet Peeves in your ring? Exhibitors feeding bait just as you go to check teeth!!


Favourite way to relax? Chatting with “doggy friends”, or riding on the back of my partner Gavin’s Superbike.

10. How do you occupy your time in travel? Shopping!! On planes catching up on movies I do not get to see, as I am busy at Dog Shows 11. What do you think is the biggest problem facing our Sport? The absence of new comers to the sport. We, be it breeders, show committee, trainers, handlers, steward and yes us Judges should make time for new comers to our sport.


What attracted you to your breed? When I got back into dogs after college, law school, marriage, raising our stepchildren. I looked for a dog that was low in coat maintenance, did not shed a lot, who was fairly hypo-allergenic and pleasing to the eye. I had been raised by my grandfather who amongst other things, had greyhounds that he bred. Basenji’s seemed liked a smaller version of the greyhound in many respects. How many years have you been breeding and exhibiting? On this go around approximately 18 – 20 years, prior to that all of my childhood through my college years, my family bred and trained Greyhounds and Weimaraners, Irish Setters, Dachshunds, Cocker Spaniels, Miniature Schnauzers, and Bull dogs. Over the years most of the family was involved, my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncle we all lived in the same area and we pretty much lived on the farm.

What are your accomplishments in your breed? My proudest accomplishment is that I have happy, healthy, dogs who have great temperments. The breeds suffered from hash temperments when I got into them and we have worked hard to develop dogs with excellent temperments that hold good condition. I have 4 World Champions between puppy and adults, Many Top Ten dogs in Canada and the U.S. and Latin America. We have had many dogs in the Top Ten in lure coursing, and even a National Lure Coursing Champion for its breed. For many years I have been a lure coursing judge and I enjoy judging Basenji and all other hounds in coursing. I am now just beginning my conformation career as an AKC Judge. I have judged a Regional and am in first selection for the 2015 U.S. Basenji Nationals. Both my husband and I have achieved AKC Breeder of Merit status in Basenjis. We have 52 AKC and nearly half that many CKC Champions. We have put the dogs in Obedience and Rally something that is not common for some of the Hound breeds and not at all common in Basenji. We have been able to gain titles and top ten positions in those sports. I have had several dogs who have obtained the coveted VB title from the Basenji Club of America. We have several stud dogs and brood bitches on the honour roll both in Canada and the U.S. Did you have a mentor in your Breed? My Mentor in Basenjis was Stella Sapies of Astarte Basenjis

Do you believe Judges have a good understanding of your breed? No I do not believe Judges have a good understanding of the breed. I think it is true that all breed judges are generalists and so they miss the more important parts of a particular breed. For instance the term, “ appears high on leg” is used in the standard and they actually mean “appears”. They do not mean “is”. Many Judges interpret this to mean that those long legged Basenjis, are better than others this is not the case. In as few words as possible describe the essence of your Breed? The essence of the Basenji breed is described in the general appearance of the standard, Elegant and graceful, the whole demeanour is one of poise and inquiring alertness. “The balanced structure and smooth musculature enables it to move with speed and agility”. What are the medical problems in your breed? The medical problems have lessened with the development of the genetic marker test for falconi, a liver enzyme disease which had a later in life onset. This made breeding very difficult because you had no way to predict until ages 7 or 8 which dogs suffered from the disease, and which would not. The direct test was developed last year and the indirect test has been in place for about 3 years. Testing has pretty much resolved OFA hip problems, PPM, PRA problems. HA has been all but eradicated, and thyroid problems are under control. The expansion of the breed line bringing in new African stock has helped, but testing has been the biggest factor. Fault wise, currently what needs the most improvement in your breed? This seems to vary by area, but I would generally say it is a movement issue, particularly in the rear ends. Basenji’s are now very often close in the rear and it is affecting their movement. What do you believe to be the best dog you have bred? That is a difficult question overall thus far, probably our biggest winning dog MBIS MBISS GCh. Ahmahr Nahr’s Jake Jamel To Mibre SC SGN RN not only for his accomplishments but for the accomplishments of his children and now grandchildren. What dog of your breed would you have loved to own? That is tough those that top my list are, Changa’s Dan Patch, and Ch. Revelie’s Buttoniere. Both of these dogs are in the line of Zandika’s Johnny Come Greatly who was the all time top US winning Best in Show Basenji. A dog going back in my own lines Ch. Astarte’s Take a Stance and Ch. Shukari’s Steven Speilbark are on my list as well. How many dogs do you normally have in your kennel? That depends on two things the number of seniors still living, Basenjis’ thankfully live a long long time. As well the number of dogs, who may be visiting for the coursing season in New Mexico.It usually varies from 8 – 14. How many litters do you have in a year and what is the average size of your litters? If I breed I generally will breed two litters on my premises. Often I am a co-breeder with someone else on a litter or two that are born at the co-breeders. This is often the case with my Canadian whelped puppies. Litters range from 4 – 8 puppies.

Are you having trouble selling or placing your puppies? No we are not. How many Canadian Shows do you attend in a year? I personally attend somewhere between 10 – 12 show weekends in the year, probably anywhere from 24 – 48 days of shows. My dogs attend many many more now that they are located in the east and there is a very active summer season, they are generally somewhere every weekend. How many American Shows do you attend in a year? Probably 50 – 200, though my dogs probably attend an average of 150 a year. Do you attend your Breed’s National Specialty Show in Canada & U.S? Yes I attend not only the National Specialty as well in the U.S I attend the different regional specialties. In the U.S. there are somewhere between 6 – 10 specialties in various regions every year as well as the National. In Canada there is one National, and there is a Regional known as the Central-Ontario Regional, hopefully soon to be another one in the province of Quebec. I attend Specialties purely based on whether I am involved in the show giving committee, at which point I always attend. Otherwise it depends on the quality of the Judge. It has become a habit in the U.S to give permit judges an opportunity to judge at Specialties. That is fine if the permit person is of the breed, or a Hound person. It is not so good if they come from another group. This is a cost saving feature for the club but it often lowers the entries. Often I attend foreign National Specialty Shows, either in Europe or South America.


What would be your most memorable win with any dog and why? Michael Canalizo United States Of course there were many special ones over my 50+ years in the sport...but the Westminster Hound Group win (1996) with Afghan Hound Multi BIS BISS Am & Can. Ch. Tryst of Grandeur has to top the list. I am a born and raised New Yorker and the Grandeur Kennel is also a New York fixture that had a long history with Westminster for over 50 years. That was the year I wore the now famous “ Michael Kors” sequined tuxedo jacket that many can tell you who wore it, and with which breed, rather than the dog that actually won Best In Show! Loreta Serafini Canada My Timmie - MBIS/MBISS/Can/Am Ch. Oz’s Over the Top - winning Best of Breed from the Open Dog Class at the American National in 2010 - the annual Specialty Show of the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America in New York and then repeating all the next day at the New York regional. Conny Gutierrez-Otero Mexico Back when I was showing a Best In Show with a Canadian Basset Hound we owned, that I was fully in charge of. The dog was not a good eater and I had him in full weight!! More recently my 7 year-old PBGV becoming an American Champion, It is a long story because this dog had already competed it when he was 2 years old. For reasons I won’t explain, the points were not registered and 5 years later, I insisted on sending him over the U.S to become in a short time, an American Champion. Lisa Summers United States Hmmm, I am going to have to say it was the first time one of my Gordon Setters, which I had bred won the breed at Westminster K.C. Actually, it was Nicky’s father Frankie, my Ch. NCM’s Chairman of the Board who won in 2002, and Nicky Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. Sastya’s Twelfth Night By NCM who won Gordon Setters in 2012. My next would have to be when Elliot Weiss gave Irish Setter “Windy” Multi BIS BISS Ch. Jewelset’s Up Up N Away the breed at Westminster in 2006. Diane Fas Canada Being a Breeder/Owner/Handler all of my wins are memorable and very special to me. However, my most memorable win to date without hesitation was my first Best in Show on one of my homebred Dalmatians. A group of us trained under Sonny and Bobbie Tougas, it was the week before a dog show - we were in class and Sonny decided we were going to pretend we were at the show. We were to do a final go around and stack our dogs. We all did that, and Sonny said, “all of these dogs are potential Best In Show dogs, you all need to stack your dog’s quicker.” At the show the following weekend, I won the Non-Sporting Group and was in the Best In Show line up doing our last go around. All I heard in my head was Sonny’s voice “You have to stack your dog quicker.” I got my dog all stacked up looked up and the judge who said; “Tonight Best In Show goes to the Dalmatian.” Thank you Sonny.

Erin LeBlanc Canada I would have to say my most memorable win to date would be my first National Specialty win with my Clumber Spaniel “Wellie” aka MBIS/BISS GCHX.Whidbey’s English Wellington, CGN, CGC. She won the Canadian National Specialty in 2009 with the second largest entry ever at the National under the late Mr. Everett Dean Jr. A true honor under a judge who thoroughly understood the breed, and who had previously judged the Clumber Spaniel Club of America National Specialty. She is the only female Clumber Spaniel to win the Canadian National in 16 years and also the only female to be awarded a National Specialty and an All-breed Best in Show. Gabriel Valdez Colombia Well this is a difficult question after having over 500 Best In Show wins in my hands. I am thinking that the famous SICALAM 2013 Best In Show with my home bred Italian Greyhound. Multi BIS Multi Ch. Davinci’s Gisela would be the one. She was bred and owned and handled by me and I love this bitch Gisela so much. This Best in Show win was, awarded to Gisela by Mr. Ivan Sandoval who is the President of the Colombian Kennel Club. Tracy Stolz Tuff Canada Definitely winning the American Shetland Sheepdog National in 2004 with Miss Bandit, formally known as Am Can Ch. Mystic’s Undercover Blues. Shyanne Polley Canada The most memorable win for me was, the day we brought Irish Setter “Piper” Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. Muldoon Dewitt’s Great One back out of retirement for Westminister. It was one of the most amazing and memorable days of my life, to have bred and been owned by such an amazing dog and to stand outside the ring and watch Piper at eight year of age and Will going around on the green carpet I was so proud. There was 27 Irish Setters entered and he showed like he was a king and he was, when he was brought out for Best Of Breed it was truly an amazing moment in my life that I will never forget, ever! To say I bred him and got to love him well it felt like one of the biggest accomplishments of my life…. Marjorie Martorella United States That is easy! Watching Pointer Ch. Marjetta National Acclaim go Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Show. I screamed so loudly, I was hoarse for months! Wendy Doherty Canada I didn’t think anything could top winning the 2010 American PBGV National with MBIS MBISS Canadian & American & Danish & Dutch, Luxembourg World & European & English Champion Soletrader Bjorn Borg. However after Bjorn’s Granddaughter... “Jilly” MBIS MBISS CH. Soletrader Peek a Boo won #1 All Breed in the UK in 2012 and went on to win BIS at Crufts in 2013, I was over the moon! David Gignac Canada That is an easy one for me, CRUFTS 2013, Best of Breed in West Highland White Terriers, with Multi BIS BISS NZ & Am & Can Whitebriar Jaw Dropper and making the short list in the Terrier Group. Kim Groves Canada That would be Best of Breed at Westminster in 2009 With Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. Avatar’s Try Try Again!!! It was the start of the amazing times that I shared with Ty.

Bev Dorma Canada WESTMINSTER with my daughter Emily Dorma, and our own homebred Ch.MistyTrails Double stuffed Oreo. (REO). Both of my breeding’s won that day daughter and Havanese. Simon Briggs Australia Most memorable was winning Best in Show at the Sydney Royal with JKC & Aust GCh Smash JP Three Belles Jackpot the Toy Poodle, but what made it so memorable was also winning BIS 2 with Freddie Siberian at the same show!!!! Was a huge thrill for owners Cheryl and Jon LeCourt and we have some wonderful pictures of both dogs on the podium with us all. A magic day at one of Australia’s biggest and best shows. Gael and Brian Harper Canada Wow, so many memorable wins in our lives with our Briards and now our Breardie from respected judges worldwide BUT the most memorable win was with our Breeder/Owner/ Handled Briard, BIS Ch. Wotarukus Bold As Brass ( Willow) this girl has done it all for Brian and I . The win was at Temiskaming Kennel Club in 2012 under well known, respected Judge Mr. Morley Thornton, who had awarded Willow placements from the Puppy group to many adult Group wins throughout her 6 years, then BEST IN SHOW, what a thrill for us as Breeders/ Owner/Handlers! Next would be the puppy career of MBPIS Classical Wotarukus HBC, Hudson’s career to date has been a whirlwind of wonderful wins and very proud moments for Bea Sawka , Julie Kempster and Brian and I ... What a 2013 we have had with this VERY special Beardie and his record breaking BPIS for the breed. Brenda Brookes Canada My most memorable win was when my Keeshond “ Smokee” Can BIS BISS & Am BISS Ch. Keesbrook’s Believe N Magic CHOF, ROMX, COM won the Keeshond Club Of America National Specialty in Racine, WI in 1998. He was and continues to be the only Canadian bred Keeshond owned and handled to win the Keeshond Club of America National Specialty. He was also a multi BIS winner in Canada and Top Keeshond in Canada that year. Of course, to use that old cliché… Smokee was and will always be my “heart dog”. He gave his all that day and he could be a pill if he wanted. Nancibeth Koutstaal Canada I would have to say when I won an all breed Best in Show with my German Short Haired Pointer, BIS & MBISS Am & Can Ch Legacyk Foolish Pleasure, called Flirt last year at Sudbury & District Kennel Club show Breeder/Owner/Handled. Jason Hunt United Kingdom We have been in a most fortunate position to have many high profile wins with many of our dogs who have won top awards. I would have to say watching our Dachshund Multi BIS BISS Eng & Am & Can Ch. Grandgables Ms. SuperNatural Canada’s All Time Top winning Dachshund female of all time, winning Best of Variety at Westminster in 2009 with Lynda Torrance, and the next month they came to England and were awarded Best of Breed and a Hound Group Group 4th at Crufts was so exciting. We have the Best of Variety, Westminster medal on show for everyone to see. As exciting as Breeders was Best of Breed at Crufts last year and another Hound Group 4th with our Breeder/Owner/Handled Dachshund Eng Ch. Carpaccio Captain Scarlet. Beth Ferrier Canada This is SO difficult as I am sure many Breeder/Owners will relate!! Certainly treasured in my memory is my beloved Pekingese, Multi BIS BISS Am & Can Ch. TaePlace Monet winning Best in Show under the Immortal Nigel Aubrey Jones in 1999, at the United Kennel Club in Montreal. This was Monet’s first Best in Show in what would be eight Best in Shows In his nine times

shown at the United Kennel Club shows which retired the St. Aubrey Elsdon trophy. Equally as exciting was Monet winning Best of Breed under Mr. R. William Taylor at the 2001 Westminster Kennel Club. Such wonderful times. Carrie Russell-Smith United Kingdom A tough one as we have had some super wins at major UK and European Shows. But the most memorable has to be when our home bred Toy Poodle UK. Ch Argoel Road Rage won the bitch challenge certificate from the Yearling class at Crufts 2012, under Breed Specialist Peter Young. Glen Vernon Australia Most memorable win with a dog was the year 1995 when an old dog of mine called Ch Terracarol Top Gun ( Labrador) won Best of Breed at the Sydney Royal after being badly injured in a car accident 12 months prior. I had worked with this dog for 12 months not so that I could show him but so that his quality of life would improve. I only entered him at the show for company for a puppy I was showing. The puppy went on to win Puppy in Show at that Sydney Royal. The old boy never put a foot wrong and he looked up at me as we entered the ring, and his eyes said I’ll do this for you. I cried as I entered the class and absolutely fell apart when he won. He had been a huge winner in Australia, winning many Best in Show Awards, but no win has meant so much as his win that year. I will always remember the day and still choke up now. Love him and his commitment to me. Kim Cowie Canada With one of my own dogs, definitely winning at Poodle Club of America, with the Toy Poodle I co own with Mark Waldrop. “BISS BPISS BPIS Am. Can. Ch. Debrocks N Midori’s Billable Assets” To be recognized by the greats in your breed and competing among the best in your breed is truly an honor. With a dog I have handled for a client two wins come to mind, both with the Lhasa Apso BIS BISS Am. Can. Ch. Palasa Desiderata Spyanki. Breaking the BIS record for the breed with a win from Mrs. Avery Gaudin and winning a BIS with him from the legendary Mrs Dorothy Welsh who also awarded him a BISS. Very fond memories. Michelle & John Rowton United States The most memorable would be Winners Dog and Best of Winners and an Award of Merit with our 15 month old dog, Kenai’s in the Circle of Life at the U.S. Borzoi unexpected!!! Marlene Ness Canada Besides all of the accomplishments with Am Cocker Multi BIS BISS GChEx Mario N Beechwood’s Midnight Express “Ace”. I would have to say winning the American Cocker Spaniel Club of Canada National Specialty this year on BISS Am & CanC GrCh Nesmar’s I’m A Real Good Man. This was the the first time I’ve won a Canadian National on a dog that I have bred and owned. Preston & MaryLou Groves Canada Yorkshire Terrier MBIS Multi Ch Groveshire’s New Sensation...”Morgan” Winning Best of Opposite Sex at Westminster 2011, Breeder/Owner/ Handled. JoAnne Charest Canada Winning several times with different dogs at the U.S OES National. Being #12 All breed in Canada 1990 Breeder/Owner/Handled, as well Several of my OES were ranked in the top Twenty OES in the US.

Luke Seidlitz United States It would be the BIS I won on my PWD special at the beginning of last Month under Betty Ann Stenmark in Eugene OR right before the Portie National. Porties are my original breed... It was right after leaving working for Bill and Taffe McFadden for the past 13 years.... I had just moved into a new house with my girlfriend Tammy that week. It was a great start to the rest of my life! Pam McClintock Canada Many wins are memorable and often just achieving points can leave me feeling elated and relieved. Especially if the training has been difficult, a time frame is in place or clients are anxious. But one win is especially poignant and meaningful for me. Several years ago I was campaigning a very handsome Bullmastiff. Also during that same year I had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Determined to continue my life and sport, I attended shows while having Radiation treatments. At the London Canine show Magnum the Bullmastiff, and I won the Working Group. Then with a quick wardrobe change into suitable clothing, I travelled to Hamilton to the cancer centre (Jurvinski) for a mid afternoon radiation treatment. My daughter Jenny was left in charge of the dogs and would handle Mag for best if I could not return in time. After the treatment I drove back to the show with only minutes to spare to change back into show clothes and enter the ring. Yes, I won BIS that day, my dog showed like the grand animal that he was, and I shed a lot of tears over that win. During a demanding schedule and wanting to remain as normal as possible, that dog and that day gave me the strength to persevere. Just when we think the mountains are insurmountable, a moment happens to give us courage. I will always remember the day and the win and a beautiful dog that made it happen. Tracey Dinely Canada I have two, My first was winning Best of Breed from the Bred By bitch class at Montgomery over the largest entry to that date under a respected Breeder Judge. The person helping me to hold dogs outside the ring was so excited for me, that she didn’t notice that the dog she was holding had chewed threw his lead! The second was my first BIS breeder owner handled under Dr. Richard Meen. I was so happy especially with the timing of the BSL law just being put through. I actually had some dog show people that year ask me why I bothered to keep showing Staffy Bulls. Well when Dr. Meen pointed at me, I ran over and threw my arms around him and gave him a kiss. LOL. Everyone laughed outside the ring. France Bergeron Canada My favorite dog show memory is winning a Best in Show on Valley (Multi BIS BISS Am/Cdn CH Efbe’s Goodspice Easy Money) and later learning that on the same day both Charmin ( Multi BIS BISS Am/Cdn Ch. Efbe’s Hidalgo at Goodspice) and Merci (Multi BIS BISS Am &Can Ch. Efbe’s Merci Pour Le Poivre) also went Best at the shows they were at! Gail Webster Canada The milestones in our lives. I have 3! The first- winning my first ever BIS- showing Laurie Hunter’s boy- BIS/BISS A/C Euro Ch Nicnak’s Country Sweetie to a Best In Show under Sharon Francis- my first ever and still a newbie!! Second- my BIS win first time OWNER handled on yorkshire terrier- 17 months old- MBIS/MBISS A/C Ch Nicnak’s Second To None CGN under Barbara Watt and third- Newt- same dog- finishing his American Championship- handled by Lynda Torrance with 2 Group 1!!- These wins will stay in my heart and mind forever with pride :)

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