Faculty manual

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JCC Faculty Manual

Division of Instruction

Volume 1, Issue 1

Manual Highlights: Mission Statement


Institutional Goals


Core Competencies


Our Students


Faculty Selection


Faculty Instruction


Administrative Support 12

Welcome! Welcome to the Division of Instruction at Johnston Community College! Whether you are a new or returning faculty, the start of the academic year is always an exciting time for everyone. There are many exciting changes and challenges ahead of us; the Instructional Deans, Directors and I will do our best to keep you informed and involved. Faculty play a vital role as part of our higher education family. Our ongoing goal is to provide you with the support and services you need to be successful, both in and out of the classroom. In revising this manual we aim to provide you with an

important tool that will assist those efforts at JCC. I know each you will continue to serve our students in the best ways possible. I welcome your feedback and involvement and look forward to all of us making this a great school year! Dee Dee Daughtry Vice President of Instruction

History of the College Johnston Community College has been awarding associate’s degrees, certificates, and diplomas for more than 40 years to student pursuing occupational, technical, and continuing education skills. With a curriculum enrollment of 6,000 students and continuing education enrollment of an estimated 14,000 students per year, JCC ranks among the top twenty largest community colleges in North Carolina. Since 1969, JCC has

maintained its small town values while progressively meeting the needs of one of the fastest growing counties in the state. JCC has witnessed steady enrollment growth over the past decade. Four bond approvals since 1999 have allowed for the construction and renovation of numerous buildings on the JCC campus including the Health Sciences Building which opened fall 2009 and the new Learning Resources Center scheduled to open this

fall. The 175 acre campus of buildings and designated sites includes classroom and lab spaces and facilities for both curriculum and continuing education programs as well as the library, greenhouses, fitness center, art gallery, academic skills center, student lounge, auditorium, faculty offices, administrative and student support offices, and service spaces.

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Mission Statement & Core Values The mission of Johnston Community College is to provide readily accessible, high quality educational opportunities that prepare students for local and global opportunities in the twenty-first century in a safe and inclusive environment.


Excellence "Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength of the nation." -- John F. Kennedy

We value continuous growth and improvement in every area of campus life. We will strive to provide adequate resources so that, over time, such improvement can be seen and measured. We value teamwork, cooperation, collaboration, innovation, and creative problem solving as part of our continuous improvement efforts. We value freedom to instruct students using various techniques and to develop methods that will help them achieve their maximum potential. We value the courage to provide leadership, to take risks, to welcome change and to persevere.

Honesty and Integrity We value honesty and integrity and believe that academic and personal honesty are essential elements in education. We believe that integrity binds us to fairness, to truth, and to actions and philosophies that meet the highest ethical standards. We value intellectual honesty and academic freedom and pledge to foster an environment of trust and responsibility in the learning community.

Community We value prompt, fair, friendly, courteous, and people-centered service to our communities and to each other. We value the many opportunities we have to help make our community, state, nation, and world a better place to live.

We create a nexus for learning in this community to include meeting the changing needs of the learner.

Respect We value our faculty, administration, support staff, and maintenance and operations personnel. We respect their diverse life experiences, appreciate their contributions to our learning community, and encourage their individual, personal and professional development. We believe that all people should be treated with respect, creating a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment that supports a balanced lifestyle as well as opportunities for lifelong learning.



We value open and honest dialogue, feedback, and active listening, flowing in all directions.

We value learning as a lifetime endeavor.

Team Spirit

We value the input of learners as we assist them in achieving their goals.

We value team spirit, whereby each member operates unselfishly for the benefit of the cause.

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Institutional Goals 1.



To prepare individuals for enhanced Employment opportunities or for transfer to fouryear colleges by planning and implementing affordable, comprehensive curriculum and extension programs offered through a variety of modalities, from traditional classroom instruction to distance education. To develop new programs in collaboration and/or partnership with business and industry, Johnston County schools, governmental agencies, other institutions of higher learning, and various constituent groups in response to changing workforce needs of the local, regional, and global communities. To ensure high quality and continuous improvement in all programs and services by facilitating opportunities for faculty and staff to develop professionally, increase their abilities to utilize up-to-date technology, and become more adept in working with a diverse and evolving student population.


To ensure future institutional leadership through the provision of structured leadership training.


To increase the diversity of the faculty, staff, and student body.


To increase student achievement of academic and career goals by providing a comprehensive array of educational and administrative support services for a diverse and evolving student population.


To enhance the quality of life for all citizens by providing cultural enrichment, outreach, and community-based programs, activities, and events.


To create an environment conducive to learning by maintaining safe, healthy, state-ofthe-art, and well-equipped facilities.


To ensure the efficient, appropriate, and effective use of all available resources through a high level of fiscal and administrative accountability.

10. To assure a highly positive institutional image through exemplary institutional advancement, public relations, and marketing efforts reflective of our mission and successes. 11. To expand alternative sources of funding support and gift investments to assure the resources necessary to respond to our growing community and workforce needs. 12. To assure the College’s continued progress and effectiveness by means of strategic planning, recurring to community needs.

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JCC Core Competencies

It is not what is poured into a student that counts but what is planted." -Linda Conway

Every individual needs common knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be effective as a person, a worker, a consumer, and a citizen. Johnston Community College has defined core competencies as listed below. Graduates of all associate degree and diploma programs are expected to be able to demonstrate these competencies.

COMMUNICATE Speak and write clearly and effectively Read, comprehend, and follow directions Listen effectively Organize and deliver an oral presentation Identify self strengths and needs for improvement as a communicator THINK Analyze information Identify solutions Make logical decisions Solve problems Be creative

computer skills Apply occupational technical skills Recognize the impact of technology VALUE Appreciate diversity Interact effectively Adapt to change Demonstrate responsible citizenship Express an awareness of historical and global perspective

PERFORM Interpret numerical data Manipulate data logically Demonstrate basic

Our Students

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken

The curricula students enrolled at Johnston Community College come from two distinctly different populations within the public sector of Johnston County and surrounding areas.

An overwhelming majority of both groups selected Johnston Community College as the College of their first choice and most are traveling less than twenty-five miles to attend class.

The majority of those students enrolled during the day are younger than their counterpart attending during the evening hours. More of the evening students are working and also are married and have families.

More females are enrolled than males. The majority of both groups have completed high school and are in the middle third of the range in high school class rank.

joy in creative expression and knowledge." -- Albert Einstein

The majority of both groups

have a clear-cut reason for attending Johnston Community College. This reason is to improve their job

competence. Thus, in part, the success of those who attend Johnston Community College is due to their own seriousness of purpose--a trait which has become associated with the two-year College student.

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Faculty Selection & Credentials Faculty Selection Johnston Community College will develop a pool of qualified candidates by advertising vacant faculty positions. An interview committee will be established to review applications and select candidates to be interviewed. During the interview, the applicant is requested to either provide videotape depicting his/her ability to teach or to be prepared to conduct a fifteen-minute teaching session for the members of the committee. Finally, applicants will provide official transcripts to the Department Dean who will determine that credentials are in order for the assigned classes. Upon hire, the official transcripts will be placed in the employee’s personnel file, and the Credential Verification Form (CVF) will be completed and approved by both the Director of Programs and Department Dean. The form is then forwarded to the appropriate Vice President who will review and place in the personnel file. Faculty Credentials It is the policy of Johnston Community College to follow the faculty credential guidelines set forth by Comprehensive Standard 3.7.1 of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ Principles of Accreditation. The standard reads as follows: The institution employs competent faculty members qualified to accomplish the mission and goals of the institution. When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, an institution gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline. The institution also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including appropriate,

undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors, awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes. For all cases, the institution is responsible for justifying and documenting the qualifications of its faculty. Specifically, Faculty teaching associate degree courses designed for transfer to a baccalaureate degree require a doctorate or master’s degree in the teaching discipline or master’s degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline). Faculty teaching associate degree courses not designed for transfer to the baccalaureate require a bachelor’s degree in the teaching discipline, or associate’s degree and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline. Scope This policy applies to all instructors of record. Thus, it applies to fulltime and part-time faculty, adjunct faculty, visiting faculty, academic directors, deans, and instructional vice presidents. It also applies to college staff if assigned as an instructor of record either on an overload assignment or as part of their staff appointment. Emeriti faculty are not required to comply unless assigned as an instructor of record. All academic degrees earned in the U.S. shall have been awarded by regionally accredited institutions, and faculty shall provide

documentation thereof. Faculty whose degrees are earned from international institutions are required to have their official transcripts evaluated by an external evaluation agency prior to employment start date. External evaluation of the transcript is the responsibility of the applicant. Accountability Candidates for faculty positions are responsible for assuring that the official transcripts are submitted to the director or dean of the academic home department upon request. Candidates are also responsible for providing evidence to the director or dean of licensure and/or certification in disciplines where such credentials are required. This documentation may be received no later than the return date of acceptance of the letter-ofoffer. A candidate's failure to provide such documentation in a timely manner or falsification or misrepresentation of credentials will subject the appointment to discipline up to and including termination. Directors and/or deans are responsible for extending offers of employment contingent upon receipt of the final official transcript and/or documentation of professional experience and additional licensure and/or certification. Directors and/or deans shall verify all faculty credentials no later than the effective date of employment. The dean or dean's designee is responsible for the verification and validation of all faculty credential requirements and for the accurate and timely completion of the Credential Verification Form (CVF). All official transcripts are to be kept on file in the Human Resources Department.

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Faculty Instruction The information included within this section is intended to assist you in teaching the course and in conducting the class during the semester. Part-time instructors are expected to be reasonable accessible by students outside of class time. All full-time instructors are expected to schedule a minimum of five office hours per week with the exception of instructors in Applied Technology programs who will be expected to schedule a minimum of three office hours per week. Orientation To promote faculty communication and institution-wide quality of course content in specific class offerings, new full-time instructors are assigned a full-time faculty contact person who will initiate orientation to the campus, telephone and fax systems, correspondence, duplicating, and assist as needed. All new adjunct instructors are required to attend a paid orientation session at the beginning of the semester. Adjunct members also have access to the ATEAM (Administrative Training and Education for Adjunct Members) Blackboard site available through the college website. Course Syllabus A course syllabus must be prepared for distribution to students on the first day a class meets. If changes to the syllabus are necessary, the changes must be documented and the syllabus revised. All instructors are required to submit to their syllabus to their Director of Programs and/or Dean for approval course syllabi prior to distribution to their students. Instructors are required to follow the JCC syllabus standard format. Sample course syllabi templates are available from on the ATEAM Blackboard site, Sharepoint site and through your Director or Dean. The following items must be included on each course syllabus: instructor name; instructor contact information including phone number, email address, and office location, if applicable; instructor office hours; course prefix, number and name; pre and co-requisites; course description from the current JCC Catalog or the DCC Common Course Library; course objectives; required text; grading scale and policy; attendance policy; JCC policy on visitors in class; JCC policy on cell phones and pagers in class; course topics; outline of instruction by topic, chapter, and/or section; and due dates of major assignments and/or projects. Other items may be included as appropriate for specific classes or programs. Please see the syllabus template for complete details. Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites It is imperative that students adhere to pre and co-requisites for courses described in the Common Course Library or in the JCC Catalog. At the first class meeting faculty are to announce that a pre or co-requisite course is required for this class. Students who have not had the pre-requisite or are not willing to take the corequisite must drop the class, unless the student has been granted a pre-requisite waiver. Special students taking a course with a prerequisite will be given a Special Student Prerequisite Form in Students Services to indicate that the student has been accepted as a special student and the prerequisite has been met. All students not meeting the pre or co-requisite requirement should be referred to the Registrar’s office. Quizzes/Exams The College does not require a specific number of quizzes or exams for a course, thus the number may vary depending on circumstances. (If necessary, consult with the Department Dean for further details.) Since most classes taught during the evening meet only once or twice during the week, special attention should be given to apportioning a proper amount of instructional time for quizzes/exams. (For example, a one-hour quiz/exam should not utilize the total time set aside for instruction.) Final exams should be given according to the semester exam schedule.

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Academic Freedom Johnston Community College is dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge, the engendering and development of skills, competencies and understandings, and the nurturing of those personal and intellectual habits and attitudes which are characteristic of responsible individuals in a free, open, democratic society. The Board of Trustees shall, therefore, guarantee and protect academic freedom in the College. The Board shall likewise require the exercise of responsible judgment on the part of personnel as they exercise academic freedom in accomplishing the goals of Johnston Community College. Employee Dress Code Faculty and staff members will dress in a manner which observes health and safety regulations, appropriateness to respective work environments, and consideration of Johnston Community College's position as an institution serving the public. 1.Any recommendation/complaint concerning a deficiency or inappropriateness in dress on the part of an employee can be brought to the attention of the employee's immediate supervisor. 2.The immediate supervisor will determine whether or not the recommendation/complaint is justified in terms of the employee's work environment. 3.If the immediate supervisor believes the recommendation/complaint to be valid, he/she is to inform the employee of the nature of the recommendation/complaint and the changes that should be made. 4.If the employee rejects the supervisor's decision, he/she may appeal through the college’s grievance procedures. Academic Regulations Johnston Community College exists to provide the fullest possible development of each person who enters its open door to learn. The policies, programs of study, and regulations of the College are directed toward this objective. The College expects each student to make significant academic progress toward his/her chosen educational goal and is committed to making this objective possible for all students. At the end of each semester final course grades are issued and an assessment is made of the student’s academic progress. Satisfactory progress is defined in the next section of the manual under the heading “Academic Progress.” Academic Progress Each student enrolled in a degree or diploma program is expected to maintain satisfactory progress toward completion of requirements for the degree or diploma. At the end of each semester, the student’s semester grade point average and cumulative grade point average will be reviewed. To be considered making satisfactory academic progress, a student must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average related to the number of credit hours attempted. Cumulative grade point average will be used to determine each student’s academic progress and status at the college. This average is applicable also for purposes of certification to the Veterans Administration; Social Security Administration; State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services; student grants, loans, scholarships, other college financial aid; and other public and private agencies authorized to receive this information. Reports of academic progress are included on grade reports mailed to all students following the end of each semester. Records of progress are kept by the College Registrar on veteran and non-veteran students alike. Academic Probation A student whose academic progress is unsatisfactory, based on the student’s cumulative grade point average, will be placed on academic probation and will be notified by the Vice President of Student Services. The student is

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required to meet with a counselor soon after being placed on probation. The purpose of this conference is to review the student’s progress and to offer help in planning ways to improve academic progress and remove probationary status as soon as possible. While on academic probation, the student is required to meet with the Department Dean or designated probation advisor for his/her program of study to assist them in the completion and review of the student’s appropriate registration forms prior to each semester. The expanded advisement process is designed to assist students in meeting educational objectives through a careful review of course selections and class loads. Probationary status is removed by attaining the minimum cumulative grade point average required for satisfactory progress, as defined above under “Academic Progress.” A student on academic probation is not permitted to participate in certain types of extracurricular activities, such as holding an executive office in the Student Government Association. Students on probation are not entitled to officially represent the college, the Student Government Association, or a student club or organization at meetings, conferences, and conventions. Academic Suspension A student who has been on academic probation for two consecutive semesters and completed at least 36 hours of study will be suspended from his/her program of study for a period of one semester. Prior to returning to the respective program of study, the student is required and will be notified to report for a conference with a counselor and the completion of a personalized development plan as defined during the conference. The purpose of the conference is to offer the student assistance in reviewing his/her educational process. In addition to personalized counseling, the student will continue to meet with his/her designated advisor prior to registration. The additional counseling and advising are provided to help students clarify educational goals and consider alternatives appropriate to the students’ needs and objectives. A student suspended more than once for insufficient academic progress will be suspended for two semesters and additional counseling will be provided to assist the student. Students who are unable to maintain satisfactory academic performance in compliance with college and departmental policies will be subject to academic dismissal. The Vice President of Student Services is responsible for administration of academic probation and suspension. Grading Policy Johnston Community College students earn grades for classes in accordance with criteria set forth in the course syllabi. The instructor of record assigns grades at the end of each semester utilizing the grading system. All grades are final and are not subject to change unless an error in calculation occurs. Any student who is concerned that the grade is erroneous should consult with the instructor within one semester after the grade is earned. Any further grade appeal should be made to the Department Dean and if necessary to the Vice President of Instruction whose decision is final. Grading System Final course grades are issued to the student at the end of each semester in accordance with the following grading system: Grade Description Quality Points A Excellent 4.0 B

Above Average






Below Average








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I - Incomplete temporarily for the duration of the following semester or summer session. Credit hours attempted are not counted in the present semester in computing the grade point average. If a passing grade is not achieved during the following semester, the grade of "I" automatically becomes "F" and the credit hours attempted for the course are counted in computing the grade point average. WD - Officially withdrew within the first eight weeks of the semester. Credit hours attempted are not counted in computing the grade point average. No withdrawals are accepted for processing after the first eight weeks of the semester without extenuating circumstances and must be signed by the department chair or Vice President. Withdrawals after the first eight weeks of the semester are handled on a case-by-case basis. WF - Withdrew failing occurs if student exceeds number of absences specified by attendance requirement and is dropped by instructor. Credit hours attempted are counted in computing the grade point average. Also students who withdraw after the midway point would get a WF without extenuating circumstances. CR - Credit by proficiency examination. Courses on which this grade is earned are not included in the grade point average. Credit by proficiency must occur within the first 2 weeks of the semester (see College catalog) AU - Audit. Course taken for non-credit purposes. Students auditing courses must meet the attendance regulation to continue in class. NA - Never attended. Non-penalty grade. The grading system for developmental course work (those courses numbered 0-099) is the same as above with the exception of the grade of “D”. A grade of A, B, or C is required to receive credit for completing developmental course requirements. Removal of "I" Incomplete The grade of “I,” meaning course work temporarily incomplete, may be removed by completing all work assigned by the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the instructor to accomplish the required work needed to remove the “I” grade. If the student satisfactorily completes the required work during the semester immediately following receipt of the “I” grade, the instructor assigns a permanent passing grade. Otherwise, the “I” grade automatically becomes a grade of “F” for purposes of the student’s record and cumulative grade point average. Grading for Developmental Courses Be sure to use the following grades for all developmental courses. Failure to use these grades will affect funding for the performance measures. The grade of A, B, C, F, WD or WF may be given. Be sure to complete the drop form and issue a WF rather than an F for a student who stops attending. Do not give grades of “D”. Class Attendance Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students in order for them to achieve their potential in class and to develop desirable personal traits necessary to succeed in employment. Since course content and teaching methods vary, each instructor will determine his/her own requirements for attendance. Attendance requirements for each class will be printed in the course syllabus which will be distributed the first week of class. Class attendance is calculated from the first scheduled class meeting to the last. Late arrivals and/or early departures may count toward total absences. If a student is dropped by an instructor due to excessive absences, a grade of “WF” will be issued and calculated in his/her grade point average. A student may receive a “WF” anytime during the semester including that time prior to the last day to drop without a grade penalty and up to the last day of the semester. The student must obtain the permission of the instructor to re-enter class. If this request is denied, the student may petition the Department Dean for reinstatement. If the Department Dean denies the request, the Vice President of Instruction will make the final ruling on the decision. When a student has been absent in excess of the time outlined on course syllabus, he or she will be dropped from the class roll and a drop slip will be issued by the instructor to inform the student of this action. The instructor may grant or deny reinstatement of the student. A Reinstatement Form can be secured from Student Services and is to be completed by the student and signed by the instructor.

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Attendance Policy for Online Courses As in a traditional class, students in a distance class must meet JCC attendance requirements. Maintaining accurate attendance records in an online class is required in order for JCC to stay in compliance with both state 1,2 and federal policies . Lack of compliance could result in loss of federal and state funding. Below are the criteria for setting attendance policies in online classes. 

Each instructor must have a clearly stated attendance policy available on the syllabus in his/her class on the first official day of class. The attendance policy in your syllabus must be adjusted to reflect the online environment. The wording for a traditional course will not suffice for an online course. Each instructor must have an introductory activity in order to determine the date entered (E on the attendance roster) that students complete within 24 hours. Logging in will not count as the date entered.The Director of Instructional Technology and Distance Education Center (ITDEC) will check each class at the beginning of the semester to ensure that an attendance policy is available. In the case that a policy is not available, the Director of ITDEC will contact both the instructor and the Director of Programs. Some ideas for counting attendance hours in an online class include any combination of the following: discussion postings, quizzes, tests, and/or assignments. Students must be engaged in academic activity in order to be counted present. Each instructor will determine the amount and type of activities that constitute the weekly contact hours for the course. If an instructor chooses to use a publisher’s course management system (i.e., MyMathLab, MyPsychLab, etc.) for course content and activities, they must also have students’ complete academic activities in JCC’s Course Management System (Blackboard) on a weekly basis. These weekly activities will serve as proof of attendance for auditing purposes. Instructors are encouraged to download course statistics at the 10% point and retain those statistics for auditing purposes.

Attendance Documentation JOHNSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE REQUIRES INSTRUCTORS TO MAINTAIN AN ACCURATE RECORD OF ATTENDANCE. The official roster is the back-up for audit purposes to document class membership hours submitted to the North Carolina Community College System, Raleigh, NC. Accurate records are vital to Johnston Community College in this area. Each instructor is provided a class roster. Any student whose name does not appear on the roster is required to present to the instructor a valid registration completion receipt as proof that the person is officially a member of the class. Without such proof the student cannot gain credit for the course and should not be allowed to remain in the class. At or shortly after the second week (10%) of the semester, an updated roster will be furnished to each instructor. All attendance records should be transferred to this updated roster. Attendance should be kept on this roster for the entire semester (you need only mark the absence with an ”X”). This record is also used to verify that students attending your class are properly registered. Please complete all information on this roster according to the attached directions paying special attention to deadlines. Student Code of Conduct The college reserves the riht to maintain a safe and orderly educational enviroment for students and staff. Therefore, when in the judgment of College officials, a student conduct disrupts or threatens to disrupt the College community appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to restore and protect the sanctity of the community. Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with generally accepted standards of scholarship and morality. The act of enrollment at Johnston Community College indicated acceptance by the student of published rules and policies of the College. The purpose of this code is not to restrict student rights but to protect the rights of individuals in their academic pursuits. See JCC Catalog for complete details and the Charge Form

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Student Rights, Responsibilities and Judicial Procedures See JCC Catalog for complete details Class Cancellation The President or designee of Johnston Community College will be responsible for canceling classes in the event of inclement weather or other emergencies. Unless announcements are made canceling or delaying classes, classes will be in session. If classes are canceled or delayed, announcements will be made on the JCC web page as well as on the following radio and television stations: a. WRAL - Channel 5 b.

WTVD - Channel 11


WNCT - Channel 9


WNCN -Channel 17


FOX - Channel 22


WRAL - 101 FM (Raleigh)


WTSB - 1090 AM (Smithfield)


WBZB - AM (Selma)


WPTF - 94 FM (Raleigh)


WCKB - 780 AM (Dunn)


WG13R - 1150 AM (Goldsboro)


WKTC - 96.9 FM (Goldsboro)


WXIX - 96.1 (Raleigh)

The following guidelines will be observed by the faculty and staff. 1. In cases of inclement weather, the President may close the College in which case students or employees are not to report to the college. The President, in his discretion may open the College for employees only. If this is the case, employees are expected to use discretion in reporting to work. Staff choosing not to report to work may utilize annual leave. 2. Curriculum and continuing education classes, which are missed or not held for any reason including inclement weather should be rescheduled or the instruction should be made-up by some other alternative. Alternatives may include extra class sessions, extended class sessions or other options approved by the college's administration. 3.

Programs in the correctional institutions will not be canceled because of weather conditions. Should emergency conditions cause class cancellation; the correctional officials will notify the instructors involved. To assure that students will meet course objectives, the material missed due to class cancellation will be made-up according to a plan completed by the instructor and approved by the Director of Programs and the Department Dean prior to the make-up assignment, if possible. The plan will be documented on the

Class Roster JCC Class Make-Up Form and MUST be attached to the attendance record at the end of the semester. Class Duration Normally, classes are expected to be conducted for the entire period as scheduled. Routine early dismissal of classes is not allowed!

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Course Repetition and Audit Policy Students may enroll in a course no more than three times for credit or audit. A course may be repeated to improve a grade or replace a withdrawal. All grades, including the record of an audit, and credit hours attempted will appear on the student's official transcript and will be utilized in determining eligibility for financial aid. However, only the higher grade will be used for computing total credit hours attempted, total quality points earned, and quality point averages (GPAs). Exceptions to this policy may be made with prior approval by the Vice President of Curriculum instruction. This policy does not apply to developmental courses. To audit, a student must register for the course and pay regular tuition. The last date to register to audit a course is the last day of the late registration period, as specified in the “Academic Calendar.” Students who audit courses must abide by the College attendance regulation and are encouraged to take tests and to participate in class discussion, but are not required to do so. A grade of “AU” is given for record purposes.

Administrative Support Evaluation Each faculty member will be evaluated utilizing information from the Instructional Observation Form and student evaluations. All faculty will be provided a summary of student evaluations and instructional observations by the appropriate Department Dean. Drop-Add A student who wishes to drop or add a course after initial registration is encouraged to consult with the instructor of the course. The student should consult with his or her faculty advisor and secure approval for the proposed change. Such changes must be made in accordance with the Academic Calendar. (Consult Johnston Community College Catalog.) Withdrawal A student who is considering withdrawal from a course(s) or from the College is encouraged to consult his or her instructor and faculty advisor. To withdraw officially from the College, a student is required to report to a counselor or the Office of Student Services. To initiate official withdrawal procedures, a student is required to complete withdrawal forms with a counselor or an administrative staff member in the Student Services Office. Students who fail to complete this prescribed withdrawal procedure are considered to have withdrawn unofficially and not in good standing. Word Processing and Duplicating Assistance Word Processing (limited) and duplicating assistance is available and may be arranged by contacting the administrative assistant in your department. You are requested to give at least three days advance notice for your request and following any departmental guidelines. The Learning Resource Center (LRC) The Learning Resource Center consists of the library and the audio-visual area. Staff assistance is available during day and evening hours Monday through Thursday and until 3 p.m. on Friday. Audio-Visual Aids This area, located in the Learning Resource Center, also complements the instructional program by making certain materials and related equipment available. It is advisable to make the necessary arrangements in advance in order to maximize the benefits from this area. In most instances, a twenty-four hours notice is adequate. Academic Skills Center The Academic Skills Center offers self-paced individualized instruction in a variety of subjects which interest a wide range of people. The center also serves as a remediation function to a number of individuals who are already enrolled at Johnston Community College. When referring students to this resource for assistance, please complete the Academic Skills Center Referral Form.

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Technology All College students, faculty and staff are required to sign the Johnston Community College Acceptable Use Policy. Instructors who are teaching in computer labs should report any problems with equipment or software by telephoning the help desk (Ext. 2121). Both full-time and adjunct faculty must notify IT no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester of the lab software required for the course. No faculty member should ever load any software on any college computer without permission from the IT Department. Johnston Community College continues to increase the number of distance course offerings. Instructions for accessing Blackboard and Webadvisor are available on the JCC web page. EMERGENCIES Emergencies or other unanticipated events, which are beyond the scope of the instructor, may arise from time to time. If an instructor cannot meet a scheduled class, he or she should contact the college; however, under no circumstances should a class be arbitrarily canceled. The Department Dean, the Evening Director, or the Vice President should be consulted so that proper arrangements can be made for the class meeting. Follow Emergency Response Guide. FIRE DRILLS Safety concerns and other regulations require periodic testing of the college fire alarm system. All fire alarms must be taken seriously. When a fire alarm occurs the building should be evacuated systematically following the designed evacuation route posted near the exit door of the room. PERSONNEL FILE For each instructor, the College is required to maintain an accurate file which includes an application, agreement of employment, an official copy of transcript(s) mailed to the college, copy of the social security card, driver’s license, withholding forms for state and federal income taxes, and evaluations. Since this information is personal, the College cannot acquire the documents except by requesting that each instructor assume primary responsibility for obtaining the information which must be contained within the personnel file. In addition, the College needs to maintain current records to ensure that each instructor meets criteria outlined by accrediting agencies. Each instructor will complete a Credential Verification Form when hired. The Credential Verification Form will be completed annually and submitted to the Director and/or Dean. PART TIME SALARY SCALE Certificate $25.50 Associate $25.75 Bachelors $27.50 Masters $28.75 Doctorate $31.00 Part time faculty for fall are paid in (4) equal installments beginning in September. Part time faculty for Spring are paid in (5) equal installments beginning in January. TRAVEL Faculty may be reimbursed for approved travel related to their position. A request to travel form must be completed prior to travel and submitted to the Department Dean. Travel reimbursement forms are due to the Department Dean by the third working day of EACH month. If the travel is local, which includes Raleigh, please use the form for “Local”. If the trip was outside of the county and/or if subsistence or registration is to be reimbursed, please use the detailed travel form. Faculty must submit receipts for all registrations and any parking above $3.00. Canceled checks and/or credit card bills are not acceptable, so be sure to ask for receipts when attending any professional development activity.

JCC Faculty Manual

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OTHER RESOURCES Other sources of information for faculty are available in the Employee Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, including Faculty Workload Policy, Faculty Leave Policy, safety and first aid, etc. Employee Grievance Procedure including Right of Employees can be found in the Employee Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual and on the JCC web page.

The College Catalog, the JCC Web page, Sharepoint and the ATEAM Blackboard site are also valuable resources for faculty. All forms, directories, manuals and policies are available online through the JCC web page, ATEAM Blackboard site or Sharepoint. For more information on forms, please see your Director.

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JCC Faculty Manual

FACULTY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I attest that I have read, understand, and will assume responsibilities for following the policies and procedures outlined in the JCC Faculty Manual.



JCC Faculty Manual

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