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SAFETY TechAlert provides weather, emergency notifications
In addition to its TechAlert mass notification system that delivers email, text and voice messages about emergency situations or class cancellations/ delays, Texas Tech has an outdoor siren system designed to alert student, staff, faculty and on-campus visitors about severe weather emergencies. The system is periodically tested, but members of the campus community are notified in advance of test dates through TechAnnounce, social
Get to where you’re going media and other message delivery platforms.
• On-campus buses only run on days classes are in session. Buses do not run on university holidays.
• Need to familiarize yourself with Citibus campus routes? Visit https://citibus. com/maps-and-schedules/#ttu-route-schedule. Tech students can ride all normal Citibus routes throughout Lubbock for free with a valid student ID.

When the system is tested, the outdoor sirens are typically sounded for a short period of time –usually one minute – to allow campus officials to ensure that each of the devices is working properly.
In the event of an actual severe weather emergency, these sirens can be used to notify members of the campus community. If severe weather approaches and the sirens are sounded, act
Get well, stay well quickly. Avoid windows. Go to the basement of the building you are in or to the lowest floor and get in a small center room, under a stairwell or in an interior hallway. Do not use elevators.
For more information about tornado safety, visit http://www.spc.noaa.gov/ faq/tornado/safety.html.

For more details about TechAlert or other university safety plans, visit http://www.depts. ttu.edu/communications/ emergency.
• The on-campus Student Wellness Center is a professional primary care clinic, offering mental health referrals, nutrition counseling, laboratory services, X-ray services, a sports medicine clinic and a pharmacy. To schedule an appointment, call 806-743-2848. For more information, visit https://www.depts.ttu.edu/studenthealth/.
• The Student Counseling Center offers services that help students manage their emotional and mental health needs. Students can walk in – no appointment necessary – or make appointments. The Texas Tech Crisis HelpLine (742-5555) is available 24/7/365 for students experiencing suicidal thoughts, mental health crises, sexual assault and interpersonal violence. For more details visit http://www.depts.ttu.edu/scc.