Johnston Community College Web Attendance Reporting User Procedure
Fall 2013
These instructions will allow the faculty to obtain a full view of attendance records for a selected roster within a course section. The report will deliver a view of the entire semester for viewing without the need to change views. It will create an Excel spreadsheet which can be altered and saved for each user’s on respective use.
Step 1‐Click on the Attendance Tracking link on the Faculty Menu in WebAdvisor.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2‐ Click on the Attendance Tracking Export Link.
Step 3 Step 4
Step 5
Step 3‐ Term ‐ Required: Click the drop down arrow and select the current term. Step 4‐ Click the drop down arrow for Subject to make a subject selection from the list, then enter the course number and section number. Note: Letters contained within the course section number must be capitalized. Step 5‐ Clear ANY name from the box for Instructor’s Last Name and Click submit.
An error will be displayed if the user does not select a section and does not clear the Instructor’s Last Name. The form will be redisplayed to allow the user to correct the invalid data. Display after Step 5
Step 6
Step 6‐ Select the appropriate method/roster which contains the data you would like to report and hit the submit button.
After clicking on the Submit button, the following screen will be displayed.
Note: In the following steps, the focus (Active window) must be on WebAdvisor and Excel at each respective step for the control keys to work. You cannot the Active window set to these instructions and enter the control key sequence; your focused window must be WebAdvior and Excel when entering the control key sequence. Step 7 ‐ Hold down the control key “Ctrl” and hit the letter “A”. This should select all the text on the form. The form should appear as below.
Step 7
Step 8‐ Hold down the control key “Ctrl” and hit the letter “C”. This will copy the selected text to the clipboard to be used in the next steps. There will be no change in the screen however this step must be completed. Step 9‐ Open the Excel Spreadsheet “Attendance Report”. You may receive a message regarding a password upon opening. Please click the “Read Only” button to continue. Note: Macros must be enabled for the report to work. If you receive messages regarding enabling macros, you must select “Enable”.
Step 9
Step 10‐ Macros must be enabled. Macros must be enabled for the report to work. If you receive messages regarding enabling macros, you must select “Enable Content” and “Yes” to any other messages which may pop up regarding enabling macros.
Step 10
Step 11‐ If you open the Excel worksheet from a network drive, you may receive the message about Trusted Document. The document is password protected, so the macros cannot be changed. You may enter “Y” to trust the document or “N” to not trust, however a no response will cause this message to appear each time.
Step 12‐ Hold the control key Ctrl and hit the letter “R”. This will create a report from the data selected in WebAdvisor. If you would like to alter and save this report for your own use, you must use “Save As” and give the worksheet a new name. Below you will find the finished formatted report based on your selection. Report view after Step 12