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Transportation Services explains parking, resources

Where to Park

Most parking lots on the Texas Tech campus require a permit from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Some lots require a permit 24 hours a day. Students living on and off campus may purchase permits.

Those living on campus may be able to purchase a permit for the parking lot near their residence hall or in the Flint Avenue Parking Facility. Residence hall lots are reserved 24 hours a day, seven days a week for their permit holders.

Students living off campus can purchase a permit for Commuter North, Commuter ICC, the Raider Park Parking Garage, Commuter West or Commuter Satellite. These permits are valid Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., but from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. any commuter permit is valid in any commuter lot.

Students also have the choice of purchasing an Evening Commuter pass, which covers parking in any commuter lot after 2:30 p.m., any park-and-pay area on campus after 5:30 p.m. on weekdays and the Rec Center parking lot for the two-hour maximum.

The Flint Avenue Parking Facility may have availability for commuters on a limited basis. Waitlists are available for it and all other commuter lots. All parking permits for those living on and off campus are sold on a first-come first-served basis.

More information is available at the parking.ttu.edu website.

My Parking Account

Students and employees manage all permits, registered vehicles, free bicycle registrations, contact information and citations through their My Parking Account, available at www.parking. ttu.edu.

Avoiding Citations the campus streets is open only to area-reserved and reserved-space permit holders, official Tech vehicles, vendors, contractors and visitors. Tech students may not drive their personal vehicles in these areas during that time. This decreases traffic in the most congested and pedestrian/bicycle-heavy areas of campus. The decrease provides a safer environment for students, employees and visitors as they make their way around campus. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and become park-andpay from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other areas may be parkand-pay during the day. Signs in park-and-pay lots state the hours payment is required.

Know your definitions.

Students are Tech students. Faculty and staff are fullor part-time non-student employees of Tech. Visitors include those unaffiliated with Tech as students or employees.

Area reserved lots and reserved individual spaces serve as employee parking and are unavailable for student purchase. Service vehicle spaces and areas allow Tech vendors and maintenance vehicles close access to buildings needing repairs or attention.

How to Appeal a Citation Citations may be appealed through a customer’s My Parking Account. If you feel a citation has been unjustly issued, an online appeal form is available at www.parking. ttu.edu Provide a detailed explanation for the appeal specifics for their lot so long as a valid email address is provided in the customer’s My Parking Account information.

For a fee, patrons can park in Commuter West. A round-trip shuttle ride to and from Jones AT&T is available for a nominal fee. Reserved RV parking is provided in the Commuter Satellite lot. Free game-day parking is available in the Health Sciences Center lots near Fourth Street and Texas Tech Parkway. The same shuttle service

Commuter Satellite that picks-up and drops-off next to the arena at no charge.

Getting Help on Campus Motorist Assistance

Program: The Motorist Assistance Program, MAP, offers assistance to anyone on the Texas Tech campus.

Call 806-742-MAPP and a Transportation and Parking Services employee will provide a gallon of gas, give a jump start, unlock a vehicle or air up a tire.

Services are free for up to three uses per year.

Free Car Clinic : The Free Car Clinic is hosted two times per year: before Thanksgiving break, and before Spring Break. Tech students, faculty and staff enjoy free food and giveaways while professional mechanics from Scott’s Complete Car Care inspect their vehicles. Mechanics check tire pressure, belts, hoses and wipers and top off fluids for free.

Bike Clinic : Hosted in the fall and spring, the Bike Clinic offers free diagnostic exams, on-site bicycle registration and visits from on- and off-campus bicyclerelated organizations.

Short-Term Assistance : This program offers more convenient parking for individuals who need short-term close parking due to an injury or medical reasons, but who may not qualify for a stateissued disability placard.

Park in your permitted location. Park only in zones your ePermit allows during permitted times. Always watch for signs in lots to identify zones and applicable times of enforcement. Read the Traffic and Parking Regulations, which can be found under the Resources tab on the www.parking.ttu. edu website.

Driving on Campus

From 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, driving through the academic core of campus the area beyond the entry stations on

Understanding Park-and-Pay Areas in the online form. Send any supporting evidence, such as photos or diagrams, to parking@ttu.edu or 407 Flint Ave., MS 3161, Lubbock, Texas 79409 by 8 p.m. the following business day.

Some areas on campus are park-and-pay lots requiring payment for parking. Rates can be paid hourly or by the day.

Students and employees with any type of valid parking permit do not have to pay to park any time at the Robert H. Ewalt Student Recreation Center or in any campus park-and-pay lot after 5:30 p.m. Some lots on campus, such as R03 (the Library lot), serve as employee parking lots from 7:30 a.m.

Game-day Parking

Football: Many parking lots on campus, aside from residence hall lots, are reserved for football permit holders beginning at 6 a.m. on home game days. Vehicles parked in reserved areas are subject to impoundment. Those in lots affected will receive an email regarding is available in these lots.

For a detailed list of reserved areas or to purchase game-day parking, contact the Red Raider Club or see maps and prices at www. redraiderclub.com and follow the links to buy tickets and football parking.

Basketball: The lots surrounding the United Supermarkets Arena are reserved for basketball parking-permit holders. Limited disability parking is available in the lots immediately north and west of the arena. However, there is an ADA shuttle in

Expectant Mother Parking : This service provides closer parking to Tech students, faculty and staff who are expectant mothers in their last trimester of pregnancy. Permit holders may park in visitor or time-limit spaces. Expectant Mother Parking requires documentation from a physician and can be offered earlier if the pregnancy is considered high-risk.

Lime scooters and e-Bikes: Lime scooters and e-Bikes are available to rent on the Tech campus and throughout Lubbock.

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