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Milestones to complete
Complete an internship relating to your major
Get your puppy fix by volunteering at The Haven Animal Care Shelter or Morris Safe House
Spend a day going to and from class without checking your cell phone
Attend RaiderGate before a home football game
Go to the Rec Center and work out daily for a week
Participate in a peaceful political rally or protest
Take part in one of the trips offered through the Outdoor Pursuits Center
Create your résumé and keep it updated
Enjoy some nachos at Chimy’s
Float the Lazy River at the Leisure Pool
Get re-tweeted by an official Tech Twitter account
Play flashlight tag at Memorial Circle at midnight
Take a group photo with friends at the “Riding into the Sunset” (Will Rogers & Soapsuds) statue
Treat a friend to a meal at One Guy’s across the street from campus
Take an offbeat class as an elective

Experience Mafia Queso at Orlando’s
Volunteer to help build one of the homecoming parade floats
Learn the official words to the Texas Tech fight song and “The Matador Song”

Attend a Tech women’s soccer home game
Participate in Tech’s annual Arbor Day in the spring
Take in a Saturday baseball game at Dan Law Field Splash in the puddles following a campus rain
Rush the United Supermarkets Arena court when Tech upsets a ranked opponent
Sign up to participate in the 2023 Mayor’s Marathon on Oct. 29 in Lubbock
Enjoy one of the concerts featured at the USA Sled down a snow-cov - ered hill at Urbanovsky Park
Visit the National Ranching Heritage Center or Texas Tech Museum
See the pioneers of the South Plains mural in the Holden Hall rotunda
Grab a freshman-year selfie at the Tech Seal (to pair with the one you’ll take your senior year in cap and gown)

Participate in the next SGA election — either as a candidate or by voting online

After your freshman year, lounge on the Double T Bench in the courtyard behind the Administration Building
Go online and read up on the alleged hauntings on the Tech campus

Take in the Tech Pom
Squad and Co-Ed Cheer team performances at Raider Alley before a home football game

Take a day trip to nearby Palo Duro Canyon
Visit one of Lubbock’s sushi eateries, order and eat the craziest thing on the menu
Conquer the rock wall at the Rec
Check out the Alt’Do Farms Corn Maize northwest of Lubbock
Take a road trip to the hot air balloon festival in New Mexico
Drive around the Loop
Enjoy a picnic at Buffalo Springs
Visit Lubbock’s South Plains Fair, Sept. 22-30, and enjoy some traditional fair food (turkey leg, anyone?)