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Welcome extended to Red Raider community
To the Texas Tech community, I would like to extend the warmest welcome.
My name is Marianna Souriall, and I am the new editor-in-chief of The Daily Toreador
While the fall of ‘23 not only takes us into the second half of the university’s Centennial year, it also brings The Daily Toreador one step closer to its own celebration; in the fall of ‘25 we will have served the Tech community for 100 years. As one of the oldest organizations on campus, the student-run publication has informed and educated nearly 100 years’ worth of Red Raiders.
I am privileged to keep that tradition alive, and I take much pride in growing the legacy of this publication.
However, the newspaper is not successful with the editor alone. To the past and present members of The DT , thank you for putting your trust in me and offering your unconditional support. To the readers of The DT , thank you for giving purpose to the content we produce.
The readers of The DT have journeyed with us through daily print, weekly print and now a hybrid of monthly print and digital copy. Our job always has been to serve the Red Raider community and part of that is adapting to platforms where we can reach our readers.
Today, we have a presence on social media apps, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook in addition to our website. We produce online content daily. Our print issue comes out once a month and can be found on red newsstands around campus.
We cover all of the Tech campus and strive for inclusivity because we truly believe that every community on campus is important and deserves to be seen.
Tech is your new home for the next few years, and following our news outlet will ensure you are always aware of what is going on around you. The Daily Toreador is an awardwinning publication, and I will strive to maintain the excellence we have produced over the years.
I am beyond excited to begin this next chapter of my life, and to my family thank you for allowing me to dream. I would not have had the courage to step into this position if it weren’t for the endless love and confidence you have poured into me.
In that same regard this university encourages dreamers and fosters brilliance within each space. I hope each of you find your purpose at Texas Tech and create the best memories during your time here.
I look forward to growing alongside my fellow Red Raiders and to serving each of you daily.
Welcome to Texas Tech, I can’t wait to meet you all.
Editor Marianna Souriall
Reporters Nathan Kenison Jamar Brooks
Multimedia Cameron Zapata The DT Staff
Director / Adviser Sheri Lewis
Advertising Manager Dawn Zuerker l o f L i g h t s T T U A r b o r D a y R o n a l d M c D o n a l d H o u s e L u b b o c k C h i l d r e n s H o m e , B o y S c o u t s , G i r l S c o u t s , S a v i n g G r a c e , P a n c a k e F e s t i v a l L u b b o c k I m p a c t S o u p K i t c h e n L u b b o c k D r e a m C e n t e r R e d C r o s s L i t e r a c y L u b b o c k D a n c e A l o n g R a i d e r t h o n H i g h w a y / P a r k / N e i g h b o r h o o d C l e a n u p s , B l o o d D r i v e s , a n d B o n e M a r r o w R e g i s t r i e s