May Booklist

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Learning Resource Center Acquisitions May 2013 REFERENCE Reference HF 5382.5 .U5 O33 2013 Occupational Outlook Handbook Reference PS 551 .L5 Volume 1-16 Library of Southern Literature Reference PZ 1 .O96 Wo 1927 World’s One Hundred Best Short Stories Volume 4: Love Volume 5: Drama Volume 6: Courage Volume 7: Women Volume 8: Men Volume 9: Ghosts

NORTH CAROLINA N. C. Collection F 209.6 .R58 2004 Rivenbark, Celia We’re Just Like You, Only Prettier N. C. Collection PS 3563 .C3843 Z468 1991 McLaurin, Tim Keeper of the Moon N. C. Collection PS 3569 .P363 A89 2007 Sparks, Nicholas At First Sight N. C. Collection PS 3569 .P363 Z475 2006 Sparks, Nicholas Three Weeks with My Brother

GENERAL COLLECTION DA 447 .P4 D7 1930 Drinkwater, John Pepys: His Life and Character

DS 117 .D5 1962 Dimont, Max Jews, Gods, and History

E 184 .A1 I585 2012 Berlatsky, Noah Interracial America

E 185 .B8127 2012 Bracks, Lean’tin African American Almanac

E 342 .R35 2007 Ravoke, Jack James Madison and the Creation of the American Republic HF 5382.5 .U5 F644 2012 Fogg, Neeta College Majors Handbook HJ 2381 .B79 2013 Burman, Leonard Taxes in America: What Everyone Needs to Know HQ 755.8 .F3 2012 Faber, Adele How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk HV 2391 .M257 2012 Marschark, Marc How Deaf Children Learn HV 4708 .W35 2011 Waldau, Paul Animal Rights: What Everyone Needs to Know HV 6710 .G31416 2012 Haerens, Margaret Gambling

HV 6773 .C9123 2013 Gerdes, Louise Cybercrime

HV 8138 .R462 2012 Vol. II Reppetto, Thomas American Police: A History: The Blue Parade, 1945-2012 JC 143 .M34 1946 Machiavelli, Niccolo Prince and Other Works

JK 1991 .E543 2012 Dziedzic, Nancy Election Spending

KF 5704 .H37 2012 Harman, Thomas Guide to the National Electrical Code

LB 1029 .R35 H35 2011 Hall, Ellen Seen and Heard: Children’s Rights in Early Childhood Education LB 1139.25 .G657 2009 Gonzalez, Virginia Young Learners, Diverse Children

LB 1139.4 .J33 2012 Jackman, Hilda Early Education Curriculum

LB 3051 .S787 2011 Bily, Cynthia Standardized Testing

LC 111 .R472 2012 Merino, Joel Religion in Schools

LC 1099.3 .D396 2012 Davis, Bonnie How to Teach Students Who Don’t Look Like You LC 5800 .T43 2012 Simonson, Michael Teaching and Learning at a Distance

N 6537 .L5 A4 2012 Rondeau, James Roy Lichtenstein: A Retrospective

NB 623 .C3 S45 1927 Symonds, John Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini

PA 3626 .O3 1950 O’Neill Jr., Eugene Seven Famous Greek Plays

PE 1121 .A37 1969 Albrecht, Robert World of Short Fiction

PN 6112 .A44 1957 Allison, Alexander Masterpieces of the Drama

PQ 1825 .E5 F4 1950 Moliere Plays

PR 1223 .W6 1965 Buckley, Jerome Poetry of the Victorian Period

PR 1263 .D8 1950 Dunn, Esther Eight Famous Elizabethan Plays

PR 2759 .C5 1944 Volume 1 & 2 Shakespeare, William Comedies and Tragedies of Shakespeare

PR 2907 .C5 1949 Chute, Marchette Shakespeare of London

PR 4581 .J6 1952 Vol. 2 Dickens, Charles His Tragedy and Triumph

PR 5671 .T5 A9 1940 Armstrong, Margaret Trelawny: A Man’s Life PR 6013 .R35 1944 Graves, Robert Wife to Mr. Milton: The Story of Marie Powell PR 6023 .A93 S6 1985 Lawrence, D. H. Sons and Lovers

PS 614 .A5 1963 Aiken, Conrad Twentieth-Century American Poetry

PS 1892 .H55 M55 2013 Milder, Robert Hawthorne’s Habitations: A Literary Life

PS 3511 .I9 G7 1968 Fitzgerald, F. Scott Great Gatsby

PS 3515 .U236 Z53 1966 Hudson, Virginia Flapdoodle, Trust, and Obey

PS 3535 .O39 1975 Roethke, Theodore Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke

PT 2026 .F2 T2 1950 Von Goethe, Johann Faust

QA 76.774 .M434 B69 2013 Boyce, Jim Windows 8 Bible

RC 480 .M46 2012 Espejo, Roman Mental Illness

RC 1235 .R685 2011 Rowland, Thomas Athlete’s Clock

RD 31.3 .S87 2013 Sutton, Amy Surgery Sourcebook

RD 592.9 .A54 A3 2012 Alexander, Eben Proof of Heaven

RT 120 .I5 P47 2013 Perrin, Kathleen Understanding the Essentials of Critical Care Nursing TK 3285 .M84 2012 Mullin, Ray Electrical Wiring Residential U 264 .W59 2013 Wilson, Ward Five Myths about Nuclear Weapons

TT 160 .M456 2012 Neuburger, Emily Show Me a Story

UB 357 .S53 2013 Shatkin, Laurence 150 Best Jobs for the Military-to-Civilian Transition EARLY CHILDHOOD Early Childhood PZ 7 .G1273 Ch 2013 Gaiman, Neil Chu’s Day Early Childhood PZ 7 .H563737 Ho 2010 Hills, Tad How Rocket Learned to Read Early Childhood PZ 7 .M478623 If 2011 McGuirk, Leslie If Rocks Could Sing Early Childhood PZ 7 .V2565 Caz 2011 Vamos, Samantha Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred Early Childhood PZ 8.2 .H1483 My 2010 Hall, Michael My Heart is Like a Zoo Early Childhood RA 784 .O47 2012 Olson, Gillia MyPlate and You MUSIC CDs Music CD M 1630.18 .S846 1996 Stone Temple Pilots Tiny Music…..

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