1 minute read
Tech encourages student organizations to build community
All students are encouraged to become involved outside the classroom to enhance their connections and experiences as Red Raiders.

One of the best ways to make connections is through joining a student organization on campus.
Texas Tech has more than 550 student organizations. If you do not find what you are looking for, Student Involvement can help you create your own organization.
Why Should You Get Involved?
• Connects you to activities and campus traditions
• Helps build your community away from home
• Discover new passions or continue old ones
• Develops your talents into strengths
Starting a New Student Organization
A Registered Student Organization is defined as a group comprised of at least five students (president, treasurer and a minimum of three members) enrolled at Tech who voluntarily come together for a common purpose.
The purposes and activities of the organization shall be lawful and not in conflict with the policies, rules, regulations and standards of the university and/or federal, state and/or local statutes.
If you are interested in starting a new organization at Tech the first step is to fill out an Intent to Form Request on TechConnect by going to studentinvolvement. ttu.edu and clicking on the “Start a Student Org” button. Once submitted, a staff member will contact you to walk you through the process. edu, select TechConnect Login and use your E-Raider username and password.
Join TechConnect TechConnect is an online platform that can help you explore student organizations and ways to get involved. This is the best location to check out the student organizations and learn about what is happening on campus.

To get started follow these five easy steps: Go to studentinvolvement.ttu.
Set up your personal profile.
Browse organizations by name, category or search topic.
Click on the TechConnect logo at the top left corner to return to the home page.
Review the Student Involvement
Weekly email for the latest news and for upcoming programs and events.
Contact Information
If you still have questions do not hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail.
You also can come see us in at Student Involvement in the SUB above the bookstore:
201 Student Union Building (806) 742-5433 studentorgs@ttu.edu www.studentinvolvement.ttu. edu.
Follow us on social media: Facebook:/ttuCampusLife Twitter and Instagram: @TTUStudentOrgs and @getinvolvedTTU
Student Organizations Since Student Involvement has so many organizations, they are broken into 24 categories to make it easier to find what you are interested in.